Women of Grace with Johnette Williams - 090921 Guest: Fr. Matthias

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one woman at a time women of grace for such a time as this now here's your host johnette williams well good morning everyone and welcome to women of grace live i am janet williams absolutely delighted and happy and pleased and privileged to be with you today we love to spend this time with you monday through friday as we discuss issues of importance to your life and your faith that holy conversation that we have together is just so meaningful to me and i certainly hope that it is for you too uh we want to edify each other build each other up in this mystical body of christ that we might go out there and slay the dragons of this our day and time as we proclaim the good news of our lord which sets us free right it sets us free this good news of our lord jesus christ so we do like to proclaim it we like to shout it we like to share it and i certainly do hope that we'll be doing all of that today and to that end let me give you a toll-free number that you can use to give us a call it is eight three three two eight eight e w t n it's toll free for you right here in north america again that number eight three three two eight eight three nine eight as i like to say don't be shy give it a try we love to hear from you and if you're a first time caller do let us know so that we can do this ring our welcome bell for you for your debut right here on women of grace live we're also available for you outside of north america and here is that number it's country code one two zero five two seven one two nine eight five again that's country code one two zero five two seven one two nine eight five and in addition to all of that you can join us via social communications just get out there to ewtn radio's youtube channel and facebook page you'll see a chat feature there use that chat feature to put your question comment insight inspiration or word of encouragement up and jeff berson who is our producer we'll dash right on out there he's also our social media manager he'll retrieve it and he'll get it up on the board and we'll be able to address your concern or answer your question as we go through our program today now if you call in be sure to give a big old howdy hey to matt gabinski he is our call screener and he will be delighted to hear from you we like to keep matt busy 833 288 e w t n again that's 8 3 3 2 8 8 3 9 8 6. well i'll tell you what i am so excited today we have a special guest with us it's father matthias of the immaculate heart you've been hearing his name on our program because i've been telling you all about our upcoming women of grace retreat that's going to be taking place in san antonio texas next week at our lady of the atonement catholic church there and we're inviting all of you to come it's not too late to sign up we certainly do hope that you will be able to make it and join us for this beautiful event made for joy the call and gift of the catholic woman is in fact the theme and everything takes place september 17th and 18th with regard to the retreat we gather together in the evening of friday the 17th and we run through the evening of saturday the 18th the whole event is preceded by a benedicta enrichment seminar i will be leading it and our speaker father mathias is going to be sharing with you too at that event we're greatly looking forward to having you join us for that that is on september the 16th running through the afternoon of the 17th just in time for you to haul yourself over there and get ready for the retreat all of the information is available for you right there at our website womenofgrace.com simply go on out there and take a peek at it the schedule's there the talk titles are there who's doing what and when is also listed for you we are going to have running concurrent to the women's retreat on the 18th a young women of grace retreat that's taking place right there at our lady of the atonement catholic church so we're inviting you to invite your daughter your niece your your your granddaughter we're inviting you to uh invite uh your students just get these young ladies there because it's going to be a tremendous day for them as it is going to be for you too so all of the information available for you womenofgrace.com simply dash on out there to that address and you will see it featured for you right there in the slideshow it's also listed under our events both of those are hyperlinks you can click on them it'll take you to a landing page it's going to give you all the info and last but not least you can register right online there now we do know that sometimes it's difficult to be able to make all of the events that you want to do we certainly don't want for financial concern to stand in your way we can help you with that through our scholarship fund so we just invite you to give us a call if you need some assistance to get there we want you there i'm just telling you so use this number it's eight hundred five five eight five four five two that's eight hundred five five eight five four five two joanne kane uh we'll talk with you about that and hopefully we'll be able to see you with us next week so everything getting started as a matter of fact i mean today is thursday a week from today we will be about the business of that benedict enrichment seminar and i'm really excited about it i really am you know god does amazing things um he gives us he the opportunities right and when we take advantage of those opportunities he pours his grace out in abundance and he'll be doing that i know it because we see it all of the time via the benedict enrichment seminar and the retreat we've just seen amazing things happen and we've seen amazing transformations take place in the course of a weekend people getting freed up from all kinds of stuff as we go through that healing rosary just absolutely beautiful and we've got excellent excellent music we've got living praise coming susan potvin leads up that group and i want to tell you what these women they just inspire me every time we're together and it really is a praise and worship opportunity and they minister to us the whole way through and it's just it's just beautiful so this is going to be very rich very full it's going to be power packed it's going to be laden with grace we want you to be there again that is september the 16th for the seminar the benedict enrichment seminar running through the afternoon the 17th the retreat begins the evening of the 17th running through the evening of the 18th our young women of grace retreat 9-4 on that saturday september the 18th made for joy the call and gift of the catholic woman all the info available for you there melissa mileski is also one of our speakers it's just going to be grand just can't wait to see you so hoping that you show up and spend this time with us well as i mentioned to you father matthias of the immaculate heart is with us and when we come back from our break he's going to be sharing with us a little bit about our lady a lot a bit about prayer and he's going to be taking your questions in the second half of our program today so if you have questions about our blessed mother questions about prayer we certainly do want you to get out there to our our uh website uh excuse me to ewtn radio's youtube channel facebook page and use the chat feature there or call us and call us at 833 288 ewtn that's 833 288 eight 3986 we'll be talking about the upcoming event as well and i am eager eager eager for you to meet him i had father uh as a guest on television some weeks back and you know uh and i shared this with you i think before but when i met him we did this thing virtually it was remote uh when i met him that way i thought you know he is there's just something about this man i know that's going to speak to the heart of of our women and that's when i made a decision we want to invite father to be with us for this beautiful beautiful retreat and i'm so happy that he's going to be with us on the other side of the break to share this time with us so we do want you to call 833 288 ewtn that's 833-288-3986 as you hear that music it reminds you we are going to go to a break do want you to get out to our website once again women of grace.com we've got other retreats and other events coming up on so we want you to reference those too it's not too early it isn't too early to sign up for any of them and let me just say this it's not too early for you to give us a call here 833-288-3986 e wtn looking forward to being with you on the other side of the break you're listening to women of grace live i am john at williams and guess what we're coming right back stay tuned beyond damascus with dan denite and aaron richards is our show for young adults everybody's talking about encounter everybody's talking about that mountaintop experience what we fail to often talk about is what happens after what happens beyond that damascus moment jesus christ is calling all of us to be missionary disciples disciples of jesus who are on mission to bring the kingdom of god here and now on this earth beyond damascus with dan dimitay and aaron richards saturday at eight eastern on ewtn radio hi i'm joan abastinski station manager at holy family radio in central pennsylvania when i found out about catholic radio i knew that god wanted me to be a part of it and i'm glad i am catholic radio makes a difference in people's lives it has the power to lead others to the truth of christ and his church with catholic radio we can nourish our catholic family and share our faith with others the world needs ewtn catholic radio now more than ever [Music] archbishop cordeliani talks about the national catholic register the register's content is so critically important in the society we're living in now there's an absence of the practice of religion in public life so all the more important is it for people to be reading the register so that they can acquire more understanding of our catholic faith i've appreciated the catechetical benefits of the content of the register it presents very clear catholic teaching in a way that is easily digestible to get six free issues order online at ncregister.com forward slash radio or call 800-421-3230 and mention code radio that's nc ncregister.com forward slash radio or 800-421-3230 and mention code radio call or click today the national catholic register read faithful encouraging women in their gift of authentic femininity here's more women of grace with john ed williams well welcome back everybody we're so happy you are with us today looking forward to hearing from you in our program let me give you the number it is eight three three two eight eight ewtn that's eight three three two eight eight three nine eight six matt gabinski is our call screener we're inviting you to call in give him a howdy hey let us know if you're a first time caller so we can ring our bell for you also available for you out there at ewtn radio's youtube channel and facebook page the chat feature is how you communicate with us just put your question or comment in there jeff burson who is our producer and also our social media manager will retrieve your question or comment and get it up on the board if you're a first time submitter let us know that too because that bell will ring for you for your debut right here on women of grace live we always love to hear from you so please do give us a call i was telling you uh prior to the break about our upcoming event there in san antonio texas encouraging you to get out to our website womenofgrace.com and to read all about it there more than that we want you to register and you can do that right online at womenofgrace.com one of our speakers who will be with us during our time there in san antonio is father matthias of the immaculate heart he is a carmelite priest we are absolutely thrilled that he's coming and i'm absolutely delighted that he's with us today to talk with us a little bit about this upcoming retreat why it's important to take time away and spend a very special time with our lord but we're also going to be talking about prayer we're going to be talking about our blessed mother and we're going to be taking your calls so again that toll-free number 833 288 ewtn that's 833-288-3986 good morning father how are you good morning john ed doing great thank you you're so welcome and thank you for joining us today i'm so excited to have you with us uh i've been looking forward to this opportunity to introduce you to all of our listeners we've got a great great group of listeners out there and they're very very much prayer warriors we do a whole lot of praying on the air here father so uh it's a wonderful opportunity to come together as this mystical body of christ through the airwaves there and i'm looking forward to being with you in san antonio next week me as well i got to spend a summer out there when i was in seminary for a hospital chaplaincy and it's great to be in san antonio a little experience of it but hope to meet many more uh what do you say san antonians or that's what i would say yeah you'll have to teach us your ways uh san antonio but yes looking forward to it very much yeah they call san antonio one of the uh what is it one of the littlest big cities i think is what they call it they call it because there's such a a community sense of community there right and the people are also very friendly and i always enjoy being there i've got some dear friends there we've got a very vibrant uh women of grace community there and i'm hoping that all of our sacred sisters turn out for this event and uh you know god is doing big things in the world today father we we look out there and we see the misery of our situation but our god is in control isn't he yes absolutely i think uh you can say that as with saint paul as thin abound grace to bounds all the more and i think it's similar with the pandemic that as that has hit us and some folks have kind of curved in hunt themselves badly curvy tossed and others have caritas just opened up and abounded all the more to our lord and are being such a light in the world right now so that's our hope and that's what we want to stir up with this retreat especially you know we think about uh the challenges that we face today and i mean in some ways they're very unprecedented you know they are particular to us if they're not unprecedented in the whole history of man there's been pandemics before there's been political unrest before there's been all of those kinds of things before but perhaps for us in our own lifetimes this is unprecedented we've not experienced anything quite like this and maybe even for us here in the united states we've never gone through quite what we're going through right now um but you know i think that god permits these situations to happen because he's trying to do in us exactly what you said he's trying to make us look outward and outward toward our neighbor but upward toward him yeah absolutely is our source of life as we celebrate today the feast of saint peter claver i was able to to preach right before the radio show at mass just on um he was right in the thick of the miseries of of the human experience of slavery as he called himself the slave to the slaves forever i mean the amount of death that he saw of illness of cruelty and yet here's a man that persevered um he baptized an estimated 300 000 slaves and how did he keep going i i think because he had his eyes upward turned but also finding christ in the faces in the suffering he found our lord who was his joy his happiness and i think that's what impelled him to keep going he was consumed by love that's what we want yeah absolutely you know when you come to the retreat next week you're going to be talking with us about prayer you're gonna be talking with us about our blessed lady and uh you know we we need both our mother and a whole lot of prayer at this time and when you give us an example such as the saint whose feast we celebrate today saint peter claver it's not possible to meet any kind of trial or situation without the grace of god active within us and accomplish what god wants for us to accomplish in the midst of that circumstance and i think sometimes that's what we forget is that you know god never leaves us he's always with us and when situations afflict us and trials come our way there is a good that he wants to work out of them like it says in romans 8 28 we've got to keep our eyes you know focused on that and looking for that good in the midst of it just as saint peter claver did and look at what he accomplished do you think it's possible for us to accomplish great things like that absolutely and as carmelite and brothers and sisters of saint therese with her little way i think i was pondering this at the altar today how my goodness what an incredible work st peter claver did to you know thousands and thousands of slaves and beyond and colombia itself and what about us who might not you know impact seemingly on the outside that many people but boy we have no idea on that last day we become you know come face to face with our lord i think we'll be surprised like saint therese and her little ecstasy right before she passed you know as like wow our little offerings everything we do who knows how god's gonna use us he can do incredible manifestation and at the same time you just plug away in the little things offering them with love so and i think that is tremendous i i believe that heaven will be lined with the little one you know and that's our hope i was reading a quote from her today as a matter of fact and i'm not going to get this exactly verbatim but she talks about the fact that um without the little flowers without the without the little flowers spring wouldn't be so grand something to that extent and what she's saying there is that you know in the garden of god and i'm sure you're familiar with this beautiful beautiful comparison that she makes you know there are some flowers that are large and radiant and glorious like the rose but then there are those wee little ones um you know that that are very sweet and much smaller and less grand but they're necessary too for the for the fullness and the richness you know of that garden or of that bouquet yeah that's something with therese that um just living so unknown in her monastery in lusu france um a nun for not that long just poured herself out though and seeking the lord and loving do the best she could getting up when she fell down every time that after she died the nuns asked what are we going to say about her in the circular little letter to the other caramels what did she do you know and then as her autobiography came out that she was asked to write under obedience right away manifestation started happening god working through this holy life and being manifest after death the first miracle was the sister who went up and touched her head to therese's feet as she laid out you know in the viewing and the sister had an incurable disease and that was cured in an instant that was the first healing we know of and then people started seeing therese the incredible things started happening especially around world war ii uh in world war one so it's unfathomable what the lord is going to do by our yes and i hope to help us especially talking about prayer during the retreat to learn more and more how to safeguard our peace our peace of christ our union with him through all the crosses of life but that peace and that joy that's present so we can better love and keep our eyes upon him we'll talk a lot about recollection as well which isn't talked about too much these days but we're going to do that well i'm excited about it and you know also too there are so many i'm going to use this this term false forms of prayer you know that that are out there in our midst and you know for you to be coming and you'll help us to set the record straight on some of that and i know you'll be presenting to the young women of grace too and you're gonna be talking with them about that because we can get tripped up the evil one knows how powerful our prayer can be so therefore he offers us counterfeits to take us away from the real thing absolutely absolutely i think um discouragement not talking about false prayer but but that's something that leads us the way those little doubts that can wedge create a wedge between us and the lord is my prayer really working is the lord really hearing me is this powerful you know we don't want to sit on those questions we bring those to the lord but let him encourage us because i think a false prayer would turn us in on ourselves whereas true prayer opens us to god in union with him but it's especially about at its heart deeper and deeper union and through that we're just little kids trusting him and growing in confidence as therese said my way is all confidence and love another thing i'd love to talk about more is desiring god um i think sometimes we teach um our children or grandchildren others prayers which is phenomenal we must do that especially traditional prayers and have those always in our arsenal every day and yet we need to teach more just desiring god to stir up that's the prayer in itself to stir up a desire for him that he's desirable that he's loving and good and all merciful and to begin to experience that in our lives and children can open themselves to that we sometimes sell them short but i'd like to kind of end this little note with a quote from saint teresa of avila who founded us this cal's carmelite we call her our holy mother she once wrote in the measure with which we desire god we will find him and the measure with which we desire god we will find him so we will talk more about how to stir up our desires for him oh that is so beautiful i can't wait i'm near giddy i want you to tell us all about it now eight three eight three three two eight eight ewtn that's eight three three two eight eight three nine eight six that's the way that you can join us today right here on women of grace live we do love having that holy conversation with you father matthias of the immaculate heart carmelite priest with us today we're talking about prayer here and that's what he's going to be talking with us about at the upcoming women of grace retreat that's happening for you in san antonio texas at our lady of the atonement catholic church there we're so looking forward to being with you oh my goodness we are really really excited to have this opportunity i the retreat itself begins on friday evening september 17th and ends on saturday evening september the 18th it's preceded by a benedict enrichment seminar which um i will be presenting at and father will be presenting at as well that begins on the thursday the 16th and it runs through the afternoon of the 17th and concurrent to the 18th women's retreat is a young women of grace retreat that'll be going on at the same time right there at our lady of the atonement catholic church father will be presenting to the young women there so will i melissa mileski our other uh speaker is going to be presenting as well and my daughter thea and my granddaughter julia are also going to be there at the young women of grace retreat involving themselves with those beautiful young ladies that are coming so it's going to be a beautiful time in the lord there we certainly don't want you to miss it uh living praise as i was telling you earlier is going to be there and they i'll tell you one thing father living praise will always enhance our desire for god because they are a very anointed group and have been at this for a long time and they lead us into prayer and worship so all of that coming up for you get out to our website womanofgrace.com and take a look at that we're here for you today and so is father matthias so we're inviting you to give us a call 833-288-3986-833-288 t n just pick up the phone punch in those numbers and we'll get you up on our board here and we'll take your call also available for you out there in social media land just go out to ewtn radio's youtube channel facebook page use the chat feature there and put your question or comment in jeff berson social media manager and producer of women of grace live will be happy to go out there retrieve it and get it up on the board you know father you talk about uh this desire for god you know and sometimes we think well you know how do you make how do you make yourself desire god more because isn't desire just an emotion like you know you wake up one day and say you know i really have a i really have a taste today for ice cream so you begin to desire that ice cream i always have a taste for ice cream [Music] you know but it desire for god is something that that we have the capacity to uh cooperate with grace to ignite within us right absolutely it's it's really a movement of the will a decision a choice i i think it's much like spouses and their their experience man i think our relationship with god parallels very much um our human relationships but especially those with spouses and that sort of intimacy that you know at the beginning there can be more feelings you know very exciting it's great i don't know a year or two and whenever the honeymoon wears off and then as things go it becomes more and more a choice of love of wanting you of choosing you to be with you i think that love is more purified and true and deep and good i've seen it in my parents thanks be to god i've been together um i'm 39 i think they were married i received 79 1979 so 43 years they just had their wedding anniversary a couple days ago and and to see them together and growing through the ups and the downs and to see their friendship and the depth there one of their love languages is touch so they're still affection that you know holding hands um um kissing in public which is was so good for me to see as a kid and be part of that love we're imaging the trinity together um and know that i'm a part of that but at the same time to see the choice for each other and i think with us with god i choose you lord i want to desire you help me to desire you if we don't feel it and we start to see the fruits of the spirit through that oh father that is beautiful what a beautiful beautiful teaching and inspiration you've given to us as we head toward our break right now we're eager to hear from you 833 288 ewtn that's 833-288-3986 pick up the phone give us a call let us know if you're a first timer we're going to ring that bell for you and we are coming right back so stay tuned raymond arroyo dr david anders father mitch pacquiao the leading catholic voices are on the largest catholic media network in the world you're listening to the ewtn global catholic radio network the catechism of the catholic church has a great quote from saint john chrysostom on prayer in paragraph 2744 it reads quote nothing is equal to prayer for what is impossible it makes possible what is difficult easy for it's impossible for the man who prays eagerly and invokes god ceaselessly ever to sin close quote that's the power of prayer so what are we waiting for let's get to praying [Music] and now the ewtn family prayer with father joseph family a prayer that we pray together is a powerful prayer so please pray together with me our ewtn family prayer [Music] today we pray for those who desire holy marriage heavenly father we worship you you reveal that it is not good for man to be alone and you created for him a helpmate [Music] today we pray for those men and women who long to be married [Music] hear their prayers and grant them the desires of their hearts bringing them the happiness of a holy marriage just as you did for tobias and sarah bless them lord with faithful spouses who will help them grow in holiness amen how are you going about planting seeds for your children's spiritual harvest share with us next on take two with jerry and debbie on most of these ewtn stations we now return you to women of grace transforming the world one woman at a time let's return to women of grace with johnette williams well welcome back everybody we are so happy you are with us today we certainly are and i am delighted that we have a guest today father matthias of the immaculate heart he is a carmelite priest and he's going to be presenting at our women of grace retreat coming up next week in san antonio texas we're inviting you to join us there all of the information is out there on the website including the schedule and the talk titles and you can see who is sharing about what and when we have an opportunity for you to register right online there so get on out there and if you need a little of assistance to get there we do have a scholarship fund and you can call us about that at five five eight five four five two that's eight hundred five five eight five four five two now if you wanna share with us on the air today which we're eager for you to do let me give you that number it's toll free for you as well it's right here in north america 833 288 ewtn that's 833-288-3986 also available for you out there at ewtn radio's youtube channel and facebook page simply use the chat feature and we'll get that question and get it up on the board we have matt gabinski answering the phones today give him a big old howdy hey and jeff burson our producer is also our social media manager and he'll get your question and put it up for us so give us a call again that number 833 288 ewtn that's 833 288-3986 well father are you ready to take some phone calls here yes i'm ready i have a quick question with the bell okay is that digital or real it's in my hand but but i do have to admit there are times when i am not at the location where the bell is and jeff will give us a virtual bell on the air but right now i have three of them in front of me okay the truth is out the truth is out and those and all of our uh you know i could say viewers and listeners that are out there at ewtn radio's youtube channel and facebook page can see me and they can see my bell okay this is like those old radio uh shows where they had all sorts of different you know sound instruments and uh back in the was it the 30s or 40s i don't know if you know what i'm talking about there i sure do those dramatizations well you know jeff is jeff can pull a few tricks out of out of his hat with those kinds of things too so we have we have that capacity yeah truly let's go to laura laura is a first time caller so i get to use this very real bell she's in milwaukee wisconsin good morning to you laura and welcome good morning jeanette thank you so much for your show i listen to it and appreciate it and god bless ewtn and your families and your guests and may the good lord give you a straight ticket to heaven just as i pray for my family well laura thank you i'll take that straight ticket but i i might do a flyby or two over purgatory even stopping in for a visit perhaps but let me know if you see my angelica there because remember she asked one of the priests to um to not flatter her too much i don't know if you recall the homily at the wake that otherwise he might serve more time in purgatory i think what he said [Laughter] well my mother was terrific she was she was definitely a realist and yes i i was blessed to be at her at the shrine in handsville uh but uh yeah well i i we we never know right we never know what god has in mind for us on the other side and this i think is why we take all of the good advice we can get on this side and begin to live according to that good advice his father has been giving us today so what is your question laura my question jeanette is that i just spoke to the marian helpers and i did not uh hear this before that a perpetual mass enrollment uh well excuse me let me rephrase this gregorian masses are no greater or less than a perpetual mass enrollment for a person and i know the other day you had a talk on gregorian masses and today's on prayer so of course the mass we pray i'm asking father matthias that he can comment on that because a perpetual enrollment the cost of that is far less than gregorian masses and out of concern for loved ones that you know we just honor them and you know request whatever we can uh to help our loved ones and others so thank you very much for taking the phone call oh you're very very welcome and thank you for caring so much about um the deceased that you want to you in some way aid them right through the holy sacrifice of the mass as as they go through the process of entering into eternal life and as they uh are being purged if you will if that's necessary for them so father let's talk a little bit about that gregorian mass versus perpetual enrollment mass for one and with the perpetual enrollment so everybody knows that's a an enrollment might be we have a uh pious union of saint therese i just offered mass this morning for them the first nine masses of every month we offer for all those enrolled so it's perpetually there's no end to it and then the gregorian 30 days consecutively of masses offered for a specific person i know my my a little story to slip in here my grandma had a gregorian uh gregorian mass was offered for my grandfather after he died a few years back and she said that during the time all the masses were being offered grandpa came to her uh in a dream and all he said as he looked at her was thank you thank you and that was it it was so so controlling for my for my grandma and for us and so i i think what we do here i i don't have all the the answers with this and and i'm sure john ed can give some more light as well but i believe we do all that we can in the specifics yes for one the mass is infinite we're uniting to this infinite offering of our lord it's hard to to calculate the impact on somebody i mean wow 30 masses just dedicated to one person that's great at the same time in enrollment if you're with a thousand other people with that um the mass is infinite so i don't see god so much you know divvying up okay this person might get this bit or you know what's one you know one thousand it's hard to know at the same time there is a justice to this and an effort and an offering um in our just god so i think we do all the best we can why not enrolling people um we can't go wrong and it's not that the graces will be exhausted either we leave it up to the lord as his kids as we offer this to him knowing how good he is and he'll take this offering and multiply it as he did the loaves and the fish yeah that's beautiful father and laura i think that father has highlighted the major difference between a gregorian mass and the perpetual enrollment both of which are very efficacious right because the masses is our highest form of prayer um it is the greatest prayer that we have it is a representation of our lord's sacrifice on calvary um we enter into the eternal moment in all prayer but in a very special way through the holy sacrifice of the mass so the the major difference there is that the gregorian mass is celebrated 30 days in a row for one soul as opposed to perpetual enrollment where his father said you know that that intention for that soul is is there with that of maybe a thousand or more others whoever all are enrolled in that perpetual uh enrollment society so that's the major difference and at our website i just want to share this father at our website womenofgrace.com we have right there on the home page an opportunity for you uh to click on a hyperlink it says need a mass question mark click on that and you can actually enroll someone for a gregorian mass as well as single masses for the deceased or any special intention that you would have those single masses are available for gregorian masses only for deceased but you can do that and um we are in partnership with the archdiocese of gulu in northern uganda and and my dear friend one senior matthew who is vicar general there has those masses celebrated for these intentions and it's one of the great ways in which the priests there in northern uganda which is a very impoverished nation are able to obtain the stipends that they need to be able to do their work among the people so i i like to look at that as a corporal work and a spiritual work of mercy and we have a big explanation out there on what a gregorian mass is and it gives you all of the information but i think that the major difference is what you cited father you know uh that gregorian mass is 30 in a row for one person as opposed to a lot of people in the society but every mass is important and carries a great great grace so and perhaps too we can see these kind of evening out in a sense of one being perpetual i mean ongoing who knows the next you know thousand years whenever our lord comes again and the other 30 just for one person so maybe that's why they mentioned it kind of being a kind of an equality there as far as the enrollment yeah yep absolutely very good answer there father thank you so much and we invite you to give us a call 833 288 ewtn that's 833 288 our guest today is father matthias of the immaculate heart i just love i love your whole name father matthias of the immaculate heart it just makes me giddy inside because i love you so very much he is going to be presenting at our upcoming women of grace retreat there in san antonio texas the information is available for you at women of grace.com that's next week so it's coming up so don't delay don't let the evil one you know delay you uh you come and and see how much grace god has in mind for you to receive you'll be amazed i just know it uh we are talking to father today about the retreat we're talking about prayer we're talking about whatever you would like to ask him uh you might even have a question about carmelite spirituality right or what does it mean to be a religious priest versus a diocesan priest any question that you have for father uh we're we're open for it right here let's get to michelle she is in florida this morning good morning michelle morning how are y'all dante where are you in florida my love from brooksville we spoke before i'm the i'm the seven sorrow oh this is seven sorrow michelle well this is your this is your month because it's the month of our lady of sorrows oh well it's one okay well i was just calling in because y'all speaking of prayer again and you know i've been did you get my letter i did get your letter i do believe so michelle sounded crazy like i said it i was going through a lot trying to write it i felt like i was battling all of hell did you get the necklace i do believe i have it yes i do thank you so very very much in the fruits anyway what i wanted to say today about prayer i just wanted to make a statement because y'all were talking about you know desiring god you know in our relationship and our relationship is is as much as we desire it to be and um anyway um you know our prayer is part of that communication in that relationship uh some things i do a lot in the morning is it says you know during the night upon our bed he instructs us in our hearts and it also says during the end times he'll write his commands on or his word on the tablets of our hearts you know so you know when i get up in the morning uh sometimes you know i'll i'll say you know god i seek you your word is the lamp and my feet and the light into my path which is the spirit that guides us and you know i'm like you know and i start seeking to see if what he has instructed in my heart you know or maybe any messages he has left on it you know i mean it's kind of you know i think it's you know whenever i started doing it and it come to me like that i really felt it come from god and i thought oh god that's so beautiful you know but you know so uh i just wanted to say you know i mean there's some scriptures there and you know a lot of times when we're seeking him if we'll just you know if we seek them instructions being conscious of what he's already said in his word you know and start searching our own hearts for them instructions from him you know with the guidance through this holy spirit you know it it brings forth a lot of fruit well thank you michelle that's a beautiful thought to wake up in the morning and say okay lord i'm ready for my download what was going on in my soul through the course of the night let me know father how do you respond to michelle oh oh what was that michelle no i was saying i was saying how do you respond to michelle's idea about this the you know this the way in which god is he you know he never stops working so he is working even when we're sleeping absolutely i i love that image of just thinking of um um knowing that the lord is working as scripture has taught us while we sleep as he pours out his gifts on his beloved while they slumber and then waking up not only with our morning offering which i think is essential but at the same time um spending some time and just openness to to our lord and listening and then i think we can kind of and we must always discern the spirit as scripture also teaches us um with that inspiration you know is this in accord with with virtue uh with love you know of course scripture church teaching um whatever that inspiration might be and then we can even ask the lord you know could you confirm this um if it's an inspiration for some sort of action um is this from you i know father michael scanlon that uh beloved a father of uh franciscan university of steubenville um he would ask the lord for three confirmations before he would act on on something uh i think that's great confidence how the lord will you know i think that's really important too father uh you know that this you know there's there's a certain we don't want to tempt the lord right um and we don't want to come you know with an unbelieving disposition of heart but by the same token we are children and we can easily be misled and sometimes it's very difficult to discern is this coming from from you know my own flesh is this something i really want to do you know or is it something that the lord would have me do i had a friend from trinidad gone on to her eternal reward now babsie belisdale and she one time said to me she was a great catholic woman evangelist the first woman i ever heard it really truly preached the word of god and it was it was just monumental beautiful beautiful holy woman and um she said to me you know child she says there's a difference between a good work and an anointed work god can use a good work but he inhabits an anointed work and i think that that's you know when we ask for those confirmations it's because we want to do god's will we don't want to get locked up in our own good works we want to do the anointed work so i don't think there's a problem for that do you oh no i think that's the essential for any sort action if it's an inspiration of you know i i i wish you to you know speak speak to be more recollected today and i want to live in your peace more lord and that's been laid on my heart i know the lord's tugging my heart for that that's good i don't think we have to discern much because that's pretty obvious that um all good things come from god that's true but if it is some sort of you know approaching somebody maybe to admonish them or to make some purchase or i don't know whatever might be uh yes let's maybe also seek advice of a godly person or you know a sister or priest that we know for some major decision there's a great book that can also help with our discernment with certain inspirations called what does god want practical um a practical guide for discernment that was written by father michael scanlon and he walks through five different um steps which all begin with the letter c in there that i think is great and uh the first step is does it conform to god's revealed will through the scriptures through church teaching i won't walk through all the steps because then we could have a different show on this very topic but um one of those is conversion of heart will this encourage greater conversion in my life has god confirmed it and the last step is um does the heart say yes so is there that anointing is there that spirit um giving us this peace and a lightness and an excitement to say yet wow that's very helpful i hope you all took that down i i was sitting here john johnny down the next steps myself uh always very useful and when you have these you know beautiful people of god whom he uses to teach us we want to take advantage of that opportunity and father you're providing that for us today we want to go to gerald gerald is in cleveland ohio this morning good morning gerald how are you hi how are you doing dandy and yourself i wouldn't say dandy [Laughter] maybe mandy i don't know you know amanda the question i got a simple question for you okay for both of you or just want to use the maybe the priest fear of the reverend pastor what do prayers actually do i mean is there somebody from the great beyond that got a big book and marking in their prayers so harold said 10 billion hail marys wow maybe we should answer i'm not trying to be funny or anything that is something like that you think or are we almost the human being like a bunch of monkeys down here you really don't know you just got to have your faith in prayers are you just wasting your time and then they'll say oh god works in mysterious ways well what's all the mystery about i mean you know that's what's really puzzling and through that's where we become monkeys [Music] well gerald i got to tell you one thing i certainly do admire your candor and asking the question and and i thank you for it and i think it's a question that lots of people wonder about and you've had the courage to call in and ask about it so i'm going to let father answer this question because he is the man of prayer father well a man of prayer not yeah i'm about to be but but um first thing is it gerald is that right yes yeah gerald the first thing that comes from oh are you there father there you go i'm sorry you dropped off for a moment there no no good to ask so the first thing that comes to mind is prayer is an act of faith and it is faith that unites us to god only three things unite us to god is faith hope and love and that's the beginning of heaven just being united to him in this relationship uh so being united to god that's at the heart of prayer and then as far as if we're asking petitioning because there's many forms of prayer prayer could just be dwelling in god's presence with a simple faith that that he's there and that i i want you lord i want to be with you and sometimes there's manifestations of god in that or maybe the manifestation isn't some sort of dryness there's a reason for that why god will lead us into there but with our petitions and asking for things one of our friars wants to share that there's only three answers to our prayer our prayers inspired by the holy spirit we can't reach out to god without his aid there as scripture says the spirit groans within us you know we don't know what to ask for as we ought to god even helps us he inspires our our good petition our sincere petition because it's not like god's kind of waiting up there and he's asleep and we're saying lord hear our prayer you know maybe he'll finally reach you he's longing to pour this out and when we ask him he either says yes it's been accord with my will i've inspired that directly for later is better i know best for three i have something better in mind for you so we know that um we're actually participating in god's work by praying he wants to work through us and we've got to leave it right there father and what a beautiful note for us to end on so pray pray pray pray and sign up and join us out there at our retreat in san antonio texas women of grace retreated our lady of the atonement catholic church womenofgrace.com thanks father god bless all of you bye-bye
Channel: EWTN
Views: 1,890
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Keywords: Catholic, EWTN, Christian, television
Id: K4pXjWT7GHo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 40sec (3220 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 09 2021
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