BRUSH settings for HARD SURFACE sculpting in Blender

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hey guys you're here with naruto for blender today i want to show you how to set your brushes for hard surface sculpting in blender so let's grab a quad sphere and also let's grab these screencast keys and let's control idis to subdivide it apply subdivision and let's go to sculpting you can go to sculpting in here as well where is it here on the top i'm using machine tools to get there so the pi menu from machine tools addon which by the way is free all right so let's talk about settings right um there are a few brushes that i'm using mostly it's grub pinch scrape flat and smooth crease blob and i think that's it so let me show you the settings right flatten you want to go max power on this one pinch you want to change this string field to 1.5 and on the follow field and go tt mode so make a nipple and remove this one and crease you want to do the same thing so 1.5 and falloff here dt mode by the way i'm still in these settings from jerry from master xeron 0101 so he has them in his videos but they cannot scatter around so i thought i'm going to just put them in one video also dyna toppo subdivide edges and brush detail and we're good to go i think right so of course you want to use a pen i mean pen tablet for this right because it's easier and go to front moji the falloff of the brush is you know you can just leave it as is that's fine in my opinion now you can start you know having some fun here and uh you know shaping helmets you don't have to create human helmets you can you can create you know cyborg helmets um work with with the grub brush as much as possible also if you hold shift you can use a smooth tool so it's really convenient doesn't matter what brush you're in right um you can use smooth tool so you hold shift see so when you pull something always smooth it let's go to the side view and let's push it up a little bit i mean 2.82 by the way um i prefer to work in 2.9 2.83 or some weird bug with a smooth brush i don't know sometimes doesn't work so i don't know if it's what's going on i got the same items on both so it should be working but sometimes it doesn't the top of here is a bit of a pig i'm gonna just re-apologize it um i can't do it in here because i don't have my add-ons well you could apologize in in in the remesher here but quite frankly i can't be bothered using that because i prefer to use um i'll show you another add-on very quickly let me copy this and open 2.9 there we go and let's go to sculpting come on there we go and let's grab a quadrameter let's make it 50k and let's remesh it now occasionally what you want to do is you want to drop the the count of um of your of your sculpt if it goes up to like you know see now it smoothes a little bit better if it goes to like maybe you know so i don't know depends on the machine but in my case it's like 5 700 okay things gonna you know get a little bit slower it's just a blender limitations nothing to do really with the hardware um it's just blender it's getting a fit so you see what i'm using i'm using a grub brush right to just define a form first right and create some kind of cool shape that i like before i'll actually start um start using other brushes then i can swatch to flatten and flatten the light to top in one place so just make like tiny circles it's really gonna flatten the area you see so instead of you know just moving your brush in large circles what i do is simply tap if there is a larger area right like this smooth strokes are the best and you know the brush size of course needs to be adjusted to whatever you're doing and everything should be peachy so see now in situations like this i'll just simply tap it's pretty cool though and then make you know we make a brush a bit smaller of course usually smooth then blob is also a cool feature so if you go to blob and make it like a tiny blob in here a little bit bigger so it's actually too small to make it bigger something like this and then you use flatten just tap and then mix tiny circles and it's going to flatten it nice to do something like this you see kind of like exhaust or whatever then i also like to use um i was like to you so i think that poison that's why there we go i was wondering why it's so jaggedy um you can use pinch pinch is really nice so let's go pinch actually pinch i'm gonna show you on this crease in here so let's actually crease is a little bit better here so flatten this area and flatten this area and smooth it now let's go pinch a pinch is gonna pinch it really nicely you see because of these settings it's what jerry calls super pinch and it's really cool of course this is a little bit too big now i need to make it smaller to pinch it in here smooth it there you go slowly slowly but surely slowly but surely yeah you can pinch this one as well around it's gonna take time to get used to the tablet but once you do um it's actually fun i remember when i started to edit portraits when i was working as a photographer um the first time i got tablets is just a nightmare you know like a first week or maybe a few days but then you just get used to it and it's like a lot of fun so there you go uh let's grab a float and again here and you know make it bigger and simply flatten this area and uh these ones as well there we go you can do the same thing in the back all right so there we go and then crease you know uh chris is also pretty cool so uh chris is great for um creating details like for example um you know some some kind of like a um oops and with crease you know it's really difficult to control this even with the brush so you can go ahead and turn the lazy stroke and then you're gonna have like a i don't know if you see this but when you click and drag it's going to make a line like a parenting line and it's much easier to control it to control the straight lines takes a bit of practice but when you get used to it it's pretty fun so crazy is phenomenal right you can create fine details you can also create uh you know you can create deep cuts so for example something like this let's make it larger and let's actually crease it here like this let's make it bigger something like that i think it's a little bit too close there we go and then grab a floating and smooth it and then flatten it see like in situation like this i would use scrape and just scrape this top a little bit to make it flat and then just grab pinch or maybe smooth it first and then grab pinch and pinch it here and pinch these and inside and smooth and pinch again it's all about uh gradually building building the shape here nothing happens immediately you need to be you know you need to be patient with your strokes so you could create some lighter and then we could for example like grab clay strips and you know have some fun with that and then grab flatten angle is important when you when you're flattening right so don't be lazy move your camera so i got uh right mouse button mapped to to my tablet and so i can easily move um with my camera flatten this one here and then grab pinch just pinch it smooth it punch it some more you can actually move it too if you want to with smooth brush you know to change the shape of to form the general shape of it scrub flatten there you go something like that and then you can grab a crease again you know and keep going then you can grab a blob and hold ctrl because when you hold ctrl you're doing the reverse so if your blob is gonna add geo if you hold ctrl is gonna deduct deduct um geometry so it's gonna make a hole right so you could do something like this right and then grab flatten and just tiny circles inside we need to turn it around you see if you get lazy with your angles it's not gonna work the way you intend it then you can flatten it from the inside and smooth it a little bit on the outside grab a pinch and pinch this you can hear the how gently i'm tapping on this uh tablet right they're really like they're not strokes they're just tops and this one's a little bit skewed so g for grab and you know let's make it a bit more circular so there you go and so on and so forth right so crease we could create some cool stuff in here maybe that's a bit too thick maybe make it thinner kind of like a plating it's not gonna be perfect so if you're doing concepting this is good but if you want to do like a precision sculpting um this is going to take a bit more time but what i would probably do is uh do a basic shape in in um sculpting and then simply read apologize it and bring it to you know to blender and and create um just re-topologize it right so it's it's i think it's it's easier than the way also you can create more interesting details because you know blender is not zbrush right i mean there are limitations to what you can do of course you can do booleans and stuff but uh you need to go out to uh object mode and remember when you switch mode to object the laptop is gonna be turned off so you need to switch it on back again so that's important and let's go back to crease and you know do some paddling in here but the more control you have with your rc this stroke here went through so i'm gonna do it again angle is the key in sculpting it that was it let's go around let's make it shorter this time let's grab a blob and it's too small something like this there you go and then you can you know draw some armor patterns as well right so that's pretty cool for example oops go to greece wow this is a very good school of concepting because [Music] you know you can play with shapes very easily you don't have to be worried about topology it's all about concepting so if you want to learn concepting sculpting is actually really good way to to experiment with shapes right i've been doodling make heads for like a whole day yesterday just for fun and it's it's you know then you can make this crease smaller to create like for example you know kind of like notches or like i don't know some kind of bolts whatever just gonna be precise with it or go really big and you know create some kind of gills or just smooth them and bring them deeper and let's grab a crease like it's sculpt of a mac you know doesn't take more than like maybe 20 30 minutes depends of course on how detailed you want to get because details you know take time this looks like garbage i don't like it so um let's redo this differently so let's go maybe this way i think i think this one is too thin so let's make something like this here on the edge and then go this way like that but better maybe and then you could for example make cuts inside here as well just for fun how are we looking yeah we're looking pretty cool we're looking pretty cool and some plating in here maybe could make it a little bit thicker so deeper lines and maybe go this way and create something in here oops we cut like this around need to turn the camera because reasons right there we go this one needs to oh that's too deep let's continue this one here maybe underneath let's do it properly okay let's uh see here let's grab this and we'll talk here draw it here here and meet it in the middle perfect this one is a huge plate so we can do is do something maybe something like this and [Music] some smaller design inside this lazy mouse is amazing by the way then you can add some small notches you know again you know this is not zbrush so you could go crazy with details but i think it's much easier for hard surface to do it um simply by re-apologizing so it's good for concepting as you can see and scoping some kind of you know very quick ideas but um unless you're uh you know you're really proficient in sculpting then probably you can do some serious damage in here but um i prefer to do it you know with hard ups because it's fun however you can you can do some really cool concepting in in blender with with a brush which is great so i'm going to smooth it here and then flatten it smooth it some more and flatten it and moved it a little bit too much i think so i'm gonna go with the grub brush and pull it back in and just smooth it and then i'm going to pinch it so grab a pinch pinch it back to shape there we go then grab a crease and introduce some cool cuts in here so this one's a little bit skewed so let's do it maybe gonna do it angular it's gonna be cooler i think and let's go through here there you go we could add some more detail here something like this and maybe we could do some screw notches or something like bolts you know that's too many that will do maybe some some two or two on the bottom and that's cool there you go that's our mac so that's how you use brushes for hard surface sculpting in blender well that's it guys that's all you need to know about how selfish modeling i mean sculpting in blender that should get you going give us a like and sub if you enjoyed the video and of course as as usual there are links in the video description to master xeon one zero zero one stone gum road and machine stores on gumroad if you wanna buy hard dubs box cutter um or mesh machine decal machine go ahead and do it through the links you're gonna help me as well and that's it for the video thanks for watching
Channel: Ponte Ryuurui
Views: 23,350
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sculpting, hard surface, brushes, settings, blender, mech, scifi, 3D
Id: eo7yWxdjttw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 21sec (1461 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 12 2020
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