Fear Must Go! by Sh. Omar Suleiman | ICNA-MAS Convention 2018

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[Music] so now on a comprehensive live at a cartoon peace be with you all Smirnov hamdulillah salat wa salam ala rasulillah early he was happy he women wala we begin with the name of allah subhanahu wa ta'ala and we bear witness that none has the right to be worshipped or unconditionally obeyed except for him and we ask him to send his peace and blessings upon his messenger muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam his family his companions and those that follow until the day of judgement Allah Ameen dear brothers and sisters everything I had prepared just went out the window because of what chef Muhammad the Chanel we covered not because he took my material but because there were so many points that he touched on that segue into this discussion of fear fear is a very interesting emotion it can motivate or it can paralyze it can be productive or it could be destructive depending on who you fear why you fear and what you fear that fear is either praised in the Quran or it is looked down upon when it becomes paralyzing and destructive and leads you to nowhere but despair the last lecture by shiki Baba talked a lot about hope and unless you have that hope to balance you out there is no way that that fear could possibly be productive because the default of fear is that it is a paralyzing emotion it needs hope in order for it to be productive but I want to start off based on a hadith that builds on what was just talked about with an asymptomatic called the alone who describing the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and i want you to picture the scene if there was to be an attack on a city what usually happens to the most important people that reside in that city where do they go what do they do I'm actually asking a question by the way it's not rhetorical they hide when a head of state is present and an attack unfolds typically speaking the head of state will be locked down under maximum security and those who are already most vulnerable and poorest will be the greatest at risk because they weren't even important in the first place and that's another discussion altogether but too often we only talk about the oppressed when they die not when they're living so when we talk about black lives matter it's not black deaths matter there's a whole system of black lives matter which is to be discussed before black deaths but that's aside from the case usually the most vulnerable are thrown up there and the most powerful and the most important those who are deemed most important are hid away and tucked away often by their own commands I want you to picture the scene in Medina and this hadith sends shivers down my spine because I always think about it when I think about the quality of fearlessness that we take from the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam i Necip normally called the ilaha I know as he usually did when he would reflect on the life of the Prophet sallallaahu Hardy was that I'm described a beautiful quality of the Prophet peace be upon him and that a manifestation of that beautiful quality and there's a pattern there when you study the narrations of anise may Allah be pleased to them that he'll say something beautiful about the Prophet slice on him but it's easy to cast a quality on a person but then he'll actually give an example of how that quality was lived so he says countless little law he said Allah Hardy who set him a son on us the Prophet SAW Elam was the best of people and in this context he's also speaking about the way that he was externally he was the most perfect of people what edgewood in us and the most generous of people well as gentleness and the most courageous of people and he recalled this incident that took place where there was some noise outside in the middle of the night in Medina and the people thought that they were under attack so when Medina is under attack where do you think the prophet sallallaahu Rd was sanam should go what do you think the protocol should be shouldn't everyone surround the house of the Prophet slice of them and make sure that he's protected Medina's supposedly under attack and he said and we came out and we see the prophet salallahu alayhi wasalam riding on his horse unstrapped to it so the prophet saw salem is not is is completely unrestrained on this horse and he has his sword in his hand and the prophets lai Salam is riding around to make sure that whatever came would be deterred and the prophet sallallaahu hiding who said I'm says to the companion says to the people of medina l'm toronto l'm Toronto do not be afraid do not be afraid I did all the allahu anhu says that when the battle would become toughest when it would become hottest and when we would be utterly exhausted the people would hide behind the Prophet peace be upon him in battle he was the nearest to the enemy al bara said that the bravest of us would only be standing next to him sallallahu alayhi wa sallam what was it about the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam that gave him such courage and such composure in the face of things that would usually cause people absolute fear and fear is a more comprehensive emotion in the Quran there are different things that you fear some people fear death and you sound radical when you tell people not to fear death until you can throw in a Socrates quote which exists or a quote from Plato or a quote from dr. Martin Luther King who said that if you haven't found something worth dying for then you're not really alive but when the prophet sallallaahu Harding wa sallam says that the nations will gather against you and feast on you at a table and fear and one will be placed in your heart and the companion said what is that one prophets like Samson hobo dunya or karahi attend notes to love the world too much and to hate death too much that doesn't make us a death cult you can find similar sayings in context to the same effect that if you haven't found something that gives you absolute resolve in the face of things that should should make you scared then you need to reconsider what it is that you're living for in the first place what was it about the prophets I some that he didn't fear the snares of the people and the stairs of the people and the smears of the people Allah describes that as a legitimate fear in the Quran the fear of being outcast when I aha foon Aloma tell em they're not afraid of the blame of the blamers we're not worried about being outcasts what was it about the prophet sallallaahu hearty wasalam that when a man grabs his sword and stands on top of him and says ya muhammad many am now kamini o muhammad sallallaahu will stop me from killing you that the prophets lie salam with full composure and tranquility can say allah without stuttering without shaking allah there was something about him sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and it was that complete trust in allah that nothing was worth fearing but allah that no consequence that would be faced for his sake is taught is to be feared either what's the worst that they could do to you what's the worst that they could do to you when you're living for a loss of Hannah Hannah Hannah if they kill you at Shahada its martyrdom whatever they do to you if they slander you then Allah will glorify you and raise you what's the worst that they could do to you that's that fearlessness that was in the voice the uncovering voice of it been taymiyah rahim allah when he said what can my enemies do to me my garden is my heart Jenna's in my heart you can't take it away they'd kill me it's martyrdom they deport me then it's a chance to reflect on the signs of Allah and if they leave me in isolation then it's a chance to be in seclusion with Allah there is no fear because there is nothing worth fearing except for him and there is no consequence worth fearing if it is faced because of your determination to do what He commands you to do Subhanahu WA Ta'ala and the prophets lie some taught us many lessons in that and I want you to think about this because fear is a natural emotion and it takes time to get over that and for many people they really start to get over that fear when they face things that they realize were not so bad as they were made out to be when they overcome difficulties in their life then they're able to conceive of how they would deal with a difficulty of a greater magnitude when they face it in their lives so it's not when you're afraid that you're insincere but sincerity propels you to that fearlessness and to that courage when we see the erisa the honor of our modern-day Muslim heroes in a Hajj medica Shabazz Malcolm X who said very bluntly that he never does or says anything except that he expects the most difficult of circumstances and consequences as a result of it if you YouTube Muhammad Ali bodyguard a man who many in America predicted would be assassinated by the way and said it was a miracle that he lived to see 40 you could actually go back and read the editorials of people expressing amazement that Muhammad Ali was not assassinated may Allah have mercy on him and the man walked around without a bodyguard fearing no one but Allah in an era where any black man who opened his mouth too much would be assassinated Muhammad Ali may Allah have mercy on him who had the biggest mouths for Allah and for the truth went untouched apartment was set on fire the day that Malcolm was assassinated and it only allowed him to grow in that determination it was meant to shake him but it only further stabilized him where does that come from what it comes from is not seeing what's around you that is supposed to be causing you fear but stabilizing that which is in the inside and reminding yourself of the one who sent you here with a purpose and the one who truly protects you and the one who truly rewards you and the one who truly honors you what can anyone do to you then it was the scene in the Battle of hoods when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was almost killed and he's carried behind the mountain and his enemies call out a field follow me Muhammad's is Muhammad SAW he said I'm amongst you is Abu Hafsah the father of Abu Bakr amongst you is Omer amongst you and they boast they boast that this was a day for us that we have avenged our fallen embedded and one of the words that came out of them or one of the sentences that came out of the mouths of Abu Sufyan that day was we have orsa well air is a comb Lennon Larissa we have Ariza an idol and you have no Rosa the prophets lie some didn't tell Omar or the Allah on who to respond and insult his idol because his idol was insignificant and his words were insignificant and his intimidation was insignificant he said respond and say allahu mallanna well amo la allakum Allah is our protector and you have no protector he brought it back to Allah because if you have Allah then nothing else matters that no one else can frighten you then no one else can scare you then no one else can intimidate you because you realize that all dignity and honour and protection comes from him take it back to the prophet salallahu alayhi wasalam chef mohammad just spoke a little bit about it when he's in the cave chef Muhammad spoke about the actual protection from the enemies but think about that if there was any moment that would absolutely send shivers down your spine imagine being in the cave that day and you can smell and see your enemies just a few feet away from you all with their swords ready to pierce your body all of them waiting for the opportunity to kill you you've already seen so many of your own kills you've already seen the torture of a model and Somalia and kebab and so many of your family you've already seen it all and now this appears to be the end and abu bakr radiyaallahu ta'ala anhu started to fear not for himself before the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and the prophet salallahu alayhi wasalam says to him with full composure la tahzan innallaha Marana do not be afraid Allah is with us the prophets why some didn't even mention any of the spider web or the bird's nest or any of the circumstances no why are you afraid Allah is with us la tahzan innallaha morena furans allah llahu Sakina who are they and this is such a beautiful effect of the Quran here Allah specifically says he cast down tranquillity on his heart and Allah knows best but but the scholarly interpretation that his heart is referring to Abu Beckett here that he cast down tranquility on the heart of Abu Bakr double-back had already had a class he was already sincere he was already truthful but Allah settled his heart and put tranquility when you have that composure as you look around you and everything is meant to intimidate you everything is meant to threaten you everything is meant to shock you but on the inside you're growing that trust in God to where it doesn't even faze you anymore I'm not going to pretend like I have no fears and I'm not going to suggest that any one of us has attained the courage of the prophet sallallaahu ID who asylum in this room nor will we ever attain the courage of the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in this room but I will what I will suggest is this that the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam x' equation for attaining a sense of courage and not being afraid always circulated around that singular concept of toe heat of experiencing monotheism in the heart and settling your heart with allah and never overestimating the circumstances or the people or the threats or the things that are said about you if you haven't found something worth dying for then you're not really living if that sounds radical well we have a radical fear of allah and a radical fearlessness of all of these cowards that are trying to intimidate us because of our belief in allah settle yourself on the inside allah knows that we have enough courageous examples that we have enough courageous examples from the prophet sallallaahu anima summon his companions and the righteous who we saw live in our lifetime that were able to propel through the most difficult of circumstances dear brothers and sisters these are times that are meant to scare you and I want to end with this and my time is already up and actually I didn't even scratch the surface of what I wanted to do but I'll say this the first thing is just recognize that everything around you right now is meant to intimidate you all of these all of the new cycles all of the politicians words all of these threats all of the incidents that are taking place it's meant to scare you the greatest way to resist that is to build that trust in allah subhana wa ta'ala how you do that is by centering him in your life in times that are not frightening so that you will have him in times that are frightening and that's what the prophet sallallaahu RD was on them taught that remember Allah in your times of prosperity and Allah will be with you be with Allah in your prosperity Allah will be with you in your adversity that's not just referring to I know you always hear that at the fundraiser that's not just referring to your financial capital or the money that you have when you have money be generous and give so that when you don't or when you're in a hard time Allah will send money to you be with Allah and prosperity Allah will be with you an adversity be with Allah in times when you're not afraid and Allah will know you and be with you in times that you are afraid but Center Allah on your life and as a community we need to Center allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala once again in our discourse and remind ourselves that allahu mallanna well a mole Allah whom Allah is our protector and they have no protector does Arkam oh hey doma said I want to come on [Applause]
Channel: ICNA
Views: 281,862
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Keywords: icna, islam, muslims, whyislam, muslim, ym, icnatv, environment, icna convention, convention, Islamic Circle Of North America (Nonprofit Organization), icna-mas, mas convention, Baltimore (City/Town/Village), baltimore convention, parenting, moslem, koran, quran, Muhammad, Prophet, teenage, happiness, peace, purpose of life, marriage, islamophobia, terrorism, american muslim, muslim american, jihad, jesus, moses, muhammad, nouman ali khan, nak, anj, jangda, omer suleiman, webb, maghrib, yasir qadhi, tzortzis, fear
Id: 3QCthHs-j14
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 59sec (1139 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 07 2018
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