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al-hamdu lillahi rabbil alameen lahul hamdu lassen was the Nile Jamil why shadow in a llama hula Cheri Keller Nicole will haka Hawaii severe why should two unless a hidden I wanna be on a Mohammed hero MBA if he duniya Salah well agenda whom Yama lucky Armitage Shannon with Ikra some Allah who amela ekata who was Saudi who Nemean hunky camara had Allah how are Wahabi he where there are in a year my dad before I start the story of nebula Ayub I want to inshallah we can either give a mocha Dima and that mocha Dima is an introduction my beloved brothers and sisters I want each and every one of us to understand this point and what I found and what I have seen in the times that I have spent in giving Dawa advising people and I am NOT a lowly Dalek I am NOT befitting for that but the times that I have given advice and I listened to people's problems one of the reasons in which I have found their people's depression and anxieties and sadness comes from is not understanding the world that they're in I want us to understand this point this is very important before we go into the lecture this world that we're living in is there room Tihany neptina this world when Allah made it Allah made it to test allahu subhanahu wa'ta'ala he created this world to put us through trials and tribulations if you don't recognize that and if you don't come to terms with that the perception that you have in your mind whether you taken it from Hollywood or Bollywood and that has given you the perception the truth of the matter is were lying if things don't go according to what you thought you become depressed and you become sad but if you knew that this world is their own with your hand in what era then you expected it well in Attica allow subhana WA Ta'ala he says AHA Seberg NASA and Utah ku and you're cool I'm an owl are you Stallone well I cut the fat end and ladina mean company him fillet Holloman Allahu Latina sadaqa malayalam and lkd mean allahu subhanahu tells us hasslein ass who do their people think do they assume does this come to their mind that when they say I believe that Allah will just leave you for your claim that your statement I am a believer and that's it no that statement of yours needs to be tested are you really a believer are you really moving how is it going to be tested Allah subhana WA Ta'ala this Sunhwa you are Baba Allah will bless you and that's a form of a test or he will put you through trials and tribulations and calamities and that itself is a test and both of those situations the human is in it in the course of this time in the world that he's living however long you live for you're going to go through those two stages a time when you're enjoying yourself Allah is testing you Allah he is testing you don't you think that the wealth that you have and the children that you have and the money that you have is not a test it's a limb to Hannah and Allah is also going to test you by taking all of that away from you and see how you're going to respond and my beloved brothers and sisters the person who's going to win and the person who's going to make it through the trials and tribulation is the individual who knows how to deal with those two situations he knows that time that he is put through is what to do what does he do at the time when he's put through ease he comes with Shuker he knows how to now with this good that he has the wealth the money the health how does he respond he comes with a sugar gratitude and the times that he's put through hardship he is also prepared and ready to come with a supper and the messenger sallallaahu Ali was telling me said in the hadith and him a Muslim lyrically me sorry I mean Haditha media so he been reveal maharaja that the messenger said our job and I am real movement in America local fascination and wonder is in the affairs of the believer and this is for no one else except the believer in asaba true Salwa if he goes through times of good if he's blessed with money if he is blessed with children if he's going through good moments in his life Chikara McConaughey along he comes with gratitude how does a person come with gratitude number one number one they speak about this blessing and the giraffe will behave ah here on the person says Allah has blessed me Allah has given me this you don't see them complaining you don't see them complaining they mentioned the good Allah has given them because Allah said in the Quran were ambien arimathea Rebecca the hadeeth talked about the blessings allah has given you the second is the person comes with it here at olavo bar payment in their heart in their heart they know that they have a blessing they have wealth they have children they have health they know they have the blessing and number three is you use your limbs and your body parts with what that which is pleasing for Allah how are you going to show gratitude if you're using the hands that he gave you the eyes that he gave you there is that he gave you the mind that he gave you the time that he gave you and the health if you're not using it in his obedience you're not showing sugar you're not showing sugar you're not showing gratitude the hadith on and the messenger Solaris enemy said were in a Sabha to Lala and if they are put through hardship calamities Allah sticks them from their health that they have a lot eights their children Allah takes their wealth everything from them you know what they say they show patience because they know the child originally came from Allah and Allah only took what was his the wealth came from Allah and Allah - always his the health that they have they know it came from a lot in the first place and Allah took what he owned so what do they show subber patients how do they show patients three things as well a subrata party laughs patient upon the obedience of Allah as a adela patients upon what the obedience of Allah praying the salat in the Gemara for the men it needs patients waking up fridge up from the sleep and your bed and go into the Masjid and do will do in these patients obeying your parents even though they reached an old age and it's hard you're showing that Sabha on our part Allah number two is a sub row and in Marathi patients from the sins staying away from following your whims and desires and the third one is a sub ruler a Coderre laghima lima showing patience upon the calamities that come your way the hardship that your poor me I have spent time reading the Quran and I have realised that the test which is the last page form of patience which is a Sabra Lila a Coderre Lima Lima being patient upon the calamities that Allah puts us through allahu subhanahu is going to put us through calamities whether it's little or whether it's a lot but i try to read the quran and see the stories of the prophets and i have to say to you all of you brothers and sisters reading the story of these great men these prophets allah he will help you allah says in the quran like a dakara fear passing importantly and bad Makenna hadith a new star well Nicoletti been a day here at of silicon Lee sang-hwa Houdon warahmatullah called me Yomi noon Allah says luckily can a fetus I see him the story of these prophets there are lessons in it for who like him who live and bad the smart one the small one is the one who's going to open the Quran when he goes through hardship and he will say I want to read the story of the Companions and I'm sorry the stories of the prophets and the messengers and I want to see what they went through our messenger when he went through hardship Allah will tell him a story of a prophet and he will say this you're going through Muhammad don't think you're alone in this your brothers who came before you Ibrahim hood and his merrie and it's how can your home they went on this this is what they went through and I said to the messenger first bill can al Sabbagh Rahul as live in a Russell Muhammad be patient in what way the way that the five chosen prophets were patient ponder here and analyze this ayah five chosen prophets and they're being tested they are noble prophet these are the best of the prophets these are nebula Muhammad nor Ibrahim Musa and RESA they are who Lula's me the five chosen prophets and they are being tested so we shouldn't be in any way shape or form upset when we're testing who are we nebula he what has been tested brothers 950 years porous cooling these people welcomed our scenario Haneen economy philosophy LFS turnitin Tilikum Sahaba 950 years he's cooling his people and what did allah subhanaw taala tell us no one listened to him except a people who can go on a boat or an ark 950 years our life is that it's not like it's not that long the messenger said to us Amaro met him at a NASA Tina was served in our Korean when you do zoo dalian this life that we're living today is 16 and the messenger said the highest a person may go is 17 and little go over 70 nor 950 years calling his people and what were they doing they were rejecting his messenger his message our messenger they verbally harmed him and they pulled him names and they criticized him and they even slandered his wife and accused or Vezina there was not a time harder for Nabila in Mohammed in the city of Medina than the calamity he went through by being told that his wife committed zina he's a prophet from Allah how hard was it for Aisha and how hard was it for the Prophet sallallahu wasallam he didn't know what to do the messenger so allah is telling us he said no day came by in my life greater to me that that incident and he showed patience Allah said to him in the Quran when I can I wanna Kadena Alamo and let al-assad daruka be Maya : Muhammad we know what they are saying to you is hurting you it's made your heart tight look what Allah said to him to do well ah he ponder here brothers and sisters ponder here your heart has become tight because of what they said to you what they're doing to you but what was he told to do scream shout now he was told to do why like a dinner Alamo and a Carioca Sadhguru kabhi Maya : facade behind the arabika what cool minutes and he did why would the robber but a happy idea karaoke Allah work about we know you're going through calamities we know you're going through hardship but do this Muhammad for some behind Arabica exalt your Lord what cool me necessary Dean and be from those who prostrate those who worship Allah why would and worship your Lord had tired here Kelly 18 until death comes to you don't need that part be consistent upon the path of worship so what we realized from this is Sabah is something that those prophets went through today my focus is sha Allah Allah is nebula Ayub the story of nebula here youth is a magnificent story especially if you're going through hardship there are many lessons to take from it if months we spoke about nebula you never be able to give him justice lack him since we can't do all of it we do the best that we can in sha Allah Allah maybe you like a u'b history Allah mentioned it in two places in the Quran that's it two places in the Quran Allah mentioned the story of nebula Ayub and this is what even on arrival manikyam Allah mentioned were to be transmitted that in Easter seal that ayub story was only mentioned twice in the Quran two places the first one it's in your notes is in surah 2 and am BA allahu tomorrow era he says we're a yuba even Adar Abajo and me messenia Guru Granth are Himura he mean subhanAllah who Hashanah maybe he mean Lauren ahoo ahoo Muhammad Amir Andina when I crawl in IBD that's or 2 mb a-- surah saad allah says worker a banana Ayub even adhara bahu and me messenia guru and me messengership a nobilis Mirada who could be rigidly kadambari don't wash Arab or heaven Allahu Allah will happen allahu allahu allah ma rahmatan mina wavy craw new album would be Attica Wilson totally be what I tell us in our deadener who saw Erin Merriman Abdul in the whole world allahu subhanahu tells us in these two places the story of Nemea Ayub let's ponder on the quran brothers and sisters our cure is in the quran in the head and karana had ability here aqua there's nothing better for us to ponder over the quran allah says and look at the notes that you have were a Yuba Nebula Ayub even i dar Abajo when Ayub hold on to his Lord what did I you do it cold on trees Lord and What did he say rugby my lord and me messenia bore harm has touched me what island are hamachi mean I want us to ponder here let me you like a youth he could for his Lord the word were a Yuba even at the word nada means what to call moneda means shout Ayub shouted to his lord and i want brothers and sisters to think over here there the way that the prophets were when they went through hardship when calamities came their way who did they first want to Allah when we become sick and when we go through hardship will call the doctor first we look for the paracetamol ways the panel don't waste a headache Arnie after that doesn't work and then we go to the hospital and the doctor tells us this illness it's cancer then we say people made to our for us or Lockyer us the reality of our situation is worrying like a nebula are you the first thing that he did was he cooled on to his road where a Yuba even idara bahu Ayub when he cooled onto his road and look what he said I want you to think and then manage that this prophet use he said rub be my Lord and me messenia laurel harm has touched me well i'm camera he me and you did not ask a lot to kill him and you did not say o allah kill me he just said o allah i am touched with pain i am suffering and going through hardship I reached a level of pain one camera he man oh Allah you're very merciful you're gracious he did it say or lucky me why did Allah didn't say festa janela who we answered his dua the scholars they took from this presenting your situation to Allah itself is a form of drug to say o Allah I'm going through a lot of hardship oh Allah I'm suffering oh Allah that itself the scholars they took from this that it's a dua itself may be like a hoop he said Messenia would want IRA he me what was the harm that touch nebula are you number one Ayub he lost his family - he lost his health three he locked his love he will be brothers and I want you to think here this is a Lemmy you mean MBA Allah may you be the prophets from the prophets of Allah Azza WA JAL and he has been commanded to confed conveyor what he was commanded to convey a message they rely Ayub was a prophet if a prophet is ill and the illness of a you've reached a point my beloved brothers and sisters that the odor the smell that was coming from you was very bad no Cathy rahim allah mentions that on his body nebula hey are you there was not even a place that was cured a place where you can put a needle that wasn't pure and he became sick from inside as well it's the only thing that was good from his health was his calm his heart that was the only thing let me lie you didn't lose but his body every single part of it it was damaged and the people they left his surrounding everyone ran away from him even his children left him the strongest opinion is that his children did not die and his wives he they wet they left his surrounding because if he smelled because of his weight how can i profit like that convey a message this is the highest level of tests to be alone and then guess what happened to Ayub he was then taken out of the city because of his wealth people found him that his illness is contagious so they took maybe la Hadoop and they took him out and the only person that the dy attack when you bring all of the chains of narrations together the only person who stayed with allaha uyb the only person who stable in every lie u --b was his wife she remained with him she stood by him she even used to leave and she used to work some of the narration mentioned she would sell she'll buy products and she will sell it until she couldn't find anything to sell so what she did was she sold part of her head and when they'd be like you saw that that his family has reached this level of poverty maybe Allah had you he said this dry but being me Messenia blood were entire hamura he mean oh allah hardship has touched me and you're the most merciful another story mentions that nebula he a u'b two of his closest friends who also didn't leave his surroundings they were with him they stayed with him one of them said to the other one after they assisted in a real Ayub and they helped him one of them sat with the other and he said I know why Allah you through what he put him through 18 years and you were suffering I know why Allah put you through this trial and tribulation and so the other one said to him why and he said to him and you came with Grayson's and you came with great sins and so the one who heard from the other one he took the storage are you he said you this is what's been said about you and you said what Allah he that is not the case what I'm going through is not because of a sin I did but he said rather I would be walking in the city and I would be walking in the town and I would see two people arguing and one person is swearing by Allah and the other one is very by Allah's name and I know that one of them is lying because both of them if they swear by Allah his name and the other one is saying opposite to the other he goes I would go home and I would pay kuffara on behalf of the one who's lying whichever of those it was I haven't done anything except that then nebula are you when he realized the two closest people this is what was said between them maybe like you've raised his hand to allies or jela and he said but be in and me messenia Woodrow harm has touched me I am suffering or I'm camera he mean I know the most merciful I want you to open to hear the believers even when they are suffering they don't blame Allah as urgent they never blame Allah because the other eye and look what you've said well it was Colossus whether a bandana a you buy even idara bahu and he must Sonny a Shia bar will be lost me either shape an is the one who put me through this illness here he say o Allah o merciful and oh Allah you're kind and you're generous you're not want to do this to a slave 80 years he's suffering and he's cuddly but it's still strong with allah azzawajal when we go through something and we suffer in life and we lose something that we that we the first person we suspect is allah the first thing we will say is why is Allah putting me through this why is Allah testing me like he may be like you but did he say when camera he mean oh Allah he are the most merciful and he didn't say o Allah o merciful What did he say well I mean you are the most merciful and then Allah Azza WA Jalla said faster German allahu ta âlâ him brought a Fareeda out of this rahim allah i wanna mention is north i am said that nebula he Ayub miss position when he's cooling on to allah Germa he combined in this paper to toe heat he came with the reality of what her head is which is in the haram showing that he is weak and that who is strong who is dominant who's powerful allah azzawajal allah is the one who's high and the slave is in need of a lot the fact that he put himself down every like Ayub and also the way that nebula youth found joy in calling on to his lord he enjoyed it if Nilayam said anyone who does this Allah who except they drive anyone who does this allows Hannah Witton I will accept his drive Allah Jalla WA ala what did he do he brought back maybe you like you his family Allah also subhana WA Ta'ala gave him double of what he had so his children a lot multiplied them in number and a lot multiplied his family in number and Allah multiplied his wealth in number but look what Allah did when Ayub pulled on to Allah and Allah gave Ayub the response to his dua and you was told to do something and this is something that we need to take on board which is Ayub his wife what she did was she used to grab him by the hand she used to stand him up and she used to take him to the toilet and she would wait for him outside and when he would finish his call of nature she would stand him up from the call of nature and she'll bring him to where he wanted so one day he took long he spent too long in the toilet this was after he made the dryer and he supplicated to Allah Azza WA Jalla he took longer than normal allahu subhanahu is sent him revelation they will lie a youth and allah said to him said to him who could be rigidly can add more tests I don't bury don't wash Arab and you has two legs every human so he hit one leg on the ground and what happened water came from it Allah told him to drink it and then he hit it again Allah told him to take the second portion of water and Allah told him to shower on it I want you to all think here which is Ayub in that situation that he's in he's sick and he was excessively and fat tile that his wife has to help him up but Allah shouldn't it is people have to come with work and effort even if you're weak the religion teaches us not to rely on others but to be those who come with the means and then accept the rest expect the rest from Allah Azza WA Jalla the same is with our mother Mariam Mariama when she was giving bath at that moment as she's under a tree she's under a tree the father there's no father for this child the people are already criticizing her okay number two there's no one to help her she's by herself and she's under a tree on a hot day Allah says to her well who's the alayhi wa diddie in Allah Maryam shake the tree from the bottom even if it's little effort that she puts in don't worry Allah will finish the rest for you but something has to come from your side this concept that we just expect one day boom everything changes that's not reality you have to come with things so maybe Yau he hit his leg on the ground and a lack of adequate allagash the water from it if you look at the other ayah Allah mentions that Ayub said my illness came from who well Carrabba denna au beurre even a terrible and me messenia shyah shyah pan is the one who put me through this the scholars they said what did shape and do to him and how did shape and affect him they said that shape and blew into nebula herbs and that is what caused his skin to crack and wound to come from it like him the view that says nebula are you was possessed is not true and it's not correct opinion Larkin did psychologically affect Ayub when everybody left him because the hadith in we had him stuff seer mentioned that ayub was a rich man and he had money and he had a lot of children and a lot of why and he had good health all of that one time went psychologically a person becomes affected people who are used to people being around them all the time and they're used to having a lot of money and they're used to people following them when they become alone they psychologically harm them they have psychological issues well addict I read an article a while back that mothers who have many children when their children go and get married and they move on in the West they realized that psychologically it has an effect on them Nebula Ayub psychologically not to mention the people are saying are you going to call us to Allah and to heat our you got a coerced agenda in the hereafter and this is how you are and this is how your health is so this psychologically posed may be lying down and they rely on you suffering so he suffered psychologically he suffered physically he suffered internally no wealth his children and everything that he owned went and this carried on for a period of eight years for a nebula a hoop and what was it that he showed they belie you've showed patience Sabah he did not allow to complain to anybody well he'd a leak and those eighteen years never you lie you've never complained to anyone not even to his wife the first time that he complained was when he said in me Messenia warrant arhamu r-rahimin oh allah pain has touched me and you are very merciful that was the first time that he complained he never complained before that to anybody why because his connection with was strong with who with Allah o Allah brothers and sisters summer is a multi atul a of iraqi boja patients one lie is a it's a rhyming beast that if you go on you're never gonna get lost you're never gonna get lost well llahi however the scholars like entertainment others they say however the calamity becomes hard if your problem becomes more do you know what you're close to the end the more it becomes hard the closer you are to the end I'll give you some examples Imam Ahmed Ibrahim bell was prisoned in his house he was lashed the lead that came down leader didn't just come and his police officers to lash in Mohammed he didn't even think they were doing a good job he himself came down and he used to lash in Muhammed and he used to have daily amount of repeating that he used to have in Mohammed and he was prison in his house and he went through hardship but what did he gain after that he became Imam Ali Sunnat wal Jamaa in blue jersey he was kicked out of Iraq and he was told to leave in Iraq and guess what he did he went to the neighboring lands and he led the 10-carat name you lie Mohammed was kicked out of Mecca and he went to Medina and established the government then he wouldn't have had if he was in Mecca Ibrahim was thrown into a well and inside that well he came and he wrote and he authored the kitab JAMA real soon which comprises Buhari Muslim everyday with a limit even imagine necessary and all of those books the smart person is the one who flips a harm into a benefit as they say was nominally munitia Robin Hood when somebody gives you a bitter situation a hard circumstances find a benefit and good that you can take care of it like if you were given a lemon juice you add sugar to make it good every situation that you're put through which is tough and hard the smart individual the clever one the one who knows what it is is one who's going to take that situation and he's going to use it in a better situation and is not going to look at that negative side that is in it patience it's not waiting for the results rather do you know what patience is patience is how you wait for the result it's not waiting that Allah is going to take care of the problems but in the meantime before you get the results what are you doing are you complaining are you screaming are you shouting are you arguing are you questioning the cover and the cover if you are there are you truly patient the patient person he wait for the result in a well-disciplined manner when in attica the messenger told us is solaria selim in the hadith of the woman in which he saw crying on a grave and the messenger came by her and he said to her is smeary ycv be patient and hope reward from allah and you know what the woman said she said that ranee she didn't know it was a prophet he said leave me alone you have not been afflicted with that which I have been afflicted with and the Prophet look at him saliva said he didn't say do you know who I am he didn't say that he just walked away he knew how to deal with situations he knew that she was grieving he just left her after a while the people said sir do you know who you just spoke to he said no do you know who you just spoke back to know that was the Messenger of Allah she was shocked she ran to his house alia salat WA Salam and she said when I came to his house fellow edited by web and I had no security guard no one no one's securing his door so she said I went in and I said him Messenger of Allah I didn't know it was you and now I'm gonna be patient and then the messenger said a Sabra in the Sigma tallulah patients is well enough calamity first hits you now hours later or months or weeks patience is the beginning when he hits you what's the first thing that you say when you're told about a news that shocked you you scream or do you say in earlier he went night later our children and brothers the person who went hard she hits him will run to Allah is the person who used to run to Allah at the kind of ease underlying that point I remember it the time that you're enjoying yourself and you're going through good and beliefs and yeah you train yourself now now that you have health and you've got money in your children and everything is around you nurture yourself to connect yourself to Allah so when that moment comes you're prepared they will rely a you blurry some benefits that we can take from it in Charlotte Anna for where it and benefits that we can take from it number one I mentioned it in the introduction which is reading the stories of the prophets what does it do for us it allows us to follow these people eighteen years how can one be patient number two point number two so number one reading the stories of the prophets it's something that's going to help you and it's going to aid you the poet he said about the righteous people he said in Adama it will not die away now be the cuckoo when a true could be karahi an infernal turkey sue Adama Ravana when we become sick and our heart become dry and our hearts become dark and our Eman is low what do we do today away maybe be clickable we bring out and we read he devised their biographies what did they read the biography of the prophets and the stories of the prophets and the stories of the righteous people when we are hard to become weak that's what we do why not to quit cryin and sometimes we live off the reading of these scholars and these prophets and these messengers Fannin techsou we go on a hills we go on our hills meaning we become destroyed we start complaining we don't know how to be patient so reading the story of the righteous people is what actually keeps you high up you know why because you know you're not alone and that feeling of being alone is not good but feeling that you feel I am alone I am the only one suffering I am the only one going through this it's a problem but when you read it you hear whoa 18 years Oh mine was only 8 days are you with me you realize okay I need to be quiet I need to what 18 years suffering nebula a new use of re Salam he went to prison for seven years and then another seven years extra when I beat FEC Jimmy no bar Celine Brothers I want to ask you a question sisters Allah all he needs to say is couldn't fair hoon why is he testing these prophets because it comes with their status it comes with their position Allah tests a person as she Mohammed mentioned before in real ramanuja's re ma famille Bella in the mill Bella in Meriden Eliza that the person's greatness is connected to the tests or the calamities is connected to the person's what status and their position who are the ones who are testing the most a prophet because they're the highest they're not ordinary slaves and then comes after that the righteous person and the righteous person and the righteous person because Allah is testing you is not because you're an evil person and it's not because you're a criminal and it's not because you're a sinner is because Allah wants to purify you my beloved brothers and sisters you walk away from this world well a Sarika hottia and there's no sin on you your being cleansed clean so when you come the day of judgement all it is for you is Julio Ginetta be marketing time alone and agenda because of your good deeds salam wa alaikum bima saw Bertram venir Mr Okada Salam means peace be upon you be master Burton because you were patient fannia morocco bow down what a good place to be in Jannah you're cleansed you're clean so you can just walk into general no since back in the person who thinks that he's not going to be tested and he's not going to be through put through calamities sometimes it can actually be a problem itself if you're giving children and you're given wealth and money and everything allah says in the quran phenomena for a man assume I do he'll be Fatima Ali Ababwa kulla shay'in had to either forever be my you do I have now Humberto fader Hubli soon and last if you open all those for them we gave them money we gave their children we gave them wealth we gave them health we gave them everything so they thought they were good they were sinning but we were not punishing them we just giving them more money they sin we give them even a better job they're sitting we give them even more children their sinning we give them a longer life until they started thinking you know what there's nothing wrong with me when that happened Allah says I have enough America we rubbed him barakah means suddenly the person doesn't expect it and then when Allah grabs you is he gonna let go of you so that's the dream in hialeah alamou no only no home in the Kadima team so you have to realize that because you've been tested that doesn't mean you're a criminal but it could be it's of great benefit for you but what form of calamity that when you go through which is not good it's the one that diverts you from Allah this is where the scholars they say what's the difference between a test and a punishment what is the difference between a person being punished and a person going through a trial and a tribulation which is just a test what is the difference the scholars like internal column and others say the punishment is the one who diverts you from Allah and distance you from Allah and this this you from the Quran and makes you question the Cantor who is Allah where is he why is he doing this to me are you with me the second one is the test it's the one that when it happens to you in your heart you become humbled you become what humbled and it reminds you of your wealth and what you really are our worth is very really something weak our essence is so we realize our essence because money what does it be sometimes arrogance it makes us go up when the calamity comes what does it remind you you humble yourself you go down to your your-your-your place so reading the story of these people will like it's beneficial number two right I mention number one how many price did I mention Stellaluna yeah what scholars all differed yeah how many plays did I mention one or two I have sisters brothers how much intervention - okay if I mentioned - what's the first one reading the stories of the prophets that's one hey number 2 yeah my first my number one was very long I did a long number one but there was in the second one I'm gonna mention the second one meirin-sama yeah I would Richie the secretary Shalala the second one is Allah praised Ayub for one characteristics after all of the calamities that he put him through What did he say so a two characters sorry the first one was what were jaden ah who saw me run we found him patient imagine allah acknowledging for you that your patient that's a state that's high Allah said I tested him and I found a real Ayub to be what patient this is something amazing and a you person only the one who's patient who was patient with him as well his wife Emma Australia but in attica the precise enemy said at dunya Matta this joy this dunya is a small joy it's not really much the dunya but the Prophet said were highly room matera and the best joy in this dunya is what Marcus Sallah righteous wife everything else Allah tested are you with but not with his wife are you with me she was with him through thick and him pay attention here the same is with her Jana when he comes he came to never Eli he brought him her general when she was in the middle of the desert and they were worried you brute maybe like Ibrahim brought her here I want sisters and brothers to ponder here ibrahim alayhis salaam he said to her Jenna I'm gonna leave you and then she said to him one question she said to him Allah America me Hannah did Allah commanded to do this trust to leave us in the middle of the desert and when they realize are you brahim said yes she turned away and she said even lay over here and Allah Allah won't office a Kassadin so he can give pay attention to the pool of this woman's heart this is the middle of the desert there's no one here it's no one no food no nothing he's leaving her in the middle of the desert and what is she responding by saying Allah is not gonna force a casa Allah he's not is not going to physical nebulae herbs wife is the same she's not he's got no money for him for her to be with him he's got no help for her to be with him are you with me children he has none of that there's no worldly percent possession for her to be with him rather she's the one taking care of him are you with me brothers and sisters so she was a patient righteous upright woman scholars like him nor tell you my other took from a benefit that he said even okay you mentioned this and even more lucky invention this and after you mentioned this is vital that the majority of the people who would stay like that they said that it's the women of the men the women are the ones who would be patient through history through a calamity that the husband suffers from then a man when it comes to the woman suffering and he would turn away and say I'm leaving I'm gonna marry her I'm gonna marry a second wife huh that this historically it's proven that a woman having a husband who is ill and sick and go through hardship that she would stay with him until he goes gets out of it the advent of the women is higher than the men these great scholars said this and this is well what really Derrick the reality that we're in testifies to that the next benefit is Allah who referred to Ayub as what near mal abdul slave allah called him what abot slave i want you to open their hair brothers and sisters because we want to take gems from the quran allah chose the word apt why didn't he say navi why didn't he say her soon why did he choose apt because nebula Ayub came with a righteous position a noble position da raja ali a high station which really summarized servitude there's nothing better than being asleep so allah as you enjoyed look Allah did Muhammad SAW I sediment that crimes that he was doing the best action Allah refer to him as a slave so Hannah Lady Ursula some Hannah lady Ursula the abbe de salão Maharaj is going up in the sky Allah calling him what AB and hamdulillah lady and Zahra and I believe ketover LM here to allow any wager the Quran is coming down on him this is a big thing I was referring him as a slave well I'm the whole my Karma I'm delighted who can do your Kundalini better when their profit stood up to give dower one no Lamar karma when they belie him Hamid stood up to cool to the dour Allah khuda but when no Lamar karma Abdullah he when the slave of Allah stood up he didn't say the prophet of Allah and he didn't say The Messenger of Allah so the greatest moments in the prophets of life the most noble positions Allah is calling him what AB this teaches us what when you're going through calamities the best thing that you can do is to humble yourself obviously LACMA and be a slave to Allah Azza WA JAL humble yourself humiliate yourself put yourself down excessively and not a lot anyone to move for Cara really then you're alive or any rich he doesn't need you and you're the one who's in need a lot of allies with him that's very important the next benefit in this is never you lie Ayub Allah referred to me as what near my lab do you know who never man I'm doing a web Allah refer to as never lie you've as a web a word means what a job one who turns back to Allah brothers and sisters I want you to ponder here a word with one who repents to Allah keeps coming back to Allah it's two meanings that has number one is one who keeps asking for forgiveness Ayub is a prophet he's sick he's going through problems and he's saying what start for allah allah ma fille a lama honey still far why because trials and tribulations are generally connected to what in what Allah blesses used to hand away the eyelid one of the things that strict that blessing from you is what my beloved brothers sisters it's in a loss in the Quran but of Allah Bethan and carry at incarnate a militant mode my indebting yeti ha disco Haggadah mean cool me mechanic fraca farah to be an early life that Allah Universal do it will hopefully Macario Macario Sarah rune Allah tells the story of a city yeah Kehaar risk ooh ha rather than me coolly McCann there was a city and the city the scholars they said was Mecca Mecca provision everything risk why it was importing exporting and money and merchants and it was up in the sky Allah bless this land he gave them everything they needed but what did they do how far at the Cooper here it means to be ungrateful that's what it means an ayah for kuffara be an Rumi lab the antrum is the plural for Nana they disbelieved in the blessing meaning they showed no gratitude today what did I do Allah who leave a surge or Allah dressed them clothing why do I say I close them in poverty because the clothes does it leave you poverty never left them and made poverty placed in front of their eyes namaskaar jewelry while hope and fear they can't walk anywhere everyone's scared of the other person robbing him these two remember this these are from the fundamental blessings of Allah which is what wealth and what safety and the third one is health allowed mentally what did Allah say to Quraysh Feli Abu Dhabi heard elevate already up I'm a home food here we're having a home I'm a home enduring where I'm at home worship what did he command them to do to worship the Lord of the there's a collation of the custodians of the Kaaba well ship the load of the cabinets that your gaudi well ship the load of that the camera that you're guarding but what did I lastly I have done for you what did I last thing I've done for you I provided you something to eat and I made safety for you so I asked you all here everyone here does every one of you here have food to eat now does every one of you have safety here the process I said on my said when asked by makeup admin a PCB after feature said he in the who - you're me and Emma duniya Gaddafi Lea any one of you who wakes up in the morning he has the food for that day forget next week or the week after that day you have food to eat in don't you - you're me and that person also has health they have what and they are safe they're not worried about no one robbing them they're not worried about anyone doing anything to them what did the Prophet say and never he's at low who do you have your header area it's like the whole entire world has been placed under your feet you go everything what are you looking for why are you not content you have everything you're looking for well it only can one of the things that shocked me at this era that we're living in is this characteristics of not being grateful if you agree you go to a shop and they on the side of the shop they have a complaint section and people actually stand many fill up the complaint section they will actually complain if you go to the airlines and you look at it you fill in the form and there's a complaint section and people who go out of their way to complain so you go to the bank and you see a what a smiley face a straight face and a lot and somebody will just walk by just press this sad face on and you he was in front of you could see he was dealt in a nice service it was good it was a he the reason is because we've been taught to will be what I'm grateful and this is one of the things that takes away what what you already have well Erica memorize this every one of you memorize this Shuko is sayyiduna lil ma food and dude limo I'll explain it to English Shakur it ties down what you already have when you come with sugar wherever blessings that you already have it will keep it down it will hold on to it for you and it will bring you what you don't have the remaining blessings that are out there that hasn't come your way yet sugar will bring it for you what daddy could ask are as they say ke Doolittle oh dude while shy into a little more food ke don't pay it means well played is the one that you tie the camera with that's a rope so that paint that you tie it with it's eight but you tie the blessing that already there sugar will tie it down for you whilst I II don't and it hunts for you site you know say right it hunts for you fishing or whatever or hunting an animal what does it bring for you the blessings that are out there that hasn't come your way it'll bring it for you sugar that's what Allah said like in shock Artem let as he that knuckle to increase means what you already have remains and extras coming truffles so both meanings are in the ayah so when you're not showing gratitude you know what's happening to you you're gonna lose what you already have and definitely you're not gonna get what you're looking for so when you're complaining you're gonna lose what you already have and you're gonna lose the actual benefits that are out there well in Attica that's why we're commanded to read in the Salah every single rocker al-hamdu lillahi rabbil aalameen praises to Allah gratitude the person shows gratitude the other benefit that we take from the story of neighbor llahi Ayub is Ayub said and Lee Miceli astray upon will be must be no sorry maybe you like Ayub he done what is known as Thomas to Little Master Thomas alright what did I you do colossal Thomas still means what Ayub intermediary right you've went through his situation and asked Allah through his situation and this is permissible by saying to Allah in lima señor burro I mean oh Allah my situation is very severe and you're very merciful this is called colossal which is impermissible there are some types of the muscle which are permissible so from them is what nebula you did here also what is permissible is asking Allah through righteous actions that you come with like the rasa to laugh at him in mechanic's a block whom had to our who will may be to Allah value for the whole 100 socrata military if I said that I revolve our Hikaru in ávila ug come in handy sahara integral ilaha ila in salah near manickam Pacala Raja let me know a llama in Oh Kennedy of awareness a honey can be around into Iraq honey three people went into the cave and what did the first one say Allah in Oh Kennedy about one if a honey can be run I had two parents who were old in age and he spoke about his parents and then after we did he say a llama included to fight with any cafeteria or watch it the furniture and I'm a goofy oh Allah if I did this for your sake then take us out of what the problem that we're in so he interceded through his what let's just take that scenario right now think about if any one of us got locked into that cave today what action do we have to ask Allah sincerely and say our life it is for you and they know it's a big action you have to ponder over that you have an action like that big to say o Allah did it for your sake no one else in class sincerity and take me out of what I'm in so maybe like I leave that's what he did the other benefit that we take from nebula Ayub story is Allah accepts dua and that Allah is not dumb deaf or blind and Allah is not absent as some may say Allah is present and Allah knows what every slave is asking him for some Hannah Tyler are you with me brothers and sisters but because do I get delayed does it mean allies absent okay it means that Allah knows when the right I was gonna be are you with me a brother and sisters and there are factors that delay that do our truffles sometimes it's Allah wanting to delay it and sometimes it's because what you're coming with has not met the clear criteria hasn't met the condition just like if you take a seed and you say I'm going to plant it into the middle of the desert and you just water it is it gonna work you've got the water you've got the land and you've got that seed but is it working because the land is not what it's not the right type of land are you with me brothers what do I mean by that your heart is not the right type you've got a sick minded heart so where the dries coming from it's not making sense also maybe because you're eating Haram your income is Haram the process I still have I told us all right you know you'll see Lucifer I should ask the other but he would do your day he'll estimate yeah well best to holla who do Bill Haller and now you said I would hear that a man who's a traveler he's travelling his food is Haram his clothing is come on he's nurtured upon Allah he drinks Hara his whole income is Hara the prophecy and I used to jog Walid Eric how is this mangas do are going to be accepted keeping in mind this man came with many factors for his due out to be accepted the first one is that he said Europe and a lot of the suits and Imran Latinas Kuna LaPierre more crude or a little bit of a coruña few how kissing my wife to alarm been a Maha had about inner some helices a venerable Arabella with illa llah say insert the last page first the Jabba now we accepted a draft so yeah rub is one of the ways that do I was accepted the man said it second one is he raised his hand the process telemarketers in the hadith in raha hai ye cannae moon it are afar Elaine Abdul Dada let me go to merciful Allah is kind Allah his generous no slave raises his hands to Allah and Allah turns you back not giving you what you're asking for doesn't do that the man raised his hand he begged Allah the third thing is that the man came with which he's - I should have been accepted he was what he was a traveler as a traveler the process Alamut old us that your alga Mustafa is accepted are you with me the thinking that the man came with with L hat L hat me is what the man was repeating his begging and Yaya he didn't say once and repetition and continuous going on the drug is one of the ways that they do I was accepted just because he came with one big factor all of that prevented his door I've been accepted which was what ha remember those whose income a Haram and the money that comes from Haram the process I survey said au Lac me never to a lahar me for now viola any part of your body that came the money came from it Haram the Hellfire has right on that body the day of judgment HAP I will take the portion of food are you with me brothers so and in this world what Allah you're gonna suffer lot of people are depressed was sad anxieties because happiness is not my beloved brothers and sisters it's not the body happiness is the heart and Lenina a man who what Optima in local home weekly lie and I really like I taught my uncle it's the heart of Allah that finds tranquility are you with me the person finds happiness with him I use me brothers and sisters so just because you have the money and the wealth and everything that's that won't make you happy that will not make you happy so look where you take from Allah his than to IV slaves but in any kind of sahabas were raising their voice whilst they were on their riding Beast and then the process Allah means that in the community I saw some man when I thought even you are not calling onto one whose death and you're not cooling one who's absolutely Allah is low closer to you than the riding beasts neck is closer to you I mean he knows your situation somehow Loretto era but Allah subhana WA Ta'ala only obeys a people who meet the criteria ok they meet the criteria also the benefit that we take from the hadith is when Allah gives he gives with greatness not as the humans are maybe like you what did he want in return he wanted his health back right what else did he want his children in his family what did Allah say were attained now Allah who were miss long mom we gave him extra we doubled his money fine we doubled his children for me why because that patience that he came with that time that he waited a lot of a note Allah gave him double of what he wanted Allah multiplied it for him some Hanna who with that so you don't know what's waiting for you are you with me brothers and sisters you do not know what's waiting for you you do not know what's going to happen for you sometimes some situations people come up to you and say to you how is this situation good for me and when they belie hundred was killing the boy in that situation does it look good or bad but was it good sir so your situation may look bad to you right now and it may not make sense but you only have the pixel analyse the whole picture he knows everything Allah look at this brothers and sisters Allah knows what's happened in the past Allah knows what's happening now Allah knows what's gonna happen in the future and Allah even knows what hasn't happened if it was to happen how it would have happened are you gonna question his ability then so Hanna wakana he knows all of that so when the last of Hanna with the eyelid judge is something for you believe in him have good thoughts of him well he died recovered did the Prophet Elias let me say that Allah subhana WA Ta'ala said it had little and in dunya I've DB I am what my slave thinks of me so what do you think of Allah in this situation that you're in do you think he's doing good for you say yes Wow look what the woman says oh ja the righteous wife had Jannah what'd she say - bruh him What did he say he than in Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah will not forsake us she's so good of a larger did she not at the time that she's gonna be left in the middle of that it doesn't look right she had thicker yeah Lou come on look who've already done unto me I become this is what you thought of your Lord are you with me brother and sisters the calamity hits you have good thoughts of a large L and believe in him and what and believe in Allah Azza WA Jalla also the benefit that we take from the story of nebula Ayub is that the blessed in that Allah gives us it's based on mercy I want you to memorize this if you go through calamities what did the scholars say when you go through mercy as well you go through calamities the scholars they say this is Allah is justice and when you get blessing this is a lot mercy if you put through calamities and your suffering because what we have to understand I always say this to many people who said you deserve this blessing in the first place who said it was yours in the first place if I give you ten deer hunts' today and I ask you to give it back to me and I definitely will I said give me back my ten deer hunt do you do you have a rights to be upset with that I took what was mine I gave it to you the first place is it not a blessing that I give it gave it you in the first place that I have to give it you think of it like that every blessing that you have you had no rights to get it in the first place and I met him in a life well Derek Allah said your mula Erica and s-salam who would like a moon or aliens now back home but in their monotonic manner their committeeman importance under him so what happened to us is we think this was ours and it was taken from us fine but we just need to change the equation this was never yours in the first place it wasn't your right in the first place you didn't deserve it in the first place rather the prophet salaallah alayhi wa sallam he said a slave will be taking the day of and he would say we said to go to Jenna and he would say the hull to generator by Emily I have entered gender because of my actions and then his eye his I would be wait for him on a scale and what would happen his eye will be showed him the blessings that are in this eye and all of the righteous deed that he did and it would not be equivalent to what not even his eyesight so when he Danica the Prophet Elias I've said in the hadith lennier had a congenital harmony Kilauea anti-roma inland Metheny Allah who bear affirmative in whole table the process Elam said no one's gonna enter gender because of his actions and they said even you O Messenger of Allah what did he say he said even me because we don't deserve each other it's a large mess it has taken us the jungle that's what the Prophet said Allah had ever made any Allah who became in Wafaa block unless allah opposed his mercy and his kindness on me there's no other way to enter jannah what is pay attention what is our actions then what role does it play our action is what opens the discussion in the first place you get it our action that we come with opens the discussion in the first place are you with me whether Allah should shower His mercy on us or not but our action is not what takes us so we don't just come and say okay open the space I need to go together no it's not like that your actions won't do that for you your actions would rather just allow for you to be looked for also the other thing that we benefit is a point that I want to touch on which is and this is a point that I think it shows the virtuous did learn of some groups that deviates from the hack which is the moola he Ayub when the ayah came down or could be read jelica some group they took this as to mean the permissibility over rocks that you can dance and a form of Nevada there a group of people who think huh twirling and going round is there a body they get closer to Allah by it and what they use they use this or could be rigidly can hit your leg on the ground when you said Allah I said hit your leg on the ground they said oh you see you can dance to get closer to to get closer to our last night or Thailand that is not correct look what I actually understood how the pious predecessors understood it and the way that they explained it I want to mention another benefit the mentioning of water gushing from the earth has been mentioned twice in the Quran and twice in the Sunnah the first one was what are you that we just mentioned the second one is maybe like Musa al-salaam and Allah I told him to hit the rock and then it became 12 the two in the Sunnah are what the amount reserves am and the third one was and this the second one and this is the best of them all was the water that gushed and from the prophets had this is the greatest miracle now the rest they came out on the earth places where they normally come out from but this one came out from the middle of blood and pus and this is the greatest fool for people to use water that comes out of your hand like that also the benefit that we take from this story is that the evil and the good are both a calamity and a test Allah chimeric with Allah he says when a blue can be surely well Haley fitrah Allah tests you with what good and what did he test us with what is it that is upon us what is it that is upon us when we're tested with good what do we do how do you pass that test so sure what how do we show sugar number one I mentioned three points what were they number one so using that sugar in the obedience of Allah that's one ie number two talking about it telling the people but what kind of blessings you - you talk to the people about it no km says the one that's general if you have a blessing which is unique for you and you know the people around you don't have it don't go around saying my money is I make 50,000 a month yeah because that can be what I mean it can be evil eye you speak about the general blessings that you have with the people are you with me number three was what to believe it in your heart to actually believe this blessing that's true and what was the second time when you're tested with calamities and hardship what do you need to come with serve our patients how do you come with patients now have you come with the pay a kilometer a Sabra la parte lack patience is three times right to be paid upon the obedience of Allah a summer Anna Marcy to be patient from the sins and the third one was not a solidary 911 he brought a Mira he Mahalo he divided the patients and the calamities that the person goes through into two types and I want you to memorize this a calamity that comes to you from Allah directly that's it where did it come from you lost your child from who Allah the second one is you lost your child due to somebody's handy somebody ran over your child this one he said is the hardest one because the person you can blame is right in front of you you're looking at them hold yourself to restrain yourself it's the hardest form this that we spoke about which is patience and patience and what show called gratitude right in okay you brought a book you called it the death of Siberia dr. strawberry know whether he loved to check it in what did he call it order to solve it either way when the HERA to shake it and what does this book deal with the person who's try if you want to get to allah if you're flying to allah what do you need any two wings what are the two wings patience and if you come with one lot the other one was happening you're flying with one wing can you fly will you get to allah now you won't get realization you will not get to Eliza Madonna so patience is a great and a great action that this story mentioned we benefited from I ask Allah Subhanahu WA Ta'ala that he missed Abu Lahab adequate allahu ala nabina Zombieland Allah make us from those who are patient and Allah gives us kill and health and benefits in this world Allah has the ability to do so anything that I might have said that was wrong or incorrect shortcomings or fault is for me a Shaitaan and Allah and His Messenger are free from it subhana Kalama be handicapped shadow Allah Allah Allah Allah the star fiddle quad to be like
Channel: Naseeha Sessions
Views: 11,433
Rating: 4.9358716 out of 5
Keywords: imran ibn mansur, dawah man, naseeha session
Id: UAg3YcpyyCo
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Length: 75min 6sec (4506 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 11 2019
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