Wish I Knew This When I Started BLENDER!

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in this video I'll give you 10 Pro tips that will maximize the efficiency of your blender studies let's go hi guys are you here from blender broth and let's get started tip number one get familiar with the user interface take some time to explore the blender interface and become familiar with its layout and different tools remember that we all work in different areas some of us are doing sculpting others are doing hard surface some is doing texturing so they're different user interfaces for different things you don't need to know everything you just need to know what's essential for your workflow so when you're starting with blender instead of you know trying to learn everything don't just focus on the tools you need once you master the area you know around your subject then you can kind of start expanding because you're gonna feel more comfortable right otherwise you're gonna get frustrated so don't do it tip number two start with simple projects don't try to tackle too complex ideas as your first attempt start with something simple like modeling a basic object or creating a simple animation if you're into animation right the point is that I know you're tempted to do something awesome right but you know to do something awesome and complex you need to know a lot of tools and also how these tools are working together because it's not just about learning tools okay it's about learning the workflow and the workflow is something that it's based on using Tools in a certain sequence you don't know that because you just started so what you need to do is you need to understand how things work in blender what is really important so for instance if you're working with booleans you will know that you need to take care of the shading problems and you will start learning and appreciating the power of weighted normal modifier and you will also understand that placing at the bottom of the stack of modifiers it's essential for you know achieving successful shading then again when you're working with bevels you will understand very quickly that you need to be very careful regarding the bevel size because if you overshoot the bevel you will cause artifacts and problems on your mesh tip number three follow online tutorials you know there are many online tutorials and video courses available that can help you to learn the basics of blender and they can be a great resource for getting started there's nothing worse than trying to puzzle information together because it will just take you a lot of time there were not many really good essential courses at the time on a starting blender and you know I wanted to get into add-on workflow so there weren't any courses on the island workflow so I follow Master Xeon videos they were not easy to follow because you know he is not really catering to beginners so it took me really a lot of time to learn blender but at the same time learn hard UPS box cutter and you know other add-ons because I started blender with few add-ons okay I just made it more difficult for myself but I knew what I wanted okay I knew what I wanted and I couldn't find it so now you are really lucky I mean really lucky because we have not just a course for you but a free course and it's called jumpstart hard surfacing blender it's free and it's fantastic it will teach you everything from scratch including the interface and also you know the basics of modeling but also basics of texturing rendering and even creating a simple Photoshop edit so it's a full hard surface course and it includes everything you need to know to get started in addition we are using two free add-ons over there one of them is machine tools and the other one is power save and there's also a bonus section that introduces you to a paid add-on workflow which is decal machine so you got everything there to get started and it's in one place and it's really really well organized so click on the link in the video description and get that course other than that we have a lot of videos on our YouTube channels together with Josh and you know you can just go there and watch them there's a ton of videos for beginners there's a ton of videos for people who use add-ons so you shouldn't have any problems with finding education and answers to your questions tip number four practice regularly this is really important the more you use blender the more consistent you are with the use of blender the more comfortable you will be with it that's just you know nature of anything in life repetition and practice make perfect so make your habit of using it regularly to improve your skills this is really important so it's not good enough to just learn blender for 10 hours on Saturday then do absolutely nothing for the entire week and start blending a bit on Sunday this is not progression okay this is so what you need to do you need to assign a bit of time every day and do it consistently consistency and perseverance is essential to anything you do in life anything even if you fail you go through this okay you go through your failures we all fail guys okay I have failed models I have failed ideas I have a lot of models that didn't make a course or a video because I just didn't like them I ended up not liking them and it's you know I don't get depressed or frustrated it's just a way of learning way of learning is through failures okay so you're gonna fail and fail and fail and then you're gonna succeed but if you give up before you succeed it will not get to your destination so practice regularly this is really really important let me give you a really good analogy with the boat so when you're in the boat and you rolling up a creek then the current is going to be pushing you back so when you're rowing consistently and you know you are growing faster than the current is pushing you you'll be moving up the creek but the moment you stop rowing you're gonna be pushed back to the place when you start it so even if you put a lot of time and effort you're literally gonna be back in a place when you begin so the consistency is essential in everything you do tip number five join a community there are many communities online communities of blender users where you can ask questions get feedback and share your work and that is really important because one you'll be surrounded with people who are like-minded that's immersion you need to be embarrassing whatever you do okay so if you study sci-fi you want to play Sci-Fi games you want to look at sci-fi art and you want to talk to people who just you know breathe and eat something every day because that will motivate you to just work more consistently and put more effort okay that's one two you're gonna have to add questions answered which means you're gonna get less frustrated because you can progress quicker and also you'll have this feeling that you know you're not alone in it which is kind of cool now we have a free Discord Community you can join uh it's over 2012 over 2000 people right now we also have a Facebook group and uh links are in the video description and lastly at blender boss we have our paid Community which is a private community of very focused individuals so if you're interested in joining hop on our website and sign up now we open this community only twice a year so there is a wait list if you're interested sign up for the wait list and you'll be good to go next time the door opens joining a community is essential doesn't matter what kind of community you join make sure actually that you know people in the community are the type of crowd that you want to be surrounded with always aspire to people who are better than you okay so if you see some intimidating level Works in a community like someone is really good that's what you want to be because you know that when you're going to ask a question you're going to get the correct answer No One's Gonna Be guessing but they're going to tell you something from the experience and this is really important tip number six experiment with different tools and features right so don't be afraid to try out different tools and features from blender this is a great way to learn what they do and how they can be used and maybe you're gonna find some tool that's gonna be you know sort of like a Eureka moment for your workflow so let's say you work in a specific project and you have a specific problem and you just don't know what kind of tool to use now if you're experimenting with different tools or watching different videos that present the different Tools in blender you may actually know what to do do you see what I mean so blender has a ton of different tools and it can do a lot of things you know that's why it's called blender because you can do video editing sculpting texturing 3D 2D whatever the hell so it's just so much that you can do that you know blender is just overwhelming as a tool right it's too much so you never know what's inside of it okay there's just so many things you can do with it so you need to kind of uh experiment or just you know go on YouTube and search but I guarantee you that if you need to do something there's either a tool for it or an add-on for it so experiment with different tools and also do your research tip number seven work on personal projects in addition to following tutorials try working on your own personal projects to apply what you've learned and get a feel for how blender can be used that is very important because what you want to do is you want to apply the knowledge from tutorials into your private work to start developing your style we very often get a question from students they're asking if they can use the model they created after following a tutorial of ours and under portfolio a follower tutorial the creative model and they want to use that model as a portfolio piece guys don't do it okay because you know art directors who hiring people in studios they're not stupid okay they know what's going on the market they'll very quickly find out that you know this model has been used many times online so they'll find out where it came from and when they're gonna find out this game from a course you toast so what you want to do is you want to learn from a tutorial but then you want to create something on your own you need to break this fear that you can't do it you need to break this barrier of not being able to do it it's not that you're not being able to do it yourself have no experience so you need to gain experience right the only way to gain experience is through actually doing it so you need to break that barrier and start doing things on your own right so learn the tools learn the workflow and start doing it in order to create successful models on your own you need to expand your visual Library that's really important so go online find some really cool art put them in pure ref and you know gather libraries of this stuff I have like thousands of thousands of images and before you model something just you know open the file and try to find inspiration this is really important okay so try to you know create personal projects that's really really crucial tip number eight take breaks it's important to take breaks and give your mind a rest while learning a new program don't try to learn thing at once now I must say that I didn't take any breaks when I was learning blender I was learning 14 to 17 hours a day every day and after nine months of starting a learning blender we were already creating our first course with Josh so for me that progression was very quickly but I've put a lot of effort into it but look not every man is crazy okay you know I'm in science so don't follow me but if you need to take a break take a break because there's nothing worse than a burnout okay if you're a person that's gonna burn out it's better to take a break before you burn out because then you're gonna start detesting the programmer especially when you're getting frustrated which is normal at the beginning so if you don't really have a very strong character you cannot push through all the failures you will get burned out you will get frustrated and you can actually give up so remember ninety percent of people give up in the first you know few months because you just cannot do it because they think it's too difficult or it's just taking too much time or they have too many problems they cannot do it there's always come up with excuses right but maybe that's because they don't take breaks you know so if you're a person that needs a break sometimes take it you know it's gonna be good for you watch some you know video or play some games I don't care do something else learn Photoshop whatever just take a bit of a break you know you'll get perspective and come back to blender and uh you'll be fine just don't make it too long of a break because if you take like a month you'll forget what you've been doing you know what I mean so I meant consistency again so take a break but you know don't overdo it yeah tip number nine don't be afraid to make mistakes that is really really important look it's natural to make mistakes while learning a new program it's you know normal don't be discouraged by them use them as opportunity to learn and improve when I make a mistake or I fail I don't give up I just found a way that doesn't work so I need to find another one that works failing is just a step it's a step up because you're stepping up towards your goals instead of thinking you're stepping down think that you're stepping up it's all about perspective so when you think about failures as actually a way up to a higher level then your mind's gonna start thinking positively about them it's kind of like a stepping stone it's like building experience in life only because you're the bad experience in life doesn't mean that something good will not you know come out of it usually does right so at the moment of the failure we think it's a disaster but you know two years down the line we think well it's good that it happened because actually it helped me to do this this and that because without this happening I wouldn't be in my position right now do you see what I mean so don't be afraid to make mistakes because people who don't make mistakes they stay in the safe Zone and stay in a safe zone is stagnancy you will not improve so if you want to be the best or you know aim towards being the best to do one percent two percent of the top people in the industry then you will have to make a lot of mistakes because it's an inevitable okay it's gonna happen so get used to it embrace it it's a part of a process all right nothing extraordinary it's a part of a process it's only because you see these polished works and fantastic renders of people on their portfolios it doesn't mean that they don't have renders on their drives man they probably have a lot of them they just don't post them because they're gonna post you know something that actually uh they're proud of right but uh you know failures they happen to everyone and tip number 10 have fun learning blunder can be challenging at times but it also can be very rewarding don't forget to have fun and enjoy the process of learning you know it's all about how you approach it approach it with a grain of salt all right don't take it too seriously I know it's you know even if you think it's your job or it's it's about to become your job you know it cannot be a chore because if it feels like a chore maybe you're doing the wrong thing maybe you're in the wrong industry okay it needs to be fun so if it doesn't feel fun for you then maybe you approach or attitude is incorrect or maybe it's just not for you right so make sure it's fun even when you fail okay and you get frustrated remember your goal okay you remember your goal you have a vision right of the Fantastic render on your portfolio and people say wow that's really cool that's your goal so bypass all the frustrations you know think about them as a step up and this will actually ensure that you think that learning blender is fun so you know have fun anyway guys that's it hope this video helps you out and like I said remember about the free course Link in the video description it's fantastic it will definitely help you to get on your path to success thanks for watching see you in the next one
Channel: Ponte Ryuurui
Views: 16,098
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blender, blender tutorial, blender bros, ponte ryuurui, ryuu, hard surface, modeling tutorial
Id: i8fqHm69XsU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 36sec (876 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 03 2023
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