The Solution to Escape Hardship - Khutbah by Nouman Ali Khan

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He looks different. Did he get a hair transplant?

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/SYEDSAYS 📅︎︎ May 09 2016 🗫︎ replies
in today's food but I'd like to share with you that the purpose of these few minutes that I have with you is to try and share some lessons about one single prayer that Allah teaches us in the Quran and of the ayat that I recited from the seventeenth surah so totally slaw that was the last of the Maccabean lomotil a second well Australasia Malaysia Simkin which I mean in Casselton and nasira it's a very powerful and beautiful prayer that can benefit believers throughout their lives but the purpose of this whole bias to get to that prayer by the end I want to give you some background and some history that you can appreciate where this prayer came from and how it benefited first and foremost our messenger salallahu alayhi wa sallam and by extension it benefits all of us because the first thing that Muslims understand believers understand is the purpose of prayer is that they connect with their master and the master helps them through their prayer all of our prayers in one way or the other every single supplication that we have in one way or the other benefits us in our life in some way it helps us in some way so I want to begin with this surah at the beginning of this sort the surah starts with a very unique incident in the life of our prophet alayhi salaatu wa salaam where he was taken by the angel from the city of Makkah through a divine journey all the way to Jerusalem and then he will he prayed there and then he was taken up a journey in the seven heavens and was brought back to Makkah all in the course of what we consider in the worldly in the worldly sense not even a matter of a second but what took any elaborate amount of time for him because time the way it works in this world is not the way it works in the unseen so when this journey was told about and when the prophets lie some time described to the companions that he had gone on this night journey the Arabic word for a night journey being a surah and that's the first is of had Olivia Swabia bin Laden the how perfect is the one who took his slave in the middle of the night for that journey that's how the surah begins so when he describes this journey of course believers like abu bakr siddiq are immediately confirming that that is what happened as unbelievable as it sounds that in the middle of the night this man traveled from here from Mecca to Jerusalem up the seventh heavens then back and met all of these previous prophets and prayed with them and saw all these scenes of the afterlife and then came back all of it sounded so unbelievable it became a joke to those who disbelieved it actually became something to mock and to make fun of across Makkah for everybody else they would even come to the Muslims and say you really believe he did that you seriously believe he traveled on some some flying horse and went all the way to Jerusalem and then he went up to skies and did intergalactic travel you really honestly believe that this man what he even says that and believers would say yes we do they wouldn't have any doubt about it they their faith unshaken why because the foundation of this faith this is not the foundation of their faith the foundation of their faith was already laid they had already been convinced that this Quran is the word of God it's the word of Allah and this is the Messenger of Allah and once they believed that they understood what Allah is capable of and when Allah can do something for you know for us what he will do for us in our afterlife is much more remarkable when he will resurrect all human beings from their graves so what is how hard is it for them to believe that Allah will take his messenger on a journey like that one in any case this is also a surah around the time when things were getting very difficult for the Prophet and for the Companions not only were they being ridiculed by this time now things were getting physical so Muslims were now starting to get tortured beat threatened there were even plans to either kill the prophet alayhi wa sallam or at the very least expel him from Mikawa in Cadalyst F a Sunnah come in an oddly leo for a Jew come in legally you coming out so they can kick you out of the land they want to terrorize you instill fear in you this is what Allah is commenting on in the surah as well so in light of these things what I wanted to share with you is that when Allah took his messenger to Jerusalem and he said himself in luleå whom in I Athena so we could show him our miraculous signs Allah wants him to ponder over the history of Jerusalem but our Prophet Muhammad sallallahu taala is not a historian of Jewish history he doesn't know a lot about their tradition he doesn't know a lot about that region except for Allah will reveal to him so what does Allah reveal to him in this surah he tells him that they used to be this used to be the house of Allah the Masjid and this was actually violated a couple of times and the people were expelled and they were taken as slaves and this is talked about in the very beginning this is important for the Prophet to learn at this time sallalahu are lucidum because he's also on the verge of being expelled from Makkah so now he's going to learn about a history of people that were expelled from the house of worship and the mush it was even destroyed al hamdulillah the combat was not destroyed but it was certainly violated it was you know surrounded by idols and its legacy was certainly tarnished and then the prophets item is being told on this journey that this journey first of all should tell you that what you're going through is not something new this has happened before this is a legacy of Allah with prophets and you're supposed to be a part of that legacy so don't be saddened about what is about to come this is the first thing that connects these two legacies together the second is when you travel from this earth to all the way the seventh heaven then leaving the city of Makkah to travel to the city of Medina is not going to be a big deal anymore it's going to be easy for you to handle that this is not a long journey we can take we can do this Allah if Allah can guard me and safeguard me through that incredible journey then this other journey that's on the horizon is not going to be a big deal so now allah azzawajal says and even if they did kick you out even if the people of Mecca did expel you even vile buffoonery Lopaka lillah even if they didn't get you out they're not going to stay behind you and stay in power for much longer in other words even if I let you go even if you leave the city of Makkah it's pretty soon that you're going to be coming back it's pretty soon that you're going to get victory again which was completely unimaginable for Muslims who had no authority no control absolutely no respect in that society they were the object of ridicule everywhere they turn they themselves are taking the beatings and now they're being told oh don't worry if you get kicked out of Mecca you'll be coming back because there the last these Mekons that are in control they're not going to last subhanAllah this is the picture that's painted for our prophet salallahu our lives of them but that in the middle of all of this the subject changes and this is where things get really interesting the subject almost becomes a completely different one how do you prepare for a journey how do you prepare for a different transition this is the most difficult one of the most difficult moments in the prophets life Salah love Mariana despite the counsel that Allah has given him our messenger had a lot of love for the Kaaba he had a lot of love for the Kaaba because it was built by his father Ibrahim Abraham and he knew he recognized that so his affinity to that house was much stronger than you know for anybody to leave their home and leave their homeland and the place of their birth is difficult but for our prophet there were these this lynnie the reasons of lineage but also spiritual reasons for him not to honor me and so even before a lot of people don't know this but even before we recommended to pray in the direction of the Kaaba the Muslims were actually instructed to pray in the direction of Jerusalem we were supposed to pray towards al-masjid al-aqsa so what the Prophet used to do while he resided in Makkah is he used to because you could go any way any direction you want around the Kaaba so used to align himself in a way so he's praying with the Kaaba in front of him and Jerusalem is lined up so he would be able to do that so he didn't be able to show respect to the house that his father Abraham built and also I they said I'm and also be able to abide by the regulations of Prayer that still haven't changed we still prayed in the direction of Jerusalem right which by the way also teaches you and me the importance of the Prophet going to that question because that was the original Qibla so he's actually going you could say in a sense it's Imran that was assigned by Allah for him to do because that's the original Qibla you know before this one at least in the seal of the prophets lighten up now the prophet's going to migrate to Medina but when he migrates to Medina and if you want because he has to face Jerusalem again to pray but this time if he's going to face Jerusalem his back is gonna be to Makkah he can't line both of them up together and because Medina is on the way to Jerusalem so you're if you're going to face it you're going to give your back as have to be towards okay and that hurts his feelings even the fact that there are narrations about the prophets I said I'm turning to the Kaaba and crying and talking to it as he's leaving like a mother like a mother that he's parting from solo love Mario solo this is a very very painful journey for the prophet but you know and not only is it a painful journey you should all know that this is also a dangerous journey there are scouts from Mecca that are ready today whose only assignment is to trace his steps find him and kill him that's their job they know that there's a he's planning an escape or this is the light that's come or they're thinking he might have escaped and they're gonna Scout him out and find him and kill him and it got to the point where they were almost killed that's going to be described much later on in the Quran and so to table that was revealed much later when the scouts were virtually at their feet and they're literally in a ditch in the ground it's nighttime so it's just a matter of these guys looking down if they look down they'll find the Prophet and above a cat hiding they could seen them and that's the point where the Prophet was you know given revelation abu bakr as-siddiq was worried and he said the Prophet turned diamond said that tax on innallaha mana don't be sad Allah is with us it's amazing that even at that point he didn't say don't be afraid of lies with us he said don't be sad Allah is with us and well but God wasn't afraid he was just sad that if this happens the truth will die here the truth will no longer spread that was a sadness that was killing him not the fear of death so no reason to sail at the hop in namaha mana but rather that accident in allah allah you know don't be sad allah is with us but in any case this journey is going to be an extremely difficult one it's an extremely sad one it's an extremely painful one and in considering all of that now Allah is going to give the prophets lights on them the proper provisions how are you supposed to prepare for this journey you know this is something that letters all the time when you prepare for a difficult journey he gives instruction for example when we go to Hajj Allah says with as a widow Laila is fighting the height is 8 o'clock what when you're going to go to Hajj which is a tough journey Allah says make sure you take precautions make sure you pack properly make sure you have your passport in order make sure you have enough savings make sure you take a safe road make sure you don't talk to strangers all of thats captured site as a widow for in the high desert up I'm the best of all provisions you can have as your consciousness of Allah and caution when you travel be careful when you travel this is what Allah says when you travel so how is a lot going to prepare the prophets later on for this journey what does he say you'll be surprised these as Acuna Salaf and lulu kasam se la se la locura and budgin this has established a prayer from the time the Sun comes up to the time the night becomes really deep and dark and especially the Quran of budget the Quran of the Fajr prayer you want to prepare for this journey pray if you want to prepare for this journey and the prophets already committed to prayer Salah so it's not like this ayah came and now he started praying it's now he's being told in order to me now you're going to be disconnected from your people you're going to be disconnected from your motherland well I'm Tehillim we have invalid this land that you're going to be leaving but you know what one connection will remain and that connection has to be strengthened like never before that's the connection with Allah and of that ultimate connection by the way the Arabic word for connection is Salah from Salem Salah which is prayer itself and so life's telling him no matter how much you get severed from this place you will never get severed from Allah and of all those prayers those five prayers the one that would truly connect you to Allah is going to be the the Quran of budget he didn't even call it the prayer of budget notice he called it the Quran of federal budget actually Quran is not made a Bafa for Arabic students it's not making love to other than to to unfuck it it's incredible the word Quran in the Quran is never connected to anything in it the way it is to the word of legend it's a it's a remarkable thing so Allah is telling our messenger salallahu alayhi wa sallam especially that break of dawn when when darkness ends and light begins at that time that is the time to recite the Quran why is that significant for many reasons in this football share a couple of them with you you know the era between the departure of Jesus of Greece alehissalaam and the coming of our prophet sallallaahu audience of them is this long period of Darkness it's like a night and then finally the light of Revelation came which is like the morning that's like the morning the Quran recited that budget is actually it symbolizes the end of the age of darkness and the beginning of Revelation the Prophet SAW salem is being told even if you're going to most the most darkest of times the humanity was in much darker times and this Quran came so don't worry when you commit to the Quran at fudger time no matter what dark times you're going through what to light is on the horizon just like the light of the Sun comes out it is the light of Revelation that will right near the rest of your life the rest of your day well Coronel pledget what an incredible statement for the Prophet and a subtle Salam don't be depressed brighter days are ahead brightness is ahead and the best way to prepare is Kohanim fatiha he says in the Quran and fat economist CUDA the Quran a pleasure is has always been witnessed question is who's witnessing it kanima shuddha has always been witnessed and this is addition of food which suggests that there are those that are witnessing it but the witnesses aren't mentioned you know what that means Allah is especially witness to the Quran recited at fudger he's also mentioning that there are angels whose only task is to witness the Quran recited by Project Imam Razi would go on to say but in this ayah there's also an indication that believers should encourage each other to pray Roger together so they can witness each other so they can be you know each of you becomes much food for the rest you become sure wish I had enormous food that's what happens so this idea of the Quran preparing you at budget and preparing you for the migration that's coming and then he says for the Prophet himself particularly Salah la hora de la la mina daily Fattah be now philatelic and from in the middle of the like some part of the night make sure that you particularly make the Hudgins additional night prayers additional for you not that luck telling the Prophet why because when his followers would hear that they might think that this is mandatory on them so let me be clear immediately no no naffy let that lack its additional for you an extra thing for you not for them I've given you an extra half so some would even extrapolate from this that the night prayer the additional prayer bit after Isha and before fudger is actually mandatory for the Prophet an additional responsibility on him not on us were encouraged to do so but he's obligated to do so why and Allah tells us why he says I saw a Africana become a common Mac modem perhaps but your master is going to raise you and elevate you to a place a station that is praised Makka Moo Makka Moo that I have a few minutes left but I got to get this out to you somehow the prophet alayhi al-salam is being told that if you pray in the middle of the night there's a there's an optimistic chance that you are going to be placed on a praiseworthy station mccollum amudha this is not an accidental term what does it mean a praiseworthy station the Prophet himself would describe a common Mac mode the place that is praised it is a reference to something that will happen on the day of judgment on the day of judgment all humanity will be gathered young man a little cool that would Assam be email me him no accident that is also in this surah when we call all people by their leaders and this Ummah these Muslims are going to be called by their leader the prophet salallahu alaihe salam nobody will be speaking on that line a second level not in demand as in Al Araf man nobody will say a word except the one who Allah gives from the rock man gets permission to Allah gives permission to and the only one he gives permission to on Judgment Day is the Prophet slice of humanity all of it the sea of humanity's in one field and one man starts elevating above the rest and how everybody can see this one man rising and then he's given permission to sleep speak and then he says I will praise Allah with words of praise that I don't even know yet that Allah will give me then that no one's ever heard before and that's how the profit will start speaking to Allah a judgement day that is the station worthy of praise but of the things he will say on that day I wanted to share this with you in particular fire cool the Prophet will say labbayk was our take you know the bake Here I am and how happy I am to see you what shall Goulet say awake and no evil can be attributed to you well Mady you when had eight and the one you've guided truly has been guided well I'm GU kabane I a day can your slave is right here before you he's talking about himself what become and it is only here because of you what he liked and he was always headed towards you anyway well Joe Aleman John linka in a lake and there is no place to hide no no ditch to find refuge in and no refuge and no rescue from you except to you Deborah kita what are later how blessed you are how high and sacred you are so Hanukkah how perfect you are and the last part of this really gets me on belvane he calls instead of calling him master he says master of the house he calls him master of the house where's the Prophet gonna leave he's going to be leaving Makkah which is the house of Allah and Allah says pray pleasure time and then pray in the middle of the night and maybe Allah will raise you to this high praiseworthy place and when he's raised on that high worthy place he will turn to Allah and call him the master of the house but when he calls him the master of the house they're no longer at Aqaba they're no longer at the Kaaba Allah rockbell bait here is a reference to the eye of Allah it's the throne of Allah it's the it's the grand you know kingdom of Allah in the heavens that is above the Karma what Allah is saying is you're worried about departing from this house of Allah to Medina aye preparing you to see me by my Amish rope well they don't worry about this journey I've got a much bigger journey for you ready prepare for that one instead and this one will become easy what an incredible thing to say subhanAllah this is what the messenger asylum was given as a preparation and then the prayer that was the point of this whole bar the prayer is what good and say now that you prepare yourself now ask Allah ask tomorrow be at the Hindi Madonna said O'Kane master enter me allow me to enter put me in mood the silence obtain a place to enter truthfully what Radha said is a difficult thing to express I'll try to communicate some of its meanings to you guys everybody move up in Shama mean come we are to ask you to move up modulus obtained suggests Ya Allah wherever you make me enter make sure I don't let go of the truth make sure the truth is by my side sit in Arabic also is the opposite not just a cut above lie but also of soup of evil Ya Allah you make me enter whatever you put me in put me in in a way that is good no that's good for me put me around people that accept my truth make me truthful to others keep me truthful to others and allow others to be truthful to me mother Holle acceptance surround me with sincerity yahuwah entered me there mother said king well original and take me out most majestic king take me out from wherever you're going to take me out but take me out while I can hold on to goodness and be true and be sincere now it's interesting that this entire scene was of the Prophet not entering somewhere but leaving somewhere he was leaving Makkah he was leaving Mecca so the you were extreme I was expecting a lot to say well Columbia original hodges's king yeah now get me out of here in a way that's true you know I can hold on to the truth and in a way that's good for me but instead of talking about him exiting Allah talks about him first what allows teaching us in this ayah is profound scholars like when I started trying to understand how people have in the past have contemplated over this prayer and what they thought about this prayer I was baffled I was absolutely baffled some said this prayer get you know enter me into a truthful place is medina get me out of a place truthfully that's Mecca that's one interpret another group said no no no actually get me out of the truth or enter me into a place is actually his returning to Mecca he's returning to Mecca and then get me out truthfully is his departure from this world some said let me enter me into the grave with so that I'm a truthful person as Hindi at clinical cover hold on a second what oscillation a middle cover looks like I said pain get me out of the gray and all of these interpretations all true but you know why you have so many interpretations because Allah does not limit this prayer to the migration of the prophets of Allah you said I mean that's the wisdom of Allah every one of you and every one of myself my family you your families every human being is either in a situation or getting out of a situation we are in the middle of something and we're hoping to get out of something or but you know and Allah is imagine is telling us something remarkable in this prayer if you want to get out in a way that you can hold on to the truth and get out in a way that's good for you and first of all hold on to your prayers hold on to your prayers and especially take care of budget pray and if you really want to end up in a place that's praiseworthy add the night prayer that's an extra thing but then when you do then what Allah will do for any of anything you find you any trouble you find yourself in you don't worry about a lot getting you out of trouble it's actually Allah saying I'm going to get you into something good into something I hope I can communicate this clear to you as I in my foot but the beauty of this dog when a human being is in trouble when you and I are in trouble all we can think about is what is it going to end when am I going to get out of this mess that's all we can think about Allah wisdom is giving us a prayer that doesn't just get us out of the mess before he makes you worry about get out of the mess a lot of saying pray that I put you in something good first and by the way gets you out of a mess a Definity what color said paint hardest ask originally most like that second second because it could be that you get out of this mess into a much bigger mess that's what we do with our lives so before you worry about getting out of this trouble Allah is asking you to beg him to put you in something that is good for you that a vector you can hold on to your sincerity and your truth and now we're learning in no matter what situation we find ourselves in no matter what difficulty we find ourselves in the thing to ask Allah is that our character our integrity our truthfulness is not compromised so long as that is not compromised whatever Allah puts incessant is fine and so the last part of this prayer which I leave in the dual in Casselton and nasarah and put in furnish for me provide for me something that especially comes from you and can only come from you min ladunka and that can only come from your special vault something that can only only come from Allah and it's particularly catered for you it's not meant for anybody else what is this thing sold on and a Serie A an aiding Authority now what does that mean that actually means yeah Allah give me confidence in what I do sold on an Arab it could be an authority power give me the strength to be able to deal from one situation to another that will aid me also so con means evidence in now reveal a silicalia him Soltan mean say torah on the one hand soap are Namibian dough Quran clear Borja new movie by Morocco Baha'i movie clear evidence yeah love whatever I do give me clarity give me clarity that will help me make me think clearly through things so when I do things I don't do them haphazardly you know why that's so wise because we are in a state of desperation when human beings are in trouble then they make decisions without thinking through things they think they don't think they just act out option and then they regret their decision later so you pray to Allah first of all don't compromise my integrity no matter what the situation and second of all yeah love whatever I do please furnish me the ability to take authoritative well-thought-out decisions that will only work that are only going to aid me which I'm the min ladunka Sultana cor and so you appreciate what Allah says in the next ayah as I conclude what will jaw and Huck was a headline Baltic in Nam battle-ax Gaza Luba and just declared after that that the truth has arrived and falsehood has dissipated it's withered away when you can do that then don't worry about any falsehood that comes in your life anybody who gives you trouble all of that will disappear if you can commit yourself to a lot may Allah Azza WA JAL make us of those who can truly hold on to him all of us falter all of the all of us have weaknesses some of us some very bad sleep habits we don't get up for Fajr or we barely get up for a budget or even when praying pleasure we're still sleeping that happens too you know may Allah make us of those who can better our sleeping habits and take advantage of the Quran of fudging that can be witnessed that can become our aid and then one day we can additionally even stand in the middle of the night before oh luck so you can take us out of whatever situation we're in and put us in a mud sunset you can put us in a place that is that is good for us it's true for us and it strengthens our own truthfulness mara colophony welcome to the Quranic Hakim when a farm eiei commits ayah where the Kentucky hamdu lillahi wa kaze wa salatu wa salam o everybody hindi mustafa hosonaga Liliha muhammad aleihi muhammad in in a mean way he was acting yo Allah Azza WA JAL vaquita became man who are on the banana shake on the regime in allaha wa ma category so luna llena be yeah you hella dina amanu sallu alayhi wa sending you to SEMA allahumma salli ala muhammad Mohammed came oscillator ala rasulillah anyway but an irony in the kinesiology allahu wa barik ala muhammadin wa ala muhammad came about that my team of salami in Mohammed emoji read by the LA ilaha illa allah la ilaha illa allah with itself for ETA is in Corbin playing her and in fact she even incur political by edward vulner we are in a moment of sorrow okay no sada in the silastic an italian mini Nikita Nikita
Channel: Bayyinah Institute
Views: 832,309
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Nouman Ali Khan, Arabic, Quran, Islam, Bayyinah, Bayyinah TV, Bayyinah Institute, Koran, Islamic, Education, Muslim, islam, muhammad, muslim, omar, suleiman, khutbah, khutba
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 17sec (1637 seconds)
Published: Fri May 06 2016
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