CAD Sketcher VS Precision Modeling In Blender 3.2

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so i've been teaching precision modelling and  blender for quite some time now in fact i've   got some free courses down in the description or  if you want to really kickstart your 3d modeling   journey with blender go and check out maker tales academy and the real question i have here is   precision modelling and blender sort of dying now  that we have the new kid on the block cad sketcher   so first and foremost if you don't know what cad sketcher is that is basically cad like modeling   within blender it is definitely not cad it just  brings cat-like functionalities and features   to blender so things like geometric constraints  and dimensioning when you do precision modeling   in blender it's all in your head and you have to  keep track of everything now i haven't put these   two workflows head to head because i sort of know  the answer is very much dependent on what your   needs are but i really want to see i'm going to  give a very simple technical drawing i'm going to   go my full speed on both of them and then let's  talk about it and here we are inside a blender   with a precision ready file let's go and take on  this technical drawing right here on both those   workflows i'm going to start with cad sketcher  three two one and go so i'm going to delete the   cube bring up cad sketcher quickly let's go ctrl  shift a go up here take a look from the top now   first i need to get an idea of the size of this  so let's go and turn that into construction let's   add a dimension here from the drawing i can see  this is going to be one three five as a reference   brilliant let's go you you now i'm not going to be  centering you note take a look at that sketch the   sketch is from here to there let's do a distance  here let's make sure that that is a vertical   distance and i want to set that to 60 and then  i want this point and that point to actually be   vertically constrained then from there we're going  to put in some arcs so let's go for an arc right   here let's go for an arc oops let's go for an arc  over here as well and then let's build some lines   in there's are going to be a line here there's  going to be a line here and now there's going to   be some over constraining going on soon so i'm  going to delete these because we're about to do   tangent constraints and that will completely  over constrain this so u and u the tangent   u and u tangent u and u tangent u and u tangent  and the reason why we don't need those verticals   is because these two are equal to one another we  have one degree of freedom which is the radius of   this right this minute so we're going to set that  to 30 and then let's add those holes in as well   so that is c for circle bring that in and bring  that in click both of these because these are   going to be equal to one another and let's also  do a diameter for this one it is yep so that is uh   there it is that's the shortcut that i wanted  him it was in my head just didn't know how to   get it out and we have that there perfect so  that's now done let's go turn that to a mesh   leave here unfortunately we do not have sketch to  sketch referencing so we're going to have to do   a little bit of prep work here take a look at from  this side we're going to add one line in and then   another line in as well and i did a double  click there so need to be careful with that   so i'm going to make this one a construction  line make this one here a construction line   let's add a distance to this one this here is  going to be 60 because that's going to let me know   where the center of that one is and then this one  here let's add a distance that one's going to be   30 because i need to know where the end of that  one is i also need to know where the end of this   one is here so let's might as well do another  line in that direction let's turn this into a   construction line let's do a distance here and i'm  just taking a look at the technical drawing that   should add up to 105. so now that we have that in  place there let's carry on doing the rest of this   i could mirror this but i think it's going to  be a little bit better to go and just draw it   all out so i'm going to draw this out like so oops  there to there down up here up that way cross this   way cross that way over to there so now we need  to just say hey you two you're going to be equal   you are going to be equal to this one here you  are going to be vertically constrained to that   point there you two are going to be vertically  constrained and you two are going to be equal   to one another you are going to have a dimension  of 25 and you are actually pretty much the same   as that but just because the technical drawing  says this let's do it this way instead so i'm   going to go here that is 75 there let's add  a point now right oops let's go point please   to that line let's make u and u let's go for  a midpoint constraint there you two need to be   vertically constrained to one another and you  need to be vertically constrained i'm pretty   sure to this point here because that's going to  be there there right so what is left oh it's the   distance of this line here so the distance  of this line here that should be 65 and that   here oh we do have the problem that this one and  that one there you need to be vertically aligned   and that is it completely done i'm pretty sure  yep that's looking good so let's turn that into a   mesh leave the sketch and now we have exactly what  we're wanting here so let's select this let's go   and add our solidify whack that to zero go up to  100 and that's it for now let's just quickly press   h to hide that do the same for this one  here so we're gonna go solidify u 100 u 0   brilliant bring back everything with alt  h then we'll select u and you do a lovely   little bool action like that remember that's  under the add-on and there we have it now   that there is the cad scheduler workflow yes i  know i went incredibly fast i know card sketcher   pretty deeply i've done a lot of debugging for  this so there's pros and cons that we've got so   far if i wanted to do a chamfer for instance this  edge here i can't that is just not really possible   i could do a chamfer for everything or a bevel  for everything if i wanted to do a chamfer so   for this edge here i could technically do that all  i have to do is go into the sketch then we can go   for instance let's add a line right here something  like that let's do a trim tool um so let's that is   the y and we can just trim that up right there  now of course that screwed up this whole thing   we need to do all the drawing correctly again so  we could actually go back so this should actually   probably be a construction line now this one  should be a construction line go in we'll make   a line from here to there now we've got problems  with coincidences so you can see that it can   get a little bit over the top now we could let me  just do it quickly i'm just going to go like that   i'm not going to bother to fully constrain this go  like this we leave the sketch and now we have that   in place however if i wanted to actually chamfer  this edge now i'm going to have to basically turn   this into a mesh remove the lovely power that is  cad sketcher which is being able to go in here   and change all this up but it's sort of something  that we've just got to keep in mind we want the   power of card sketcher so that's how it's got to  be done so this is that now remember this is very   much still work and development so go and check  out cloud sketch and find out more about it but   now let's put this head to head with the precision  workflow so here we go the precision workflow   three to one let's go so deleting the cube let's  bring in now a circle this circle is going to be   that is going to be 64 vertices and i want the  radius of this to be 30 let's do that yet again   so let's do that in bring a circle this time it's  going to be 15 though brilliant so now i have   that there let's grab that press shift d on the y  bring that out that way by 60 we'll select these   two here that's g y minus 75 this time all of  that is now in place so let's select all of that   group that together go into edit mode go to the  top down and now we've got to be quite accurate   on our selection we want to select all of that  right there go over here this one here all the way   around to that there make sure that that is across  like that that is a cross like that yep now we're   going to delete those vertices select these two  vertices right there press f join them up select   those two press f join them up select everything  alt f x then we're going to put in limited   dissolve there we have that base shape there let's  bring ourselves in a cube now to do the other   cut this one here is going to be 75 because that's  what our technical drawing says taking that into   edit mode pressing three setting up our snapping  and we'll select this face y snap it over to the   furthest point over there that wasn't the furthest  point jonathan g y snap it to the furthest point   please thank you and then we're gonna go over to  this side here go g y snap that to the furthest   point over there brilliant now let's add some  loop cuts one loop cut this way two loop cuts this   way and i'm pretty sure yeah this is 75 that's 25  that's exactly how it should be let's press three   let's do a manifold extrusion this way by minus  65 because that's what our technical drawing says   then let's press to select this edge loop  here and i'm going to use a little bit of cad   transforms now to do a scale dimensioning here  so let's press s to scale go to the point that   i'm wanting uh the point that i'm wanting is  right there is that correct no the point that   i want is right there on the zed that is right  let's go on the x sorry x no sorry y there we go   there it is and i want this to go come on which  way are we going now this way here that is not   quite what i've been envisioning scale here come  on from you we're going to go on the z upwards   this way on the y please we're going to select  u on the x that's better and now we're going to   be setting u to be 60 brilliant hit enter that is  that in place press 3 let's go with our manifold   extrusion snap that to that point here u let's go  manifold extrusion snap that to that point there   there we have it let's select this one  let's do our solidify let's set that to 100   put that to zero then we can do the exact same  thing there there bang and there we have it   now we have the same issue here really because if  we wanted to do our lovely chamfers away on all   of this we've got to keep it in mind in our own  head we have to go into edit mode we can select   this edge here we can now do a bevel and do that  of course we could set this up as a vertex group   though and control it via a lovely modifier  which is quite powerful but i can also now   basically turn this into mesh it's as simple  as that because this is now precision modeling   i can just apply this i realize that  this is precision modeling so i can go   in here and grab all that and start playing  around with it now of course as you can see   this isn't exactly what we're expecting and that  is basically blender precision modeling it's   gonna have problems when it comes to any type  of bevels it's just the nature of the beast so   with that very scientific testing we can see that  cat sketches two minutes slower than just blender   precision modeling now i'll be honest i truly  believe that blender precision modeling is pretty   much doing a fundamental change to incorporate cad  sketcher and cad sketchers workflow is basically   blender precision modeling just with a little  added twist that you can add constraints and   dimensions to everything it's really a working  pair that creates the best workflow together now   card sketcher still has quite a way to go  and there's definitely problems going there   but it's an incredible project that i really  suggest that you go and check them out i've   got some more videos covering it down below but  when it comes to precision modeling and blender   it is going to always have that little problem  of bevels and chamfers just sort of needing   the correct topology now this could of course  change in the future who knows what blender has   i know that from now on i'm never going to assume  what blender has because i never thought that   you would get cad like modeling like cad  sketcher in blender and here it is now so   i'm definitely going to go and start to think  about how i can refresh my current free courses   to include cat sketcher i think it might still a  little bit too early but let me know do you think   i should add card sketcher into some free courses  of blender precision modeling or should i wait   till it's stable at that 1.0 release anyway thank  you for watching a huge thank you to my patrons   you guys are absolutely awesome and without you  i truly could not make maker tales it means the   world to me a big thank you to my vip makers  jem oscarnak and david fernandez and if you're   enjoying what i'm making here i would love it  if you'd consider supporting me if you think   i am worthy of your support thank you for  watching keep making i'll let the quest continue
Channel: Maker Tales
Views: 52,476
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blender, blender tool tutorial, blender cad, blender construction lines, blender add on, blender cad add on, blender construction lines add on, blender cad construction lines, CAD Sketcher, addon, 3.0+, blender line tool, blender arc tool, blender rectangle tool, blender circle tool, blender cad tools, Fusion 360, freecad, Free, Opensource, tangents, distances, angles, equal, parallel, Constraint, driven, design, CAD, precision, 3d print, sketch, blender cad add-on, 3.2
Id: 0Sg3MN0fkb4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 33sec (873 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 08 2022
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