Women of Grace - Aug 26, 2020 - Johnnette Williams

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was originally established as a community of benedictine monks in the 10th century for more news from a catholic perspective visit ewtnews.com women of grace with john at williams starts now this race live discussing issues important to your life and faith spiritual insight practical wisdom join us as we transform the world one woman at a time women of grace for such a time as this now here's your host johnette williams well good morning everyone and welcome to women of grace live i am john at williams absolutely delighted and happy to be with you today love spending this time with you monday through friday as we discuss issues of importance to your life and to your faith inviting you always right here at the top of the program to give us a call we certainly do want to have that holy conversation with you the number for you to use is this one it's toll free for you here in north america it's 833 288 e wtn that's 833 288 3986 we're also available to you out there on social media land simply get out to ewtn radio's youtube channel and facebook page use the chat feature there you can get your question comment inside inspiration or word of encouragement up on our board and we will be happy to address it right here during our time together jeff burson is our producer and social media manager and ryan penny is our call screener we make a happy little trio yes we do the three musketeers here looking forward to being with you today again that toll-free number 833 288 e-w-t-n just pick up the phone and punch in those numbers and we'll be able to have holy conversation today is wednesday you know what that means it means it's wacky in these ear parts it's wacky wednesday sue brickman is with us she's going to be on the air with me in just a moment we're going to be talking about a couple of things that uh you know is it's kind of like do i want to say it's breaking news in terms of the new age i don't know but it certainly is something that is well worth uh talking about and some new studies are showing us some new things that it's important information for you to have you know we always say a prayer before we begin our time together today and i was really asking the holy spirit you know for the edification and the education of all of us as we go through this time together today so i hope that those goals are achieved through the the movement of grace that is with us in the program uh and a lot of times you know that edification that education comes by way of you and that's why we also like you to call 833 288 ewtn we had a beautiful day yesterday it was a day where you know our faith was really increased trust in god and hope and confidence in him grew as a result of some of the testimonies that we heard yesterday and and this is one of the ways in which during uncertain times we stand together as the people of god and we really do bolster each other's uh confidence and faith in him right we all need that we don't make it through any day and time on our own we make it through with the people of god you know god set it up that way he sent his son our lord jesus christ and he sent his son who is in community with the father and the holy spirit but he sent his son into a family right into a community on earth and then what is the first thing jesus does when he begins his public ministry he forms a community right and and so we come together through these airwaves as a community we we have our our holy catholic church it is a community broken into smaller communities all through the world which we call parishes and they are subdivided as well into various organizations and outreaches but we worship together we learn together we move together at women of grace we kind of have a little saying we like to use it that we stand together soul to soul shoulder to shoulder and soul to soul and i like that shoulder to shoulder we're together and soul to soul we're together physically right through the means that are available to us and and we are together spiritually and and we need that in this our day and time lots of things that are going on and one of the things that's really pressing upon my mind right now and i'm sure yours as well is this uh tremendous hurricane that is out there hurricane lara and she is headed for the coastline of louisiana and texas and from everything that i have heard on the news today it is a catastrophic storm a catastrophic storm that may well go down in history they're comparing it to some of the really treacherous and horrid storms that have occurred in the past and when we consider that we realize that there are lots of people that are going to be affected people that even now uh you know have been uh in in the grip of of the the misery that these things cause even in the time of preparation so i'm going to ask you to please remember all of the people that inhabit the coastline of louisiana and texas and even into the central areas because they're talking about it's going to go as far as shreveport uh that in some ways the entire nation is going to be affected especially as it comes to the oil refineries and and all of that that is out there uh in that area of our country so i thought maybe you know as we prepare ourselves for this program we should come together as the people of god and we should pray and intercede for all of those who will be impacted in the most severe of ways we should pray uh that that lives are protected we should pray that to the extent that property is protected it is and we should actually just pray that you know through some miraculous action of heaven this storm dissipates that is not outside of the power of god god is all-powerful right and and and so you know does he always intervene in these things no because often he's speaking a word to us through them maybe we'll talk a little bit about that with sue too when she's here but the fact of the matter is uh you know god is with us in all things and and so we do come before you in this moment in the name of the father and to the son and of the holy spirit amen and father god you know we do lift up this entire situation and we know the destructive nature of of these kinds of storms we know father god that none of this is in your providential will for us none of this is is in your perfect will for us but it happens it happens nonetheless and this is a sign of the disorder that's caused in the in the world in the universe in the created order because of sin and father we know however that it is your will that we as your sons and your daughters are protected from the impacts of these things and so in this moment i would ask for a divine and holy action coming directly from heaven coming directly from your most precious will that this storm would lessen that in some way even that it would defy the natural laws that are in place that it would defy them and that it would not gain an intensity in fact that it would dissipate uh that even though now it rages like a lion that it might become just a a little kitty cat lord just a little kitty cat just enough to to to to quench the thirst of the land father god i ask that you would be about the business of of inspiring your people as to the right action to take at this time i pray that they would be attentive to the broadcasts that seek to protect them to bring them safety i pray lord that proper measures would be taken by local governments i pray lord god that our lady's mantle would descend upon all of your people and would protect them against the ravages of this storm if in fact it comes ashore as is predicted father we thank you that in all things you give us the grace the grace to to rely upon you and you give us the grace father to find the good in all situations we offer this prayer to you in the name of your son our lord jesus christ by the merits of his cross to the power of the holy spirit and with the maternal beatitude and intercession of our blessed lady amen well when we come back on this wacky wednesday sue brinkman's going to be joining us we're going to be talking about all things wacky what's going on in your world that looks wacky or what's wacky in the world oh my goodness sakes no dearth of conversation there 833 288 ewtn that's 833 288 3986 pick up the phone give us a call ryan penny call screening jeffperson out there on social media land we're going to be right back inviting you to stay with us hi i'm doug keck inviting you to join me next time for a special remote interview with dr peter craft about his book ask peter craig the 100 most interesting questions he's ever been asked the most important thing in ethics is what's the meaning and the value and the point and the purpose and the good of doing anything that and much more on our next bookmark ewtn bookmark with doug keck brings you the best catholic authors saturdays at 4 30 pm eastern sundays at 9 30 a.m eastern on ewtn radio the ewtn home video highlight for august is lourdes with the franciscan missionaries of the eternal word go on pilgrimage with father joseph mary wolf and father john paul mary zeller to the healing waters of lourdes where saint bernadette first encountered our lady and where all are now called to conversion order your dvd set at ewtnrc.com 24 hours a day seven days a week or call 1-800-854-6316 the reason for our hope with father larry richards do you mean to tell me that god's a fool that to make money to be good in sports to be a good golfer to be good in anything you have to put hours after hours after hours every day work really really hard and then you're going to lose it all anyway even if you get to the top of your game but to go to heaven the greatest of all gifts the eternity of eternities always you got to do is hey just try to be a good person if you go to church every once in a while please don't get mad at me could you just try let me give you a hint if you want to be a man then be a man about god if you want to be a man then you got to sit there and say that it's going to take me time and that got to become the most important thing because money ain't gonna keep you alive forever supports ain't gonna keep you alive forever being healthy ain't gonna keep you alive forever let me give you a hint nothing will keep you alive forever except for god encouraging women in their gift of authentic femininity here's more women of grace with john ed williams welcome back friends you are listening to women of grace live i am john at williams happy to be with you today as i mentioned to you when we were going to the break it's wednesday that means sue brinkman is with us it's a wacky wednesday in these ear parts we're going to be talking about wacky things as we move through our program together today let me give you that number again 833 288 e wtn that's 833 288 3986 i'm also inviting you to use social media you can get out to ewtn radio's youtube channel and facebook page use the chat feature there put your question your comment your insight your inspiration your word of encouragement in and up it comes right here and we can address what your concern or your question might be right here on women of grace life where we do love having that holy conversation with you well good morning sue brinkman good morning to you how are you today i am doing just peachy keen today [Laughter] i am so glad you're in the pink as they say yes in the purple i mean in the purple yeah i can see sue and those of you out there in social media land can see her too uh you know we sometimes get a little wacky on this show we we dip back into our past and pull out all kinds of expressions some of which really precede us in time sue so we don't want them to treat we're actually older than we are god forbid we don't want that oh heaven's sake no no well you know here we are and what a contentious time we're in and and now we have this complication by the weather and we're get we have two topics uh that we're going to be talking about with you too friends but i just want to get your perspective on this i mean don't you feel as though uh yeah underneath our feet you know when they say like the rug is being pulled out from underneath you i mean everything it seems to be uh autopsy turvy right now we're in a state of uncertainty uh there's uh you know it seems as though there's there's contention everywhere uh you know the the rioting in the streets is ridiculous we saw what was going on last night i think it was in seattle uh you know where the the protesters uh were trying to cement in police officers and set the building on fire i mean this this is this is unconscionable behavior uh and now we've got this storm that's brewing out there a wicked thing a wicked wicked wicked storm that is going on um we're in the midst of the republican uh national convention uh you know we've we've got uh you know all kinds of of political uh difficulties and struggles that are going on as a result of the upcoming election you know what are your insights what are your spiritual insights what are you thinking about all this i think that right now is a time when satan's just having a field day and for whatever his reasons are the lord is allowing it so i look at it as a time of testing for all of us this is a time of testing um where is our faith where does it need to be strengthened where are we weak in faith we're becoming desperate we're becoming discouraged and and take a look at those moments and take them to the lord and say okay lord i need firming up here i need your grace maybe i'm depending too much on myself to get through these times or to make heads or tails out of this maybe there's just some things going on here that are a mystery to me and that are known only to you but help me lord to survive it to survive it intact with my faith in you i don't want to lose faith in you because that's what happens a lot of people they start to lose faith in god why are you allowing all this to happen to me why why is this going on and i really do believe that it is a time when when satan is just being let loose and he's just having a field day out there we have of course opened all kinds of doors to him in this country and everywhere in the world with with our uh immorality and and giving away of our basic morals and principles that are based on the judeo-christian worldview we're doing away with a lot of that stuff so we're opening ourselves up to evil influence and it's coming in yeah yeah i think that you're right i think your assessment is right on point and i think that um you know when we look at this it you know people will say well is god punishing us well you know i'm not so much certain that it's a punishment where god says okay well you know here's here's what you get i i don't think that it's like that because i still think that the the you know this time of mercy is still ours but i do think that the lord allows the natural consequences of our choices to play out in our lives right so when we choose when we choose things that are not of god we take ourselves out of his mantle of protection we can never pull ourselves away from his love because he absolutely loves us he can't do anything but love us however we can remove ourselves from that love and if we remove ourselves from that love then then we're standing on our own we're left to our own capacities we're left to uh you know the the the the the proliferation of the our own soul illnesses the sicknesses of our soul our own passions and we add to the corporate effect of sin in the world and and and i do think that this is what what it is i think that we're straining under this corporate uh uh weight of sin and evil and it's getting played out big time but you know what god works all things to the good so obviously something is going to happen here and i'm thinking about you know the prophetic words that have been given through some of um our great saints and and through uh our blessed lady at fatima and i'm thinking even about the the uh the vision that um uh pope leo the 13th had and even the vision of saint john bosco it seems to me that they're particularly pertinent right now oh absolutely they are i was thinking of poplio the 13th when i was just talking to you a minute ago that there's the first thing that came to my mind was poplio's warning about how satan was being let loose in the world for a hundred years now people have kind of they're trying to figure out when do the 100 years start when did they end you know only god knows that and we know that with god there is no time so 100 years can actually be 100 000 years we don't know you know what that measure of time truly is but um obviously that is a foot and it's because of all the reasons that you've just named we we are a sinful people and you know what johnette we deserve far worse than what's going on right now far far worse this is his mercy that is only as bad as it is um and i i just look at these things as okay as a punishment duly deserved um and but i also see punishment as testing it's a time of testing and god does do that to those that he's trying to refine and strengthen in his faith right isn't that what he did to job look what happened to job right he looked at job lost everything he lost all his jewelry loved everything and i was like why did you why did you let that happen to him but look at the great test that the job never lost his faith and in the end what did god do he replaced everything a hundred fold that he had lost so we have to keep our eyes on christ do not look down that's what i keep telling myself and i hear the lord saying to me all the time when i start to get discouraged i think why this and why that and why are you letting them deceive everybody and blah blah blah and i think i hear him say to me keep your eyes on me keep your eyes on me because if we look down we're going to sink that's right and that's what happened to peter so you know really good advice that you're giving us there sue and so just a word of encouragement yes it is true that the times are contentious yes it is true that uncertainty uh seems to be raining all around us yes it is true that that we're seeing horrible awful diabolical things taking place in our midst and there's no other word for it but the fact of the matter is our god reigns and and we with him uh you know will reign in the sense that we receive his grace we receive his mercy and we act according to his holy will and that's going to lead us into our topic today but we've got francis with us she's in san antonio texas uh she is with us via youtube good morning francis hello jeanette hey hi sleepy i'm so glad you you i found it today because i'm so worried i'm very worried about this kobe 19 and the backseat that is eventually gonna come to us not the one that trump just did the immunization with the convalescent people but the vaccine that is forecasted to give us to get us away from kobe 19 is it the mark of the beast is it going to change our dna are we going to have to go to refuges it takes my sleep away i can't nobody tells me nothing so i'm very scared about that help me please okay francis well well thank you for your call today because i think many people are questioning this number one this is what i want to say first off this kind of fear is not coming from god this is not fear about an impending danger this is the kind of fear that the evil one uses to drive us crazy and by your own admission there you you're losing your sleep over this that god doesn't want that so what i want you to do francis is is really to to reject that spirit of fear when it comes upon you to say you know i renounce fear in the name of our lord jesus christ i reject fear in the name of our lord jesus christ i turn to you father god in trust and hope and confidence and that's practicing virtue because sometimes we don't feel the trust but it doesn't mean that we're not practicing it so i want to say that but i want sue to respond to this because we talked about this a few weeks ago with regard to these vaccines and and all of these other kinds of things so so talk to francis about what it is that she's so concerned about well i i can understand why she is concerned the internet right now is full of conspiracy theories about the covid19 uh vaccine and one of them is that bill gates is somehow involved in this and that they're going to be implanting tracking devices on people who are being given the the covet vaccine there's a lot of different things you know there's supposedly is attached to this cove in 19 there actually is no real facts about it in fact bill gates organization just came out and totally denied all that and if we're worried about being tracked by the government you better get rid of your cell phone because they can track you through that but the controversy watch just watch out for for controversies they have typical uh typical ways to spot them it's always a small group of people who are out to do harm to the public and a small group of people who know about it those are the two things that make up some of these conspiracies that are out there and the small group of people who know about it get out there and say hey look we've got the facts and if you have the facts that we have you're going to be able to save yourself you're going to be okay and that simply is not true a lot of these things are just kind of contrived they float around the internet but they are put out very very effectively good marketing they look slick they look real they look believable and you just have to be very careful about it and as john had said if it's inspiring you that kind of fear then right there that's a red flag now we're going to be naturally afraid of some of these things that's just a natural reaction to it but if that we don't we can't then turn the lord and say lord you know i just want to give this over to you and and please bring me to peace and if that peace still doesn't come to you leave it alone leave it alone just walk away from it don't believe it just put your trust in god all you really need is to surrender yourself to the will of god to survive in this world that's what you need to survive all this stuff about special knowledge that we have about you know the three days of darkness and you've got to have the bees wax candles you've got to have that all this kind of stuff is is kind of like a modern form of gnosticism it's a special knowledge people can save themselves with these this kind of special knowledge no the will of god is what's going to determine your destiny and what you need to focus on is how conformed are you to the will of god in your life are you conformed to whatever might befall you as as the will of god in your life that's where we really need to go and forget about all this other stuff because it just like john that said inspires fear yeah you know and i think it might be helpful francis to to think about this one role of of um the spiritual exercises saint ignatius of loyola and saint ignatius of loyola talks about desolation and consolation and he talks about the movements of the soul right and and so we want to pay attention to what emotions does this call up in me what's going on interiorly so you mentioned fear and and bosu and i are uh uh looking to that one because that's one that you named well when we are are consuming information um or acting in certain ways or whatever it is but in this case it's consuming information and and our interior response to that is anxiety is fear is tension is worry uh when it's all those kinds of things then right away you know that this is this is a desolation and desolation doesn't come by way of god it comes by way of the evil one this is a temptation to pull you away from trust and hope and confidence in god and may i say rational judgment rational judgment because when you're fearful and you're anxious you can't think through your thought process and god gave you the capacity to be able to reason and and we get ourselves all wound up and we can't reason so so if however you're consuming information and that information uh is making rational sense to you uh you're feeling you're feeling uh positive about it you're feeling grateful that this information has come and and all of the effects of it are positive then then that's also something that we pay attention to and we move forward with that in this case clearly you know this this information is making you distraught and and so i would say stay away from the information it's not helpful to you it's not useful to you and most of these things as sue said you know that they dissipate because they're created by uh individuals who have overactive imaginations in some cases however you know it's only a conspiracy theory if it's not truly a conspiracy so you know like paranoia is only paranoia if there's you know something that you know um you ought not to be fearing but it's not paranoia if you ought to be afraid it's it's it's prudential so you have to evaluate that for yourself me on my personal level and i don't know about you sue i can only consume so much information about everything that's terrible out there because my sights get pulled away from the lord and i start to get into a worry mode and i will not permit the evil one to pull me down that path i'm not going to do that you know i'm not going to cooperate with it anyway let me put it that way so i hope that helps you francis so just stop reading all that information and start start praying you know just keep praying uh to the lord and and thanking him and praising him that today you don't have to worry about any coveted vaccine you know and just just move along on that path does that help you i yes a lot thank you so much i really appreciate you picking up for me well you're you're welcome and god bless you and these are the things sue uh you know and phone lines are lighting up eight three three two eight eight ewtn that's 833 288-3986 i want you to talk with us about um this new article or new study really that's come out on mindfulness sue that's proving some of the things that we've talked about on the air here before yeah we were just talking about it last week on the air and and a new study has found that eight percent of persons who practice mindfulness meditation experience either a worsening of their depression or anxiety or even the onset of depression and anxiety uh this was an article that appeared in new scientists that was conducted by uh dr miguel farias of coventry university in the uk and he's really a very prominent researcher in this area and he found that that one in 12 people one in 12 would be eight percent who try meditation are going to experience some kind of of unwanted negative effect um and what he did was he went through he and his team went through 55 different studies on mindfulness so they were actually uh analyzing the different studies and and they came up with that calculation that it was it amounted to eight percent of the people who tried it and i feel it was important to put that out there um and and what dr ferris said about he says for most people it can work fine but it has undoubtedly been overhyped and we all know that about mindfulness it's everywhere um and it's not universally benevolent it is not a one-size-fits-all type of therapy that people should be using and i wanted to write that up to say if if you you are with a therapist who is using mindfulness and it's very prevalent in the mental health field right now um and you are having any of these negative experiences don't feel that you're an oddball it's not uncommon speak up and bring that to the attention of your therapist and don't feel bad about that it is not uncommon and i want to clarify too when you say meditation we're not talking about christian meditation the use of the imagination in prayer we're talking about eastern eastern meditation uh where it's the blanking of the mind which in and of itself causes problems as well not just in depression but in psychotic episodes and other things as we've seen from tm and other kinds of meditation techniques going to a break more with sue brinkman on the other side of it we want to hear from you 833 288 ewtn that's 833 288 3986 coming back at you the holy father's prayer intention for the month of august is the maritime world for all those who work and live from the sea among them sailors fishermen and their families he was a doctor of the church a carmelite and one of the most famous mystics of all time matthew bunsen and the doctors of the church saint john of the cross wanted to help all christians to become saints one of his most important teachings was to encourage us all to learn how to love for there is no love he said put love and you will find love he died in 1591. for more about the doctors of the church visit doctorsofthechurch.com and now the ewtn family prayer with father joseph family a prayer that we pray together is a powerful prayer so please pray together with me our ewtn family prayer today we pray in adoration holy trinity simple unity mighty god we humble ourselves before you for you are holy and worthy of our adoration [Music] we stand in awe of you who have always been and always will be all things come from you and there is nothing that exists that does not have its source in you thus it is that all thanksgiving is yours all honor and glory and praise belong to you o holy trinity father son and holy spirit amen tomorrow and more to life the life you were meant to live we'll look at how the theology of the body can help you live a more abundant life that's tomorrow and more to life 10 a.m eastern 9 central on ewtn radio now back to women of grace [Music] transforming the world one woman at a time let's return to women of grace with johnette williams welcome back friends who are listening to women of grace live i am john at williams i'm delighted to be with you today i certainly am why not give us a call 833 288 ewtn that's 833 288 39 86 ryan penny is our call screener and tell him if you're a first time caller because then i get to ring my bell and there it is i love to ring my bell i know it's startling i just uh sue just jumped in her seat there but nonetheless uh is very helpful to ring that bell every once in a while it wakes us all up right uh but uh we want to welcome you with that welcoming belt uh also want to let you know that we are available to you out there at ewtn radio's youtube channel and facebook page just go on out there and use the chat feature to get your question jeff burson our producer is also our social media manager and he will get it um jesus so we were talking about this whole business of of mindfulness eight percent of individuals experience a worsening or even an onset of depression so it's not all that it's cracked up to be we know that to be true but it isn't a meditation technique that we should be involved in anyway because it it doesn't it it's tied to philosophies and it's tied to buddhism it's part of the buddhist spirituality um and so we ought not to be practicing it and i just don't know why this is so hard for catholics to understand i really just don't well i you know what i kind of do understand it because it's it's misrepresented to people mindfulness mindfulness is representing people oh you're just you're just stopping to smell the roses you're just stopping to to focus on the present moment on the now moment you know this is all it is and that's not all it is once they get involved in it they find out oh okay the reason that i'm i'm how i'm being asked to focus on the present moment is through buddhist meditation techniques right so once they get in there sort of like the bait and switch they tell you it's one thing and it's actually another once you get involved in it so there's the concept of mindfulness which there's nothing wrong with that dr gregory popchak explained this to me the concept is just that being mindful of what you're doing your actions are it's sort of like a you know counting to 10 before you react type of a thing just sit back and you you become mindful of what's going on and then and then you you respond appropriately um the practice of mindfulness is this buddhist based mbsr mindfulness-based stress reduction program which has really led to the boom in in mindfulness and that's a whole different thing that is based on a buddhist philosophy the tactics and the techniques that are used to help you to get present to the in the present moment are buddhist meditation techniques and i don't think it's fair i think it's disingenuous to tell people oh yeah it's just about focusing on the present moment because they believe that and then they get involved in it it's like oh no i didn't realize this was buddhist meditation i don't know how many people have written to us to say now what do i do i got involved in it is satan going to get me you know all this kind of stuff and i was like no just stop doing it don't do it anymore right you know as a matter of fact it's tied into one of the what is it the the four noble truths oh yes yeah yeah it's tied directly into into one of them it's it's a practice associated with that so you know i you know i listen and it's in our schools too so as parents we have to be very aware we have to be mindful of the fact that mindfulness is in our children's classrooms and and we have to opt our kids out uh you know and uh you know try to explain to the teacher jokingly and maybe not so much jokingly i say hey listen go and tell them you know this is part of buddhist spirituality and by the way everybody you can go to our website womenofgrace.com go to the uh blog section and put in mindfulness and sue's articles will come up you can take those in and say look here's the research on this this is what it is and if we're going to practice you know um religion in the classroom then i have a meditation technique that i would like for our children to use and it's called the rosary and i'll provide rosaries for everybody in my child's classroom that's right take it to your school board and propose the same thing you know tell them oh we'll have rosary makers make rosaries for every child in the school district right and see how fast mindfulness uh potentially uh can be gone from your school district i want to get to pam she is in wahoo at nebraska she's with us via facebook today good morning pam how are you good morning i'm great it's nice to hear you too ladies well thank you i just love both of you and i love how you're so balanced in in your prayer and your thought and i just am amazed at how intelligent you both are and one of the things i think people are struggling with is is the present seems so difficult and a lot of us catholics really don't know how to pray and when we're talking about ignatian prayer and using the meditation you know using your imagination to meditate i thought it would be really nice to hear you two ladies put together some kind of meditation on heaven i think focusing on heaven and what's to come you know why we're in the spell what we're fighting for right this is hope of heaven but sometimes we need a little help in understanding what that is you know what does that look like how a nice kind of meditation on what to look forward to well you know pam i love i love what you're suggesting here and so this might be a really good idea for a webinar right something like that on heaven and pam i want to encourage you um you know to take advantage of the opportunities that we've got at womenofgrace.com and one of them is our women of grace subscribership program we had a woman that called in yesterday and told us that she finds that so useful and that she had been out there today looking for yesterday of course it was she had been out there looking for something uh on our on our website there and we have beautiful beautiful webinars and actually uh what would i ever want to call them studies online studies that sue has done on prayer sue is a carmelite and so she's taken us deeply into carmelite studies and that's all available through the subscribership program and the cost for that or the donation that we suggest is very very low but it does help us continue to move forward with our mission to transform the world one woman at a time so i want to suggest that to you but i love your suggestion about focusing on heaven i think that that's great and uh you know i think that your comment about balance is important uh because we have to have right balance right we have to be aware of what's going on so we don't hide our heads like ostriches we have to be aware of what is going on but we also have to know what our spiritual weaponry and our spiritual tools are to it to help us to stand firm remain steadfast in the midst of the travail that we might be experiencing whether that's personally or corporately um and so you know we're never left orphaned nor are we left abandoned but sue i i like pam's idea what would you like to say about that you know it it brought up to me what teresa of avila taught about saying the prayer of the our father and she said in order to make that a truly contemplative prayer she said to to say each phrase at a time and meditate just on that phrase our father who art in heaven and when i teach this to teens and i get to that part who art in heaven and i ask them i say what does heaven look like to you close your eyes and imagine what do you think heaven looks like and you know what it doesn't have to be accurate what do you think it looks like in heaven because whatever inspires you to love that's that's good do you see the father what do you think the beatific vision is going to be like what do you think it will be like to be held in the arms of pure love and remember now that once you go to heaven you're just the mind you're not a body anymore you're just the mind and you're going to be totally enveloped your mind in love and an all-encompassing love what might you be able to see then about yourself and about god when you're bathed in this love i mean and and this is how i lead these these children we never get very far into the our father because it takes forever to go through it that way but the heaven and they're always very interested in this well what else what about the angels well i see mary how will i know my my deceased grammy and grandpa you know and and talk to them about that you know how we will recognize one another mentally god will facilitate that for us it's a it's a beautiful thing um pam we would need like 10 radio shows to go through all that there are so many great books written on it and i think of cardinal lepicier's um uh book on it uh oh what is the name of that book now um the unseen world the unseen world i know i've talked about that on the year before it is a great book and it he really gets into it what it's going to be like after we're dead and go to heaven and boy that will give you a lot of stuff a lot of food for your meditation on heaven for sure pam yeah you know and in the beautiful reality too that i just want to comment on uh before uh you know we see if pam has anything else she wants to say the beautiful reality of that too sue is the fact that you know it's the kingdom of god but jesus tells us that the kingdom of god is is here as well so we get four tastes of that heavenly experience and that's what prayer is supposed to be that's meditation should lead us uh you know into into contemplation and in contemplation we're getting we're getting little foretastes of heavenly beatitude i mean it's god communicating with the soul not necessarily cognitively not through the mind not not you know in that way but but right within the soul and and their sweet taste of heaven and and this is where prayer is supposed to lead us and this is why we encourage prayer right because god wants us to see he wants us to know he wants us to know uh you know his abiding presence so you know pam i think it's great the two go hand in hand because we can we can really begin to experience heaven on earth through prayer so thank you for your suggestion do you have anything else you want to comment on pam oh i just got a lot of good information subscribe get the book [Laughter] and you know just listening to you gives us so much hope i think it's just listening to you laugh and you know just your your hope gives us hope so thank you well may god be praised for that you know they say that that joy is the infallible sign of the presence of god and god is with us and so he tells us to be joyful and to rejoice why because he is with us he is emmanuel so i keep holding on to that and i keep reminding him i know you're with me lord you know i know you're here right now i might not see you or perceive you but i know i know that you are and i give a sense to that so we're all making our way together sweetheart you know at this moment in time and one day we're going to behold everything that sue was enticing us to consider and it's going to be grand i can't wait well god bless you sweetheart let us know how it goes for you okay okay thank you you're welcome pam bye bye now we have sandra with us she is in houston texas oh sandra god bless you sweetheart uh listening to us via guadalupe radio network how are you are you getting ready hello janet uh yes kind of uh my child didn't have classes today and the school was canceled for tomorrow as well so um it looks like the coat area where we live it looks like it's not um under um it looks like it's fine right now so we'll see yeah but thank you for me well you're welcome so there is i listen to your radio um from the show from time to time i try to listen to every day but sometimes i cannot i understand okay so my question is what do you think about uh nightmare catchers um my daughter lives with me but some weekends uh she goes to her dad's house and her grandma takes her to her house sometimes and my daughter mentioned to me that you know her grandma bought her a nightmare catcher and put it next to her bed i have some feathers that to me sounds kind of weird uh and she previous times uh she has given her like medals uh and those middle don't really have like a meaning it's not like a cross or something religious um it kind of looks creepy to me but i just would like to have your opinion on that and see if this is something bad how how could i protect my daughter in that aspect yes good question sandra that's a very good question yes yes which way patcher uh and that is based on a native american belief that the night is filled with dreams both good and bad and that if you hang this dream catcher over or near your bed at night it's going to filter out the bad dreams and you will not have bad dreams so obviously that is a very superstitious belief it is based on a pagan legend which was a legend of it's a lakota legend actually lakota indian um uh where a a chief uh he was given this this vision of a spirit named iktomi who was a searcher of wisdom and he appeared in the form of a spider and he was using the the leader had a willow hoop and he it was decorated with feathers and with beads and iktomy began to spin this web that represented the good and the bad forces of life in the hoop and when he was finished he had created this web in the in the shape of a perfect circle with a hole in the middle and he gave it to the the leader and he said you know allow these people to use that to achieve their dreams so obviously you know you're attaching some sort of power to an object that the object doesn't have that is a superstitious uh belief and it's not something you would want to encourage your your daughter to do now some people just use them as decoration i mean there's actually earrings out there that are in the shape of these dream counters that sort of thing but you you don't want you don't want your your young one to be told that if she hangs that over her bed she's never going to have bad dreams because guess what that's not going to work that way she is going to have bad dreams and she's going to get all confused so um just let her know right up front that those are just legends it really isn't true about that um if she doesn't want to have bad dreams she should just pray to her guardian angels before she goes to sleep at night and ask her guardian angels to protect her so she can she can sleep in the arms of god that night that's that's really what you should do yeah sandra is your daughter prone to nightmares um you know sometimes uh and actually the way i found out is because yesterday she was with an assignment from school in the assignment that was uh from school the teacher assigned this called um nightmare catchers and that's how she said oh mommy you know what i have one of those at my grandma's house so that's how i found out about this uh this thing and most of the things that i i mean those creepy things even for um it's a festival called pregnancy system uh here uh they are all into celebrating halloween and all that kind of stuff um and i feel like in a constant battle you know well you know i think that well i think that her grandmother you know is is is concerned for her and obviously wants to help her so i'm sure that the good will the good is a good intention right of the grandmother uh but by the same token she is misled and and so we don't want your daughter falling victim to attempt to uh to superstition as sue says so you might just give her a rosary and tell her you know just you know a blessed rosary just you know hold you know pray hold the rosary baby you know pray the rosary pray to your guardian angel and then just sleep but i would want to know i mean if she's prone to nightmares i would want to know if if it's a recurring nightmare if it's the same nightmare or if it's a variety of nightmares because there might be something you know dreams come from our subconscious most of the time uh and and so they're not always predictive i mean you know we know that we have silly dreams um as well but but if there's a recurring nightmare there might be something that that's going on subconsciously she might have a fear for example over something or she might have anxiety or maybe there's something that took place that she hasn't been able to uh resolve or figure out at her young age so i would ask her you know when you're having a nightmare baby what did you what was your nightmare about tell mommy let's talk about what you dressed she just told me the nightmares that she has had in different times it has been the same kind of nightmare she's where she tells me that she is dreaming that they're killing me and the people are taking her and when she when i told her what kind of people said oh you know they my my dad and all those people so and i have sent her with groceries please roast hers and then when she comes back she comes back without the rosary and sometimes i put less water um a little holding water and the blood salt before she goes um to his house um i mean her dad is really disappointed and he thinks that i'm crazy because uh he even has pointed out to me in front of the car like you know she's crazy she puts uh water and blessing to her head like if we're gonna do some home to to the doubter yeah well sandra what i would suggest you know if excuse me for interrupting but um you know these difficulties exist you know in situations like it sounds like you have experienced here but one of the things that i would urge you to do is maybe to talk with somebody at your church to see if there is a good child counselor that she could talk with uh because maybe some of these things you know maybe there is a fear there that needs to be explored so i would consider that pray about that and see how the holy spirit leads you okay thank you you're welcome honey god bless you now bye-bye uh tara wrote in to us here via youtube and she says janet thank you for the new warrior rosary booklet so beautiful and easy to take everywhere well thank you tara i'm glad you have have one of those we love it and people are using it we've just about sold out of the first run of those and so if any of you are interested in praying the rosary uh uh as the spiritual weapon that it's meant to be then this uh meditation booklet is going to be something that's going to be very very useful and beneficial to you and we've got another person out there and then we're going to go we're going to try really hard oh my goodness sakes we're running out of time um uh marisa marisa uh via youtube what can you tell me about the asmr autonomous sensory meridian response videos popping up all over youtube go for it sue well it's not new age and it's not a cult we really don't know what the asmr is but really what it is is a phenomena that's described as this physical sensation such as tingles or chills that begin at the back of the head they radiate down to the rest of the body and they typically cause feelings of euphoria happiness comfort calmness and they are often referred to as head tingles or brain tingles or a brain massage they usually require some kind of a trigger such as eye gazing slow hand movement or some kind of sound even triggers it and people whispers or blowing or tapping and scratching they really don't know what causes this there's nothing wrong with it it's not going to hurt you um there are some neurologists who believe it could be a form of a seizure but they really don't know they don't know what it is only that it exists but it is not affiliated with the new age or the occult i saw something out there too that that is this this item that you purchase that can produce a similar response and uh you know so i guess they do have these things that will stimulate that kind of a of a thing well i'm sure someone came up with that johnette and i'm going to show it because asmr is a big deal right now out on youtube and all that oh yeah here why this and it's going to stimulate the tingling sensation so we're going to try to get to tom thomas in tulsa oklahoma oklahoma catholic radio uh thomas you're on the air we're running out of time but we wanted to get you on because you've been holding and we appreciate it okay thank you uh i wanted to comment uh number one uh i just had a feeling when you were praying about laura my feeling is i think your prayer is going to come true that's the feeling i get the prayer is going to what i'm sorry that your prayer about hurricane laura i think is going to come true oh well maybe so yes that's the feeling i get uh and as far as sue uh on your opening comments you're talking about everything people call them scared about what they're reading on the internet bill gates the code i'm retired and i follow everything politically and i read a lot on the internet and i think other people that are reading here's what i believe what's what's happening i think people have gotten away from their fundamentals their morals and their values and they've lost discernment and what's going on whether it's code or writing or anything political what people need to remember is this is a minority that's right what do minorities what do minorities do and we gotta leave it there thomas i think you give us good advice at the end of the program here sue it's been wonderful as usual we'll be back with soon next week on wacky wednesday until then god bless you we're going to be back with you tomorrow though so we invite you to listen to us then god bless you now bye-bye addiction can damage lives and ruin families let's talk about how we can all help next on take two with jerry and debbie on most of these
Channel: EWTN
Views: 2,743
Rating: 4.7714286 out of 5
Keywords: Catholic, EWTN, Christian, television
Id: 1bypvycG3G0
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Length: 54min 24sec (3264 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 26 2020
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