Women of Grace - July 14, 2021 - Johnnette Williams

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discussing issues important to your life and faith spiritual insight practical wisdom join us as we transform the world one woman at a time women of grace for such a time as this now here's your host johnette williams well good morning everyone and welcome to women of grace live i am john at williams absolutely delighted and happy to be with you today we do so love spending this time with you monday through friday as we discuss issues of importance to your life and your faith always eager to hear from you on women of grace live just pick up your phone and give us a call we are here for you charles berry is on those phones and he's expecting them to ring and the only way they ring is if you call in so use this toll-free number right here in north america to make charles berry and all of us happy today eight three three two eight eight e w t n that's eight three three two eight 288-3986 we are friendly folk around here so just pick up the phone and give us a call we can spend some precious moments together this day right here on women of grace live again that number toll-free for you in north america three three two eight eight three nine eight six that's eight three three two eight eight e w t n we're also available for you outside of north america here is your number to use it begins with country code one two zero five two seven one two nine eight five again country code one two zero five two seven one two nine eight five and additionally you can join us via the magic of social media land indeed you can just go to ewtn radio's youtube channel and facebook page chat feature is there for you we invite you to use that chat feature to put in your question comment insight or inspiration our own producer jeff berson who is also social media manager for radio will dash right out there and he'll retrieve it and he'll get it up on the board and we can have that time together today so we're looking forward to hearing from you it is wednesday and you know what that means it is a wacky wednesday we have sue brinkman with us and after we come back from this first break she's going to be talking with us about all things wacky we invite you to call us with any questions that you might have with regards to psychics or yoga or anything that is related to uh tarot card reading uh anything that has to do with the uh supernatural that would we would call paranormal not supernatural things of god uh but those things that really are delivered to us by the means of demonic spirits we want to talk about it because so many people are so confused about so many things with regard to uh you know these these these superstitious actions and even more superstitious actions uh these means by which they hope to contact uh is spirits uh to find out information that they ought not to find out about because you know god tells us not to and in addition to that these are not coming from godly sources so we put ourselves into a great deal of danger when we go off in these various kinds of directions and we put ourselves in jeopardy we really do uh you know and once we know that these things are outside of the revealed truth of sacred scripture and the teachings of the church that these things are not in accordance with our faith you know we we doubly then are committing great sin and we certainly don't want for that to happen uh so we spend every wednesday talking about such matters and sue is with us and she's got a doozy of a topic to set us off today but you do know that we have been dedicating a little few moments at the beginning of the program here to talking about the month of july and the beautiful devotional practices that holy mother church encourages us in for this month it is dedicated by the church to the precious blood of jesus and i think that we really need to consider uh in greater you know what do i want to say in in in greater meditation uh and and prayerful reflection this gift that is ours through the precious blood of our lord jesus christ body blood soul and divinity comes to us through the eucharist every day uh and and we have the opportunity to take the the presence of our lord into our own beings our lord is always with us we talk about that quite a bit right here on women of grace life he's with us in this present moment so he's always there in his mercy which issues forth from his most sacred heart in the form of blood and water is always available to us too uh and here is a beautiful quote by saint gaspar del buffalo he says not the chastisements of god are not yet at an end still more sorrowful times are ahead and divine justice will be placated by the devotion to the blood of jesus christ now i want you to hear that you know the fact of the matter is why does god permit situations and circumstances into our lives that are less than pleasant sometimes tragic even because god in his mercy and kindness is is using every instrument and every means to draw our attention to him and he permits these things for our salvation it's hard to quite understand in in some ways but god works great good out of all things now it is true that some things come by way of our own actions and the actions of others we have free will therefore we can choose for god or against god and all too often uh in the history of man man has chosen against god and we've seen the terrible consequences that have followed as a result of that because outside of god there is no goodness let me repeat that outside of god there is no goodness god is all good so when we do see goodness what we are seeing manifested there is the presence of god we're seeing god with us well when we choose against that which is true that which is beautiful that which is good when we choose against the revealed truth of sacred scripture and the teachings of the church we are choosing against god and there is no goodness in that and so by natural consequence of our choosing against god we call down upon ourselves the consequences of our decisions uh you know god is not there with with you know thunder thunder uh uh thunderous voice and and and lightning bolts no our god lets natural consequences follow the actions that we choose to perform so there is that then we've got the actions of others against us individuals who choose against god and their particular action has a direct effect upon us it has a corporate effect upon the totality of the world it brings disorder into the world and there's a corporate weight of that that we all feel but sometimes these actions are specifically directed toward an individual and as well as bringing in disorder and chaos into the world and calling down this weight of sin into the world it also calls it down specifically upon you or upon me so we have all of that and there's consequences of that and then there are those times when our lord says you know i've got to wake my people up you know i've got to waken them up look where they're headed look where they're going individually and corporately and so he allows these things to be manifested in the world he doesn't prevent the action and we would call this a disciplining measure and we can understand discipline parents discipline their children and so god disciplines us it even says in sacred scripture you know that that these disciplines of god show the love that he has for us he doesn't want for us to be forsaken he doesn't want for us to be lost in this world and in the next world so as as saint gaspar the buffalo says the chastisements of god are not yet in an end they're going to continue until jesus christ comes again but what are we going to do about them he says still more sorrowful times are ahead and divine justice will be placated how will it be placated by the devotion to the blood of jesus christ so in this month of july where holy mother church takes our eyes and focuses them on the precious blood of jesus let us be about this business of devotion to the blood of jesus christ in a very special way in a way that becomes a holy habit and follows us throughout the year that way we can be a force for good in the world through the saving act of jesus christ we're going to be right back 833 288 ewtn sue brinkman's with us stay tuned the leading catholic voices are on ewtn radio part of the success we've had on the world over i attribute to certainly my relationship with mother angelica and her teaching me early on that when you sit with someone you talk to them you share with them and you create an environment where they will tell you things they wouldn't tell anyone else the world over with raven arroyo thursday night eight eastern on ewtn radio i think if you pray and you say to the lord lord i don't understand thy will be done that's a prayer faith there's something wonderful happens and i say thank you lord that's the prayer of thanksgiving if you're distressed and you say lord help me i can't do anything about this that's a prayer of hope you say lord i can't take one more thing that's a prayer of desperation if you're talking to him about it that's prayer and now the ewtn family prayer with father joseph family a prayer that we pray together is a powerful prayer so please pray together with me our ewtn family prayer [Music] today we pray for those who are depressed the holy spirit lord of light we worship you whose presence brings love joy and peace be present to those who are suffering through the darkness of depression heal their wounds their strength renew on their dryness pour your dew bear the fruits of love joy and peace in their souls reveal to them the many signs of your goodness make gratitude and hope spring up anew in their hearts and console them with the fire of your love amen encouraging women in their gift of authentic femininity here's more women of grace with john ed williams well welcome back everybody we're so happy you are with us today and we certainly are inviting you to join us right here on women of grace live where we do love having that holy conversation with you we certainly do we're inviting you to pick up the phone and to give us a call here it's toll-free for you right in north america and that number is 833 288 e wtn that's 833 288 3986 as we like to say don't be shy give it a try if you're a first-time caller or a first-time submitter out there at ewtn radio's youtube channel and or facebook page please let us know that and we will ring our welcome bell for you it gives me great pleasure to ring that bell and we're always happy to have uh a newbie give us a call here today so for your premiere debut on women of grace live we like to acknowledge it by ringing our bell we're so happy to do that as i said we're available out there for you also at ewtn radio's youtube channel and facebook page you can use the chat feature there jeff berson goes out and grabs it and gets it up on the board for us so we can address what your concerns might be and charles berry is on the phones both gentlemen are very happy when they're kept busy i am happy when they're kept busy but most of all i'm happy to be able to communicate with you so we invite you to use every opportunity to join us here one of those has got to suit you and we look forward to hearing from you today well it is wednesday it is a wacky wednesday in these here parts and sue brinkman is with us today she is our new age researcher and a blogger on all things new age for women of grace and we invite you today sue as we do every wednesday welcome welcome welcome oh i'm so happy to be here i look forward to my wednesday so it's an excuse to be wacky or wackier than usual as i should say well i have to say we enjoy being wacky in these here parts and i'll tell you some of the things that are going on in the world today are very wacky and they're very confusing and i think that what troubles me the most about it is the fact that people are confused which tells me that there is a need to continue to communicate the faith and to communicate the faith in its pureness right not to allow these these um uh concepts these ideologies these uh you know therapies in some cases these aran ideas to influence and impact our faith and it i continue to struggle to figure out why it is that people feel that that they need to somehow accommodate all of these things and put it under the umbrella of okay things to do if you are a catholic when in fact that that umbrella has holes in it right and the rain is going to come pouring in whether you like it or not yeah we're going to be talking about one of those topics today and and uh you know just to get the the uh information out there you know you were telling me about this new thing called ignatian get this this is an oxymoron if i've ever heard of one ignatian yoga lord help us yeah it's uh ignatian yoga this is is a attempt to combine ignatian spirituality with hindu philosophy uh and it's actually being promoted by a jesuit priest named father bobby carl um and he is claiming that catholics can integrate the ignatian tradition with yoga and that the more he engages in it in these practices he says the more points of connection i find and he believes that the two traditions have something to share that that we can learn a lot from the other and he claims that this new yoga is helping people to find new ways of encountering god and i think to myself really now you know why do we have this is what we call syncretism even though they're putting their own spin on it it's the same thing it's trying to merge two philosophies that are diametrically opposed to each other okay so they're trying to merge opposing philosophies or principles no matter how artfully they go about trying to describe this and explaining everything and how it's so full of ignatian and you're going to connect with god you know because that's that's ignatian spirituality is all about that it focuses on god's presence in our lives and in our world and that and how to make those connections using you know right discernment and good good discernment um but it's still the same thing when you're trying to merge that with hindu philosophy you're engaging in synchronism and now another priest by the name of father joe hoover another he was a uh jesuit he wrote in american magazine which is a little bit controversial to begin with but he wrote that he went to one of these ignatian retreats and he said that um there was no attempt to fabricate um some awkward blendy set of the two spiritualities but to use it as a vehicle for calming and centering a person so that you could receive more fully the christian spirituality that was on offer during the weekend and i thought now okay let's stop right there where in scripture are we told that in order to prepare to receive the grace of god we could resort to a hindu spiritual practice is there anywhere there and the answer to that question is a resounding no of course not we prepare to receive that by confession number one and by continuing to work on on the virtue especially of humility in order to be receptive to the graces of god to learn how to be receptive to that so i'm you know i'm just i'm sorry father carl but this whole thing that you're trying to do here is just syncretism it's just got a new spin on it uh he's got you know an m.a or a master's degree in philosophy and maybe he can make those points of connection but the average joe in the pew doesn't have a master's in philosophy they don't understand that this is what what gets me about these things johnette yeah maybe it in theory somebody could say well i i understand that that the difference now and i'm just going to do the exercises maybe in theory that that could work it never works in real life well it's only on paper now i just have a couple of thoughts about this number one first of all we do know that there is a ray of truth in all of these philosophical systems and in many religions there is a ray of truth that you know um and and we know that in ancient times you know god revealed himself in specific ways to groups of people and what do we read in the documents from the second vatican council it says that when we see that ray of truth we're to build on that ray of truth we're not to capitulate to the to the philosophy itself you know something can be 99 true and 1 inaccurate and it's a false statement because of that one percent so you know you can take this this potential ray of light that that might be the array of truth you know um and and you can say okay so i can see this but the idea is you use that as a tool of evangelization to help that system uh you know of thinking and those who abide by it to come into the fullness of truth which is the reveal truth of sacred scripture and the teachings of the church so that's number one number two the other thing is i cannot for the life of me you know i'm not an expert on ignatian spirituality but i do know a bit about it and i would love to talk to father mitch about this sometime here's the thing of it i don't see how you can take ignatian spirituality and in any way find points of connection between the two uh because ignatian spirituality is all about christian meditation it is all about picturing jesus and picturing yourself in certain scenes that that happen from sacred scripture uh and and allowing yourself to enter into those scenes and allowing the the grace of that scene to enter into you by means of spiritual exercises etc it in it it takes the brain it uses our capacity to think and it uses our uh capacity for imagination to aid us in our time of prayer which is diametrically opposite to and opposed to the the the whole premise of what yoga is and going into a trance-like state which yoga requires in which even happy yoga is intended to develop and create and and take you uh toward so i don't understand how you can say something that's supposed to cause you to empty your mind and go into a trance-like state is compatible with something that's meant to fill your mind and take you to the one who is the way the truth and the life i can't i can't figure that one out well they apparently think they can and they put it forth out there as being something that's perfectly acceptable to catholics and i went under their fact page and they they deal with that question can catholics do this is it okay for catholics and it of course it gives a predictable answer of yes it's okay um because the founders say it's important to be educated about both traditions well yeah that's true we're not talking about merging them though you might be educated by the two of them there's a great thing because then you'll know the difference right but anyway um they offered this list of resources and this is where my ire started to you know temperature kind of went up a little bit they include not a single critical source in there nothing everything was all pro yoga people and one of them was father francis clooney who teaches at harvard harvard divinity school and he writes he's the author of several books actually one of them is is hindu wisdom for all god's children and that book explains how one can learn about god from the hindu religious tradition by taking a look at the various hindu gods i'm thinking okay even if such a comparison is done from a purely scholarly point of view i mean to introduce that to a general audience where you don't know where they are spiritually how catechized they are doesn't that in my mind risk causing scandal among the people might think hey you know yeah i do see a lot of god in this in the snake god so you know uh wow i guess it's okay to kind of worship that guy and talk to that snake god don't you think it's going to encourage that as well as an embrace of relativism well all religions must be equal i mean that's just right right that's the next thought down from that is oh yeah well i guess we could just mix all this stuff because i can find that ray of truth remember now array is just a reflection it's not the truth it's a reflection in there so i think that just putting this out there to people is is just irresponsible number one um and it's very impractical uh to try to take these kind of teachings from people who are scholars and think that the average joe is going to understand what they're talking about because they don't and then you end up leading them into scandal and to embrace of of uh the idea that all religions are equal to offer to me not a single opposing opinion about what are the dangers of mixing christianity so at least those who may have a tendency to try to mix them in an inappropriate way they could at least did warn them look read a letter of the bishops on some aspects of christian meditation it's a great document that provides very vital information to the faithful on what could go wrong when you try to blend eastern and western spiritual practices you would think that they would at least do that yeah just in case but they don't and how about johnette how about reading the bible what does god say about this gee that's a novel idea read the bible i mean go ahead no i was just going to say it's very frustrating because what we do know statistically what we do know is that the majority of catholics are outrageously poorly catechized they don't know their faith which is why they're falling for these false ideologies because they don't know what the church teaches and they haven't been catechized so instead of dreaming up all of this stuff why not why not catechize your people that is the duty of of the priest that is the duty of bishops that's the duty of the magisterium of the church it's the duty of the holy father you know catechize your people we have so many beautiful authentic spiritualities and by that i mean charisms that are given to us by god that are displayed there's the carmelite there's there is the true ignatian you know there is the franciscan you can go on and on and name them there's the dominican you know you just look at these great traditions we cannot exhaust what god has entrusted to us by way of his church so why do we feel this need to go off to these novel kinds of things what what are we doing you end up making your people hindu and that's exactly what happened in many cases with some of these you know really brilliant bright potentially tremendous teachers of the faith and here you know i talk about thomas merton um here i talk about thomas keating these people fell that they're more buddhist and and that was the case with merton um who was deceased and i think keating is still with us you know they're more buddhist uh than they are catholic in their world view why are we doing such things and this is what really troubles me so you're listening to women of grace live today it's a wacky wednesday sue brinkman is with us we're looking forward to hearing from you phone lines are open charles berry is at the helm and he's ready to go i have my bell in my hand to ring if you're a first-time caller or submitter jeff berson is eager to just trot on out there and retrieve your questions on social media and get them up on our board for us so uh we're gonna go to a break and come back joanna we're gonna get to you and all of those of you uh that that are are calling in and want to call in uh but but i want to continue with this sue because you know i'm frustrated by it we have been at this a very long time you know we have been about uh you know revealing the the the the uh uh the falsehoods of the new age movement and syncretism and all of these things for decades now since the since since the late 80s early 90s we have been at this and and you know we'll continue to be at it but but it just seems as though more and more we have people slipping away from the true faith and wandering off to these fables and myths oh we really do and it's getting worse it's gotten consecutively worse year after year after year until it's just it's so bad right now i say to myself can it get any worse i say no stop don't go there because it probably could it probably could it's just people are not i know it is the bishops and the priests it's also this their responsibility to catechize us but the people also have that you pick up your bible read it you know pick up the catechism if if there's there's versions of the catechism that you might find easier to read you know there's the adult catechism we use that in the rcia classes to help people to understand uh what the cataclysm there's different ways that you can go about learning your faith take the time to learn the faith if you're taking the time to to sit there and peruse a website about you know um i don't know drinking ayahuasca tea to hallucinate you know take give it an additional amount of time the same amount of time to studying your faith about that yeah and are you supposed to engage in things like this and and you know about different practices of divination in that understand look at look at both sides so that you can understand the issue from a catholic point of view um but people don't do that unfortunately let me make a great recommendation you talk about the different versions that are available for the catechism there is a great one out there for youth ignatius press publishes it um it is called youcat okay and it you know i have a copy of it and i find it very helpful that is an excellent one uh there's also one about social doctrine that ignatius press puts out for you called dough cat you know uh these these are are really i think very accessible means by which we can enter into the deeper truths of our faith so i wanted to recommend that i i don't know if ewtn religious catalog has them or not i think that they might uh but it's dokat d-o-c-a-t or ducat i don't know which way you would pronounce it and then you cat y-o-u-c-a-t so they're excellent and i mean really if you have young people in your family you need to have these books there and you're going to learn as as you're presenting the material to them we do have a question out there sue that i want to get to and we've got um jyn with us uh on youtube and she says did the bishop publicly correct these priests this seems like serious error is there anything where we have knowledge of whether or not um the two priests that you're referring to have uh experienced some kind of of discussion by church i have i have not had come across anything about that um in fact someone who recently wrote to us said that in the um diocese of archdiocese of detroit this was being offered and she was all astonished by it and how could they be offering this out there um so i have not come across that i mean we have a lot of of bishops in our church that have spoken against yoga in general um but that's a very good question about as to whether why isn't anyone correcting them why isn't anyone correcting a lot of some of this stuff that comes from some of our priests and even religious sisters why why are they being allowed in in retreat centers to teach some of this stuff they shouldn't their bishops should be cracking down on them when some very good catholic apostolates are not permitted into other dioceses is because they shift to the doctrines of the faith uh it's an interesting question we're living in interesting times we want to get your questions right here 833 288 ewtn that's eight three three two eight eight three nine eight six sue brittman with us it's a wacky wednesday you're listening to women of grace live i'm janet williams we'll be back [Music] have you heard about church pop church pop features new online christian content that's fun and inspiring every day find it on snapchat instagram and on the web at churchpop.com this is life issues with brad mattis president of life issues institute morgan arnold was the team manager for the cheerleading team at shoreline junior high school in utah morgan has down syndrome they took two pictures of the team for the school yearbook one with morgan and one without the picture they used in the yearbook and for promotional materials excluded morgan and she was devastated those making decisions rejected her because of her disability this type of boorish thinking is why unborn babies are aborted for having this condition the school apologized and is working to make sure something like this doesn't happen again well that's not enough if they are truly sorry truly sorry they should print new yearbooks for each member of the cheerleading team that includes their beloved manager for more information visit our website at lifeissues.org and stay informed more informed than you've ever been he was a pope a saint and a doctor of the church matthew bunson and the doctors of the church pope sing gregory the first the great is one of only four popes honored as the great among his many achievements was sending missionaries across northern europe especially saint augustine of canterbury who brought christ to the people of england in a pun pope gregory called the english people angels he died in 604. for more about the doctors of the church visit doctorsofthechurch.com hi this is psychedelic later today on catholic answers live we dig deep into the second vatican council with father thomas esposito catholic ants was live 6 p.m eastern on ewtn radio now back to women of grace transforming the world one woman at a time let's return to women of grace with johnette williams welcome back everybody you are listening to women of grace live we're delighted you're with us today i want to give you the number to use to call us and join us live here on women of grace live it's toll-free for you right here in north america it's 833 288 e wtn that's 833 288 3986 just pick up the phone give us a call it is a wacky wednesday which means that sue brinkman is with us she is our new age researcher and blogger for women of grace and she presents us with uh you know all kinds of valuable information and helpful insights on what is acceptable in relationship to the various ideologies that are being presented in our world today which ones are compatible with the revealed truth of sacred scripture and which ones are not and so we went to the break there and we were talking about you know this ignatian yoga and we would put that not acceptable you know in into that category because it is it is syncretism uh which you were sharing with us earlier today and we've got joanna with us she's a first time caller she's got a good question for us about something else that's a major practice out there she is with us in from highland new york joanna welcome to women of grace live we're happy to have you with us hi thanks for having me i have to just say that um that sue brinkman totally enlightened me on the whole yoga thing i had no idea and i was taking a yoga class and i knew there was something wrong and i and i had absolutely no idea so she completely opened my eyes so thank you for putting it out there so that it just made me aware of every all the wrong that it holds it so thank you oh thank god for that sue thank you good work there yes so my question is um i used to sell i make jewelry as a hobby so i used to sell it as a little gift shop in in town and i realized she it was a new gift shop and after a while these tarot card not tarot card but she called it angel card this person who came in and had angel card readings at her store and after hearing what went on with yoga i was very um i was a little nervous about this and i didn't know if i should sell the bracelets anymore so after praying about it i decided not to and i haven't really even patronized her store i used to be a customer there also and i haven't even gone in and now this angel card reader woman has a room and energy room within her store so i didn't know is it good to just avoid the whole thing completely or is it okay to just be a customer um i wouldn't have anything to do with the shop actually because all you're doing is promoting it not that you necessarily would have any uh any danger as long as you're in a state of grace you know you're okay um to to go into that store you don't have to worry about being infested with anything but um i would stay away from it because you don't know what else they're doing especially if she has something going on in the back room where she's using angel cars angel carter uses pretty much the same way that that a tarot card is used it's for divine in the future um they they believe that they have psychic abilities that they can contact angels through these cards special angels you know these are not angels of god these are spirit guides which are another name for for demons um so you want to be careful about that not have anything to do with with uh going into that back room that's for sure and and that establishment is really bringing upon itself all kinds of demonic entities by allowing it to go on in their premises so i feel sorry for them that shop is probably going to go downhill pretty soon because that's how the demon demons operate you fly high for a while and then they pull the rug out from on you because they want you to suffer and they know that that will make you suffer even more if they do it that way by letting you have a great shop everything's going great then all of a sudden it starts to cave in but i would stay away from that from that store and i think you did the right thing i think you've got obviously you've got some some good spiritual uh instincts there i i like that the way you kind of you said you you something didn't feel right about yoga when you were in yoga and you acted on that what didn't feel right what didn't feel right to you um well i had only been to a few classes and she started doing this meditation and i started saying oh about jesus instead of what she's telling me to think about and then um and then i just didn't feel right being in that class and also thinking about meditating on jesus at the same time and then she would do the chanting and i never felt comfortable doing that and then she would say all kinds of things about your chakra and your energy and i just wanted exercise and i didn't realize it was more than that yeah well the teachers bring in their own thing is what happens that's the very that's one of the biggest dangers of yoga classes you're you're sort of like a sitting duck to whatever that instructor decides to to bring into her class and it's all kind of hinduism and and any kind of strange stuff they'll bring in there is what you're describing here but you've got good instincts that's all i gotta say well it's thanks to you that i realized what it was because i had never ever even really i knew the spiritual realm was real but i never really i never had all of that knowledge about it i just kind of said oh well this is superstition and that's i don't believe in that so you really did enlighten me and i thank you so much and i and i will stick to my my decision about not patronizing that store also yeah once again i just want to underscore what sue said you do you you really do have um a very good spirit of discernment there uh and even the fact that you're willing to not only not patronize the store but you were willing to take something that was lucrative for you out of that store because of it you know that really shows a beautiful docility of spirit joanna and uh you know really do want to well you're welcome and i really do want to commend you on that uh and i just want to tell all of you you know sue brinkman's blog out there womenofgrace.com is outrageously helpful you hear from joanna here uh you know and we get comments like that all of the time so we do want for you to get out to womenofgrace.com and use that blog you can actually search for given topics on that blog if you have specific questions but also just to keep up with what the latest articles are and i know we've got something coming on this ignition spirituality if it's not up there already sue and there's more to come so we certainly do invite you to get out to womenofgrace.com joanna thank you so very much for your call before we go to our next caller i want to address julie out there on youtube sue she says it's discouraging because now they're putting yoga into elementary schools why aren't people catching on to this nonsense and that is a very good question although i do think parents you know are taking a far more active role in the education of their children lately because of critical race theory than what's seen in the past so uh yeah that's a good question though uh these things sneak in when we least expect them and where we least expect them to sneak in so oh they absolutely do and i know there's been some parents this was out in el cenido uh in in uh california they actually tried to sue to get the yoga thrown out of school and say listen this is linked to a religion and there was all kind of shenanigans going on behind the scenes and the politicians were weighing in on this kind of stuff and one way or another they got the judge to rule that okay yeah the kind of yoga that was in the school really was very similar to spiritual yoga but he was going to allow it for this time so i think there's room for more action as far as legal action in that department just waiting for someone to take it over i know that the american center for law and justice is working on getting mindfulness tossed out of school because of his connection to buddhism um i'm hoping that that they'll one day someone will at least take up yoga and get that out of school too because you're not i mean it's hinduism that's what it is they can try to say that it's just exercise we're just doing this or just doing the other thing well why don't you just do exercise then what does it have to be yoga for just do exercise but no they want to do yoga because they want to be hip they want to be trendy that's just you know that's in season right now and jesus is not in season right now and nothing spiritual you know nothing christian is in season right now so uh i think that hopefully parents will get together and try another lawsuit there are a lot of pro bono uh agencies out there law firms out there that will take on cases pro bono give it a thought pray about it if it's in your school and you want to get rid of it you may have to go to that length to get to get it out of there and you can set a precedent to the rest of the country to get that out of public schools because yeah that's taxpayer money being funded there and it is not that is the establishment clause we're not supposed to be endorsing a religion yeah you know i remember a story from a long time ago and then we're going to get to you laura right there uh from new jersey uh i remember a story that was told to me a long time ago by a mom she went into her child's school for you know they have um the parents night and the parents come in and they meet with the teachers and all those kinds of things and they kind of walk around the school and things are explained to them she went into her child's classroom and there was a yin yang sign in there and she went up to the teacher and she said i am so glad that you uh believe in religion and you have this yin yang sign there she went on to explain about the yin yang sign she said so tomorrow i'm going to send my son in with a crucifix and you can put that up in the in the classroom as well well let me tell you what that yin yang sign based on the story came right down so you know i think sometimes you know the way in which we approach these things you know it really brings about the action that we're hoping for right uh so you know i think that we've got to be very very savvy what does it say in sacred scripture to be as gentle as a dove and as cunning as uh you know as a serpent right so we have to you know use our smarts there uh on on how we take on some of these big issues but i hope somebody does that deanna pays a compliment here to you sue she says earlier today i tried a music playlist for migraines but it sounded creepy when i read the fine print i went right to sue's new age blog on aural beats and wow deleted that playlist thanks so there you go another uh happy consumer of what you put out there sue thank yeah it's a great thing so womenofgrace.com is where that blog is so we want to send people there uh let's get to laura she is in okay i'm going to try this i'm going to do my very best lake hoppet kong new jersey i'm sure i murdered that laura you can correct me laura's a first time caller and we welcome you to the broadcast how are you thank you how are you very well thank you so hot how do you say where it is that you're from lake whole pack kong very phonetic hope kong okay very good well thank you and you've got a question for sue today yes i actually came up with two other questions while i was listening uh yoga honestly um is being pushed at the y with chair yoga for arthritis stations so that's something to think about and tai chi as well and i just started acupuncture for health reasons with arthritis and i was wondering if that as well has a problem um there's no spirituality with it uh with what i'm doing but my original question was um my church catholic church we do um book reading and the most of the authors that are picked between the group are uh the two authors that you mentioned before cheating and i didn't remember the other martin thomas and i was martin yes and um those are mainly the books that they like to pick um and i had you know they always say that they've got a different thought process but buddhism has never become one of the words so what i was wondering is what authors would be more acceptable um you know we we have a very diverse group and um we read either you know the saints um about mary and and we've done a lot of reading with them and a lot of the discussion does become that we don't agree on what the author is saying but it's a good read uh so where can you you um guide us to oh my goodness i i i couldn't the list would be so long it would take up four shows to go through my list i mean there is so much beautiful stuff out there to guide someone in in cat and genuine catholic mysticism is that what you're trying to learn in your group you know how to get closer to god or do you just want to read just miscellaneous catholic stuff i mean it just depends on what category i could come up with tons of stuff near the ralph martin's the fulfillment of all desire ben go ahead okay well and i think part of part of the question that is inside of sue's question is what is the purpose of this group i mean is it to discuss like you know uh books that you know to do critiques of books uh you know or is it is it really to learn your faith because i think that that's going to separate a lot of the titles out from each other yes no to learn to learn the faith um you know we studied the saints a lot uh we just um there was a jesuit uh study uh during uh lent we've we've picked um you know jesus's gluten journey um but a lot of the books end up being self-help and people want to get away from that and that's where keating's books come in and um i've i've kind of backed off because it got a little too um difficult for me to to grasp what was going on and probably because of what now that you're saying that it was more buddhism it was pulling away from my belief that i didn't realize yeah yeah that's right yeah keating is very very big in the centering prayer um which is actually just a it's just a hybrid of transcendental meditation that's really what it is uh and they just put a christian veneer on it and they use they use a christian word for a mantra but they they use the mantra in the same way that uh tm would use it and that's to blank the mind and and to dismiss all impulses and thoughts about god about anything really um they just want you to have a blank mind which induces an altered state so that's what keating pushes there but as far as getting into our stuff um you know introduction to the devout life uh francis de sales like i said fulfillment of all desire ralph martin he's got a lot of good books at ralph martin he's another one oh that's a great one thomas dubai um fire within thomas dube has written a lot of excellent books on prayer on the interior life i mean there's there's so much out there that that that you could get your hands on um if you wanted to write write to me at and i i would give you a list of books um okay and another way to go about that laura is is to pay attention to the publisher and there are some publishers that are very orthodox publishers and they're publishing excellent books excellent books and then you don't have to worry about it right anything there that suits the fancy of the group so i would encourage you to look at sophia institute press i would encourage you to look at ewtn publishing i would encourage you to look at ignatius press i would encourage you to look at tan i would encourage you to look at saint benedict press those are just some of the very orthodox publishers that you don't really have to concern yourself am i going to get really good stuff here or am i not uh so you know so i think that that would be very helpful don't you think so too sue because so many of the great idea yeah yeah it makes it a lot easier you can just go to their website and pick that's right absolutely it does so i hope that helps you laura and i'm really glad that you know again you you have this beautiful gift of discernment there that you that you operate on and and you allow to work within you and you sense it and i think sue this is one of the problems that we have is that people don't trust that that a gift that we have we get it by way of our baptism we get it reinforced through confirmation right um it has to be exercised and used but if we feel uncomfortable with something we we really don't need to rationalize why do i feel comfortable it can just be a prompting of the holy spirit to say stay away and then you can do your research on why you did stay away and be grateful for the action that you took which is what it sounds like you did and certainly what joanna did too yeah that's definitely the way to do this as soon as you get that little nudge just listen to it right away and then go go ahead and do a little bit of research and say okay maybe i shouldn't do this let's see what's out there that's critical of what practice i want to get into um and and you'll find it the lord will help you find it okay thank you very much you are so welcome and thanks for calling in today and friends we want to invite you to call 2 uh 833 288 e wtn is the way to do that that's 833 288-3988 six so i want to go to amy amy is a first-time caller she's calling from oklahoma today and here we go for you amy welcome welcome how are you i am i'm a little nervous honestly we'll take a deep breath i promise you we're very friendly thank you i wanted to piggyback a little bit on one of your other callers that i had heard and what you had been talking about with the yoga especially the exercise practices i am a little bit older mom now and i've done yoga off and on in the past because i enjoy the slow movement of the stretches but i i as a devout catholic i know it's not right and not for me in the full sense i was wondering if maybe you could guide some of us into something positive that um instead of okay i shouldn't be doing this do you have any suggestions on a program or a particular exercise something that would be more in line with our face then okay well if you're if you just want to do stretches eccentrics is a good program that's all that is is is stretching and you can buy videos on that i have one of theirs it's very good if you want to get into a workout soul core is another one that i have and that way you actually um pray the rosary uh while you're doing it some things pop up on one of my social media feeds uh that say they're catholic based that are you know exercises but now it's hard to tell as you had talked about some of the priests that had joined on to say no it's okay to do when i know in my heart it's not right and so i just was looking for some of the positive reinforcements that were more catholic or christian-based right right yeah soulcourt that work out there i know and i've spoken to the i've actually spoken to them several times over the course of i'd say like the last five or six years and they have nothing to do with yoga and the body can only move in so many directions so just because something might look like a yoga pose doesn't mean it is okay okay i mean i've been in fitness i i wasn't fitness for many years and i can say like the child stretch what they're calling the child's i mean we've been doing that since time immemorial yoga tends to this whole yoga business tends to try to overtake everything i mean all stretch pants are not yoga pants and every exercise mat is not a yoga mat but they have a tendency to do that to sort of spread their tentacles over everything um but it's it's not and and soul core is not it is an exceptionally good core workout it's very hard though um you will sweat now you will be very happy you will be very happy to be praying the rosary because i'll be like hail mary full of graceful trying to hold those those poses because that's what you do you hold them and and um you know you build up your core that way so those two i would have to say eccentrics and and um uh you can also by the way um cathletics is another one that's a good uh cathletics c-a-t-h-l-e-t-i-x um that's another one that has is a good workout out there um uh so those are this is some places for you to start uh and there's other options besides especially in the stressing stretching department the eccentrics is is very big and it's it's um yoga-free and it's exceptional stretches very how do you spell that too can you spell that for eccentrics i'm looking for here in my little workout thing here eccentrics is e-s-s-e-n-t-r-i-x e-centric e-centric and they have a big website i have the classical stretch one you talk about just putting the name on the yoga mat or the yoga and the yoga pants because i can do some of the same stretches of my kids and i tell them this is you know we're reaching for the stars or reach for the heavens and just changing the terminology i think can can help a lot i appreciate this thank you well good well good amy thank you for your call and you hear that music everybody and that means we are coming to the end of our program i'm sorry we couldn't get to you doug and i'm sorry we couldn't get to you tina but we're gonna end with this uh sue carroll that is the best explanation of yoga i have heard emptying your mind is not catholic thank you john ed and sue carol with us on facebook there so we enjoy bringing the truth to you and we invite you to get out there to womenofgrace.com and to read sue's blog and get more informed until we're together again may god bless you bye-bye now
Channel: EWTN
Views: 1,315
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Catholic, EWTN, Christian, television
Id: k6a6ZpFzIFg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 55sec (3235 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 14 2021
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