My Favorite Modeling Techniques for Beginners in Blender

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there's tons of modeling techniques no I don't mean those types I mean 3D modeling techniques and if you're wondering which ones are best suited for blender you have come to the right place this video is sponsored by Squarespace more on that later technique number one Boolean Boolean modeling has become one of the most popular methods in blender and is well suited for hard Surfers and complex objects on the technical side of things booleans are mathematical operations which you might already know from your math classes for example here is a Venn diagram which contains some of the more common Boolean operations which consist of intersections unions and subtractions in blender we have to use the Boolean modifier to achieve these operations to make things a little easier we can enable blender's built-in bull tool add-on this will let us use shortcuts to create booleans for example control notepad minus will add a difference Boolean Control numpad Plus will add a union Boolean control numpad asterisk will add an intersect Boolean and control numpad slash will add a slice Boolean a Boolean consists out of two parts a cutter which is the object that we use to intersect Union or difference with and the target object which is the object that we added the modifier to with more complex shapes usually rounder shapes booleans tend to add in nasty shading artifacts however we can work around these by adding additional geometry or support Loops to minimize these shading issues by adding in Loop Cuts in this example blender has more faces to work with resulting in less shading errors we have to do this both for the Target and or the cutter to work properly it can also help to add in a weighted normal modifier to further smoothen the results if you want to take the Boolean workflow to another level there's a couple of paid add-ons that are very useful these are box cutter hardops and mesh machine now I think Boolean modeling is incredibly useful as it's very fast and efficient and is definitely a great technique to learn if you want to become a 3D artist technique number two sculpting sculpting is the go-to workflow for a lot of artists out there it's a diverse technique some might even call it an art form mimicking a real life sculpting it comes with a ton of different tools each with their own use case for creating your object sculpting lends itself best for organic shapes characters and creatures to start sculpting in blender you'll need to head over to sculpting mode here you can immediately start sculpting on for example your default Cube now if you click a little bit on the default Cube you'll notice though that this does not exactly work and that is because of a lack of geometry for blender to work with and you can fix this in several ways you can either enable din Toko and set a resolution which will add geometry to your object on the area where you sculpt with a resolution similar to the value you set here or you can remesh your object with a small voxel size to generate quads and work with that some of the tools or as they are technically called called brushes come with the option to both add and remove to your mesh by default it adds so if you're just clicking here it will inflate or add to your mesh and by holding Ctrl it will remove or sort of deflate your mesh by holding shift and clicking you can smooth out parts of your sculpt by pressing F you can quickly change the size of your brush and with shift F you can change the strength of your brush sculpting usually tends to result in Fairly High poly count meshes quickly however blender handles these like a champ and will still Chuck through it even with millions of polys now most people use a drawing tablet for sculpting however you can do it with a mouse I think that the pen pressure from a drawing tablet will make it a lot easier though so I would advise you to get one if you are serious about sculpting now getting the hang of sculpting can take quite some time so don't get discouraged if you can't create what you want immediately sculpting is an art form and if you put in the hours and become great it you are definitely setting yourself up for success in the future now I want to tell you a bit of a story I've always known I wanted to do something with design fresh out of college I went looking for a job and as a lot of you know a portfolio is the one thing that sets you apart from the rest and in this digital era a physical portfolio just doesn't cut it anymore a web-based portfolio is the bare minimum and not only that it has to look good and professional as well Squarespace has helped me out tremendously with this their fluid engine drag and drop editor has made sure I have yet to write a single line of code for a website there are customizable templates give me a great starting point for creating a unique design without the hassle of having to think of everything myself there are built-in analytics allow me to keep an overview of traffic on my website and one of the most crucial things for me as a designer if I want to change the design of my website it's a matter of hours of work and not weeks head on over to to start your free trial today and when you're ready to publish your website use code Kaizen tutorials to get 10 off your first purchase of a website or domain technique number three subdivision now I've done a video on this technique before as it's my personal favorite but subdivision modeling is one of the most common modeling methods it's primarily used for products and smoother type meshes but is versatile enough to be able to use for characters and organic objects alike in basis the technique revolves around the subdivision modifier this modifier adds additional geometry which averages out all the faces and Smooths them with this average as well so by for example adding a subdivision modifier to a cube we turn it into something of a sphere if we then add in more geometry we can sort of Define the shape of how this thing needs to look to sharpen the edges we can for example add support Loops these are basically Loop cuts which you can add with Ctrl R and by bringing these support Loops in closer to the edge the curve sharpens and the crease becomes tighter this is somewhat of a destructive workflow though as we can lose control over these Loops down the line if we just add in more and more geometry now for example an undestructive workflow would be to add in a bevel modifier above our subdivision surface modifier the bevel modifier will add geometry on Sharp edges which will then again result in sharper edges after subdividing to control which edges are or aren't beveled change the limit method to weight and in edit mode select the edges you wish to Bevel then open up the item menu with n and increase the mean bevel weight for these edges finally you can increase the bevel segments and amount to create the look that you want this method is so versatile and so useful I just love it and I think it's here to stay so investing in learning this technique will always be a good thing to have on your belt technique number four procedural procedural modeling is a method which has been growing rapidly over the last few years with the introduction of geometry nodes in blender it's complicated but it's super interesting seeing at the same time and can result in unlimited variations of your models in seconds in essence it's giving blender a set of rules to determine how a model should look like by inputting different numbers into this rule set blender generates different and unique models with geometry notes this is doable in both a basic form and a very complicated and advanced form however since this method uses Parts which have been pre-modeled it's not a standalone technique like the other ones in this video in most cases you will need one of the other techniques I've shown to create the parts necessary to make up the procedural models with the right set of Parts you can create amazing model generators which have unlimited potential I can't really show how to do it in this video because that would take up too long but before deciding on this method there's a consideration to be made procedural modeling can take a long time to set up correctly so depending on the amount of assets you want to create this might or might not be worth it generally speaking I'd advise you to only approach this method if you want to create for example 10 similar assets or maybe even more but if you only need one or two it probably better just to do them by hand instead of creating this procedural modeling setup nonetheless though blender's geometry notes is a true Powerhouse and still very much under development so it will just grow bigger and bigger better and better so investing in learning this will definitely be worth it in the long run now obviously there are still a lot of other 3D modeling methods which I haven't shown yet like nurbs or CAD or photo scanning box modeling but I think these are some of the methods that blenders best suited for what do you think do you agree or do you maybe miss one that you always use inside a blender let me know in the comments if you want to learn more about these techniques I've put some helpful links in the video description and if you want to learn more about subdivision modeling I think I might already have the perfect video for you as always a big thanks to the following patrons for supporting the channel [Music] thank you
Channel: Kaizen Tutorials
Views: 252,896
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: modeling techniques in blender, modeling techniques, 3d modeling, 3d modeling techniques, 3d modeling terms, blender modeling, blender beginner modeling tutorial, blender beginner tutorials, 3d modeling blender, 3d modeling blender tutorial, boolean modeling blender, subd modeling blender, subdivision modeling blender, procedural modeling blender, sculpting blender
Id: EhIatZfJZFo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 1sec (541 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 13 2023
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