Women of Grace with Johnette Williams - 090821 Guest: Susan Brinkmann

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will be inducted into the national baseball hall of fame for more news with a catholic perspective visit ewtnnews.com women of grace with john at williams starts now this is women of grace live discussing issues important to your life and faith spiritual insight practical wisdom join us as we transform the world one woman at a time women of grace for such a time as this now here's your host johnette williams well good morning everyone and welcome to women of grace live i am johnette williams and we're happy to be with you today we certainly are we always look forward to hearing from you right here on women of grace live where we do love to have that holy conversation with you discussing issues of importance to your life and your faith you know that every wednesday it's wacky wednesday around here and so today being wednesday is going to be a wacky wednesday sue brinkman is with us and she's going to be coming on board with this right after our first break today so i want you to start thinking about all of the questions that you might have regarding some of the wacky things that you see going on we always have a you know a launch pad kind of a topic and we'll be launching a really big one today our demons going techno there's a question for you uh and we're going to be talking about that it's very interesting very very uh astounding information uh coming from an exorcist who has experienced some really uh strange things as you might well expect being an exorcist and all but this is one of the stranger things that seems to be taking place today so we're going to be talking with that about all of that with sue brinkman today as we come back from that very first break so we want you to get your questions ready on that topic or any other topic that you might have you can always get them to us by calling us at 833 288 e wtn that's eight three three two eight eight three nine eight five that is excuse me three nine eight six that's eight three three two eight eight three nine eight six that's the number for you to use toll-free here in north america we've got matt gabinsky as our call screener be sure to give him a heidi hay let him know if you're a first time caller we will ring our first time caller bell for you to welcome you to our program today so we like to know if you are a first timer in addition to that we're also available for you out there at ewtn radio's youtube channel and facebook page jeff berson who is our producer is also the social media manager for ewtn radio and he'll go on out there and retrieve your question and get it up on the board again if you're a first timer let us know so we can do what do this ring that little bell to welcome you to our broadcast today so please let us know all about that now you know i want to tell you we've got big things coming up here in san antonio texas i've been sharing with you about it for quite some time now we've got all kinds of things coming up this fall so i do want to invite you to get out to our website womenofgrace.com and read all about it our women of grace retreat in san antonio texas is going to take place at our lady of the atonement catholic church there the theme is made for joy the call and gift of the catholic woman the retreat itself begins on the evening of september the 17th and runs through the evening of the 18th it's going to be a beautiful time in the lord we've got some fantastic speakers that are coming to be with you melissa moleski is going to be with us as well as father matthias of the immaculate heart a carmelite priest i know we are going to gain so much from those two speakers i'm going to be there too saying a few words to you and in addition to that we are going to have living praise with us and living praise is a marvelous praise and worship team out of steubenville ohio area and they come to us they come with us to a lot of our different events and my goodness i want to tell you our hearts and our minds are lifted to the lord the praise is fantastic uh we enter into the holy of holies and great things happen i can assure you of that many blessings profound blessings rain down upon us at our women of grace events and we don't want you to miss out on it so get out to our website womenofgrace.com and take a look at everything uh preceding that retreat is going to be the benedicta enrichment seminar i'm going to be leading that we're going to be talking again a little bit more deeply about some of these aspects of our feminine dimension especially in light of our blessed mother this particular presentation is an important one it's very foundational for the way in which we view ourselves as women and our call and mission in the world today and let me tell you it's a pretty big call and mission that is going to be taking place on the thursday september the 16th and running through the afternoon of the 17th in time for you to get to the retreat you can sign up for the benedicta on its own or you can sign up for the retreat on its own or you could do both of them together we certainly would like to see you at both of them on saturday our young women of grace retreat is going to be running concurrently with the adult women's retreat we've got a fantastic program lined up for our young ladies i keep telling you they're going to have some special gifts coming their way they certainly are so if you have a young person we want you to and bring her with us right bring you bring her to us what am i trying to say here bring her with you to us there you go for the young women of grace retreat uh it's going to be a beautiful day so bring your daughter bring your granddaughter bring your nieces bring bring your students just bring them because they're going to have a beautiful time in the lord it's going to be just absolutely fantastic now we do want to let you know that the donor has stepped forward to say that if you are having a financial problem in getting yourself to the retreat we don't want that to stand in your way we can help you we can help assist you so please do give us a call and i'm going to give you the number to call if you would like to talk with somebody about the retreat in general or if you would like to find out a little bit more about the scholarship program that's available to you that number is eight hundred five five eight five four five two that's eight hundred five five eight five four five two you'll be talking with joanne kane that again is 800-558-5452 for information about our scholarship program or to answer any questions that you might have about the retreat although all of the information for you about the retreat is available for you at our website womenofgrace.com the schedule is there the talk titles are there who's speaking when is there you can register right online there it's all there for you we like to make it easy breezy now i do want to let you know that we are also having an online women of grace event and that is coming up the weekend of october the first angels miracles and other supernatural phenomena beautiful opportunity for you right online so if you are homebound or if you can't get out or whatever the case may be uh you just want to know more about angels miracles and other supernatural phenomena that's coming up the weekend of october 1st do want for you to get out there take a look at that schedule and look at the roster of speakers that we have coming to talk on this uh most most interesting and i think phenomenal of topics it is going to be just an amazing time we have sue brinkman who is going to be with us in just a minute or two sue brinkman is going to be speaking mike aquilina's going to be speaking michael o'neill the miracle hunter is going to be speaking adam bly is going to be with us as well it's just going to be a power packed time we also have paul thigpen coming so we've got just this tremendous roster of speakers who's going to be presenting on angels miracles and other supernatural phenomena again the information i do believe all of the information is up there for you now we were tying up some loose ends on the scheduling there but i'm out here looking at it now and yeah it's there for you so we invite you to take a look out there that's going to begin friday evening october the 1st and it's going to end saturday evening october the 2nd so get out there and find out about that and then later in the month of october guess where we're going to be we are going to be in hollywood florida not hollywood california but hollywood florida for a beautiful event at nativity church it is going to be another retreat for women preceded by the benedicta leadership institute and incorporating a young woman of grace retreat into it as well and you will i think really love the theme for this it is going to be faith fortitude and femininity a formula for such a time as this love alliteration faith fortitude and femininity a formula for such a time as this and we want to see you there too so get on out there san antonio though it's the first one out of the box this fall and we're hoping to have you there again if you want information about the scholarship program it's 800-558-5452 you're listening to women of grace live our toll-free number is 833 288 ewtn that's the way you can join us on this wacky wednesday with sue brinkman who will be with us right on the other side of the break so stay tuned my wife and i are former protestants who are considering converting to the catholic church and we wanted to ask you about what the catholic view of purgatory with these i have a religious teacher who tells us women should be priests how long you have to be in that school mother angelica answering the call sunday two and eight pm eastern exclusively on ewtn radio why do we need to pray well the catholic faith is all about communion with god and prayer is the form that our communion with god takes if we're not praying we're not in communion with god but we can get in communion with god really quickly by prayer it's the easiest quickest and only route to connect to our creator and that's what we're made for that's why we need to pray and now the ewtn family prayer with father joseph family a prayer that we pray together is a powerful prayer so please pray together with me our ewtn family prayer [Music] today we pray for the caregivers of the sick almost holy trinity father son and holy spirit we adore you you have first loved us and through your son you have taught us the excellence of self-giving love give to those who are caregivers of a sick parent or child brother or sister the assistance of your holy angels lessen their burdens and give them great joy in practicing a work of mercy and since charity is never forgotten by you reveal to them their heavenly reward amen encouraging women and their gift of authentic femininity here's more women of grace with john ed williams well welcome back everybody we are so happy you are with us today we've got so much we want to share with you and there's so much information to get out there we've got sue brinkman with us it's a wacky wednesday we're always encouraging you uh to give us a call here let me give you that toll-free number it's 833 288 e wtn that's 833 288 three nine eight six it's toll-free for you right here in north america matt gabinski's on the phones if you're a first-time caller let us know and we'll ring our bell for you also available for you out there at ewtn radio's youtube channel and facebook page just use the chat feature there to get your questions or comments up and jeff berson who is our producer and social media manager we'll go out there and retrieve the info so that we can get to your concerns additionally if you are a first time submitter boom boom boom let us know and we'll ring that bell for you we sharing with you prior to the break all about our upcoming women of grace event there in san antonio texas and all of the other events coming up want you to get out there and take a peek at it and you can do that at womenofgrace.com go out there all the information about the retreats available for you right there well sue brinkman welcome welcome how are you oh just feeling wacky and wonderful today well for all of those that are out there you know on social media they can see that you're in the pink today you're in the main room and in a pink sweater and it's 55 degrees you told me in the morning yeah it is it is i'll tell you it's wacky weather up here for sure uh it's true and how's everybody making out after the terrible flooding that went on well we we're surviving there's a lot of road closures still bridges are out there's which means months and months and months of road repair after this one and we have another one coming tonight not a hurricane though so uh it's just a lot of very very violent severe storms up here tornadoes which is unusual for this part of the country uh we've had a lot of them this summer yeah you know i i heard uh and just this is a little aside but i did hear that uh the hurricane that came through there was so furious and and and so destructive that they compared it to hurricane agnes that took place in 1972 and that was a really bad hurricane i remember that quite well oh yeah this one is reminiscent also of sandy a lot of us up here were saying this is like sandy it was just torrential rain from i would say 3 30 in the afternoon so 8 30 at night it just drummed and drummed and drummed on the ceiling of your house it just never stopped we were all bailing out basements that's just what you did because everything was flooding out but some of it was catastrophic flooding that we have never seen and haven't seen for hundreds of years in this area yeah well prayers continue to go out to all thank you for up in that area and to you um our dear sister in christ and also i wanted to mention too that if you've got another thing that's coming your way we'll be praying for that because there's only you know so much you know saturation that the ground can take you know so if the ground ground can't if the ground is saturated there's nowhere for that water to go except to just hang around and you know begin to go up so uh we'll be praying for all of that too we've got lots of things going on though and you know there you put a blog out there that is absolutely astounding and it's about demons text messaging uh and this comes from an exorcist father rossini so you're going to tell us about it is it rossini rosetta yeah oh this is just very very powerful he allowed us to reprint his blog and his article on the subject about and he's saying that demon's text message he's at least three occasions and three different exorcists who've had this happen to them where the the the demon that they're trying to exercise will text team members of the either the exorcist or his team members to warn them away um and tell them to get away this this person's mind get out of here don't touch her leave us alone and in one case he said that that people in the room actually saw even though the person's phone was down they actually saw the phone light up and invisible fingers texting out the message on the phone they actually saw it and heard the demon laughing while he was doing it like he oh they have so much fun with us because we're so gullible um he was laughing at us but the one was in exchange with the priest and and and um he was saying the demons saying be ready we're coming for you and the girl and that the priest texts back texted the demon back and said be gone in the name of jesus and the demon says stop she'll die kill her come on priest do it if you don't we will we want her dead and then the priest texts back vader retro saithanas which means get behind me satan and and again these demons cry out stop stop or we're going to hurt her more um and and the the priest just keeps coming back you're forbidden falfene you know uh the blood of jesus splashed on you uh vader leave you know and and there uh you could just see the arrogance in these beings you know stop let us have our fun we're not leaving don't worry we're going to take care of her um it's just chilling to think that this is how techno-savvy he is and he's actually breaking right into the the text lines he's always already done that to phones i know um dr gallagher uh from up in new york he is is one he's a psychiatrist who helps the church in some of these cases and he had an instance when when one woman who was like a uh she was the consort of a high priest of satan and she came intermittently for exorcism she wasn't really all that committed to it but he did have a chance to to interview her and he was later talking with his team that was working on this case with with this woman when a demon broke into the phone line and started yelling at them leave her alone she's mine well i'm not going to give her up we're not going to give her to you leave her be and that and he said they were all freaked out by this it was like oh i can't imagine you know how does this happen but you know we don't i guess we don't understand his power and you know that's one of the things that i'm going to talk about in our uh october first and second uh event is we need to understand just how powerful preternatural beings are they can do this kind of stuff very very easily this is this is a cakewalk to them to be able to break in on on our technology i mean they're they're super intelligent uh they know how to do this stuff and and we need to be we need to be very aware of the fact that we're up against someone very powerful and you need to hide behind the blood of jesus christ and and stay very close to the lord uh because you're perilous against him yeah you know it's an interesting thing because you know oftentimes people say well why on earth does god permit these things to happen well we know that there are reasons why god permits them to happen and we know that uh you know one of the uh reasons why he does that you know sometimes it's for the purification the sanctification of the person uh but i think that there's sort of like you know there's that individual mission that god has in mind for this person there's this this this you know way in which the lord is working with the individual uh and and as well as with the team but there's also sort of like an exterior uh you know mission to this in a sense and that is that we see exactly what you're saying uh that the devil is very powerful he's not more powerful than god uh you know but he is powerful and he and he i think wants for us to realize that power wants us to see it and recognize it and know that it exists but additionally he wants to prevent us from getting involved in the kinds of things that open up doorways for these kinds of events to take place right that open up opportunities for the evil spirits to uh come into you know our atmosphere to come into that that area around us you know in this case this is a this is a case of possession but sometimes it's just even with the activities that can go on uh you know in a home uh you know home can become infested uh with demons because there's things that go on in that home like playing ouija boards or seances or all of these kinds of things that invite them in so you know i i we're seeing a preponderance of this i think it's a little bit more uh frequent in in our day and time because of of a lot of the new agey kinds of things that people have gotten into and this fascination with the powers of darkness and spiritism and all of that uh but but it has always gone on oh absolutely it has you know the devil doesn't really want to uh manifest himself in these extraordinary ways which is what we're talking about here you know the text messaging possession vexation obsession he doesn't really want to do that because he prefer prefers to be hidden so he will he will resort to ordinary manifestations which is temptation and he tries to tempt us through things like it's the acquisition of of special knowledge okay this whole law of attraction thing oh if you tune into this special vibration in the the universes you're going to be able to get whatever you want you know this is special knowledge divination all different kinds of divination psychics do that sort of thing um but exorcist will tell you that there's three things that are the major causes of possession and one of them is involvement in satanism the other one is curses and and the third one is what we were just talking about a cult with spirit communication and that would be like with mediums ouija boards anytime you're directly communicating with a spirit reiki okay these things are extremely dangerous because you think you're you're tapping into these benevolent beings you can tell yourself whatever you want but reality is reality and and that is a demon that you're communicating with that's a demon out there and it's not a disembodied spirit because we all know that they they don't have the faculties to communicate with the material world once they once they die that has to be given that power has to be given to them by a supernatural or a preternatural uh power so you've got to be very careful with this too and also to realize that extraordinary uh manifestations of satan that's not really his preferred way to do things because it reveals him and he likes to stay hidden he likes to stay hidden and he can do that with ordinary means and just through temptation yeah 288 ewtn that's 833-288-3986 that is the way that you can join us today we invite you to pick up the phone and give us a call we've got matt gabinski who is answering our phone line today he is our call screener and please please be sure to say howdy hey to him that's 833 288 e wtn also available for you out there at ewtn radio's youtube channel uh and uh facebook page use the chat feature we'll get your questions or comments up here and we will be able to get to them uh we do have one question that came to us from youtube here is from tara sue she says i just read an article that a satanist group in texas is seeking to be exempt from the heartbeat law that was just put in effect prayers for the unborn and our nation so uh what do you say about that so yeah yeah i've read about that yeah that's the satanic temple that's doing that they pull this kind of stuff all the time and they're claiming that the law violates their religious freedom so yeah and yeah in what way i mean i think it's very important to understand what they do well the satanic temple actually the satanic temple is not they don't worship satan but they worship they see satan as as a a a person to emulate something to emulate so it's known as theistic uh satanism is is what that group is involved in and and what they do is they claim that they are a religion and that they should be allowed to practice their religion and one of the one of the ways that they practice is through abortion and the use of contraception and all this kind of stuff and you know always whatever is against catholic teaching that's what they practice in their religion and they're actually this group is pretty effective they're pretty clever they manage to get a lot of nativity scenes taken down in different places around christmas time they're very good at that um erecting statues of the baphomet uh they're good at that as well and and and this sort of thing now granted people right now are just throwing everything at the wall of this texas abortion law and to hope that something's going to stick and this is just what what their tactic is right now they're saying that that's my religious freedom and i i should be free to have an abortion i believe in that that's my religion i thought your religion is to murder okay let's try to wrap our heads around that that's a practice of your religion is the murdering of the innocent okay um but that's what they're going to try they're going to try it well you you know we need to pray i think that we need to con we need soaking prayer a lot of soaking prayer just like the rain has been soaking the ground there in philadelphia and other parts of the country right we need we need that to be grace we need to use that picture so that we can just really flood uh that that entire state and the legislature and all that's going on there to try to reverse this so that you know we can stand firm in this area so soaking prayer for for that and we you know it's a victory that we've gained for life we don't want to lose it but there are going to be powers and principalities that come up against it and those powers and principalities oftentimes work through instruments human persons and here we have an example of that so we've always got to be aware of what's going on around us you know sue uh in addition to to some of the silliness that that we see going on out there we can't forget that there are powers and principalities that are behind many of these things you mentioned a few of them there that can get us into deep trouble because they involve uh an actual uh in invitation to the to the demons to take up residence within us reiki being one of those so we've got to be very careful don't we oh absolutely you just you can't fool around this stuff the whole idea of being able of dabbling in in the occult is just is is so silly it's it's so uneducated a way of thinking um because it's not possible there's a being sitting there waiting for you he's just waiting with baited breath for you to turn to him even in the slightest way just oh yeah i think i want to just have my you know astrological chart drawn up or i'm gonna go visit this psychic everybody's doing it at lunch hour in my office i'm just gonna go go do it i know someone who did that during her lunch hour she went up to visit a psychic they used to do it regularly and and she ended up with all kinds of mental issues uh she ended up having a mental breakdown and it wasn't until 10 years later that she found out after 10 years of doctoring for this um that uh some that person that she went to see actually put a curse on her oh my god and it cursed her life and and um she was all kinds of you know foggy thinking she couldn't concentrate um as i said she ended up having a mental breakdown and had to be medicated for that so she went through all those years of her life that way and and uh found out at a healing mass when the priest prayed over her and said you know what there's something dark attached to you and after they went through the process of trying to figure this out they realized that she had been involved with this psychic she would go visit him at lunch time and he turned out he was a sorcerer and he put a curse on her and they do this for kicks it's not that she did anything to this sorcerer this is just how they get have fun this is how they have fun is is by putting a curse on people and that's one of the main ways that that you can end up being possessed by curses and people say well how could you know will god let that be well god doesn't always let it be number one as you said god's in charge and he has control over over that but if you're not in a state of grace and you're far from the lord you know perhaps something like that is what's needed to get you to wake up and sometimes the lord will allow you to get burned just like you know you get burned when you touch that stove even though your mom's told you 100 times don't do it the one time you decide to touch it you're going to get burned and and sometimes that's the only way we learn our lesson um so that's why god does sometimes allow that to happen look at that little boy uh in in the the movie the exorcist the true story of that little boy behind it his parents there was no faith he had no faith at all in his in in the in the household and his aunt was i think a medium or some to somebody and she used to tell him all kinds of scary stories and then when she died he wanted to contact her the two of them used to play with the ouija board so he picked up the ouija board and started to contact who he thought was his dead aunt and guess what it wasn't because she can't talk to him not unless god allows it and god doesn't allow that kind of stuff so we all know what happened to that young man you know that was a chilling story yeah well we hear that music and we want to invite you to give us a call here our phone lines are lighting up we have a question about a curse here sue so we'll go to deborah when we get back 833 288 ewtn that's the toll-free number for you right here in north america it's you're outside of north 833-288-3986 it's country code one two zero five two seven one two nine eight five now people are calling in asking more information about uh our san antonio event and the angels event go to womenofgrace.com if you need info about the scholarship it's 800 558-5452 we're going to be right back with sue brinkman stay with us cna is the only fast reliable and free catholic news source that brings blogs stories and opinions to your fingertips the latest catholic news is at catholicnewsagency.com i met someone on a trip recently she came to me with a baby and said this baby's because of your trip to new jersey last year she said i had an abortion in high school and it felt like i was damned and then after hearing the message of the gospel ear event i realized i was redeemable and that god's love tells me who i am not my past mistakes she got right with god made a good confession and decided to have a baby with her husband shortly thereafter it's amazing how the message of the gospel fixes every problem in the human heart you know i don't care where you've been or what you've done god's love for you is bigger now chris you don't understand my sin is so big what i did is bigger than what god in all his power did for me on the cross i'm glad i could put words to what you were thinking so you can hear how silly it sounds come home he loves you and what he did for you is bigger than the power any sin in your life this is christophanic from reallifecatholic.com here's today's quote from mother angelica's perpetual calendar again you see faith is a working virtue it is something that must not only go with me it is something that must be a part of me mother's spiral bound perpetual calendar features an inspirational message for each day of the year it's available from the ewtn religious catalogue at ewtnrc.com that's ewtnrc.com [Music] do you know someone who is living life to the fullest share it with us next on take two with jerry and debbie on most of these ewtn stations now we take you back to women of grace transforming the world one woman at a time let's return to women of grace with johnette williams well welcome back everybody we're so happy you are with us today we're encouraging you to give us a phone call it's wacky wednesday sue brinkman is with us she's taking your questions about all things new agey or seemingly pretty wacky we've been talking about a lot of stuff already today and there's more to come eight three three two eight eight ewtn that's eight three three two eight eight three nine eight six just pick up the phone and give us a call if you're outside of north america your number is country code one two zero five two seven one two nine eight five i do wanna let you know that we're also available for you out there at ewtn radio's youtube channel and facebook page you can use the chat feature there to get your question up for us we've got jeff berson who will dash out there and get it he's our producer matt kabinsky on the phones if you're a first timer either way if you're a first time submitter or a first time caller there's our bell we ring it for you and we invite you to let us know that so we're countering it for you uh we've got deborah out there and i think i'm pronouncing this right she's in pla planted plansentia california plants in tia california good morning to you deborah how are you i'm good how are you i'm good did i pronounce that right or did i slaughter it it's close enough i was close enough okay we'll take that i'll take that close enough so you've got a situation huh what's going on okay so um years ago when my son was born um my husband's uh ex-wife we we've been sadder marriage blessed and all that and um kind of cleaned things up but my husband's ex-wife was into doing charts and she had her little computer program and she did a chart on my son when he was born and she printed out this report from this computer program or whatever it was and it said all these horrible things about his future like he wasn't going to have a good future and since that time i had my son baptized after that um and i've since um kind of been i've been a convert and a reaver back to the church we had our marriage blessed and and i'm trying to you know do everything to be a faithful catholic and my question is um if that is some sort of curse is there anything i can do to break it or how can i put that out of my mind because it's been bothering me all these years and i want to let go of it well you know i i think sue's got a couple of questions for you just to get a little bit more information from you deborah so go ahead there sue now was she only involved in astrology was she involved in anything else not that i'm aware of i think it's just astrology just astrology okay so what she was talking about there was the natal chart um she's a natal church they they believe that that um the position of all the stars in the planets at the moment of your birth has some impact on your personality uh and people do use it to predict the future so what she was doing with that chart was divining she was divining your your son's future with that and came up with this really gloomy sad uh uh sad prediction about his future now how old is your son now he's um eight he's eight and has he been plagued by anything like depression or any kind of illness or accident prone or no he's he's a little angel and you know i've i've got i'm in a good bible study group and i you know i have a very wise sister and they're always like don't be ridiculous you know jesus loves him jesus will protect him that's just a piece of paper let it go you've had him baptized you know just put it out of your head jesus is bigger than any piece of paper that a computer can spit out well that that's absolutely true but i'm just looking for were there any signs of a curse having been placed on him and it doesn't sound as though there are plus the fact that he was baptized and there is a right of exorcism that's in in the rite of baptism um so if anything had been attached to him that would have been immediately dismissed at that time i wouldn't worry about that you didn't by chance save that chart did you i put it in the shredder at work oh good good i was gonna say get rid of that thing you don't want that thing around i really believe that you're okay there would be some manifestation of some kind he would be you know very uh maybe have bad dreams or nightmares or something there's always a manifestation of a curse of some kindness it's not quiet it's something that shows itself and it doesn't sound like that happened and the fact that you followed it with baptism would say you're very you're very safe i think you can put that out of your mind and rest easy from here on i really do and i just want to say deborah you know with with regard to you know sometimes the way in which these these demonic presences work uh you know your son of course as who says in a good place but what this is doing is praying on your mind so sometimes that that that you know lack of peace and that interior uh you know angst that you feel that little bit of anxiety that might come up at different points in time can really be a type of tormenting that's going on as a result of of this so it might be that it isn't so much about your son as it was about you so if you understand what i'm saying i do and actually you know like i said i wasn't i wasn't baptized until i was in my 30s and i was poorly catechized so that lasted about five minutes and it wasn't until like the last few years that i've really um delved into my faith and become kind of a devout catholic but you know i have in my past i saw a palm reader um you know when i was a kid we played with ouija boards and and just hearing you talk today is making me wonder if that's why i'm so um anxiety risen all the time if but i was baptized as an adult so i don't know if that's just my personality for like if there is a curse or something attached what do i do about it well i'm not so you know i'm not so really sure that there's a curse attached but i do think that that it's possible that you know those those um demonic presences could could still have some kind of i don't want to say hold on you i think that's too strong but can from time to time influence you so what i would do is you know i would just um seek out a priest who understands these things and ask him to lead you through a deliverance prayer that where you repent of the past activity you reject it and you renounce it i don't think that will hurt you and i'll i'll just share very quickly a brief story from my own life um at a given point in time and this this was after i was i had left the faith and did nothing for 10 years it just you know was just turned my back on on uh on the church for a period of time and came back to the church and in those early days of coming back i went to see a psychic with a friend who wanted to see a psychic and the psychic honed in on me and um this particular woman said something that was very upsetting to me about one of my children and you know i was in a state of grace at that time and um subsequent to that i had i i did go through deliverance prayer for a lot of the things i had been involved in which was very helpful for me uh and and of course that that uh there would still be every once in a while that little memory would come back into my mind but then i would just go back into this process of you know praying and rejecting and renouncing and uh repenting so that i think would probably be a good thing for you so that this isn't troubling you to the extent that it might be what do you think about that sue oh absolutely and and have you confessed your involvement in those things you know um i don't know that i have because when i get into confession i get so nervous that i forget all the things i wanted to confess and then i don't feel like i'm you know emotionally present when i'm in the confessional i just i'm rattling off these things and it feels more like i'm trying to dot an eye across the t rather than really being present in my confession you know what i mean i don't know if that makes sense no it does it absolutely does i i would definitely make it a point to go and confess that i was involved at some at one point in my life in the occult and i want to repent of that and ask the lord for his forgiveness and then from that moment on you shut that door and you never look back at that because jesus will shut that door and you're going to be fine but i mean once you're involved in that and you dabble around in it you do open a portal there's no getting around that that portal does open and the demon if god allows it can't have more direct access to you rather than just tempt you he can begin to really get into your head and and make you feel bad about things and like this he's not letting you forget this oh maybe it was a curse he just wants to keep you all tied up and nuts that you can't hear god because god's voice is so subtle and so gentle so i would make it a point to go to confession um as soon as possible and confess that and just say that i've done these things and i just want to confess them and let the lord know how sorry i am and and i renounce and i reject them and i want nothing to do with this stuff and i'm asking him for forgiveness there's no priest that will ever turn that aside they won't you'll be fine okay all right well thank you we appreciate your call today because i'm sure it pertains to a lot of people out there and i think so that's really wise advice i mean if we haven't repented of these things and that that little portal remains and we can become a plaything of of demonic presences and i sort of think that that's what deborah's experiencing and it might even be one of the reasons why it's difficult for her to have that um attention to detail that she would like to have when she goes into the confessional because they can cloud our mind i mean they can just create a disturbance you know they can't read our hearts but they can whisper things and incite little thoughts into our mind and have an effect there so thanks deborah for that um before we go to our next caller i want to go to elizabeth out there on youtube just going into the homes of relatives where new age practices done by children with ouija boards horoscopes as play hurt a person who goes to visit unknowingly okay um if you're in a state of grace you don't really have to worry about stuff like that because as we've been saying god controls satan he doesn't allow him to just do whatever he wants satan doesn't have control over anything um and as long as you're in a state of grace if you are in a house where they are contacting experience yes there are presences in that house absolutely they're being called in there we don't have any command over those spirits once you call a spirit of your house through a ouija board or whatever else you're playing around with they don't just leave when you're done with them they're hanging around um because you don't have that kind of authority over them um but if you just walk into that house and as i said you're in a state of grace god's not gonna allow that that those things to torment you if you're not in a state of grace then yeah then you might you might run into some trouble yeah absolutely so well i hope that helps you elizabeth and let's go to chris in albany new york today 833 288 ewtn that's the way that you can join us today 833-288-3986 also available for you out there at ewtn radio's youtube channel and facebook page good morning chris good morning i'm so grateful for this topic and i've seen suzanne speak on your show before so i'm so glad i have the opportunity i am um in the process of converting to catholicism uh brand new i love it i'm currently in rcia and i just cannot wait to go on this journey but again just like the previous two callers i unknowingly um you know went to psychics and palm readers and because i always thought god i just didn't know how um and i have recently since seeing suzanne the first time on your show i've asked for forgiveness from our lord um i have repented because i just didn't know i kind of innocently fell into that um like we do when we're young and dumb but i always had an affinity for st michael and i don't know why and when i met my husband 17 years ago he brought a saint um saint michael statue into our house and we bonded over i was like oh my god if you like saying i i didn't know but um but anyway um six years ago um my dad died kind of tragically and we went my sister and my mom and i went to a medium upon a recommendation from a friend and i remember sitting there um thinking and she's saying your dad is present he's jumping up and down beside your mom and i thought that's not that doesn't sound like the personality of my dad at all and i walked out of there with just a feeling of unease and now i understand all of this and i don't have one bit of need to ever go back to that kind of practice i i only want to converse with jesus and mary and our lord and the communion of saints and so my question is um i heard you talking um john about a deliverance prayer is there a particular deliverance prayer i should do or a novena um or what else can i do to um elevate my protection against this past practice or participation i should say yeah well you know there are deliverance prayers that are available for you out there and i i would go out online and look for one so do we have one that we can recommend to her um my the best deliverance prayer i know of is the reject renounce and repent there you say it yourself you say it yourself chris you say uh lord i was involved in such and such and i renounce and reject these practices and i repent of ever having been involved in them that is with your own free will now that you you remember you opened the door with your own free will even though you were young and dumb as you said i like that phrase yeah um but even though you did it under those reasons you know you still open the door with your own free will now when you say that reject renounce and repent now you shut that door with your own free will jesus will protect you until that point in your rcia that you are able to now go to confession and and i don't i don't know when that that comment well i haven't been able to be baptized can i go to confession because that's a sacrament that i don't have until i'm baptized correct well you don't have it until you come into the church if you haven't been baptized yet that will be part of your rcia initiation yeah you know you'll receive all three sacraments at once but you know i appreciate the fact that you don't want to wait until then and so i i think i would go to the priest and say look this is you know this is something that i i i did it in my past i didn't even understand it and the fact of the matter is because you didn't know it was a sin you know it's it's it's not a sin in that sense right uh but it doesn't mean that there's no influence or effect you know whether we know it or not you know doesn't stop the evil one from involving himself uh with us as a result of of our actions so i what i would recommend see what you think about this zoo i would just go to the priest and say hey look you know this this is yeah and i just you know i just really want to repent you know reject and renounce he can't give you absolution but he can pray with you absolutely and absolutely and the chaplain of saint michael i'm also learning that's good you're gonna be fine chris you're gonna be fine jesus is he is such a tender and loving god there's no way he's going to throw you to the wolves it's just you know don't worry about it he loves you he loves you more than you can even imagine and you're going to be fine i would take johnette's advice mention it to the priest you know tell him this is where you were and i can tell you this chris the day that you get you enter this church and you get baptized you receive the blessed sacrament for the first time and you are confirmed you are going to be flying for the next three days on a spiritual high like you've never had before in your life i mean because that baptism it just wipes away everything that's ever you've ever done in your life i mean baptism is extremely powerful and then you get to imbibe the body and blood soul and divinity of jesus christ and be confirmed in the holy spirit i mean talk about a powerhouse i just i am going to keep you in my prayers and i just hope as i'm talking i just feel goosebumps all over like the lord's saying oh i can't wait for my daughter to come to me so it's going to be you wonderful you are going to be anxiously awaited then chris good luck to you oh i bless you i appreciate that that that's very helpful thank you god bless you god bless you chris bye-bye now oh my goodness let's get to tom he's up there in columbus ohio hello how are you tom good how about yourself i'm doing fine thanks for asking all right so my question goes on to um i've heard on social media i guess recently post saying that uh these uh psychics or these medium people try to lay curses on the taliban and that uh mohammed protects them and then like knocks the uh and actually knocks the uh psychic like unconscious i just want to say like i've also heard that virgin mary protects us catholics the way in a very similar way stomping on the head of the serpent and whatnot can you uh say that if they're if these psychics are actually don't mess with us because they know what's in store well first of all psychic can put a curse on somebody he can absolutely do that and that's through the power of uh in the facility of demons so that's possible they can do it as far as muhammad protects them the way mary stops the head of satan i think what they're doing is just copying us i don't know of any i've never heard of any story um or or any report of of anyone saying that muhammad protects them from demons and from curses i've never heard of that before i i just i never heard of it tom no and and and i would i would even go so far as to say that you know muhammad is not god uh allah is not god there's only one god and there's three persons and one god father son and holy spirit so that power wouldn't be extended uh to to whatever entity they're considering there that's that's god's power and he shares that power with our blessed mother but it's not a shared reality across the board and um you know i i so i i don't i don't understand what they're talking about there but we do know that our blessed mother um in genesis 3 15 you know we we know that she participates in the redemptive act of her son our lord jesus christ and her obedience unties the knot of ease disobedience and so our blessed mother you know smites the head of the serpent in union with her son our lord jesus christ because her fiat or yes brings him into the world and he he is the one who is the way and the truth and the life so i would let that go but i certainly would appeal to our blessed mother at every turn i would do that oh yeah okay yeah thank you you're welcome tom god bless you okay and off to um let me see where where are we going next here um i think i see this flashing light here in gabriela in san antonio texas yes hello hi gabriella hello guys thank you for taking my call up so my question today is um i guess more of advice from y'all um as of probably about two or three months ago i've been getting very deeply into my faith uh you know listening to fulton sheen while i'm working mother angelica reading catholic books and starting the life of christ by fulton sheen um as of probably about two weeks ago i started having trouble sleeping um i've never ever had problems sleeping through the night and as of about two weeks ago i started waking up the first night i woke up my heart was racing i didn't know what to do i got the rosary i walked to my backyard i said the rosary i was i don't know what happened um and so since then i've been waking up through the night and i i don't know if this is some type of spiritual warfare perhaps but i just wanted to see if um y'all maybe had some advice as to a prayer before bed or if there's something that i can do just to ensure that if it is anything you know that's going on that i could be covered in that area because at first i'm not going to be you know stopping from praying nightly or you know reading the bible daily like i've been so gabriella let me ask you a personal question what is your age group i'm 32. okay so you're pretty young um because that does happen at certain points in women's lives you know i'm just saying uh but go ahead sue do you think that this could be a spiritual attack i mean it just depends it just depends you said that your heart is racing that sort of thing um uh do you might have some physiological problems obviously you may want to get yourself checked out for that to find out if there is some something physical going on there but were you ever involved in the occult and ever having your your tarot cards read gotten involved with reiki or or uh astrology uh were you ever involved at all with those things no no ma'am um like i said just getting more involved i me and my boyfriend made the decision to be absent until marriage um i guess about the same time um and so i don't know if it that has anything to do with it either um but no ma'am to answer your question i have not okay so are you are you catholic yes i am i'm a devout catholic and and have you repented of of your whole life before you you reverted back to your faith have you been to confession and repented of all that i have been to confessions to repent for the um uh fornication i haven't repented of my former lifestyle but i mean i can do that yeah you want to come as clean as possible um to make sure that you are not coming under some kind of spiritual attack that there aren't some doors open from sin life and some reliance on on our sinful tendency or habit that satan might have taught you over the years but before as far as your sleep problems invoke your guardian angel every night before you go to sleep that's what i would do invoke your angel and make sure that you bless yourself and your house keep holy water in there uh and you should be okay yeah and i would say one other thing gabrielle if it persists i would go see your doctor because it could be physiological it's not always spiritual when these things happen uh well goodness sakes here we are at the end of the program sue and i'm sorry we couldn't get to everybody but we're going to be back with you again so we certainly do invite you to give us a call right here and ask your questions and we'll do our very best to answer them for you we love being with you get out to womenofgrace.com take a look at our upcoming events god bless you now bye-bye [Music] one of the reasons we should go to mass is because
Channel: EWTN
Views: 2,123
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Keywords: Catholic, EWTN, Christian, television
Id: u3Z9CKk9-mk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 15sec (3255 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 08 2021
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