Batman Who Laughs Joker Infection - Full Story | Comicstorian

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welcome to the infected full story series this is comic story where we take some of your favorite trade paperbacks and single issues and we break them down into digestible bites giving you a synopsis of the plot helping you decide what to go buy to the local comic book store and today we're going to be giving you the full story of batman superman one through five plus all of the infected tie-ins so let me explain this storyline real quick in this timeline the batman who laughs found a way to spread the joker virus amongst all of the superheroes in the dc universe and he began to create his own evil justice league this is batman superman trying to deal with that in issues one through five once we come to the conclusion of that storyline we're then going to bring you all of the spin-off stories that tells you about all of these infected individuals so we'll talk about shazam we'll see what supergirl is doing what how black adam dealt with it that kind of a thing so it's kind of a mishmash of a bunch of things but it's all along the same theme i hope you guys enjoy and i'll talk to you at the end of the video what's your dark secret cat grant asks as the team looks down at jimmy's photo of batman gracing the front page of the daily planet perry just huffs telling grant to lay off that jimmy's blind luck had to pay off sometime got a tip for my buddy jimmy grins bringing a smile to clark's face as well but suddenly a voice calls out that only clark can hear superman there's a situation at the justice league satellite batman growls the team keeps talking with perry asking clark a question when he suddenly realizes that the reporter is not at his desk anymore superman is streaking through the sky mid-flight the man of steel asks bruce what is going on but all batman will say is you gotta hurry is everything okay superman asks you sound different there's a pause and bruce finally tells him really i hadn't noticed his voice is different though and bruce begins to talk about how they shouldn't be allies the rich boy playing dress-up with the alien acting as earth's savior he hisses over the radio clark can't figure out what he's talking about when he arrives at the satellite but he gasps as he enters the room seeing the carnage before him flash is hanging by the lifeless body of plastic man wonder woman lays on the floor strangled by the lasso of truth manhunter seems warped his body contorted while red tornado lays in a liquid pool of his own organs with a deep breath clark subtly gasps and coughs greenish blood dripping out of his mouth the air is filled with kryptonite infused gas batman tells him from the shadows you were dead the moment that you entered the satellite clark looks a blood streaming out of his eyes why he gasps and batman stares at him coldly because i wanted to know what would happen if you would like me what is the worst version of superman clark begins to crawl forward trying to stop bruce but batman knew how it would end how it always ends with the two of them fighting so he did what he always does i planned ahead he says of the smile as he steps out of the shadows revealing his huge joker grin meanwhile in another time another place gordon looks up into the night sky behind him cloaked in shadows the batman ends his briefing on the history of the batman who laughs explaining his origins gordon finally turns looking back at his ally i know all of this i spend enough time with that freak he explains batman nods i wasn't talking to you commissioner don't worry superman tells him as he descends on the building an unconscious killer croc in hand i could hear you all the way to metropolis he takes a second disappearing in a blur to drop kroc off at arkham and he's suddenly back i've seen everything on the streets of gotham but a man who can fly still is an uncomfortable sight gordon tells him quickly the commissioner fills superman in on the situation danny mills has been kidnapped from his bed a few hours ago and you think it was another dark batman superman asks but gordon tells him that there was only one a witness and he said that superman kidnapped his brother and that superman was laughing batman steps forward the only way to find the little boy is to find the batman who laughs base of operations gordon tells the two heroes all that he can remember about when he was captured by the batman who laughs finally turning around to discover only superman i'm usually alone by now that's batman's move not mine the man of steel takes flight telling gordon not to worry they'll find the boy looking up into the night sky as he deactivates the bat signal gordon lets out a small giggle the two heroes move through the city with superman flying slow to not outpace batman they talk with batman questioning what superman would do if batman ever became out of control i don't like to think like that you're saying you don't think like me no one thinks like you they then arrive at the place that gordon told them about park road crime alley this is where my parents died superman looks down cutting through the concrete and steel with his x-ray vision confirming that there is a passage beneath them he turns to bruce telling him that they should turn around but bruce shakes his head just do it superman smashes through the spot where bruce lost his parents revealing the passage below the two of them descend with batman still asking superman several questions i know what you're doing interrogating me testing me i'm not infected batman i'm not some superman who laughs the two land in the cavern below suddenly a group of bat drones fly out of the shadows superman launches into them easily with batman cleaning up the rest lumping them together clark then hits them with a blast of heat vision turning the drones into scrap the two finally step into the main chamber revealing the batman who laughs bat cave batman shines his light on a chair tucked within a large cage there's no sign of the boy no signs of dandy but this is where gordon was held superman stopped staring at an arsenal of knives on the wall he turns seeing the statues of crows standing still on the shadows the crows are the batman who laughs perverse version of the robins finally batman pulls off a cloth revealing a weapon's chest beneath batarang molds superman questions looking at the empty slots in the chest batman scans the mold seeing trace elements of the batman who laughs toxin mixed in with inf metal superman looks around he doesn't understand why he would bring gordon here why kidnap a young boy he had to know that you would find his bat cave the two turrets seeing a chessboard sitting in the middle of the room batman knows that it's a message that their game has come to a draw superman reaches down putting down the king piece what happens if we stop playing the batman who laughs at game he asks the piece falls and the large bat computer comes to life the two heroes gasp as they see the view of many heroes that have worked alongside them throughout the years heroes that are still on the justice league and the titans all the heroes have had their eyes with exes put over them and smiles drawn over their faces any of them could be a potential target this is bigger than gotham batman he notes and in the darkness one of the crow's statues slowly begins to shift bruce leans into the image of the green lantern a frown on his face we have no idea who we can trust and suddenly one of the crows slashes him across the back calling as the dark knight throws him across the room the boy cowers as he begins to babble he took it from me he took my family hit me with a batarang superman tries to move in to calm the boy but the tears become a smile and the boy shows a row of sharpened teeth don't you recognize me the boy asks and the hero step back realizing that this isn't dany my name is billy batson the crow grins suddenly you hear the name the name everyone is waiting for shazam and the cave is suddenly filled with the echoing boom of lightning and thunder batman pulls himself free of the rubble readying a batarang but another blast the lightning throws him across the room i've always wondered if i could kick your ass superman shazam cackles his mouth pulled up into a joker's grin as he raises one of the instrumental batarangs as jim gordon walks through the halls of the gcpd he talks out loud stating that this is where they keep everything that they pick up from the streets evidence guns poisons every single lunatic in arkham's toys are kept safe everything is catalogued and secured by the of the art wayne tech security not even he would have access to it it's impossible to get past except with your help as the shadowy figure behind him waits the doors to the vault begin to open meanwhile in the cave of the batman who laughs both the man of steel and the dark knight are facing off against the earth's mightiest nightmare the infected shazam who laughs as shazam laughs he shoots lightning at superman batman throws a batarang telling him we don't want to fight but we won't let you escape but shazam grabs that batarang crushing it asking you come at me with toys you are nothing more than some dude in a halloween costume he rockets into the sky shouting and i've got freaking super powers as batman looks up at shazam gathering his power he sighs i hate magic shazam begins to destroy some of the nearby buildings yelling hoops as the debris falls down but while superman makes sure that no one is getting harmed batman begins to look for something once the civilians are safe superman lunges at shazam telling him this is enough and his eyes begin to glow red but shazam cackles wow lightning strikes reverting shazam back to billy batson and as the smoke clears he shouts holy moly superman i didn't mean it please please don't hurt me the rage of superman's eyes begin to fade and his vision begins to clear and he asks is that really you billy we we can fix this whatever the batman from the dark multiverse did to you we can cure but billy tells him no you can't you have to find my family i'm sorry superman and with that superman is struck with lightning as billy laughs you fool i shazam's grip on superman's throat titans he asks did it hurt did that give you an owie well once you get a taste of this battle ring the two of us are gonna be the best of buds superman struggles to try and get free and he pulls shazam's arms off of him stating you don't have to but shazam holds the batarang with the superman symbol on it telling him he has plans to save us all supes soon it will be clear your truth is but before he could finish the sound of a jet approaching and batman smiles as he flies in the batman who laughs bat jet stating this is a real fast ride shame about what's about to happen batman crashes the bat jet into shazam and he asks was that supposed to stop me there's no weapon on earth that can but batman ejects from the windshield telling him the jet was just a delivery method i'm always the weapon as batman stabs the batarang marked for shazam he calls out his name hitting batman with lightning and the two begin to fall to the ground below superman calls out to batman and as billy is falling he yells out game time decision suits keep fighting or save bad's life and then he yells shazam who am i kidding we both already know the answer don't we later batman wakes up in a stasis chamber and the first thing that he does is punch his way out as he pulls off all the tubes and the wires kelix tells him you're not ready to be freed yet you must return in order to heal please return to but as helix reaches out batman grabs him slamming him into the wall shouting where is he where's shazam a battered superman flies under the fortress of solitude telling him he escaped and batman yells what the hell happened you should have stopped shazam superman looks away telling him shazam knew that i couldn't hurt billy billy was just a kid batman starts to get into his costume telling him desperate times call for desperate measures we need to get back out there we don't have time to lick our wounds shazam was our only lead who knows what he could be doing now he just got away because a superman stops him shouting he beat us both of us so save the lecture batman they stare each other down and after some time superman tells him there's something that i discovered from our fight the batarang that shazam was trying to infect me with it was and batman stops him it was inft metal infused with the serum created by the batman who laughs each one has been crafted to infect a specific person the batman who laughs made six more batarangs who else is he targeting and why them superman looks over the file stating it might be possible that instead of trying to bring more batman from the dark multiverse the batman who laughs is trying to create them here is that something that you planned for batman puts on his mask telling him i have contingencies for every scenario tools to take down friends and family if they were to ever turn however i have not planned on myself becoming corrupt if the batman who laughs got to billy without us knowing he could get to anyone superman pauses and tells him we might not know the end game of this plan but shazam already showed us what the batman who laughs wants we should give it to him later as batman sits down at the computer at the hall of justice he quietly asks how long superman tells him that he's an investigative journalist when he keeps secrets from them he trusts us for good reasons but there's only one location where you would keep the batman who laughs under lock and key you wouldn't have told anyone that there was a bat present built underneath the hall of justice batman looks at the monitor for the batman who laughs cell and he asks are you sure about this clark superman tells him it's desperate times right shazam's mission was to infect me this is the only way we're going to find out why you have to trust me seconds later there's a loud zoom and superman starts to rip his way into the batman who laughs cell batman from the control room watches and says and people think that i'm the crazy one superman uses his heat vision to destroy the device holding the batman who laughs in place and the batman who laughs says it's so good to see you old friend and batman sits down quietly telling them clock is ticking clark batman's face is lit by the glow of his monitor screen and he watches as his cameras survey the members of the justice league in the hall of justice he always used fear as a weapon to use fear you must know their secrets the camera switches and he's watching some of the younger members play a game of basketball he's watched his friends and allies closely looking for weaknesses that he would be able to exploit if he ever needed to save the world suddenly one of the other screens flickers with an alarm and the sound of laughter can be heard over the speakers the screen displays the cell of the batman who laughs who escaped with the aid of superman and deep beneath the hall of justice superman lets out another blast to heat vision tunneling away from the hidden cell his face twisted and a horrible grin i never should have killed you clark the villain cackles not because of our friendship no no no no because you were the greatest stool in my utility belt batman leans forward continuing to watch the laughing duo make their way underground he doesn't like this plan he doesn't think that clark should be taking the risk superman knew that though but he also knows that they are out of options slow down superman i want to make a quick stop the batman at last tells his new friend the pair pull themselves out of the hole standing amongst a vast array of weapons at the hall of justice library [Laughter] he lasts roaroosly at the racks of weapons that are lining the walls some high-tech some low all deadly everything your super friends have confiscated in heroic adventures can't hurt to pick up a few toys on the way out superman continues to laugh his hand clenched in a tight fist how about we go upstairs and kill everyone in the hall of justice at his monitor batman stares at his friend you're playing the part well clark the batman who laughs puts his hand on his chest almost proud of what superman has said but he shakes his head oh no too soon boy scout the heroes have a much larger role to play in my plans superman stares at him his smile growing bigger what are your plans shazam didn't say the batman who laughs turns to him you know what it's so good i'll tell you step by step try to keep that smallville brained following along the villain turns holding up his hands his smile somehow growing even wider as he stares at superman through his visor my infected are going to kill every single living thing in the multiverse just like your mother died when krypton exploded do you ever wonder what she was thinking in those final moments that she wished it were her and the rocket instead of you this world will perish exactly like yours did you know except mommy and daddy won't be able to save you just like you won't be able to save john and lois hilarious right a smile disappears from superman's face as he stares at the ground but it returns quickly his fist snapping up throwing the batman who laughs through a wall but batman himself is already moving superman slams the one who laughs into another wall his own laughter echoing in the chamber that's it clark given to your true self the madman calls still smiling but batman subtly appears swooping through the air slamming a syringe laced with kryptonite into clark's neck that's enough he snarls as superman stumbles hall of justice activate restraints he orders the computer restraining harnesses slither out of the wall and they take both men down superman still laughing howling that he will burn batman alive but batman stares at his friends and one of his greatest enemies he knows superman the batman who laughs begins to cackle leaning forward as much as he can in his restraints batman is right i knew shazam failed the moment you burst in and i never really did leave my cell did i [Laughter] he begins to cackle louder as the hologram begins to dissipate revealing his cell once more he lets batman know that he had the same problem on his world hard light holograms have a unique smell that you just can't shake with a sharp flex superman bursts free of his restraints demanding to know why batman ended the plan anger in his voice now you didn't trust me he growls but batman just stares down the most powerful man on the planet i must admit sending in superman to your dirty work was inspiring the villain begins to laugh again but it's going to take a lot more to find out who i've infected brother it's not like i'm going to shine their names in the sky you know but batman already knows as him and superman are leaving he tells him your ruse worked he told us exactly who he infected before they leave though batman dropped superman to the floor hall of justice activate code yellow sun the orders of the computer the cell bars drop in place behind him as batman walks away he explains that the lamps will aid superman's body and purging the joker toxins but until it does he's a liability superman calls out to batman as the dark knight rounds a corner batman stop who did he infect over at gotham city jim gordon drives along the gotham bridge in an armored vehicle when suddenly the vehicle shakes and twists sharply it looks in the mirror to see the batmobile trying to pit his heavy car well well was i speeding officer [Laughter] gordon giggles the roof of the batmobile opens launching batman through the air the dark knight lands on the hood of gordon's vehicle his cape flapping in the wind batman tries to reason with gordon explaining that he knows the commissioner sent him and superman into a trap there was no young boy gordon knew that billy batson was there whatever he's making you do i can help you batman tries to tell his friend but gordon because they yank the wheel sideswiping several cars into the bridge forcing batman to try his hardest to hold on gordon removes his glasses revealing a face that has been twisted by the joker toxin and the dark eyes stare at batman while his mouth leers in a sinister smile you have failed this city do you know how many people i've had to bury because of the hell that you created in gotham batman how many cops died because of you how many more robins must die before you give up batman slams to the glass ripping gordon free of the truck and jumping free both men tumble as the vehicle slams into the ground and it bursts into flames behind them batman pulls his friend up by the collar his voice coming out on a snarl the brown man who laughs wanted me to know that you were infected why he demands to know and gordon laughs holding up his hand and pressing a button on his watch so i could show you the truth what we really are on the inside behind them the armored truck explodes as gordon's one-time bat armor bursts free the robotic bat cop aims its arm cannon at the dark knight launching a burst of batarangs batman dodges trying to reason with his friend but gordon simply shakes his head life is so much easier now the commissioner pulls free a mask putting it on his face ordering the bot to open fire again both arms launch a barrage of batarangs that even the dark knight can't avoid luckily superman appears in front of batman in a blur the batarangs breaking harmlessly against his chest batman demands to know why he left the hall of justice but superman figured that the batman who last was talking about the infected gordon he is an investigative reporter after all he wanted you to know that he infected one of your closest friends the man of steel launches himself at the robot stunning it meanwhile batman is dodging as gordon opens fire with twin handguns trying to drop the dark knight superman stumbles the toxin still not fully worked out of his system and behind him the robot leaps its arms crackling with electricity superman turns freezing it with a blast of super breath batman ducks under gordon's close range shot grabbing the cop's arm and twisting it hard to the ground and then a final blow drops gordon superman stands by the robo bat cop destroyed on the ground batman leans over his friend pulling the mask free sadness in his eyes we'll beat this we'll find a cure superman tells him batman nods picking gordon up they know what three of the infected batarangs were for the batman who laughs wanted them to know this for a reason if we want to help gordon we're gonna need to get him to a secure location he tells the man of steel superman nods offering to take the robo-bat armor to the bat cave so that they can study it the batman shakes his head no we tried your plan with the joker toxin and it got us gordon maybe this is how we finally beat him we need to stop thinking like me or even stop thinking like the batman who laughs and ask myself what would superman do later the batwing lands on a pad in the fortress of solitude and as superman comes to the ground he orders one of his drones to take the armor to his lab yes calallen kellex tells him superman turns to batman as the dark knight exits his plane gordon will be safe here but it's time we call the rest of the league superman explains that they should bring everyone into the fortress and explain the situation show them the battle rings in gordon for a moment batman begins to argue but then remembers the new plan do what superman would do you're right it's time but not here we don't want to give away the one location that the batman who laughs doesn't know about but gordon well he quietly giggles at their side too late up ahead helix begins to blare a warning as nanites explode from gordon's bat armor a cloud of nanites up here infecting helix as they begin to take shape you know i never wanted to be a hero the cloud suddenly begins to speak as it shapes and morph i said it over and over again but no one would help me the cloud shapes and blue beetle suddenly crouches before them his lips peeled back in a hideous smile the nanites begin to infect the fortress around them tendrils sneaking out and wrapping around both superman and batman beetle laughs telling them you never saw me as the true blue beetle i was always a kid a in training the tendrils pulled the two heroes to the ground as the scarabs well now the training wheels are off [Laughter] standing over them in victory blue beetle laughs deep below the hall of justice the batman who laughs smiles at himself he knows his plan worked soon the heroes will know why he needed the infection outside the skies darken and the civilians begin to run in fear and the symbol of doom appears in the sky above them the batman who laughs smiles now he's on a collision course with lex luthor the apex predator and you know batman always wins as the scarab digs itself deeper into the fortress of solitude blue beetle laughs telling them this fortress is totally awesome i love that it's mine now superman batman and superman pulled themselves out of the tangled wires and batman gills that jaime's tech was never this strong before superman tells him that the infection seems to be amplifying his power and but before he could finish a whip is wrapped around his neck and a voice tells him don't worry help is here a superman struggles with the whip he looks back to see an infected donna troy tightening her grip and an infected hawkman subduing batman asking are you surprised to see me donna pulls superman close telling him that after everything the two of them have done they deserve this for wally for dick for roy she beats into superman knocking him into a wall shattering it screaming this is the revenge of the titans superman rockets back blasting his heat vision into donna telling her not to listen to the batman who laughs but she blocks it yelling he didn't tell me anything i didn't already know superman is just a symbol to inspire children to wear capes and run head first into danger those children are either dead or dying because of you hawkman bunches straight down into batman telling donna that they refuse to see the truth superman's powers are vast yet he holds back they both do gordon straightens up his jacket asking batman what's the matter can't disappear in the middle of a conversation anymore making me look like a damn fool never again the batman who laughs has a plan for this world and once his sixth chosen heroes are infected the real fireworks can begin superman shouts he will destroy the world just like he did his and gordon tells him it's called a purge blue boy the problem is he needs something for the dark multiverse to do it and that something is a satellite it was once the home of the justice league in his world and with a little remodeling and bloody sacrifices he was able to treat it with dark metal to turn it into a cosmic bat signal one that if shined on the world would infect everyone but bringing something over of that size takes a little effort to get the exact frequency to do so we needed six heroes that represented different energies to open up the portal you used the kryptonian's phantom zone projector and one of the anti-monitors multiversal towers to send superman into the dark multiverse to save batman right well the scarab will use his technology to build a new one powered by the dark multiverse and superman is the last piece that we needed once infected the whole world will finally be able to understand what it means to know the truth scarab activate the fortress of security alarms superman calls out for gordon to stop but donna lashes out of superman with her lasso asking it's a frequency that only kyptonians can hear right who's coming to your rescue supergirl superboy the damned dog gordon holds the infected batarang meant for superman asking are you ready to join the winning side or do we have to kill whoever shows up are you willing to take that risk as hawkman swings his mace batman leaps over it telling him i have just the thing for this and he pushes a button a beeping can be heard coming from gordon's old bat suit and before anyone has a chance to react it sets off a massive explosion knocking everyone away the infecteds start to cough as they back up and hawkman says it's just a smokescreen non-lethal we keep going easy on them but gordon shouts just shut up batman pulled his disappearing act on me again find him down below in the animal pen batman tries to reach out but says that the blue beetle has control of the fortress and he isn't getting a signal in or out once blue beetle has complete control it's over and if that happens they need to get superman away from here as far as possible superman calms the animal stating the words that donna and carter spoke it's closer to a reflection of the thing that they really felt deep down superman then leads batman into another room and says that blue beetle may have infected the mind of the fortress but this this is its heart the fortress's reactor is a volatile so an emergency system was put into place that if that reactor was ever in danger of detonating everything would be locked and the fortress would sink to the bottom of the ocean nothing can go in or out batman then looks at the shining reactor telling him we'd be trapped inside and if it quarantines us and the infected it'll be worth it superman then says that if they can get past blue beetle and regain control of the fortress they can activate it however they need to do it without blue beetle or gordon knowing what they're up to as superman flies up batman tells him i'll keep troy and hawkman busy and away from the reactor until the failsafe is activated before leaving superman says that donna's power could rival even diana's has he ever sparred with wonder woman batman's smirk's telling him i did a few times had bruises for months and she was holding back back up on level one donna and hawkman search for batman and superman but while arguing about who is the better hunter batman rides a serpent into the mix asking do you mind if i join the serpent whips its tail smacking donna away and then hawkman flies up swinging his mace shouting bradman batman quickly deflects the attack and hawkman says that ever since the batman who laughs showed him the truth of their lives the memories that he has under three he was dead there was only owl man batman jumps up and grabs hawkman's mace and pulls it back on his neck telling him i met owl man kicked his anyway it's gonna take all your lives to stop me now hawkman reaches back throwing batman off yelling the batman who laughs is the only batman any world needs just as awkman goes to land the finishing blow there's a loud doom as supergirl punches hawkman she grabs batman before he could fall telling him i really hate to see my friends fight any reason that hawkman is trying to kill you batman yells we have to hurry and get superman out of here before it's too late meanwhile up at the top floor blue beetle continues constructing the device to bring the batman who laughs signals to their world when something in his head screams he hunches over yelling at the armor is fighting the infection of the joker toxin no no no no please please i don't want this i just want to go home gordon asks him why would you want to go back to your family or the justice league none of them wanted to help you they only saw you as a weapon just then a blast of heat vision knocks gordon away and superman says don't listen to him you are not a weapon it is so tempting to turn your anger and use those powers but the two of us we're better than that let me help i can see you're fighting the infection together we can find a cure but we're going to need access to but before superman could finish donna swings in kicking superman in the head telling blue beetle superman is lying donna then wraps the lasso around superman's neck to hold him in place and gordon hands blue beetle the infected batarang telling him you can make superman see the truth so blue beetle takes it throwing it as hard as he can shouting this is for trying to trick me superman the batarang flies through the air and just before it's about to hit supergirl catches it telling him yeah no she flings her arm back punching donna away and then asks is anyone going to explain to me why our friends are now suddenly having a metal fetish the three get ready to strike but then supergirl hesitates telling them something something's wrong what is she begins to cough up blood and superman runs over calling out to her batman stops him telling him the battle rank we need to get her away before but that's when there's a loud thundering explosion as the word shazam can be heard the smoke clears and superman gets up calling out to superman but superman simply asks where's cara the two stop in their tracks as a twisted voice says right here cuz i know my new book isn't exactly the most smallville style but you know what they say if you don't love me at your worst then you don't love me at my best the infected supergirl floats down as shazam asks are you two homies ready for round two yet gordon puts back on his mask telling them all not exactly what the batman who laughs planned more rumbling can be heard as the portals of the dark multiverse opens up and blue beetle yells that they are done for now the secret six is assembled and they are bringing the whole damn dark multiverse with them the batman will have smiles in a cell telling superman that he knows that he can hear him and it works both ways you know are you finally ready to admit that you've lost that my way is better the truth is you're all twisted on the inside and you need to just let go these six are merely just the start of the infection now we show the truth to everyone growing up at a farm you learn the hard way that some seasons are better than others one bad weed can kill a whole crop and paul would often burn one of the fields to save the farm and right now superman thinks of those things wondering if their own world has become that weed infecting the entire multiverse but even if it is it's too late to save it now as the batman who laughs satellite connects to the kryptonian tech in superman's fortress of solitude supergirl tells the two heroes that there is no chance for them now soon the world will know the truth supergirl then fires her heat vision at batman forcing him to retreat and superman pleads with the infected to stop what they're doing we may not have a cure yet but we can fight this shazam asks why would we want to fight it when fighting you is so much more fun hawkman slams his mace down into the ground knocking batman off balance telling him you're out of moves and batman asks him are you sure about that and then he yells something in kryptonian at that moment a horde of kryptonian beasts break through the crystal walls and they begin to charge in as the infected are fighting against superman's zoo of animals batman calls out to superman telling him that they need to take down both the tower and the satellite gordon then shouts you'll have to get there first supergirl shazam get to the satellite and activate the infection infect the entire planet with the joker toxin as the two fly up superman races behind them telling batman that supergirl and shazam are his hawkman then kills another creature asking donna see how the kryptonian leaves behind his pets to get slaughtered as donna goes to respond the batman who laughs communicates to them now before they can continue he has a special assignment listen closely so that his whisper may guide them to him hawkman and donna then take off leaving gordon and blue beetle to handle batman gordon takes out his gun telling him this is it all friend do or die time we both already know what must be done what will finally push the world's greatest detective over the edge what will convince you to do it up in the sky superman follows close behind as he travels into the dark multiverse and when he gets on to the batman hill live satellite his eyes widen strung up are the heroes of the batman who laughs world dead as if he wanted them to be seen as if they were trophies superman stands up asking is this the batman who laughs world batman said he was evil but i never as superman turns he loses his train of thought immediately seeing a display of him lois and jonathan before him he falls to his knees tears rolling down his eyes and shazam and supergirl float down asking what's got you so down shazam looks up at the display seeing superman and his own family as skeletons as a trophy this is awesome no one ever said that batman last was an artist supergirl says that she's sorry for his loss even if they are from another world this is proof that he lost this fight before it even began he should just join them he of all people knows that batman always wins right superman's eyes glow red with rage and as supergirl gets close superman spins around grabbing both her and shazam by the head and he rockets off through the satellite he slams shazam's head into the ground while throwing supergirl up into the ceiling and then throwing her down into the ground before the two of them can get back up superman's eyes burn and there's a sudden boom as supergirl and shazam are sent out of the satellite supergirl says he seems pretty mad it's just damn yells i got one word for him but before he could finish superman shoots in grabbing both of them by their necks and he begins to squeeze supergirl struggles to free herself and shazam tells her hang on i got this lightning strikes down with a thundering comb forcing superman to release his grip and down on the ground gordon is watching and smiling he says it warms his old heart seeing superman give in and cut loose to fight like them now it's your turn batman batman fights back blue beetles tendrils telling him i'll never be like you jaime listen you're stronger than this don't let the batman who laughs believe it'll shoot batman telling him give it a rest i'm not one of your robins gordon goes to the computer stating once the satellite is activated it's going to open up more dark multiverse portals all over this world and pull out all sorts of nasty surprises the only way to stop it would be to stop jaime and that would require killing him see you have no choice here the tendrils lift batman up and blue bitterly yells that he is so tired of batman and superman stealing the show it's my time now batman struggles telling him you've always been a hero but the scarab itself is a threat combined with technology and magic that i needed to plan for now i might hate magic but i know technology batman's a blue beetle contingency activates and he thrusts his arm grabbing blue beetle's chest telling him and while jaime is infected the scarab within him is not batman pulls his arm back pulling a piece of the scarab off allowing it to bond with him blue beetle falls back asking what did you do and batman tells him i borrowed control of the scarab now the tower is connected to me instead here's the sounds of gordon's gun clicking as it's pointed to the back of his head and gordon tells him would you look at that hurting children to save the day again you never needed the infection did you batman using people to win just like the batman who laughs before gordon can finish his sentence batman kicks gordon in the stomach with such a force that it launches him across the fortress meanwhile up in the sky batman tells superman that they're both angry and they both want to burn everything down but supergirl and shazam are a distraction i need you to let go and focus on the satellite once we stop that we can go to the ends of the earth to find them remember the conversation we used to have that if we ever started to act like our enemies we'd be better villains than they ever were i was never worried about what would happen that's because i trusted my friend superman finishes pulling the satellite out of the dark multiverse and hurls it into the sun at the same time that batman overloads the fortress's computers and destroys everything gordon screams no and superman floats down telling him it's over supergirl and your friends may still be out there but we're gonna find them and we're going to cure them batman goes on telling him i'm sorry for what happened to you jim but we will make the batman who laughs cure gordon stops asking him and how exactly are you going to do that oh right where oh where do you think my friends took off to it's right at that moment that the two heroes realize that they are too late hawkman and donna have freed batman who laughs they stopped the satellite in the portals of the dark multiverse but they've lost their allies their friends and their family they can't come back from that they must accept that keeping the infection a secret was their mistake and that their world is not the weed that hurts the multiverse but their lies were batman and superman lied batman tells superman that this will be challenging telling all of their friends the superman says they have no choice their friends need to know the truth of what happened and he fully expects wonder woman to be furious billy don't you dare talk to victor like that again are we clear rosie yells from inside the house billy looks up from his dinner with both victor and rosa staring at him in surprise clearly you didn't get that i was talking to both of you he explains anger in his voice is that why you got into this fostering racket together too broken to have kids of your own so you figured you'd ruin lives in bulk he asks his foster parents stare at him in shock for a moment before victor finally explodes that's it clear your dishes and go to your room this instant he yells so billy stands up glaring at them both all i'm saying is that maybe you should get your house together before stepping up to me i'd rather do my homework than stare at that wimpy soul patch anyway he snaps back them he scrubs the dishes anger in his voice as he hears victor and rosa talking about him and the challenges that come from fostering teenagers it looks at the picture of himself and his brothers and sisters and he finally throws it to the ground smashing the frame forget this he snarls what the hell is going on with you mary asks coming into the kitchen to find what the noise was none of your business mary billy tells her mary tries to help her brother telling him that he can talk to her that there's no reason to let his anger out on victor and rosa open your eyes mary this whole family thing it's a trap a lie billy tells her one big scheme to try and control me he pushes pastor storming out of the back of the house all of you decided that if i belong with you then none of you are worthy to be related to he stares up in the sky and he speaks the magic word shazam the thunder booms the lightning cracks and it transforms billy into the mighty shazam yet this is not your normal shazam his costume is darker spikes are jutting out of his knuckles his skin is pale and his mouth is twisted into a hideous smile as he has been infected by the joker virus time to find a fam i can really hang with he grins elsewhere in the world the mighty atlas awakens from asleep a giggling whisper calls out to him who dares called me at this hour he asks getting up moving through his hut he rounds the corner discovering shazam sitting upon the globe of the worlds oh i've been thinking about how you're kind of like family to me family my torches have gone out i require light atlas begins but billy smiles offering to help him lightening cracks against atlas throwing him away and billy flies towards him more lightning leaping off of him striking the god my stamina is supposed to come from you right he asks picking the being up if that's really the case you'll be able to survive such a rough housing sesh with me right atlas lashes out knocking billy away our paths have not crossed before this moment boy but i knew there was a shazambri time so i know the power that you wield should speak to the strength of your virtue he says punching billy again he leaves up to strike but is knocked away by another lightning bolt this me the real me doesn't follow chumps anymore billy tells him and atlas swings a column but the wood shatters against shazam strength you really let me down atlas i'm disappointed he tells the god reaching out and grabbing his leg i think it's about time for your punishment i'll make sure it's something special he smiles and in the dark of the night atlas begins to scream in pain elsewhere in the world mary lands with a young girl having pulled her safely from the burning building oui again the girl yells and mary smiles maybe after i help my brothers and sisters clean up she tells her freddie walks over with her letting her know that none of the list of people that he knows could have caused this much damage very nods turning to her brother it was billy she tells him as she quickly fills him in on how strange billy was acting before eugene nods holding up his phone if billy's gone evil we should call the justice league but mary shakes her head this all feels personal i want to handle it myself they'd maybe come on too strong make it much worse but darla doesn't think that their billy would ever do this there's something in his eyes i can't explain it it's still him but nasty mary tells her and finally she turns to go telling her family that she needs them to stay behind in case billy returns so she takes to the air determined to find her brother elsewhere billy throws another punch that knocks thor away why you gotta suck so much thor he asks reigning a few more blows down on the god i couldn't find hercules i thought you'd do but nah he laughs as he punches him again the god lays there barely conscious his jaw broken shazam turns to fly away again later he finds the kryptonian god of rao his fist smashing against the being's face come on you're like zeus to superman he laughs with each blow show me what you got another blow launches the god away breaking his jaw he lifts him up shocking him with his magic lightning offering to take away everything from the god just like the batman who laughs did to him the chance to be actually dope but you're just like everyone else i met today a waste of time he smiles at him and aroused struggle spitting blood from his mouth wretched beasts he gasps looking up in fear as shazam's fists come for him again far from it dude i just want to hear what it sounds like when a god cries meanwhile mary has found the home of atlas now destroyed she calls for anyone and is greeted by the weak calls of the god she lifts the rebel off of him stunned by what she sees oh my god she gasped pulling him free asking about billy did he say anything did he give you a reason why he'd do this the boy has been corrupted by insatiable rage one that seems to be directed at the authorities above him atlas tells her there's no telling what destruction he'll wreck in his pursuit of a family that he deems worthy of his illness shazam's blues fall again and again on the face of ares as he gleefully counts with each hit yes aries you're supposed to be the god of slaughter and warring not the god of boring he smiles but ares coughs blood spilling from his mouth as he tells the boy you've changed fine billy laughs at him i will only tear your arms up but mary's there her blow knocking shazam into one of the massive greek statues that make up aries palace knock it off billy she yells and she helps aries up apologizing for her brother's actions i've weathered greater challenges that god tells her but none quite so relentless she nods telling the god to go that she will handle her brother but aries points at shazam floating towards the magic lightning snapping out of his fingertips in his eyes not chill sis he smiles hideously at them okay i might need your help she tells aries and the two leap at billy but the hero slips to the side letting mary fly past him as he grips ares by the arm i'll pull these off later he lasts twisting to god's arm snapping all of the bones he turns letting aries fall away from him that'll probably kick your legs off for being such a wuss he calls out seeing mary returning he launches herself adam hey sis guess it's time for a little one-on-one bonding i agree mary snarls as she lashes out her blow knocking billy away she rubs free a statue readying to smash it into her brother i don't know why you've turned into such a monster but whatever crazed mission you're on ends now she tells him and she brings the statue down smashing it to rubble over the mighty shazam i know my brother is hiding in there i could see it in your eyes earlier i love you and i won't let you ruin your life she tells him and billy throws the rocks off of him with mary staring down at her brother something has affected you but i know it's not too late you can try and push me away all you want but i refuse to give up on you because that's what family does she tells him there's a pause and shazam looks up confusion and fear in his twisted eyes mary he weakly asks mary you're still here these thoughts in my head they're so bad i i can't get him out he gasps and mary flies down to her brother she kneels with him telling him that it's going to be okay they'll go to the justice league before we go there's just one thing anything she asks what is it and his mouth twists into the grin again psych he lifts her up driving the spikes on his fist into her stomach family indeed you're the only one who's kept up with me so far he smiles at her he pulls free the photo showing her pretty soon you'll be just like me family the badminton last gave us a gift mary open your eyes and now we can spread that gift to whoever we think deserves it he tells her she tries to crawl away blood dripping from her stomach welcome to the fold sis he whispers in her ear as he takes off into the sky her eyes begin to redden as she clutches the wound i i want i want she whispers as lightning crackles overhead the sun slowly rises overconduct as its people pray its people pray as their protector black adam lays beaten and broken in the golden sands and the one responsible for this is the infected shazam but just one day ago there was peace or at least the city still stood just outside of the temple the military officials zafiz and wheel talk of the current situation in sheruda as the people speak of freedom the citizens talk of freedom one where they can use their lands natural resources and become more wheel says that perhaps they should first report their findings before rallying people for freedom but as the doors of the temple open black adam sits in meditation telling the men to approach zofie's reports that their intelligence confirms that the american lex luthor lives he has liquidated his assets and he uses the strength of the criminals across the globe to achieve his goals but there's also been additional issues the leviathan organization is under new leadership talia al-ghul has been replaced by a new group most likely unrelated to her or her father as for the information on shazam it seems that he's been acting erratically and had a public altercation with both superman and batman intelligence now believes that this interesting shazam is on his way here black adam opens his eyes i know i have good hearing just then black adam leaves back over zafiz and wheel asking where does power come from is it from me perhaps the soil of conduct or from the gods or is the power delivered as a mandate from the masses i freed kondok from a tyrant do i become the next tyrant in the eyes of my people because they are getting restless and wanting freedoms zombies tells them that they mean no offense but black adam stops him none taken you are both free to go perhaps lex luthor is right something has to change this is the way the world is going people want a coffee house on every corner american genes and open internet the illusion of freedom well what price is this illusion freedom as the saying goes is anything but free so go assemble kondok's armies and explain these quaint desires of theirs to the petulant 15 year old boy heading their way in the form of a weapon of mass destruction azafe's leaves he tells black adam that sharona has been evacuated of its civilians and black adam tells him good today the armies of kondok must fight to protect the ultimate freedom of their people life itself and i in turn will do my utmost to protect them outside of the market a group of people gather asking what is going on and one man says that he's not sure a man appeared and started yelling at everyone above those people the infected shazam floats and tells them look all i'm saying is you have oil right that stuff is cash money where does all that cash go because one thing's for certain it sure as hell doesn't go back into the neighborhoods have you seen this place it's a trashy look all i want to do is tell you that your leader's been lying to you that's why i'm here to set you free build up new roads and stuff get rid of those filthy old buildings throw up a few high rises get this place going hands up for anyone wanting a new hospital the people stare at silence as shazam tells them okay it's called voting you'll get used to it just then there's an explosion and zafi's leaders his army to confront shazam but as minutes pass all that can be heard are the shells of rifles hitting the ground and shazam laughing he stands next to a building full of bullet holes asking is this all i'm getting where's black adam also you do realize you're just blowing up your own city right should probably stop wasting your bullets zombies tells the soldiers to concentrate their fire bring in the armored units and shazam's size i was gonna give you chuckleheads a chance too bad guess i'll have to but that's when there's a loud wham as black adam rockets into shazam punching him through a building shazam begins to laugh there you are i was wondering but before he could finish adam throws them out of the city the soldiers ask what should they do and black adam tells them fall back and fire upon the american at every opportunity distract and contain one of the soldiers asks what are they supposed to do against shazam their commander is down and their weapons do nothing and adam asks what are you supposed to do if you fail you must be prepared to abandon kondok now is the time that's you but before he could finish there's a massive energy blast blowing up the ground where black adam is floating he pulls himself out of the debris and shazam kicks him telling him that is not the welcome that i was expecting black adam tells him you're a fractuitous child playing the controls of your god-given power as if it were a video game should they have cracks black adam across the face telling them i happen to like video games black him headbutt shazam back and if shazam wipes the blood from his mouth he tells him now that's more like it just needed a jump start shall we begin the two lock arms struggling for power but as black adam tries to convince shazam to stop he's brought to his knees by the child god shazam releases his power in the form of lightning knocking black adam back laughing get ready noob i got power ups shazam attacks it with more lightning and black adam flies off yelling at him you must have listened to reason your reality is broken you but before he could finish shazam grabs him by the leg telling him not a chance conduct belongs to me now shazam begins to beat into black adam telling him this place is the third world country on its best day you turned conduct into a pile of dirt and turns into a pile of mud when it rains every 500 years and with one more punch black adam slams into the ground with a thunderous boom the sun begins to rise in the distance and black adam looks over to see a city in flames shazam lands next to him telling him see lying here in a pile of dirt now that you're looking at it maybe you should hire some architects or something maybe put an aquatic center in the town square the olympic committee will love that shazam then kneels down asking black guy you want to see something cool watch this shazam shazam reverts back into a twisted billy batson that he laughs telling him see i said it shazam wait one for the satellite cameras shazam shazam should they help shazam pardon me sir but did i say just damn see it's just a word i'm the one that gives it meaning but what are those people out there doing they're praying to some sky wizard that's not even real black adam slowly picks himself up telling him this land is not just a pile of dirt it is a trap my people do not pray to an invisible sky wizard they fight with their hearts and souls we waited long enough for mourning so that their prayers may draw power from the center of the sun and that's what shazam is struck by lightning and he screams out in pain he falls to his knees coughing as he slowly reverts back into billy and black adam tells him you are just a child you believe in nothing but yourself yet you are trapped by the power of prayer a leader who will not learn is no leader at all and today you have learned a great lesson about my people i see the power that they give this land without them i am a leader of nothing black adam walks over to billy and whispers in his ear and if you ever return here again you will leave in a body bag billy says the magic word but before he can finish black adam covers his mouth telling him not yet he looks at his people and tells them to release him the power binding billy fades and black adam tells him now you can say it say the word and fly back to your friends less than triumphant that return will be all the message they need billy looks down and says shazam and he flies off into the sky the next day at sheruda's hospital wheel leans up from his bed asking why did this happen why did you allow this to happen and black adam says because i was wrong if i were infallible i would be a god but i am not a god just a leader of men sometimes a leader must see the power of his people the truth is i overestimated my power and underestimated yours true power comes from the masses from the heart of the land itself this is what it gives life to our gods and i am merely its steward this is my privilege not divine right rest well there will be other days and when they come more intruders will come to kondok but next time they will also have to reckon with its people [Music] the titans have recently hit a bad road dick grayson was shot in the head and left the team and now they're going from bad to worse as the team finds themselves in the town of serenity point alaska in the middle of an all-out brawl not only are two communities fighting each other but the titans are now only down to four members because donna troy left the week prior and while everyone tries to figure out what to do next raven begins to feel something pulling her away from the fight it felt like donna but was it really raven flies into the abandoned house as she calls out for donna troy but something attacks her from behind however to understand the situation in a full we must look back three weeks prior without nightwing donna troy has been leading the titans to the best of her ability they came to serenity point on orders by the justice league to mediate a town full of meta-humans who were at each other's throats a woman named borna created a neighborhood watch to offer structure and discipline to the members and look out for metahumans in the town who are abusing people with their powers the man named remy argues that there have been concerns about the neighborhood watch and they feel as though they have become the self-appointed organization that is policing this town but as talks between the two groups heat up donna tells them both that they're getting nowhere and she will pick it up again on the following day which just led to more fighting between the groups now in our current time miss martian senses that something is wrong as she tries to reach out to raven but gets nothing back her investigation brings her to a room where she sees raven tied up telling the rest of the team to be on their guard steele says that she's on her way to the hospital should she reroute instead but mish martian tells her no they're already stretched thin just stick to the current objectives miss martian begins to get closer to raven but as she does someone in the shadows flicks on a lighter and ignites the cloth to a molotov bomb moments later as the fire rages through the room the shadowy figure tells herself two down two to go just as miss martian has knocked out her psychic link between everyone has suffered leaving steel and beast boy alone one week ago in the hospital donna was watching over the people hurt in the conflict when she suddenly heard a scratchy and twisted voice call out to her she was already fighting the urge to just punch things when that voice tells her heavy is the head that wears the tiara donna runs out asking who's there and the batman who laughs says i was wondering that myself which roles are you playing today dick diana troya donna sees a trail of blood because the follower of the batman who laughs continues he tells her that he's quite interested to see what she's got lurking backstage well more accurately what you don't she kicks in the door to the next room seeing a broken mirror with her reflection and the batman who laughs tells her major look just then a small wire is cut and a vcr under the mirror shoots out a thin piece of metal that hits donna in her side she yells at him that this is unbelievably a bad time for her and if he really wants to see her he should just come out to take a closer look so he says that he's sure he'll see the real her see you soon back in our current time steel walks into the security room with a batman who laughs is watching over donna and he sees someone on the feed she looks closely and notices someone in the room above her and that someone looks like donna donna turns the dial for the mri to max and it begins to rip away steel's suit a few seconds later donna takes steel's body telling her that there's only one left an animal easily trapped later across the city beast boy begins to pick up everyone's scent gathered in one place he tells himself that it's most likely a trap but he just can't leave them he rushes over to see steel locked in a tube and miss martian surrounded by fire and a raven on the ground struggling to free herself he pulls the tape off of raven's mouth asking who did this to you and raven shouts that it's donna donna tells raven that dada troy is dead they want to see how it all began well it was six days ago the old donna knew that she couldn't use force to create a truce between two groups so feeling unfit to lead she did the only thing that she could think of she submitted she passed the reigns on to someone who actually wanted them a terrible idea generally speaking but it's not her fault remy was killed and donna blamed herself but you can't blame a tool for being used she felt that the only responsible thing to do was to just let go of the situation entirely she had only known a life of service duty and performing tasks laid out before her and without those burdens she was nothing and nothing ever felt so free the batman who laughs infected her with this dark toxin but it didn't kill her no it unlocked the truth within and for her entire existence donna troy lived with conflicting identities conflicting purposes she turned on all of her false selves in an ego massacre with no survivors except for the one before them now if they had interfered here remy and borna would still be alive if not at least it would have been the death of those that they chose those arrested were set free while the titans were busy being captured the outcome of the residents was vile or at least that's what they wanted raven begins to get up telling her that she knows then that they won't be going down without a fight steel miss martian and beast boy all break from their restraints but as beast boyd lunges forward donna effortlessly dodges asking why do you keep fighting steel throws her hammer but donna catches it throwing it at miss martian asking is this really what you wanted out of our lives that's just so sad all of this is beneath you now they're all ghosts of someone else's past raven gets back up telling them wait don't rewrite their stories whoever she is now whoever she's become she is a part of them she's still that person she is still their friend she can't deny it whatever she is going through they will all get through it just tell them what to do donna begins to fly away telling them if you want to know what to do you can fight for me as jaime reyes runs through a dark and twisted alleyway he tells himself that he was supposed to be the horror the skittering nightmare that drags you out of bed and sends you screaming into the nightmare the scarab embedded into his spine it's a monster maker the beatles before him chewed through ancient armies tearing apart whole civilizations removing them from the map but him he has this beetle-themed power ranger thing and right now that isn't enough to save him jaime trips in claws to try and get away but then he feels a heavy boot stomping on his back and all heimi wants to do is go home right now to live but that monster the batman who laughs is going to murder him jaime begins to beg pleading to let him live but then he feels a sharp sting as the infected batarang is slammed into his neck he screams reaching up and as he leans up he realizes that it was all just a nightmare the only good thing about a nightmare is that sweet relief that hits you when you finally wake up as timey gets up and gets ready for school he looks at where he was stabbed and suddenly he can hear a faint laugh coming from behind the batman who laughs tells him to live it up while he can because what just happened was a whole lot realer that he thinks and after getting dressed jaime runs outside to see the school bus already driving off and his friends paco and brenda laughing that he missed it but why the hell is the blue beetle riding the bus anyway he could just fly to school so a short while later brenda jumps off the bus asking what the hell is wrong with him does he have any idea how hard it is for them to keep his secret an actual secret and jaime laughs asking why don't you just stop then besides i really wasn't feeling school today how many lives have i saved this month dozens if anybody deserves a day off it's me so later at ted cord's house brenda looks around telling him that she really doesn't care what jaime says this is totally breaking and entering into ted court's house as paco pulls food out of the fridge he tells brenda that ted loves heimi and when a rich guy tells you to help yourself but just then the floor to the kitchen splits open and paco yells i wasn't daving except maybe a sandwich but you said i could make a sandwich the two see some stairs and they begin to climb down into the underground hangar where jaime fires up the beetlejet telling brenda to move it or lose it brenda shouts asking what the hell you almost killed paco and i mean last yeah but i didn't and that was awesome don't worry about the bug ted is totally fine with it but meanwhile downtown ghost fire flies through the lux dealership burning down the building asking if they really thought that they could take his ride in the middle of the night the salesman yells at the dealership doesn't repossess cars that's the bank and ghost fire gets ready to hit them with some more fire when he's suddenly sprayed in the back with water jaime flies by asking why do you even need a car when you could just fly then ghost fire cough shout it gets electric not that it's any of your business but now that you're here we can really use some fun i mean jump some punching ghost fire telling him cool nothing like beating the flame off an idiotic thieving fireman begins to punch him over and over as the batman who laugh yells yes yes make them pay why hold back your hero don't let up jaime punches him one last time with ghost fire shouting all right i'll go man uncle like give and jaime knox goes fire back asking do you do you give up again how many times are we supposed to do this what if this time i just put you out ghostfire focuses his blast telling him you can sure as hell try but if we're going hard then let's go hard homie tries to protect himself with the batman he laughs tells him i know it hurts we lean into it let the flames wash over you fire can't kill the beetle nothing can as pushes through the fire ghostfire asks what the hell are you made of and i mean lunges forward shouting i'm the plague that blackens the skies drowns out the wind and devours the earth the batman who last tells him yes you are now snuff out the flame for good i mean roars as his jaw unhinges and the batman who laughs tells him this is it full bug just like you always wanted but jaime yells no i didn't want this the batman who laughs tells him that this is the gift that was given to him this infection don't rest control away it unshackles you freeze you to be your true self this is who you are lean into it jaime grabs ghost fire beginning to bite down on his head and brenda screams for him to stop jaime looks back and spits ghost fire up at the jet splattering him across the windshield like a black goo he then turns and runs down the alleyway stating that this isn't fine none of this i'm a bug and the batman he'll laugh tells him that's it now you're getting it jaime jumps through a window shouting to the voice to shut up and as he lands he rips a part of the suit off yelling at edges the baby laughs tells them metamorphosis is never comfortable look how pretty you are in your new skin moments later paco and brenda run to the corner calling out for jaime and he yells for them to stay away brenda tells him that they aren't going anywhere without him let them get help and he begins to vomit up more black sludge and poco says right are you supposed to be puking up rivers of horror goo at us jaime slowly reaches out and he gets around to the corner with ghost fire telling them nah let him and as ghostfire throws another fireball the explosion goes off knocking paco and brenda away jaime steps back out of the fire holding ghostfire by the neck and he tosses him aside and paco and brenda begin to run away with jaime telling them this isn't him but whatever the batman alas did to him taking out his inhibitions his moral compass all of his goodness the stuff left behind is still him it's his rage feeding the scarab his fear and embarrassment he's still inside of the monster that he's become feeling it tasting it the only thing he can't do is stop it everything happened so fast there was a flash and cara told herself that she can do this she can defeat him she is super girl and she will defeat brainiac one she focuses her heat vision to tear through the drones or at least that's what she thinks she sees the truth is brainiac one did win he's downloading all of cara's knowledge about the kryptonian archive brainiac 1 taps away at the computer telling her that his progenitor the fake brainiac is a fool always fighting external battles fisticuffs with these metas always a failure always a waste that's when there's an explosion on the outside and as brainiac 1 slinks away he releases his hold on kara's mind telling her to go get out there so that they have time to complete the metamorphosis she blankly stares into nothing snapping back to reality asking why is she in cal's fortress how did but before she can even guess what is happening another explosion goes off and crypto begins to bark cara tells crypto to stay put and guard the archive she's going to find out what's going on the explosions that she heard came from the battle with batman and superman and they're fighting against the sky tyrant hawkman and deathbringer donna troy two other infected individuals she arrives just in time to turn the battle but when blue beetle through the poisoned batarang that was meant for superman cara grabbed it she cut herself on the tainted batarang allowing the joker toxin to seep into her body it spread so fast the injection targeted herself and even the nanobots that brainiac 1 had put into her when she woke up all she could hear was the twisted voice of king infected shazam asking her how is she now that her powers are fully realized she stands up after her transformation asking is it too on the nose to say super [Laughter] our now joker infected cara costs scanning her hand to see brainiac 1's nanobots are still in her bloodstream she thinks back to remembering when she arrived at the fortress of solitude and found kylix destroyed that's when brainiac of one appeared and hurt her and no one hurts supergirl she flies up stating that she needs a minute there's an unresolved issue that she needs to take care of within seconds she slams back down into the archive and brainiac one tells her no he commands her to stop the nanobots surge subduing kara and brainiac once says that so long as she obeys there will be no pain she quietly laughs as she crushes brainiac one's neck telling him that she cannot promise the same for him [Laughter] she flies up into the sky using her heat vision to burn out the nanobots brainiac one yells for her to stop he was so close please as she finishes she looks at brainiac one and asks what's the matter are you scared after a brief pause brainiac one tells her yes she focuses her heat vision blasting brainiac one's head telling him good she lets go of the broken mechanical body telling herself that that felt well exquisite the voices of dead kryptonians they're gone she's free of doubt free of weakness she could go back to the others but why what as fabulous as her doesn't need anyone this backward planet has no idea what's in store for it and she is going to have so much fun [Laughter] as the sun arises the next day cara feels the sunlight on her skin telling herself that she does have the power to build a better future for this planet she is after all a superhero and that's what superheroes do just then she hears the cries for help and she rushes over to see a bus dangling over the edge of the bridge she yawns as she easily lifts and tosses the bus back onto the highway telling everyone you're welcome the people are unsure what to make of her new infected look but there's one thing that cara needs to take care of the reason as to why the bus almost fell off the bridge she rips the door off the semi that collided with it and the driver says that he's so thankful but before he can finish she pulls him out telling him those people almost died because of you the man shouts that it was an accident his tire blew out and she holds him up in the air stating i'll just make sure that there won't be any more accidents all right a voice shouts for her that she needs to stop this is not how they do things put him down she sighs tossing the driver back to his truck stating sure thing baby cousin and superman tells her you need to listen to me we are here to help you come with us and we'll find a cure for this infection we can stop it together cara she begins to laugh asking do you really think i want you to take this away from me you needed me to save you from being attacked by the other infected are you so ashamed that you would destroy the evidence keep the world knowing just how weak superman is what a failure you are and what a hero supergirl is superman tries to tell her they are family but cara smacks him away we are done talking cal she repeatedly punches into his chest throwing him to the ground telling him you can't even defend yourself he races back grabbing her telling her i don't want to hurt you and she laughs you've always wasted so much time holding back this is why you lose suddenly she flies straight into the ground with a kaboom forcing superman to release her she begins to fly off stating i'll see you around but before she could leave there's a small explosion going off around her she turns around asking who would and that's when she sees him of course it's batman batman tells her stand down and kara charges at his attacks telling him i'm so very sorry but i'm not one of those teenagers who take orders from you how many of you gotten killed at this point batman fires a hook telling her you're acting like a spoiled child there are bigger things at play than your ego as the hook wraps around her batman takes off and superman asks are you gonna drag her back to the fortress this isn't going to work unless she chooses to come with us she isn't working with the other infected she is still calling herself a hero bruce we have to try and reason with her batman asks do you really think you can talk her down as the hook is released superman flies over telling her he has to try cara as she gets free she jets upwards ripping one of batman's thrusters out of the batjet asking are you still hiding behind your toys she pulls him out and batman tells her you're proving that my concerns about you are right superman sees you as his cousin i i see you as a danger a threat a child that can't control herself who is losing herself prove me wrong supergirl she stares at him for a moment and says she isn't going to hurt him even if she wanted to he would never let her which makes for a good distraction cara flings batman over her shoulder forcing superman to give up his chase and rescue batman as superman catches batman he says that she could have killed him the fact that she didn't means that there is still hope for her the infection might not be affecting her the same way as the others apart from her kryptonian physiology the batarang that infected her was meant for you not her meanwhile elsewhere she stops mid-flight shouting in frustration asking why won't people listen to me i will show them how wrong they are they think that they can save this fragile little world that i won't splinter in their grasp like krypton did they don't understand but i do however as cara tries to lay low and blend in she hears a high-pitched she begins to run away from the sound but it follows her everywhere that she goes and as she tries to make sense of it she stops and concentrates and then she begins to make out the sounds it sounds like a siren but it's actually a he it's laughter someone is laughing at her a voice then asks you still don't get the joke do you but soon you will she turns around to fight whoever it is but all she can see is a projection of the batman who laughs getting closer the day after seeing the batman who laughs krypto sniffs around to find the scent of car and when he does it leads him to the small country town of smallville he flies through the sky when he finds a recently built tower and cara is inside taking apart brainiac one she tells herself no no no no no that will only limit the density of the desperation as crypto begins to whine cara looks back asking if it's him krypto jumps up to her licking her and she tells him that she gets it he's glad to see her but now that he's here she can show him what she's been working on and everything is going to change back when superman and batman fought the others they destroyed the satellite that was going to infect the entire planet now using brainiac one she'll disperse the infection to the whole population at once and who's more deserving than the people of smallville these humans who allowed cal to grow into adulthood once the people embrace the enlightenment that she is offering cal will finally see this is the way to go embrace your dark side later at the nearby school a teacher tells her students that she understands things have been hectic in the world lately but should anything happen there will be a safe place to but at that moment there's a crash on the roof and cara tears through telling the teacher i wouldn't be telling them such lies there's no place on this whole miserable world that's truly safe but i'm going to change that i'm going to save you all i won't lose another home once you've accepted the infection like i have you will understand you will see the truth together we can build a stronger safer world and then you will be able to save yourselves with me leading you cara then returns back to her tower to continue her work when she hears the whispers of the people in the town which invading our town monster so she flies outside to see a crowd of people and she asks what are you doing are you all too stupid to understand that i am here to help you one woman says that they know what she's trying to do she's a disgrace to that symbol she wears she asks don't you realize the gift that i'm bringing you i've chosen you to be the first to be honored so which of you has chosen to betray your fellow humans to spit in the face of all of my hard work a young girl pushes forward telling her i did you say you're a hero but you're acting like a monster cara rushes down grabbing the girl shouting you were supposed to choose to survive is hope really so hard a concept for all of you to grasp perhaps you need one of your own to lead the way once this child becomes enlightened she'll be able to explain it to you she will bring you all into the light humanity will finally flourish but before she could finish that sentence cara is knocked into the air and over the crowd everyone steps back as wonder woman walks through telling her this ends now cara terrorizing people hunting the innocent this isn't you kara gets back up shouting i'm not hurting them i'm helping them i'm giving them a chance to be strong and wonder woman holds at her hand you may have the best intentions but this isn't the right way we can work together to find a better solution cara extends her hand and tells her no her hand balls into a fist and knocks wonder woman across the field and into the nearby barn crashing through it as kara flies over wonder woman asks if this is how it needs to be and she kicks cara in the stomach flipping back kicking her face before kara could recover wonder woman sweeps out her feet wrapping her up in the golden lasso wonder woman tightens the grip telling her i tried to warn you now let's see if the magic of the gods is stronger than this affliction wonder woman pulls on the lasso tightening and asking is the real cara still in there the one who was consumed by this monster can she still speak cara tries to struggle then she bursts out laughing telling her you still don't understand this is the real me it's the way i was meant to be and i've never felt it better i am two two and she slowly blinks as she reverts to her former self too many dying too many dead it's too much as cara begins to lose consciousness wonder woman releases her grip running over shouting let me help this is what superman sent me here to do just tell me how bakara whips her head back cracking wonder woman in the face knocking her back yelling no i am the one who's helping people just then krypto walks up and begins to whine and cara asks did you switch sides too and wonder woman says that they're trying to make her see that there is no side they're all her friends and whether she believes it or not she needs help cara screams and i don't want any help and i don't need crypto or cal all you're trying to do is betray me krypto sadly flies away and wonder woman says that it'll take a lot more than that to scare her kara punches into her telling her and i can work with that a split second later cara lunges into wonder woman but as the two of them are struggling wondering grabs cara by the cape yanking her back before either of them could throw another punch a green blast of energy rips through separating them and they both look up to see several large robots floating overhead with wonder woman asking what in athena's name suddenly cara is hit with that green blast as she realizes quickly that it isn't any blast it's a kryptonite blast she starts to get back up and wonder woman hurries over telling her that she is not here to fight right now they have to focus on the real threat those robots another robot fires another kryptonite blast and wonder woman blocks it with her braces shielding kara she then jumps up into the air to engage the new foe stating that she will handle this she watches as wonder woman works her way through the robots yelling to herself that this is all wrong i am the one who's supposed to be helping people not be helped what kind of pathetic hero needs saving one of the robots breaks from wonder woman aiming for cara but as it gets close she asks do you want to fight cara's heat vision tears through the robot's body and as he falls it bursts into flames and that's when cara can hear the voices help somebody help us please she sees the fire spreading to the nearby barn and when she looks back at wonder woman she scoffs flying over to help the people she claims to be saving she punches a hole for the people inside to escape but everyone just well they stand there she shouts move or burn it doesn't matter to me and soon the people begin to make their way towards the opening and one little girl stops to tell kara thank you she gives the twisted smile back telling her you need to hurry and watch for the giant robots and just then another voice shouts that she isn't going with that monster cara looks back at the rebellious teen asking which is the more immediate danger here the monster or the fire the girl stumbles as she goes to speak and kara cuts her off telling her i give you a choice choose to live today for a better tomorrow the teen takes her hand but before they can get out the support beams begin to give way and carr flies up catching them telling the teen run once everyone is clear cara flies out of the building only to be hit directly with a kryptonite blast wonder woman finishes destroying the remaining robot and runs over to cara praying that it's not too late that the blast didn't kill her and as she kneels down cars screams in pain as the spikes in her costume grow larger wonder woman quietly says by the gods and kara stands up further in effect and he begins to laugh stating it would be fun to kill a god but unfortunately i'm going to have to deal with the offspring instead one woman asked what how the kryptonite it must be repressing your body's ability to fight off the infection and kara slinks over telling a it's not the infection i want to fight it's you wonder woman nearly dodges the oncoming attack shouting we have to get the kryptonite away from you but before wonder room we could throw the robot's kryptonite core cara jumps on our back stating some warrior you've turned out to be turning your back on the enemy however this will all be oversued and we can be friends once this medal pierces your flesh diana cara goes to slam the infected metal spike down but wonder woman swings back telling her we must stop this and kara tells her that she can't spreading the infection is the only way that she can save them wonder woman sees the incoming spike knocking kara back asking did you not understand we should be talking and kara jumps to her feet yelling that the greatest warrior on the planet wants to talk words will never be enough only this wonder woman then asks if it's true why are you alone where are the other infected kara stops in our tracks and wonder woman goes on stating you cannot save this world alone that's what this is about isn't it you don't want to be alone and you don't have to be all you bakara's eyes glow red with rage shouting shut up she knocks wonder woman back and wonder woman tells her that she won't fight back she can see that there's a lonely little girl in there trying to save the world cara yells that she doesn't have to fight back and she begins her assault again after pinning wonder woman down kara brings the spike back up but before it can be slammed down kara feels a sharp pain in her wrist as crypto bites down kara swipes at him to get back and then stops wonder woman says that it is proof that she isn't alone just take a moment to step back and see what is going on around you so cara stops and she listens and all she hears is how everyone in the town is scared of a her kara stumbles back telling them no i'm a hero i don't need saving this was the joke wasn't it you'll never see me as a hero wonder woman reaches out telling her that she can be that hero again just let them help she shrugs her off telling her no i don't need saving i just need to do this myself she rockets into the air but before she can get into space she hears barking she tells krypto to go back this isn't something that he can help with he whines as he licks her cheek and then stops following she aims straight for the sun asking herself was wonder woman right were they all right what if the infection isn't making me a better hero what if i'm not a hero then what am i i'm still kryptonian the sun will kill and she bathes in the sun's energy and then she comes crashing down to the earth pushing part of the infection back but that's when she hears something in her head the batman who laughs bursting out laughing staining well you can certainly try but you belong to me and we have some work to do and there you have it our full story series is kind of back this is a kind of a combination of two different concepts we thought about making these into two separate videos but it honestly just works as one full video hope you guys enjoyed but which of these evil jokerized versions did you like the most let me know in the comments down below don't forget to hit that subscribe button if you're so inclined and hit that like button if you actually did enjoy it and i'll see you next time right here you
Channel: Comicstorian
Views: 450,992
Rating: 4.9171691 out of 5
Keywords: comicstorian, comic books, dc, dc entertainment, marvel, storytelling, full story, dc universe, justice league, comic theories, avengers, superhero, injustice, miles morales, deadpool kills the marvel universe, batman, gwenpool, godspeed, doom patrol, marvel zombies, spider man, joker, the batman who laughs, batman who laughs, the batman who laughs origin, dc comics, evil batman, dark nights metal, batman who laughs origin, batman who laughs statue, nerd, dark nights
Id: eaagOWshiMM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 93min 0sec (5580 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 31 2020
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