Women Having To Order The "SAFE-WORD" Drink At Bars (r/AskReddit)

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our /r screwed it people who have ordered a bar safeword drink to get out of a bad situation what was your date like and how did the staff help I've experienced the bartender hero before out with a friend in DC guy comes up stands way too close introduces himself and shakes my hand way too hard and way too long I had to actually pull my hand away and he kept the grip I politely told him I was visiting a friend I hadn't seen in a while and wanted to spend my time with her and turned my back he kept standing there trying to talk to me I again bit more firmly told him I wasn't interested he stayed he orders another drink and the bartender serves him all the way at the other end of the bar actually showed him his drink and said it will be over here and walked it as far away from us as he could I thought that was brilliant he got a very very good tip from us edit so many of you have asked the bar was the Dublin R and DC near Capitol Hill if you haven't been there go not just because of the intuitive and smart bartenders but for the Smithwick's and Guinness burgers with that one exception I've met a ton of cool people there I don't know about safeword drinks but once in my early 20s I went on a date with a guy who I didn't know well but seemed fairly normal about two drinks in he starts dropping some real creep vibes says that he loves how young I look at one point he literally said you look barely old enough to have your period yikes I make eye contact with the bartender behind me and mouth help she came right over and asked if I had been in recently because there's a scarf in lost and found that might belong to me I walked with her to an employee room and explained the situation she waited with me while the bouncer bounced him later that same bouncer walked me to my car I went out on my own one night and was having a few drinks at a local pub I had just moved to the area so didn't really know anyone a guy sat down next to me and was chatting at first as was just casual but he eventually became really tipsy handsy the guy actually kissed me just out of the blue and I told him I was not okay with it he said I was leading him on which was not the case at all he got angry and stormed off to the washroom I was feeling really uncomfortable and unsafe I didn't know my new neighborhood yet the bartender saw that I was feeling off right away he didn't even know me but could tell he asked if I wanted to be shown out the back door and if they could put me in a cab home so that I could go without the guy following me they even paid and apologized that I felt unsafe in their bar I was totally blown away I would totally go back there and feel completely taken care off this isn't exactly a bar story but a bus story with a bartender it happened back when I was at uni I had to rush back home for a family emergency and the cheapest and fastest option was a Greyhound bus that departed at midnight it was a four and a half hour drive from point A to point B downtown anyways I sat alone the bus wasn't very full I fell asleep about an hour into the ride and woke up to a man and the seat next to me with his arm around my waist and head on my shoulder I was creeped out but also afraid to make a scene in the middle of the night where I thought only the driver was awake at this time I asked him what he was doing and to get off me I was in the window seat and felt trapped and frozen he tried to make small talk with me saying I looked cold and needed a warm hard body he said when we arrived that we should grab a coffee because he sensed a vibe between us WTF I kept recoiling and I remember telling him that I'm very uncomfortable and that he should go back to his seat in response to my request he said not before I get something and he tried to kiss me I pulled back so hard that I hit my head against the window to make a long story short sorry for the novel guys a woman a complete stranger a few seats behind me comes along and goes oh my god I thought it was you I saw boarding the bus we've got some catching up to do girl she said excuse me sir do you mind really loudly to the creep and the bastard got up and went back to his seat she hugged me and asked if I was okay and said she'd sit with me until we arrived at our start I so glad because I really thought he would have followed me when we got off the bus she told me she worked at a bar and is used to intervening when she senses something isn't quite right I couldn't have thanked her enough eight years later and that woman is now one of my best friends I had a creep corner me in a bar once and tried to stroke my thigh I dude I have never met before came up and said hey sis I've been looking all over for you and he put his arm around me and walked me out thank you so much stranger edit since I'm seeing a lot of comments about this it was pretty obvious they were not working together the nice guy walked over from a group of friends all college-aged and the creep was in his 50s and when I said he walked me out he just walked me to the door of the bar not exactly what you asked for but dealing with a major creep I was at a bar alone and it was late and the guy wouldn't leave me alone the bartender swooped in and said he was my husband and I was there waiting for him to get off work he grabbed all my stuff and brought it to the other side of the bar and the other bartender got the guy out there had me wait for a while after he left them they got me an uber home to be safe three years later the bartender who pretended to be my husband is my actual husband working as a bartender and bouncer for the past couple years I usually just try to watch the body language of people that are in the bar if it looks like someone needs a quick escape I'll approach him to pretend I'm an old friend that hasn't seen them in a while if they actually don't need help I can excuse myself by saying they look like a friend either that or I'll try to position myself behind the questionable party and give a thumbs up and copped eyebrow as a sort of you good semi-related but I was out at the pub on campus for a show and had been there previously in the day celebrating our last exam with some friends some guy who was sitting at a table next to us and trying to chat us up earlier was still there with his buddies and was drunker and braver and of course he got me alone when my friend went to the bathroom he wouldn't stop talking to me and getting in my face and yelling about himself and when I excused myself to go to the bar terally was like okay bye he followed me to the bar and ordered the same thing as I didn't offer to pay and I said I was good and he did not stop talking and I must have looked mad as duck because the bartender walked over and went air you were here earlier right buddy give us a second I need to speak with her about her tab the guy leaves and the bartender tells me I looked distressed and asked if everything was okay I told him I was fine but this guy was in my personal space and not leaving so he said if he doesn't stop that I should come back and order a whiskey lemon and security would be notified and he would walk me back to my car if I needed it we ended up moving tables and I think he got too drunk to stand up and left not too long after that but I was so relieved to know the bartender was watching out I'm not one for confrontation and it just feels so much safer to be able to duck out with someone having my back my bar didn't have a safe word drink it's my favorite bartender swoops in more than once and looked after me even at times when I hadn't asked him to yet I remember one time in particular when I came in with my roommate she and I were sitting at the bar with our drinks while a couple guys were sitting on the next two stools they bought us drinks so we did the usual polite scene and said thanks introduced ourselves etc within five or ten minutes of starting this conversation they'd informed us that they were heading to an after-party at their house and a bunch of people would be there we should come with them my roommate and I gave each other a year right look and said thank you but well they wouldn't take no for an answer they just kept right on trying to somehow convince us to leave and get in a car with two strange men to go to a house we've never been to and then just trust that it was safe after a little while my bartender came over to us he didn't say anything to me or to the guys not a single word instead he leaned on the bar across from us and started to grin I smiled back and so did my room mate and the three of us just kept looking at each other and smiling silently the guy talking at has slowly got quieter then stopped talking at all and then he and his friend walked away as soon as they left the bartenders straightened up and went back to work I have a lot of respect for anyone intuitive enough to pick up signals something is wrong and confident enough to resolve a potential conflict with so little effort I had to use it when on a date off tinder we met up and he had already got me a drink just sat there short off something clear and then said to me that I should do it then he would take me somewhere better for more fun I wasn't comfortable so excused myself to the bathroom and saw a poster that said about ask for Angela if you are uncomfortable went to the bar and asked for Angela and immediately this guy was playing along saying oh yeah she's working in kitchen tonight he got me a taxi and walked me out the back door and into the taxi to make sure I got there without any hassle never saw the guy again ordered a Manhattan bartender told me I had a call at the phone at the end of the bar I go over and look around for a phone but can't find one he then asks me if I need a cab and that I can't wait out back for it to arrive I had no idea what was going on and after a few eggs Anja's of quizzical looks he explained latter Manhattan is the safe drink I just wanted a Manhattan he said I was the first person in years to have ordered one at that bar I'm going to ask at work tomorrow if we could install a safe word drink policy at the bar that would be such a great idea edit Wow our IP my inbox I suggested it to one of the managers and a couple others today and they liked the idea the next step is getting out all manager to implement it [Music]
Channel: Reddit & Chill
Views: 994,709
Rating: 4.9153166 out of 5
Keywords: safe word drink, safeword, top posts of all time, askreddit bars, askreddit safeword, askreddit scary, reddit top posts, askreddit funny, askreddit comedy, comment awards, askreddit stupid, askreddit, top posts, dankify reddit, brainydude reddit, r/, reddit & chill, askreddit creepy stories, reddit and chill
Id: yKzUTlVK95M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 19sec (619 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 29 2019
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