Darth Vader "Lightsaber Origin to Vader Down to Replaced..." - Full Story | Comicstorian

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welcome to the full story series right here at comics torreĆ³n where we take some of their older videos within our playlist and turn them into a long video for you to pop on before a long drive or a study session today we're going to be covering the original run of Darth Vader in the Marvel Universe and after that he did an origin for his lightsaber so I thought it'd be fun to take that origin for the lightsaber put it in the front of this and then put Darth Vader volume one through four and Vader down into this video so basically in this video you're going to have the comic book origins of the lightsaber that Anakin Skywalker created when he became at Darth Vader and we're then gonna go into two volumes of the Darth Vader comic book that came out when Marvel got the license the Star Wars back then we're gonna do an event known as Vader down in which he battled against the rebels and then we're gonna wrap up everything that was going on in the initial to Darth Vader volumes giving you a Darth Vader full story this takes place immediately after the ending of Star Wars the new hope so I hope you guys enjoy and I'll see you at the end of the video Anakin Skywalker now known as the Sith Lord Darth Vader colleges his fist stating no I remember the events of what happened of what happened to Padme he breaks free from the operating table wearing his new cybernetic suit shouting no and he pushes Emperor Palpatine away he then holds Palpatine in place with the force telling him to promise that we could save her and Palpatine tells him in your rage you chose a different path Padme is dead but in her death she has given you a gift pain the question is now whether you'll use the gift or will you die by it Vader begins to let go stating I will live and Palpatine tells him that's good suddenly Palpatine because to electrocute Vader suit asking where is your lightsaber use its power and defend yourself Vader struggles to kneel back up telling him you just lost lost in the fight with obi-wan Palpatine screams now and he pulls out his own lightsaber pointing it towards Vader telling him I realize that this has been a traumatic time for you but you will never touch me with the force again soon the lightsaber retract and Palpatine says hopefully we will not find ourselves in this position again but right now we have a lot of work to do come there is something that must be seen Vader follows Palpatine outside watching the masses collect the Jedi lightsabers Palpatine asks Vader if he knows why their blades are red Invader tells him no the teaching on that subject was incomplete Palpatine tells them the fools hid the knowledge that they found uncomfortable the red saber is no different than any other except it's been made to bleed what is needed is the crystal inside of any jedi saber these Khyber's are alive in their own way like any living thing they can feel pain one must pour their pain into the crystal and with all of that agony the crystals light becomes a beautiful crimson the color of Rage the mass is below collecting the last of the lightsabers and they begin to burn them and the giant furnace and Palpatine asks you understand why you weren't given one of those light sabers are right and Vader tells him yes a saber opposite is not to give him it just taken later on the mid rim Vader and Palpatine land on a planet and Vader asks have we come here Palpatine tells him that they will need to do great things together but first a lightsaber is needed so we are here to seek out a Jedi and take a Kyber crystal a vessel was also brought for you but it appears that it was stolen as Vader walks off Palpatine starship takes off leaving him behind and without saying a word Vader starts to scan the ground once he finds the tracks of the vehicle he begins his journey and up ahead a pair of scavengers look at Vader ship laughing how it was just sitting out there asking to be taken but then one of the scavengers is hit with a hunk of metal and Vader stands up with more pieces stating is that ship belongs to me more scavengers appear and they begin to fire at Vader but using some of the smaller pieces of metal he shoots them through the scavengers a few blaster shots hit Vader that is one of the scavengers shouts that they got him Vader force pushes him off the cliff as the firing continues Vader picks up one of the dead bodies to shield himself and that he throws them at one of the last remaining scavengers the man nervously asks what is it that you want and Vader says what I want is this subtly the sound of a neck snapping can be heard and the man falls to the ground as Vader holds his hand out later out at the Jedi outpost of order 66 Vader flies their ship closer when he receives a transmission from an arc fighter telling him that this is every stricted place his presence here is unauthorized and he will change course immediately or who be fired upon the ship's computer tells Vader that they can transmit the docking codes for this station they can know that he is arriving Vader does an answer in the computer then says the arc fighters have engaged their weapons tracking systems with his permission the docking codes can be sent and Vader stops the computer telling it No activate our weapons systems within seconds the ship's cannon system comes online and Vader begins to fight and destroy the arc fighters as he gets closer to the space station back in the station the storm troopers watch as their outside protection is shot down and the leader shouts to everyone to get into position just outside of the hangar the troopers aimed their rifles at the hatch when they see the doors starting to bend and crack subtly the doors are ripped off and the troopers begin to open fire Vader pushes some of the shots away but some managed to get past and hit him after looking at his shoulder where it was hit Vader turns and pushes one of the troopers into another and pulls a lightsaber from the wall the lightsaber activates and fade continues to run through tearing his way through the trooper resistance until there is none less standing the lightsaber attracts invader drops it continuing his path to the central computer once there he uses the ship's computer to scan the station's archives and the computer asks what is it that he is searching for Vader tells him that he must retrieve a Kyber crystal from a Jedi with the recent purge of Jedi locating a living Jedi has become difficult our hope is to find a Jedi who has taken the Mirage oath the beresch with the Jedi who have swore to refrain from activities related to the order focusing only on trading with the force the computer goes back to scanning when subtly it calls out that there is an explosion coming right and as the grenade gets closer it begins to explode and then it stops it floats there in the computer says that the device did not detonate and Vader holding his arm containing the blast says where two more troopers running shouting to Vader to get on his knees and with his other hand he snaps the necks of the two of them and he asks the computer if it's completed its search yet a few moments later he leaves the computer room as the grenade explodes and the computer says that it's located someone he is unique even for a Jedi his name is Koh ROK and it's been many years since he's been an active Jedi records show that even when he was he did not take part in diplomacy training or research he had precisely one purpose of the order and that was to fight back over at the mid rim sector in the river moon eval de leme karate meditates with several metal pieces floating around him as a flash of purple and cockt quickly lands blocking the battle droids attack telling it good some of the metal pieces begin to connect in a battle droid asks even while they fight assembling for Padawan traps at once even for him is ill-advised Corrick and knocks the battle droid back as the last of the metal parts connect and he says that there is something coming something dark up at the sky Vader's shift descends down were to suddenly hit with a piece of metal that karach was constructing the starship begins to crash down on the ground and the computer says that it will commence repairs immediately they should be operational within two standard days which they can engage directly Vader tells the computer know the Jedi is waiting I wish not to disappoint him he then walks through the mountain pass went from behind a giant metal divider shoots out of the ground blocking his path his croc steps out calling to Vader that he stinks of darkness was it you Vader looks up and without answering him starts to force-choked gerak struggles but yells no and force pushes Vader back breaking the grip he stands back up telling him you cannot defeat me at all but I can see the darkness resonating within you I have but one question did you do it were you the one that killed all of the Jedi Vader tells him yes & korek asks are you planning on killing me as well and Vader pauses and tells him yes and Couric's smiles stating huh just as I hoped he looks up at the sky stating for my transgressions I took the boorish vow to live alone inside the force until my one true path is revealed to me I now declare that my Barasch is complete for my brothers and sisters are dead and their murderers stands before me the path is clear and that is to end the one who brought this destruction karach points off in the distance stating that this mountain is called passable it is a sacred place designed to test all Jedi who come here he will wait at the summit come seek him out from behind Vader his metal moving in a giant hatch opens flooding the pathway the once drive ravine sits still with water and then there's a rumbling on the surface suddenly the water separates and using that open path Vader starts to climb the mountain after a bit though he comes to a long stone past and there's a shriek that can be heard from above a raptor in' swoops down and then another Vader uses the force to break them apart but several more start to fly down and attack him from atop the mountain karach watches with the paddle drawer and the Droid says that he will defeat the monster soon shall he go ahead and blow up the bridge and karak tells him no we will let this creature pass back below the Raptor runs start flying back but rather than let them escape Vader continues to destroy them some time passes and they finally reached a final set of stairs with part of his cybernetic suit damaged in the process karach calls out that he's almost there keep going he believes in him and Vader starts to pull the rocks from the walls throwing them up forcing Korat to defend himself but one shoots by cracking him in the head Vader walks up the battle droid shouts that he will destroy the monster and he lunges at Vader but just as he gets close Vader grabs the Droid ripping its arm off throwing its body off the lentsch karach takes out his lightsaber clashing with Vader telling him I know why you're here I can sense it you want to take my lifesaver karach forces Vader to his knees asking how did you end the Jedi it seems impossible for you are weak Vader's leg begins to spark under the pressure and corrupt goes on telling him you could not have done it alone there is someone else a master finally like snaps off a force pushes Vader off to life telling him once you are dead your master will be next once that is done the light of the Jedi will be restored after a while Vader begins to open his eyes only to see out of one of his lenses and he inspects his body the droid you tossed off because to speak stated that the dark side cannot stand against the light Vader holds out his hand struggling and soon the droid is torn apart the metal parts begin to attach themselves to Vader's suit until he finally has a functional arm he sets up taking the droids leg fusing it to where his leg used to be and once complete he stands back up he then takes the training saber that the Droid used and makes his way back towards Quran over at the city Corral's the local mechanic could get his ship ready to leave when suddenly he begins to drop all of the parts he says no it's not possible I sense nothing afterwards Caracas outside to see Vader standing on the city's dam holding out the training and lightsaber telling him calm her auxin lightsaber lights up and with one leap he jumps up crossing swords once again with Vader the two exchanged blows and then there's a blaster fire for the city's guards they shout that those are warning shots and both of them will cease immediately but before they can finish giving their warning they are all pushed off the ledge karach shouts don't Vader's arm twitches and the guards are thrown below but they're quickly caught by karach he sets the guards down on a nearby building telling Vader you are monster and Vader tells him yes I am with one gesture from Vader the water tank below begins to crack in Caracas what are you doing that's holding the dam together and karach focuses his energy to contain the tank shouting this is about the Jedi and that's it those people are innocent Vader tells him you are a fool and as lightsaber is pulled away Vader tells him of course it is about them Vader then forced chokes corocut he begs him to please just kill him let the others live but without karach support on the tank and ruptures and finally his neck snaps Vader tosses his body down into the water and within minutes the entire city is flooded once Vader returns to his ship a message from Palpatine plays stadium and once he's acquired a lightsaber the ship will automatically fly to its final destination Vader watches as the ship takes him to Mustafa here he will channel all of his pain anger and hate and corrupt the Kyber crystal he walks out of his ship and into a small cave and he sets the lightsaber down he begun taking it apart he pulls out the Kyber crystal staring at it Vader then steps back and begins to channel his focus on the crystal and when the crystal pushes back at the rose Vader into the wall he stands out but he looks around asking what have I done he gets back up reassembling the lightsaber back to its original state and he returns back to Palpatine Palpatine asks were you successful on your quest and Vader tells him yes and he shows the lightsaber still green like the former Jedi's Palpatine asked so have you made you a decision then and Vader tells him yes suddenly Palpatine leaps from his chair with his lightsaber the two begin to battle and after a few exchanges of hits Vader swings cutting into Palpatine's chest and he walks out later on another planet obi-wan sits reflecting when he notices a presence behind him he draws his lightsaber but Vader tells him wait and he takes off his helmet he meals revealing himself to obi-wan telling him please and obi-wan lights up his lightsaber Vader groans in pain blinking and finding himself back in the cave on Mustafar he gets up grabbing the crystal telling it no I refuse this is all that there is he chattels the crystal and Vader's then starts to see everything that has brought him to this point obi-wan Padme her death Palpatine all of it later back in chorus OTT Tarkin begins to go over their progress on the construction when suddenly the two guards are thrown into the glass wall behind them standing before them is Vader and Palpatine smiles telling everyone to leave he waits for a moment and he says apprentice and Vader holds out his lightsaber and as the Crimson light shines he tells him master Darth Vader isn't happy he walks through Jabba the Hutt's palace murdering two of the guards demanding an audience right this second Jabba can't believe the audacity Vader was due to arrive tomorrow and not kill anyone but fader tells him I will return tomorrow on behalf of the Emperor tonight I am here on my own personal behalf and I will leave satisfied job emotions for the guards to fire their weapons at Darth Vader they all fire at once but fader manages to deflect each and every bullet back at them he then turns back to Jabba and he uses his force choke you would drive a hard bargain Vader good this is what I need but let's go back to where all of this started Darth Vader is actually a man named Anakin Skywalker and he was trained by Ben Kenobi until he killed Ben Kenobi he hadn't lost the Death Star to a rebel assault and the rebels then invaded one of the Emperor's production facilities and they destroyed it but as they fled he ran into a young boy that was using his old lightsaber the one that Ben Kenobi last had now Darth Vader intends to find this boy he doesn't know who he is or where he is but he'll figure it out the Emperor was not happy with Darth Vader's latest failure and as punishment he has sent him back to the outer rim to work with grands general tagged as one of his men and negotiate a deal with Jabba the Hutt but just as Vader is getting these orders in the Emperor the Emperor took a meeting with an interesting-looking individual and he wouldn't tell Vader what it was all about that doesn't matter right now though because what he personally wanted from Jabba the Hutt was bounty hunters and he got the best at Jabba's disposal Boba Fett he wants Boba Fett to find this young boy he was smuggled off the planet in a ship referred to as the Millennium Falcon he then goes back to work for grand general tagged and while he despises the fact that the emperor has placed him under this man he does assist the grand general in defeating various pirates and he even finds an undercover spy proving that he is more capable than any of tags other men elsewhere in the galaxy on Quarantine world 3 a woman is performing one of the largest heist she's ever performed she blows smoke to see the lasers as she sneaks underneath them then she hacks the wall rewires the paneling dodges more lasers and then finds a droid rolling towards so she flees as fast as she can until she can barely make it underneath the door shutting the door in front of her she breathes a sigh of relief on the other side and then she finds herself in front of a bunch of droids ready to take her away as the escort her away a fighter lands in the docking bay and out steps Darth Vader himself he approaches the droids carrying her away and then he slices them both in half and he marches over to her offering his hand to the woman as she begins to fall off the side trying to retrieve the object that she came here for dr. Aphra I need you so the two of them board her ship where she asks him how may I help you I've recently destroyed some of your recently reactivated droids and they impressed me listening to this she walks over and activates a protocol droid which then comes over to activate an astromech droid which was her sole purpose for getting the protocol droid back online because the astromech droid is actually an assassin droid that only speaks in binary with that fixed she turns to Vader what do you need me to do there was a time when I had armies on my beck and call but that time has passed I need my own private resources I was supposed to be delivering these two droids and then getting my next mission but you're my next mission aren't you lord Vader and the next and the next after that I need troops of unquestioning loyalty well it's a good thing that I know about an unusual droid factory on Geonosis how do you feel about Genesis lord Vader I have no feelings regarding Genesis good don't we need to move I don't want to let you down why Zafra that would be a mistake as they arrived on Geonosis our first sensor two droids triple-zero and BTW deep inside the planet to see what they can find while she and Vader's stay on top as Vader waits Afra asks him if he's been here before and he gets a brief memory of a young girl and a time before his suit seizure proving Afra I expect nothing more than compliance and silence out of you deep inside the planet triple Z and BT are making their way down mapping the routes as they go until they reach a room filled with insect looking droids they aren't moving and when triple-zero asks them for information they say nothing so triple zero gives BT that go ahead BT uses his flamethrower to burn the entire room and every joy as they leave triple zero says to the droids ha ha ha you are on fire and also dead Vader and Afra and room and afro looks at the droids and she realizes that these are a part of the Geonosis hive mind and the hive Queen probably doesn't even see these as droids and the deeper they go into the facility the more it appears true when they find the Queen looking at this beast off returns to Vader now for your devilishly clever plan to steal a robot womb factory off of a homicidal broody alien queen do you think it's still a good idea lord Vader he doesn't even stop to reply he just says yes and he leaps down into her area he because to cut off the Queen's limbs while she screams out and tells her children to defend her the Empire has taken Janos his pass it can't have its future but Vader has also brought the assassin droid and it turns the flamethrowers back on and it begins to burn all of the hive Queens children he then uses the Force to throw the transmitter through the roof and uses the ship to lift the droid factory out of the ground and they haul it away just more child's play for lord Vader as they enter the ship Afra tells Vader that he has his droid army now so is he gonna kill her now or later she knew her clock was ticking the moment that he arrived and now he has his army so he has no use for her she votes a lightsaber through the neck because she's always had fears of being ejected into space he looks at her and then he tells her you have proven yourself resourceful you are safe as long as I have use for you if you try to blackmail me you will find your plans confounded and your life in an end after it looks at him in shock you know you can trust me but you shouldn't I'm a walking talking stupid risk when you need to win just please make it quick just then they're interrupted by triple zero because a Wookiee that Vader hired has tracked the man that the Emperor wouldn't tell Vader about tell me the location of your headquarters and what task my master has sent for you torture me I won't tell you anything not even my name the man says to finally Vader turns and he leaves I do not have time but I do have a specialist Trooper zero then takes over I'm triple zero and I'm looking forward immensely to torturing you today it doesn't take long but triple zero reports to Vader that the man is named dr. silo four and the Emperor was having him build rivals for Darth Vader the Emperor wants to replace Darth Vader so Vader and Afra head to the top secret base and four prepares the illegal boarding operation she tells Vader may the force be with you and then mumbles to herself this is the greatest job of my life Vader moves quickly first he has triple zero and BT cut down a door and then they walk in providing the distraction he then cuts through the side of the ship using his side entry ship and he lets it suck out all of the guards and then he lands inside of the ship with his magnetic clamp boots he marches through the ship with his droid army in his lightsaber ordering them to crush all resistance but things get more interesting as they enter a room with two humans holding lightsabers this isn't a test that's Vader they exclaim and they use the Force to shut the doors leaving the androids behind so it's just them and Vader Vader turns to the door that wasn't the force that was trickery you are no Jedi or Sith but the man jumps in at Vader telling him that's the last thing I want to be Jedi or Sith they're history they battle for a few moments until silo for walks out and tells them to cease Vader is amazed that he lived but silo informs Vader that he is inside of four he's slightly five when his body didn't return a backup was activated so Vader changes the subject I was under the understanding that you were making apprentices here but there is nothing of the force in them not apprentices replacements the force is obsolete and these are its successors he states motioning to his team all of which just destroyed all of Vader's current toroid army this is blasphemous and with that Vader takes a swing a silo five but then the Emperor steps out Vader no you will forgive Nord feita you have my attention now show me something worthy of that attention so slyly v sends all of the replacements after Vader first up is the lizard looking alien which was built to not feel pain and not be concerned about it but the Emperor isn't impressed as Vader easily cuts into him with his lightsaber followed by a woman in control of dozens of droids at the same time and they all fire their blasters at Vader but he deflects them with ease and then he blows up her droids next up is a commander that has been barely alive so he's had his entire body turned into a robotic body but even with four lightsabers Vader is easily able to deflect them this of course bores the Emperor so silo 5 has everyone go at Vader at the same time the first guy jumps into fight Vader but Vader to flex his lightsaber away and then the lizard man is about to go in for a bite but another one of the replacements kills him saving Vader the emperor calls an end to this fighting so everyone stands still I will not forget what you did here today boy Vader says to the young man I didn't do it for you the old model is less of a threat than the new model but Vader turns his back to the boy that was my life to take boy you interfered and invader leaves of the Emperor I am impressed gathering your own forces outside of my system these things are abomination this is heresy you stand there more metal than man and you talk of abominations if it were not for my open mind you would not be here everything is of the force do not underestimate how much you've disappointed me Vader I saved you but you showed how far you fell off the mark silo has been training those twins for twenty years so all of those years you were considering replacing me the dark side is strength if they defeats you then they are stronger if you defeats them then you prove you are this is the way of the Sith Vader moves back to his ship with Afra where she informs him that they got a message from Boba Fett about this boy Boba Fett explains that he lost track of the boy but he did get his name Skywalker and then Boba Fett leaves Vader thinks back to Padme his now deceased wife from 20 years ago and when she told him that she was pregnant how happy he was back then he then thinks back to when he became Darth Vader and the Emperor was the one that told him that Padme died he remembers Padme is death he remembers the young boy capable of destroying the Death Star and he remembers the young boy using his old lightsaber I have a son I will have him I will have everything Darth Vader stands on a moisture farm in the planet of tatooine looking at the sunset before his eyes and dr. Aphra a woman in his employ asks him what are they looking for this farm is dead he tells her that this is where the boy who blew up the Death Star lived they go inside so Darth Vader can look at something related to the force something that may help him find this boy and dr. Aphra explains the irony of the whole situation Imperial forces slaughtered the boy's family and if they hadn't he probably would never have left the Empire would then have its Death Star and there wouldn't be a problem right now revenge is one hell of a motivator she explains Darth Vader turns around you are correct let us move on they walk outside and drop a bomb it goes off and after says it's a molecule purge no one will ever know that anyone was here then Darth Vader leaves her there as he has other matters to attend to he charges in with stormtroopers as they opened fire on smugglers that he has tracked down and being that he is Darth Vader he manages to slaughter all of the smugglers before him and opened the vault that they were keeping trillions of credits and he orders it all to be confiscated and prepared for shipment he then goes to the Hutts where he gives them the planets underworld and warns them not to overstep their boundaries or they will regret it and while Darth Vader is running errands for the local commanders of the Empire as punishment for losing the Death Star afros putting together a team you see while Darth Vader may appear to be following the Emperor's bidding he is secretly plotting his own takeover and now he needs funding so Afra is putting together a team to perform a heist on trillions of credits she takes her team in a space where they see the confiscated credits coming right for them she sets off a bomb that takes out an asteroid the Uncharted impromptu asteroid belt drifts in front of the ship carrying the credits then using the cover of the new asteroid belt Afra and her team rocket onto the bottom of the ship where they opened the hatch and they slip inside then they drop all of the droid guards meanwhile back in space their Wookiee pilot is getting into position and their astromech droid Beauty is preparing to turn on a magnetic field and catch the credits as they float by an asteroid ruptures the side of the Empire ship and the credits begin to drift off into space which is when Beattie hits his magnetic pulse and he grabs them all up but he failed and only got some of them causing a lot of credits to free float in space while her gang isn't entirely happy about that they'll cope and everyone goes their separate ways but it turns out a fir and BT cheated her gang because all of those credits that were supposedly lost were picked up and delivered to Darth Vader they stand before their fortune and she lays it out now we have a droid army bounty hunters money to pay the bounty hunters what's next is it holiday because I think I'm due for holiday information on someone who has been elusive the boy that blew up the Death Star no someone else find it for me and if you don't contact me within a month I will contact to you and you don't want me to contact you then Darth Vader leaves to report this to his commander the commander commends Darth Vader for his action in removing the criminal organization the plasma Devils he informs lord Vader that some of the Emperor's and newest potential apprentices that he met earlier will be joining them for the final assault that will end with the plasma Devils this infuriates Vader that they would place other individuals on this matter but he can't argue to make matters worse they have now given him a new assistant inspector thanoth to keep track of Vader's comings and goings a small amount of time passes and Vader manages to drop the rebellion cell while fan off inspects the freighter that was shipping the confiscated money he calls up Vader to inform him that he doesn't think that this was really an accident it was a planned accident and he wants Vader to accompany him to an off prime where they will stealthily work towards finding out who planned such a heist but as they arrived they discover a series of stormtroopers are guarding the entrance and to discover two potential apprentices the twins inside cutting everyone up involved they enough realizes that they are losing more and more potential and formats by the second so he pulls one aside with Vader and he demands to know the location of the dragon they get information out of him that the Dragon is on and off twelve and Vader tells him not to lie so the man tells them that his mansion is on the lower reaches of Prime's eastward core and then Vader reads him again truth the twins come over as they have just finished cutting up everyone else in the bar and they kill the informat fan off flips out on them how are we supposed to find the plasma Devils if you kill everyone who knows where they are and the twins tell them that they just made a name for themselves they can't afford any of the usual weaknesses implying Vader's a week meanwhile Afra and triple zero her protocol droid fly into the ultimate source of information the ante to see if he can help them find this elusive person that Darth Vader wants vanitha leaves Vader to his own plans while he goes and talks to the dragon he feels it'll be better and more subtle this way while that information is good a fur discovers the individual that Darth Vader wanted the person who prepared senator Amidala's body for burial Padme Amidala was Darth Vader's wife before all of this before he became Darth Vader and when he was a young Jedi named Anakin Skywalker but when Anakin was injured in placed into his suit and took the name of Darth Vader he was informed by the senator that Padme had died and the child she was carrying was lost so Afra wants to know and the hologram app at Mae's burial she still appeared pregnant but that's not true is it after much torture the man admits she had a son Trooper zero steps forward and kills the man followed by Afra burning down his home and any chance of others finding out this information then back on anthem prime she informs Darth Vader he was right Amidala had a son so Darth Vader informs Afra that she needs to get back in touch with the auntie again and find out the location of the boy that destroyed the Death Star when she asks if they have any other problems Vader tells her that his current partner is somewhat enthusiastic but he suspects nothing except for a small camera in the corner of their room things begin to ramp up quickly as after it goes back to the anti to begin discussing the matters on hand but fan off comes to Vader informing him that he was just informed on the location of one of the most elusive black market dealers from the Dragons data just as Afra is getting her information in triple zero is trying to kill the person that beat him in hollow chest the Empire comes marching in through a wall as they blow it up the anti walks out to greet both Vader and fan off and he makes an offer to fan off if fan off lets him live he'll tell him everything that they want to know his library of knowledge is massive and contains far more than the location of the plasma Devils as a show of good faith he gives up the information on The Devil's at that moment Afra makes a break for it and a stormtroopers opened fire on the bar patrons trying to get her and the ante points her out as the one who stole the credits and the heist and fan off asks who is she so Vader uses the force to move one of the bar patrons and have him shoot the ante fan off seize the ante fall and calls it an unlucky stray shot then Vader walks off Alfre runs as fast as she can calling to triple zero that he needs to get the ship ready but eventually she goes through a door and Vader is there hi boss I know this looks bad but I can still get away he doesn't want to hear it he begins to force Joker do not resist as she is struggling to breathe she gets out the words I know where the boy is so he drops her tell me I later they walked towards her shift together and she tries to talk to him but he tells her silence and he uses the force to drop the ceiling right in front of the doorway fan off of runs over and he sees the rubble and Vader informs him she had a trap arranged but this isn't where the escape ends the auntie's base is located in an electrical storm and now she has to outrun all of the TIE fighters and the command ship fan off is filled with the desire to catch this woman and learn who is her informant because she must be connected to the leak in the Empire Vader takes this chance to inform fan off that this is pointless they now have the location of the plasma Devils why are they chasing this woman and fan off agrees the chase has consumed him so they break their chase and they go to the plasma Devils base to end the criminals slime in the sector Vader then promptly took the strike force that they had built for the antes based and eradicated the entire plasma Devils team before they all went back to general tank to report the entire situation tag was displeased with the loss of the thief but Vader took the blame telling him reducing a few coins or crushing the rebels the choice was clear Darth Vader then flies to an obscure planet to confront Afra she didn't run she knew he'd find her if she did and on top of that this shows that she's trustworthy as he arrives he is surprised and she explains she wants to work for him if will keep her alive the past few days have given me an appreciation for talent do not make me regret this so he takes the information as to where the young boy is and he leaves to handle the situation on his own little does he know this was all arranged by one of the potential apprentices of the Emperor he was the one watching on the camera in the room and he is the one who just set up Darth Vader Darth Vader drops out of Lightspeed in front of Vargus vas but in front of him are three squadrons of ex wings after all this had better not be a trap then he senses them they were not expecting it and Luke Skywalker is here ex wings began opening fire unfaded is the Outlander is him and one by one he begins to drop the ex wings and they are in shock who is this pilot meanwhile Afra is trying to call vader to see what's going on he severed all communications he continues dropping the ex wings and once they begin launching torpedoes at him he uses the force to redirect them and throw them back at their targets the commanders are in shock this is one man how is he dropping all of them but if a derp was right Luke is there and he can sense him it's Darth Vader do you have a visual confirmation on that red 5 I don't need it it's him it doesn't matter he's grossly outnumbered we'll surround him and coordinated attack I'm sorry but we won't be able to stop him unless and Luke breaks from formation and sends his x-wing straight at Darth Vader as he gets closer darth vader prepares his maneuver and then he sends his skywalker so they crashed into each other both the x-wing and a TIE fighter began spiraling out of control as they fall into the orbit of the planet and the Rebel Alliance reports Vader down Vader down they then all fly down to the surface where there is a secret rebel refueling base and the base reports back to Princess Leia that they are mobilizing to get Vader and Han looks at her that's where Luke went Princess Vader is the priority here Han yeah well Vader isn't my priority I'm gonna go save my friend Han Leia Chewie and c-3po all climb up onto the Millennium Falcon and take off for Vargas boss since she can't get a hold of Darth Vader after loads up with BT and triple zero to find Arth Vader and explain she didn't arrange this trap and back on the planet Darth Vader isn't even slightly injured as he is just wearing every y-wing that comes in to bomb him while he's walking towards Luke Skywalker he will end this and no Rebel Alliance will get it his way but over with Luke he can see the y-wings being taken out of the sky and he realizes this is his fault so he decides he's gonna head for Darth Vader he will end this finally Vader continues walking until an entire army is around him and he pulls out his lightsaber oh I'm surrounded by his fear and death Darth Vader starts by setting off the grenades on every soldiers chest and then he deflects a tank blast with his lightsaber this soldiers don't even stand a chance meanwhile Han Leia Chewie and c-3po have all arrived and they are briefing delay on how bad the situation is while Han gets information on Luke's last location and Afra it looks up the occupants of the ship that just arrived leia organa prince the survivor of Alderaan Han Solo not so loud now in a team and a smuggler of some manner and r2 unit and a protocol droid so she comes up with a plan to win back Darth Vader's favor as they land and she spray paints triple-zero a brand new color Luke finds himself walking through the ruins of the Jedi Temple and he begins getting images of people who were here before him like Ben Kenobi went out of literally nowhere c-3po walks over master r2 begins to freak out and Luke tells him to calm down it's only c-3po when suddenly c-3po shocks Luke Luke hits the ground and Afra walks out she spray-painted triple zero of gold and now they'll kill our two as he steps up to protect Luke r2 pulls out his zapper telling Afra BT and triple zero to back off so BT pulls out rockets miniguns at homing missiles are too promptly screams and flees as everything around him explodes triple zero picks up Luke and Afra leads the way back to the ship but as they leave han calls out for her to stop and drop the boy he arrived it took a sniper position but after tell him what is he gonna do if he shoots her triple zero will kill the boy trooper zero then reports mistress Afra the smuggler han Solo has a known associate a Wookiee and as he says that Chewbacca rips the arms off of triple zero after leaps out of the way taking shots at Han Solo while Luke hits the ground it begins coming to his senses he looks around he sees are two screaming as Beatty is chasing him so as they come running past him he gives Beatty a ferb kick that's enough out of you but BT isn't done yet he can fly he opens fire on both Luke and r2 meanwhile Chewbacca is smacking triple zero over and over with his own arm until triple zero gets a free moment to inject a Z note ox into Chewbacca disorienting him over with Han and Afra neither can get a clear shot and that's when Afra sees a wasp or worm nest over Hans head and he sees one over her they both shoot it and find themselves covered in wasps worms they've run out screaming and they literally smack into each other over what you baka triple zero is preparing to drain him of his blood until Luke cuts off triple zeros other arm with his lightsaber Luke Chewbacca and r2 all began walking out of the area they were in and they find han and Afra out cold on the ground as they prepare to leave BTW and triple zero walk back out they are done and with Afra out cold there's no one to give them orders so they'll just kill everyone here it's r2 that saves the day by squirting oil into censors and he began shooting everyone uncontrollably while Luke Honshu in our to make a break for BT hits the rock face near them burying both triple 0 and BT finally meanwhile back with Leia she's leading the next unit in its attack on Darth Vader and while she thought she was sneaking up on him he ended up sneaking up on her you'll pay for everything that you've done if not today then one day I know this you misunderstand the princess your end will not be like a precious Alderaan that was far too Swift than Vader stops you think you can ambush a Dark Lord of the Sith Leia sees her chance and she runs for calling Darth Vader crazy but her fleeing was his plan he wants her to tell everyone where he is so he can end this she runs off in in to c-3po who has her communicator so she dials it in bomb the area with everything that they have and use her as the signal oh my princess that'll be certain death it is and hopefully it will be for him as well tell Luke and Han I'm sorry when you see them back with Luke and Han they begin loading up into the Millennium Falcon and the call of Leia but c-3po answers and tells them that her plan is to sacrifice herself when suddenly they are struck by another ship dr. Aphra called in a friend from their last adventure to stop Han the Bounty Hunter Wookiee Crisanta Chewie jumps the other Wookiee in their battle begins and seeing that they have it under control Han tells Luke to go get Leia out of there now they have this but ask Chris Anton lifts Chewie off the ground han looks a little worried I hope to make the situation even worse bTW and triple zero aren't done yet and the first thing they do is come across c-3po so triple zero takes his arms they're a pretty snug fit they home in on Vader's location and they prepare to fire and subtly TIE fighters begin shooting them all down the Imperial Army has arrived led by Commander carbon the Emperor's potential apprentice that arranged this whole thing Darth Vader steps up to him Torben it's all making sense now isn't it how your rival set you up and used you to eliminate the rebels of Vargus vas so I could swoop in and claim the prize for myself go find the boy and take the princess as well No and with that Darth Vader uses the force that throw all of the troops back you will win no prizes today carpet except a quick death and then they both leap into a lightsaber duel while Leia makes a break for it back with Chewie he's getting beat on by the Wookiee until he's knocked unconscious and falls on top of Han the wookie walks over to Han Solo and breaks his gun in and throws on a weight while he gets a rock ready to smash to his head r2 sees that this is going to badly for his friends so he launches a needle at chewy giving him in an adrenaline boost and he smashes the rock over the other wookies head with his newfound strength he pummels him over and over meanwhile Luke finds himself in the path of the stormtroopers is so do bTW and triple zero so they all begin to fight and back with Darth Vader carbon isn't even a match for Vader as he's cutting off his limbs one at a time he runs and hides and that's when Vader hears the voices of ghosts of obi-wan telling him that he's failed he has become the thing that he hates seeing Vader going crazy Carbon jumps in and begins throwing Vader back Chewie begins beating on the Bounty Hunter Wookiee again until he finally gets an uppercut and takes down Chewie he then reaches out and grabs Han by the throat back with Vader he's beginning to win again and while he is Leia is still there aiming a pistol at Vader's head but c-3po is calling for her asking for her help Han Chewie Luke and r2 everyone's in trouble and they need her her friends need her so she lowers her pistol and tells him to hold on she's on the way Darth Vader begins getting his own call at this point Afra is telling him that carbons guys have Skywalker and they are loading him up under their ship and realizing that Leia told him to hold on till she gets there c-3po gets right in the path of one of the Wookiees punches allowing the Wookiee to punch through c-3po chest electrocuting the Wookiee and disabling c-3po Darth Vader realizes that he needs to end the fight with carbon quickly so he stops fighting and uses the force to lift a four-ship up and throw it at Carbon ever begins to panic as she loses control and she ejects out of the ship in a hurry so boss you cost me a ship am i back in your good graces it all depends on the boy Vader then spies the Imperial ship leaving that Luke and he holds it in place causing it to crash han sees it landing the kids the luckiest let's move and everyone has the Luke's location as they get there Luke is overjoyed to see han and everyone and that's when affricates there none of you are leaving Vader wants you and she calls him up Luke looks at her you're with Vader you don't know anything do you han asked her oh the things I could tell you so Leia knocks her out she says she knows something so let's bring her they all load back up on the Millennium Falcon and they take off into space of Vader looking at them as they lead lucas said because he knows it he'll never be able to get back to that temple and there is probably so much that it could have told them but that is the end of Vader down and our heroes are all back on their own adventures Darth Vader is back assisting the empire with conquering the worlds within the galaxy his journey now brings him to shoot her on a mining world he lands and he's immediately off to a bad start you have disappointed me princess trio's this is unwise I was expecting your father Princess trio's explains that her father is getting older in his age and is waiting at a ceremonial ball to greet Darth Vader then she sees him carrying a box she tells Vader her servants can help with that no this is a gift for Shu torrents ruler I will deliver it personally I remind her that the empire is both a powerful friend and a dangerous threat but there is more going on than a simple visit from Darth Vader to ensure that a mining facility increases its production because once everyone leaves two droids step out of the ship bTW and triple zero - killer droids created by dr. Aphra before she was captured by the rebels quickly bTW quickly this is an extremely important mission we must not fail bTW whistles back no you can't just shoot everyone we need to be more subtle I've brought my poisons Darth Vader and princess trio's walk into the Grand Hall but the festivities are going on and the dancing has begun this dancing is unnecessary you must understand lord Vader sure to run is a courtly culture they walk down while Trias explains the demands of the empire are crippling and these ceremonies are her father's methods to keep the or dukes happy and their egos compliant meanwhile bt and triple zero have entered the palace and quickly discover a lock triple zero sees a fellow droid and asks for some assistance but the Droid refuses stating but they do not have access so he grabs the Droid informing BT that he doesn't torture droids only the fleshy types he removed the droids pain receptors before stripping his data core I'm not a savage after all back at the dance one of the or dukes walks to Vader insisting that he dance because in shoot Orin it is an insult not to dance Vader looks at a very well lettuce and he lets the Duke off the ground using the force and then he throws him back into the ground to the horror of the individuals at the ball too many others wish to be my partner no one replies and then the ceiling is broken into as a ship crash lands into it soldiers rush out announcing death to the empire but Vader barely moves before deflecting the shots back at them one hand killing all of them venez princess Trias looks at the dead soldiers invader informs her I will see the King immediately she tells him that they need to pass in the tunnels as the traitorous Dukes will be watching the elevators and she'll show him the way meanwhile in the throne room the king is furious that it has come to this Trias was such a good daughter it's going to be a shame to lose her in a tragic accident but while he declares this beauty and triple-zero are standing next to him in triple zero offers him a refreshing beverage to watch this tragic accident they walk through the tunnels and Vader watches as the side seal up trapping both Trias and Vader your father should be proud the lava begins to pour into the chamber as he continues you show an admirable willingness to sacrifice or the greater good he then cuts a hole into the side of the chamber and knocks out trio's droving you're onto his shoulder as he uses the new disk that he cut out to stand on and be carried away back in the throne room the King has furious impossible seal the doors immediately he'll be coming for us and triple-zero asks again would you like a relaxing drink as it can be a real tonic for a bad day and the King knocks the whole tray of drinks over this is no time for drinks triple zero turns to B team why did the fleshy ones make everything so difficult very well bTW you win he did spill my drinks after all princess trio's wakes up right outside of the throne room with Darth Vader standing over her she sees what's going on on that Vader is about to enter the throne room and murder her family so she pulls out a blaster only to have her hand cut off Vader without a word turns back opening the doors with Trias pleading for him not to kill her father but that's when she sees the horrors of what has happened in the whole room as it's covered in smoke in death triple-zero sees them entering it declares oh there's been a terrible accident mass heart attacks trio Civ runs over to the throne kneeling before her father no no no no well it was almost true bTW you did shoot their hearts Vader walks over to Trias kneeling before her fallen father to her majesty this is yours he says presenting the box to her as it hits the ground it shatters revealing a rock I don't understand what is it as a princess you served your father as a queen you will serve your people this is a small reminder of what happens to those who resist the emperor this is all that remains of Alderaan in shock Trias drops the rock and then Vader using his force powers the crown off of her father and places it on to her head as he leaves he tells her do not forget whom you serve Vader returned from his mission on a shoot or on with a gift for the Emperor the dead body of Carbon one of silo the surgeons newest experiments he's the individual that gave Darth Vader his cybernetics and carbon is one of the potential replacements for Darth Vader himself Vader finally defeated him while searching for the rebel pilot that destroyed the Death Star in the book Vader down the Emperor looks at the body these lightsaber wounds Veda you wish me to prove myself give me a fight worthy of my time well you are in luck despite our warning the or barons are xu Tauron are rebelling I require full military intervention and you will bring the Empire's assistance to Queen Trias Vader turns to leave it will be done one more thing a general tags assistance sigh Lu will be joining you in this task war there is a reason you are the student and I am the master all will be explained when you return show your merit of veda a short time later Vader is on the planet with Queen Trias at his side with the Empire supporting the endeavor Vader manages to use the Force to destroy the entire mining operation and deflect the shots back at the soldiers killing them trio's tells Vader that they can never win in a full frontal assault so he turns to the void gazer one of the remaining silo experiments and asks her to use her droids to destroy the sealing of the mine dumping hot molten lava on the entire building trio space Palms informing Vader and void gazer that that was a delving citadel built centuries ago and it will be irreplaceable it will never be in production again it will never rebelle again Vader says as he walks back to the palace once they return silo asks the void gazer did well and Vader tells him she was adequate but trio Sparta's into the room demanding to know Vader's plan and he informs her after today we'll see who was submitting if they don't I will repeat the demonstration she tries to argue against him but Vader cuts her off all you must do is obey Creech Rios and then he leaves her there with everwood's snickering at the queen's authority being challenged she follows him into a dark room tell we are not finished lord Vader I am Queen here you are remember who made you so I have the Empire's yoke around me for my people's sake they must think I'm queen if you treat me so in front of my subordinates do you think they will obey me when you leave Vader stares her down I will treat you with the illusion of respect as long as you do not dream to question me in public again it's a deal no it is simply how it will be true diosa leaves the room and Vader turns to the reason he entered it standing in the communicator is a series of bounty hunters Vader wants them to find dr. Aphra she's been taken prisoner by the rebels that he can't have her talking bring her back dead or alive if you're curious as to where dr. Aphra actually is right now watch our video Star Wars rebels jail the or barons are about to take Vader's threat lightly though as a submarine Rises out of the molten magma prepared to open fire on the palace itself a nearby pilot calls out for the Queen Vader in the twins to join him in the escape the twins are two more of Sylas creations Vader walks over to the ship throwing the pilot adamant telling him escape I think not he then flies the ship to the submarine where he leaps out of it and tells the twins follow me if you dare they cut a hole into the sub they begin to walk through murdering everyone in their path and once they reach the core it begins slicing it up in the twins ask Vader how will we escape by leaving the ship swiftly if you are incapable of that it is no concern of mine it begins to sink into the molten magma and Vader jumps out onto the ship that they took with the twins once they return to Vader tells them the Barons have made their position clear it's time to repeat the lesson and trio's tells him that that was Rubik vessel back with silo he hasn't exactly here to help the Vader general tag radios in and they discuss the matter how Vader has no precision while he's good at winning battles he isn't good at winning the war he asks salute to end this battle favorably to make sure the Empire wins not to Vader back in Vader's quarters Eiland drops in to ask Vader to help her kill her brother and trainer but Vader informs her you are mistaken there is no future for either of you but he walks out to find one of the bounty hunters that he sent out for dr. Aphra the hunter claimed that he found Afra dead the Vader knew that it wasn't Afra so he murdered the bounty hunter for lying to him back with silo he radios into the or barons quarters to inform them that if they work with him can give them Vader but none of that matters at the moment as Vader grabs up trio's soldiers and the twins to begin his final assault of Rubik head course as they burrow into the crust of the planet trying to get to Rubik mining delve Vader ship is automatically steered off course and sent away from the army that he brings with him when it lands at its location he sees countless soldiers prepared to kill him and his troops as it was a trap devised by silo he orders his men to activate the siege defense it's the battle against Rubik men begins the doors open and Vader sends the twins and his stormtroopers out to begin but triple zero one of the droids that's with Vader has a better idea and he steps into the back to wake up the droids the droids popped their heads out of the windows they began opening fire on all of the fleshy ones Vader knows that he can push back all of these troops and with them all here trios can take the main base if she pushes now except he discovers that he has no communication with her at that moment silo continues his plan to travel by radio and trios to tell her to stop her attack they don't have Vader Vader hears about the soldiers turning around but the jam continues it he can't explain that he's alive and murdering hundreds of Rubik men that's when one of his troops tells him that they are overwhelmed they can't win this and triple zero has an idea what if they turned the droids into droids fueled by blood what a terrifying sight indeed for those fleshy ones but Vader shrugs him off back at Rios everyone tells her not to push the attack and the Chancellor informs her that he will not allow her to continue so she has him arrested and orders her troops to push the attack on Rubik back with Vader he has an idea and he takes the twins with him to a rock bridge over the magma seeing their chance the twins turn on and bleeping at him but Vader senses it coming and he turns his lightsaber to his back to block them I can't believe you trusted us if I trusted you I would have left you at the siege instead I tested your character you failed back at the siege triple zero takes it on himself to give out rousing speech we are a sheet of titanium reinforced steel protecting our meeting masters you may think us dude there are many we are so few and surrounded you may think that we have no hope and you're right because I definitely have an implant to do with cyber syringes to drain the blood from your foes and grow strong from their scarlet fluids if I done that they'd be doomed the droids all begin ditch here hail triple zero slay the mini ones and the soldiers around them begin to get scared back at the bridge Vader with one hand continues to push back the twins a nail and fires an explosive shattering the bridge is separating them from Vader she turns to her brother we can't beat Vader I don't think we can ever beat him and Moret her brother Portia's are into the lava he didn't turns to Vader telling him the feel thins until we meet again Vader uses the Force to pull a olan out of the lava and he places his cape on her to cool her and soothe it from the pain your pain will soon pass tell me everything now I sigh Liu he collaborated with the or barons take my memories ship as proof of everything thank you lord Vader I am unn but once they had the information that he needed he killed her with his saber and he left Vader returns to the siege where he finds all of the soldiers have surrendered due to a fear of blood sucking robots then with news that trios to the salting Rubik main base Vader takes his team and joins The Fray winning the mining tell for her with victory in their grasp of Vader confronts Rubik in his palace and he asks him would you would like to dance Trias arrives with her soldiers and while Rubik tries to argue Trias orders his execution then pointing to his youngest daughter she informs her you will be the new baron their girl tries to explain that that is not the order of succession and trio's tells her that does not matter your brother will be overjoyed with your new position as trios invader walk away he asks her why I found inexperienced youth not expecting power to be most easy to manipulate lord Vader you are correct Vader then heads to his ship to return to the Emperor and report what happened in trio asks him as the queen of shoot to run did you choose me well Vader pauses and then he answers that there was no other choice triple-zero walks it behind her one can't help to noted that that could have been taken multiple ways yes I know he could have been applying that you're excellent or that you I know leave Droid I cannot destroy him but I can destroy you triple zero then it says one final thing before boarding the ship with the greatest of respect Queen Trias you will go far in deep space Lord Darth Vader begins to get ready to meet with the inspector thanoth regarding the whereabouts of dr. Aphra just before heading out he first must visit with Emperor Palpatine aboard the super star destroyer the executor the Emperor tells Vader long ago there are many sip that rose up against the shimmering light they ward with the Jedi and also lost as they warned amongst themselves for thousands of years they kept to the shadows not in fear of the Jedi but rather themselves but now you are the first to restore the Sith to their rightful place the Galaxy was set aflame when all the weakness of impurity turned to ash with Darth Maul being a loss and Darth Tyranus being that of a photon torpedo it is time for the superior Kennedy to rise for the Empire to live Darth Vader had to live to make that happen many scientists are brought in silo being among them silo had made others but the true apprentice would just frustrate the copy's eventually driven by pride and desperation silo would go too far now he is simply a traitor silo must be found and destroyed Vader chose to leave and he tells them as you wish master now you're probably just now joining us but this is a series of Darth Vader comic books that we have already covered a series in which the other apprentices were brought forth and Darth Vader needed to prove himself but now all of that is in the past it is time to take out silo later on anthem 13 Vader lands his tie fighter and heads into a dark cave with only the lights coming over with lightsaber inspector Thanos speaks in the shadow stating I've always admired your punctuality so let me be the first to stay thank you for this little chat Vader holes at his lightsaber directly asking where is she and fan o says dr. Aphra lord Vader let us call her by her name she is your agent after all once again since you're probably just joining us during this series of events in which Darth Vader was trying to fight against tyloo and he was trying to prove himself to the Emperor once again he had an agent working for him an individual who was in secret helping him achieve his goals her name was dr. Aphra but she's now been discovered and as you always told her if she was discovered he would kill her Vader points his lightsaber at Thanos face demanding to know where is she and that off tells him things would go so much quicker if you would just cut the blusters I am Not Afraid of you ever so slowly' Vader pulls away telling him say your piece and make it quick fan off explains that he knows that he is looking for that boy Skywalker to train him into your ways and supplant the Emperor once again just helping you guys bridge the gap this story is taking place between episodes four and five of the actual movie series meaning darth vader is now aware of skywalker but he doesn't know who he is and he hasn't met with him yet afferent needs to be removed to ensure the emperor never discovers your plans why one would ask primarily because the emperor is a weak and Darth Vader would be better for the Empire wouldn't you dr. Aphra is located on the cosmetic steps it has been a pleasure Anakin without saying anything further Vader pulls out his lights everybody swings leaving only fetes cane to fall to the ground as Vader walks back out of the cave the Droid triple zero asks are we on corpse disposal again Vader tells him I am business with the scientist Afra is on the cosmetic steps follow her to the executor of unable to silence her these are you probably already orders triple zero then says by ourselves that would be somewhat tricky but luckily me and bTW have just made a number of friends so we should be fine Vader then boards his TIE fighter he takes off as BT peeps triple zero tells him I don't think master Vader is going to bring back silo bTW beeps again and triple zero says yes it is a shame I would have loved to torture him to death again over at the cosmo Tanic steps Afra enters one of the bars stating that the best thing about multi Sun systems hits that the no drinks before noon rule is way easier to follow the bartender pours her a drink and tells her I can sense when someone's hiding especially when someone has not given me her name what is it that you're hiding from can't be that bad just outside of the city triple zero and BT land and the twee lock man welcomes him stating that they may want to be careful droids aren't too popular in these parts triple zero tells them I dare say that they'll be considerably less popular by the time that we are finished would you have seen this woman a small Hollow image of Africa pier over bt and the man says maybe would they have anything for him to make it worth his while bt pulls out a blaster and triple-zero asks if you like being alive because answering our question would keep you in that blessed state the man stumbles back stating that he saw her head into the bar and triple-zero tells him excellent as bt shoots him bt beefs in triple zero says answering did keep him alive just not very long it would seem now let us begin our search back in the bar the sounds of people being shot can be heard and as Afra looks out the window she can see things being destroyed by triple zeros droid army she pokes her head out shouting asking what are you doing at triple zero tells her eliminating witnesses master vader was very specific about making sure that you haven't spread word to anyone bt then fires it after and as she looks back out she yells the rebels captured me and I escaped I didn't tell anyone anything trooper zero says that is excellent news I am sure that you will find it not telling anyone a far less demanding task once you are safely disposed of bt starts priming his blasters in a phrases weight I'm your master stand down and BT begins to fire as triple-zero recites the first rule of protocol we have a priority order from our other master we must deal with our priority ordered before progressing to anything else BT then begins to shoot at the bar in Africa ELLs wait wait wait what was the specific order triple zero says that it was to take her to the executor to await Master Vader failing that silencer ephra thinks about it for a moment and then says okay I surrender triple zero size selling the drawers to stand down and then tells Afra you really do take the fun out of everything meanwhile back in space Vader's Star Destroyer the Devastator closes in on silos whale fleet and quickly dispatches all of the TIE fighters to attack as they begin to engage one of the whales separates from the group and releases a charge into the Devastator within seconds the entire Star Destroyer as rendered disabled and one of the TIE fighters reports that the fleet is going to escape Vader tells them that they are mistaken after firing a hole into the side of one of the ships he pulls out his thrusters to max as he aim straight for it the flagship makes the jump into hyperspace and moorage reports that they have lost the Imperials in transit too but void gazer stopped some staining problem they have an unauthorised aborting a single tie advanced fighter silo leans back stating of course we do maura to take the troops at boid gazer stops him telling him no Vader will come through the labs allow her to take the opportunity to study the Sith Lord in close quarters silo tells her very well I'm going to be looking forward to that report a short while later over at the labs Vader pops the hatch from his fighter and he walks through but void gazer stops and telling him the she's afraid his journey ends here Vader asks her you are but a scientist do you think you can stand against the Dark Lord of the Sith the door shut separating the two in Floyd Kaiser says perhaps not but there is no need when I have science you've beaten the cyber annemun enough but what about a rancor over at the executor triple zero and bTW fly Afra in as triple zero tells her that if he could be so bold she's going to regret her decision to surrender as the storm troopers begin to take her away she's as wait a moment all you had to do was bring me safely here right triple zero says that's correct nice and safely doomed Afra then says that would mean that your priority order from vader is complete now your new priority order is get me the hell out of here bTW beeps and triple zero sighs stating how annoying back at the Boyd geezers lab she watches at the rancor backs Vader into a corner the rancor strikes but as it does Vader swings his lightsaber cutting off a piece of the rancor claw void gazer then says the neuro dampeners are holding no pain response from my rancor the rancor begins to charge knocking Vader into the wall and as he gets back up he holds out his hand stating that is enough he focuses and tries to force choke the rancor but it doesn't stop moving in it and knocks him away again boy gazer says the plate reinforced thorax is maintaining integrity excellent for stroke protection Vader gets back up telling her dodge is quite impressive and he slices away at the rancor stomach doing very little and stopping it boid gazer tells him that this is a beautiful creation the cyber animus system bridge is directly to the rancor his brain allowing for a complete circumvention of a weakness Vader pauses for a moment and he throws his lightsaber up and into the rancor mouth where it shoots upward into its brain seconds later the lights ever falls out and with it a dead rancor Vader cars into the giant rancor body to kill it telling a void gazer there is much that you understand but you know little about the force the doorway to void gazer is then ripped off as void gazer steps out with several of her droids stating that she has no interest in his superstition she trust insights the droids begin to fire and as Vader deflects the attack see because they used the force again and one of the droids stops firing it turns and aims at void gazer and then it fires she falls to the ground laughing stating haha well played but it is already too late my legacy will continue on and to think I have general tag to think back when we were chasing those criminals who stole that fortune where do you think tag had placed me over the executor tag begins giving orders to fire at the oncoming fleet and as he does smoke begins a seat into the vents it is only for a few moments before everyone on board is knocked out and void gazer goes on stating that she did what tag wanted and improving the executor but she did add some features of her own Vader takes out his laser Burnie holds it over void gazes neck and then he pushes down before walking off he then heads into the control room where he finds a silo has already escaped and there's a warning coming from the terminal stating that they are on a collision course no override is possible over at the executors silo says that it's a shame to lose her she was a fine vessel but she will be remembered as the weapon that ended Darth Vader as the whaleship flies closer it crashes into the starter story of blowing it to pieces silo then says that that is enough morning our new flagship awaits soon all of the TIE fighters begin to turn back and fire on the executor and as they get close it releases an ion charge that shuts down the power of all units in pursuit silo watches of the TIE fighters drift off and then he says that they now need to set a course for but as he says that the power shuts off and silo shouts asking what just happened Mord scans the terminal and says that the engines are dead and then a transmission comes in vader tells them you have lost control of your engines there will be no escaping I am coming for you more it asks how they just saw him and silo tells him it matters not how but that he is Vader must not survive any longer Mourad shouts to let him be the one to destroy him and silo says no it would seem that they have a specialty precious cargo the guards will bring the Emperor in while he goes to reroute the engines but avoid Vader at all costs silo then looks at the switch innies and stating that if all else fails he risks the alternative a few moments later more it gets on to the service of the Star Destroyer to make his way to the engine room and then a voice calls out that he's quicker than they thought but dressed as predictable more it pulls out his lightsaber stated that he always knew that it would end like this the old versus the new and Vader tells him you are correct child more it leaps swinging at Vader but as he passes by Vader slices into the thrusters on more its feet more it loses control for a brief moment and he catches himself before missing drifting off into space Vader that holds at his hand attaching the piece of metal then Mora is standing on allowing more its body to float into the planets gravitational pull as he screams over the intercom silo tells all of the troops on the bridge now a few moments later Vader walks down the hallway of the bridge easily destroying the droids on his way through until there is none to stand between him and silo Vader walks towards him telling him your machines are insufficient and silo says perhaps but you forget you're one of my machines to silo presses the button in his hand and suddenly Vader stops moving he looks at the switch stating that he's been holding on to this for twenty years he had wondered what rows from that operating table that day was it a machine or a man it's finally good to have that answer silo then places his hand on Vader's helmet telling his men to go ahead and continue with the plan Vader is no longer a threat as Vader has locked in position he thinks back of how this all began back when he fought obi-wan Kenobi he told obi-wan that if he loved him he would have killed him and that obi-wan did just that throwing him into the lava however what came back was Anakin in his new form it was more powerful than ever before but still he fought his own shadow of his former self and while Vader dwells in this past his body begins to shape the mental chains around Vader begin to tighten and pull and instead of restraining they break free sily watches as his deactivated creation because the movement without saying a word Vader uses his lightsaber to stab into sylars chest the only thing that silo can ask is how and Vader tells him nothing is impossible with the force over in the whale fleet a man emerges from a test tube screaming and says that Vader killed solute 5 somehow silo 6 has to escape as control of the executor returns to the Imperials Palpatine asks Vader if there's any remaining problems in Vader tells him just one but it is being dealt with Palpatine then says good do so in return there is much to discuss then the door to Palpatine's room open and Afra tells Emperor highness Master sir I have things that you need to know out in space Vader fights his way through the whale fleet until he crashes into the flagship whale where the new silo is staying silo tells his men that all Marines on the anterior docking bay stop Vader at all cost however Vader walks through the defenses hardly acknowledging that there was any resistance as Vader enters the lab all of the other silo clones break out of the tubes taunting Vader that he is immortal now he has as many lives as he needs Vader slaughters them telling silo you are wrong the fact that I could kill you repeatedly is by far the most appealing trait next Vader has to the control room to find silo again and silo says that there is nothing that he could do he has transcended the laws of nature and the trap of the force he has made himself immortal Vader halls on his hand telling him and I will make you ash you will fly into the Sun silo laughs telling him that his mind is protected against such Force trickery and Vader tells him I wasn't speaking to you beneath the men's feet is a brain the brain of the whaleship that they are currently on the brain begins to pulse and the whale turns its direction towards the Sun Sallu runs to the control shouting no this isn't happening this is my machine I am the master here I silo watches he flies towards the Sun and Vader makes his escape moments before the whale burns and destroys itself a short while later back at the executor Vader tells Palpatine the silo has been - stashed is there anything else that he requires Palpatine smiles telling him I was hoping for a full report but your aide has been filling in the gaps half for a waves asking Vader why did you never introduce me to your boss the Emperor is one hell of a guy Palpatine goes on stating wanting to create an empire within the Empire securing finances by open robbery from imperial Treasuries covering up the crime by slaughtering those who expose you alfrid nudges Vader stating oh boy you're in trouble now but instead of being angry Palpatine tells Vader that's its most impressive let your anger and pride guide you into the darkest places that is our way he gets up and tells Vader meet me on the bridge after you've talked to your assistant as Palpatine leaves Vader begins to leave telling Afra with me the two headed to the airlock in Africa's him you've got to understand I needed to portray you because you didn't leave me any other options as she goes on Vader opens the airlock and tells her enter she cries no you promised me that it would be the saber nice and quick you promised Vader throws her into the airlock and slams at stating I promised you nothing and then he hits the switch the hatch opens and after his body is sucked into space with no equipment afterwards Vader heads over to the bridge where Palpatine says - OH - general tags failings the executor is now under the command of lord Vader as Palpatine leaves he tells Vader tag has been demoted I leave him in your hands tag begins to try to explain himself about what happened with void gazer but Vader forced chokes him asking the Admiral how long will it take to get the executor prepared and operational the Admiral says that it will be roughly a month and Vader tells them you have two weeks the Admiral tells them that it's impossible to work force would but Vader stops him stating you sound suspiciously like general tagged over there the Admiral sighs stating the executor will be ready lord Vader as Vader leaves he looks out into space imagining the moment that Luke will finally take his hand however the story doesn't end there there's a body floating in space a nearby spacecraft spots the body and after BT beeps triple-zero tells him I'm not sure how long a human could stay alive in the hard vacuum but we must get after onboard quickly once the airlocks open triple-zero asks if she's alive and after a few costs she says maybe luckily for her Vader isn't kind but that was fun let's never do that again and there you have a Darth Vader the full story now star wars is a favorite of mine I've loved almost everything within this universe but recently the fan backlash has been pretty harsh and I've been debating going back into doing some Star Wars comic books with the new movie coming out what do you guys think let me know in the comments down below if you want me to start doing Star Wars comic books again and if you do we'll go ahead and get to it and if you really don't care we'll stick with Marvel and DC books either way I hope you guys enjoyed and I'll see you next time right here you
Channel: Comicstorian
Views: 249,133
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: comicstorian, comic books, dc, dc entertainment, marvel, storytelling, full story, dc universe, justice league, comic theories, avengers, batman, gwenpool, godspeed, doom patrol, marvel zombies, spider man, star wars episode 9, star wars: the rise of skywalker, baby yoda, star wars explained, episode 9, darth vader, lightsaber, oscar isaac, the last jedi, star wars the rise of skywalker, luke skywalker, star wars jedi fallen order, jedi fallen order, star wars, sith, fallen order
Id: Fg20iaEeM3o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 72min 16sec (4336 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 09 2019
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