What's The Best Response To Someone Complaining About "Kids These Days"? (r/AskReddit)

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what's the best response you've heard you've said to someone complaining about kids these days I'm living in Germany and there was an old man complaining for no reason to a friend and me saying something like with soldiers like you there is no water wait my friend looked him in the eyes and said and with soldiers like he we lost two of them my asshole uncle complaining of our kids these days in front of his mother who is 96 and still has all her sass she responded with yeah because you were just a fucking ray of sunshine to raise for the record the uncle is an asshole completely of his own volition I don't know how he turned out that way considering the wonderful woman who raised him me and two of my friends were sitting on a bus it was a Friday afternoon and we were going to a concert so each of us had a couple of beers in our hands three old ladies got on the bus and told us that we should give them our seats since half of the seats on the bus were empty we just told them to sit somewhere else they sat down behind us and started shit talking really loudly about us and our generation but they said that we are lazy drunkards who are good for nothing the usual staff they were ranting for a good ten minutes until one of them said something like I hope when they will be the sole they will know what being treated like this feels like at this moment a thirtysomething guy who sat near to them stood up and said something like god I'd rather kill myself at 60 so I won't become a bitter old crone like you are he then got off the bus the old hags were speechless my grandma said something along the lines of young people are so easily offended these days so I reminded her that when she was born women were being arrested for wearing pants in public those who criticized this generation forget who raised it didn't you guys have pet rocks in response to an adult having a temper tantrum of a frigid spinors there'll be wiping your ass and dirty I've heard people call millenials weak I find that funny because it kind of seems to me like Millennials are capable of changing with the times and keeping up with progress while older generations refuse to progress and shun anyone who has just because we don't have to walk in the snow ten miles to school doesn't mean we were being capable of that Plus why the hell do they talk about things like that longingly a few weeks ago I walked up in line at the Express Checkout in the grocery store to hear the two seniors in front of me complaining about kids these days conversation went from how rude they are to how stupid they are to how inconsiderate they are and then the old lady unpacked 14 items out of her cart onto the belt into ten items or less lame while still griping about how young people are inconsiderate I literally laughed out loud she looked at me looked at her items and then the full context of what she was doing registered the look on her face was amazing I didn't say anything else I just smiled at her and she turned her back to me and shut the hell up a Gen X 40-ish woman saw her nephew and niece watching a YouTube video of some gamer and started pointing it out to her friends Gen X woman did you know kids these days watch videos of other people playing video games Gen Xers laughing me and what you watch sports don't you Gen X woman that is not the same thing me it 100% A's though you buy jezus so you can pretend to be on a team that you can't qualify for so that you can cheer on teenagers playing a sport that you don't play plus if I don't know if I want to buy a $50 game I don't have to I can watch a playthrough and see if it's worth it Gen X woman that's not why they do it me so what at least if I buy the game I can play it nearly as good as the people that I watch if I got you a football could you kick a 40-yard field goal my mom used to call me a son of a bitch so I just left it at that not mine originally I found it someplace but I can't remember where probably read it once upon a time I liked it so much I have since adopted it as mine however Millennials usually every generation has it better than the ones that came before that's progress that's as it should be Millennials are probably the generation more thoroughly fucked by their predecessors than any other a massive debt ruined environment overpopulation wealth disparity and for all that the generations that are fucking them over call them spoiled and entitled a great quote I read once went something along the lines of we knew those participation trophies were bullshit when you gave them to us but we accepted them because it seemed important to you if we known you'd hold them over our head someday we would have told you to shove them up your asses chill out it's their first time too I was on the train reading a book and older women makes a comment kids these days are always on their phone instead of books I responded and told her that phones now have the ability to store books and I told her what I was reading and then asked her what book is she reading since she was such a bookworm she had no answer since she didn't have a book so I said up baby boomers these days always have their nose in other people's business instead of a book she called me rude and I told her to please refrain from speaking to me because I was in the middle of a really good book you guys are so spoiled nowadays me looking for an apartment near me Lee's apartments are over two thousand a month well maybe you should be looking at a studio this is one with two other roommates the 2,000 is just a third of the rent well good luck how much did your apartment cost which one I had several when I was younger kkoma shut the fuck up George you did coach when you were their age to this day I still think about that grandma at the grocery store what a great wife context I was shopping with my girlfriend we were laughing and I accidentally bumped the old Jesus cart he flipped the fuck out with a whole rant about how horrible young people are today his wife sat in the fuck down the facts violent crime is down compared to when Jen's dares like me were kids teen pregnancy is down if kids being whiny and disrespectful and addicted to screens is the price we have to pay for that and then yes please I'll have the whining it's a lot better than being raped or murdered my response to whenever my parents teachers elders in general is adults these days can't teach their kids affect example say my parents use a word I've never heard of ask them what it meant they go for the kids these days thing and I go yes you're right kids don't know a thing these days they could have known that if their parents taught them this generation has no respect blahblah spoken by a grown man with a useless son so who raised this generation double-quote you were complaining about African Americans calling for equal rights when you were their age Harold a people in nursing homes are savage your generation is soft it's all the participation trophy as you were given sure but who gave us those participation trophies again once my friend's dad was talking about how kids these days move out way too late and my friends older brother said well back then rent costed about 75 cents so how about no I died laughing for eight billion years don't be envious some lady at the library was bitching about how children are using iPads too young and how they shouldn't be using technology at all cause it's bad for them I told her that the kids that are using iPads at the age of three are going to be the same adults who invent the most amazing advanced technology that will change the world and then I offered her help to send an email because she's too old to know how look I'm James and can't wait to hear the shit we get a keynote speaker was basically talking shit on Millennials at a corporate function attended a my boss was like well he really hit the nail on the head with your generation my response was we didn't raise ourselves with these standards and you all brought us up this way actually made him pause and consider that young guy on my team at work others were complaining about Millennials in 2018 I pointed out that them being not 38 yet also makes the Millennials not my quote but great nonetheless old people talk shit about this generation until they suddenly turn off their Wi-Fi and can't remember how to turn it back on and then I'm suddenly the master of information and resources old guy kids these days don't know how to save up for college the old fashioned way through odd jobs and hard labor but my brother I am literally mowing your lawn to save up for college I really have no room to talk in my day people thought mullets we're cool and girls acquitted their banks to the ceiling every generation thinks the next ones are the ones who are batshit crazy things were hard for you things are also hard for modern kids it's just a different kind of hard the children now love luxury they have bad manners contempt for authority they show disrespect for elders and love chatter in place of exercise children and all tyrants not the servants of air house solves they no longer rise when elders enter the room they contradict their parents chatter before company gobble up dainty's at the table cross their legs and terrorize their teachers Socrates 469 - 399 BC how old are you 19 When I was your age I was 20 nice try kid these days huh oMG the fortnight's dance is so stupid him shadow Martha I still have that video of you doing the Macarena huh , overheard by me at a local coffee shop not mine grandma kids are less productive than when I was young kid shut up when you were a kid coke had cocaine in it personally I like the way they are becoming activists it shows they care turns off life support want us to get off your lawn this was on a thread in reddit years ago now someone who was probably in the baby boomer generation was complaining about how kids get participation trophies for everything someone replied so who gave us the participation trophies we didn't ask for them I know aren't children amazing they are so much more fun than adults adults are so cynical and judgmental kids are like a breath of fresh air they grow up too fast these days childhood is meant for enjoyment I normally just roll my eyes and say yeah because we were so much better was at punk concert swingin others and one of my friends being a first generation Punk like myself says these young punks don't have no respect I replied no respect it's fuckin punk rock man everyone started laughing and we enjoyed the gig [Music]
Channel: Best Posts & Comments
Views: 181,822
Rating: 4.9614568 out of 5
Keywords: r/ask reddit, r/ askreddit, askreddit ok boomer, reddit ok boomer, askreddit top posts, reddit top posts
Id: jUwxqBV2GfE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 10sec (730 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 20 2020
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