WKRP in Cincinnati Patter of Little Feet

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now listen Travis this is the time of 6:17 Avenger and it's perfect for stalking the elusive bone fish bone fish hey goody wake up Travis you don't eat bone fish you catch him with on your put him back wait a minute let me get this straight you're gonna fly to Miami yeah you're gonna change planes to a small dangerous little craft fly to the Bermuda Triangle with a pilot that does not speak English grinev boats pirate guide now how much you into this thing for about five thousand dollars yeah but to catch this fish and then let it go that's got to be fun airplane ticket do not lose oh yeah they're the ones thank you where are the hotel reservations hotel reservations hufflepuff oh now listen very closely at 4:30 pick up Carmen drive to airport check luggage with skycap board plane ask the stewardess where is this plane going composure I've taken Carmen with me now you be sure and stay very close to her good I promise oh hello mrs. Carlsen horn hello Tim talk about sweetheart hmm honest girls oh hello Andy am i interrupting I'm probably interrupting no no are you sure I'm positive is she interrupted mm no no no interruption well good I bet you're just so excited about your trip a ball fishing oh well Arthur and joy are its own well you do too oh I do you sure sure sure sure you're well obviously you two have a lot of details to discuss so we'll get right on back to work thank you Andrew so nice seeing you nice to see you too good Carmen I got a surprise for you I got a surprise for you too okay you say yours first yours first are you sure I'm sure okay thank you yeah I got you this Thomas 617 Oh Arthur you you said oh no no you use I'll use the carlyle rod are you sure I'm sure oh thanks you're welcome hey listen now you what's your surprise I'm pregnant baby if you've ever wondered the air in Cincinnati Cincinnati WKRP got town to town dial just maybe make me once in a while I'm a WKRP in Cincinnati II have a baby that's right Arthur about that baby are you upset well I'm I'm surprised I'm stunned the shocking news Carmen tell me about it Oh baby what should we do I don't know either do i I've got it cancel a trip that's a start who told you we're pregnant dr. Levin Oh Ana they don't always know this guy does listen I can remember once in high school this one girl who thought she was pregnant never mind oh hello mrs. Carlsen hello les les would you excuse us please my wife is pregnant yes of course Arthur huh do you want to have this baby yeah sure you do well don't you Oh Arthur I'm in shock ah look Carmen this is gonna be wonderful is sure oh good thank you you're welcome who is it yeah yes I did thank you I'm so excited haven't we said load wather needs a brother or sister I need something wait don't you want the baby I thought you wanted a baby oh oh I wanted the baby I just wanted it a couple of years ago oh no maybe this child would be a girl a little girl huh oh and that'd be nice oh wow Arthur um I'm over 30 I might even be over 40 I'd have to check listen Carmen you're younger and prettier mmm sexier than the day I married it you're not just saying that don't I show it yes you do you wrestle Hey we're gonna have another baby baby are you sure well I think it's great when you suppose it to happen dr. Levin says four weeks ago four weeks ago for three weeks I'll bet it was Tuesday night after the Kiwanis dance sure were beautiful in that blue dress maybe it was that night Anson Williams hosted the Tonight Show no miss Friday night remember right after we came back from seeing Superman I can't believe it I just can't believe it her what's so surprising about a baby unless you wouldn't understand mr. Carlson and mrs. Carlson to married you know nevertheless I just can't picture the big guy getting very romantic oh I can you can sure get out of town I think mr. Carlson is a very sexy man with a lot of animal magnetism have you got a lot to learn oh yeah and I think he's cute and kind of cuddly cute and cuddly that's now that's the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard look I know a sexy guy when I see one you know what I'm talking about now Oh have I got a guy for you help me laughs I said help me you little twit you mean mr. Carlson just isn't your type no I just don't think of the big guy getting very romantic that's all why not look mr. and mrs. Carlson have been married for a long long time and everybody knows that once you've been married a year or two that heavy stuff is gone not so research shows if the average married couple makes love to point nine six times a week not so not in Cincinnati I know baby what are you doing with information like that oh well if I read it somewhere less uh two point nine six wonder how they do the nine six part just an average Johnny well it should average out to three somebody is not doing something right look I'm telling you married people don't rumba that often rumba you know Oh Herbie I bet they do too hard at work again huh I don't know how you people do it just work work work huh I'm exhausted Jennifer let's have lunch okay we could shop till around 3:00 that'd be great and maybe we'd have time for a rumba lesson hiya Herbert I'll see you fine what's matter with her herbs not average Andi you look that I'm average I'm as about as average as it gets I think that's right you hear about Carlson oh yeah it's a talk of the town what do you think I don't know what to think I don't believe it I think it's very touchy why how much you what do you think well I think I wouldn't want to be responsible for bringing another person into this world the way it is here we go again well the future does look pretty bleep well you've seen the future yeah where am i living room hi Jennifer Carmen and I um made a lot of mistakes with little Arthur I know what did you say so oh now we got a chance to do it all over again and how many times have you said to yourself if I knew then what I know now huh huh oh by golly this is the new then but now I mean well because I know now what I didn't used to know there is that matter of speaking you could say that I know now I know now now if you'll excuse me this might look my mother hello Jennifer hello mrs. Carlsen how have you been perfect and you the same I'm up don't slouch that's slouching yes you are I am NOT yes you are you sure look lovely mom thank you have you been ill no I've got a surprise for you I heard common told me on the phone well what do you think what I think babies are for young people well I'm not so old well if you don't care how it looks let's consider the child there are dangers now suppose the baby isn't normal look mother we know about all that stuff it's called Down syndrome their tests we're taking every precaution well then let's talk about Commons well-being how does she feel about this all isn't she's all for hmm I wonder you know you and common is so sensitive of each other's feelings I don't think you ever really tell one another the truth well it you know first she didn't want the baby but I talked her into it you what well yeah do you realize Arthur that since your birth I've never been able to wear a wristwatch what something went wrong with my magnetic field I'm sorry what day look mother did you come up here just to rattle my cage no Arthur no I've come up here because I'm concerned now many things can go wrong in childbirth and let's face it common is not a young woman we'll be careful will you be careful what do you mean we you're not having the baby well no but well then let's not be selfish about this what I recommend is an abortion an abortion that's right Oh mom I don't think we can do that I think I mean listen if you'd had one about I wouldn't even be here right now don't be ridiculous Arthur let let me tell you something I don't think I've ever told you before I like Carmen I like her very much I don't want anything to happen to her and I don't want her to have to go through with this ordeal just to please you now an abortion is possible and legal you think about that oh by the way what time do you have 4:30 thank you it's the least I could do that's it for me pal I am bushed it's in your hands Nessman oh hey big guy how's the boy how's the guy how's the man how's the stud go home hurt exactly my thinking exactly night Bailey um mr. Carlson uh mr. Carlson I just wanted to say that I'm very happy oh good Bailey no I wanted to say that I'm very happy for you and mrs. Carlsen huh Thanks you're welcome good night good night less see you later well have a very pleasant evening everybody okay Bailey uh see you later okay all right get outta here mr. Karlson hmm when I think of all the little babies up in heaven waiting to be born looking for the right kind of parents and I think what fine people you and mrs. Carlson are I think how lucky some little baby's going to be Thank You les mr. Karlson mmm no one is allowed to touch my silver Salim or what I'm sorry les I goodnight mr. Karlson night les so my children say goodbye to the left side of your brain which tells you the rules and say hello to the right side of your brain which just tells you to lie back and float it Oh me this how's it going oh I don't know mr. Carlson I just got here huh oh I it's been kind of wandered around - uh-huh sort of it of days I guess yeah I'll come Venus yeah you got any idea how my wife is baby partner I'd sure like to have a have a girl Venus OOP we all would mr. Carson of course you know boy be nice too pardon me well I mean I prefer a girl but I've you know I take a boy I don't care girl yeah oh you see how I just read my another apparently not but she knows how excited I am about this you see and even if she were were scared I don't think she'd say that that's way it is with her and me we spent all of our time trying to make the other one happy now mom says that that's that's not an honest relationship we like it only we don't need a fake would be a nice bonus huh oh it's been yeah nice talking to you nice speaking with you miss gossip no mental problems there Carmen I type though you were here Arthur can we eat downtown well sure I got a sitter for little Arthur oh hey Dad listen Carmen I'm sorry I tried to talk you into this thing it's not fair it's your decision I know that now my decision totally nah wait just a minute here Superman this is all a decision just take a look at this world around us you know what kind of a life is a baby born today gonna have in this huh well good wanna I would guess these are troubled times we live in people have been saying that for 5,000 years Oh what about those dirty diapers I will go through that mess again 3:00 a.m. feedings but what about that spin up all over my lapel on the way to work in the morning Arthur are you ill and then there's your age well I'm not exactly over the hill yet well no no but Carmen you're old well yeah I don't mean exactly but old but you're getting up there now look tubby that I am as healthy as a horse he thinks it's just fine to have this baby yeah darn right you don't want the baby yes I do no Arthur come on you were just trying to make me feel good this morning you always think of me first I do not you do well you're just as bad the only reason you want the baby is because you know I want it wrong why don't you just for once think of yourself first so what it's just like you all you ever think about is me I will well there it is yeah you bet there it is and uh what have we decided you say you say I want the baby I'm not sure it's the smart thing to do but damn it me too Oh carly carls nut okay add it again huh hello Travis show me listen I just want to drop this off on my way out little something to celebrate the good news oh thank you Andy oh thanks Andrew okay now as you were it's cold well it drinks up do you oh yeah sure you sure how positively hey listen you know what we need now some music Venus yeah mr. Carlson here listen I've got this young girl in my office you stop saying I beg your pardon and just listen look as a favor to me beam us I wonder if you could play something soft and sweet we'll do it anyway sure glad that wasn't fever he's really stubborn 50 cups we need some cup turn the speaker up we sweetheart not get us Catholic house um I've just got a request and we don't only do requests here at krp but this is a very strange and weird special case here goes to us each time I see little girl may I have a zone every day Oh God they walk in the moon where I feel like I'm 21 over little eyes so helpless I'm credit jelly back haven for them all without them what would lead the boys dude you
Channel: madeatari
Views: 799,994
Rating: 4.8114634 out of 5
Keywords: WKRP, Mr, Carlson, Mrs, Pregnant, Maurice, Chevalier, Thank, Heaven, For, Little, Girls
Id: _8fjbbnj5TA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 3sec (1503 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 05 2011
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