Gratitude - Endless Devotion: Remembering Those Who Remembered You by Sh. Omar Suleiman

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so now I can walk in to line it with a cat so I will ask me not even if I was a mr. Nava Haman come date night you know behind I mean whatever one in that olive lining me want to help you but to intervene a lot almost Lundy was send him about occurred I'm Dakotas Whittaker Muhammad in Seoul Allah are you something alright a tiny he was even emphysema in Cathedral first and foremost forgive me for drinking this in front of you off sick Mohammed brought this for me as a gift so apparently this is the famous place the coffee bean and he said I can't leave without having one of these and this is the most incredible coffee slash whatever it is but I've ever had in my life that's it's pretty good you guys should be proud of that I'm very happy to be here do I have to stand behind the podium by the way or can I move I can move around okay so if it's okay with you all this I don't feel constricted I'll try not to make you work too much long shallow time I'm very happy to be here comes inaudible I mean let me just say off the back not sure well what an impressive community that you guys have what an impressive community and home did nomogram I mean that everything is oh I was just about to talk about how everything is so organizing someone but everything has so organized or I thought it wasn't till just now I have never in my entire traveling around the country seen a mess did the stew this detail with every single little thing that's from brother Adams extensive planning their lost panel Tyler Ward him and their last round of town I grant him the highest level agenda and shall lock to shift Mohammed's hospitality to everyone's just pure organization and it's very impressive and you should all feel very blessed to be part of this community when home didn't honor I mean I'm actually very envious most massages that you go around the country the speaker system doesn't work properly you know whenever you you fly into a place you got to figure out everything on your own they don't book you in a cheap motel and then you have to fight for reimbursements of hotels and stuff like that so from the treatment of the emails it's terrible usually to the quality of the sound system to the attendants everyone is very late and masha'Allah we're starting we set seven o'clock right seven o'clock seven o'clock was the start timer it houses pizza and socializing pizza where's the pizza by the way you didn't offer me okay I take I take it back with the hospitality thing I didn't get any pizza so but mashallah everything has been wonderful family Delambre I'm very happy to be here now the topic and yes I did choose the title I didn't make the title up or I didn't plagiarize in title I know sister you can I'm gonna be chewing I'm gonna be chewing on the pizza while you guys are watching me but the title endless devotion remember those who remembered you brother Adam wanted a good title so I tried to give him a good title otherwise I would just call it shoe code or a loyalty or what that or you know just use a standard title I know how from the way that chef Muhammad spoke he stands up and starts this popular I can tell that nothing is done ordinary here so but basically the title of shook and the title of Checotah though is not your typical lecture about show could why because we're not going to be talking about sugar to allah subhanahu wata'ala necessarily okay what usually when you think of schuko do you think of being grateful to allah span without but rather showing gratitude to people who have done good for you in your life the people that were there for you throughout your life okay showing gratitude towards them and I know because I always like to browse through the the previous lectures that are done out of messages to make sure that I don't duplicate anyone anyone else's topic so I know that chef Muhammad recently gave us off something and in regards to show code reflections on Libya and those types of things but if I'm not mistaken that was moral lines of sugar to a lost panettone right being grateful for what we have being thankful for the situation that we're in was along the lines of death are you guys this don't remember it was a along the lines of being grateful to Allah as it was incorrect so tonight I want to shift it to a different focus and the first hadith and this will kind of set the basis for it whereas Allah so Allah Martina sanam says men lam yasha Karina's Namur Allah whoever is not grateful to people is not truly grateful to Allah Subhanahu WA Ta'ala the meaning of that hadith is very very very profound ok and it's also true although the hadith is not such but if we were to switch it around and I'll explain how if we were to say then them yesterday laughs and I'm yes good in us whoever does not think Allah is not grateful to Allah will not be grateful to people is also true ok now let's first take a look at this hadith and try to analyze it as critically as possible number one what was the goal of shape on in the Quran what is the end goal of shape on it's to make people under shape Ron says why not as you do a cuddle I'm shocked eating you will find that most of them are not going to be grateful people ok then I lost the pen and what Allah says Shaitaan was right right where what I am Eliza was in such a pond was telling the truth where what Connie them in our evaluate and very few of my servants are grateful people ok I want you to think very very deep about this Shaitaan says that after all this Dawa of mine after my coming to them from the right and from the left after my swaying them here swaying them there after all of this the end goal is that they will not be grateful people at a loss can no Dada is telling Sheikh on from he's going to be successful in that aspect most people are very ungrateful people most people will be disconnected from gratefulness and from a standpoint with a la semana pasada the moment that you separate gratefulness from your Avada gratefulness from your worship is the moment that you're available starts to lose its feeling will start to lose its taste when you stop praying out of gratefulness okay when you stop pray when you stop fasting out of grit out of gratefulness when you stop being a good person out of gratefulness once you disconnect shooked from your email that you have a problem but now let's take it to gratitude towards human beings and remembering those who remembered you yes it's true whoever is not grateful to people will not be grateful to a loss of Hanna Matata and what's so interesting is that shape on made the oath that you would find that most of them are ungrateful people and a loss of henna Allah said what paulina Maneri dadliest record and very few of my servants are grateful Alonzo attempted not specify ungrateful to him but they would be ungrateful people that this would be a characteristic a trait that they would have when we talk about human beings now being grateful and ungrateful to human beings I said that the opposite also holds true Melanie scooted La Leche Karina's whoever is not grateful to allah subhanaw taala will not be grateful to people and he not an empyema a Mahalo he mentioned something very important in this regard if a person is not grateful to allah subhanahu wata'ala first and foremost we know from this hadith you can't separate the two okay you're either a grateful person with everyone or you're ungrateful to everyone there is no partial gratefulness in that regard you can't have one without the other and you're not going to play about him Allah mentions something very significant that the one who is not grateful to Allah subhana WA Ta'ala will treat every single relationship in dunya the business contract what does that mean essentially when you form a friendship or you have a relationship with someone the goal of that relationship from your perspective is to gain as much from that person while giving them the least responsibility think about it okay if you have a friend and that friend usually we formed relationships on the basis and this is very shallow but this is what we're talking about shallow people okay this person might be able to get something done for me today we don't form relationships or we don't treat people with with courtesy based upon you know their their status and Dean we don't treat it but you know them and for example a person who has no connection to Dean whatsoever who has nasty character but who has some connections in the city when he walks into a Muslim gathering everyone's gonna stand up and say sit down with Allah keep Pilate Cuffy where you been - Akbar Cole how many been okay it's my fault I was talking about the speaker system being there it's my fault but so let me if I stand here it'll be okay okay am I talking too loud by the way okay alright so I just want to make sure I shall atomic so when that person walks into a gathering everyone treats him with a certain level of respect why because although I don't like his character at the end of the day if I'm in trouble if I get in trouble with the authorities I know that I'm gonna be able to call this guy so I better be nice to him right and if you have a friend in dunya even if that person is very close to you again this is the shallow definition when that friend becomes draining upon you it doesn't matter what he's done for you in the past eventually you're gonna get sick of answering the phone you're gonna be like I don't need this this is not benefiting me okay so in a way our relationships become like insurance company seriously I want maximum benefit from you while giving you minimum responsibilities while giving at least from my perspective I don't want to give you much I want to benefit from you the minute that the scale tips the other way I'm going to try to distance myself from that relation and subhanAllah think about this in regards to Paris you know I say this all the time especially brothers and sisters who are just raising kids who are just you know new to this whole parenting thing I'm new to the parenting thing too by the way so I asked her lost pounds on not to test me with my words but it's very important for us to understand the best way to have children that will love and respect you when you get older and that will treat you well and that would be grateful to you is to make them grateful to Allah Subhan Allah Tala when you raise your children upon Deen what else is going to make them treat you well whenever you get older otherwise if they if they're not grateful to Allah spanis ila if they're not thinking of Allah Azza WA JAL then you're good you're just going to be a burden on them you're just gonna be dead weight they're not gonna want to be around you anymore you're draining them now they've already got the car from you they've already went off to college they've already but you put them on their own two feet now that they're set on their own two feet they don't want you anymore they don't need you anymore it happens a lot with parents right and that's why allah subhanhu italicize what adds are a duplicate and why the homo radical don't be amused don't be fascinated by their wealth and by their children why you read the wahoo and you have Libra whom we have a while some cannot either desires to punish them with them think about this the brothers and sisters who will neglect Islamic education in their homes who will neglect Caribbean who will neglect raising their children and raising themselves at the same time upon that Allah and Allah who will themselves not be grateful to Allah subhana wa tada and will not teach that teach their children the same way who will invest so much time into getting them first-class education who will make sure that they're spoiled rotten that you drive the best car when you get older that you have everything at your disposal what does that benefit when the child then turns around that 18 and says shut up that I'm a grown man now benefited you nothing so the best way to have children who will treat you well is to raise them to be beautiful to a loss of head in which either because as I don't know if I in Lhasa the opposite of the hadith holds true also rasool mosque iceland said Mendham yes scoot in Assam your scooty now whoever does not think people does not think a lot whoever is not grateful to Allah will not be grateful to people he will forget you your child would forget you why because you're a burden now and we think like insurance companies sometimes we become that shallow so I want to talk about their brothers and sisters specifically being grateful to human beings and before I do that I'll mention the general categorization of shuker because it's important to understand there are three categories of shook three ways of expressing gratefulness can anyone tell me try to be interactive please how are how do you be a great how do you thank someone action is one okay cuckoo village owada sugar bridge allah the the scholars of tesca call it Sukkot of being grateful with your limbs literally with your accents what else with your heart a Sukkot a bit of poly to mean your gratefulness okay when you say thank you to someone it's heartfelt what's the what's the other one sisters should know this very well what do women always complain about from their husbands huh Kalam good speaking speech and listen Asuka release on okay these are the three categories that make up shook all right and it's important to mention even whenever we start breaking down the categories of being grateful to people why because shook would is so comprehensive right shoe code in the Arabic language who can tell me what it means Chikara anyone know what it means sure code in the Arabic language is the opposite of Co for you literally it's the Antonine of khufu okay go for is to conceal something cou food is to disbelieve and whenever you say cook food in the Arabic language it does not necessarily mean this belief in allah subhanhu it silent to deny something that you know is there okay so it's to conceal something right stick order on the other hand listen to the beautiful meaning of it in the Arabic language you know if someone comes to me like if shift Muhammad for example and the sister may Allah reward here people are you know coming and giving me pizza and I'm giving you a drink let's say that someone went outside I'm not I'm not suggesting this by the way and got two boxes of pizza and started stuffing my mouth with pizza now while my mouth is full of pizza I said for whom okay I would say in the Arabic language Jakarta Jakarta which means stop you've done too much think about this stop you've done too much this is the way that the auto used to use the word should check out tuk okay so shook hood in the Arabic language means extra okay so we're not talking about when we talk about loyalty only okay that's why I lost my parents honor is s chiku no matter how much you do for the sake of a loss of heaviness ila can you give him when he gives you no never okay so it's extra okay so when you do things for people that are extra then you are being a grateful person then you are being Shakur okay and Allah Azza WA JAL is s Shakur then we talk about these three categories a shook or first and foremost but you have to mean your gratefulness you have to mean your thanks to someone it has to be heartfelt right and parents would know the difference for example when you when you have to tell your child to go do the dishes and as you know as opposed to if the tile does the dishes on its own accord right the difference of the feeling that you would have when that happens is incredible even if he did a lousy job without without you having to tell him you would appreciate it because it's heartfelt okay so shook hood is worthless if it's not from the heart okay so first and foremost a Checotah middle color secondly a shoe coat of Italy Sam okay to actually be grateful and express gratefulness okay now I know for in our culture's this is something that's considered I have this is something that's considered shameful is to say I love you and thank you sweetie and these types of things and this is kiss is generally frowned upon as Western culture right this is something that you guys got from the west and and I don't need to do this and I don't need to do that and people refuse to speak in a nice way okay now in regards to a loss of hanwen Satta look how important a Sukkot ability Sam is well soon lost my son I'm sad and the explanation of the last ayah of surah Doha well I'm not being Arimathea not because the habit as for the bounty of your Lord then speak of it then mention it was almost like I said I've said at the end of bionaire Mithila he shook well Tom who had cook to speak of the bounty of allah subhanaw taala upon you is gratefulness and to abandon it is this belief that's how significant it is with a loss of Kyocera now how about with people okay no matter how much you do and no matter how much you mean sometimes if it's not expressed there is no shame in thanking a person okay there is no shame in being sweet with your talk this is what was so awesome and what Russell was I said I was someone who was frequently he was always thankful with his tongue okay how the sweet tongue is very very very important especially and this is sometimes brothers and sisters struggle with it in marital affairs especially and sometimes children who grow up in this culture who are used to the to the fantasize you know Hollywood lifestyle you know all those things that you see on TV they feel hurt by this they feel a lack of compassion because sweet words are not there it's a very simple thing that you could add into your life now and in this expression of your gratefulness okay so I'm not necessarily just talking about the tongue and those types of things you know spamela just a few weeks ago I had a couple and you know that I was counseling and the wife was complaining about the husband and really the husband does a lot he does a lot but he never says anything nice to her I mean it's always just business like okay what do you want how it gets you this all right you want this go bite it you know he's such a rough person so I said yeah it wouldn't hurt every once in a while to be nice to her to speak nicely you know to say I love you to her to bring flowers for her to show an expression these things are not from Western culture these things are from Sunnah you know so for example one of the things in the nominal Kodama came a long maca sea he said that to express love okay to express affection in a way that's not inappropriate is from the student of Russell lost by somewhere and whatever fashion it is so it changes in that regard so you know the idea of kissing on the cheek every time you walk into the house and those types of things expressions of love expressions of gratitude this is cinema no soon lost I said I've never walked into the house of one of his bosses without first kissing them without first embracing them expressions of love and these types of things so I told the guy you should buy some flowers every once in a while and somehow luck three days later the woman calls out she never sees this video I hope it's not but the woman calls me and she's just literally broken and I'm saying what's wrong what's wrong and she's so she's like breathing really hard and talking about he bought me flowers and I was like okay that's good company that he bought me flowers but the problem is is that he came in with the flowers and he threw him at and he said here you happy I gave him to you shuttle us he never watches this video don't publicize this video so it defeated the purpose completely no no I talked to the guy he was like he was like shushing how much that I didn't know what do you want from me I bought her what she wanted with it I you completely missed the point so sometimes being grateful with the tongue expressions of gratefulness okay expressions of gratefulness are very very significant and this is not just between what husband and wife this is from child to parent this is from parents to children okay this is the brothers and sisters this is generally speaking expressing your gratefulness isn't extremely important okay the third thing is action actions speak louder than words and yes actions you know a shkodra Jawara this is the most important thing definitely this is the most important thing right but you take it within the comprehensive understanding of shook and a lot of brothers and sisters was you know a lot of brothers and sisters would say well we do a lot we do a lot right but we just don't know how to express it okay so I'm the lad the core matter is there but you need to beautify it with expression and it's more important to have the action there then the expression acting in a grateful manner okay sometimes expressions are empty okay an empty expressions hurt more than actions that aren't represented by expression okay are actions that aren't beautified with expression okay air men you added a Buddha chakra lost paradises in the Koran act or work or people of the wood or family of the wood in a grateful manner okay so you have to act in a grateful manner also it's extremely important in that regard now let's break it down to the life of Muhammad SAW Allah honey listen well so la la la Heidi listen up is the ideal example of a person who is gracious not just in the sense of of his of his everyday demeanor okay we obviously know from the from the aspect of very badly to a lost parents I love worship to Allah soprano time he's constantly thanking allah subhanaw taala but not just from that aspect but when do you hear about Russell lost my son complaining about his clones are complaining about his food or complaining about you know some situation he never complained okay so he was a very grateful person and a very gracious person in his character so Allah Hardy was on him but I want to talk about specifically the way to solace ice and I'm dealt with the important people in his life okay and one of the important things from from the hadith of where Jubilee Hani Salaam is advising Russell la cebolla Hani with some of the authentic hadith and Timothy do realize that I was giving her soul asylum advice outside of his capacity of the messenger from a loss of Hannah Hannah meaning debris release them so outside of the capacity of white and one of those is what Liv mash it the Faneca methodical love who you will but you're going to eventually be split from that person okay but one of the important meanings of that hadith is to prioritize your relationships in life okay to prioritize your relationships in life first and foremost there was probably no human being who did more for rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam without complaining more than hadith above the allotted on hadith about the Alana is just that special and she's so special that a loss of Hannah Tyler sensitive realized I mean I mean imagine this okay now many times the wife the wives of Imams and there are and people that are that are busy for that you know in the path of a mosque are tired they struggle and eventually rightfully so sometimes they crack you know that you're not giving us enough time or those types of things a lot of emails struggle with this a lot of direct struggle with is trying to balance family life and and these types of things look at Cadiz all of the along time I'm her she was the most well she was so wealthy she was so wealthy that she could sponsor the entire household she could sponsor she was literally at one point the only financial source of the Darwin also muscle the law party was funded okay she had everything and at the same time she had noble style at the same time I mean think about this and let's think about the human aspect of this because sometimes we forget that the companions were human beings think about the human aspect of this all of a sudden muscle loss ice time starts this call and as a dignified woman who was 15 years elder to my husband I lose my noble status in the sense that now you know we're looked at as as the low people of society we're about to go through boycott me we go through boycotting these types of things all of our money is gone out all of our wealth is gone all the headache that comes the emotional headache that comes whenever your husband comes home bruised up and with marks on him and these types of things having to be there for us to lhasa along instead of think about the human aspect of this the human drain that must have came upon Khadija about the allotted on but she never complained even to the point that she died of malnutrition because of the boycott that came as a result of the dollar but also lost like some she never complained and there was no person that was so lost I so appreciated more than her any time she was mentioned Russell lost I slums face would completely change anytime or so lost my salaam got some food in his house or some gifts he would constantly send to her friends just out of his remembrance of her he was look at the loyalty little Salah slice on him to her right and it was even to the point that whenever her sister Hannah would come and call upon rasulullah sallallahu wasallam I saw the Aloha on her described as the seen rasool ullah sallallahu wasallam automatically if he's requiring he jumps up he gets up right away and he says Allahu Mahalo Aloha Mahalo oh Allah it's hala Oh he used to remember the voice of Khadija will be a long time through the mouth of Hanna and he would rest to go see what she wants and I saw the Elohim that describes it from her perspective you know that I was never I was never jealous over any of the wives of Rasul Allah some of our English Sunnah the way that I was jealous of Hadees about the alarm huh well never ate to her and I never saw her before she Pamela I never met her before but I was more jealous of her than any of the wives were so muscle malama honua summit so one day she decided to test the muscles are so little are you set up and rasoolullah sallallahu on e wa sallam was remembering Khadijah of Allah on so I show the eleven who says what helicanus Alera Jews and Videla Kalama paid him in huh wasn't she just an old woman that a loss of Hannah Tyler gave you better than her she pushed the wrong women so lhasa Allah Hardy wa salaam the hair on his head stood up think about how angry he was his face turned red and he now at this point no sauce my son really cannot benefit much from a marital perspective by talking about the dead wife right if anything he's to convince the live wife that I don't care about her anymore but look at the loyalty of Russell muscle Allah honey with summer says well I am a bad enemy a lot of vitamin huh oh by Allah Allah did not give me better than her and the soul asylum starts to mention her favors think about this saw the Utne if kadambini honest she believed in me now Allen at me if careful be enough she believed in me when people disbelieved in when people disbelieved in me she considered me truthful she believed me when other people called me a liar she spent on me is haram Ania Ness when other people refused to spend on me and this is one thing that I want all of the brothers to pay specific attention to because we're gonna start with the brothers in that regard what was up any a lot of wannabe huh is haram Ania Aladdin ISA a loss of Hannah to Allah blessed me with children through her and he did not give me children through any other woman I want you to think about this your brothers and sisters okay for a moment but let's just mention very quickly how much time do I have by the way till 9:00 I stopped at 9:00 okay I'll stop at 9:00 and shelter so I need to just speed up a little bit I know that I'm kind of blabbering on I want to get to the point of these things well soon as I fell in love khadija obably Aloha I'm her so much and this is just one more story that I just have to mention because it truly is so heartwarming I want you to imagine this so sue la solana ardi wa sallam in the battle of method one of the prisoners that he had was who hablas who was the husband of his daughter zeyneb ving Tsun muhammad sallallaahu rd was the Nahuatl de la banda the daughter of Khadijah and she sends to rasoolullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam because allah Abbas was fighting against the messenger sallallaahu hani wa sallam he buckled to the peer pressure from the other side and she sends to rasulullah sallallahu wasallam the necklace of Khadija will be Oliv on to ransom her husband an assumed lhasa Allah RT the center looks at this necklace and his entire facial expression changes he's full of tears and pan Allah this is reminding him it's painful memory of his wife Khadijah will be a lot on on and he's looking at it and he says to the Sahaba if you wish you can free her prisoner and give her back the necklace so panel of the gratefulness of Las Olas license of hadith all of the ilaha it never went away he always was grateful to her okay and this would bring me to my first point because we're gonna categorize this shooked gratitude between husband and wife okay specifically speaking and I specifically want to emphasize the last portion okay that Allah subhana WA Ta'ala blessed me with children through her and he did not bless me with children through anyone else first and foremost this is to the brothers you know we have to think about this you know Sheikh Muhammad was speaking about this I don't want to spill two minute I'm not gonna spill too many means but he was talking about starting a project to show appreciation to our wives okay in that regard Allah Azza WA JAL gives you this wife and this woman gives birth to your children she gives you a piece of you and you still have the nerve to abuse her either mentally or physically subhanAllah or emotionally and it's and it's interesting somehow love because of similar slice that I mentioned this fit mentions this favor specifically and this was not just something that was some muscle mohanty was seldom mentioned in the sahaba did not take it seriously I want to help out all the along Tyler I know I'm a man once comes to him and says you know I think I don't I want to divorce my wife I'm gonna be 11 who says why he says she's just not attractive to me anymore you know what I'm a doll the 11 who says where's your courtesy that you know to you hi where is your courtesy where is your courtesy meaning what a loss some kind of tie that gives you children through this woman this is the woman that takes all of your garbage when you go home and you just you vent out because of whatever you had at work and then you still have the nerve to be rude to this person and to deny that this person had a had a huge part in your life this is not from the Sunnah of the messenger so allah honey Wasilla you have to recognize that and somehow allah this is another situation that that I dealt with that that boiled lee i remember brother ones complaining to me he says that my wife doesn't do enough to take care of yourself I said and I know that's a common complaint and by the way everything is with balance right men and women husband and wife should try to keep in shape for each other should tries to keep attractive for each other asked to keep their gazes restricted from other people this is a fact but again the aspect of courtesy and I'm like didn't your wife just have a baby and he says yeah I said how long ago two months ago like your wife just had a baby two months ago and you're coming and complaining about her appearance somehow Allah a lot of times you know a lot of brothers we have to think about this one will say she just doesn't do it for me anymore I'm just not attracted to her anymore she's you know if anything she might have lost her shape because of us you're the one that got her pregnant in the first place being grateful to your wife is something that also lost my son teaches us through the example for these about the alone time now I can shift my attention sisters brothers ignore everything that I'm about to say and and I hope that no one uses these things against each other but was soon lost I said I'm also mentioned it on the other side right masoom lost my son and once when he was admonishing the women or so lost my son I've said in ammonia quarter verily they disbelieve now again the word cook and Islam is balanced Islam is balanced so the male's how the shaitan allah so allah - allah ya rasool allah our our woman COFA or our woman Kafar mercilessly sanam says no in none yet for honorable ash here okay they disbelieve in the good that you do towards them meaning what and this is the exact example that also lost lice and i'm said that sometimes and this happens a lot between husband and wife I'm not saying it's everybody please no one throw a piece of pizza at me or anything like that okay or a chair that would hurt but I'm not saying everybody but think about this so so lost my son have said that you would do so much good and then one mistake and the answer is I've never seen any good from you sometimes women use this as a tactic against men I know because I'm the amount of my community and I've seen this many times you've never done this for me you've never done that for me you've never done that I hear the word never I mean from from from the sisters and my community more than anything else I'm like come on never never you know so you would deny everything because of one misstep and that and unfortunately what that does is that fuels the other side in them that's where shape on works his magic right so it's also important for the sisters sometimes men are sometimes we're idiots sometimes we mess up okay and it's important from the sisters not to deny every good thing that the husband does based upon this one mistaken said I've never seen any good from you you've never treated me well you've never taken me out you've never the sister didn't you just go to Disney World you have something like that you've never done this the word never yeah koruna Bonacci it very very very important okay so to keep this in mind from both from both sides to be grateful to one another as husband and wife is crucial and we see it from rasulullah sallallahu sonim the perfect balance the perfect balance in that regard okay so that's the first thing the second thing is generally speaking okay when someone has done something for you okay a friend a brother a sister a companion someone was there for you more than anyone else I want you to imagine the scene with Russell Russell a lot honey with some who is the most beloved person to Las Olas a la rasilla all right shuttle the Aloha who Dex I will back it a civility a long time I soon lost my son loved of Abeka of the Aloha who so much and this is an incident that happened between Abu Bakr Siddiq or the la la la la ba la salle on and they had in arguments and I will Beckett hurts oh ma he said something wrong - Omar and Amaro the Elan became upset from Abu Beckett now listen to this story although Beckett was in the wrong all that was in the right but a lot of the Aloha and who went to his house I will beckon sought forgiveness almost said I don't want to forgive you okay he didn't want to hear it he was upset at that time of a record acid equal the Aloha and who went to Las Olas Aloha Hawaii Lucinda to say to assume loss of Allah Marnie was salam not to complain about all marled alone who to say allah so allah i wronged Alma and i'm trying to get him to forgive me and he's seeking advice from the messengers of allah marty was to him while he's seeking advice from the messenger so i said them what happens here comes almost all of the allahu anhu is coming to tell all the wicked all day long i know that he forgives him while he's coming and of a record of Sadiq is talking to us who lost my son Russell si Sam looks at home little bit low animal and his face becomes red he's so angry and I'm Rebecca knows Russell lost Isola so he falls on his knees and he says it'll soon lost a lot honey was salam ya rasool allah i was the one who wronged him I was the one who wronged don't blame him I was the one who wronged him inaudible oh I was coming to apologize I will record a CD called the Elan and listen to the loyalty again from rasulullah sallallahu wasallam says so I'm above the Aloha Tyler I know that whenever I came with this message all of you called me a liar except for Abu Bakr all of you called me a liar except for Abu Bakr had M to enteric he besought me are you going to leave my companion alone are you going to leave my companion along he said it so a lot of the ilaha Tata unha-3 times are you going to leave my companion alone span Allah he never forgot a Rebecca Sadiq for the allotted honor and in fact even at the time of his death when his death is approaching and the Sahaba had their dates to the Messiah and rasulullah sallallahu wasallam says relieve me of all of these gates close all these gates to the messages except through the gate of Abu Beckett anyone who has done anything for us we have repaid him except for a bucket we were never able to repay him look at the loyalty subhanAllah we tend to forget the people who helped us in our times of need I'm not talking about specifically your parents or your husband or your wife right now generally speaking there were brothers who were there for you there were sisters who were there for you at least have the decency to constantly call them and check up on them show them that you appreciate when they were there for you it's not that once you get up on your feet once you're established in all these types of things you forget what they've done for you being grateful to the people that helped you in your times of need the people that supported you emotionally mentally physically financially when no one else was willing to support you this was the character a little soon lost on the one on yourself and I'll mention one more story and then in sha allah tala i want to go on to another topic just very quickly at shuttle and i'll try to finish by 9 o'clock but also lost i said i'm in a battle of thought if he sees a woman coming towards him from the prisoners of thought and i want you to imagine the scene and this woman comes to the salah slice on him and she says i am your sister through breastfeeding I am your foster sister I'm the solace of Allah I smell and she shows us all a Soleimani with some of the bite marks of rasoolullah so I said I'm on her back when I lost my son was a child who is this woman woman say Matt Vinton haddock well the Alondra the daughter of who Halima Sandhya the daughter of Hattie mr. diem and she shows her son lost my son the bite marks when he was a child he was older than him and rasool allah salallahu alayhi wasalam is so humbled by this experience he takes off his garments and he lays it on the ground and he offers her to sit on it and he goes on he starts and he rushes to get camels for her and horses and things to give her an awful loss when he sometimes says if you want then you could stay with me and you will be honored and dignified or you can be sent back to your people and you'll be honored and dignified whatever you want command me whatever you want from me think about this this is Statesman Mosu russell lala honey listen and this is now a woman who is a prisoner and look at the way loss or loss Iassogna mistreating her remember those who remembered you now specifically speaking who are the people that have done most for us and we don't appreciate it who our parents our parents there is no substitute for them no substitute for that for what our parents have done for us and I want you to think about this Allah Subhanahu WA Ta'ala says wah wah slain and in San me Wally day here sana hemella - all mobile Quran Allah corey muhammad sallallahu taala una caja had a believer should the hawala Barbarina sana collar rugby I was earning an Oscar an aromatic allathee an ontology or on a holiday what an analyst only had a walk was asleep leaf is really in need took to Alejo an enormous limit this is a beautiful ayah and certain I cough I believe ayah number 23 or so or 15 Allah subhana WA Ta'ala says in this ayah listen to it and we have commanded who not the believer we have command and in seonhwa Masumi l-insana eternally NASA he he was not named an ensign except for his forgetfulness we have reminded this forgetful creation we have entrusted him with his parents to treat them with excellent conduct Hamlet who Omo quarter Hannah his mother held him in pain a loss Palitana describes the struggle of the mother in different ways in the Quran and Allah his mother held him in pain she conceived him in pain she delivered him in pain Hannah that's 1/4 ha wah wah 2 cor ha she carried him in pain she delivered him in pain and then he went through woo hoo off his father who said I threw in a shuffle ah his pregnancy in the breastfeeding period went through forethought for 30 months until he reached his maturity and he reaches 40 years old then what happens whenever he gets mature he figures it out and he says well bo is there any an ice core an aromatic and lucky and I'm Kylie or annawadi they oh Allah give me the opportunity give me the the effort or give me the ability to be grateful to you for your blessing and because of and my parents what an animal Saudi hunt Allah and to do good deeds that you will be pleased with and now what's he thinking of well Austin Utley Caesarea T he's seen now the struggle because you don't see what your parents went through until what so you become parents until you're being kept up all night until you're going and chasing around that little booger and you don't have your time anymore either right and so your life has become your child then you figure it out if you are a person of even half dignity if you are a half decent person you figure it out so you start to ask allah subhanaw taala to bless you with your children with your own offspring and you repent to allah subhanahu wata'ala and you declare that you are one of the muslims what is so amazing about this there is no human being who has done more for you than your mother and I know that especially the sisters can quote all the hadith about the mother but for some thought for some reason they just resonates sometimes we just don't get it sometimes so I want to look at practical examples Rasul Masai Simon tells us about the story of JH who used to pray all the time rabbit who used to always just worship allah subhanho wa taala and his mother would call upon him to do things for him and he would say I'm busy in my worship and he kept on answering I'm busy in my worship I mean imagine this and his mother says to him what I hope you don't die until you meet a la viga until you meet the prostitute and he didn't understand that at that point but what is the lost power to how to do Allah Azza WA JAL sends a prostitute with the child and she says he's the father think about them because he was busy with his Avada and he wasn't answering his mother to go feed the chickens think about that it sounds silly but here's the thing when you called upon your mother as a child because you needed to be fed that she ever say no no did she ever say I'm busy healing my Salah you never it didn't happen you know Zine El Abidine I lived in her saying only Allah Allah and water him oh Allah the great grandson of lost and lost izalith hid a beautiful example when he used to eat with his mother and his mother would would be eating from the same plate as him he would refuse to eat until she finished eating and she would say oh my son why aren't you eating and he says I'm afraid that I would look at something that I would eat something that you had your eye on I don't want to eat something that you were looking at and deprive you of that food why because when you were a child if your mother has the slice of pizza and you have and she's had nothing to eat for the entire day right she's starving and this slice of pizza gets presented and this little baby comes and this little baby has been eating all day right love cookies chips everything that you can possibly imagine paper towels and sand off of the beach and everything that came in his head or her hand and then you're about to take a bite of that Pete's I'm not gonna do an actual demonstration although I'm really tempted to and then the baby goes dad what's gonna happen she's gonna take a piece and she's gonna put it in the she's gonna feed the baby she never would have responded with no and whenever the man comes top the laudanol model de la I know what some say it's authentic table love no longer some say his mother for total so lost my salon and he says the allah so allah i carried my mother on my back for the entire hedge this is before you had the cool tiles and you had the AC and you had the whole to the mecca hilton and sure this is before all of that this is when it was so hot that you know the people that you know my father lived in medina in the 50s and he used to tell me when he do had your literally your feet are you're constantly moving your feet because your bare feet are burning from the stone and he says the auto school la i carried my mother on my back for the entire hutch or yeah table the lognormal de la haute on on have I repaid her what was the answer every whistle while slicing them when I'd be trying to cut them wahida not even with a single cry that she had in labor she carried you for nine months you carried her for one Hudson you think it's over its Pamela we are so ungrateful to our mothers in the time of marriage and this is something that I know it's a controversial topic it needs a lot of explanation and it needs a lot of elaboration everything is balanced please we're talking about it from one perspective now brother a and sister B want to get married they already formed the relationship outside of the marriage and then they come to their parents and they say mom dad I want that person and the mom has a legitimate excuse or the mom just doesn't feel too comfortable and you say mom I don't care what you say I'm a grown man now I'm gonna marry her anyway you're willing to sacrifice a relationship that's parted with your existence in this dunya for 25-30 years for a person that you just met the other day through MSA or through Facebook whatever it is you're willing to get rid of that you're willing to dissolve that relationship like that now I'm not saying there isn't it's not I'm so that the person can get married even without his parents approval that the brother and even if the sister if the Witte does not have this thing you know a legit excuse yes there are procedures but marriage is about Sakina where's is about tranquility think about this so I'm not talking about what's had on right now what's legally permissible I'm talking about think about it you know wake up wake up and think about it for a minute you're willing to sacrifice the relationship of your parents for someone that came and caught your attention for a month or so that is the most ungrateful thing that you can do alright and if you want to hear what our Imams used to say yes and the mother will be mom asking with Lola it is legally permissible and this is you know through consensus for the man to marry without no need without his own money the man doesn't need a guardian and for a woman if the Winnie does not have a legitimate excuse perhaps in the men that we mama Hakeem Ola us of course the Hennessy mother nobody is not required and another lump ahmed rahim allah it's an easy procedure go to the salon present your case the salon sees that you don't have a legitimate excuse to stop this marriage it's legally permissible when did he not gonna get married anyone no he refused to get married until his mother died he refused it's not like he was waiting for her to hurry up and die by the way okay I'm not talking about that he felt like he would not be able to do his duty towards her while being married at the same time so and he didn't recommend this it's not the son of the soonest to get married as young as possible but sometimes we go beyond the bounds of legality and we think about the essence of things he said I'm not going to get married while she's still alive it's legally permissible and Sunnah but I will not be able to be just with my mother now what happens and go back to the statement ignominy I am rocking a whole lot whoever does not is not grateful to Allah Spence I will not be grateful to people it's a business contract your parents get all my courtesy to you is putting you in a nice nursing home my courtesy to you is calling you every once in a while but if you keep getting more demanding I'm gonna say how come my brother doesn't do it how come my sister doesn't do it whenever you called upon your mom when you were a child did she ever have that Liberty no oh macha oh macha oh macha your mother your mother your mother the most important thing and then your father too will still muscle Allah how is that I'm sending the hadith from having to write about me a long time on that the only way that a father could repay his that a person could repay his father is through what what would he have to do who said it I'd to find him as a slave and to purchase his freedom it's the only way and also lost my son I'm used the word valid right and some of the scholars they debated they said violent means parents it means mother or father okay but the correct meaning is that it's just father because you can really never repay your mother back it's impossible why would a sumo slice and I'm use this terminology your father and this is something that we we hear but we don't truly understand sometimes especially with men especially with men have you ever heard the statement more or less that the only person who wants you to have a better life than himself is your father the only person your father actually wants you to live a better life than him so muscle lost my son in the saying the only way you repay your father you find him a complete slave because he employs you with the tools in life you find him as a complete slave and you give him your freedom otherwise you can never repay him but I want to come to one thing there's a lies I just mentioned the favours of the Father in the Koran does he we know from the mother allies which it mentions her labor pains Allah spent on inventions all these things those Allah mentioned the father was slain an insanity ye day here if sana Hamada - mo Eliza that mentions the mother there's a lost part I the mention what the father did for you no why do you think that is I'm not going to try to pull up a shipment - because masala he's incredible with linguistic tafseer so I'm gonna stick within my bounds when it comes to the meaning of ohm as regards to Adi de chef Norman explained it beautifully okay that there is valid invalid ah and I'll just give a brief thing because I already opened up the curiosity I'm sure some of you may have heard it but he did a very beautiful linguistic study of the difference between oh and Lanny de and Landon and Abby okay or ever whereas violet and Lanny the mean father and mother um and also mean father and mother but it's to a different degree of respect okay why did is someone who gave birth to you a father who can who was responsible for your birth while he does the mother who conceived you but you have to earn and own you have to earn that title okay so if a father leaves his child before he's even born or he's even born is he up no he's not the AB but he's the Latins what about the woman there's a lost panel toilet command us to be good to Alou any day or to your own and you're Emma Alonso a judge says well what's a man in sauna be Wiley day he a sauna we enjoy him the person with X and towards his father and his mother his birth father his birth mother meaning what if your father did absolutely nothing for your life you still have to be good to him you can't complain then Allah Azza WA just says Hannah let's go more his mother helped him meaning she already earned the title of home before you were even delivered because she held you for nine months she went through all that okay and Allah Azza WA JAL specifically mentions the pains of the mother why why is that and this is something that that's that's very very beautiful in the language of the Quran I'm not going into the linguistic tuffsy it why Allah so a judge mentions the favors of the mother whenever the Sun gets old the daughter gets old and this and the Son and the daughter says I want a car and goes to the mom what does the mom typically say go ask your dad you know go talk to that guy it's not my call usually the mother delegates the role of authority to the father and usually the child treats the father with more respect than the mother why because my mom gets emotional she cries too much she's you know those types of things because we don't remember we cannot possibly remember what it was like for our mothers to hold us to carry us to give birth to us we can't remember that so naturally we have a tendency to disbelieve in that to have a sense of cool foot of that to deny it either with our tongues or with our actions not or we don't appreciate it at all so allah subhanahu italia reminds us your mother is the one that held you she's the one that delivers you in pain and went through all of that never forget that woman never forget her never forget your father definitely it's not to decrease the role of the father but we tend to forget things we don't have very good sight of the past we don't have very good insight we can't seem very far in the past we don't remember what it was like as babies until we have our own babies and if we're half decent people again then we think about it a little bit more but especially your mother you forget it more easily so dear brothers and sisters in conclusion of all of this don't always just look at things in front of you as they are and don't just build your relationships on benefits and those types of things think about what people have done for you think about all of the people who have done things for you in your life be it your mother your father your husband your wife your child your your brother your sister a friends someone who was there for you and if you do not show gratefulness to that person you know what happens on the day of judgment a loss of Hannah Tyler claims they're right okay and especially when we think about marriage for example especially in marriage because this is I'm gonna just end on this note in Charlotte I'm where it's almost like you know a cat-and-mouse game sometimes right I'm trying to remind of how much I've done for you and trying to remind you of what a terrible spouse you are either implicitly or explicitly so that you can so I can get better treatment from your site more gratefulness from your site I'm the lover not a vessel did a lot of tile at home one of the things that he used to do what was the meaning of the word shook hood by the way extra okay I've loved not vastly law I'm him before he used to get inside this house what did he used to do no one knows this oh man we're in trouble what he used to do anyone know I'm hearing murmurs what did he used to do you know what he used to do he used to pull out his coat he used to fix his clothes he used to get all neat you get all pretty then he walks into the house most of the time what are we doing the house when we get to the house what do men do when we get to what do we do when we get home you know get down to our pajamas whatever it is sit on the couch I'm hungry you know turn on the TV and ignore everybody in the house none of that and what does the woman look like usually whenever you get home sorry sorry sisters I gotta be balanced the she dressed up looking nice for you and those types of things that wearing her heard nicest clothes and saying Adeline Lysanias oh gee not really you know it's where have you been you know that sort of thing right like the typical of the old movies what do you think you are so here's the problem this guy was out and I live in California I mean come on this is the land of Hollywood hello Would right this is the land of Hollywood and you see these billboards and you see all these these women flaunting everything that they've got then you come home after lowering your gaze like you were supposed to and yeah you know and then on the opposite side the husband that was supposed to be dreamy when he comes home and all those types of things because again we're in this event you know all this fantasizes culture and these types of things and you see your husband and he's dressed terribly and he looks like a mess and his hair is all over the place if he still has any you know his clothes are all over the place and all over the place and all this stuff is happening and that automatically creates the wrong the wrong environment there so I've logged not vastly a lot on him before he gets into his house straightens himself up make sure that his hair is coal make sure that his beard is nice and clean and everything like that and what does he say he says I like to look good for my wife just as I like her to look good for me and he says and listen to this very very carefully can I have you to demonstrate something can I have you for a second please please please don't be nervous just come here for a second all the time you see this red line okay so he says that on the day of judgement Allah subhana WA Ta'ala will ask a person about the rights of other people upon them and how they responded to those rights and he'll walk they have judgment as the day of her poke okay so I don't want to claim all of my rights from her because I'm afraid that this is the red line of Rights okay I'm afraid if I claim all of my rights from her then Allah Zoey's n is going to hold me accountable for stepping over the line so I don't claim all of my rights from her because and think about it if both the husband and the wife are claiming the rights what's gonna happen can you come here for a second look like no stand straight in front of me you'll be standing like this and if and if we were the same height we'd be face to face and it would be a lot of tension right now okay and that's usually what happens in a marriage so you take a step back you don't claim all your rights you can sit down Zeca look thank you very much you don't claim all your rights because you're afraid of a loss of hano it's out on the day of judgment so what do you do you give extra while claiming less because if there is any nuts any deficiency on the other person's part you'll be rewarded inoculum but if there is any nuts on your parts you're in trouble so treat all of your relationships this way I will treat my brother so-and-so my sister so-and-so with more love and more respect regardless of what they do to me my wife my husband with war with more respect regardless why because I'm looking for the reward of a Shakuni the more the more extra I give the more that will be given to me and whoever does not think people does not think a lot of somehow know it's odd and we also established tonight whoever does not think Allah Azza WA JAL does not think people and fellow tada I'll stop there does a Camilla Hiroko local dejado stop Khiladi reco without Malacca delicacy nice numerical I don't know if there's questions here we just go to Solano kizhakemala have Hana Columba Hamdi case lol Island a stockbroker at Silver Lake
Channel: Digital Mimbar
Views: 65,896
Rating: 4.8735042 out of 5
Keywords: Endless, Devotion:, Remembering, Those, Who, Remembered, You, by, Sh., Omar, Suleiman
Id: NY1OznBhGP4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 12sec (3732 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 07 2011
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