Women of Grace with Johnnette Williams - 100621- Guest Sue Brinkmann

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well good morning everyone and welcome to women of grace live i am johnette williams absolutely delighted and happy to be with you today certainly am we love to spend this time with you monday through friday as we discuss issues of importance to your life and your faith we're always eager to hear from you right here on women of grace live so do let me give you the toll-free number to use if you are in north america it is eight three three two two eight ex ewtn that's eight three three two so that's the way that you can join us right here on women of grace live where we love to have that holy conversation with you certainly do also want to invite you to join us out there at ewtn radio's youtube channel and facebook page you can use the chat feature there to put your question or comment insight inspiration or word of encouragement in uh and then jeff berson who is our social media manager will dash on out there and he will grab it and put it up on the board for me he is also our producer matt kabinsky is call screening and when you call in to him please do say howdy hey to him we enjoy keeping him busy and i like it when you keep him busy and the way in which we do that is by making those phone calls 833 288 ewtn that's 833-288-3986 want to remind you that we are available to you monday through friday at this same time on this same station discussing those issues of importance to your life and your faith by the way if you're a first timer either through phone call or submission certainly want to invite you to let us know that and then we will ring our bell for you i'm in studio here at ewtn today and our bell is a virtual bell and it's jeff burson our producer who makes it ring and i love when it rings so do do call us oh do you hear it there it is there it is 833 288 ewtn that's 833 288 ewtn do want to remind you about our upcoming women of grace event that's taking place in hollywood florida in the not too distant future oh my goodness i am so excited about it i hope you can hear the excitement of my voice i cannot wait to be with all of you wonderful people right there in hollywood florida it's coming up for you on the 21st and 22nd it's a benedict enrichment seminar that i will be leading paco uh gavarulidas is going to be with us as well it's going to be a beautiful time for the women who come to that event and then on the 23rd that saturday it is a one day women of grace event for you ladies it's a one day conference it is faith fortitude and femininity a formula for such a time as this we're going to be exploring all kinds of aspects of of the way in which god wants to use us as his daughters at this moment in the history of man so i certainly do invite you to get out there and look it up we're going to be at nativity catholic church i am outrageously excited about it encouraging you to join us for faith fortitude and femininity a formula for such a time as this october 23rd it's saturday at nativity catholic church there on johnson street in hollywood florida running concurrent with that event is an event for the young women of grace and the young women of greater grace are going to be talking about made for joy my mother her powerful prayer and me it's going to be a beautiful day for those young ladies who've got fantastic fantastic activities for them as well as good presentations that will be coming their way and i know they are going to enjoy it we did something very similar out in san antonio not long ago and oh i'll tell you those little ladies they enjoyed it so much as a matter of fact um at the hotel the next morning one little girl came up to me she was probably about 14 15 years old and she just thanked me she says can i hug you and thank you uh for for this beautiful day that we had yesterday and i said oh absolutely so i know and can give you on good authority that this is a beautiful day for the young women so bring your daughters bring your granddaughters bring your nieces bring your students uh bring all of those lovely daughters of the most high god to this beautiful event taking place at nativity catholic church saturday october 23rd for the young ladies made for joy my mother her powerful prayer and me for the adult women faith fortitude and femininity a formula for such a time as this it's all preceded by the benedicta leadership institute leading like the lady a beautiful way for us to understand and explore that authority and power that is ours by way of our feminine virtues i'm telling you it's exciting to discover how it is that god once he uses today now you might say well i'm not a leader i'm telling you you're a leader by virtue of your baptism you are a leader you are called by god to lead others to the one who is the way the truth and the life our lord jesus christ so you are a leader by virtue of your baptism it's just that we don't always see ourselves in that role we want to help you to do that and we want to show you how to do it as we come together for that benedicta enrichment seminar that's taking place on october 21st october 22nd again there at nativity catholic church all of the information is available for you out there at our website womenofgrace.com is what that website is women of grace all one word plural on the women womenofgrace.com we invite you to get out there and check it out you're going to see that it's advertised for you there in the slideshow and again it's listed underneath upcoming events both are hyperlinks they take you to a landing page that gives you all of the information that you need to have and in addition to that you can register right online the schedule is there for you you'll see just the general information and then you'll scroll on down you can see you can register and then the entire schedule is listed for you there i'm really excited about this topic faith fortitude and femininity a formula for such a time as this and i'm excited about the acronyms for faith that we give you that we will be exploring and digging into so let me just re i mean these are the presentations i'm going to be doing all of them i can't wait for them here's the first one faith firm assurance in things hidden notice f-a-i-t-h right faith firm assurance and things hidden and then faith and fortitude forging ahead in trust-filled hope f-a-i-t-h forging ahead in trust-filled hope then faith and femininity here we go finding authentic identity through healing finding authentic identity through healing and then we have the last talk faith a formula for such a time as this so there you have it i just think it's going to be very exciting as we explore these various topics uh all related to this living out the reality of who we are as the daughters of the most high god finding in the midst of all of that the way in which we should go and how it is that god wants to use us the means by which we can attain that healing that he desires we experience oh my goodness it is going to be fantastic so we want for you to find out all about it get out there to womenofgrace.com if you're on the east coast of florida this is an easy breezy thing for you if you're on the west coast of florida this is a nice ride across the state which i'll be making myself uh you know just a nice ride right down there through alligator alley you know the way it's 75 the whole way 75 south boom it takes you right into 595 and you can find your way from there it's all available for you out there on our website so please do come womenofgrace.com it is wednesday it is wednesday and you know what that means you know what we're gonna have to do jeff we're gonna have to come up like with some special music that we can play right uh to introduce wacky wednesday uh you know it's a wacky wednesday that means sue brinkman is with us we're going to be talking about a lot of wacky stuff i want to tell you we had a fantastic retreat last weekend on online a beautiful event sue presented on the angels who knows we might get into that a little bit we might discuss some of those topics with you but we've got a big one big one for you today so i'm inviting you to stay tuned start to call now 833 288 ewtn you wait too long we can't get to you that's 833-288-3986-205-271-2985 if you're outside of north america coming right back stay with us tonight on ewtn live become a better reader and writer as author joshua wren offers tips and key points that catholics can use to further their education on the next ewtn live ewtn live with me father mitch pacquiao tonight at 8 pm eastern on ewtn tv and radio prayer is the only truly creative power in the world god is the only one who can create something out of nothing and when we pray we welcome god into our hearts and once he's there he's going to do something he's going to change things he's going to transform us he's going to make something out of the nothing that is me that's the power of prayer for me it's the only power that's guaranteed to change my life and the only way i know to make that happen is through prayer [Music] dear family let us pray together mother angelica's prayer for the united states lord god i ask in all humility that you bless this country as unworthy as we are protect it from every evil protect it from the enemy protect it lord that it may accomplish thy will and keep thy commandments i ask lord with a pleading heart to look down upon us in our unworthiness give this country a renewal of devotion to you to your law and to your commandments lord let us be once more a country under you lord may we once more say in god we trust guide us and protect this country from every evil and every harm amen encouraging women in their gift of authentic femininity here's more women of grace with john ed williams well welcome back everybody in lieu of the fact that we don't have any music i'll make it it is wacky around here on wednesdays i'm just saying so you know sue and i we're double trouble here uh reminds me of the haley mills movie remember that you trouble with angels that was such a good movie or the one on the teen daughters anyway all of that saying sue brinkman is with us we're going to be taking your phone calls here about all things wacky you know we talk a lot about the new age here we talk about the occult these are the kinds of things that really have have taken up a lot of our cultural collateral i mean they're everywhere it's ubiquitous today it's in everything and so we want to make you aware of it because oftentimes we're not very cognizant of the ideologies that surround these things and why they are not acceptable to us as catholics why they are an antithesis to what we're told in sacred scripture so we certainly do want you to call us 833 288 ewtn i should slow that down i've had too much caffeine eight three three two eight eight three nine eight six that's 833 288 ewtn that's the way that you can join us live here on women of grace live where we do love to have friendly conversation with you and get a little giddy from time to time i also want to remind you that we're available for you out there at ewtn radio's youtube channel and facebook page and we're looking forward to hearing from you there honestly we uh look forward to getting all of your questions and comments everything right here at women of grace live so we invite you to take advantage of the opportunity we've got matt kabinsky on phones and give him a heidi hay he'll get your question up on the board for us and we've got jeff burson our social media manager and most importantly our producer who goes out there and retrieves those questions for us and gets everything up so that we can have that holy conversation together without further ado let me introduce you to sue bringman hey sue how are you today oh i'm doing wonderful and i love that music that singing was divine it was divine it was so good i got creeped out when i heard it [Laughter] i really didn't know i was so good at it to tell you the truth i kind of creeped myself out a little bit too it was good it was very good i think we should go with that just go with it it's really fun oh darn well anyway we had a tremendous weekend i you know i thought maybe you would just like to share with everybody a little bit of of this weekend retreat that we had um and i want to tell you all you know we archive all of these online events as well as our in-person events up there at our website and you can have access to all of them by becoming absolute can you say it john a subscriber to women of grace exclusive i mean it's really the best deal on the planet all of our television shows are archived there too and our radio programs and they go way back and i am surprised when you look into the archives there how many of these topics uh kind of have been in in our crosshairs for a long long time so this if you missed this retreat it's going to be in our women of grace exclusive we invite you to get out there uh and become a subscriber if you were there you're getting your playback link probably sometime later this week or next week so uh you'll you'll have a you know another opportunity or two or three or four how many every time you want to go in there and watch those presentations again but so give us a brief synopsis and then take us into our topic of the day here well i'll tell you i i loved that retreat i just thought it was fabulous um and i would say two words to describe it gripping and exhilarating gripping in the fact that a lot of the presentations really had good vital information in it that i'm sure people never heard before yes um on on the machinations of of of the devil uh and and on pre-order natural beings and that sort of thing um but then it was exhilarating too in learning about all the the um the weapons and and the power that jesus christ has over these these beings and and the protection that we have i think that was wonderful in that way so there were some moments when i was kind of really kind of gripping my my seat you know listening and then the next moment i was exhilarated by like oh yeah jesus you've got all the power you can do this so i mean i just found it to be wonderfully entered not just entertaining i it wonderfully educational yeah that's really the word i want very educational but in a way that was fun to listen to yes and well balanced well you know and very well balanced you and mike mike aquilina both presented on angels and did an absolutely excellent job and we from both those of us that were listening you know to to all of these presentations as they were coming out you know you you the two of you did not step on each other you reinforced some things uh but by the same token it was all new information that the two of you were giving us on the angels and we know the angels are god's god's uh humble servants really right his messengers uh as opposed to those fallen angels who we now call demons so that was absolutely fantastic and then we had adam bly and we had paul thigpen and they were talking with us about you know the darker side of things you know uh we were we were learning about uh the fallen angels how how they how they manifest themselves what we can do about it uh you know and just two marvelous presentations and then we had michael o'neal the miracle hunter and you all know michael o'neill from his uh program that airs at 7 p.m eastern time here on ewtn on saturdays on on radio and he took us into these miracles of god i just thought the whole thing uh came together so very very well and it reminded me of how important it is for us to have these wacky wednesdays to get this information out and you've got one called bibliomancy i mean this is a topic i never heard of before so what is that oh this is about bible roulette we got a question from somebody who asked that she said my friends make fun of me for playing bible roulette but i've sometimes received very appropriate answers to my question what's wrong with it now i think everybody has played bible roulette i mean i will i will admit it on the air i have played bible roulette um i tend to do it when i'm in a hurry and and i just like need a quick read on something you know am i doing the right thing and i do believe that god answers me because there's certain scripture that has a special meaning to me i'm sure we all have that some scripture that just means a lot to you and and there are times when i'll pick the bible but open right up to that page and and i'll think okay he's telling me don't worry about this i've got it you're fine you know keep going um so i mean you can play it but is it the optimal way to read the bible no it is not because that's really not how the bible is meant to be read um uh the bible shouldn't be thought of as just one book it's actually more like a library of books some are allegorical some are journalistic accounts some are just ancient songs but it's important to know that that what you're reading um you might be not you might not be understanding it the way it was meant to be the way those those words were meant to be read so that's one of the reasons for it paul philip kozlowski writing for alatea he says that playing by roulette won't do much for you if you're serious about reading scripture so it's not something that you want to do to learn and understand scripture uh it's just not something you should play for that i don't think people should be laughed at necessarily for for playing bible reality because i think everybody kind of does it even the saints did it um but uh it's not the way to read to do a serious read of scripture now um bibliomancy bibliomancy different ways of saying that that's where you're using this bible roulette as a way to divine your future and that's when you start to once you make the bible into divination tool now you're off base now you're very far off base um i i visited one site that promotes it and and the the person who who runs the site describes herself as a pagan high priestess and you know they use the bible for that purpose they will actually use it um they use it to foretell the future to find guidance about what they're doing um they believe that if you have an old family bible that especially one that's a that's inscribed with birth data about your family and that that that's especially powerful and that if if you use that as in bibliomycy with the book of psalms you know is the favorite of theirs you can get some really good strong readings from it african traditional religions and hoodoo they keep copies of bible in hand and they that's what they use their bible for um for divinatory wisdom um it can also be used in some spiritual systems as a way to remove negative entities um specific passages in the bible and the quran are associated with the expulsion of demons so that obviously is not the way to use a bible and you've got to be very careful about that use the sacred book in the way that it was designed and that was to teach us about god who reveals himself to us and this knowledge is precious and it can lead you into ever deeper union with him why would you not want to do that with your bible but like i said don't laugh at somebody for playing bobby roulette um sometimes you just want a quick fix you know you open the bible hey it's better than turning to something else right right um so uh but that's it you got to just avoid that bibliomancy because that is now becoming divinatory you don't want to get into that well you know it's a funny thing because i have done that in the pa many times in the past you know and it's but i've never even looked at it as something like bible roulette you know i've taken it into my time of prayer and said lord you know do you have a word for me today you know i just want to open up your your your sacred book here and you know just let me see if there's something here that's that is is important for me and and oftentimes i will come across a passage that is quite helpful right uh and and so i don't think that we ought to become scrupulous with this and i know if there are charismatics listening they're gonna say well it's not really bible roulette because you know a lot of uh those individuals who um have been part or are part of the charismatic renewal myself included uh would would um you know really open the scriptures to to a given page and just begin to read to see you know what it is that that god has in mind for us today he speaks to us through scripture and it is one of the senses s-e-n-s-e-s in which we can read scripture is is for you know uh and lectio divina is very much this way reading sacred scripture uh to to to obviously discover what god's word says but the meaning that god has for us in that and we know that sometimes something will just jump off the page i have a passage here from um from 2 timothy chapter 3. i hope i can read it i left my reading glasses at home today but it says this uh and i can't i i think it's i think it's right around verse six i think i can't read the verse anyway all scripture is inspired by god and useful for teaching for reproving for correcting for instructing injustice that the man of god may be perfect equipped for every good work so you know scripture tells us scripture is good for us right but i i like the distinction that you make between using it as as almost like a horoscope you know where you're trying to to you know the the bible becomes nothing more than you know here's a simile like a star in the sky that that is is guiding us and leading us that that's the wrong use it's that's profaning the word of god in in a certain way um and and seeking um uh you know a power that is outside of god a power that's coming from words on a page as opposed to you know this relationship with the lord and looking at it speaking to us coming from the heart of god so it's a fine line absolutely but i think it's a good one for us to know about it is a fine line because it's a very fine line between you know certain religious practices catholic practices that we have they can slip into superstition we've discussed it before on our show about burying as a statue of saint joseph you know putting our statue of our lady in the in the window to make make it be good weather the next day i mean this is a superstitious use of our faith okay it's putting it's putting our faith in in some object as if it has some kind of power and it does not yes so uh this is what we have to be very careful of that we don't do it that way but when you were mentioning what the charismatics do with the bible now that wouldn't be uh bibliomancy or really it wouldn't even be bible roulette you're just opening the bible because you just want to hear whatever god wants to say to you right i mean that's why we have a bible because we want to hear it so that would be different you know um but for for people who are using it to say okay you know what's going to happen to me 10 years from now um and getting and they're trying to read into it you know some signs of whatever might be coming to them from the words um that of course would be you know moving into the realm of divination and that would be uh superstition and using it in the in the wrong way the way that it is not intended yeah you know what and i if i might make another comment on this too uh oftentimes we we have a tendency and i see this very much around times of uncertainty you know we saw this at the beginning of the new millennium in the year 2000 there were all kinds of prognostications out there about you know this was going to be the end of the world and all the computers were going to fail and there was going to be all of this stuff and it was y2k you remember all that right and there was just it was kind of a type of millennialism you know that was creeping up and people were getting all worried about you know you store up on your water store up on your food so in times of uncertainty you know people will tend to go and i think that we're in a time of uncertainty right now i just the situation that we see in the world the situation that we see in our country this attempt to um i think make you know socialism the brand of the land uh you know it it has a lot of people spooked and i think that it should and i think that we need to take appropriate measures with regard to all that but there is a tendency to read into scripture rather than reading out of scripture so we take this whole mindset of oh my goodness you know the the sky is falling and we overlay that on sacred scripture and we look for passages that justify that view uh that you know we're in it the the this is the great tribulation and the antichrist is here and jesus is coming really soon and we see a tendency to do that i um interviewed john martin sue last week and those shows will be coming up on women of grace television in the not too distant future we we were talking about the rapture there's a lot of people that uh even catholics you know that believe in the rapture well the church doesn't teach the rapture that's not what the church teaches uh jesus is going to come once again and when he comes once again that's going to be it you know but all that being said you know i think we have to be very careful when we approach sacred scripture and and realize that this is the word of god we read out of it and we don't read into it and this by bibliomonci or biblio bibliomancy yes that's what it is that's easier to say you know this is a type of that you're you're you're you know you're reading into scripture what is my future and then you're looking at that and saying oh that's what that means this is what this means and as opposed to being open to what god wants to communicate to you through a given passage i love that read in and rather than reading out that was brilliant reading it rather than reading out that's exactly what we do sometimes and i think we need to use the church's interpretation of scripture and and where do we find that in the catechism there you go the catechism of the church you know always read that in fact i have a bible that's called the decay and all the commentary in that bible is from the catechism there you go so it's it's beautiful cross-reference in there it is anybody's yeah and and i you know i can't take credit for that because exegesis is is a term that's used when we're approaching scripture rightly we're reading out of scripture isa jesus is the reading into scripture so we've got to be wary of that i want you to be wary of the fact that we are here with you so i want you to call us 83288 ewtn we've got all the phone lines open for you right now 833 288 3986 that's 833 288 ewtn if you're outside of north america your number country code one two zero five two seven one two nine eight five you can use that number two if you're in birmingham i guess you could use it anywhere in the united states one two zero five two seven one two nine eight five we're also available for you out there at ewtn radio's youtube channel and facebook page jeff burson will retrieve your question and get it up on the board he's our producer and we've got matt gabinski on the phones we've got sue brinkman with us today it is a wacky wednesday anything that you have questions about regarding uh you know the occult the supernatural uh you know alternative healing methods all of that we are here for you questions about sacred scripture we'll answer them as far as we can take them uh so we invite you to give us a call 833 288 ewtn do not want you to forget to go out there to our website womenofgrace.com register for our upcoming hollywood event there in florida on the east coast coming up on the 21st 22nd and 23rd we'll be right back stay with us raymond arroyo dr david anders father mitch paqua the leading catholic voices are on the largest catholic media network in the world you're listening to the ewtn global catholic radio network [Music] i'm doug keck this is an ewtn bookmark brief just had the pleasure of speaking with christine m wohar author of finding for sodding and following his path to holiness published proudly by ewtn available through our religious catalog christine finding for saudi why do we need to find him today well we need to get back to the fundamentals of living our catholic life and that's really the key peter georgio is the i think the model for how to really live out your catholic faith in the culture that we're living in today what do you think the major fundamentals were in his spirituality his fundamentals were the eucharist going to daily mass and serving the people around him basically it was the two greatest commandments loving god with all your heart mind and soul and loving your neighbor as yourself christina mohar author of finding for saudi and following his path to holiness available through our ewtn religious catalog check it out and check us out next time this is an ewtn bookmark brief thanks [Music] ewtn global catholic network is the largest religious media network in the world 11 global tv channels english and spanish radio networks with over 500 am and fm radio affiliates one of the largest catholic websites in the world dozens of podcasts every week social media electronic and print news services and ewtn publishing ewtn is the global catholic network for more about ewtn visit ewtn.com hi this is dr david anders do you have questions about the catholic faith get the answers on call to communion coming up this afternoon 2 p.m eastern on ewtn radio now back to women of grace with donette williams the women of grace phone lines are open 1-833-288-ewtn 1-833-288-3986 [Music] welcome back everybody you're listening to women of grace live you just heard those numbers and our phone lines are lighting up we've just got two lines available now let's fill them up let's get them filled up and let's get out there to ewtn radio's youtube channel and facebook page put your question in there and we'll get it up on the board that way too let me just also say you know as we answer one call then that opens up another line but right now we've got two available for you asking all of you to be patient and to hold uh reminding you about this upcoming event taking place in hollywood florida leading like the lady is the benedict enrichment seminar that takes place on october 21st and 22nd followed on that saturday by a one day conference for women called faith fortitude and femininity a formula for such a time as this yours truly will be presenting those talks running concurrent to that a day for our young ladies and we want you to find out about that too it's made for joy my mother her powerful prayer and me can promise you your daughters your granddaughters your nieces your students will not be unhappy that they came they're going to enjoy it it's going to be a beautiful day for them as it will be for the women too you can register right online at womenofgrace.com we've got a lot of various questions coming up here sue but we did have one that came in the other day while we're getting everybody up on the air here let's uh let's take that question if we can jeff go ahead my name is melanie i'm calling from wetumpka alabama i have a question about what the catholic church teaches regarding alternative treatments for disabilities such as color therapy light therapy acupuncture well thank you very much for your call this is a big one sue because we get asked this question a lot we've done whole shows on uh alternative therapies and if you become a subscriber to women of grace exclusive you can get out there and find them uh sue's been in studio for television on these topics as well so go for it sue well color and light therapy has is legitimate it's scientifically legitimate um the american cancer society says that some physicians prescribe light boxes that mimic sunlight and that's what they use to treat people suffering from seasonal affective disorders ultraviolet light is used to treat psoriasis um in some t-cell lymphoma um photodynamic therapy has been found to be helpful in creating uh in treating certain cancers um phototherapy lights are also used to treat premature infants but there so there's a scientific use for all that stuff however there's also a new age used for it which is all kinds of wackiness they call themselves color therapists or chromotherapists and they claim that they can use light in the form of color to balance to balance energy in a person's body mind or spirit and there's a bunch of these people practitioners out there on the web you have to be very careful with this they they use an ayurvedic medicine approach with traditional chinese medicine which asserts that each of the seven chakras um corresponds to a particular body organ and also to a specific color so disease or illness occurs when the chakras become in balance and they say that well you can fix that by applying the appropriate color to it so um there's there's legitimate and illegitimate uses to colors there it just depends on on how it's being used uh as as for it and now as acupuncture is concerned acupuncture is based on a belief in the existence of a universal life force and we don't believe in that that is a pantheistic belief um and uh acupuncture uh people think it works but it's not because it has anything to do with this universal light force and and the points on the body where it enters the body known as the meridian points um science believes that that there are other reasons for uh why you might think you've had you've had relief when you prick yourself with a pin this can release for instance pain reducing endorphins this is just a natural response this could be why you're feeling better after that it has nothing to do with meridians meridians are the channels through which this universal life force supposedly runs through the body and also there's been recent study and this was a pretty big blockbuster study maybe two years ago now um where they had a bunch of of acupuncturists get together and none of them could agree on where the acupressure points were so it's like if you can't even decide on where the actual points are how is acupuncture supposed to work which it doesn't by the way is as far as any kind of clinical testing is concerned we have many uh articles about acupuncture on our blog and you can go there by newage dot dot that'll take you right to the index which is alphabetical so it's newage.womenofgrace.com and just scroll down to acupuncture and there's tons of articles in there including all the scientific research and studies that have been done on them and we stay pretty up to date on it when i see something that comes out there i just put it up on the blog so you can read up on what they're trying to to to do with the study of acupuncture so uh you have to just use a lot of discretion when you're turning to alternatives and remember that that you have a moral obligation to use ordinary means for uh anything that is life-threatening or contagious uh that is a teaching of the church again there is a blog out there about that just look under alternative medicine and you'll find that blog so and that'll explain everything to you so yeah we've got a lot of information on our blog about it very good yeah excellent points that you make there sue and this comes up very frequently and the blog is an excellent resource for you and there's nothing quite like it out there and we've got you know well over a thousand questions and answers there on a variety of topics having to do with a new age so use this as a as a resource you know if it's not wacky wednesday and you can't call in and you've got a burning question chances are it's been addressed there so get on out there and take a look uh we have jake with us jake is in san antonio texas today we invite you to call us too it's two 833 eight ewtn eight three three two eight eight three nine eight six toll free for you here in north america one two zero five two seven one two nine eight five is the number for you if you're outside of north america again that's one two zero five two seven one two nine eight five go to ewtn radio's youtube channel and facebook page use the chat feature there and we'll get your question on the board and address it as well hey jake how are you i'm doing very well how are y'all this morning very well thank you for calling i love san antonio it's just there not too long ago yeah it's a beautiful city it's really hot but it's finally starting to cool off a little bit right now well i'm glad it was hot when we were there so you've got a big question here go for it sure and i mean i'm sure it's been addressed at some point before and it kind of ties into what you were just talking about but um you know once you got to school my whole life and in high school uh you know it was all all boys high school and i had a priest there that um i spent a lot of time in india and nepal um and you know as a jesuit you know i mean they're they're pretty hardcore like the marines of the priest world you know and and they kind of uh he would teach us yoga and he would teach us um you know to meditate on things we had read from the bible or images you know uh you know christian symbols and things like that and you know he can use it as a way to help us to become a little bit closer in our spiritual life you know the breathing you can bring us down and to calm us and whatnot and you know it's something that helped me when i was younger and i'm considering again i'm just curious what does this church think about that what do they feel about yoga well that's a good question jake and i'm gonna let sue answer it for you go ahead sue church has not made any definitive statement on yoga they haven't however a lot of the things that that we know we encounter in yoga it has made statements about such as many of the yoga poses or positions of worship to hindu gods now of course you have to have intention in order to be worshipping those hindu gods but when you're in a yoga class you don't know who is in that class with you who might be worshiping those those hindu gods which means we know from the fathers of our church that that demons hide behind those names because those those uh hindu gods aren't real and and they can come down into that class and they can infect anybody there is not in a state of grace so you can put yourself in danger in a yoga class i always tell people be very careful about that no matter what your intentions are the devil doesn't play fair if he sees you you're there in that class you're open game to him if you're not in a state of grace also you risk uh scandalizing people by saying you're involved in yoga because it's associated with hinduism we know it's not just associated with it it's integral to the to the practice of the hindu religion um so you got to be very careful with yoga we are i am not a fan of yoga at all under any condition i'm not a fan of you and i've been a fitness i was in fitness years ago and i can tell you that you don't need yoga to feel good you were saying how it how it helped you to feel good now you can feel good with any kind of exercise it doesn't have to be yoga yoga's got a lot of religious baggage with it why risk it you know why get involved in it when you can do just so many other things um to make yourself feel good any kind of exercise releases these endorphins into your body that make you feel better you don't have to be doing something like yoga i just i don't know why to me it has no value why even bother with it well and we do know that it's not as effective as some of the other stretching exercises that are not tied to a philosophy or a system of thought that is antithetical to the revealed truth of sacred scripture and the teachings of the church and i think one of the things that always concerns me jake is when we take when we take a pagan practice and we overlay you know catholic language or christian language on top of it or a christian practice on top of it to try to make it okay it really doesn't necessarily make it okay and there's as you know it doesn't but there's different physical because historically that's what's happened you know with their church so it's difficult yeah but i want to correct you on that the church never bought into the practices of of of pagan religions and tried to make them catholic what the church would do is if there was a shrine for example to a pagan god what the church would do is to uh would be to build a basilica or a church over that shrine to introduce the people to the concept that no this is the truth of of the matter right they would do things like that but they didn't take pagan practices and try to christianize a pagan practice and you know jake that there's a whole lot of different kinds of yoga and the one that involves the the poses is hatha yoga and they're really not stretching exercises they're really poses that places our body into the position of the appearance of of a pagan god i i just i can't get over that fact and think that that's helpful on any level to us and then there's even worse ones there's kundalini yoga for example and there's just all kinds of yoga which is a path to god that's what yoga means path to god but it's their concept of god which is a life force energy and not the god of the christian not the you know three persons in one god with whom we have a personal relationship so i didn't mean to step on you there but i just wanted to correct that because people will often say that you didn't and and uh you know that's that's just not a correct concept of what the church has done in the past sure and i guess that's a whole separate topic but um yeah i was i was just kind of curious because i remember you know when i was younger and my mom kind of are you supposed to be doing that is that right you know it was like oh you know what other father father so and so i need to name him you know yeah he's a great man he's a godly man he's taught us a lot and you know like he's led a lot of young men and it just you know i guess the older i got and the more i heard i just kept thinking i was just curious yeah well i'm glad that you were curious and i'm sure that his intention was to to be of benefit to these young men you know the question is is that a beneficial thing to do though you know so so that okay well thank y'all so much hey you're so welcome jake we really appreciate your call today um thank you very much and thank you so very much for caring about your your faith right so we're going to share and thank y'all for doing what you do oh thank you thank you uh we we're going to jump to ken when we have somebody calling from out of the country we like to advance them right and ken is calling us from australia today hi ken how are you i'm fine joe i'm fine i'm very very good i've got a quick question i've got friends who are getting involved in this practice of reiki and energy healing and they begin to justify it by saying well look it brings healing and it brings peace to some of those people who receive it but i've been saying look the devil counterfeits the devil is a major counterfeiter counterfeiter of god's healing and sucks them in um and some of them just won't listen and just say nah nah nah you're just being extreme with your views um there's nothing wrong with reiki because um we do it in the light of the holy spirit they're just digging their heels and what would you say to them well thank you ken i you know i think again here's a prime example of the way in which we think that we can take a practice that is not of of uh coming from sacred scripture the teachings of the church and make it okay it's an overlay here to say okay well i'm you know i know that it talks about this energy but i'm going to call that the holy spirit can't do those things sue go for it and let's help ken out here i think that probably the best advice that he could give to his friends would be to ask them to just do a little bit of study on it some serious study on reiki and i think that they're going to find out what exactly is behind reiki um there's all kinds of of fables about it you know that reiki's this ancient healing practice and it's not there's no evidence of anything um beyond um the last century uh for instance uh but the the really frightening thing about reiki uh is that it uses spirit guides and you are attuned to your spirit guide uh during a what are known as attunement ceremonies there's three of them you have to go through three attunements before you become a master uh a reiki master and and the second level is where you get a spirit guide assigned to you and you then you begin to work with that spirit guide now who is the spirit guide ken who is it who is it i mean we don't know who it is right it's the devil that's who it is in the new ways they just make up these beings that are supposedly out there you know avatars and ascended managers these are all constructs of the new age you ask them what's your source for that information and they're going to tell you oh this website that was put up by minerva the moon bat you know this is not a source that's not a source but i mean but you have to you have to gently guide them into looking up this information so they can start to see and it'll materialize before their very eyes they're going to start to say hey wait a minute this stuff this stuff is not anything like what they're telling me it is first of all that that energy as johnnette and i have talked about on on the uh the air so many times that doesn't exist there's no such thing as chi ki pranam they've been looking for that since the time of sir isaac newton and there's no evidence that it exists there's veritable energy which is the monochromatic radiation and magnetic forces within the within the human body we know that kind of energy that's called veritable energy but that's different from what they're talking about in reiki it's measurable he's exactly right in reiki they're talking about key which is this energy this universal life force which doesn't exist so the whole thing really is a bunch of hype but you've got a spirit guide involved in it so the lord only knows where that can lead you uh during one of these sessions with your with your reiki master but again this is stuff they need to educate themselves about because if they're only going by what they read on on the internet they don't have the information they need to make a really informed decision about whether or not to use it and whether or not you're an extremist for saying something against it they they really don't have the information they need to be able to do that in my opinion yeah right well thank you so much for that that's brilliant advice well and also let me give you another uh little bit of information the yeah and i know that you're in australia but the united states conference of catholic bishops put a statement out about reiki stating that this is not acceptable and people ought not to be doing it parishes ought not to have reiki rooms we ought not to use reiki as a therapy or anything else catholic hospitals are not supposed to provide reiki as an option for their patients or as you know something for them to to benefit by and they they list exactly in that article ken why it is antithetical to the revealed truth of sacred scripture and the teachings of the church and you can find that out just by going to you united states conference of catholic bishops uccb uccb.org uccb.org and in the search feature just type in reiki r-e-i-k-i and it'll take you there and that key at the end of re key is that energy that sue was describing right um and so i forget exactly what ray is i think that ray is is a transcendental spirit there you go oh so it's a transcendental spirit and energy you know this life force energy put together smack together so i think that you know your friends might be well intentioned people like it because it gives them a sense of power a sense of control over things that sometimes we feel that we have no control over uh but you know that's what the devil does he deceives us and tells us we have capacities we don't have so thank you so much for your call i really do appreciate it and thank you for listening all the way there from uh australia we're praying for y'all down there oh great thank you so much you're welcome you too god bless you bye-bye and that was a good call and one that we you know need to be aware of we talked about reiki in in the uh event that we had last weekend there sue adam bly apparatus uh an expert on demonology uh talked with us about reiki and and what he has seen with regard to that in exorcisms that have had so this is this is no this is no small matter this is a very very big matter yes it is and it's widespread because energy medicine is widespread out there 833 288 ewtn that's 833-288-3986 we're getting close to the end of our show but we've got time for christine she's out there in albany new york good morning to you christine good morning thanks for taking my call i have a quick question about crystals and precious stones um so what are your thoughts on on those items like quartz and rose quartz that people hold does that kind of attract uh anything uh bad oh it's a very good question thank you for that um actually it's it's a very that's a superstitious use of those stones um people who believe in crystals what they believe is that um uh different kinds of energy including electrical psychic magnetic energy nuclear energy is all stored in that that that stone it it absorbs those energies and other forces of nature and any touch of of any human who might have had it so that when you hold that that particular stone is imprinted with all these energies and then you can absorb them into yourself and according to the irish theological commission they say that the belief in the power of crystal stems from a new age believes that god is an impersonal force he's an energy which is vibrating in the universe if one wants to get into harmony with this energy then then you you do so through certain objects that vibrate in harmony with this energy and that's what they believe these crystals are doing they that they vibrate with it with this particular energy and that would of course be a superstitious use of a crystal now if you want to you know wear a beautiful jade or or onyx type necklace or jewelry that that's fine and there's nothing wrong with the actual gem they're created by god they're beautiful um but if you're you're using them in that way um for healing or or to to balance your energy or to absorb some sort of energy from somebody then you're using them in a superstitious manner and you should not do that does that help you christine yes yeah thank you very much you're welcome very much we've got one quick question here we're done at the last minute this is out there on youtube maria can anyone tell me how to talk to our guardian angels sue go for it pray that's how you talk you pray to it that's how i talk to my guardian angel all the time i mean it it's you're not going to hear things back if you do hear things back audibly you need to you know discuss that with your pastor but um hopefully you will not because that's that's usually not a good sign but what you want to do is just pray pray to that guardian angel ask them for their help and your faith will answer for you your faith in god and in the fact that he's given us this tremendous gift of a guardian angel will tell you that that angel hears everything that you're you're praying to them and your angel wants nothing more than to help you um to bring you closer to god in your in your relationship with god but also to bring you home to heaven i hope that helps you maria we're going to close out angel of god my guardian dear to whom god's love and trust me here this day at my side to life to rule in god amen thank you everybody for being with us today it's another wacky wednesday that we've had with sue brinkman we're going to be back with you tomorrow until then may god bless you abundantly pray for us we're praying for you bye-bye now [Music] my wife and i are former protestants who are considering convert
Channel: EWTN
Views: 1,328
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Catholic, EWTN, Christian, television
Id: cRnUuYcokGw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 40sec (3220 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 06 2021
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