Master Hard OPS and Boxcutter in Under 20minutes - Blender Tutorial for Beginners

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hi guys are you here with none of it for blender in this one i'm going to show you how to very easily start with hard ups and box cutter i've seen a little comment saying you know people saying that hard ups is difficult there's a lot of shortcuts it's too complicated too many options whenever you do something you need to start from the basics okay when you design something you can't start from tertiary details because it's gonna look like you need to start from the very basics okay and i wanna show you today how little you need to know to perform eighty to ninety percent of tasks using hard ups and box cutter and i guarantee you i can do it within 20 minutes okay tops so first of all i want to show you how to install hard ups some box cutter and how to reinstall it because there is you know updates are popping quite often so you might need to re-install your hard ups and box cutter so let's assume that you don't have a hard ups on both sides go to edit preferences and try to install it to install hard upload box cutter you need to click on install and then you go to the folder on your pc where you downloaded the zip file from internet from the stores either blender market gamma whatever and you install it and then you click that check mark and then you save preferences and that's it okay when you uninstall it however it's a little bit different because first what you need to do is go to this menu again and then uncheck this box okay save preferences close this close blender and reopen it when you reopen the blender okay open these preferences again go here and remove the add-on then refresh and install as you were installing for the first time save preferences and you're good to go all right so let me just you know turn it off save preferences and close it now when you install hard ups in box cutter you will see both icons here on the bottom that's hard ups that's box cutter okay and the order of these icons will depend on the order of installation i usually install hard ups first and box cutter second so when i'm going to press alt w to enable one of these addons i'm gonna go into box cutter mode first reason being is i don't need to have any of them enabled to press q and go to hard ups menu okay so i don't need to have hard ups enabled to actually use queue menu or ctrl tilde menu from hard ups all right this is why my box cutter is usually installed second okay so just quicker together by pressing alt w now alt w will cycle between hard ups and box cutter indefinitely meaning if you look at the top bar here okay i'm in box cutter now the top bar changes to box cutter menu all these options here for box cutter okay if you press alt w again all these options here are hard ups and you can see hard ups enabled and i can flip between them indefinitely when i press w i'm gonna get out of hard ups and box cutter okay it doesn't matter which one you're in w is gonna get you out of it so these are the basics now let's set them up okay so once you install both add-ons right you will see that there is a hard ups icon here on the top click that all right and you will see this window will open by default then you will see that hard ups version if you click that version okay you'll see here that it needs update or it's a current version so based on that you can decide whether you want to update or not if you're installing hard apps for the first time i encourage you to go to the start menu then click on auto panel for the t panel click on box notifications and q many prefixes i also enabled this one you don't need that it simply displays materials in viewport and they are in similar color to the materials in in look def but you know you don't need that you need these three okay when i go to box colors rw and go here i usually under input enable this right mouse button to cancel and gun cut and that's it these are all my settings for hard ups and boxes how long did you take two minutes three minutes okay now let me show you how easy it is to use either of these items again i mean guys it's piss easy all right you just have to simplify that's gonna be you know it's a joke okay so shift a to other cube okay we're adding a cube now the main menu i'm using for hard ups is q menu okay i'm using basically two menus for hardup's q menu and ctrl tilde menu okay and control tilde menu is a menu that i'm using only for two things the general options and the modifiers that's it okay and the queue menu is the menu i mean probably 99 of the time okay 99 of the time that's one shortcut all right when you open a queue menu with an object selected right you will see that there are gonna be some options here from the top now the reason why you're seeing these specific options is because these are the most logical choices for this state of mesh so when i'm gonna press q i gotta either battle it or array it or mirror it or sharpen it right so these are the most logical choices in addition to this i'm just going to say that if you would like to learn more advanced usage of hard ups and books letter just hover over a menu any menu and you will see there is a tooltip displayed with all the shortcuts that you can possibly need okay so it's really important that you just you know hover over certain menus and you will see that they're gonna be additional options popping okay but that's just a you know a side note so let's add a bevel okay because that's the most important thing you're going to be doing add a bevel and you just move your mouse to change the width scroll your wheel to add or deduct segments you can see that by the way on the bottom you can see width is changing segments are changing once i add a bevel you can see that it's popping here in the bevel in that modifier stack right you can see the same thing when you go to control tilde and go to the wrench okay you got the um you know modifier modifiers displayed here and now the modifiers look a little bit different than in the vanilla blender they're just simply a bit more convenient okay the ui is a little bit more convenient in my opinion just set a little bit differently you get also additional options so it's really cool this is why i'm using ctrl tilde menu because i prefer to use modifiers and adjust my modifiers from this menu okay so we have a bevel second modifier that you need to add is weighted normals because you can see that we have a wonky shading so q and alt click alt click on sharpen will add weighted normals and you can see that unlike in vanilla blender modifier was added at the end of the stock which is a correct position for weighted normals if you go to ctrl tilde menu again and go to general you can see that auto sort for modifiers is turned on i never touched this okay you can look at these modifiers what they denote i very early touch this okay sometimes i adjust some stuff but it's like literally once in a month okay and that's it option that i'm using quite a lot okay is this all right it's the sharp options for sharpen in hard ups so whenever you go to cue menu and click on sharpen right you will apply whichever edges you have here selected so crease seam b weight sharp these three are actually by default you can enable all four or you can enable just two or just one or none okay it's up to you what you want to do but this is the option i'm changing quite often because i want to make sure that i'm applying exactly the only edges the only type of edges i want to my edges okay so if i don't need crease or seam because i know i will not be working with let's say subdivision i'm not going to be uv unwrapping i don't need this okay i need only these all right in fact quite frankly most of the time i need either this one or this one okay so then you press okay and when you click on sharpen here and click sharpen you will see that you're gonna get sharp edges and b weight added to your mesh all right and if you want to unsharpen this you simply press a select everything and click sharp to remove everything that you've added really simple guys all right so there you go and it will remove everything that's basically selected here so it will add b weight and sharp or remove b weight and sharp okay hope that's clear right and then you of course have array uh and i'm going to show you that you know if i click array and for example press x which is the most important shortcut here it will change the um the axis on which is a rain and if you press h here you can see on the bottom right you can see all the possible shortcuts that you can use with this tool now in terms of box cutter let's go to rw and enable box color now box cutter has one main menu and it's a d menu and this d menu will basically gather up all these menus from the top here okay so most of these menus are in here okay this is just kind of compact all right you don't really need to know all these you don't need to really use all these most of the time what you're going to be using is switching between circle cut box cut and end gun cut turning on and off cyclic in n gone and changing from knife cut to cut mode and that's it this is like 95 percent of the time okay literally another really important menu for bosco that is shift v and i'm going to be talking about it in a moment so again you got d menu and shift v menu that's it let's perform a card shall we so i'm going to with you know box selected so d and click on the box we're in a cut mode okay which means you know we're going to be slicing through mesh so we click and drag okay and then you release the mouse when you're happy with your shape and you move your mouse to create a you know extrusion you can press tab to pause it and you will see different dots and these dots you know you can drag them and move your shape by the dots if you want to okay and when you want to continue extruding you just press e to continue extruding you see what i mean it's very easy you can also left click to pause it okay if you double click you're gonna cut it right so that's the basic operations for box cutter now you will notice here in the top right when i'm gonna start drawing a cut i'm gonna have a new collection being created called cutters watch see what i mean and that's automatic by boxing so let me just draw this cut here okay and let's say i wanted to change the shape of it now on the bottom you can see all the options that you can use with this live cutter so you can press b for bevel okay you can press q for quad bevel and then again q to remove it and b to remove it right you can press b and move your mouse to the left to reset it and then to the right to enter chamfer left to reset it and right to enter bevel and so forth and so on b to remove it you can press s to scale it okay art rotated okay g to move it right you can press t to solidify it okay like that and t to unsolidify it shift t to taper it okay and these are probably the most basic and most common operations that you're going to be performing also you have w for wedge cut okay so you got these there's going to be a tapered wedge good okay right mouse button to cancel right and left mouse button to apply let's press w to remove the wedge cut and click and this will add a boolean to the top of the stock because again ctrl tilde menu will show you that the boolean modifiers have been sorted automatically okay so that's really cool and you have a cutter here which makes with shift two so you press alt h to unhide it with shifter you can you know recover this cutter all the cutters on the mesh but what if you for example had two cutters all right so i'm gonna create another cut here you want it to you know recover on the one color well you click on the mesh you press q with hard ups and you can see that the menu has changed instead of array we have ever scroll and every scroll is something that will allow you to recall cutters so you click on have a scroll and you scroll your mouse to cycle between the cutters on your mesh then you click and you have this cut life and now you can just you know have fun with the cutter so you can actually adjust this cutter okay you can slice it if you want to with another cutter so let's go to the top view and you know we could slice it with a box like this okay so there you go okay then let's talk about mirror so mirror is very easy in hard up so you just simply press alt x and this is a shortcut for mirror by the way i really suggest you guys learn shortcuts and you will see a gizmo and red one is x yellow is y and blue is z so if the cube is rotated you know so will be the mirror gizmo because it's calculating a local object orientation not the global one the local one now let's look how it works so alt x okay and let's say we wanted to mirror this across x-axis right all you need to do is hover over here and click and that's it and it will add automatically a mirror after all the booleans and bevels but before the weighted normals which is the correct positioning for mirror uh ctrl z to go back alt x and now you can see on the top here there is a menu if you press tab you will access additional menu and if you press d you'll have this menu displayed here under your cursor all these menus are displayed on the bottom now there are additional options here but we're not going to be talking about that these are all the types of mirrors okay so you can add just a mirror modifier new mirror modifier which means a second modifier then you have modifier and application of the modifier so you mirror something and you apply that mirror you had a bisect okay then you got symmetry and flip so for example if i choose flip i can flip the shape you know on horizontally here boom see what i mean okay alt x flip but what if i wanted to flip this okay and then i wanted to mirror this across to the other side i need to get out of the flip option very easy press x to reset the mirror you can see all the options in the bottom guys okay everything is written right so mirror to add a mirror modifier and now we got this interesting shape okay another really important function in heart ops is going to be smart apply smart applies a way of applying modifiers in a specific order with one click so you can access it by selecting an object pressing q and going either to operations and smart apply or out clicking on ever scroll okay it's the same thing and when i do that you will see smart deploy was executed and all my modifiers except for bevel and weighted normals were applied which means all these modifiers the booleans in the mirror was were applied okay and that's how smart apply works let's press shift two to remove these cutters so one more time hard ups queue menu and control tilde menu box cutter d menu and shift v menu let me talk to you about the shift v menu for a second because we haven't touched on it yet okay now let's battle this so q battle and q out click on weighted normals right and then in box cutter mode so i'll w to enter box cutter we're going to rotate this cube and we're going to go shift v and make sure we're in object orientation okay this one this means that just like with mirror okay you're gonna be having cutters oriented to your local rotation or location of your object so if the object rotates so will the cutters in view mode you're gonna be cutting from your view perspective okay so the way i'm using view mode is when i'm in side view orthographic and then i'm using you know view orientation cut when i'm using object orientation cut i'm using usually edit angle in perspective mode and i'm simply cutting based on object orientation and the cursor location will determine to which face you're going to be aligning you see what i mean last option i'm using a lot and this is something i really need to show you is curve extract okay curve extract is a fantastic tool it's very powerful so if you go to edit mode and select any of these faces right and go to cue and you're gonna shift click on curve extract you can see that the menu is different the q menu is different shift click right you will duplicate that face rip it from the mesh separate it into its own object and start solidifying all in one click okay so this creates kind of like a paneling effect so let's say for example right that i had a cut here that's going to be a knife cut all right so let's go to top view and let's go to orthographic right shift v to switch to view mode then i'm going to draw a cut here and then i'm going to press k to enter knife mode and i'm going to slice it with a knife when i'm going to go to edit mode this knifecard is going to be automatically selected then i'm going to press q and shift curve extract this will create the paneling on top of my model okay and this is really convenient when you want to create you know sci-fi paneling all right another really convenient option for hard ups is curve extract from an edge so if you select an edge and simply go to curve extract you will be able to curve extract the pipe out of this when you press s you can smooth it okay and you know you can create some really cool stuff with it i'm gonna give you a really cool tip here so watch this if i want to reset it to just be a curve again i press q adjust curve x to reset it right with this selected control a visual to mesh i'm invert mode so curve was reseted to work modes right e x and then e y right go to object mode ctrl a visual to mesh and then apply scale go to vert mode select these two shift ctrl b to bevel them scroll your mouse okay click and then we're going to go to object mode and then we're going to go to mesh tools and curve extract and then s and you got a pipe easy easy and you can revert it again q curve extract x control a visual to mesh your invert mode that's a bit more advanced but you know just a cool trick last thing i'm going to show you is for box cutter okay so i want to show you how easy is to change between cuts remember when i told you the d menu is really important and you can change different types of cuts here you can see that we switched to knife right the problem with knifecut is that it will get stuck in knifecut forever so if you start trying to cut something let's go back to object orientation you're going to start trying to cut something it's going to be knife you can really easily switch this by pressing x on your keyboard you can cycle between different types of cuts so x will give you a cut another x is going to give you a slice another x gonna give you intersection another x gonna give you inset mode okay and then when you for example press t in the insert mode you can adjust this solidification here just a tip okay they all work the same way okay and when you press k you're gonna switch to knife all right so again x is gonna flip between these cards okay and k is gonna give you a knife a is gonna give you a shape j is gonna give you a union boolean but you can see all the tips on the bottom guys all the shortcuts on the bottom right all of them so it's not that difficult also when you go to d menu okay you can see the shortcuts are also displayed see what i mean it's really simple when you start with the very basics these are the very basics of hard ups and boxes these tools will get you probably 85 of the job done okay maybe even more yes there are more advanced tools and yes i could talk about them for hours but start with something simple master the basics learn the shortcuts and you're gonna be good and then you start building on top of that knowledge okay now if you would like to learn more about heart ups and box cutter we have a free course in which we create a sci-fi terminal you can get that course by clicking the link in the video description also we have an ultimate guide to heart ups and box cutter which is an amazing course we cover all the tools uh in hard ups and boxes it was recently updated so it's quite fresh and in addition to that you got two modeling courses okay one of them is the old one this is sci-fi truck and there's a new one is a sci-fi spaceship and trust me if you go through that course you're gonna be more than efficient in hard ops and box cutter like everything in life things take practice so you know just like with blender you need shortcuts you will work much faster in hard ups if you're going to be using shortcuts so i think this should cover the basics of hard ups and box twitter like i said more stuff in the video description go for the links and check us out in addition to this we have a membership on it's a monthly membership kind of like patreon but on steroids and if you join you're gonna have an instant access to about 12 courses right now and 12 packs of decals and stream sheets every month there is new content there are also other perks like for example 15 discount on all the premium course releases from blender bros and we have a q a section community section where we you know have people asking us questions it's a really amazing community so check it out and during christmas time membership is going to be discounted by 30 so if you decide to join us during christmas as long as you're gonna stay subscribed you're gonna have a permanent discount of 30 and access to all the perks and last but not least the links to hard ups and box cutter add-ons the affiliate links so if you click on the links and grab these add-ons from my links you're going to help my channel as well in addition there are all the links to all the add-ons i'm recommending because i'm using them and if you need something like for example cable rater or you know a mesh machine whatever keytops hop on the links and check the stores if i'm recommending it in my video description it means i'm using it i do not recommend add-ons i'm not personally using thanks so much for watching catch you in the next one
Channel: Ponte Ryuurui
Views: 32,035
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blender, tutorial, blender tutorial, hard surface, scifi, 3d modeling, hardops tutorial, boxcutter tutorial, hard surface tutorial, blender addons, hard surface addons, hardops for beginners, boxcutter for beginners
Id: GWvOrNwFYx8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 13sec (1453 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 25 2021
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