With Hardship Comes Ease Sh Omar Suleiman

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ah daddy will Sofia celibacy Michaela are a couple of things first number one I'll even do my own taxes I did a degree in accounting just so I could say that I didn't agree to China when they kicked it to the side I've never used it in my life and I don't plan on it except for Islamic finances now you'll love that secondly with the Kavita can I go can i voice my opinion I'm allowed to okay number one it shouldn't be funny the full bra that would be absolutely terrible this passport I am doing it it would be the Dwight Howard I'm going to tragedy car number two I mean unsub up awesome name I don't know why no one has taken that Mobilio I think that's an aggressive name so I like to be them sell out the best that's my personal opinion but I'm just saying you guys can still chew I'm not imposing here because I think I'll be doesn't okay is pretty cool too as I was the last that I want to really really really thank the volunteers you're my shop not like this is an incredible core group it's going to be a very special coming that every popular that you go to you you know you get a feel for the volunteers the way that they are some commands that you go to II get stuck with someone like this here which is a good thing because Massey is awesome you know like I'll be doesn't know some commute is that you go to know seriously you know you might have a few people just a few people that are really kind of doing it without a side without you know not really doing their job with excellence they're you know I'm a volunteer I'm paying to do this you know I just will just work a little figure it all out when we get to the class you know there is nothing going on when you get to the class systems aren't working they never even test it out you know the sound they never tested on anything and we'll just figure it out we'll just let them we'll just let the shape give all of the words you know free Friday hopefully we'll get everybody to come so some computers have that attitudes come up you can see the difference between that and when you have a group of volunteers that really do things with their side that really do things with exploits and this is this the core group of volunteers here is absolutely amazing I'm actually really sad that our salon goes back to Edmonds it goes back to Canada because Marcel Iceland this guy has text message me more than my wife like the last like month and I'm not even playing about that I've got more texture into my wife it's like every little detail and then eventually I stopped answering them so I apologized and I was like all right this is getting out of hand he's asking me like what I want for lunch a month from now but that's serious except this morning God we did get to go to the beach if house is not rocking completely empty going to the beach budget if I teach behind the scenes here in shuttle which I hope I will soon because I think again this is a really good group we talked about contemplation to fuckload and introspection and stuff like that and you guys live close to some beautiful beautiful beaches Michelle I don't think the palm trees are real because if you see palm trees in Medina and you see palm trees here there's a big difference between a palm tree in 2010 a palm tree in Florida so I don't think you have the right to call yourselves obvious the failure but again I'm not imposing the same anyway so it gets a topic and this is a topic seriously though you know everywhere you go across the board in spotlight you know unfortunately as Muslims sometimes we tend to ignore what people are really going through we tend to ignore the issues and people are generally not happy that's how everything has gotten better in terms of Technology in terms of convenience in life in terms of comfort right we've got bigger houses now we've got cars you can travel around the world and in 20 hours you know we can do so much now and we're still not happy and in fact we're getting you know we're getting more and more depressed suicide rates are on the rise consistently over the past 10 years the suicide rate has increased every single year every year the suicide rate is going up every year when it comes to happiness in the home worse rates are going out right drug addiction is going up so everything that represents anxiety everything that represents depression is going up as mama I can see it even I was the Imam Imam for six years in New Orleans on every single time you know I sit with somebody the first thing they say is like I'm just not happy you know I've got it all why can't I be happy and this is I don't want this to turn into like a Joel Olsteen type you know serving because it's not as practical it's not as all about practicality it's not as all about taking cop solid concrete steps not just like okay we should all be happy and why is everyone so upset it's not about that it's actually looking deeply inside yourself and trying to figure things out now there are a few things there that a few few important points there that a lot of times we try to blame external factors if I'm not happy that must mean that you know somebody did press that they're nuts or the evil eye on me right that must mean I possess writing this money because everyone always tries to claim that they're possessed like when you're an amount like everyone always tries to compte and say okay I think I've got a jinn inside like okay hello see you in your gym you know let's talk about this right I'm like well how do you feel when you read Quran you're so good when I read go on but then when I stop being then I start getting disturb those types of things when I go to the Quran I'm denying I read then you know I feel so good right and I'm like well that is that is a very telling thing about you that you're human and that means with us because if you were possessed you wouldn't feel good when you read come on all right let us like no actually it's a pain right here in the next hour reading it's sort of been badly hot start sneaking and stuff like that so you know you're human right life is very very life is tough you know you you go for things to power like you you will naturally find obstacles in your life and you're not always going to be happy and that's why it was kind of time to call the for app Shifa you got the solution as brother Bonita resin it's a cure for the hearts because when you turn back to the Lord and you turn back to it the way you're supposed to turn back to you naturally get to ignore the inconveniences of life and you start to focus on what's important so the chalice I hope you guys have - fr beneficials my first time doing a seminar like this all together speaking about happiness and depression but I hope in telethon we get something out of it now the first thing is understanding what gives you happiness right it starts off with that understanding that gives you happiness it's one of my favorite quotes although it's from unknown so I could have just claimed it right or being happy doesn't mean that everything is perfect it means that you've decided to look beyond the imperfections so you come to a conclusion that you know what life is not going to be perfect life is not fair but a lot of it is there life is not fair but a loss of Canada is fair as you start to try to figure out what's going to give you happiness and you start to increase many things and it's very important here to understand the role of drama the role of supplication all right it's very powerful because the angel actually writes when a person that is only in the Roman time talking about the role they're after parents and future parents when the one where the soul is still in the womb one of the things that the angel writes is Sayid fell something happy or miserable and that doesn't mean that you know what that person's actions we're going to talk about other than divine divine decree how that how that relates everything that doesn't mean that that person's actions don't have an effect that means that the way that a personal act everyone is capable of happiness and everyone is capable of misery right but being capable of happiness doesn't make you a happy person being a happy person that sometimes gets get sad and even the prophets licen of God sighs that means that you're sorry that you have a characteristic being sorry but anyone who take me alive plus he said something very powerful he said that the body that a person is wise the two things that just a little body and soul there is you know everybody's made up of these two things under the road but everyone always asks about Louie and soul and what that means the boy when it comes Joseph literally means with the Jessa soul and body heat you become nuts right yourself now you're striving because your soul naturally inclines to what your soul naturally implies to what Allah your soul your Roy naturally inclines towards Allah so pentatonic your soul naturally inclines towards almost kind of Thailand your body naturally inclines towards you no desires and things of nestle that's why you find people that are like animals like literally the same things that the animals do there's something can result in the same things they'll live out their desires just like an animal will live their desires so what you have when you have nemesis you consistently have this fight that's going on right trying to trying to find peace trying to find some happiness and that's why you consistently have to fight those desires you have consistently mind those animalistic tendencies to try to discipline yourself and that gives you happiness now you might have to take me on your license just as the body is created that's just as a person is made up of just an oil everything finds comfort in its source and the body is created from the earth and so the body minds comfort from its source right so from eating and drinking and and those types of things things of this world the body finds pleasure in and the soul can only be comforted by the source which is a lost kind of attack right that's the only way that the soul can find peace and soulful might come and they have faculty each other right this is only technical part being honest this only real tip so if you guys get lost right now the whole box is not going to be like a aristotle discussion or philosophy I thought about this but this basically what we find is done when the soul inclines towards a lost panowitz out of the body is at peace - right right in the sense that if one of them is happy the other one is happy - so you have a bad dream at night a nightmare at night and this is what's really amazing about us as human beings two people can be sleeping in the same bed and one of them has a good dream one of them has a bad dream when you wake up is your body affected by what you saw yeah it is like if you burn like there are some people you might you might dream of yourself getting stabbed by someone and you'll wake up and you'll actually feel like you were stabbed because although the soul was the primary recipients of that dream of that vision the body feels the attack you're depressed you're down we feel sulky right here near the gloomy moon because because of what your soul witnessed at night whereas the other person they were both sleeping in the same bed the other person had a good dream and the other person feels like a million bucks right they feel good they feel energetic right when you commence on also lost ice and I'm connected the total sum plus I sort of said that when a person prays budget right when they wake up on time and a brief entity and you know they do although right accidentally they knew they were right and they do they're feds are good I'll stop I give enough know Steve he wakes up with a good no sane energetic you're naturally energetic for the whole date like I'll tell these guys I went to the beach there sat in the ocean for like an hour and I feel like I could pick up this building like you just feel good proud of what your soul is at peace your body's a piece then naturally but it's not the same vice-versa meaning if the body is satisfied the soul is miserable if it's deprived of Allah so kind of attack so it's really stressful very interesting now when we talk about happiness in this world of what gives you happiness in this world if I didn't take it he will not also said something very powerful he said that the extent of which everything gives you happiness in dunya is the same extensive misery that it will give you to think about money money makes you happy money also makes accrues friends it also gives you heaven right responsibility it also keeps you up at night you start very good by your bank accounts you start worrying on how you're spending that money not money whether it's photographer all the amount of money that you have the amount of happiness that yields you is the same amount of misery that is going to yield YouTube right now how long obviously when it's something that's forbidden you get drunk yeah it feels good at the beginning but it's going to yield you the same the same amount of misery when you have your hangover right or whatever you did while you're walking or quality we're drunk okay even in a happening to children maybe have kids here not plenty to do right hip kids here kids make you happy right do they also make you suck yeah that stains and cut a lot and they play with your emotions right but my daughter is concerned too and I didn't understand what terrible twos mean she had that demonic crime it's like you really think that you're talking but I realize that all two-year-olds cried like that and it's just like you pull your hair up and then the minute that they go to sleep and you see them sleeping in our piece you're deciding I can't wait so she wakes up to play with it then like a minute ago I was like sleep please fall asleep just give me a break for tonight it's not about the extensive happiness they give you even a lot is the same extent of sadness that they're going to give you that's the way the dunya works and you can you can apply that example to absolutely everything how many of you guys are going to do in med school medical school medical school doesn't make you very happy right but it's all what will make you happy investees they just switch it around from med school you become miserable first and then you get happy afterwards but you're still on call when you still gotta get some others up too so everything that gives you happiness also gives you sadness now I asked the question and that question on the five three questions you're going to answer those questions again tell the house because I want to see how your perspective T one of the questions that I asked was is having a big column a component of happiness what do you guys think raise your hand if you think yes having it what was the exact question exact for the question he's having a big house a nice car this having a big house or a nice car on means at Hopkins raise your hand if you think yes don't give me what you think should be the answer give me what you think if you think yes raise your hand if you think no raise your hand all right most of you think no I wants to be the spokesperson for the yesterday Gomez's gives you space and comfort spokesperson for the know people anyone for the nobody will just want to because you can't take it with you you can't take it with you when you got right now the answer is actually yes but I'll explain to you why there's a heading for them that's a headache doesn't must not leave I'm not but it's not that's it honey Osama slicing up some attitude in Assad there are four things that yield happiness as the phenomena these don't don't judge the Hadees before I explain it there's a lot of times people do some kinds of giving the book but I've mentioned some of these out of these people like they get really upset just this is a hadith in all this talk about our bottom in acerra there are four components of happiness muscle was always an upset unless that it was there a spacious home was though Dental Spa rehab and a good spouse okay and the profits all along are you said upset one job is a son a good neighbor and muscle lost my sums up what not going honey which literally translates into a sweet ride I'm not even thinking that a lot of couples ride I need to sweet sweet ride let's all si sense of those four things are components of happiness Nissan one of our activities applause and there are more components of misery and he basically gave the opposite okay I must apply you a very closed a very very small house or one that's suffocating he actually use all use the words suffocate that's important I'll talk about what might you think it makes the people a person feel like they're being suffocated a bad house okay a bad neighbor happens a bad part or a bad ride okay I'm not going to school okay so a bad run not this you I think this phenomena because the profits like number one he's acknowledging that having looked if you drive a car that's not going to break down on you okay every every month or so and doesn't need to of the mechanical the time right and doesn't give you trouble you're naturally going to probably have better days than a person from driving you know 1960's car that keeps on breaking down and he keeps taking it to a Muslim mechanic and when you look at the doesn't joke by the way there's an honest but you get the point by okay you're not really going to have a happier life if you have a good spouse life is naturally a lot easier than something doesn't have a good spouse you've got a neighbor who's you know looking out for you you're exchanging gifts all the time you're giving sweets to each other whatever it is you watch each other's back but wonder why I really when the other person is gone you're naturally going to be doing better if you have a bigger house a more spacious house where someone who might live in you know something really really really small okay you're not sure that your mood is probably going to be better right but the province license also makes a very important point in the profits of a love mining was set up tell us about the prophesy some demonstrates with his wife this point your happiness should not depend on any of those things because did the profits why some have a spacious house know that the problem sites don't have a good wife yes okay omaha dominating so that's one then the profits lies I don't have a good neighbor not really okay that the profit slice of up have a good ride no products why some didn't have any nice camels or you know nice horses or anything of that sort of the province myself that was one of the things that they mocked about right the profits Iceland was driving a camel version of a 1981 rollable all right that was the problem okay without power steering okay that's that it wasn't it wasn't good it wasn't necessarily something right so the province I've only had one fourth of those things but would you say that the Prophet Sly Stone was a happy person yes he was a happy person right because his Sarada his happiness did not depend on those things okay it did not depend on those things and that's the idea here what you depend on those things that when you get attached the key word here is attached so you talk about attachments okay and this is where misery comes all right a loss of Kalamata says attachments can actually become a form of they can actually become a form of apology is not that a person's emotion ik our person is a disbeliever if they have an attachment to something other than Allah but Allah says and certain para la mina not see me exactly when doing it got me on data you have born album check of allah what latina nominal i said to cookin in de las américas and none of the people that have taken partners besides allah soprano china they love those things as they shouldn't be loving a lost pattern without but the believers love a lot more than they love those things okay the believers love a lot more than they love those things risen for the money what is more like a little zachary night it's like 1:30 something that somewhere in the 133 first one the first quarter of a bubble it's not the first word anyway somewhere in the 100 I'll get it at the breakage of okay but a lot of times I says they love those things like they should be loving Allah Spano time and this is what the scholars caution and the HEPA the shift of love literally the polytheism of love when you love something like you should be loving Allah spare tire but Allah also makes another what makes a statement Allah says those who love Allah them they love a lot more than those people love those things okay because at the end of the day no matter what you're attached to whatever you perceive that it's not giving you as much happiness or you get sick of battery or whatever it is you're going to give that thing up and you can attach to something else right but with a lot of sol a person who finds a lost planet Wattana never goes back right it's the Lost Planet Allah describes in surah Ibrahim Adham Tomac ain't a lot of a lot method attachment like he better treasure Java hit apply even a snowman father to a federal officer map to a team could I have put it on immediately OPM logic are I said have you seen the example of a good word which is like laughing Lola it's like a tree that's and particularly the problems I set up compared it to a tree palm tree I love nominally O'Laughlin areas once I'm province I some ass which tree is like the tree in the amount sort of palm tree because again you guys don't have real palm trees as a palm tree in Medina you go try to shake a palm tree by the United care bodybuilder you're not going to hold up tree that tree is firm right a real palm tree is firm it doesn't move and that's one of the maracle's of money on adding this sellout a lot told her to push the palm trees you'll push a palm tree nothing happens to a foster any pushin but it's American from a loss of Panama Todd so the lost pratik imperative to have a berm it's firmed in the heart I'll still have dozens it's planted very firmest foundation is solid well if I don't have to cement its branches are all are up high in the sky so it's you I'm going to be you know behind its consistently forgiving fruits it's not a seasonal tree right like a palm tree Medina come on wedding when you go to one up when you go to college you're always going to have fresh dates because palm trees are always producing fresh dates to your treason it on over here alright it's always reducing price fresh fresh things Paola so close for once parrot islands making this data here when's the last time you found an apostate who was a scholar or who wasn't Danny or was someone that used to always go to the busting right not go to the messages here Forster because of culture they jumped in because they had a traumatic moment their lives as they jump back up you know how many priests easy come to a stuff all the time all right you see priests come in fact you know when someone starts to speak ill of a good Christian I'm like don't do that because I'm telling you a good Christmas since your Krista usually ends up at a stop if they're exposed properly right usually they'll end up at a snap so you'll find people that will be rabbis you can go search online Google um if you want to whatever it is your wife rabbis you'll find priests you'll find people of other faiths that will accept this not happily right and in large numbers once the last time you found someone it's not because we're afraid of being killed okay it's that we're even in the West right when's the last time you found any mob of ass of stature leaving his son first you know someone who is known for a strong thing why it was once you develop an attachment to a la spada yeah you're imaginable with her you know the sense that sometimes we'll be up sometimes we'll be down but there's a foundation and it'll always be producing something like their their intentions there are things that you don't give up right like even as a Muslim you know I'm not feeling too good if not obviously I'm not having the same amount of amount that I have in a lecture at a conference or in a class or whatever it is but you know what I'm still holding on to my prayers I'm still holding one of those things I'm just not praying as much no often for example as much voluntary prayers I'm not as as you know not having as much of need not rush right but I still have in there it's firm and solid so most parents are says those love Allah those who have that attachment to a lost panna cotta I said you open it up there love it is so much stronger than anyone elses love to anything else now the idea here and this is really their two beautiful verses the first one sort of commotion and it's verse 41 so another uncle verse 41 Allah subhana WA Ta'ala says whether the need Intifada win duty la aldea the example of those will take OTF the word when he meets a protective friend sometimes ally uses the word than done which means God adding up right deities Allah uses OTF ona is a protective friend okay so Allah says those who took besides a lot of protective friends meaning they took their gods as protective friends they trusted them they put all of their love to them they could all their trust in them a las plantas ask about that inaudible it's like a spider a tunnel Advaita and the spider constructed its home now when you look at a spider a spider's web is a spider web strong so spider web stronger is a spider what weak now the alhasan after says welcome we kissed home as a spiders look right but is a spiderweb strong to some creatures yeah like witches creatures sceetos wise whatever it is right like spider-man doesn't exist you guys thought it you don't need human beings like that they can call it literally but seriously speaking the spider's web is an amazing creation of a Lost Planet ah you know why the tensile strength of a spider web the strength of a spider web is actually stronger than steel it has more strength than steel but what happens when a weight blows so if you're caught in a spider's web you're not getting out right a bug that's caught in a spider's web is like have you ever seen a mosquito get out of his wife no it's not happening once you're caught you're hot right but the spider's web itself as a whole is still weak because some wind blows spider web blows you open your door there's a spider what there spider web for tears apart right the itsy bitsy spider the water came right up the waterspout down came the water spider out right it's not that so how much it's not going to hold now why is a lot using this example because when you're caught into something you're attached to something you can't see the world outside of that attachment it's in its nature it's extremely weak there's nothing really strong about it but you have enslaved yourself to and you've got so attached to it you will see the world outside of it anyway right I'll give you an example someone establishes a relationship with someone that they're not supposed to or they do it with improper means on all the means down three years later they come and they tell their parents and they say let's get married there's some obstacles that happen stuff like that and then it's not an opt-in to stay with the family you know guy and girl run away they get married you don't forget about parents why because I can't live without them I can't live without her that's that's a myth that's in your head that's all psychological you were living fine without that person right three years ago in fact your life was a lot better there's a lot less crying a lot less you know emotions a lot less trauma you were doing funnier your family was on good terms with you right but when you're caught you're caught I can't see outside of this I can't imagine my life outside of this right so Paola you look at some people that came from overseas live very very very simple lives by extremely simple eyes but whenever they got here and got used to money got used to living a certain lifestyle and then when they have a little bit of a financial crunch just a little bit right they think life is going to happen I can't see life without it right it's like us whenever our all looks great we just become different like I don't have a phone I can't like like we're so attached we're so instantly likes paliku it's crazy because people are sitting around and while you're sitting a room and everybody's checking their Facebook every one second that's what everyone's second their emails we're addicted you're a text but you know how much happier like your life would be if you weren't attached right but you can't see outside of it I can't imagine my life without to put your phone aside for three days give yourself a vacation from your phone give yourself a vacation from social media and from text messaging and go to the beach after budget all right he'll take the best American a days might show up there on South Beach after your clock and say well chef said that I have to go to the beach I'll do that all right chop up just just to probably take a break right take a break you know what life is actually pretty good with us but when you're caught but lost palanquin Tejada says you're so hot you're just like that bug that's in that spider's web and that's why the Sooners named a noncom woods right the scholarship tough see they said look at this like the entire Sudan there's only one person that talks about as far as well that's it but from the beginning to beyond what is the first I of Sihanouk avoid and if now mean a has even less when a you to employ a guru lamentable nice little ostrich are says do people think that that they just say we believe in that lovely then Allah Spratt are leaves them alone and he doesn't test them was such weather but if attend Melanie Derman publican we test the people before you for they are aluminum block Alina Hammond phenomena wat latina so double were they are an event an Academy so lost parent Anna knows through that is true for their faith and with lying it was not true collecting the idea here what is a task in and of itself right the larger tells us insert the bottom what other than the one has been be shaking in a coffee jewelry.what not gonna sleep not have why other than I'm losing with them a lot of a is Albany you know where you're going to be tested with something anxiety you're going to be tested with with some some diminishing of your health diminishing of your wealth these things right will be taken away from you by doing that a lot of purifies you of having any other attachments any other than that so the entire school is named after this one area because of how profound that example that analogy is right because when you're caught you're caught and that's why if we look at it sort of the blown up we look at what the province of the Lombardi was that it was put through as pellets it's absolutely amazing the prophets y7 wasn't working right his mother died I mean his father died before he was born on his on the son of his mother was only six the province Eliza have never really enjoyed financial prosperity right the profits will already set up basically gained what he gained through character of reputation from his wife for these only 1102 his status in society all the nicknames then whatever Islam came all of that was taken away temporary right for a few years he became the most humiliated person in society he was persecuted he had no family and take care of him even a lot of his uncle was taken away from them Khadija his wife was taken away from him on the alone everything was taken away from him why because a loss of pattern which either wanted the problem we be attached to him and that's why it's Aloha boo how a lady that cetera Howard Erica I look over my but don't think that your Lord has abandoned you or left you right your Lord they used to say that 11 heaven heaven toys our Lord has left him lessons don't think them don't think that Allah has left you but what was a lot doing breaking all his attachments that the intent K a team F an hour didn't a lot fun to us Northman Oh Angelica bought a lot found you looking for garments or agenda kara lost contact ons you pork them a lot sprite idat well a lot found you and all these Allah is reminding the prophets I some of his favors the party why so now number one for your own self and broken attachments you don't depend on anyone but Allah Spano tada you enjoy a certain level to what could a certain level of trust and relies upon boss counter Tejada and now when you see other people the same situation what are you gonna do you're gonna remember right how many Athena for that top top now when you see an orphan you know what to do what Messiah that time you see someone asking you know what to do right you tested that you've tried that a lot trying to so lost Hannah Tyler broke all of those spiderwebs a lot did away with with them so that the prophets why so much trust was purely in a lost Panama time and again it breaks the country now la semana Tata also says and smooth had come talking too fast let me know alright just let me know if you need some some some clarification on it soon has a loss Panama Tirana he says that the example of those who took a yacht besides a lot again the same thing those who took protectors instead of a loss and it's a a number 31 those upper 32 31 those who to the protectors besides the lost patent went to house listen to this example that Allah gives us but God about foaminess about it's like this person was dropped from the skies was dropped in midair that I lost my Matata says butts a couple plane so a murder picks him up right a bird swoops him up and takes him somewhere and drops him and he finds himself he McAdams and he finds himself a lost and abandoned place meaning he doesn't know where he is not think about this again an example of attachments okay and the higher before a loss prior I was saying oh that I almost con times thank you for that that those people who are for worship Allah alone mostly see that up with these with true sincerity upon the thought that Allah say because this example a person gets picked up by a bird alright just imagine this example how powerful it is the bird takes and wherever the birds going to take him then the bird drops and you know what happens to a person who's already been emotionally vulnerable who has already gotten attached to someone that had that attachment shattered what happens that person they're insecure I need another attachment I need something else to come pick me up another bird picks you up take you somewhere all over the place that not very drops another bird picks you up and drops and then at the end you find yourself lost but Canada he abandoned lost you don't know where you are you don't how we reach that position that's what to say Vaughn tries to get you to despair that's once apon tries to get you to be hopeless because say one tries to make you think there's no turning back to Allah there is no way this is all going to get fixed that's it okay so again what I'm saying those who take protective friends besides Allah some kind of metallic and the next category meetings versus wants not oh this is usually an economic discussion right leads versus one but it's very powerful because many times you'll find that when you feel like you need something Allah is not giving it to you I'm making you're out for it I'm asking for it I want this I need this I need this in my life right like sometime like especially in attachments are usually for people attachments are usually two people right sometimes you say to a person why don't you praise the father you know mr. Fattah you're not going to see the dreams you're not going to put any more hot in water son it just means that last night they're going to make things easier for you or make things harder for you if it's good for you to make easier for you if it's harder for you will put obstacles right so why don't you practice to thought about this person and I remember Scala there's two people this happen to those times I was giving them the door opposite about or from the pseudonym right the supplication that should be set and from the supplication what are you asking a lot of countertop if it's good for me be dining with dunya attic that's good for you I'd even like my goodbyes and for my family for my wealth it's good for me okay then yes you know yes it honey make it easy for me right if it's bad for me making mark it's all like why don't you praise the father and two times people responded by saying well I don't want to praise the hot because I want that person it's not a matter of if it's bad for me I wrote in London I don't want a lot of taken away from you even if it's bad for me because I'm attached right I wanted what what you're really saying when you say what it is I needed I can't live without it that's kind of long as you find is that sometimes when people break that attachment none of us cantata gives it to them right someone says I need this job I need this I need this I need this I need this I want this I want this done after the person has developed you know a person has just gotten over it Allah gives it to them why is that I want you to pay very close attention to the city not identify honey hole I said something very powerful he said that sometimes Allah will not give you what you want because you feel like you need it once you have converted the need into a once Allah gives it to you table once you've converted the need to the watchful once Allah gives us you I because it's no longer something that's affected here Iman it's no longer something that's affecting your baby you're no longer so it's has to it that you're not going to get anywhere like that Allah sometimes out of makes it easy for you right now seen it countless times right people are all caught up worshiping their education worshipping you know a certain person and that's relationship with a certain person or worshipping some kind of position and there's so ins with involvement once they develop their relationship from the lost continent war and they treat that thing moderately if it's good for it'll happen at all if it's not good for me that you know that's fine that allows cries out against ative right to show you that you didn't need it that's the idea you did not need it to be happy and we have to come to understand and we have to cause that include there's time we have left this because I don't want to go to the last point here less should we take it can we take a break down and just start up the next session after Michaels five-minute break your ten minutes yes doubles every time I break it started okay we'll just take a five-minute break just this time okay we'll do it some in a basement huh we just got started so shelf up we'll take a five-minute break five minutes means five minutes I know you guys have a hard time but it's not a company whatever money down okay so the next thing the next topic here which is the last part of this slide is it very very very good my favorite company for us to do some of them and I want you to imagine this this is this money is an advice that Jeanine I think is that out is giving to the proper placement outside of the opacity of Revelation okay I'm going to say that again to be giving advice to the prophets of Allah mining Wasilla outside his capacity of Revelation the hadith is Marian is listening about my foot and it's also here happens it's not fencing honey highest obtained of authenticity and listen to this to be 90's and access to the prophet saw one morning Philip yeah yeah now what is different about the way to be is addressing the Prophet I said I'm here he always says gospel bottle always says the outer soul up right lost cantata latest addresses and has also long to be addresses him as a selasa love not whining the senate but here he chooses to say yeah government so long like this now there's two things that come out of this mike and saying yamaha number one he's letting him know what now this is outside of population this is not war on this is not a lost paradise pika - this is me Judy okay number two it's like a momentum hearts heart of ice right and what a beautiful advice think about this it's from the best of the Angels like think about this conversation that's taking place here save America the best of the Angels was save the bustle of life and the best of human beings in all of creations and they're having a conversation and he says to the prophesy so I'm going to give you some advice he says ya Bahama I smash it nothing that remained to you from five devices the first one he says live as long as once but you're going to die eventually live as you will but you're going to die I smash it recommend meaning once no matter what you try to establish in this life and no matter what you go through no matter what you built in this life eventually you're dead right in that can make you wet enough immediate owners loss processes you are dead and they are all dead no matter what's right and that's why the profits like some of the after the one that Vice very wisely on the Prophet sallallahu wasallam said could fit duniya canonical beneath the maravillosa baby in this world as if you're a stranger or a Wayfarer right and he also said the example of me in this dunya and the Afghan is like a traveler that's passed me takes a rust under the shade of a tree that he moves on okay and then all of the along lines was that obvious I think the narrative honey he says that in the morning don't expect to live till the evening enemy evening don't expect to live until the morning you know so a lot there's a very promise thing that I once heard that's a live life like a cancer patient live life like a cancer patient if everyone live life like a cancer patient everything would be great why we want to person is a cancer patient and they're there in the last stages and they know you know doctor said you've got two months or three months or whatever it is then what happens naturally all the relationships are you know heart brought back together reconciliation priorities everything is put in proper perspective because you understand you're about to go anyway right so you don't want to die having those having those issues so again the first advice race matches that I mean live as much as you will but you're going to die live life like a cancer patient treat people as if you're never going to see them again treat your life and treat your Salah as if it's your last salat right the quality the key to the quality of Salah says the Prophet sighs I'm tall it's almost O'Laughlin WeDo pray as if this is the last time you're going to stand before Allah so proud of the time the last time continued on this dunya that you're going to get to speak to a loss of kind of what's out you know you pray as if it's your last for you treat people as if it's the last time you'll see them so you don't go to bed angry until you write so that's always a lot of anxiety issues you really make sure that all your debts are paid off make sure that everything's taken care of if you understand going to die anyway it puts life in perspective and that's why when the Prophet said Allah mighty masada when the time of death meaning to him to be it made him the same one who is giving him this advice Geneva needs to not make him an offer I said that a lost count either gives you one of two options either you can go and meet and be within the presence will loss amount of time the presence of the divine or you can live as long as the rest of mankind you'll be immortal until lost my time it takes everyone back including the angel of death until everyone dies including the angel of death and the prophets license responded been walking phenomena rather the high company the high presence of the Divine Presence philosophy in the acronym the greater friend the higher friend and the prophets Weiss have repeated that until he died I want the last company why because again this is for those of you that are coming in length advice juh bleed gives us a profit slicing outside of capacity of our relational first one very scramjet by NECA made live as you will but you're going to die the second one what you did bash it that in Dec temple value love whom you will but you're going to depart from that person eventually your relationship will be broken okay this is something out there are two things that we take from this number one to prioritize your relationships to prioritize your relationships right a lot of times we put and I'm sharing this with some with some brothers actually today on the way here have a lot of sharing this most powerful advice I've ever received from chef Robert about quite a lot and he said that make sure you keep your old dresses it was speaking to me particularly he said because you know now that you're a public figure that defending you because of that or anything because they really love you but at least you know from your old friends that they love you because they love prioritize your relationships right so it might not already be a suite with my brother my older brother fight all the time you know you don't really exchange courtesies or things of that sort right here of course we do now but I mean growing up and over they do that but at the same time I know that he loves me I know he's looking out for me because of someone that's that's loved me for a very long time so you prioritize your relationships your parents right a lot of times someone comes into your life that excites that excites you again spiders what it's week on the outlet it truly is week four it excites you right you only know this person for less linear and you're willing to throw away a relationship that's existed for 25 years driver 20 years just throw it away out the window because it's not as exciting right now even though that's solid that is solid but this is not solid right so debris or any stuff is telling the province lies I'm wife is not everybody close at the same time you're not going to be able to take the relationship with any human being with you to the grave because at the end of the day the only relationship that truly matters on the day of judgment is your relationship with the lost time photography so don't become so attached to people that you forget your relationship with a loss can attack and in fact even with loving righteous people's and loving people that you're supposed to you know I want to off with the allotment Daenerys says I go to Kolkata don't let your love be too much what at will we'll get up and don't let your hate me too much because the person that you love too much might one day stab you in the back they've become your enemy and the person that you hate might end up being your best friend right so they'll be excessive and loving and don't be excessive and hating right keep your love temper your hate temper to eat help keep it down because you don't want to get attached and sometimes kind of all you hate someone so much you get attached to hating a person your whole life is dictated by how much you hate that person right you love that you let that control your day about the misery of non person or what you want to be the misery of that person dictates the way that you live that day or that your you live your life what a good mush it valuable and there's one also very powerful of Hadean that's very might have done also by even Cathy an enactment about ankle lock to set up the logger set up on the along time ago was one of the great Jewish rabbis in Medina would suffer to stuff okay I became a great scholar in his stuff and after the proper place had passed away he was one of the last opportunity lived a very long time for the 11th time once there was a group of people that saw him walk into the busted and he prayed and some of the people that you know some of those happened they told the time bearing that muscle also I said up said that this man is a man from gentleman that this is a person of paradise right this person is surely a person of paradise so this tab area who I think is basically on a but basically I battery life I think that's him he said I followed up the lava set up and I told him that people said this about you and the first thing I love most about said is he responded by saying somehow Allah my loving in US and blue about a yard like maniac Athenian about a yard that it's not been fitting for a person to say when he doesn't know only a lot goes wrong person the data but he told he told dice the situation in which the profits my son told him that you're a man of gender he said that I have a dream and in that dream I'm I was in a garden a very big garden column right and in the middle of that garden in the middle of that garden there was a pole a boot a hole so he said I went to that full and I was told to climb that pole and I said I don't know I can't find this pole and then something blew me from under and then blew up that pole and on the top of that pole there was a handhold or one there was a hand hold so I grabbed on to it and I felt stability holding on to that I felt I felt completely stable even in there because I was holding on to that I'll go to that hand so I woke up and I told the Prophet sighs I'm about that dream and the Prophet slice an upside but all of this time says as for the Guardian guardian of Islam and the pole is the pole snap and the robot is and never what's been with ba which is the steady hand tool a lot cause of the steady hand hold in the more math why because I must practice a lot when he even the Nina happen you don't have to imagine that no a lot is the protector of those who believe and this is the ayah after well ii i after i had the okay and sort of the buckle number okay we'll figure out the number just I knew right up a lot is the protective the Legionella montine I hope he takes them out from darkness upon darkness upon darkness to light revive his darkness 'as which is the word of an image button okay darkness blood darkness upon darkest a lot takes them out of that and brings them to an annuity clarity light okay one of the vehicle oh yeah followed and those who disbelieve they're only after apocalypse their protection plans are anything but a lots of kind of us are out of things simply that they set up as partners besides a lost a photographer whether the capital Odion will table feel free to an amazonian up a lot they take those people from light to darkness upon darkness upon darkness that becomes how will not even be how body verily those are the people of hellfire and they will reside there in forever i think i actually went after that box being put the bay doors to their life okay the aya after Isaac which is right before but explaining that we died a loss an analysis that equality but the vain of us to be the light that there is no compulsion in religion truth stands clear from falsehood Latin properties of the banner Grossman a light I am perfect novel - I live in LA so the one who abandons and a lot of non say open Madhavi informant Donald because in order to a lot put abandons all partners besides of lost penalty and believes the law Spano Todd affirms that believe in Allah because in order to have true belief in Allah you've got to break attachment the protective relationship that you have the protective friends not friends as in human beings but it could become a point of worship but you know anything that you worship besides Allah some anti that's why not little love is not there's only one god it's a statement of negation there is nothing worthy of worship and unconditional obedience besides Allah sprouts out so they break them and then why you would be now how this comes amid over what they was about then they grabbed onto the steady hand bolt then he saw me to have a box and that steady handful will not let a person with or a person is holding on to that person twice finds tranquility a person find stability in their life by holding lock stuff and that is the handful of Imam right literally imagine yourself on top of a pole holding on to a handle your with a loss of panama table nothing affects you from on merit equal right in terms of attachments you don't get attached to anything else in order to achieve that you've got to break all the attachment so Jubilee it tells the prophets eyes on what guy's already forgotten what's that the second one what we will not shift animal body love when we will want to depart from that person the relationship will be broken you know and then the next thing Julia tells to the Prophet I setup why I'm a but impact haven't seen your thing do what you want but you're going to be repaid compensated for what you've done meaning the lust pannacotta allows you to act as you will right go ahead and not do what you want but you are going to only find on the day of judgment what you have done on the day of judgment a lot of this is the most important aspect the problem of understanding divine decree go but Allah leads people astray law justice on the day of judgment Allah is not going to show you a low hand Michael that's happening with him and Allah is not going to show you the record of the angels Allah will show you your books and your deeds right it's what we've done on the day of judgment you see what you've done nothing else a lot doesn't exaggerate them Allah sprouts are does not blow them up Plus pannacotta will show you exactly what you've done your deeds as you did them committed there you go green right it's your deeds such a deed is telling the problems I said because we have an understanding that again happiness is not just again Takata - we're talking about gaining happiness it can't just be a world they think you want to be happy in dunya - what's the point you know being happy only in there yeah that mean miserable not him right so a must it is telling the problem so I said why I'm in my but Zenith do whatever you want but you're going to be compensated right as HIPAA and Josie said that louder than monkey barking both yes khulu ha either that he can a public vote EFD huh there will be no home for a person to live in in the hereafter except for the one who needs to be constructed in dunya right you have construction materials in dunya and in here after you're only going to live in that house Sabrina snuck the proper size up why I'm in rush it recommends even so the first three advices I want you to memorize these headings first one very smash it but Mecca may it live as you will that you're going to die second one what would match it to a nickel and a valuable love you will but you're going to depart from that person the third one you can say the English - it's ok something you're trying to bumble like a few Arabic words in your stomach it's okay why I'm in my but in Tekamah see Omid do what you want but you're going to be compensated likewise ok you're going to be compensated what you done now listen to the last two advices why none - our informant Leon he'll be laid and know that the nobility of the believer is in his beyond at night is in his standing at nights young woman live okay while in the shower yeah we'll be late where is the voice did not wanting us and his honor is his being independent of people found of a beautiful voice you take them together these two advices are very powerful number one your shovel your nobility is when you stand before a loss of count of what at night invoking Allah alone that's Paula gives you so much happiness and in elevates your status you know usually when you ask someone you're naturally degraded right you're naturally belittling me last night okay no matter who you are just by your very asking your nobility takes a hit but with Allah some kind of time before you asked a lot the more noble you are the more your status increases and that's that's the authentic cutting through the prophets my sentiments too long without a final luck whoever lowers himself for Allah Allah raises them a lot elevates them right if in Raja people loved he said that I am amazed that people spend their nights at the doors of the Kings at the doors of people of influence asking and the one who always everything who owns the kingdom of the world and the kingdom of the heavens is extending his head and saying is there anything that you want how beautiful stuff get enough to know that is there anyone who wants forgiveness that I can give it to is there anyone who wants anything you know any gap and anyone who is calling upon Allah so I can answer his door I'm the one who is the king of all kings is asking you what do you want right comes down to the lowest heaven every single night and asks what do you want it's paddle up you see how ironic that is so listen so debris is telling the problems lies on the shuttle that ability of the believer is asking Allah standing up at night and asking allah spirit allah whenever you have that whenever you have that there is a very natural consequence you know what that is you have a system you have dignity by having but what is that we're still not wanting us you don't need people anymore now I know that's a very radical statement and I know that books will say otherwise and power indeed if a person truly has a loss Hammond wa taala the extent that he has Allah is the extent that he doesn't need people anymore and this isn't just emotionally speaking when it comes to finances obviously that's also important by the way finances and a man we don't believe poverty is praiseworthy unless Allah poaching your poverty you don't lose yourself to poverty system right there's no such thing as a person who gives up the world and puts themselves in poverty and that that makes a loss by Matata happy with it doesn't happen that way right but at the same and at the same time I also lost my senses and yesterday I played on that I didn't show up pretend is always better than the lower hit I will smash Iceland and yet it already at the end xx on the upper end is the one that's giving the lower hand is the one that's receiving okay yes Adi that's the one that's asking now that doesn't mean if a person is in poverty they shouldn't be helped no they should be helped but the problem we are encouraging our need to try to become self-sufficient financially - right to try to become independent of people financially and emotionally as independent as possible yes having good friends really does lighten up this it really does like the heart of life is the soul it makes things easier but the more a person has a lost cantata the less they need people okay actually I'm going to drop there's a new slide when I'm going to I'm just going to included here complaining a secre okay the word complaining a chakra now how many of you know about no poetry or do poetry okay now being the others I remember he wrote a poem called second one which was complaining and he's complaining then the scholars were very very unhappy about that he's complaining to a loss of padua time then what did he write Joe I was stuck with the answer to my complaint and he wrote another beautiful poem which is the answer got a lost pentatonic eight and then all this knowledge were happy with them some associate company done it's beautiful stuff right and the idea here is not complaining complaining to a lot is not a bad thing a shuttle of complaining to a lot of the amount of the pie upset is a horrible your honor it's actually a form of supplication but it's the manner in which you complain to Allah okay it's how you complain to Allah which makes it permissible or prohibited all right now let me explain this a little bit all over Bob will be alone who was talking about people who complain to other people you know sometimes we just need to bet money to bet to somebody from a call somebody and tell them about how miserable my life was for an hour and then I'm going to feel better okay all right doing pulse by the other call that person is trying to enjoy a day with their family you just ruin their day because they've got to sit on the side of everyone listen to you talk about this all right now I wanna probably alive who said Laserfiche uh 2011 servicing us all the all to some reason I did what there is no good in complaining to people the only thing you get out of venting out to people check what literally means not suffice the only thing you get out of venting to people is you either depress a friend or you make a person that doesn't like you happy meaning what if the person likes you if the person loves you and cares much you just brought down there maybe that person was finally enjoying a good day out there very stressful or something like that and you just depress it up because of how depressed you are or a person doesn't like you but they're closing it like they do and you're telling them about how miserable you are that person is getting happy there they're joyous at their joy Fletcher misfortune okay now that the idea here obviously an awful bubble xi was like the straighttalk expressed the real okay like he tells it how it is okay because I am worried a lot he further said something very beautiful he said when you complain to people all the time you're someone that that's all the time to people he said check out some of the Apollo 15 event and I am coming you complain about the one who has mercy upon you so people who don't have mercy upon II meaning what because when you're always complaining about how bad life is you're implying that Allah is not being as merciful with you guys he's being to other people okay that's the implication but the person that you're complaining to you know what look as as friends usually this is the beautiful the beauty of it hopefully so if he did not love for the sake of Allah spoke on top is that there's something in it's not money between us it's not you know it's nothing like that it's just love peace of being that we love each other for sake of Allah right but usually the way friends are this you know they look at how much they're benefiting from each relationship okay whether it's emotionally or financially whatever it is if I'm getting more out of you than you're getting out of me then we're cool but when that imbalance becomes too obvious I'm going to stop answering the phone right if you're consistently calling a person to complain eventually the person gets sick of you right eventually the person is going to pick up the phone and go home but you know couple of the the Walmart bag or whatever it is you know oh I'm in an elevator right now you can't really do that not because they've got an iPhone they've got the app or find your friends it's like you can't even do that anymore you can't say you're out of places you're not out and stuff like that but people don't like to answer the phone anymore people try to dodge you people don't want to talk to anyone because you're always needy whether it's emotion or financially you just keep on calling like they might have generally loved but one time but at the same time like it just got overboard right so check out timonium how okay that maniacal cat intestines we find here that there are some people are that there are some people that are capable of helping you but they're not willing to help you and there are some people that are willing to help you but they're not capable of helping you usually you find one of the two okay like there are rich people in this row that could write you a check that can make you comfortable for the rest of your life but they're not willing they're capable does they're not whereas on the other hand your mother would love to write you a check and make your life comfortable for the rest of your life but she's not capable of doing something right so people are between these two but a lot is both willing and capable and the more you call about Allah does Allah Spratt I start ignoring you because a lot of country music as you have seen no in fact but yes I did not yell club on a the public place them says whoever doesn't ask a lot lot becomes upset with me why aren't you asking so the more you ask a lot the more it pleases Allah Sanatana so Allah is full willing and capable so whenever you take that to your you have right you take that to your supplication and you're able to call upon Allah span of time and vent to Allah not in a way complaining about why did not say oh why did you do this but done to Allah the way air pull my knees I'm Jacob vented about Yusuf Rennie set up didn't he say I complained to a lot as school he said he was the word a shoe but he was neither look I complain about my stress and my sadness to Allah and I'm a complain to you people I'm going to complain to a lost Penta I have a relationship with a lot right to complain to a lawsuit uh no time Ashville Becky was the ill of zebedee everything is set up when he's asking for Yaya he's asking for a Tyler right zachetti hiding his celeb los practices is not need uh and kaffir when he called on to his Lord like Nina now that he not is like he shouted a shout he cried karate do you hear that what do you imagine a lot of young very vulnerable very loud right but then Allah says Katya it was actually silence it was just him in the corner of the message it make him do not to a lawsuit on it no one could hear me wasn't saying this out everyone saying having called upon a loss of Hannah - Hannah very emotionally sir - lost an entire woody what's the first way you started off as down how do we start off cap yeah and flawed the Karaka of the guy was a loser Korea if not that one but will be down and jávea god I love me in d1 an album in E was kind of rough shaver said Oh a lot my bones are gone I'm feeble on the inside right my bones have become old we're stepping on us to save them and my hair has exploded with great there's not a single black hair on my head well if that could be don't I come up in champion but you know what you never let me down trial you see the complaints he's complaining to Allah saying I'm weak on the inside I'm weak on the outside but I know what I call upon you you take care of me what I'm ex wouldn't be doing ie come on Bee champion so come along you've never left me deprived you've never loved and this is a man his 90s calling her a child and he's so confident in the lost man I'm trying to trust Allah spare time you never let me down before all and you my name is about are you Jonah what did he would do all kinds of stuff did he complain to a lot did Jonah complain to a lot the nudists complained to a lot yes but how did he complain to a lot What did he say to Allah just sending a book you know I'm hurt literally he said to Allah I merged cell phone watching me and you are the most merciful of those capable of having hers I'm hurt and you know when you're the most merciful simple as that it didn't start to say o Allah my kids Oh a lot my my money oh Allah this happened this happened my health to do this laser that you ruined me and why is this happening to me no why is not enough just unheard of a lot and you never let me down right so that SEC one that complained to a lot if you have a capability of standing alone with a lot at night calling upon a lost a note I love you if you develop a connection of Dirac you don't feel the need to constantly vent to human beings you don't why because I'm venting to the one who has mercy upon me right and it makes me a better believer and you wouldn't be calling a lot a lot in private if you didn't believe you was listening to you right so that's a strengthening your faith why would I call upon a lot be not coffee if I don't even believe he's there right so that strengthens your belief that gives you more stability it allows you to complain amends to one loves you would one who cares about you and one what's good for you now this Apella I remember when I first became about you know I thought when people come and pass questions and this money because you really figure out that people when they come to ask questions they're not really coming to ask questions they're usually giving you a thought for so many people come to you say I have a question chef I go ahead ask your questions it's a statement and I'm like where's the question here right you know so people come to you they just they talk at you sometimes right they just give you a statement not a question and then sometimes when people come to you seeking help right I thought and this is and this is what's expected whenever you go study overseas you come back here you're a counselor you're a Family Council you're a specialist and youth director director you're a specialist and everything right you're awesome because you studied city out so you clearly know how to do family council so when people come and talk and grief counseling and stuff like that whenever I try to give solutions they just go further right they start crying more they start saying it's like okay this isn't getting better but said let me try something else people will literally comes into my office I sit down and they sit there and talk and talk and talk and talk and I'd say scotlock may Allah make these you had been gone after that and I wouldn't interrupt let me talk talk talk talk talk talk talk and at the end such a good listener subhanAllah you're amazing is really helping like why I didn't even say anything but okay great I should become a psychiatrist put a nice little couch in the messages have a seat just give you a bill at the end of day go ahead let it out and then what happened and then I'm not degrading anybody psychiatrist right but then would happen that's what happened that what happened right just talk it out because sometimes talking it out please is a person you get it off your chest right so develop that relationship with my block and or not and that is your show that is your nobility and your honor your dignity's that you people you are in care together you are a caregiver people can trust because when you become stable you can offer stability to others - right you are a caregiver you are the upper hand you're emotionally giving to people you're not always emotionally receiving you're financially trying to help people you're not always financially receiving so finding that that balance so again by the crisis from community so that what's the first one ah live as you will you're going to die the second one whited mush it a mechanical body will love we want you're going to depart from that person's the third one do what you want with my ship duck up and see what make you what you want you're going to be compensated as for what you've done what's the fourth one got quieter firing up the shop and movement the album did they know that the nobility of the believer is his Fiamma Denis is standing up my night where is someone the fifth one that his dignity his honor is our essence does not want to us this being independent of people not meaning people okay all right any questions whether about this topic we are going that looks like I don't I don't be bothered by questions please feel free us no all right nice a meaningful life okay it's all about attachments throughout this course that's why it's important for us to look at that at the very beginning Allah Sobhan WA Ta'ala tells us in soon as it contains certain hadith okay verse my team my opinion was Eva turn what's up show no the number third page right okay Errol um Annamayya to dunya know that the light of this world lost my doesn't know that the life of this world learning would what that would Larry is played nine well that which is amusements Vezina superficiality what's a thousand vehicle competition amongst yourselves what's a capital could my little gods piling on money and living those those those same of things through your children not necessarily having more children living through your children the same superficiality right the castle would fill and lighting but no doubt okay so lost pentatonic gives us five stages that a person goes through in life now before I go further than that before I explain this verse further you know sometime along with a I remember there is there is a book called the hell of a purposeless life the hell of a purposeless life and in Islam the scars of Saskia called in Jamie Monroe you can find this term always used in books of pesky ax which is Jeff even more the hell that we dis deluded right the hell's on earth of being deluded ok it's probably you know they always say that the person that you should fear with no purpose right when a person does not have a meaningful life they naturally become anxious depressed reckless right they naturally become an emotional wreck so not having purpose in your life so lots of guys describing the stages of life the stages opinion and another Bubba do a whole lot and Rocher me they said that this is chronological eating what or you're born into the world what do you want to do playing okay it's all about play play play play play everything is a toy you're an iPhone 5 is a toy okay everything is a toy okay nothing is not a toy I just want to play I'm not interested in anything else just play play play play play click like of course crying pooping and all that comes down from throwing up that's just the way that they are the change that we are today's with plate everything's about plate the second thing amusements the kid grows up infant becomes toddler and that's when you can put a child in front of Barney and let Barney sing the same song 400 times and they will sit there and watch it 400 times right everything is amusements they call the zombie date right you can put someone in front of the TV you can entertain your child at that age wants to be entertained everything is about being abused right being entertained right then Xena then all of a sudden the toddler became a teenager and then now it happens now it's all superficiality now if you define your worth by how others define your worth right the way that I look is all of a sudden so important this is when boys will stand in the mirror for two hours all right making sure that there shirt is taking care of this tyrant and tucked in right where all of a sudden you've gone to pot luck everyplace boys and girls and everyone's all about appearance appearance appearance appearance appearance appearance right the type of music that you listen to it is not because you like the music it's because people will like that you like that music right you don't you know really have got a problem our person that doesn't have meaning of course at that age you really live a very very very purchased dislike that makes me that's the peak of it right it's all about show is all about how you look it's all about you know how other people perceive you perception not what happens all of a sudden teenager is 18 19 20 and this isn't everybody whether this is the normal cycle to follow will be improving yourself competition right this is when you go to your parents you change your diaper 18 years ago and still remember it like yesterday and say I'm the grown man right who do you think you want to talk to me that way right when you start talking when when you start it's when you develop a certain sense of pride right then by the way it's dangerous well that's a dangerous level of pride you don't want anyone to tell you anything you don't want anyone you know you're always feeling threatened and insecure right let that a sometimes it's just like you know who do you think you are you've now defined you're here now all about your degree all about you know your position right proving yourself to be a to be to being growin to being you know someone who deserves to be respected then you get your degree you get a lot of money and you get married ie you die right and then you know you have children tell us a joke I love my wife very very much so life is much better after marriage that was before marriage okay now anyway now that's true by the way come did it but anyway um it's all about making money having kids making enough money to pay the bills right I then after that you have your kids you try to live those same accomplishments through those kids okay I'm sorry I'm going over to I have a tendency to do that but you know it's about now you're living the same accomplishments through your kids that you have to look a certain way you've got address certainly you've got it you don't bring shame to the memory and stuff like that you've got it you know you start living the same things through the kids but at the same time your life at the end of the day now they help us money and kids right money and kids and you've still got you still got baggage from the rest of your stages so some people act like children even though they're 50 years old they might act like children were their partner right they might be just as superficial as a 14 year old okay they still have aspects of that okay but at the same time no life has really young meaningless at that point it's just money and children okay that along Spanos our assessment is very powerful law says can theny life in Africa but who found on about it's like a strong beneficial rain cape and some crops grew right and the farmer got excited right and guffawed by the way it means the same thing conscious to dig concealed rights a farmer and it's meeting right now haven't thought about - your crops grew and it became nice trees right nice nice flowers good crops it seems to be it's exactly what you wanted and then what is the Lost Planet I mistake some may an angel that's not almost someone then the leaves turn yellow paddle up a lot of times we jump like a lot of tough Cedars you'll see that the mephesto will jump that part but this is a very profound part Allah says the leaves start to dry up and you see it as yellow you see it as yellow not that it becomes yellow not that it seems um I got more the time it is not just let you guys know not that it seems yellow but that you see it as yellow Thomas Sowell from May of Obama that it completely disappears that it dries up and it dies right now think about this expression here tell all those follow up as people just found a lot as human beings we love what we don't possess right you see something from the outside it looks amazing once you get it it's not fulfilling anything right it's not fulfilling I need something else up right - one - two - three - born Steve Jobs died you know iPhone 5 right and it's the same thing as night before but I've heard anyway you know very little difference but gotta have the national gotta have next one I get a card you know I get the latest models of a certain car and then you know it looks amazing before I buy excited I Drive it around for two weeks then next year the same car comes out with the lights a little bit differently I gotta have that car right move on you get a nice house big house put yourself in thirty years of debt slavery so that you can live in this house and then you have to drive an extra hour of work and work more so that you can pay off the bills on that house within a few months another house pops up your friends buy another house house looks nicer than my house right so kind of up you know I that I always always perceive that's what shake law does the allowing my uncle he just beautifies things from the outside then when you get them again you're miserable because it didn't meet your expectations and think about this for a moment every single time every single time I just want you to think about the psychology by the way I noticed I hate speaking to people there might be psychology majors here they might come to me in crisis start trying to correct me and stuff like that you might be right but anyway besides we don't think about this for a moment you buy a car a very nice car brand-new car it looks amazing on the outside in two weeks three weeks a month tops it's just a car at the end of the day it's just a car a person who owns the you know who owns a car that is $40,000 cheaper but does the same thing which takes a person to and from work and where they need to go sees their car as the same way after just a few weeks because at the end of the day it's just a car it's just a house right in the beginning it looks amazing let's enslave ourselves to have this mansion great you know 30 years you're going to be paying off this debt to live in this to living this is this beautiful mansion with all the smart and stuff like that at the end of the day you're just like a person who's living in an apartment because it's just the place that you sleep you're not going to walk in every time and go glass shot a lot of what set it up and done at the end it's not going to be big enough for you it's going to be different it's not artsy enough right we gotta go spend some more money and more money and more money the point that's that Allah is making everything turns yellow think about everything turns yellow it's not green anymore after you own it everything turns yellow so a loss of Caritas describing this these phases that we go from life from from being an infant from being a baby to being an old person as it's basically like a hamster wheel you're not getting anywhere you're writing but you're not getting anywhere okay you're moving on from one stage to another and the faster that you break that addiction the happier you will be right so you look at a person for example we found the lost parrot at at a very young age really really found the lost palette online developed a strong attachment to a lot of very young age the quicker that you break that addiction the easier that withdrawal will be right at the same time the half Ruby's prevalence naturally you found a lot early age you found meaning and purpose in your life right we found with you find meaning and purpose near life you know this is so amazing but often spoke about the way Hakuna Matata what an athlete on camera da Vinci be a losses and then in the hereafter you're punished meaning what it was it was already punishment it was around that it was punishment to keep achieving what you thought was going to give you happy get you happy and then become miserable as a result the you know it's kind of love is the highest number of suicides in this country consistently every year is from top earner CEOs celebrities right when's the last time you found the celebrity that was really happy you know but there is some fraction but it's because they're doing me meaningful stuff right they did meaningful stuff with their money they lived on and they move a purpose charity whatever it may be but usually what happens is that that celebrity who's in all of this glamour is going to end up dying in some hotel bathroom we're going to end up drowning in some pool we're going to be found behind a 7-eleven with a needle and pin fine something's going to happen you're going to be like whoa right I was always the music catalog I'm still on al so Steve where's the fasting here means Deaver still in a while we're still loyal first email address I've ever had it's still my email address today all right and they always have this up the news thing that pops up is always what happened to your favorite ad start you know how do they look now right and it's like sometimes you're curious it's like okay a lot of family matters yes it's like you see this nice little happy child next thing you know you see someone like with black make a hole look busted up in a mug shot or something like this like what happened to that person right and you really fell off you guys remember the show Diff'rent Strokes anybody remember Diff'rent Strokes right Gary Coleman and the white dad of to live children which apparently solved the entire race problem in the United States right and what was the older brother of Gary Coleman named Willis which you talked with Willis right 80 skills right Willis okay I know what happened to Willis after it like that show up less in elements all kinds of stuff right he's terrible things it's probably I remember watching the interview with him it's like you know why are you so miserable what happened you would like the golden child who's you know what's it all about and he says because I thought that stuff was going to make me happy right Roy Rudin I thought that stuff was going to make me happy I thought that pain was going to make me happy right I remember there is another celebrity in spawn I want to mention her name but you know you always see celebrities that do crazy crazy great stuff I don't watch TMZ I'll watch any of them stuff I don't want any of that nonsense or garbage I think it's absolutely pointless and worthless but Chawla sometimes you really really do take lessons from them I'll never forget there's one celebrity that was being interviewed also crazy depression checked into clinics all that kind of stuff the always miserable things of that sort had it all money fame blabber I know they're like what do you have the question from the interviewer was like what do you want right what do you want and she said I just want to be able to take my son out for an ice cream cone and not have a paparazzi like this think about how profound that answer is you had them I have that you have done right but sprout a lot you know you work your entire life for fame you work your entire life for celebrity status then you're lonely then you know you're not happy you work your entire life for money and your money has driven jobs between you family members they don't really know what really you're frantically betraying even things of that sort its misery of their its misery right in the idea here again is they thought it was going to be fulfilling that it's not fulfilling at all right so loss process imagine the hamster the wheel right you're chasing after something that's non-existent so having a meaningful life really does I changed a lot of things that's problem will be finds enough good deeds doing Islamic work doing good deeds muscles loss why some sudden the Haditha necklace he does a lot capacity Luka five centuries and that's I can finish son okay you guys mind going to more minutes you don't mind okay either somewhat capacitors okay what Atticus ier to parental to beautiful off ice up if your good deeds make you happy and your bad knees make you sad your believable at the very least your various theories in London you know it might be a little bit of even with something's inside of them right you can happen can you do good deeds and you feel bad when you do bad news right even if it's not that much guilt but there's still some some belief inside of you the more your belief is the more the worse you will feel when you communis it and the better you'll feel when you do a good deed the idea here is not that a person becomes proud when they do good deeds it's not that you have a virtue that you become judgments and self-righteous and things of that sort right the idea here is that good deeds make you happy okay they should make you happy you feel good when you press off the budget right you feel good when you create the UM in it you feel good when you make - Rico ha you feel good what you took time to do the or not you feel good when you give charity right it's a natural good feeling okay it's just how we are Tyler program and in fact I thought people loved he said very beautifully he said that everything and that's material
Channel: Qabeelat Safaa
Views: 100,280
Rating: 4.8883719 out of 5
Keywords: Omar Suleiman, AlMaghrib, Al Maghrib, Qabeelat, Safaa, Quran, Hardship, Comes, Ease, Depression, NOVA, South, Florida, Miami, Orlando, Tampa, Fort
Id: xPI2wIjzov8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 90min 57sec (5457 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 04 2012
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