Blender TUTORIAL - Hard Surface Modeling

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in this video I'll show you how to model a super cool sci-fi ship from reference with a Twist let's go hey guys are you here from blender Bros and in this video I'll teach you how to use references correctly if you're going to repeat the model you've seen in reference it's not really art it's just modeling its craft okay you don't want to be modeler you want to be an artist okay so what you want to do is you want to take an inspiration from a certain reference you want to grab some anchor visual anchors some kind of a element and build on top of it and that's what we're gonna do today you can see here I have a lot of references touches Max and Bots we're going to be using specifically this one now I don't know who made it there's no signature so if you know let me know I'm gonna drop a link in the video description but we're gonna be using this specific element here this canopy and this bottom shell to build on top of it then we're gonna create a Sci-Fi kind of like a copter you know out of it again now this is not gonna be for beginners so if you're beginner grab our jump start hard surface course it's free it's fantastic and the link is in the description You're Gonna Learn a ton alright guys let's get on with the modeling alright guys let's go so shift a in the plane scale this and rotate it a little bit scale it in here and we're gonna drop that e y move it in here I'm not following this image exactly I'm just getting the you know the basic idea okay so let me select this one g y alt or this is with Edge constraint for Machine Tools if you don't know how to use it I have two massive videos on Machine Tools go ahead and watch them it's good for you uh here we're going to grab this one and kind of scale this a little bit okay just a little bit and here we're gonna create a bubble wetted edge with a bevel here so q and control click on Mark and we're gonna create a bevel here like this all right so we can actually change it you know this bevel anytime we want just go here and adjust this bevelino anytime I want okay so that's how I like to work now let's mirror this to the other side come on let's mirror this there we go we sold it now let's grab this one here so this bit right and we're going to go to control click on curve extract to extract it and we're going to extract it in here like this right uh maybe maybe like that and altar we're going to drop a loop here right and move it somewhere here like this okay and we could talk to the same thing you know secure and Mark uh and just you know just bevel it right I like that and we're going to scale this here so GX and you know skeleton uh and sharpen okay so it's a bit too long so we're going to slice it here you know space and I think this is gonna be good it's a little bit maybe to you know too narrow I'm gonna make it a bit larger here um there you go I'm not sure I like this kind of a bulging here in the middle so we can grab this one and actually scale this a little bit here and then select this and scale it a bit here a bit more like that there we go I think that's better okay cool this could still be a little bit wider you know so let's select all of them like this so two items and scale them out a little bit okay yeah I think this is a bit better okay cool I like this all right let's just uh run the power save here uh there we go and cool now this looks flipped to me um I think so let's I'll be that and let's see and there we go I can see that all right I can smell it man uh alt and shift we're going to the outside boom that's better okay now we're talking so here what we're gonna do is we're gonna grab these two actually this one and I'm gonna slice to slide out right and we're going to grab this one and um grab that and subdivide it look at this okay peachy I'm going to subdivide this one more time here so subdivide it and combine this two and plus three to clean it and we're going to drop that um we're probably the one with subdivision here so subdivided and GG move it in here right okay and then we're going to extrude it here right just press alt Z um hold Z there we go and grab that and over here okay a little bit more down here a little bit more there we go that all takes peachy GX and put a bit here or this one because it's mirrored right so there you go that should do let's apply scale so here by skill here cool I'm saving a lot guys because there's something wrong with my blender I don't know it's crushing like crazy it's really annoying so I prefer to be saved in sorry I was like spend like maybe 30 minutes with crushes I don't know what the hell's going on I'll check it later but uh you know tutorial is more important so let's go here and you know maybe slash this and then we're gonna do is we're gonna start here and maybe enter here and start slicing here like this and here and maybe something like that okay cool so we got this shape which looks pretty badass and also here we could create another cutout inside like that awesome and I think we're good to go right cool so now uh let's um let's slice it here like this okay with an X and there you go that's awesome select everything and we're going to rotate it okay so now you see where I'm going with this right uh there we go that's pretty cool I like that and then we're gonna start having some fun so maybe I just do it like that there we go it's kind of aggressive I like it so let's grab a cube and we don't need this thing anymore let's grab a cube and put it in here and I'm gonna start the riffing okay Roofing is the real deal guys that's how it gets you done you riff okay you need to learn how to riff um okay maybe a bit higher here summary grab that here and you know extrude it somewhere here and extrude drop it down alt R this Edge constraint is freaking amazing man I love this tool so much um I just select this here come on there you go Altar and 4K this will not work so we're gonna go with uh with a move here there we go and then we need to grab this face and make sure it's a little bit further here maybe somewhere here and then one more time and somewhere here and then one more time and somewhere here right and let's just scale this in fact we could control plasters and skill it a little bit in and control minus skeleton a little bit in control minus skeletal limit in and just grab this one and scale it a bit more cool all right awesome cool cool cool now let's grab this one here in GG move it up a bit okay and we're going to scale it so SX gonna follow the you know shape of this of this vessel all right cool and now I'm going to sharpen it now we're going to cut this okay my cavity on why this mesh is so bright fascinating cavity zone right yeah weird anyway maybe because I should apply a bevel so control click on Battle to apply a little Sim here and it's going to sub uh it's going to separate the and the mesh a little bit visually so it should be a little bit easier to work okay there you go so now let's grab this one here and in fact what we could do we could actually solidify this okay so go here and operations modify solidify just solidify the little bit and we're going to copy the modifier here so uh let's just go here to simplify this one we're gonna actually apply this okay so let's first apply it so yeah it's apply everything operations multiply and we're going to slightly change the and the curvature here okay so this one is a solid piece which means we could technically remove this here just delete the faces right okay cool and now it's going to be a bit easier to move it okay now what we could do here is use a tool called Mirror tools right if you don't have it go to GitHub and grab it so the way we do that Miracles is accessible from the end panel this one here um mirror we're gonna be using C stretch okay so watch when I go to the top view let's go back actually so we're gonna see this outer edge here and we're going to click curve stretch you can see number of points we want to think three click and now you're gonna see these handles the blue handles you can actually move them to change the curvature of your mesh which is pretty blood amazing so move it out and this one move it in boom see what I mean space to confirm or right click I think and then I'll text to copy and we get this kind of a canopy here but it's you know kind of in set which is interesting it's going to get a bit add a bit more aggression here this front here could be a little bit smaller to be honest so what we could do is grab literally just the front right without this one and scale this a bit all right so SX just a little bit yeah there we go see what I mean and maybe drop it down a bit you know so um grab it here and uh drop it down a bit maybe maybe I don't know if this is a good idea Maybe not maybe let's keep it like that cool so we got that sorted this one also could be actually going in so GX you know here see what I mean this one too could be a little bit in and then I'll text so they cannot be kind of stands out you see it's more aggressive let's play cool now the front here uh we need to do something with it because Bueno as soon as you're here and and maybe do something like this and like this and space there we go let's grab this one I have to apply this and not this one I'm gonna extend it okay so I'm going to be not too long but you know something like this right awesome and we're gonna cut these guys so we're gonna cut it a little bit here like that right and we're gonna cut it in the middle like this and we're going to mirror this right all right cool and then we're going to cut it from the from this side so here grab and then and I'm Gonna Save it again because reasons um here and we can open this up here really nicely we can actually even bevel this you know a little bit like that okay with the normals boom that's pretty cool I'm not gonna lie and then we can add another cube in the bottom but before we do that let's grab this one and um unmark this and we don't really need this don't do it so what we could do is combine this here combine these two with much more with Machine Tools merely that aside and then same here actually there you go I'll grab this one and actually you know chamfer it here too in fact to do something like this right and then mirror to the other side I think it's going to be a bit better I think yeah it kind of looks cool and uh same here to be honest you know what I mean so do that and then simply mirror to the other side like this cool so you got this kind of uh Arch here we could even use mirror tools here right see like watch uh to fix this so we could grab the what is this point here yeah we could grab this point and fix this you know archery right to our liking watch see what I mean then right click and ALT text and then grab this middle Edge and dissolve it and you have a new curve you see Miracles is fantastic guys I don't like this one here this one is a little bit uh a bit um you know a bit abrupt here I'm not sure like that so what we could do is just drop it a bit down so the transition is less harsh there's something here there we go now it's cool awesome all right so we got that and here to be honest we could create something like this just for fun it's gonna look a bit more aggressive and the front's gonna look a bit lighter and um in the Middle look at some section yeah so Cube go here scale it and scale it down move it in here I can rotate it or in fact we could just slice it you know so there's something like this and scale it in now we can slice this so let me see uh make it narrower here so sex create a loop here in the middle and scale this and maybe do something like this and sharpen and of course we don't need this on the top right and now we need to do something interesting here so this could be some kind of a car to hold whatever boom right let me see how this looks it's not terrible I know not terrible let's just start sharpen this and select everything out and shift to calculate outside boom sorted this could be a little bit uh maybe more aggressive here maybe like this I don't know let me see yeah that's better see it gives a bit more in fact now this kind of looks like could be slightly moved in here [Music] oh that's actually pretty cool I'm not gonna lie I could use something else here in the middle some kind of um canisters what not let's fix the shading here with shift click on Mark let's go to this face here I think to apply that let's grab this face shift ass to face I'm gonna grab a cylinder right and we're going to align it to the cursor right so shift as a cursor right which will align it and then we're gonna rotate it on X our XX 90. there we go and scale it right I change the global here and individual now s x x no y it's easy there we go on Z Okay cool so let's just uh scale that and you know create something like this here make it smaller and longer right and move it somewhere here okay and uh you know Supply scale and let's check for this and create something interesting here learn that okay and I'm gonna move this all the zxes but we're gonna rotate this like that okay and Mirror to the other side right so boom right now we have this now how does it look from the front we can see that's good for the side looks pretty dope yeah I see like this could be even slightly angled you know like this you know what I mean slightly angled Maybe yeah it looks pretty cool man I like that okay cool so let's keep that that looks good and um we need some kind of uh engines right so now here uh we need some you know something something here so let's grab a cube and let's align the to this cut here go to occlude and B grab this align it in here all right and this one align it um align it here grab them both and move it in and then you know this one needs to be aligned a bit better and this one could be aligned in here right like this okay cool awesome and I just scale this and uh that's cool and we're gonna cut this here okay uh that actually that's not good uh we need to cut it different way maybe like this you see that that's a little bit better um I think cool all right okay and let's apply that and we're going to smooth this all right there we go and now we're going to create some routers yes so cylinder and we probably need a bit more of the events here so let's go 50 and scale this and we're gonna move this to rotate it according to this phase rotation here so this one right on the top okay so shift s and uh two face and then we're going to move this two uh to the cursor and move it to the right hand side make this bigger because you know come on this needs to be larger maybe that's too big something like this I would say right awesome um a bit too thick and do something like this here cool maybe angle it down a bit like that and Mirror to the other side that looks pretty good now what we need to hear also is some kind of a mechanism that's going to rotate this thing so maybe you could grab this cylinder here and shift the D that and move this in here right and we're going to cut it I think you know from the front here um like this I just go back here and what is it go up we need to align this thing let's just go go to local here and align them together okay so let's just go here and make them larger move them in here still not aligned properly I'll say because I can't see uh there we go make it thicker shift as to Geometry this I think should help okay and let's just slice it one more time let's apply this and let's apply scale and now I'm thinking that maybe you could do it like this you know shorter and then g z or YY move them in a bit and then up something like that with two I think maybe a bit higher coolers grab these rotors and let's do something with some shall we so let's grab them too and insert them right and I'm gonna do is scale them on z-axis here like this okay so insert them one more time right and then scale them on Z will it work kind of like this right cool and then we're gonna Bridge them so I'll Bridge them right did it work did it okay so we're going to we're going to remove these faces and we're gonna Bridge them with my shrinkles so uh click here on this Edge and this one and press two right Machine Tools number fails sharpened and bevel okay and let's just fix this sharpen issue what the hell is going on here what the hell is this um let's press three to clean it what the is that let's switch bevel to um there's a bevel here let's push bevel to wait oh it's a battle issue there we go okay never mind you know we could use something here on the top to be honest let me see um Cube now let's just save it you need to multitask like Gordon Ramsay in the kitchen especially when you're working with the unstable blender um shifters to cursor to center it move it in here on y and to move it up here rotate this and let me see scale this and yeah we're going to scale it in here and move it down like this extrude it and scale it and then bevel this like this and we're going to Bevel this here in the back I love that okay cool and maybe apply scale and we're going to battle this top here okay I'll text how we looking pretty cool and this is protruding too much into the canopy so we're gonna move it somewhere here like that okay and we could actually create like a air intake here you know what I mean so go to the front and we could just grab these and you know insert them and extrude I mean boom and bevel and waited normals have we looking oh yeah baby we're looking hot we're looking hot I like this Misa likes a lot okay so here we could actually slice it diagonally it's gonna be a bit more aggressive you see what I mean kind of like a narrowing down we definitely need some bevel here and also is this um there is the uh there's a solidification on this thing so let's go to solidify and solidify that a bit Yeah like that want this work because that's the question wait a minute wait wait wait is this solidified or not let me apply everything here okay um let's apply modifiers let's multiply and Supply scale and let's do this again okay so modifier solidify yeah something's automatically not right here we have some problems what kind of problems this kind of problems right all tags how about now ah now it's working cool so let's try again uh solidify and sort of Define this go and yeah that's nice here what we could do is add a bottle right because we don't have a battle so we're gonna let the battle can be the battle let me see that battle what this bevel is doing nothing let's remove it let's do it again battle or we just bevel this yeah here you know what I mean so it kind of kind of fits there we go now we're talking okay now we're talking awesome awesome we need some routers right so let's go so here let's do this and then we're going to do this and we're going to ear macro place inside so we're gonna have some space to work with shift s and two selected so we're gonna move the cursor with the orientation because that's what Machine Tools does we're gonna create some cool routers okay so um let's go here and grab a plane and we're gonna save this because it's uh Tuesday and here I'm gonna go to the top let's move cursor to origin and to the cursor and move it to the front so we'll be centered scale this a little bit let's just borrow one rotor so we're gonna see the size here right let's just turn off this mirror because Jesus um there we go move it in here perfect so now let me see uh we want some cool blades right so let's cut some interesting shape here uh we could do that and we could do something like this and then do something like this and you can grab this Edge and bevel it okay so do that and then we could slice this right good slices here like this and in all truthfulness we could actually create some interesting shape here um battle this right and deploy that so play scale price sharpen and then we're going to move this uh move this to Crystal right so shift test to select it and then to cursory and this should see it should inherit the rotation right so G and move it in here we're gonna have to scale it just a little bit like this and we're gonna have to solidify it so operations and solidified or solidification here so the fight is right um we could just you know create some interesting shapes here still with it maybe a bit deeper there we go and here we could do something like this right awesome and then applied it and go to operation sorry um match tools and control click on radio well this is cool but I think we can use fewer of them like maybe three and then what we can do is grab some cylinder in the middle and move it to cursor and you know scale it down uh so it's not so not saying opposing here it's a bit thicker and sharpen and then I Supply scale and then scale this in and then gzz and boom and you know we could just create some really cool decal here in the middle right there we go and then select that and let's just select both in there right and we can hide this one um so come on H there we go that looks pretty pretty cool um I think this should be more sort of a um slice a bit higher maybe and also we're gonna fix the shading put some bevel and I think that we could actually open this up you know would be too interesting to open this up I don't know I'm gonna try Okay so don't shoot me if it doesn't work let me see that yeah see it just adds a bit of lightness of this whole structure okay same in the bottom we could just make it a bit more interesting and kind of slice it like this you know what I mean and then mirror just you know all these angle shifts the plan the planar shifts they're gonna go a long way so now sharpen and just let's fix this then we need to be waited almost there we go there's some some problem here in the bottom uh let me just apply this something wrong with the battle one there we go uh let me just apply that so operation so let's multiply what's going on here okay let's just combine that here I think we're good all right cool cool um you could still have some you know stuff here in the back we could just you know add more Cuts here maybe you know what I mean and uh do something like that the same in the front could have a bit more of a cut here so you know you could uh let's not do it in orthographic because it will not work come on come on see there's a shading problem here you need to fix that so here bevel is the problem so press one to fix this we're going to cut this in maybe from this side it doesn't matter there's a mirror in it right that looks pretty cool it's actually too far apart let's make it closer here there we go and we could actually cut it from the front you know so let's grab this face and control Q if Ctrl Q doesn't work for you just go to here to mesh tools and assigned shortcut right click assign shortcut you know I'm just going to run this okay and then I'm going to deal with it so here and let's grab this and have a scroll right and then let's just move it on X to this side let me see that um yeah I think it's a little bit better we could still we could still have some some you know element here on the top maybe you know just inside this one and maybe extrude it see what I mean maybe not so deep um but uh you know you could move this on y-axis this way right see it's just gonna it's it's a bit of a you know element of Interest here in the middle so yeah there we go um this is I think cool I'm cool with that we could add some Maybe um something here maybe in the back would be more interesting so maybe it's a cylinder and then go here and rotate it and just change rotation to Global I mean sorry individual there we go and hold Ctrl make it smaller and move it in here we need to move to the center so shift test origin to our cookery sword and move it in here move it up here and we see it's easy and see that there we go and move it somewhere here scale it shift CZ there we go I'll just here in the end select this face and scale this that's going to be kind of interesting like a you know sort of spike in the middle here and we could have some fun yeah so you know um we could have some fun right you just need to make sure that you're going to secure this okay so you know um you need to you need to secure this here because it's otherwise gonna have shading problems okay um so this is pretty awesome I like that so this kind of corresponds with the front you know don't be lazy don't go the easy route because this is not the way to to improve and this is not the way to you know to become better um you know better modeling okay you need to you need to put some effort into it and uh you know and keep trying to come up with some interesting shapes you know you need to figure it out on your own okay but it just takes some time and practice but you can do some pretty cool stuff okay we can create some really awesome renders with this you know now I want to fix this one because the annoys the out of me let me see that something weird going on here on this one I know this this face just like kind of wonky I don't know this is a sharp sharpness issue let me see there we go now it's flexed it was just an angle so when you have a problem like that just shift click on sharpen and move your mouth to the right to change the auto smooth okay just be careful with the bevels because you know this will create some problems with bevels okay this could actually be a little bit higher here like that and then we could actually go here and create something interesting what is it um come on there you go select that and Altium macro and boom see what I mean that's pretty cool yeah I like that all right cool awesome in fact we could cut this in here see I could just spend hours doing this man I just you know when I start when I get going I don't have a switch off button man um so here it's got the cube that we could cut it like this right and cut it through let me see that why is it not cutting oh it is cutting okay so we need to cut this one as well difference there we go and grab that and you know you know drop it down and maybe scale this see that hmm maybe this will be better yeah that's kind of cool hang on let me just scale this a little bit yeah something like this oh yeah that's pretty cool that looks a bit more complex and sort of convoluted here in the back it's kind of Awesome and the rest can be done with decals guys you know you can do a lot with the console okay a lot with decals this could be chamfered slightly it's gonna create a really nice sort of an edge here it's going to bring interest to your model it's gonna look pretty cool this one is battled right there we go that's better and where the normals here too we didn't almost get some shading problem here let's fix it it's probably the edges there we go you can't really run edges here like that you know it's not gonna work so just um you can do this and let me see that uh bollocks um just combine it here and there you go call it a day peachy salted now this cabin could be divided you know it doesn't have to be one piece we could actually make something interesting out of it so let's just save it but we need to we need to solidify it okay so out uh controllers by scale we need to solidify this a little bit right so modify it solidify this a little bit right and then we can cut it so one more time um slice from here and maybe from here like this there we go and then X and space boom and then let's just apply weighted normals there we go and let's mirror this and then wait it normals and mirror cross right but okay have a look see now that's better okay it's a little bit more aggressive right and let's fix this here so if I scroll and we can just fix it a little bit to fix the shading just move it a bit you know move it about move it about okay um this one could be elevated you know slightly but you know that's actually pretty cool too I don't mind that the side once okay the one inside could be slightly smaller you can scale them in you see just a little bit and they're gonna create this kind of like um like a stepping effect let's just apply another case so operations multiply and we're going to scale them in like that all right and move them in so GX and let's just drop the bevel here okay so you're gonna have a different bevel over there you see then you got this kind of like a um interesting effect there let's just remember that so it's gonna fit and now it's much more aggressive let's remove the layer underneath okay can we let me see that certification is applied okay let's go here and apply same to have this okay so sharpen and then when you do that you can select that press L and we can press all here and we can remove that okay this will remove the inside face because seaming is going to allow you to select the area within a seam all right now we can grab this one and can actually battle this right like that see it's going to give a bit of a around their sides here that's actually pretty cool we could have some additional vents here on the side too you know this is our Terrain so space there we go and then over to the right side there we go now we're talking where is it here okay create something like this and move it to the front come on there we go and just copy to the other side there so you're kind of framing this this you know this uh cockpit this one could be sliced I think you know this one could be sliced I think from the top a little bit maybe maybe like this like this here something like that I don't know from this side you know maybe baby's gonna be better could be better hang on if it's cool let me see um maybe that's better um maybe something like this when we need to apply this and then we need to flip the normals here so we calculate right this could be actually better I'm gonna have some kind of a planar shift here in the front it's going to look a bit more aggressive uh this could be also cut here like this there we go now you're talking a bit better a bit better we need to fix shading so shut up and move to the right boom sorted all right well I think that's it because you know I could spend here seven hours but uh this looks pretty cool I'm not going to be texturing here um but um you can watch other texturing videos of mine to learn how it's done not a big deal not too difficult I'll be using the same techniques but I think it looks pretty badass so this is how you work from references and this is how it's done thanks for watching see in the next one
Channel: Ponte Ryuurui
Views: 24,063
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Blender Tutorial for Hard Surface, blender tutorial for hard surfce, blender, blender tutorial, blender bros, ponte ryuurui, ryuu, hard surface, modeling tutorial, blender modeling tutorial, 3d modeling tutorial, blender modeling, blender 3d tutorial, blender tutorial modeling, hard surface blender, hardops blender, hard surface modeling blender, drone design in blender, hard surface drone design in blender, blender tutorial hard surface, reference modeling blender
Id: Mf9WYklCz9g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 22sec (2422 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 14 2023
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