Women of Grace with Johnnette Williams - Feb 3, 2022

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is to renew our lives and our communities for more news with a catholic perspective visit ewtnnews.com women of grace with john at williams starts now this is women of grace live discussing issues important to your life and faith spiritual insight practical wisdom join us as we transform the world one woman at a time women of grace for such a time as this now here's your host johnette williams well good morning everyone and welcome to women of grace live i am john at williams absolutely delighted and happy to be with you today we so enjoy spending this time with you monday through friday talking about issues of importance to your life and your faith we are always available for your phone calls here and we so love receiving them let me give you the number to use it's toll-free for you right here in north america it's 833 288 ewtn that's 833-288-3986 we have matt gabinski on the phones today when you call in say howdy hey matt he'll be happy to hear from you he'll take your question or your comment and he'll put it up on the board for me so i can address it we love when you call in because then we can get you online with us here and we get you on the air with us here right and in that way we can have that holy conversation i think that edifies us and builds us up and helps us to understand our faith better and in many ways inspires us to do better as we walk this path this road to eternal life so we do invite you to call us 833 288 ewtn that's 833-288-3986 some of you called in yesterday and you couldn't get on the air because you caught a little later and we were you know running out of time but we are back for you today and so if you had a question yesterday feel free to call in with it i'll be happy to answer it as best as i possibly can and oftentimes you know you our listeners have really good answers to some of the questions so we invite you always to participate in that way right both as a as one who calls in with questions or comments and and on the other side of that answering them and responding to them so please do call us at 833-288-3986 want to remind you that we're also available for you out there at ewtn radio's youtube channel and facebook page simply use that means offered for you right there in the chat feature to get your questions or comments up on the board jeff berson who is our social media manager and our producer will get on out there he'll retrieve them and he'll put them up there if you're a first timer submitter or caller let us know i have my happy little bell here for you and i'll be only too delighted to ring it to welcome you to your debut right here on women of grace live again that number is to be taking 833-288-3986 at women of grace and i am very very excited about this one it's coming up sooner than later is our valentine's online marriage retreat it's going to happen february 12th from 9 00 a.m until 4 pm eastern time and i just know with everything in me it's going to be a blessing for you so we don't want you to miss the opportunity of grace that god has in mind for you coming by way of this valentine's online marriage retreat being held the saturday before valentine's day on february 12th from 9 a.m to 4 p.m eastern time the guest presenters happen to be myself and my husband jack williams the theme is falling in love and staying there you know we're going to be talking about what it means to fall in love but the staying there now that's where the real deal gets hashed out right and we'll be talking about how to do that how to overcome some of the tendencies that you might have that could interrupt that beautiful flow of the holy spirit through each other that feeds that marital bond and helps you to continue that beautiful beautiful reality of the viles that you made on your wedding day now i do want to say this if you're not married yet but you're engaged or you're thinking about becoming engaged this marriage retreat would be beautiful for you as a couple to make together you'll get some insights into what married life is all about i'm sure that you probably have extrapolated your own ideas of that maybe based on the witness of others uh you know or you know from all those the romanticization how's that for a word the romanticization of what love is as opposed to what love truly means so we would love for you to join us too and as i say to you we can accept lots of people why because it's an online retreat so we're not really restricted by space and therefore you can be with us the information is available for you at our website womenofgrace.com when you see it advertised on the home page uh do click on that advertisement it'll take you to a landing page that allows you to register there but in addition to that it gives you the whole schedule it tells you what the topics for the talks are going to be about you're going to see that it's an interactive event we want to engage with you via the social media mechanisms that we have in place in addition to that uh we have some activities that the two of you husband and wife or fiancees or you know people interested in each other and looking maybe towards the elder uh will be able to engage in throughout the course of the day so i think it's going to be a lovely opportunity and i am certainly hoping that you are going to join us for this beautiful beautiful moment in time again that's february the 12th right uh right this com not this saturday but next saturday uh from 9 00 a.m until 4 p.m all of the info women of grace.com when you get on out there you're also going to discover that we have a young women of grace and a women of grace one day conference coming up in harrisburg pennsylvania we do want for you to join us for this beautiful event that's going to be taking place there again the information is available for you online at womenofgrace.com and in may we're going to be at our lady of divine providence house of prayer in clearwater florida and it's going to be you know a southeast women of grace retreat and and benedict leadership institute so we want for you to check that out it's not too early to begin to make these plans you know sometimes things fall into place at the very last minute but isn't it better if we have a game plan in mind and we stick to that game plan and follow through on it all of that info for you as at womenofgrace.com additionally as we like to tell you you can watch our television program there if you don't get to see it when it's uh airing uh our radio programs are archived there for you just you know all kinds of good stuff it's a very robust site i was talking to uh tom sullivan uh who is our i.t fellow as well as being director of operations and he wears a whole bunch of hats just like all of us do at women of grace and uh he was he was saying do you know how many programs you know we have done since uh the very beginning of the abundant life now we did three 13-week series prior to that time but the abundant life began to air in 1993 and uh in 2010 we started a new program we retired the abundant life that had aired for 17 years and um in 2010 we started women of grace so you take the sum total of all of those programs together and we are at 2 000 programs that's a lot of television programs and it puts a whole lot of things into perspective when you you know divide that by what you know 30 some years and you see how many have been produced in a year's time and that's on top of radio which we've been doing since 1987. uh all of our programming through ewtn radio is archived for you on our website so when i say it's a robust site i do mean that because those programs are available for you out there television and radio programs and you have opportunity to watch them at your leisure i also like to remind you about our new age blog sue brinkman was with us yesterday and in that new age blog you know we sue has answered uh as of to as of yesterday 1634 questions and answers so you can actually go out there and use this as a research engine for your own knowledge about these things so that you don't get tripped up by them so all kinds of stuff going on at our website womenofgrace.com we encourage you to get out there and to take a peek at it especially to sign up for this valentine's online marriage retreat we're going to come back we're going to be talking a little bit about the saying of the day i'm going to be giving you some insights into what's coming up on women of grace television but we want to hear from you most importantly yes we do that's why we do the program live so call us no question is silly all questions are welcomed 833 288 ewtn looking forward to being with you after the break stay tuned a lot of people that i think are holy and then you five years later you find out [Music] yes and then the other people that let's just say maybe lack lack some social suavitate some sophistication and you think well that that was rude and then you get to know them and five years later you realize you know beneath that rough exterior there's a heart of gold called to communion with dr david anders this afternoon 2 eastern on ewtn radio he was a 10th century saint priest mystic and doctor of the church honored as the first poet of armenia matthew bunsen and the doctors of the church gregory of naric is revered by armenians as a watchful angel in human form his masterwork the book of lamentations was intended to be his last testament an encyclopedia of prayer for all nations he was named a doctor of the church in 2015. for more about the doctors of the church visit doctorsofthechurch.com [Music] i met someone on a trip recently she came to me with a baby and said this baby's because of your trip to new jersey last year she said i had an abortion in high school and it felt like i was damned and then after hearing the message of the gospel ear event i realized i was redeemable and that god's love tells me who i am not my past mistakes she got right with god made a good confession and decided to have a baby with her husband shortly thereafter it's amazing how the message of the gospel fixes every problem in the human heart you know i don't care where you've been or what you've done god's love for you is bigger no chris you don't understand my sin is so big what i did is bigger than what god in all his power did for me on the cross i'm glad i could put words to what you were thinking so you can hear how silly it sounds come home he loves you and what he did for you is bigger than the power any sin in your life this is christophanic from reallifecatholic.com the women of grace phone lines are open 1-833-288-ewtn 1-833-288-3986 [Music] well welcome back everybody you are listening to women of grace live i'm johnette williams your host happy to be with you today we love to talk about all things related to faith right here on women of grace life and looking at how our faith can help us in the midst of the difficulties and trials of life and most especially how can it make us strong in the face of of persecution how can it make us strong in the face of misunderstanding how can it make us strong in the midst of suffering and trial and we've got a great saint to uh look at today it is his feast day saint blaze many of us know him uh especially because this is the day in holy mother church if you go to mass you can have your throat blessed and that's all because of saint blais his feast day is today as i mentioned and he is the patron saint of throat illnesses animals wool combers c-o-m-b-e-r-s and wool trading uh he died in the early centuries of the church there in 316 and and he is one who knew persecution he's one who knew torture he's one who knew martyrdom he was a martyr but he was also bishop of a bishop and a doctor and here i mean a physical doctor the first known record of his life comes from medical writings where he is recorded as helping with patients suffering from objects stuck in their throat which is why we ask for a special blessing on his feast day for our throats and for any kind of throat disease or ailment many of the miraculous aspects of saint blaze's life are written uh 400 about 400 years after his martyrdom in a collection called the acts of saint blaze he's believed to have begun as a healer and then eventually became a physician of souls so he started off as a physician for the body but he ended up as a physician of the soul and when you realize it you know the body and the soul you know that's that's the composite of man we are composed of a body and a soul and one impacts the other if we are not in a good way spiritually that often comes out uh physically and if not physically it comes out emotionally and it'll come out through the realities and the circumstances of our life because we're we're making decisions and we're living according to sin not according to truth and conversely when we're living according to the truth it always has an impact upon the way in which we perceive the world and ourselves in it so emotionally we're healthy psychologically it can be outrageously beneficial and we know that god does one healer he is the divine physician but he shares that charism that healing charism that is his uh with others such as saint blais so he made that journey from being one who heals bodies to one who looks to heal souls and he ultimately retired to a cave where he remained in prayer people often turn to saint blais for healing miracles and here's a story about him he was arrested by the governor of cappadocia and lester armenia he was a bishop at that time and the reason for uh his arrest arresting was because he was a christian on the way to the jail a woman said her only son who was choking to death on a fish bone at his feet and what do you think st blaise did well he did exactly what you think he did he cured the child and the emperor was amazed at this but nonetheless he still strives to get saint blase to renounce his faith which he would not do and because he wouldn't do it the emperor beat blaze with a stick and tore his flesh with iron combs before beheading him and there are many tales about saint blais that you can read about if you do a quick search on him uh his biographies will come up and you will be able to uh to read about him and be able to seek his intercession so he is a great intercessor if you're suffering from a throat difficulty a malady of the throat a disease of the throat you know if you get a sore throat or strep throat pray to saint blaze and ask for his intercession these saints are our friends uh in in that great beautiful state that they are in in heaven near our lord and they want to be of service to us 833 288 ewtn that's 833-288-3986 we're encouraging you to give us a call today we're eager to hear from you you can also get a message to us out there online at ewtn radio's youtube channel and facebook page maybe you have had a healing through the intercession of a saint why not share this is a great day to celebrate the way in which god wants to mix with man through the intercession of the saints so give us a call about that or anything else that's going on in your life we've got bill with us he's in buffalo new york today good morning to you bill hi john i have a prayer request for you some time ago i think you might even remember you prayed for my friend tom who had a heart bypass surgery and it was by the textbook successful after our prayers yes so um recently he had a uh a tear in his retina in a retinal detachment and today i don't know what time he was undergoing surgery to repair that so i'd like to pray for him i'd like to ask the intercession of st lucie saint blais obviously whose um feast day is today and tom actually has a radio show so so that his throat is good there's that and also his patrons ain't st thomas and um john out i don't know if you ever saw this but i had recently come across this devotion in honor of jesus as king of all nations and one of the prayers there was this novena of holy communion and jesus had promised in this private devotion but the person that makes this novene of holy communions with the intent of doing this under the title of jesus king of all nations that you could pray and have jesus would promise to send angels each day of the novena one for each day from each of the choirs of angels to be with that person and for personal people for whom you pray so i prayed that for tom so i'd ask if you could please um compose your prayer and we'll ask for the intercession of the saints that i mentioned all of the saints i did this for tom too so all of the angels that are accompanying him and if we could ask our own guardian angels as we pray along with you to pray with us for time for a successful surgery and for a good eyesight after this well sure i'd be happy to pray with you and with all of our listeners for your buddy tom there i just want to comment bill you know what what a beautiful friend you are to him uh you know oftentimes we wing a prayer when we hear that somebody is in distress and maybe through the course of the day we're prompted by our guardian angel to pray that prayer again or to pray another prayer for that person but you know you have done this with such great intentionality uh and you know forethought so i want to congratulate you on that i i really do want to encourage you in that direction uh and and i do want to say friends i mean this gives us a beautiful witness and a beautiful example of how it is that we serve each other through prayer right so we offer this prayer father god for bill's friend tom and we do ask for the intercession of course of st lucy who is the patron saint of eyes and along with her saint blais on this his feast day he opened the eyes of many to the reality of our lord jesus christ so we do ask for your intercession on your feast day saint blaze uh we also ask for the intercession of saint thomas and i'm just going to ask for the intersection of all of those whose name is thomas st thomas aquinas st thomas the apostle for example other st thomases that that we also know we ask for uh in light of this novena that bill has been praying that through our prayer lord god and in union with our prayer one angel from all of the choirs of angels would assist us and be with us and we pray in a special way uh to tom's guardian angel to be of assistance to him to bring him the spiritual blessing that he most needs to receive from the throne of god our father and we ask you our guardian angels to pray as well for bill's buddy tom as we pray and so it is father that with all of this in place we lift your son tom up to you today father god we thank you and praise you for the healing that he's received through that bypass surgery for his heart father you show us in that you demonstrate you give witness father to your love for us you give witness to your healing power you give witness to the fact that you love when we come and we ask you in prayer to heal us physically emotionally mentally and above all spiritually and so it is we're asking for healing on all of these levels for tom in whatever way he most needs to receive healing and we're asking in a specific way lord that just as you healed his heart you would heal this situation with his eye that this retina and the surgery that he's undergoing would be successful we pray for his throat lord uh that that helps him to communicate to so many people about so many good things through the airwaves and we pray for all of our listeners today too on this feast of saint blaze asking for a special blessing from saint blaze for their throats and for any way in which the evil one would seek to silence them right would seek to silence them so that they would no longer be able to proclaim the good news of our lord jesus christ through that great gift of speech father we thank you in advance for all that you are doing for tom for all that you have done for tom for all that you will continue to do for tom and we offer this prayer you in the name of your son our lord jesus christ by the merits of his cross through the power of the holy spirit and with the maternal beatitude and intercession of our blessed lady amen well i think we got it all in there bill thanks janet and i also want to thank your grandmother for all those rosaries that she prayed for you and i want to thank you for coming to the for and answering the call to god and serving us in so many ways because it was beautiful and and god uses his your grace of articulation to to proclaim so many different things to us so god bless you and your listeners well thank you bill and may god be praised for all of his mercies amen and hallelujah and a shout out to my grandma who i i feel confident um is beholding the face of god right now and and i thank you grandma for all of your prayers that you prayed in in while you were alive and and and now that you pray from your heavenly home amen thanks bill god bless you be sure to let us know how tom's doing okay okay thanks bye thank you god bless bye bye now 833 288 ewtn that's 833 288 3986 that's the way that you can join us here live on women of grace live we're encouraging you to pick up the phone to say hello to matt gabinski to let him know if you're a first time caller so i can ring my bell for you we're encouraging you also to get out to ewtn radio's youtube channel and facebook page use the chat feature there jeff burson our producer and social media manager will retrieve it and he'll get it up on the board for us we've got matthew in dallas texas today hey matthew how are you yeah hi uh i'm a first-time caller oh goody here we go yay welcome matthew yeah earlier you were talking about living in sin and um i just did i was thinking you'd give an example of uh or uh i i have my own definition of this just something that um you you're doing every day that uh you're you're committing uh sententially i guess would be the definition what is your definition or can you give examples well i mean obviously we can go to sacred scripture and we can look at the ten commandments thou shalt not you know there's ten of those commandments and we have to ask ourselves on a daily basis you know am i sinning against any of these you know it says also in sacred scripture matthew that all men sin and fall short of the glory of god so it isn't so much do we fall down uh the question really is do we rise up again so the point is do we sin well we all sin we all fall short of the glory of god but do we persist in sin and when i talked about living in sin this is what i mean people don't repent yeah yeah people don't repent or they they've they've come up with their own code of of of what they believe is morally right morally wrong so they're relativists or people who is is described in timothy i think it's to timothy i think it's chapter three or four you know and saint paul says you know in the latter days you know men will be lovers of self proud arrogant disobedient to their parents and then he goes on through this this listing and he says and then he ends up with this uh who make a pretense of religion but negate its power people who will describe themselves and say hey i'm catholic people will even say well i'm a devout catholic i go to mass every sunday but they live a life you know divorced from the things of god throughout those other days of the week and may even do so you know once they walk out of the church building so that's what i'm talking about now there are specific sins like i mentioned that thou shalt not and then there are specific mandates that are given to us by jesus on how it is that we should conduct ourselves so he tells us that in the beatitudes so we can examine our conscience according to them those are usually sins of omission the ten commandments since of commission things we do that are sinful and sins that we commit because of things that we omit typically that list of beatitudes helps us with that so what is your definition for sin yeah i guess yeah it does not not take your responsibility or not repenting that's right yeah but i've got like an alcoholic and you keep drinking every day and you keep getting in trouble uh for drunk driving and you and you and you don't you don't want to stop drinking like that that would be an example i guess yeah persisting in sin uh you know creates a a life of of sin and takes us outside of the capacity to receive the blessings of god god is always giving us his blessings but sin leads to a hardness of heart persistent sin leads to a hardness of heart and we refuse to accept the blessings god wants us to receive stealing feeding on your taxes or you know when you keep you keep ripping people off yeah that would be another yeah so yeah i i'm just yeah because you uh you were you're asking for people to call so i i um i i i just thought i'd give uh i was bored i thought i'd give you a call well i think i thank you for that and i thank god you were bored for a moment and gave you an opportunity to call in because your question's a very good one and i think it's an important one to discuss i was shocked the other evening i'm going to tell you this matthew and then we're going to go on to some other callers so i'm going to tell you this i was shocked the other evening because i was watching uh a news channel and the person who is the commentator if you will uh for the particular hour that i was watching the news actually talked about sin on the air and i was shocked i was pleasantly surprised i was hopeful it breathed hope into my soul it was well it cable news it was fox news i don't mind mentioning it i was watching fox news and uh and um it was actually jesse waters who in his new program you know you talked about sin you know not did he expound on it for you know a period of time no but he used the word and he said he even made a comment to the effect that yes sin you know we don't we don't think about it anymore and i think that that's the problem we live in this we live in this ism age materialism relativism scientism rationalism all of these isms and and you know and those are the ingredients that make up this day and time those are the you know those are the uh uh ingredients that are in this soup of our culture that we swim in and so some of that we take on you know and and so he was he just even in mentioning it gave me hope that that we can break through the mindset of so many people that never think about sin because they don't think it exists anything they want to do they think is okay well that's persistent sin and that's also again and there's a culpability in that because we can we can uh certainly uh inform ourselves as to what it is that god says through sacred scripture and through the teachings of his church so thank you matthew i really like your question i guess those would be like road planned parenthood and the doctors that keep doing that that that you know that that's dishonest for them to keep performing abortions because you're trying to talk all the time about planned parenthood that's right well and you know not only is it dishonest it's murderous it's murderous we're taking a human life it's murderous uh we care more for the for the animals that god created over which he's given us dominion than we do for the children that he's brought into being through his own creative desire and here we are you know and we we just ignore that day after day week after week we continue to kill children in the wombs of their mothers you know and may i say it happens on the other end of the spectrum too with getting rid of our elderly and there's so much to talk about so much to pray about matthew but thank you very much and i am delighted you called today call back again we do want to let you know that we're available for you we've got three phone lines open you hear that music we're going to a break we're going to be with diana and sarah and vince and we want to be with you too here's the number 833 288 ewtn that's 833-288-3986 give us a call we'll be right back stay tuned saint augustine gives us tremendous insight as to why we should pray he says this why god should ask us to pray when he knows what we need even before we ask him may perplex us if we do not realize that our lord and god does not want to know what we want for his god he cannot fail to already know it but rather he wants us to exercise our desire through our prayers so that we may be able to receive what he is preparing to give us [Music] dear family let us pray together mother angelica's prayer for the united states lord god i ask in all humility that you bless this country as unworthy as we are protect it from every evil protect it from the enemy protect it lord that it may accomplish thy will and keep thy commandments i ask lord with a pleading heart to look down upon us in our unworthiness give this country a renewal of devotion to you to your law and to your commandments lord let us be once more a country under you lord may we once more say in god we trust guide us and protect this country from every evil and every harm amen this is john at williams if you missed part of today's show catch the encore tomorrow morning at 3 eastern check out the podcast anytime at ewtnradio.net and click podcasts [Music] tomorrow on more to life made in god's image struggling with self-esteem or self-acceptance will help you discover your worth in god's eyes that's tomorrow on more to life now back to women of grace encouraging women in their gift of authentic femininity here's more women of grace with john ed williams well welcome back everybody we're so happy you are with us today and i'm delighted to see the phone lines lighting up we've only got two available but guess what one of them has your name on it so pick up the phone punch in those numbers and give us a call here your question or comment is one probably that many of our listeners have today and you are being of service to them by calling in and asking it and i'm always delighted to hear from you here's the toll-free number for you to use if you're in north america it is 833 288 ewtn that's 833-288-3986 we have matt gabinski on the phones today be sure to say hello to him when you call in he will get your question or comment up on the board for us and we will respond yes we will jeff berson our social media manager and also our producer is out there in social media land to retrieve your questions comments insights inspirations or words of encouragement that you leave for us at ewtn radio's youtube channel and facebook page so be sure to use that chat feature and jeff will get your question he'll put it up we'll address it we love to hear from you you make me so happy when you call in you really do i just enjoy you so much i love you so much i pray for you so much uh give us a call here 833 288-3986 let's get to vince he's out there in uh lot let me see i just vince the next one up yep um vince is uh out there in long island new york how are you vince i'm terrific thank you so much hey i just jumped in my car and heard your conversation like when i would respond to this uh issue of living and sin and and the definition that you went over with the last gentleman you had on and anyone persisting in sin yes that that applies but from a more traditional standpoint when i was growing up as a kid someone who was living in sin was basically somebody who was living with someone else that they weren't married to and the truth is i mean jesus you want to take it a step further he even said a man who divorces his woman his wife and marries another is you know is living in adultery and vice versa uh you know that by today's standard has been completely thrown out the window i actually have children of mine who are you know living with people i'm one of them anyway at the present time uh and they they totally tossed it out the window but she's not catholic anymore my particular one particular do i keep praying for her beyond that though you know i've had experiences within the church of people uh who you know are married and and divorced and not traditionally as as catholic as i am in terms of my thinking and you know they've been there and divorced not gone through an annulment and anytime they're still coming to church and going to communion uh and it's it's kind of a touchy subject so where do you stand on this definition of living in sin when it comes to marriage and divorce or just living with a person be without being married and obviously you know if i get into a discussion with someone i would encourage them to go through an annulment process which is one way to undo uh a previous marriage um by the church's standards but a lot of times it falls on deaf ears and secondly it's a very sensitive subject because there's so much of it so prevalent today yeah yeah and vince thank you very much and you're absolutely right you know if somebody says oh you know he or she is living in sin most typically we think about people who are living as man and wife outside of the marriage covenant right so you're right and and that is the common definition i wanted to broaden it out a little bit uh when i was talking with matthew because i wanted to stress the fact that you know there's a lot of ways that we live in sin and if we're living in persistent sin then again we are taking ourselves outside of the capacity to receive god's blessings somebody that is cohabitating uh with someone or fornicating with someone even if they're not living together on on a consistent basis is somebody who's persisting in sin uh you know and and in some way rationalizing that this is perfectly all right for them to do uh and usually they'll say everybody's doing it and unfortunately in our day and time that's the case i remember back in the 50s when i was a little girl there was a family a husband a man and a woman not a husband and a wife a man and a woman who were common law we would call that a common-law marriage back then they had lived together for longer than seven years in that particular state it was it was uh you know codified as a marriage but they were never covenantally married and neither were they legally married uh by going through that process and and i remember really you know they had children together etc and i remember that that that was that was a scandal in our little community it was scandalous behavior and uh it was something that was you know people talked about in very hushed tones and i only came to find out about it because i overheard a hushed tone and i really didn't even understand exactly what was being expressed there so you take that from that period of time and you play this forward now some years later some decades later and now this has become a normally accepted part of the way in which we conduct ourselves as people however that in no way negates the law of god the fact that we that we in this culture have have kind of given this some kind of of a blessing and say okay this is really okay that doesn't change the law of god uh so what do i say to that well i'm saying if anybody out there is listening today who's cohabitating you're gonna get out of that relationship you're persisting in sin you're taking yourself outside of the blessings of our lord it is not the way that it's supposed to go it just isn't and and we know that that if you're cohabitating uh chances are you're fornicating and we don't use those words anymore because they're offensive you know they they offense our our our secular you know mindset well the fact is that's what it is so you got to call it what it is same thing if you are remarried uh illegally uh but but you were you were matrimonied in the catholic faith and you have not rectified that situation then according to the law of god and according to the law of the church you are committing adultery it's a sin against the sixth commandment as is cohabitating and fornicating so it's a sin against the sixth commandment and you need to rectify your situation now i do want to say one thing vince about an almond so many people and i know that this probably does not apply to you but so many people look at an almond as simply a catholic divorce it is not that at all there must be an impediment that existed at the time that the two people came before the altar of god and pledged themselves to each other in his holy presence and those impediments generally have to do uh with with a coercion you know uh somebody was forced to get married we saw this a lot in in previous uh generations when individuals a girl would become pregnant outside of marriage and so the immediately they got married whether she wanted to be married or not or whether he wanted to be married or not now some of those marriages worked out great you know and the church presumes that covenantal bond but by the same token if there is serious coercion uh then you know then that could be an impediment a cause for an annulment because you have to have free will to enter into the sacrament of matrimony if that free will is compromised that's a problem people have to have capacity the ability to be committed to another for a lifetime uh so it so this this regards mental and psychological and emotional issues uh but but it also uh involves individuals who because of of maybe persistent sin prove that they're not able to remain faithful to one spouse i know of many cases where uh the the the the man you know uh was cheating on the woman when she was his girlfriend when she was his fiancee and all through their marriage this man does not have the capacity to commit so therefore that is another issue and then finally canonical form were the couple actually married according to the standard of the church did they receive uh the sacrament of matrimony or was this a you know a justice of the peace wedding or a wedding that they didn't get a dispensation for in another and another uh and they were married in another a denominat not in another but in a denomination of the catholic church a protestant church for example so i agree with you that is the common idea but we can persist in sin even not doing those things um does that answer your question or fill it out for you guys thank you very much that that's exactly my understanding yes it's refreshing to hear it from someone else yeah yeah and you know we've got to stand strong vince because the whole you know the whole culture all of western civilization is rallying against the law of god and the teachings of the church and who are going to be those great witnesses that rise up in these days in time it's going to be you vince it's going to be me it's going to be all of us who say yes to the lord and and are signs of contradiction in the midst of this day and time does that make us better than anybody else no because we sin too but the idea is we cannot codify we cannot approve of sin sinful behavior when we see it and that's why we've got to come hard and strong against the kinds of issues that you and i were talking about against the abortion issue against the euthanasia issue uh you know we've got to come hard and strong against all of these things and we've got to bring ourselves in line with the teachings of the church i always say the church isn't wrong the church doesn't have to change we have to change the church was founded by our lord jesus christ guided by the holy spirit i think the church knows i'm not sure we know but thank you good man i appreciate it and you know i i will tuck your daughter into my prayers today hoping that the light of the holy spirit falls upon her and and she sees what it is that god would have her do okay well thank you very much i i greatly appreciate that if i may i i just i do teach confirmation classes and i always uh stress with the parents and the kids i tell them take take your manual out of your car you know i need a glove compartment and then open it up and start reading it says things like change the oil every 3000 miles check your brakes every so often and the question i pose to them is do you think they got together in a room and said let's make up a bunch of stupid rules that'll just aggravate people and you know yeah the obvious answer is no you know well see this is the manufacture of the car telling you how to have the best relationship with your car in the happiest you know duration as opposed to falling into some kind of harmful situation where the brakes stop working you get damage or the car blows up and it cost you more money so it it's they're not stupid rules and that's the same thing with the ten commandments you have a loving god your creator just like the creators of your car putting together a manual of how to have the best relationship throughout life and that's really what the attempted commandments are then that's dumb rules that you know there's some god sitting up behind the cloud waiting to throw a lightning bolt down on you uh and then i'll get into some of these other issues which and explain why they hurt society in general we can see what's happened with society with the breakdown of the family union unit and young people getting more and more violence at this so much well may i say this about that let me say this about that i wish there were more confirmation teachers like you where you really call the children to think logically you use an analogy that helps for them to understand what it is that you're saying and you encourage them to live that abundant life in our lord jesus christ and to share it with others got a good book recommendation for you vince on confirmation written by my buddy tom sullivan it's called the title of the book is called to knighthood uh the sacrament of confirmation in the kingdom family of god and it's available for you at our website womanofgrace.com i do think ewtnrc.com has it too uh just put in call to knighthood and that book will come up i think it'll really um just be another tool in your toolbox to help these young people to understand a little bit more about that sacrament thank you i'll i'll look into that okay well it's been great talking with you today i've enjoyed our conversation and i uh and i thank you again for your strong witness in the world today we need more men like you uh thank you very much god bless you now thank you you're welcome um i would like to go to diana in tampa florida hey diana how are you i am so well hi janet hi you sound so cheery [Laughter] i'm a big fan of you okay so you know well thank you well thank you okay i was just going to say what is your question or comment diana okay my question is as a common in a question at the same time and also a prayer position because i had um not discussion but kind of a discussion and it becomes an argument and i don't like that because it's a friend of mine and he was telling me about a passage in the bible yesterday about um it's revelation 9 6 but i don't think it's a complete passage but i went there and he kind of wrote it on the message that he sent me and it's about medicine and i know that i know that medicine could be bad it could be good yeah depends on how you use it or whatever just biological by logic it can be better good right side effects and all that so he's um condemning um everything about it including the vaccine and all that he's trying to warn me okay he's trying to warn me he's not catholic and i'm trying to tell him to always be bad um and pray for direction and all this stuff i usually learn from you guys you know always pray for duration and illumination and all that uh-huh um but he's so needy and then he he is doing this all year long all the time and for years he's very confused he thinks tomorrow is going to be the end of the world at the mark of the beast and and all these things that i i feel kind of bad for him because then you can't think he doesn't really work he has jobs where he comes in and now and so he has a lot of time to be on the computer go ahead well let me ask you this question even if i try you what no what did you say there about the church when i when i i when i spoke to you you know this is my faith this is what i've been told and then i type things to him in response to what he tells me not to be there but just to give him another perspective say look that's not what all ye this can also mean this doesn't condemn this it may mean also this so you got to be you know aware of these things because you take it to the stream okay and then sometimes the holy spirit you think it's with you but there's also the evil part of it okay so you don't have to you know he thinks no i know what i'm doing and the holy spirit is with me i want to pray for you because i feel so sad yeah well you should pray for him and i don't know if he's catholic or not catholic you didn't tell us that yeah okay so here here's one of the difficulties that we have oftentimes in denominations of the catholic church and that is that there is a tendency to extract a passage from sacred scripture and create an entire theology air quotes around theology about it and to look at it you know singularly as opposed to within the context in which it's presented or to look at it throughout the whole of sacred scripture so that's a problem and because as we have seen we can we can look at that just in the whole concept of you know uh people are saying to us that you know we are saved by faith alone and that the bible is the only source of of god's revelation you know the bible alone solo scriptura and solo fide you know faith alone in the bible alone well and and then they'll go to some passages to try to say that well to show that but you've got to take those passages in the whole con on context as a matter of fact there's nowhere in sacred scripture that you're going to find a passage that tells us that it is the bible by itself that is the soul some total if you will of god's revelation the bible says otherwise as a matter of fact but people will take a passage and they'll interpret it that way that's the problem that this man has another thing is that we um we want to be very certain that we don't read into sacred scripture but we read out of sacred scripture it's the difference between exegesis and isa jesus exegesis is reading out from sacred scripture this is god's word right and we read out of that as opposed to looking at the conditions and circumstances of the world and reading a passage and reading our day and time into that passage so no man knows the day nor the hour scripture tells us when jesus will come again no one knows jesus even said that's reserved for the father alone so we can tie ourselves up in knots uh believing things that that you know are well outside of the revelation of god given to us through sacred scripture and i might say the teachings of his church look in thessalonians and you'll see that it's uh that it's scripture and tradition as saint paul tells us but i want to read a passage to you now he may he may deny this passage uh because it comes from one of the deuterocannical texts there are seven books of the bible that martin luther expunged from the bible took out of the bible because he didn't like him you can't do that the the canon of the bible uh was given to us by the catholic church at one of the great councils and these seven uh documents were in the deuterochemical texts and it's chapter 38 sir act chapter 38 honor the physician with the honored do him according to your need of him for the lord created him for healing comes from the most high and he will receive a gift from the king the skill of the physician lifts up his head and in the presence of great men he is admired so god is the healer but he chooses to to in many cases use instruments to bring about that healing some of whom are physicians then it says this the lord created medicines from the earth and a sensible man will not despise them was it not water made sweet with a tree in order that his power might be known and he gave skill to men that he might be glorified in his marvelous works by them these medicines from the earth he heals and takes away pain the pharmacist makes of them a compound his works will never be finished and from him health is upon the face of the earth and then it goes on and says my son when you were sick do not be negligent but pray to the lord and he will heal you et cetera et cetera et cetera but sirach the book of sirach is telling us that god often uses physicians now if he's talking about you know the vaccines that are today there's a big controversy about the vaccines that are today uh and and one of those controversies is that you know have they been tested long enough the other uh is you know how how were they made you know and and do we know what the consequences of that might be so you know i think that he's conflating a whole lot of things he's searching sacred scripture to try to prove his point right that's isages that's never the way that we use sacred scripture we read sacred scripture being open and receptive to the word of god and seeing what it is that god wants to say to us not taking our notions and trying to find credibility for them by flipping through sacred scripture and finding a passage here a passage there a passage over there no that's the wrong way to read sacred scripture and you might share that with him but do pray for him and your job is to pray that his heart would be open to receiving the seed of truth that you longed to plant there but i will tell you you need to pray for him and the best prayer that i always recommend is the holy rosary so i hope that that helps you diana and god bless you and i'm happy you're there in tampa and i would be sunshiny and bright too because you're in a sunshiny and bright state we are here in alabama too although i have to say it's a little overcast today so god bless you diana bye bye now let's go to daryl daryl is in tallahassee florida i think we have time to get this caller in hey daryl how are you hi may i marry you today i dad i had a question that came across that abortion they just had a big abortion thing here in tallahassee and that uh it's a step in the right direction but uh it's and i'm assuming when they say wait in the right direction that is from oppression this we're not to oppress one another my other question is was that the reason that there were women leaders at the time of christ's birth was to show the importance to man of women for of women for men right and that's just how holy it was a holy union it was just you know i don't know if you've heard that mary was jesus soul mate they were the perfect union to show the light to the world i could not agree with you more on that um as far as the tallahassee thing apparently this was a demonstration in favor of abortion well i'm afraid that that what we've got to look at is that abortion is an oppressor of women what we discover first of all it's taking the life of children that's murder we can never excuse excuse or use an evil to try to bring a good out of it when i say that abortion oppresses women it oppresses women because it is unnatural to the female person to kill the child in her womb it is unnatural she was created to nurture that child and to nurture that child through nine months and bring that child to life and when she does abort a child there is a long-term effect after that which takes a lot of healing uh oftentimes takes a lot of counseling uh and takes a lot of of of deep introspection on the part of the woman there are always consequences to sin and the woman lives out that consequence so in the end abortion is an oppressor of women and we've got to leave it there god bless you all bye-bye the most original and exclusive catholic content is on ewtn radio this is prudence robertson now more than ever americans need to know the facts about the science the law the
Channel: EWTN
Views: 749
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Keywords: Catholic, EWTN, Christian, television
Id: R_vipbST4T4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 25sec (3265 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 03 2022
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