In the Darkest Night - Omar Suleiman

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SMIL alhamdulillah wa salatu salam wa ala rasulillah while adding heat or sahbihi woman wala usually I hate going last because that's when everyone's already dead and ready to go home with masha'Allah you guys clearly still have some energy in you and I'm that I've heard that the conference has been absolutely amazing so I ask Allah spare tire that everything that you benefited with today that you're able to use it to elevate your status on the site of a loss of Hannah Montana and to better your situation in the avila Ilana I mean allah reward all the volunteers all the messiah all of the attendees everyone that made this event happen i mean so i actually uh some han allah i I don't I'll summarize this but it is very much so relevant to the topic I had a very emotional day sort of a rollercoaster so I I went this morning to NASA and that's not why I missed the talk I'll explain you in a minute why I missed the talk I went this morning to NASA with my with my family to kill time because I was waiting on an opportunity to visit somebody and that time was not yet there and he lives just five minutes away from there so I had the opportunity to take my family there and subhanAllah I got there and as I sat in the first theater where they give you the history of launches and things of that sort and my daughter was sitting in my lap it struck me that I actually remembered Subhan Allah being sitting in my dad's lap you know decades ago watching the same movie and I thought to myself till kill a yamuna da we do have ain't enough han allah how time you know flies and the day switch and now I'm the parent and I've got a child in my lap and it was absolutely humbling to remember that right and somehow Noah I had the opportunity to visit my uncle who lives in who lives in Clearlake as well many of you don't know that I have a maternal uncle that lives in Clearlake rusev hana la has only been given a few weeks or a few months to live and I remember the days of joy and the days of happiness and that made me think somehow Allah what in what an illusion this life is but I don't want to give you all a message of despair I don't want to give you all a message of no hope because what makes our Deen so special is that it makes death though we all hate it no one likes that no one likes thinking about death no one likes that separation from their families and so on and so forth but it makes it meaningful there it's not the end we believe in something after not only do we believe in something after we believe in something of more importance and we believe believe in something more meaningful then that which comes before it in fact we see this life as only a preparation for that which comes after so it gives us something to look forward to and it gives us something to think about and it gives us something to absorb and it allows us as we are departing from this world and I ask Allah for you and I everyone in this room personally Tom a good ending because I've seen people with good endings and I can tell you having been around people as they're dying subhanAllah being around righteous people when they leave this world is absolutely beautiful you see smiling you see calmness you see tranquility you see it in their eyes that they're already seeing something and you can see that they're already longing for something that's coming next it's absolutely beautiful to see that because you know that there's something else I can see fahan in the in the front row you're around dying people all the time in the ER personally tom is beautiful seeing someone with a good ending is something that's absolutely amazing it's absolutely beautiful and the prophets like son taught us to long for that and to ask Allah for it that Allah makes the best of our deeds the last of them so I asked a lot that he makes all of us have a beautiful ending he allows all of us to have a beautiful ending and to be greeted by angels of mercy that will wrap us up in the Caffyn of agenda of paradise with the musk of paradise and take us to the era lean take us to the highest ranks and register us with allah subhanahu wata'ala because verily if that time is good then everything that follows is good but the nature of my talk and what I'm going to share with you all today actually relates a lot more to what you have the NASA was just talking about what she had the NASA was talking about where I at and signs in the Quran and the signs that are to make you stop and pause and reflect and reassess everything reassess your spiritual state reassess your direction reassess whether or not your approach to life is fundamentally correct or flawed it forces you to pause and reflect and reflection is a broad term reflection is an umbrella because there's there are a lot of different types of reflection and some reflections are deeper than others and more meaningful than others and what I'm going to address is the other side of that when it's not an ayah of the quran a verse of the quran but it's something that happens to you in life it's a major shakeup that suddenly hits you in life and subhanAllah it is so inevitable that everyone that thought they would have escaped it got hit with it at some point that test that trial that's so different from every other trial and test in life you've been hit with pain you've had major major tragedies in life and you were able to power through those and you were able to say in hamdulillah and you thought because you succeeded with that test that any other test that comes to you in life you're going to react the same way you developed a sense of confidence and you see other people go through crisis and when I say crisis I don't mean crisis in regards to the scalability of the tragedy I mean crisis in the way that they're responding to it crisis in the utter confusion that they're left in after they've been hit with that major tragedy and you go in hamdulillah that didn't happen to me I went through a similar tragedy and I didn't go through that and maybe Allah subhana WA Ta'ala will test you in a different way maybe you were well fortified for the nature of the tragedy that that person was going through so maybe you just really know how to deal with the loss of relatives though it's a very difficult test to deal with but maybe you are really prepared for them and you've seen other people lose their relatives so when you lost your relatives you were well fortified but you never expected a test of another nature to shake you up in the way that it shakes you up what am I talking about ah shuttle D allahu taala an huh she was with the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam on the day of her hood she felt him Allah Allah Hannah who was pregnant with Al Hassan moly allahu ta'ala anhu her first child on silane the mother of annasidou Malik may Allah be pleased with them both and a few other of the women of the Ansar were holding their buckets of water and they had their their bandages and they had their their medical gear to nurse the victims of it they were only a few women because they had a sense of invincibility as a community because if we want bethod of the way that we want better and only lost a handful of people then surely we will handle it the same way if Allah gave us victory embedded where we will where we were less armed where we were less equipped than we are now in surely a loss of Hana Hana is going to make this easy and we're going to win this and the amount of casualties that we're going to suffer are not going to be that many so it's only a handful of women uh e shuttle the alone huh was one of them and then the Muslims start falling people start getting slaughtered and massacred some of them so badly that they cannot be recognized except by their fingertips like the uncle of an asymptomatic and suddenly there is chaos and tragedy and aisha radi allahu ta'ala anhu says we lifted our abayas there the anklets of the women showed because they lifted their abayas because they were running to the battlefield trying to nurse all of these people that are falling dead trying to nurse all of these people that are critically wounded some women did it a little differently o my model while the allah one has stood in front of the prophets lie some pick tup a sword and started defending the prophet sallallaahu idea salaam but suddenly this was a tragedy that was not expected by anybody the believers had a sense of invincibility what's happening here the prophets I Salam is dead that's what's being shouted out putana Muhammad Muhammad sallallaahu our ego Saddam himself has been killed the people are screaming they try to run in different directions but they're being surrounded by both sides everything has changed the nature of this battle has changed the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam did not die but he was very close he was struck in various ways in his shoulder in his face the blood was running down his face the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam fell into a ditch and literally had a man driving his helmet into his head both of his front teeth knocked out sallallahu alayhi wasallam and he had to be carried because he couldn't even walk after the beating that he endured in the Battle of hoods and aisha radi allow and I saw that she saw the Prophet slicing him that day she saw the hopelessness in the faces of so many people when they lost their dead she saw homina vintage running to the battlefield over the mutilated body of Musab a made her husband she saw they saw Sophia the sister of Homs out of the allahu khairan safiyya bint Abdul Mutallab about the allow and her running to the battlefield and the Prophet slicin told an asymptomatic he said goes are told as obeyed go stop her don't let her see hamza don't let her see her brother and she's insisting and trying to go forth and see the mutilated body of hams allodial oh I know and the prophets why some said don't let her come don't let her see it and the Prophet slicing him cried on the day of hurt in a way that the Companions never heard him cry when he saw the body of Hamza Lodi Aloha that was his uncle that was his brother he was the same age as him he was so close to the messenger sallallaahu RT with some he was so beloved him and he was a he was a pillar in this community one of the first strong man if not the first strong man to embrace this faith and now he's lying dead and mutilated that her and the profits like some cried a lot and I assured of the Aloha and her she remembers nursing the wounds of the prophet salallahu alayhi wasalam and the despair in the city of medina losing all the people that they did why do I give you this lengthy introduction because I eat all of the allaha sod I asked the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was heard the worst day of your life because she saw that and she could not imagine a day more horrendous than the day of her head she could not imagine a blood year Day a day of more hopelessness and helplessness than the day of hurt ya rasulallah was that the worst day of your life and the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said no it was actually the last day of thought it was actually the last day of those two weeks of calling the people of Thoth to Islam and being rejected in the way that he was rejected sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and being run out pelted with stones and finding himself salallahu alaihe salam in a lonely place under a tree where no one else is with him and only a loss of hana ho to allah sees him and hears in a lonely place where he could not complain to anybody other than allah where he did not have emotional support where no one cared that he was crying the way that he was crying where no one cared that he was wounded that was the worst day of my life why did the Prophet slicing him bleed more on the day of thought than he did on or hurt no he bled more in or hurt and bah he was pelted with stones and words and or head he was struck with sword sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and literally almost killed but thought if was worse and I shot out the alarm and I didn't see the prophet sallallaahu hiding who a sediment off she was too young she wasn't married to the prophets why some at the time she didn't know what that day was like she didn't know what that time period was like but she saw him in order then just assumed that tragedy must have been the word because that shook the community and it took away the sense of invincibility that this community had but boy if was worse why why was thought if worse not because of the pain not because of the wounds but because the nature of the tests of thought if was different this was that trial that hits you so hard that it forces you to reassess and reanalyze everything that has happened up until that point it makes you look back at life all the way up until that point and say where am I going what am i doing is it worth it is it the right thing that's the breaking point in a person's life that's the point where you you know the pressure has been building all this time I mean he was forceful Alana he was sudden up in the boycott in the era of the boycott to hear the kids crying at night because they were too hungry and they were too thirsty and their parents had nothing to feed them nothing to give them he had to hear those cries every night sallallahu wasallam and Abu jihad would stop him and say you're doing that to your people your message is causing those children to cry that's pressure that hurts he had to get in the grave sallallaahu re wa sallam and received the body of Khadijah of the Aloha China and her and bury her knowing that would caused her death or what what's what spurred it was the boycott that happened as a result of his message within the same three days he had to bury his uncle Abu Paula he had to see it all go down the drain salallahu alaihe salam in a matter of ten years afterlife was beautiful and fine and Khadija was smiling and Abu Talib was smiling and we were a happy family and we had nothing in our lives that would cause us any distress suddenly he's lost them all and the pressure is building but the breaking point didn't hit him yet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam because the prophets lie some throughout all of that still new it's worth it if I've got to sacrifice this and that family has to go reputation has to go we have we're going to be persecuted this way he still had that results Allah Lara's on him he still knew it was worth it and he still had hope and determination that things were just going things were about to turn around that where I'm at right now and you can imagine if you're the Prophet slice I'm standing in the empty grave of Khadijah lalala and her receiving her body that it can't get worse than this I can't be treated any worse than the people of Mecca have treated me it can only get better from here he still had hope so Allah are you Selim there was still a sense of resolve but thought if was the breaking point because thought have seemed to be the decisive closed door that it is not getting better after this it doesn't matter who you go to with this message each and every single time the intensity of the rejection is only going to increase and now the prophets like Selim is sitting under a tree an assailant Kabir a right around the era era area five and looking up and wondering Ya Allah Ya Allah what is it what now what what's the what is the what is the manifest date what is this a manifestation of is this your anger with me Allah what what's going to come next if I've been rejected by the people of Mecca and I've been rejected by the people of life and I've lost my family members in the process what is possibly going to change now what comes next and is this a manifestation of your anger that moment that the prophets I sanam faced is a decisive moment it's a turning point in his life sallallahu wasallam and all of us have that moment in our lives granted at a far less degree of intensity than what the prophets Lysanne face but everybody gets hit with a moment like that in life a test like that in life where it's not about the intensity of the pain it's the the confusion the wondering what comes next and what have I done up until this point where you start looking to your past and you start looking to your future and seemingly everything suddenly is subject to questioning the constants in your life that you've had up until that point your marriage your family life your career whatever stability you had in your and in your life at that point suddenly your foundation has shaken and you're wondering what now what comes next for some people it's the death of a family member that they really love someone that they could count on through thick and thin for some people it's I've been a successful businessman my entire life and suddenly suddenly my career is in jeopardy and I'm having to worry about paying the bills for some people it's I've had a wonderful marriage my entire life our entire lives we used to sit and tell each other that nothing would ever happen and we used to look to other couples falling apart and say that we'll never be us but now you're questioning that as well and then worse than all of that whatever yeah the villa is one your faith your foundation of faith is now subject to questioning and you're going is it all real I mean I know I love this Deen and I know I felt great when I was at the seminar and at the conference not the class and the message' then I know Ramadan was special and stuff but is it real or is it not real that type of test is the decisive test it is the crisis that almost every individual and human being will face in their lives and at that moment it's a matter of the word that you will say and literally how you will react that will determine at OU ND or at Suhani whether you will come into the guardianship of a loss of Hannah Montana or whether you will be left to face the rest of the tests that come after that in ways that you have no help it's a really really scary moment for some people it's the midlife crisis hat Isabella I should do rubella Bahrainis a person reaches their strength they reach their peak at the age of 33 then they reach the age of 40 they could look back and they could say what have I done until now they could look back and they could reassess their level of religiosity and in this case when Allah mentions to us thought of Bo their knee and s corny romantic Alethia namtar a yellow LED the person who reacted positively and said oh Allah I recognise this near me now I recognize this blessing I recognized the the great burden that my parents incurred because of me and what they've done for me I recognize that I'm at a very decisive point in my life run Bo journey and as corny romantic allottee and I'm telling you are re Deo Allah brought in my chest expand my horizon allow me to really recognize it from now on and to thank you and thank my parents for the blessing of Islam upon us well an Metta Saudi hunter blah and it's a rededication that from now on for the rest of my life Ya Allah I'm going to only do things that are pleasing to you well uh slightly fee the realty and oh my god I have kids I need to worry about - oh Allah make them righteous don't let them have to go through the trials that I went through don't let them have to go through the confusion questioning that I went through a slightly fee the rillette EO Allah correct them in need to bow to a lake I'm turning back to ya alive done a lot well in Niemann l muslimeen and i am amongst those who submit that's one means of that point in life where it's like okay reassess reanalyze and it turned out to be the right way but let's talk about this test as it comes to you the nature of that test the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam the very first prophets that he was informed about in the quran was who anybody know the first prophets that came in the quran mentioned to the prophets Isilon was Eunice alehissalaam phosphor alchemy Rebecca well Articuno Sahib in who T is nada mejor McCune Allah mentions to the prophet sallallaahu Rd he was that'd be patience with the command of your Lord don't be like Eunice Adi his Salaam Sahib in hoot when he called upon a loss of a note either when he was swallowed don't wait until that moment don't find yourself in that situation that unit alehissalaam found himself in to call upon a loss of hano Matata and ask Allah subhana WA Ta'ala for help lola and tada raka who near metalman lobby he had the mercy of allah not come to him and the forgiveness of the Lord not come to him at that point where he was at then he would have laid in disgrace bare humiliated for the rest of his existence it's amazing a loss of Hanuman two addresses and other and then the other sorta lost pannacotta says that let me fifty bucks heal me you better soon I would have left him in the stomach of that whale until the day of judgement he would have stayed there forever not just in the physical sense but in the spiritual sense as one who broke at that decisive moment when that point came to him and abandoned everything that he had up until that point he would have been in a miserable situation you Anna Solley his Salam would have been doomed literally until the day of judgement he would have went down as that prophet the prophet that turned away and the prophet that died in disgrace he would have went down that way but fujita boo hoo boo hoo feijoada home in a slaughter hain allah chose him and made him from the righteous what does that mean Yunus faced his breaking points he had that moment where you know what I give up on you people it's that moment where your reanalyzing everything your reassessing there's no good in you people there's no hope in you people the punishment of Allah is coming upon you undone and he turned away from a lot from those people maja leave on a pony he was angry with his people he's steaming it he was happy to hear of their destruction or to know that they were going to be destroyed but the problem was not that well one nakida ali allah subhana wa to add a said and he thought that we wouldn't punish him for turning away then his people subhanallah threw him off of that ship Ibrahim helada said that Yunus alehissalaam abandoned the Dara to the people that would save them from drowning in their Co for drowning in their disbelief and so in like manner the people on that ship abandoned him and allowed him to drown in his physical death they knew when they threw him overboard he's going to die they didn't care because they were trying to save themselves it came back to him in like manner and a loss of Hana Matata sends a whale to swallow him and he's in the stomach of that whale and somehow Allah as much as you talk about this seriously if you have to close your eyes and imagine you've just been thrown overboard you're drowning and you know as you're drowning that it's about to be over it's it's a very very you know harsh way to go right because you know that your breath your oxygen is getting less and less you're unable to hold your breath you're drowning and suddenly you're swallowed by a whale it's a dark night I've been miserable the allow and who says imagine the scene he'll almighty late in the darkness of the night in the darkness of the ocean in the darkness of the stomach of that well I mean where am i right now and where did I land myself in and you talk about a time to reassess and reevaluate literally in the stomach of a whale and the acids are eating away at you and somehow Allah at that moment seriously Yunus alehissalaam at that moment if there I mean that that is a moment to really despair that's a moment to give up that's a moment to say there is it's absolutely impossible anything Goods going to come out of this and somehow Allah he calls upon allah subhana wa tada and it's amazing he says Ya Allah I'm calling you from a place I don't think anyone has ever called you from before subhanAllah I seriously doubt that anyone has ever been in the situation that I'm in right now I'm calling you from a place I don't think anyone has called you from before in the stomach of a whale and the bottom of the ocean in the darkness of the night he can't see anything he can't see anything he's just getting hit and he's disintegrating from that from from the acid and so on so forth and he calls upon allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala and la ilaha illa anta subhanaka inni kuntu me l-'alameen la ilaha illa anta subhanaka inni kuntu me Nevada mean la ilaha illa anta subhanaka inni kuntu me Nevada mean I'm not even going to have the audacity to ask you to get me out of the stomach of this well I'm just calling upon you yeah Allah la ilaha illa anta there is no god but you subhanak how perfect are you how perfect are you in Nikken to me Nevada mean I am the one with the imperfections I am the one who wronged himself this was not you oh Allah I'm not bitter it was a moment of realization and what a moment to have that realization I have no complaints to Ya Allah I know that I deserve what just came to me I know that I deserve to be in this desperate situation la ilaha illa anta subhanaka inni kuntu me know what I mean I'm not going to plead my case with you and tell you about how terrible my people are and what they did to me because the circumstances are irrelevant to a loss of Hanoi Tejada it's not about the circumstances it's about Allah make taking a covenant with you and you taking a covenant with Allah and you abandoning that covenant and Allah told you he would test you Allah told you he would send you moments like that Allah told you he would send you he what he would send you moments that would really really burn it's not about how much it earns or what it felt like or how terrible the circumstances were Allah already told you that was going to happen and you took a covenant with Allah that you would obey him and you would worship him and you would turn to him no matter how severe those circumstances God you thought it was all good you thought based on your previous tests and your previous trials you'd be able to weather any storm but this storm is different you know citing Saddam has no complaints he does not plead his case he doesn't say Ya Allah these people are unlike any people I know knew had a his Saddam had solvent for 950 years my people are different from the people of new heading son he didn't do any of that ha ha ha - somehow nicotinic when Simon a lot I mean Ya Allah I messed up I've got nothing to blame you for it subhana I'm not bitter with you I'm not saying yeah a lot could you have not given me that severe of a test because if you would have made it a little bit lighter than I think I would have succeeded with my people no subhanak you're perfect you are perfect your decree is perfect your wisdom is perfect your reasoning is perfect your mercy is undeniable your justice is as is perfect your judgment is infallible Ya Allah you're perfect I messed up I misread the situation I reacted the wrong way all of that is contained within Sihanouk how perfect are you and the Angels hear this voice in the heavens and they say Sultan Marouf mean mccannon Gareeb that's a voice that we've heard before from a very strange place the stomach of a whale and Allah subhana WA Ta'ala says finite fauna jana human elohim waka Valle can dungeon what meaning we saved him from that darkness we got him out the will spit him on to an island he laid there he suffered the Sun rose and it burned him because of the acid on his body Yunus not ask to be saved Yunus just wanted to be forgiven because that's the goal of life is to not disobey Allah in a way that would disqualify you from his forgiveness Eurosonic his salaam had given up hope on going back to his people and things being all good there that was a done deal just forgive me Allah Allah forgave him and Allah allowed him to be laying bare as the Sun rose on him and his body burned and then subhanAllah he went back to his people and what did he find all of them were Muslim all of them accepted his religion and it wasn't like 70 or 80 people like knew how to use Saddam at least had some followers right the civilization of mean Ava in Iraq was a civilization that of course will be rahim allah says that URIs alehissalaam came back and found one hundred thousand believers he found an entire civilization of believers that were now embracing him and accepting his message Allah made the way out for him a loss of Hannah what Adam made that we offer him but it took that crushing moment to reanalyze and to reassess and at that moment of you react the way you're supposed to react what comes after is nothing but foot to hat nothing but victories in life nothing but the help of allah subhanaw taala and perspective and andy and the fortress within your heart to be able to deal with any test that's going to come after that you pass that test and everything after that comes easy in the relative sense and the prophet salallahu alayhi wasalam when he faced that breaking point what could have been the end for him what could have been the point where the prophets lie some said enough of these people destroy them the prophets Ison did not just you know have the opportunity to wish for a lot to destroy them he had the angel set by Allah offering to him to destroy them he could have Salalah my ego Saddam said this is enough I've had enough and really broke but he didn't and subhanAllah on that day the man that came to him to serve him grapes I'd us and the Prophet so I said I'm said bismillah before he ate those grapes and I dusted people in this land don't say bismillah where did you get that from he says where are you from he says Nineveh in Iraq he said Oh from the land of a Kasauli and nabila thought my righteous brother the righteous prophet yunus emre matzah Jonah Yunus on Islam that's where you're from he says how do you know and he says he's an ABI I'm an ABI and then NB a-- our brothers in a loss of Hana Hana and how amazing the first person the Prophet slicin was told about in the Quran from the MBA was Yunus on Islam don't give up and on the worst day of his life when any one of us would have given up Allah sends him a fruit from his brother Yunus alehissalaam this is why you shouldn't give up because even if those people reject their children might accept Islam and that's exactly what the dua of the prophets like some was on thought maybe the generations after will be different and Allah gave it to him dear brothers and sisters my time is up but I want you to recognize the prophet salallahu alayhi wasalam says dura aki the noon the deer out of my brother Yunus alehissalaam madera be hammock reub no person in distress calls upon Allah with that door at except that Allah Subhanahu WA Ta'ala will answer him acknowledge Allah's oneness acknowledge a loss perfection acknowledge your own shortcomings face that test and when everything else seems to be a moving piece in life solidify yourself try to grab and hold on in those moments and remember everyone has been here before each and every single person every person faces that moment in life even the mb a-- of allah even the prophets of allah at that moment you hold your ground you solidify yourself ask allah for protection ask allah for forgiveness have the right people around you to remind you of a loss of Hannah - Atta you need them at that time to remind you of a loss of Hannah Matata plant your feet firmly and inshallah tada everything that comes after that will be something that you can deal with I ask a loss of Hannah Hannah not to test or burden anyone of us beyond our scopes I ask Allah subhana WA Ta'ala that when we face moments in life where the test is so severe that it confuses us and that it shakes our record that a loss of Panama to Adam makes that a means of our Iman becoming stronger and firmer I ask Allah subhana WA Ta'ala that when we inevitably face tests and trials in life that the last moments of our lives our moments of pleasure and tranquility and satisfaction and contentment with allah subhanahu wata'ala and that a loss of Hannah Matata looks at us and despite all of our shortcomings and everything that we brought to that day a loss of Hanoi Terada overwhelms us with His mercy on that day and for the rest of our eternity Allah Ameen barakallahu li walakum of Salaam aleikum
Channel: Digital Mimbar
Views: 237,159
Rating: 4.9011116 out of 5
Keywords: islam, muslim, muslims, islamic, quran, koran, allah, muhammad, mohammed, mohamed, prophet, hadith, sunnah, shaykh, imam, lecture, khutbah, khutba, ramadan, bilal philips, sufi, salafi, hanafi, hijab, nasheed, nashid, almaghrib, dars, halaqa, bayan, convert, revert, shahada, dawah, da'wah, maher zain, sami yusuf, atheism, science, atheist, qur'an, recitation, surah, afasy, religion, religious, deen, madhhab, shia, sunni, AlMaghrib Institute, Omar Suleiman, IlmFest
Id: Tss0qgigfsQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 45sec (2205 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 23 2016
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