Women of Grace - September 4, 2020 - Johnnette Williams

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[Music] this is women of grace live discussing issues important to your life and faith spiritual insight practical wisdom join us as we transform the world one woman at a time women of grace for such a time as this now here's your host johnette williams good morning everyone and welcome to women of grace live i am john at williams absolutely delighted and happy to be with you today on this friday in the lord the day in which we thank him for his great gift to us that comes by way of his passion death and resurrection a day that should be kept with the utmost of of gratitude in our hearts and really with a certain type of of uh decorum if i may recognizing and realizing that without the great gift of our lord's passion death and resurrection you and i would be lost forever praise be to god that we are not lost that we have been found and we invite you to share your stories of founding with us this day and i'm going to give you a number also too wanted to remind you that you know yesterday honestly we were talking about beautiful opportunities that we've had to heed the prompting of the holy spirit and the way in which we might have entertained angels in our midst the way in which god through circumstances that defy understanding helped and rescued us in dire situations or brought comfort and consolations to us phone lines were lit up uh you know all the way through the last half of the program yesterday and we couldn't get to everyone so if you had a story that you wanted to share and you were unable to share it because you could not get on the air well here we're here for you today so call in and we can talk about that it's sort of like a potpourri day free form fridays i call them we talk about all kinds of different things on these fridays so i just want to make the lines available to you as well as our social media outlets let me give you the number to use eight three three two eight eight ewtn eight three three two eight eight three nine eight six is the way that you can join us right here on women of grace live where we love to have that holy conversation with you we certainly do we love living the abundant life of our lord jesus christ and sharing that abundant life with others i hope we wake up every day saying who are you going to send me today lord who's going to cross my path that i can share the good news with today lord i bet you all wake up saying oh lord yes today i want to fulfill my call my rule as an evangelist in this our day and time send them to me lord send them in droves i'll bet you say that right i hope so i hope so and i hope that we realize that everybody that crosses our path is potentially somebody that god would love to have us affect whether it's through our word or through our deed or even through a prayer for them you know here's a neat little idea why not when you're sitting in traffic at a red light you know why not look at the car in front of you the car on either side of you or perhaps the person that's behind you you can peek in through your rear view mirror and say a hail mary for that person there might not be another person in the world that is praying for that person and maybe god permitted that that red light to happen and you to stop at it just so that you would pray a hail mary for that person god intends and does incorporate us into his divine plan of salvation he does this is why he's left open a portion of the redemption the redemptive act of our lord jesus christ fulfilled everything absolutely everything but god saw fit to leave a little portion of it open for every day and time that we might jump in and we might be co-redeemers participators in bringing the divine life to others so let's make good use of it and just think of creative ways in which you can do that and i'll tell you what it does put a smile on your face you know it does put a smile on your face there's a sense of fulfillment um there is a sense of evangelistic zeal but there's also you know a sense of of accomplishment and i'm sure that jesus was feeling that on the cross i mean he was in such terrible agony but somewhere in that he knew that he was fulfilling the father's will and there was a sense of satisfaction in his humanity with regard to that i i it would just have to be because i know how we feel it so he had to fill it to the max well anyway that number again 833 288 ewtn that's 833 288 3986 the phone lines are lighting up it is putting a smile on my face this morning and if you're out there on ewtn radio's youtube channel or facebook page you can see that smile because you can see me there and we're happy to have you with us you can use the chat feature to get your question comment inside inspirational word of encouragement up here well i wanted to share something with you at the front end of the program i've been sharing already and i haven't only had a cup and a half of coffee this morning but the one was like 16 ounces so i'm good to go for the show talking a little fast i realize all of that being said i wanted to share with you something that i heard on the news this morning that one in ten that one in ten parents uh are choosing or families are choosing to homeschool their children this year and there were two reasons that were cited for that one of them had to do with concern for the health of of their children but the second one also had to do with something that was you know related to uh providing stability in the education of their children they felt that they could do a better job of that at home and it reminded me frankly of my daughter who has recently made a decision that she's going to homeschool her children and the reason why she was going to homeschool them is because part of the curriculum was going to involve mindfulness and she took issue with that participated in a webinar that the school district put out about that and you know she expressed her complaint um it was she it was not necessarily received poorly it just was dismissed right so she made the decision she was going to pull her children out and i called her this morning to tell her hey listen i just heard this on the news so you're not alone honey you know a lot of parents are choosing to do this thing and um you know in in a put in mind the the fact that we have to be very very good very very good consumers when it comes to our children's education we have to know what is going on in the schools and so you know i asked her a question i said you know i have a question for you because she was told that she the kids didn't have to participate but they had to be present for it right so they could sit there and pray their own prayers but they had to be present for this she couldn't opt them out of the exposure of this and that that's not what that that did not sit well with her so and her husband so you know uh in light of that you know i i was curious because i thought well you know did you have to give you consent was there a consent form that needed to be signed and she said you know i thought about that she said and she went back and she looked at the code of conduct for uh the children that she had assigned and and and and there was nothing specific about that um but what she said is that there was there's something in there and and this is what i wanted to alert you to it's important to know the documents that you're signing for your children and you should read them but there was a section in there that talked about um education uh social and emotional education social and emotional education as part of the curriculum that is really kind of like a big bucket isn't it i mean you could just about throw anything into that social and emotional education with children what does that mean and and how does that how does it that that manifests itself and so what curriculum is used for the social and emotional education of the children you know i when i was back in school many many many many many moons ago you know we we had something we we had a a a class that was taught to us in elementary school called civics and civics taught us how to be good citizens and it talked with us about being kind to our neighbor and it expressed those kinds of things i don't think they teach civics anymore i i think that there's been all of this psychologizing and and these these various kinds of things uh such as mindfulness um that come from other spiritual practices that have crept into our educational systems for our children so i just want to put that word of warning out there for parents here we are at the beginning of the school year some schools have started some haven't started yet be aware of what's going on phone lines lighting up eight three three two eight eight ewtn that's a three three two eight eight three nine eight six coming back at you you hear the music stay with us more to come hi friends john williams here would you like some good news in your inbox sign up for our daily grace lines to receive a daily reflection that includes a quote from sacred scripture or your favorite saint a beautiful image and a question for pondering in less than five minutes per day it is sure to inspire you to live deeply your catholic faith sign up today at womenofgraze.com forward slash sign up or text women of grace in all caps to 2 28 28. [Music] why would anyone want a guide to health best-selling author anthony destefano in his new book hell a guide will explore what we know and what we cannot know about the most misunderstood and controversial subject in christianity don't miss the show listen to the good fight on ewtn global catholic radio network [Music] sixty seconds with archbishop fulton j sheen the eucharist is the greatest of all the sacraments because it contains in a substantial way the person of christ was the author of life it is the one sacrament to which all of the other sacraments look imagine six arrows in a circle all pointing to a center the center is the eucharist the six arrows are the other sacraments the eucharist is the sun around which the other sacraments revolve as planets all the other sacraments share in its power and they perfect themselves in the celebration of the eucharist it is a sacrament that is so sublime that human reason could never guess at it divine love is far deeper than we know the people you know and trust are on ewtn encouraging women in their gift of authentic femininity here's more women of grace with john ed williams well welcome back friends uh we are going to be going to the phone lines in just a moment i just wanted to finish up what i was talking about prior to the break there we were talking about the education of our children and the decision of many parents especially during this time to try homeschooling and i just wanted to say one thing about that you know there's transition to that kind of of a method of education if it isn't the uh initial form of education that your children were introduced to so hang in there right uh don't evaluate on the first couple of weeks or even the first month or maybe even the first two months but hang in there and i think that you're going to see good things happening if you make that decision and i realize of course that home schooling is not the only option a lot of parents are not able to home school and yet everybody to some extent i think has participated in homeschooling from last spring through until the present time needing to be there as a mediator and uh sort of like an executor on the home front for the virtual education that many children have been experiencing but a lot of the chil parents are concerned because of the health of their children but also so that there is a certain stability of education right that there is a continuity that's taking place in their children's lives and then i mentioned to you about the fact that we have to be very careful about what goes on in our government schools and what's introduced to them and a lot of this comes packaged under uh a heading called social and emotional education that is often contained within the student's code of conduct that the parents have to sign on off on or some consent form that the parents have to sign off on and i you know i i think that by nature we tend to be rather trusting and we figure the uh that the people that are educating our children are well informed and they might well be and i'm sure that they're good intentioned i would never suggest their intentions are not honorable it's just that they might not really know and i know a lot of teachers find themselves in the midst of teaching these kinds of things and they have absolutely no idea what the origins are and bring it up to some of the authorities that are implementing these kinds of programs and they'll poopoo you so i i do think that you need to raise it and i do think that you need to be prepared to be marginalized when you do but that should not sway you and that should not stop you from moving forward and we know that jay sekulow through the center for law and justice has taken several school districts many i think like 80 some and and has been able to route out some of this stuff that goes on in the children's school so just wanted to make you aware of that i wanted to back this up with with some church teaching and then we're going straight to the phone lines 833 288 ewtn that's 833 288 3986 you can call us about anything today lots of people calling in to tell us their stories of angel intervention so i'm eager to get to them so just hang on everybody i'm coming right to you but i'm looking in the catechism of the catholic church uh paragraphs 22 21 and forward talk specifically about the role of the parents in the education of their children and 22 21 sets the framework when it says the fake quantity of conjugal love cannot be reduced solely to the procreation of children but must extend to their moral education and their spiritual formation the role of parents in education is of such importance that it is almost impossible to provide an adequate substitute the right and duty of parents to educate their children are primordial and inalienable okay so that's very very important pop on over here to paragraph 22 23 and it says parents have the first responsibility for the education of their children they bear witness to this responsibility first by creating a home where tenderness forgiveness respect fidelity and disinterested service are the rule the home is well suited for the education and the virtues used to be that children were learning virtues in public schools too but no more this requires an apprenticeship in self-denial sound judgment and self-mastery the preconditions of all true freedom did you hear that what are the preconditions for all true freedom self-denial sound judgment and self-mastery think about that in terms of what we see today in our culture and the cultural definition of freedom to do what i want to do not what i ought to do a parent should teach their children to subordinate the material in instinctual dimensions to interior and spiritual ones parents have a great responsibility to give a good example to their children by knowing how to acknowledge their own feelings to their children parents will be better able to guide and correct them and so and then it goes on i just want to read this then to the phone lines 22 24 the home is the natural environment for initiating a human being into solidarity and communal responsibilities this is why children need to be raised in households that have a mom and a dad the home is the natural environment for initiating a human being into solidarity and communal responsibility parents should teach children to avoid the compromising and degrading influences which threaten human societies we have a big job to do as parents today and as grandparents i might add so let us join together right and see what we can do let's do something beautiful for the lord as mother teresa of calcutta would say off to the phone lines we go 833 288 ewtn that's 833-288-3986 that's the way that you can join us via phone ryan penny on those phones today he is a happy camper when you call in yes he is he likes to be kept busy so let's keep the man busy jeff burson our producer is going to dash out there to social media land because he's our social media maven and he will collect your questions there left for us in the chat features at ewtn radio's youtube channel and facebook page so we're eager to hear from you that way too and we're going to start off with somebody who is well known to you and a friend of mine donna marie cooper o'boyle is with us right here on the air with a story that she's going to share about an angel donna marie how are you oh jeanette what a delight to speak with you i have no doubt that god set this up he's so wonderful isn't he and we get to spend some fun time together here on the air that's amazing i won't keep you i don't want to keep you from everyone else but i want to say quickly that was such an important message you gave this morning and i'm always quoting these truths in my writings for the family it's just so so important we do have a big job as the parent and that's the grandparent but we can talk for hours about that and thank you for your shout out at the end of your show yesterday i heard that yeah and i just want to encourage everybody to get out to ewtn radio's youtube channel excuse me get out to ewtnrc.com you can get out to the youtube channel too but ewtnrc.com is the website for ewtn's religious catalog and donna talked there about her writings she is a prolific author and has many books on a variety of topics and i've had the good pleasure of interviewing her uh on on our television program women of grace and even prior to that the abundant life so go for it donna marie you have a story to share with us okay and thank you so much for your kind words well this is the very first time i ever called in i'm always nose to the grindstone with the writing and with the ministry so i happen to be doing some other work remotely i could tell you what it is it's making bracelets actually for awtn and so i was able to put the radio on i said okay it's always ewtn and there you were and there was the angel stories um yesterday so just you know just so you know jeanette even though i'm in the public eye i think it's important to say and i'm outspoken when it comes to professing and sharing our faith through the tv shows that i have and the books and everything i really don't share a lot of intimate spiritual experiences at this point in my life because i believe that like you know most of them a lot of them are very private between our lord and ourselves but that said you were talking about the angels and i happened to catch it and um it's actually something i shared with dear father andrew apostoli on his show sunday night prime so we did two angel shows together and father andrew wanted to talk about my book angels for kids as well as really really delve into you know the mystical realm of angels in and through of course the the um the catholic perspective because knowing a lot of folks really um don't know the truth about the angels they only hear a bunch of like new age kind of stuff absolutely that kind of you know realm but there really is an invisible world of angels and sometimes god sends sends them to earth as we can read in scripture well anyway my story is that when i was a teenager i had i was just a new driver and i had this old jalopy car i bought it myself i mean it ran and everything that was it was okay but uh wasn't brand new i was coming home from work and i got caught in a snow storm now i live in new england very fierce winters and i didn't know it was going to snow and here i'm coming home and i had to get up this one last hill it was a killer hill uh you know before i could make it home and i was kind of naive you know new driver and i just thought you know just really try and get up that hill and it was very rural i lived in a rural area actually kind of in the woods no no houses around no neighborhood so that's out in the middle of nowhere and suddenly i started slipping backwards oh dear i know you know that feeling when you have no control and the snow is getting deep and it hadn't been plowed and it really was piling up fast it was that blinding kind of snow and i was frightened you know and i called out to god and suddenly and i i mean suddenly and i i really should say immediately immediately two men appeared right behind my car right behind my car in the middle of nowhere john i'm telling you this was in ridgefield connecticut way out in the woods and they began pushing my car up the hill these two men nobody else around no houses around where did they come from well i didn't even think about that i was like oh my gosh these men are helping me how nice and i was just astonished and so thankful so i'm being naive and a new driver and not really knowing a lot about snow and uh anyway i started to roll down my driver's window to just you know just a bit to yell thank you to them well i got stuck again because i stopped no dear yeah so one of the men shouted out to me don't stop keep going and they pushed and they pushed my car and i kept and i just went you know right up the hill i was going you know when i first started i looked in the rearview mirror because i thought okay they don't want me to stop but i'll just give them a little weight but they were gone and i was so amazed i didn't stop though i did what they said i kept going and got home safely now could i tell you today for certain that these men were angels well first i'll say i didn't think that at the time at all i was just a young driver i was so thankful and i thought wow that was god answered my prayer that was great but i you know i was so amazed but you know that message don't stop keep going that's really been a holy uh and very important message throughout my whole life i i didn't think about this till much later in life and then it kept you know this kept coming back to my mind about these men and i thought could they be angels so i shared it with father andrew and even publicly on on his show and and you know he he thought they were angels he shared about his story and you know we might never know this side of heaven right if this if those amazing encounters those holy encounters with helpers you know are indeed angels but you know we can be aware of what scripture teaches us you know in hebrews 13 verse 2 do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers for by this some have entertained angels without knowing it you know that invisible world of angels exists and it's all around us and we should be aware and we should be calling on our guardian angel several times a day not just once in the morning or once at night just all throughout the day and develop a relationship with our guardian angel and all of the holy angels and ask them for assistance i'm continuously especially in my work and as you know jonah i'm sure you're you do as well you know calling on the archangels and saint michael and everyone for protection because we really need it in this journey through life and you know so i thought i'd share that story because maybe it could inspire others and to really you know pray to your angel pray to god if you haven't even prayed yet or you know ask our lord he comes to the rescue right he does and what a beautiful story and i have to share with you uh donna marie as you were sharing those words with us you know uh don't stop keep going uh the very first thought that came into my mind is that that has been a motto that well applies to you in in all of the vicissitudes of life that you've experienced all of the ups and all of the downs uh you have always kept going and i want to recommend your autobiography um your memoirs to our listeners today why don't you tell us what the title of that book is and it is available for your friends at ewtn's religious catalog thank you so much for asking me to tell the title because it has something to do with mother teresa too and her feast day is tomorrow well the name of the book it's my uh memoir with ignatius press it's called the kiss of jesus how mother teresa and the saints helped me to discover the beauty of the cross and the reason i called it the kiss of jesus is because at one point i happened to know mother teresa for about 10 years and i weave her into all my writings and she's just been such a oh my gosh just such a spiritual mother and more and i like to share her with the world because i can't keep her to myself and at one point she told me that i was so close to jesus on the cross that he could kiss me and i know she said that to other people too and in struggles and suffering and so that really impacted my life so much and you know i'm still unpacking but those words you know i when i have a chance to just sit and pause and pray about that but anyway so i i didn't want to share all this crazy life no no it's a beautiful opportunity though uh and and uh you know we need the the edification that is available to us through the experiences of others and when we see that god was there for that person we then can have the assurance that he will be there for us as well because he loves us all he he loves us all infinitely so we can be assured of that and um you know and that's the other thing that i wanted to mention uh is that you know those words of the angel or the gentleman whichever it was that came and helped you out of that at that predicament when the snow was falling and you were in such a precarious situation uh those words didn't mean something to you then other than as an instruction on how it was that you get home safely but retrospectively you see that there was more to those words just like the words of mother teresa you said you continue to unpack those words and that's what i want to encourage uh all of us to do is to cast those backward glances to these moments in time that have happened and to ask ourselves the question wasn't god revealing himself to me in some way wasn't god speaking to me through that person and then we have the courage to even begin to believe that god speaks through us to others as well and that's why the communication of the message is so important so i want to thank you donna marie cooper oboyo for calling in today and spending some time with us here on women of grace live it's always a pleasure to talk with you you always encourage me and i know you encourage others too thanks donna marie what an unexpected blessing to be with you today and all of the listeners god bless you god bless you love you too darling god bless bye-bye now uh donna marie cooper oh boyle prolific author she's done series here at ewtn a great way for us to gain encouragement right from uh the experiences that she's had we've got beth out there she is in mobile alabama we're going to get to her when we come back from the break i'm getting a signal from jeff berson if you're out there on social media land you can see i'm in the studios here at ewtn today love to come in and see jeff through the window it makes a nice little way for the program to take place we invite you to give us a call here 833 288 ewtn that's 833-288-3986 that's the way that you can join us live here on women of grace live where we do love having that holy conversation with you you can also join us out there at ewtn radio's youtube channel and facebook page chat feature there for you very active day out there in social media land and we're going to get to some of those comments that have been left for us as well as all of you have called in we've got two lines open only two lines and you know what one of them has your name on it so take advantage of the opportunity give us a call 833 288 ewtn that's our 833-288-3986 through this break listen up to the good announcements that are available for you there and oh did i mention i always am happy when you stop by our website womenofgrace.com womenofgrace.com get on out there and see what's going on in our world we're gonna be right back stay tuned gloria purvis we have the wrong understanding and appreciation of pregnancy we need to do what's best for the child not what's convenient for the mother the father or the doctor the leading catholic voices are on ewtn radio you know one of the things that struck me when i won a mission in haiti was the peace that people had there and it didn't seem to make sense because life is so constantly scary i mean yes we're dealing with interruptions in our supply chain right now and it's scary to people like where's the toilet paper right but people in haiti and other countries live like that their entire lives they make all sorts of plans that are all tentative because i think i'll be there at five o'clock but if a car breaks down the road there's no tow truck to come get it i might be there tomorrow right but while that's unstable it also brings about an amazing piece of soul because people are used to surrendering to being focused in the present moment because it's all they have you know there's a hidden blessing in this difficult time for us brothers and sisters that i think god is forcing us to focus on being present to the moment you can't make all sorts of plans for what's happening next week or next month because the moment's what you have but god is there in the moment for more text chris at 44144 this is christophanic on ewtn radio unplanned the true story of abby johnson i would be the youngest director in planned parenthood history she believed in a woman's right to choose i've had an abortion myself so i don't have any problem with another woman making the same decision until the day she saw something that changed everything tiny perfect little baby and then it was just gone now she's pulling back the curtain on the abortion industry unplanned available at ewtnrc.com and the ewtn app i'm gloria parvis i'm on senior charles pope and i'm deacon harold the morning glory team discusses little-known facts about labor day and why we need each other monday morning 7 eastern now back to women of grace with johnette williams transforming the world one woman at a time let's return to women of grace with johnette williams welcome back friends you are listening to women of grace live i am janet williams happy to be with you today inviting you to join us here 833 288 ewtn that's eight 833 three nine eight six the phone lines are full right now but keep trying cause we're gonna get you in there uh as we address a caller then that phone line opens up so don't despair keep trying today we're eager to hear from you here i want to recommend you get out to our website womenofgrace.com see what's going on we have a great uh great benedicta uh enrichment seminar online coming up the end of this month the end of september with kathleen beckman on spiritually protecting our families spiritually protecting our families you want to join up for this beautiful beautiful enrichment seminar because she will give us the basics on how it is that we can fight those spiritual battles that are taking place within the homes in which we live and guarding our children and our loved ones from uh the the attacks of the evil one and and no matter how they come at us whether they come at us through the culture of the day uh whether it comes through temptation no matter the way in which it enters in so it's going to be in a very very beautiful informative helpful and i pray gracefield and i'm sure of that with kathleen enrichment seminar for you out there benedict leadership enrichment seminar online it is number one in the slideshow i think so you can sign up right there i want to go to beth she is well she's not all that far away from us maybe a few hours and she's in mobile alabama listening to us via the ewtn app good morning beth how are you good morning good morning so you have something to share with us yes um this is one of the favorite family stories you know you have so many you know your family has different stories over the generations yes um my great-grandmother her name is olga her younger sister anatomy what was the younger sister's name again what was the younger sister's name autumny okay okay very old-fashioned name yes yes very interesting they've been yeah they've been uh they've been gone for a number of decades now but i'm not really sure when this was but i'm gonna guess maybe in the 1950s okay um you know there was highways back then but they weren't like the super um interstates and the freeways we have now you know yes but i i believe they were traveling back home to alabama from mississippi after visiting another sister named may okay well they would all these was driving and my great-grandmother was noticing that combat was passing really long and they should have been home by now so she said um what i mean we should be here in reveal by now what hap what's going on she said i missed the turn i said well can't you pull over or turn off somewhere and she said i don't know how just a case in point i was told that autumn is the world's worst driver and she had no sense of direction so uh so anyway my grandmother also said well just pull over just pull off the street because if you keep on driving we're going to end up in the atlantic ocean okay so she said pull over and we'll wave down somebody that can tell us you know if we're going into the right direction and where to turn off so they she pulls over and stops the car and you know there's woods for miles and miles and miles all of a sudden they look over and there's a woman just walks out of the woods in a white dress and she asked what is there are you having trouble and she said yes we're lost we're trying to get home to mobile alabama and so the woman says well let me help you so she gets they get out she gets in the driver's seat and she turns the car in the right direction and she tells them what number um exit to turn off to and that will that will get him into alabama so anyway she gets out the car and they get back in and they pull off onto the you know they get into the car they look behind them and she's nowhere in sight and my grandmother said there was no way even the fastest human could have gotten in the woods that fast my goodness yeah i mean there was not even it's just and she's i know people think i'm crazy but i don't even remember seeing footprints my goodness because there was some like red clay dirt in between the street and the the grass in the woods yes and uh she said you're not going to tell me that was not an angel well you know this again i think proves the fact you know that one god hears our prayers two god makes haste to help us three god permits angels to take on human form and to be of assistance and help for us to us in these in these times when we sincerely need them and you like donna marie today and everyone that called in yesterday encourage us to you know call upon our guardian angels now we can't always be looking for signs and wonders right but we have to realize that there is something of the angelic that is uh perceptible and sometimes it comes in these very very ways and that's a beautiful story to pass down to children and to pass on to family members i was thinking of the fact that um you know today you know somebody walks out of the woods first of all to say well let's just flag somebody down and ask for directions would be a risky matter and then to let somebody into our car would even be a riskier matter we're not oriented that way it was a much safer place in the past not to say that bad things didn't happen they surely did but not with irregularity uh and and with the intensity in which we see it today and uh you you remind us that you know this this gift of charity is something that we should be exhibiting all of the time and if this was an angel the angel was giving us not just your uh great-grandmother and your great aunt but also giving all of us good guidance on what it means to be a good samaritan along the way that's a beautiful story thank you for sharing it with us today well uh john i was thinking when i was listening to marie boyle i was thinking there must be a hierarchy of angel that deals with automobiles [Laughter] well you know it's true because we had yesterday a couple of callers that called in about incidences with automobiles and so i i think that that's true and remember each one of us has a guardian angel that you know that's a doctrine of the church um you know and and they interact with us they certainly do and as donna marie was encouraging us we need to to ask for their help and assistance to reach out to them that beautiful little prayer that we learned as children you know angel of god my guardian dear to whom god's love and trust me here ever this day be at my side to light and guide to rule to lighten guard to rule and guide amen it is a beautiful little prayer that we can just you know say any number of times during the day and when these particular situations happen dramatic as this one is not always occurring but nonetheless when when little incidents happen and something just seems a wrinkle gets worked out sometimes it's because our angel is the one who is intervening for us and and ironing that wrinkle out of our lives beth thank you so much it's so nice to hear from you you're welcome have a good weekend you too be safe out there this weekend everybody be safe this weekend all righty we're going to move on we've got jennifer with us she is in augusta georgia she is on st paul radio she's a first time caller i'm in studio and don't have my bell but i'll do a ding ding ding ding ding for you jennifer welcome welcome welcome thank you i was calling because i want to share um my angel story and in particular hope to give some encouragement to parents who have wayward children when i was 21 i was living with a man outside of marriage i was not in the church i was living a lifestyle that would make me lose sleep if one of my children was living that lifestyle and realized one day that i was not just living a dangerous lifestyle i was also in danger for my life um and i just had this what i know now to be a holy spirit moment where it was just spoken to you've got to get out of here you're going to die and i called my dad and he came three hours up and said yep i've been waiting for this call if you don't get out of there you're gonna die and um the man i was living with happened to be gone for the day so we had a few hours to get me out of the house and my dad went to go fill up his old pickup truck with some gas and was praying and was like lord i'm going to lose my daughter like i'm not only going to lose her life i'm going to lose her soul and i need help i've got to get her out of here and two men drove up in a moving truck and started filling up their moving truck next to my dad and my dad was like hey you guys busy today and they said you know what we just finished a job in half the time it was supposed to and he explained the situation and being from texas they were two good cowboys they said you know sir we'll come help you um so they showed up where i was living loaded up the van in less than an hour got me out of there moved me to an apartment that just showed up for me to move into went put all my stuff where it needed to be and my dad went outside to pay them and thank them and they were gone like within two minutes of loading everything into my house and i was on the third floor so they should not have even been on the bottom floor and not only were they gone but their truck was gone they you know my dad never paid him and he wasn't coming back in so after about 20 minutes i went outside he was sitting on the top stair and he was crying and i said daddy why are you crying and he said if you only knew how much god loved you you would turn your life around because he just sent two angels to save you and darn you if you don't change and from that moment on i changed i started going to church and i started asking god to reveal himself to me and met a wonderful man and got married and entered the catholic church and i mean i think at that story all the time and i when i doubt god's love i think my gosh i had totally turned my back on any hope that there was god i did not want to live by his rules and he still sent two angels to save me and did for me in that moment what my parents couldn't do for me in 21 years of living a really bad life um showed me how much he loved me that even in my rejection of him he would send two angels to save my life and i'm just so thankful and so much hope for parents out there who are struggling so thank you johnette oh jennifer what a beautiful story i mean i don't even know what to say i have tears in my eyes and i know you do too because i can hear your voice shaking and uh you know what what a magnificent display of god's mercy what a magnificent display of god's love and it just prompts me to say this listen if you chanced upon this radio program today and you were just flipping through the stations and something caught your ear and you've stayed to listen and you've been away from the lord and the life that you're living right now is a dissolute life god is speaking to you right now through jennifer's story through all of the stories that we have heard that he loves you and that there is nothing that you have done that can separate you from his love he loves you and maybe this program in and of itself is an intervention for you in this moment so that you can hear about his love for you and i want to encourage you to do as jennifer did right turn your back on that which separates you from him and turn your heart toward him and let him in let him in right now don't delay and all you have to do is say father god i ask for the gracious mercy demonstrated through the cross of your son to enter into my life right now that i might turn my back on sin on dissolute living on all that separates me from you and i might enter into a new relationship with you and i thank you and i praise you for the way in which you are working in this moment and through these testimonies and lord i ask that you give me the courage to follow after you all the days of my life amen and if that was just something that you've heard now and and you united your heart to that prayer that i just prayed i want to tell you right now it's efficacious and jennifer is not an angel but a human person and god uses human instruments as well as the angelic to influence our lives so jennifer honestly that that is an amazing story and i and i want to just add this to that your dad said he had been praying for you and he had been waiting for that call and i do want to say that our prayers are efficacious you know they don't change the heart of god but he incorporates those prayers into his actions and so your daddy was also a fleshly angel in that sense right that he was praying for you and he was there at the drop of a hat to help you and to get you where you needed to be oh darling well thank you oh thank you so much and i'm just i i appreciate you giving me the time i just wanted to say it was i almost hung up the phone because i started thinking when uh your first caller came on i was like this wasn't an angel i should hang up the phone um and that was just satan trying to prevent whoever needed to hear this story from hearing it and my dad is is now um starting to show signs of dementia and he does not always remember my name but when he sees me he says you're the one with two angels oh my goodness he remembers that so i just really encourage parents don't ever give up and anyone who thinks that they don't deserve or don't have i mean none of us deserve but don't have the absolute love of god it's a lie because i did things that would make mary magdalene blush and he showed up for me when i wasn't even asking so just believe that god loves you and he will he will show up he always does oh jennifer i thank you i i don't even know what to say there are no words thank you you've said it all just right there and um i i we just want to encourage everybody you know to have the faith and that was the evil one that certainly was the evil one because i know that your story is is converting hearts right now i know it i feel it i feel it inside and i have goosebumps everywhere thank you for that and how beautiful you hear your dad in his dimension god bless you and there's her dad in his dementia still reminding her that it was two angels and i'm going to tell you something there's something about dementia because my mom had alzheimer's and my mother had dementia my mother was so close to god my mother was closest to god uh in in those moments than any other memory that i have of her throughout her life and she would say things that were astounding things that that would come right out of of of a theology class and my mother was not educated beyond high school she could not have been receiving this in any other way except through divine intervention so you hold on to that truth jennifer your dad is still the one speaking truth to you and we thank you friends uh you know for for uh for just opening your hearts in this moment to a new expression of god's love for you jennifer thank you darling i'll never forget this call i just want to tell you i'll never forget it and i know that our listeners won't either thank you jennifer for being a sign and a witness today and we're going to move on to doug he is in blooming prairie minnesota sirius xm 130 is the way that he's with us hey doug yes he uh got all excited yesterday listening to these stories and uh one thing we're talking about home schooling and whatnot what what kind of jumps out of me is uh expression faith is caught more than it's taught and and and when people are sharing their stories it it makes god real i i've heard you also say that you know your own story is the greatest tool for evangelization because no one can challenge it it's your story that's right in this this world of relativism you know you got your truth i got my truth well it can't be denied the truth of it can't be denied because it's yours and i just uh so i i had a a jewel from my daughter once she says i said well what's your impression of your your old man your daddy here she says dad no matter what happened you could be happy through it so faith is caught more than it's taught and and this excitement that that your your show yesterday and today is is showing it people are catching faith yes and one one of one of my favorite stories is that the wife and i we in our courtship days we instead of bar hopping we were church hopping we'd go to a daily mass and uh after church we'd already uh decided on our marriage and my mom hadn't met her my parents hadn't met her and we thought while we were getting married we should probably you know in a juicy easy in my parents and uh so after church we were gonna go for a pizza but we were driving by the house and and we were going to call my mom to arrange a time to meet and so i sat in the car while she went in the house to call and just as she's going to pick up the phone it rang she picked it up it was my mom wow she she had never called my mom never talked to my mom and we couldn't even figure out how she got her number uh we later found out that it was because i'd sent her a newspaper article and she looked up the name and but not only that she said well yes i was just gonna call you and and my mom says well yeah that's why i was calling to uh you know see if we can meet because i'm up here in the cities oh really and my and my mom said yeah i'm at sofro fabrics in south town that is next to the pizza place that we were driving to oh my heaven's sakes that is hysterical oh my goodness you talk about you talk about god arranging things doug and that that is that is absolutely amazing and we look at these things and we say oh we're tempted to say oh that's coincidence oh no that's christo incidents that's jesus right that's that's a kairos moment it's god breaking through the natural uh to affect uh a a tremendous work and uh there you are and so i you know i want to thank you and i i want to ask you this too i don't know if you if you listen to the whole show yesterday but i alluded to you and the story that you shared uh with us when we were in lourdes france about your motorcycle accident and how uh you were you know you you you were saved really you were saved through miraculous means uh so you've had a lot of these beautiful incidences in your life doug and i'm happy you've shared this one with us today so friends what do we take away from doug we take away the fact that god intervenes in the everyday events of our lives to affect the good that he wants to see happen and that good is always for our benefit and you shared that with us doug in the midst of your story thank you good man of god and we'll be i'm sure we'll hear from you in the future too because you're one of our regulars and we appreciate that thank you doug god bless you i want to try to get to ruth here ruth is in uh houston pennsylvania how about that and she's listening via i heart radio hey ruth how are you hi jeanette um i really needed to be listening to jen's story oh my gosh it's so much help with what i was asking oh i'm just i am disabled and i was trying to get back to church and i had call i tried to call in and things happened and they ended up being in the hospital only being able to go to church three times and so i i've been very discouraged about you know being able to reach for people and and my daughter is one of the people that i have been trying to um to help everything i say just goes the other way yes the other way ruth you hear that music sweetheart and so we're down to the edge of the show and i i think that i understand where you're headed with this uh and and i think that jen's story is encouraging you to continue to pray for your daughter and offer up all of the inconvenience that comes through your disability for her sake that's a beautiful prayer and a beautiful way to incorporate your sufferings into christ got to go bye-bye all you
Channel: EWTN
Views: 2,469
Rating: 4.7222223 out of 5
Keywords: Catholic, EWTN, Christian, television
Id: HBMQ51XOpmk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 57sec (3237 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 04 2020
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