WKRP In Cincinnati: "The Consultant" 4.9

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very nice to see you again mr travis why thank you hirsch please make yourself comfortable thank you madam will be making a rather pushy entrance momentarily might i get you something no thanks first as you wish um how is everything in the world of rock and roll oh it's it's pretty good it's pretty good excellent i trust the doors are doing well well they uh uh they broke up oh i didn't know that we get so little news around here you call those eggs soft-boiled oh did you enjoy your breakfast madam the coffee was like mud rather cool mud yes well there's only so much one can do would you like some cool mud mr travis ah no no oh no please i insist i would like a witness to the fact that this man is attempting to poison me yes please coffee would be fine coffee right away hersh oh as fast as my little feet will carry me so how are things in the world of rock and roll pretty good pretty good oh yes i notice you have a knack for spending my money well we have a new lobby very impressive and some long-suffering employees have received much-deserved raises and you no doubt feel very pleased with yourself about that santa claus versus the wicked witch of the north i am merely doing the job i think i should be doing oh don't be so modest you kept the union out of my station in return for my money not for myself for the station oh yes yes for the station never never never for yourself tell me mr travis are you as nice as you seem to be mrs carlson why am i here why to discuss our mutual interest in the success of a radio station i mean the bigger my investment the bigger my involvement of course we would be delighted to have you participate more fully that's a lie yeah it's a big one miss carlson why don't you just leave it to me trust me oh impossible mr travis while i do have a certain amount of confidence in you i trust no one but my own son and i always trust him to do the wrong thing unless of course the subject is fish show my son a mackerel and his mind becomes a computer what is it that you wish to do uh uh participate on a day-to-day basis oh of course not my business interests are too far flung for that what i have done instead is hire the services of a professional radio consultant a station doctor i believe they're called this man is from new york and i believe that he can evaluate wkrp with an unbiased eye where have you been mardi gras madam [Applause] may i poor yes have you a shovel oh man always the card sugar hirsch you've been with me 42 years have i ever once taken sugar in my coffee then cream i take it black i'll make a note of that i'm not so sure that a consultant is a good idea well your operation can bear scrutiny kind of mr travis oh yeah sure sure cream and sugar uh kareem when is this consultant do in town oh he's already here he's been monitoring the station for several days good good good and you'll be wanting to see the station and meet uh the gang tomorrow if that's convenient for you i ought to be getting back to the station then shouldn't i i would think so goodbye mrs carlson goodbye hirsch thank you so much for the coffee get you later please do i believe i have put the cat among the pigeons yes ma'am why hersh this coffee's delicious that's because we were having a guest madam when it's just you and me i prepared a little differently baby if you've ever wondered i've wondered whatever became of me i'm living on the air in cincinnati in cincinnati wkrp you and me were never meant to be just of me once in a while i'm at wkrp in cincinnati don't you see it is perfect for a week left there's a special report last specimen takes a look at prostitution three times a day eight two and four hooker city now is that great am i losing my touch i don't think television stations do it all the time every time it's a rating period they pick some lurid subject like prostitution or look loose housewives how about that les nessman takes a look at loose housewives is a dream come true what do you think les i was thinking about doing something on the state legislature break my heart less state legislature doesn't care about the state legislature come in hi uh can we talk oh you bet yeah i suppose you want us to leave as usual no herb i want you to stay right here yes sir okay andy what's up your mother just had a consultant to look at our operation where he's here now here right right here well no not in the station he's here in town oh well then don't panic i mean i know what to do about this next week i'll just take a little vacation take herb and less with me maybe johnny too you can never tell what he's doing wait a minute you just can't clear out the station why not bring him here introduce him to jennifer she'll wink at him a couple of times and he goes home listen what if he is a she well then you wake up do you have a travis you think of something i just make everything work out beautifully can we come out now oh yeah sure man come on out of there you know mr carlson i've been thinking and i think come on let's let's do some brainstorming andy i don't want to do the prostitution thing what hi annie oh hi uh a man called for you this morning he said he is a radio consultant hey i know this guy he used to work for me in albuquerque all thank you thank you for everything you're welcome coast guard no honey send a telex and then call fred joyner hold on come in whiskey and wine there oh you got a beer in the fridge well you want one i'm drinking wine excuse me yeah call fred joyner and tell him i think i can help him out and i'll see you on friday laguardia that's right you look great man you look great last time i saw you you had hair down to your waist hey we all did didn't you have a ponytail ah no it was kind of a page boy thing that's right yeah well i read big things about you in the trades oh yeah yeah mr big a consultant a programmer yeah i'm uh programming about 45 stations now can you believe that that was the station of youtube that's good good good good yeah i figured with you running it what do you got there now well there's a couple of guys you might have heard of johnny carter bella professor sunshine now now it's dr johnny fever i like that fever what is he doing late night for you uh no early morning drive uh-huh and i got venus flytrap oh yeah the guy with the gong from new orleans well he doesn't use a gong much anymore i thought he was uh soft jazz a lot of chatter no it's all rock uh very little talk well we got some talk uh probably more than a lot of stations uh a little talk uh what's your overall in the market uh tenth ten 10. there are only 23 stations in the market am and fm you know i know ours i would have thought maybe you'd have checked into some of this before you came down here i'm just asking you've been uh monitoring our station a couple of days and that newsman of yours has he got some sort of problem with pigs know what he does he likes to kid around a lot you know puts a little humor into his broadcast talks a lot about pigs mispronounces words on purpose but he's a pro and i gotta admit i've never quite met anyone like him how many salesmen you got one one one it's a tight budget i know it's wrong one guy he must be working 24 hours a day oh yeah i'm telling you herb is gonna kill himself one of these andy you got problems here i can tell that just listening really how do you mean take fever in the morning yeah he's late night at best and he's playing solid gold that's crazy no he plays just a little gold andy the man is stuck in 1962. what did he rate charles uncle or something all right look norris i will admit that i got some problems here but uh you and i we go back a little bit i don't think i have to bring up the fact that uh i know yeah you gave me my first job in radio look let's relax we'll talk about this later huh you want to do a line or two come on relax i don't do coke this is a small town you got here well there's plenty of coke around this town i just don't like uh sticking money up my nose so i can feel lousy later you're mad at me right i'm not mad at you norris they just don't seem like the same guy are you jealous i'm not jealous i want to know i want to know what you think i don't like your sound your format is all over the road i got to be honest with you thanks see you back at the station hey hey whoa where are you going oh no i got to go clean off the top of the desk clean out the trash cans get everything in order for your inspection norris andy if you want a good report i'll give you a good report good god i haven't changed that much you're a friend i came to see you anyhow i wanted to ask you to subscribe to my service there it is yeah i don't want to inspect you we don't use a service nurse you want to know the truth the jocks program the music what yeah and what they don't do i do andy nobody is programming their own music anymore we are and that's the way it's gonna stay hey you won't be nice to me how can i be nice to you i'll see you thursday at the station i want to come tomorrow travis thursday read my lips okay thursday what are you gonna do fix a station in a day what are you doing here oh i was just uh waiting for venus to get off the air it's gonna fix my refrigerator what's wrong with it i don't know it broke down a couple of months ago how's this guy in town hey how you doing there's this guy in town a radio doctor a consultant he's working for mother carlson well that's it for us then mr norris breeze you heard of him oh yeah he's in town as a consultant but what he really wants to do is sell us his service um that's right we buy his service he will give us a good report no services please i know that i know it but he's just gonna kill us with this report that's all come on you think mama is going to fire her own son what am i saying of course les will be out in a second herb's a foregone conclusion don't you think we could get everybody to shape up at least for one day what am i saying we're gonna have to do something travis it doesn't matter what we do we don't buy the man's service he's gonna give us a bad report that's the deal that's how it works i guess so no i'm sorry he'll be in conference all afternoon thank you for calling well hello i'm norris breeze oh mr breezy we've been expecting you would you like to sit down we have all kinds of chairs there's one over there and there's another one over there and then no that's a clock i'm here to see mr carlson and mr travis well then get up and let's go see them you're very attractive but mr carlson look it's mr breezy breeze the norris breeze um hello mr breeze to have a seat i'll be with you in a second what exactly is it that you do mr breezy i consult with station owners on how to improve their profits i also program all the music for 45 rock and roll stations you see i listen to the music you know i think i'll just go get everybody some coffee uh mr carlson your uh reception definitely all right here's the contract on the recoil drugstore just set it on the pile herb i gotta get some sleep just an hour's worth uh herb have you met uh norris brees the consultant ah reeve norris norris uh maybe we ought to talk to him while we've got him alone right yeah hi i'm back where's the coffee uh-oh um you were saying oh uh we've got to get a programming service in here like yours really really i mean our format's a mess travis really doesn't know what he wants right oh hi norris meeting the gang yes i am look i got to be going norris that's been real i'm sorry we couldn't talk more no problemo problem nice meeting you don't forget what i said right oh hello jennifer please all right would anybody like some coffee no thanks coming up and this is the bullpen as we call it um this is beta corners here she's in charge of traffic continuity promotions and uh some news reporting hello hey let's see what les nessman's up to well ben bradley at the washington post is a good man well sure he makes some mistakes but he's a good man uh-huh she does traffic and continuity uh yeah uh les will be off the phone in just a minute i'd like to speak with her okay she's really kind of shy i'd like to speak to her okay alone hi hi you enjoy your work here oh yeah yeah you uh ever do any drugs when like on the job sit down i want to tell you something what what you're going to tell me something i don't think so you control the paperwork at the station oh yeah if you have any paper you just bring it to me i would also love some m m's mr brees les nessman i understand you find my news reports unusual humorous thank you very much it's a rock station so i enjoy kidding around unless it's hard news then of course i go for it excuse me n-e-s-t-l-e-s nestle's makes the very best joke [Applause] powerful remember that guy the dog [Applause] oh hiya norris uh what do you want to see now your mother my mother carlson's mother now if i may move on to the next point a station should have a sound that is consistent and this is achieved simply by playing the same basic records over and over again mr travis knows this but for some reason he's not doing it why mr travis i don't know just sort of worked out that way and mrs carlson wkrp in cincinnati is in my opinion a loony bin go on i think changes are in order drastic immediate changes how so to begin with your son is doing a fine job he is but he's overworked he is the same goes for herb tarlock it does an excellent man who's trying to do it all himself the staff is a different matter bailey quarters cannot be trusted with even the simplest of tasks for reasons i just assume not go into and the uh receptionist what's her name jennifer marlow is certainly beautiful but has the iq of a piece of furniture i see total air head but this is minor alongside the racial unrest that exists between the discharges i think you should know that venus flytrap is armed tonight i see and les nessman funny a kidder but articulate and professional to the bone and uh mr travis here an old friend of mine an excellent radio man but i'm sorry to say a little naive nay well thank you so much mr breeze would you mind waiting outside for a second while i talked to mr travis yes i have some recommendations about these thank you mr brees we will be talking later of course you are a very very bad boy well you know it's kind of hard to get to know people in one day i remember that's enough hersh yes madam you've been eavesdropping oh no madam nearly handy as usual would you kindly escort mr travis to the door and watch him very carefully make sure he doesn't steal the doorbell yes madam gonna need some more money out of over spin on the lobby go harsh one dry vodka martini stirred not shaken served in a peanut butter glass [Music] uh [Music] uh you
Channel: Johnny Sunshine
Views: 393,956
Rating: 4.847806 out of 5
Id: gHNHj6Kg5gs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 8sec (1448 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 16 2021
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