What's The Rudest/Meanest Thing a Stranger Has Said To You That Still Bothers You? (r/AskReddit)

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what's the rudest or meanest thing a stranger has said to you that still bothers you today I was at a club with friends I don't usually go out I'm not a club person I saw a pretty girl asked her if I could buy her a drink you are not hot enough to talk to me I left the club haven't been to one since I was 15 and dealing with standard teenage girl woes I also had a portion of the back of my head shaved not bald but fuzzy I was working at a craft store and I had a bride-to-be into her mother come to Mitel with various candle holders they tried to paint with a buy one get one free coupon despite having 50-plus items I explained that the item only worked on one item and you get one free the bride through an epic tantrum and her mother stopped her and put a hand on her shoulders and said don't worry honey she looks like a boy from the back and ugly from the front I cried in the back room the comment still bothers me think of the nightmare the groom was marrying into looks like he had a buy one get one free coupon for crazy women wanted the bride and will be getting the mother-in-law too I was like 8 or so and going on a trip with my family while going through airport security some guy and teen his pockets accidentally dumped a [ __ ] ton of coins everywhere I started to pick them up and as I was about to hand them to him he snagged them from my open palm and scolded me for taking things that weren't mine liars think everyone lies thieves think everyone steals a lady thought she put me on hold and I heard all the crap she started talking about me while I was helping her get logged into the computer I'm dealing with this idiot from IT guy doesn't know what he's doing normally this kind of thing wouldn't bother me but for whatever reason I was in a bad mood the rest of the day once you logged in remember to delete system32 I was a waitress in college at a family restaurant if you've ever waited tables you are probably familiar with the church crowd rush for those not familiar the church crowd rushes the busiest time of the wee full of some of the rudest people and worst tippers on this particular day I was working a double and was nearing the end of my shift when my last table was sad these people ordered waters lots of lemons and extra sugar packets to make their own lemonade requested tons of free bread would Extra Butter and constantly had me running around for extra something anyways they ordered their meals and extra sides so I rang them up as meals with three sides to save them about two dollars per meal when the check came I explained this to the matriarch of the table she didn't understand it and demanded I take off the extra charges and ring it up as they ordered it she told me that if I couldn't even get a receipt right I probably couldn't do much else right and would never amount to anything which is why I was a server to begin with I walked away rang up the receipt the way she wanted it which was an extra eight dollars dropped it off and said here you go I rang it in the right way rather than the smart way I refused to change it back love it ever get the church crowd ducks who tell you you're going to hell for working on Sunday yeah happened to me hell doesn't seem so bad if Heaven is full of people like that ever get the ones who leave you religious propaganda instead of a tip the best part is that it's printed to look like money but when you flip it over it says here's a tip accept Jesus into your heart Dante would have created a tenth circle of hell just for those people take a look around you I think you're a little different than everyone else here I'm an adopted Korean that grew up in an ileal white farm town until college that guy's just jealous he doesn't have the Asian persuasion once you go Asian you'll never see things quite the same way again I was a freshman in college and feeling very out of my element I was a relatively fat nerdy depressed girl in a rural college and felt out of place because of it it was a relatively small program so I had nearly the same people in all my classes it was something like six months in and I seemed to get along okay with everyone after class one day I asked a classmate what if we were assigned any homework in physics the day before as I had missed it she stopped looked at me and said you know no one likes you right and walked away that hurt it's still ducking hurts I thought that we were adults and had left this high school [ __ ] behind us I realized that I wasn't friends with my classmates I wasn't invited to their partisan the like but I didn't think they actively disliked me after this comment I did it really made me self conscious and withdraw even deeper into myself I was in the English town of eeap's which a couple of years ago enjoying a sausage back leaning against a wall about 20 feet from the entrance of a bank when an old man assisted by a cane in each hand walked over to me and started yelling and poking me in the chest that's right who fat useless duh keep stuffing your ducking face I hope you ducking choke I was in complete shock and I said well you can duck the write-off sadly not the greatest comeback he chuckled and tought it off presumably to ruin some other person's day TL ER Logan's Run had a valid premise it wasn't to me but about me and I heard some lady at the beach bent down to who I assume is her daughter and said I hope you don't turn out like him I know she meant me by him because she tried to discreetly point to me I flipped her off after hearing this I'm in a wheelchair but I have a perfect GPA and great friends so my life rocks aside from the wheelchair I just realized that I'm so average looking that no stranger has ever been rude to me that means you've never worked in the fast-food business on my first day a woman accused me for not only ruining her dinner but also claimed that I was the reason for everything bad in the world including World War one and World War two all because of a minor mistake my colleague in the kitchen did these shoes are worth more than your life said after bumping into some prick it bothers me how little someone could value human life that would be the point at which you pull out a knife and calmly ask him how much his life is worth not a stranger but a friend's mom they took me on vacation with them so their daughter would have someone to hang out with I ended up catching a stomach bug my parents had the week before and I pressed on through everyday activity even though I felt awful and ended up sick every night by myself while everyone slept I slept in one morning and as I was getting up to meet everyone at the pool I was confronted by my friend's mother who decided to inform me I don't know what to do with you if I could send you home I would cause you're ruining our vacation oMG I would have vomited right in her ducking face and hope some of it got in her mouth sounds like my step [ __ ] mother whatever the duck she is I hate her some catharsis for you when I was 4 years old I went to an amusement park with my father and stepmother at the end of the day I'm feeling nauseous and complained to her that I don't feel well she tells me I'm faking it five minutes later I vomited all over her her face at that moment will be with me forever had a lady come up to me at the mall and tell me your skin looks horrible you should really go to a dermatologist the worst part was that she kept harassing me and it made me feel even worse because although I had gone before I couldn't afford the medication I did gymnastics from age 6 to 18 competitively from 10 on but I was never a skinny girl or built for gymnastics I was always taller and chubby when young I work my butt off though because it was my passion at a meet when I was 13 or 14 one of the coaches for another competitor walked by me and over to lady I'm assuming one of the girls mothers and said quite clearly I wonder if that one is a water girl she probably couldn't score an eight to get another piece of cake and they both laughed while looking at me I came in first on beam involved that day and second all around after awards ceremony I went directly to the lady who said the rude comment and said I like chocolate cake but since I did so well send a sheet of red velvet to my gym for everyone to share and walked away was running with a friend of mine with a similar name a cute girl walks by and greets my friend by name unfortunately since I was ahead and was closer up front I said hi back she replied with you [ __ ] you just misunderstood her as all what she meant was you as in she thought you were a a female sheep near that [ __ ] I thought of this because I've recently started eating much healthier and it reminded me of a time I was driving home when a truck full of guys pulled next to me at the stoplight when they all shouted you're fat at me and made pig noises at me as they pulled away in hindsight they were just a bunch of kids trying to get a reaction out of me but it still bothers me to this day for some reason so now I want to hear your stories half-breed I was 14 and at the mall with my mom Irish and my dad Japanese to be fair I'm almost certain that this person was mentally ill and pushing 90 years old Umbridge the other night at my job a customer's a bit card would not work they kept insisting it was my fault and I was obligated to serve them their food for free I disagreed after a few minutes of repeatedly trying their card the lady started screaming at me telling me I'm a dunking loser and should get a real job she then proceeded to throw her soda at me but it doesn't matter because I beat the last of us on Survivor when I got home from work who's the loser now which I was sitting outside enjoying the sunshine and some group of girls walked past me and one said EU and they all laughed as they walked past something very similar to this is why I never go swimming or take my shirt off outside anymore I've always been pale and unfortunately I have a lot of moles mostly just flat ones only a few raised that on top of being scrawny and short as a kid made me really self-conscious about my body growing up I was about 14 and in line for a waterslide at an amusement park when a girl my age who was behind me in line said gross and her friend kind of laughed and told her to stop being mean I ever so slowly turned my head around hoping that she wasn't talking about me but was met with a stare from her emanating this burning hatred like my existence as a short dude without a tan and six-pack being in her presence offended her greatly the audacity of a guy like me to try and have fun at a water park ducking awkward and upsetting I haven't taken my shirt off in public since then it's been 16 years it's weird how long the effects from something hurtful like that can stick around I do not wish you well in life I wished her and her granddaughter a great day at the beach I worked at a beach store at the time she said this because I wouldn't give her the clearance price she saw on another bathing suit for the one her granddaughter was wearing out to purchase if a stranger ever insults you in public simply pause stare them in the eyes and then with a look of concern asked you seemed very insecure about something as everything okay done correctly don't allow yourself to show a reaction before answering it should surprised the [ __ ] out of anyone did something similar the other day was at the bar with a friend and overheard a couple eavesdropping on our conversation and making fun of it I just said loud date must be going pretty shitty if you've got nothing else to talk about don't you think and glanced over they kind of just tried to look away in embarrassment I would occasionally look over and lock eyes with one of them and see them look away really fast after about 20 minutes of this they left and they were completely silent the rest of that time [Music]
Channel: Best Posts & Comments
Views: 11,492
Rating: 4.9146919 out of 5
Keywords: r/ask reddit, r/ askreddit, askreddit top posts, best posts and comments, reddit top posts
Id: ixgpoC89YlI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 11sec (791 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 16 2020
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