Modeling and Texturing in Blender - Step by Step TUTORIAL

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hi guys are you here from blender Bros and in this video we're gonna be designing some cool sci-fi Gadget let's go all right we're gonna start with a cube and we're going to scale it down a bit and then as shift Z and Sy and you know we're kind of there all right cool now this video is not gonna be for complete beginners if you are a complete beginner we have a free course called jumpstart uh hard surfacing blender the link is in the video description and if you're a beginner with add-ons and you know a little bit about heartups and box cutter then grab the free terminal design in blender course also in the video description so go ahead and snatch them from our website enjoy um this video is gonna be a bit more advance in terms of pace I'm not going to be probably explaining everything because um you know it's Wednesday and uh and on Wednesdays I'm lazy here um we're going to create something like this maybe another opening here like that and drive it out here like this and I'm going to press B for bevel and scroll out maybe in fact you know what maybe we could do this manually make these bevels a little bit at different sizes yeah let's just do it with my voice ax and just you know slush it and I'm going to delete that part here and I can actually apply that so sharpen and then you know I'm going to adjust bevels on each of these Corners individually so 90 degrees Metals gonna be a bit more round so let's say maybe eight segments you can see the segments on the bottom and these Corners gonna be a little bit less crazy so maybe six segments and kind of shallower bevels here these battles could be a bit more you know relaxed and again eight and maybe these could be kind of similar and these two could be a bit shallower again so maybe six segments okay then you're gonna have different types of battles uh this could be a bit better here looking from the top this kind of looks a bit weird maybe this one is too aggressive or maybe this one is too shallow we can fix it with mesh machine right if you need links to machine add-ons again in the video description let's just refuse that and I can actually change the width of this bevel to slightly more uh maybe oh maybe you can change attention by pressing t so you can change the tension here actually you know what tension I think it's fine um maybe it's the width is the problem something like this yeah I think this is a bit better maybe I don't know I'm not sure what to do with this piece here to be honest still kind of uh you know what let's just unchart for this so unwell that and I'm gonna do it again uh eight segments right and maybe or maybe deeper and like that about this yeah that looks awful um maybe something like this maybe that's okay maybe these are too shallow you know I don't know let's just uh unbevel that and under level this and I'm gonna do it again looking from the top here so I can actually kind of you know eyeball this maybe we should block a smaller battle something like this yeah okay so you know too much too much fun here so what I'm going to do now is I'm going to alt exit in edit mode and I'm gonna have this uh edge here I can split it this is with mesh machine it's a fantastic mirror I'm gonna grab this one and what we're gonna do here is Ctrl click on curve extract to basically get these um I mean this shape up ex and move it in here I'm going to align it with machine tools and put the face here all tags and the face here and I got this shape select everything L10 to calculate outside now you know what I said that this tutorial is not for beginners uh it's a bit faster yeah uh here we're going to expand that and we're going to actually shift this to Geo and I'll take it to the other side so we're gonna get this Cube and we're gonna do something like this let's see the bevel here so I can see what's happening I can see the outline here also do I have cavity I do awesome so here you know uh we're going to create kind of like a shape so let's grab the handgun and we're going to run an angle here like this and maybe like this here and something like that and x and delete this and this a little bit maybe actually just that's okay I think that's okay this all of it is a bit too thick maybe let's make it a little bit thinner like this there we go let's just show up in this and I think it's gonna be okay I'm not sure about this uh opening here maybe I prefer to do something like that or maybe something like this I think maybe this is gonna be cool you know shift d and skillet a bit and difference so we're gonna have this kind of like a opening here okay pocket and uh you know we're going to um we're going to move the uh let's just Supply here everything and shift test to Geometry I'm going to uh agree to the other side to make sure that these um both sides are then identical in terms of a bevel you know the angle here I'm gonna grab that and you know bevel this with eight and I'll text and this is going to shift things a bit so shift test to GL and one more time something is not right here let me just grab this Edge shift s and to Edge and then boom okay let's go to occlude and go to the top and grab this Ng gy and move it in here another is okay and then we're going to print Geo so we're gonna get rid of all the junk we don't need a clean mesh and uh yeah perfect I'm gonna just save it and on power save cool um so now what I want to do is I want to create actually this could be a little bit too um to protruding maybe I can put it a little bit deeper like this you know something like that maybe somewhere here something like this and we could probably move this cutter around here so I have a scroll and gy and move it in here now if I if I move it lower it's going to cut through the bevel which is not the greatest idea there's a bubble here you see so this is not amazing this is probably a bad idea so maybe not that deep uh so maybe this is a bit too deep maybe move it in here so this shape should be a little bit a little bit shorter and um here we could move you know we could move this back so our Cloud B grab this gy and just you know kind of make it shorter and I'll just apply where the normals here too and here I think what I want to do is I wanted to grab this face and uh cut it so let's go to selection to Boolean insert it a bit and cut it in like that and shift click to shift to live let's go to top view and turn off on this cyclic and we're going to run some um you know like um cuts here something like that and the DNA Department side doesn't really matter because so it's not going to be visible in fact we could cut it so um what we could do here is grab this main cutter which is uh this one right and simply chop it off here so boom like that right and then you know um I'll text in there and we can apply this so sharp and then what we need to do is we need to make sure that these connections here are more or less civil so I'm going to run a knife here through uh through all of these like that and we can remove all the junk you know this shouldn't be here like this rubbish um all this rubbish and you know this this rubbish and down and this one too and then what we can do is we can run some chamfers here so let's just grab these and dissolve them grab that and actually bevel this doesn't matter how many segments you have this is you know I just remove that with three machine tools and there's a amount of actually that's a very um it's a cleanup function here these two probably should be identical um this could be a little bit more Supple so larger and cool and these these are you know the same angle 90 degrees so something like that this one is a bit more steep so it needs to be deeper maybe not as deep and this one you know casual wish and here we got another 90 degrees and uh steeper one and one more here probably remove this one and double that and uh remove these three and buckle this this one a bit steeper and here I and then we're going to calculate sharpen so shift click and shift control click on sharpen and you're good to go so now I got this salted right we got this and we're going to mirror to the other side and bevel it and you know sharpen up what I want to do is I want to grab this um this structure here so all of that and here and I'm going to shift curve extract it like this okay now what I want to do is I want to create a gap here in between these two so what I'm going to do is I'm going to apply that I'm gonna grab this uh this edge here and dissolve it I'm going to grab this thing in the middle here and remove that shift test and to Geometry I'm gonna grab this one and then extract it again and what I'm gonna get is something like this which is pretty cool now let's just uh solidified here a little bit yeah something like this maybe okay and we're going to cut this here so here has grown then and uh let's actually cut it like this okay so boom so yeah that that will do um did it cut through hang on what is going on here there we go I don't need that part cool it's not like a guard you know around it and here we could have um you know chamfer right so just a small one you know like that okay and I'll Attack some boom and you could actually run Chef on these as well it's gonna look pretty decent so uh Y and select and then select control B and uh could even turn of the loop slide and just in case that any weird you know things happening and this looks pretty cool um this looks pretty cool that chaffer here as well to be honest if you wanted to this is solidified so sharp and then run the chart from this um edge here oh well I'll text and also we could have a bevel here Supply scale don't borrow this whoa ah I see the problem this is the problem yeah so what we need to do here we could technically move this one in and remove this edge here which will move this one out actually one more time remove that to remove the whole structure forward which will allow us to bevel this edge here like this okay and here in the in the back we can do is just move these in well I'll move this in right so I can you cannot see what's happening in the back anyway so it doesn't matter do that and with this done uh let's just you know I remove that and I'll text to the other side and then click out one more time click click alt click and so we can't do that all we can do is do the um let's actually clean mesh there we go click how to click one more time why and we're gonna go with the offset cut but before we do that I think what we might need to do is do something like this all right so let's just run some security edges here like this all tags and all tags and we'll move the one in the middle and probably remove this one and move this one here and before we do that let's run one more security edge here like this right so I can remove this one okay cool and with this done what we're gonna do is we're going to run the chamfer here outside so click out click Y and offset cut and it's going to go nuts so you know let's make it smaller yeah and uh we need more resolution here but within reason and let's actually go with optimize off and smooth and then we can just run the kind of big chamfer here we can probably get away with a lot here um this one causes a bit of a problem we can select this edge here so click alt click and then we can split it uh this isn't going to work very well okay so what we're gonna do here is we're going to run bullion cleanup okay so here we're going to clean up and just clean these edges up like that also these should disappear this one is a really weird edge here in the back I think what I'm gonna do is run it like this okay and then just dissolve that I don't really care what happens here in the back to be honest it's got a bit of a shading mess but the device I don't care because you know it's in the back so who cares and this one looks so semi decent there's um some red that needs to be connected other than that is okay if it's not okay just run a you know knife cut here really close and you're going to isolate all the shading we don't care about topology so if you're a quad boy you know go ahead and have a walk or something walk it off a minute walk it off just you know this drama is not for you here um and you know we're not really doing this for gamers or anything so who gives a about apology now here what we're gonna do is we're gonna have some fun so let's just save that and uh let's just add another Cube and just scale this move here somewhere and let's make a little bit more narrow and let's make it larger and uh in fact you know change of plans not a cube cylinder um three tours go with 40 and move it somewhere here and scale it had to show up in this and um let's go to occlude and let's actually scale this uh down and move it somewhere here and what I want to do now is you know select these edges and move them somewhere like that onto slide here move it closer here like this and um yeah let's move them actually further away here so somewhere like that and let's just grab these and or even these and move them here like that okay cool and tomorrow all of these here to the right side and we're going to clean that we delete all the geometries so operations clean mesh there we go I don't want this to be this kind of a structure here so what I'm going to do is I'm going to move all of them here to the top so I'm going to in fact let's just make it a bit easier let's go here and remove this one and we're going to be left with one one face so now what we can do is align all these verbs to the top Okay so I'm gonna select uh this vert okay all these words here and this word is lost alt a and we illustrating them up okay like this and then we're going to um align this one here and one more time straighten them up like that boom and we got this kind of a corner now I'm going to go with Ctrl shift B and create something like this here okay cool maybe even cool maybe even a bit wider so you know just cut it somewhere here like that okay and that'll double sorry um sharpen this one and then let's solidify this yes so um in fact you can just extrude it so e and extrude it shift s and uh shift test to geometry and let's just you know sharpen this select everything here and uh alt and and we calculate outside okay cool then we're going to mirror this across this one right so you know it's going to be even here and let's apply everything so I'll go here operations multiply that's not what I wanted to do it's multiply this one cool so we got this sheep and this could be a little bit better um sort of balanced here let me just move manually here a little bit like that yeah there you go okay and then we'll need to move these according to these so I'll move them up a bit perfect it's a bit more relaxed here in the bottom uh so let's just you know do that and Altium macro so we're gonna gonna drop it in like this which is kind of cool and here we could kind of Slash this a bit like this and here we're gonna have an opening so D and let's just run a circle here uh let's just position it manually more or less like that and I'm going to recover this so let's go to the scroll and let's grab this circle here and go to settings and shift click on the sheet solid and I just create a mechanism here now this one shift d and we're going to scale that and we're going to remove the booleans and oh this actually was applied um fair enough I need this cut I need this to become a cut so let's do that press f e z move it up and let's remove this edge here because it's going to get projected we don't want that and uh come on gz and there we go we want to create a Boolean here difference right the bullion is going to be big enough to kind of cut through this entire you know hole that's going to create a kind of like a setting for this structure here right and this circle here which is uh inside uh we're going to drop a loop here and Ctrl B that like this and shift curve extract outside like that cool um even a bit more like this and then select this one or one of them shift d and selection grab that thing and let's just scale it in on this yeah and then shift Graphics tracked and we're gonna delete this and all the cursor here so shift test to geometry and to select it and go to modify go to mesh tools and control click on radial array and do that and we're going to scale it just a little bit um and we're gonna add some bevel bubble's gonna mess with the scale so let's do it again um I support the solidification so apply solidification one more time mesh tools and regular array and boom and then we can apply bevel to it right there we go and yellow and boom the circle needs some needs some love here so let's do that um let's just drop a loop here and move it in here Ctrl B and uh you know hold to your macro inside of x and boom same with this one we need some some chamfer here it's got a little cool so these champers like really nicely offset things this is the this is a trick guys okay you're on some bevel here and we also want some bevel here what the hell has happened in here before we're on the bubble here we need to run the I mean Jennifer we need to only level here and let's just remember over here let's just bring it to local and we're going to uh around the middle here as well and then click hold click and loop select end another chapter okay it's gonna look really nice okay cool uh and then we need to you know sort of mirror this so I'll text and boom of John cool right here on the top we could have some uh some small opening or whatnot it's too close and it's too big something smaller cool and I could actually create some kind of a structure here you know so maybe something um something like this and B and oh maybe cut it in a bit and Supply Bell because I can't see what I'm doing oh I did normals okay cool then we could have another one here that's all we could do is borrow this right um how to scroll right where is it this one and we could select this Edge to the shift DX and move it into here e and extrude it and it's gonna do this and then we're going to grab this corner here and oh um just chill for it you know like this right um or you could grab this thing and just you know move it down a little bit while the whole face not just the edge there we go you could also goes out R let's see if it's gonna actually work here uh altar no it doesn't work so what we could do we try doing here is um shift the pivot and two individual Origins and ALT r with um Edge constraint from machine tools and hold control and do something like this this bevel is a bit too crazy so it can actually make it tighter um so what we could do is grab this edge here and I'll click on Mark and you know kind of tighten it tighten it up a little bit like this right so it's not so you know not so aggressive this one could be actually larger here um this one right it's all out and you know make it larger or not that large but you know or maybe that's okay actually it's a bit too close to the edge so what we could do is just simply move it a little bit to the left or just uh just this one so L and GX and sorry g x over here right and here in the middle we could create you know something like this and you know scale it in and there you go inside and build right and then just to grab these here and create a bit of a chamfer and this can be beveled all right it can be smooth this bevel here is way too big so make it smaller and boom you got something like this this could be um this could be um applied here not clean mesh smart apply click click hold click and a bit of a chair for here as well all these uh chamfers going to create like a really nice um you know um sort of a player shift it's going to really um offset everything nicely when you're gonna be looking from different angles you know here too to be honest we could have um you know um we could have some chamfers this is going to play Havoc with our Loops but we have a loop slide turned off so we don't have to worry about it select everything and on Mark it and recalculate it that was too crazy to go lower in bevel and boom all right here we could use some um you know some battle to be honest that's gonna look better same with this one um this could be beveled and we're gonna have something here as well so you know we could insert that and for example extrude it and wow and create a come on create a chamfer here bodice right it could be like a fragment of this device because it's sticking out here maybe that's too deep something like this I know and then we're gonna have some monitor so just grab it in here and be and battle it and cut it in and we're gonna use the T for solidification of the monitor thing and what we're going to do is we're going to apply that and we're going to you know select this one so you can select the face and Ctrl Alto so I can see p and selection so it's going to be some selection you can put different mod on it so here we're going to click out click that right click and go to mesh tools and offset edges it's going to create something like this you can change the parameter here which is pretty cool right um so you know Maybe maybe something like this and click and this one should be you know split from the mesh right so best face on it and we're going to extrude it up a little bit and select everything here with l P selection I just grab this one we're going to remove the bevel and wait it almost because we're going to use it as a cutter select these two faces and I insert them and then right click and Bridge all right and now what we're going to do is we're going to run the bevel on them so Ctrl B and press C to clamp it I'm gonna run a bevel alt X one more time well shift as to Geometry alt X already know where is the uh hang on a second what is my origin point I got two of them this is weird but let me remove this garbage shifters to geometry and what what the hell LP selection shift s to Geometry also why I cannot see my original Point Origins there we go um let's just uh let's just remove that camera look here I can let's set it to the edge and I'll text there we go that's what I want and then I calculate sharp and GZ and drop it down and then difference right it's going to create like a really cool sort of an offset here around it there's a notch here in the middle you see that this is caused by the um by the fact that this cutter has a double edged in the middle there you go press three to clean it and it should fix the problem okay because when you clamp a bevel there's always an edge in the middle right I'll show you look when you climb a bevel um like this right so you're gonna go with c in the middle right you're gonna have a double edge in the middle see what I mean so when you press three with Machine Tools you're gonna print that that's a trick cool so we got that uh here click on the click and we're going to run a bevel here now we have clamping on so let's turn it off uh and the clamping is definitely you know solving some issue with lip sliding so let's turn the loop slide on it's here all right so turn off the loop slide this is what's causing the problem so everything looks clean right so I'll text it's got enough this is kind of like a cool edge around around the device all we could do is we could go with you know with a chamfer you know this would also work right a nice chamfer this would also work so whichever you um you feel like you know going with so that's that um here we could have some other cut um you know on the side um maybe a bit more vertical or something like this recipe and X and what we're gonna do is sharpen this and uh you know this is gonna be our uh our peace so shift ass to Geometry s and shift y or actually let's scale it evenly and then expanded on y-axis and move it a bit inside like that I think it's gonna be pretty cool maybe that's a bit too deep maybe something like this and this can be a different color as well yeah and on top of this we could have some kind of a you know some kind of a device in the bottom some kind of maybe cylinder or something and let's make it 50 and it's rotate it here move it and scale it so we could actually edit on the bottom like this you know just uh but this is gonna destroy our shape so maybe we could edit somewhere here just on the top like that so it's not on the bottom it's on the top it's going to offset not everything has to be symmetrical guys here um here let's add some loops now what we need to do is we need to make sure that this Edge doesn't overlap with this surface put it somewhere here in the middle right in the middle sharpen that uh we don't need so many Loops in here so we can we can run uh you know a double here after apply scale so let's do that um as combination around on this side and here we could have a chamfer saw Control Plus that's too many somewhere here I have and they just just you know chain for this like this and sharpen it could be a little bit deeper here and then you know uh booleans Union right and we need to you know fix the damage here right so let's see the wireframe what's what's causing the problem hmm that is interesting actually I know let me just uh Factor here something is not right clean that and also it's a double edge here why is it there is a double edge here dissolve that and I'll mark it there we go this should solve the problem and then you know sharpen and we need to just basically create a bit of a better you know transition here right so just do that you could technically run a you know run an edge here like basically wanted to oh we could just go to occlude and fix all this rubbish here so you know just remove that this is you know too long so just bring it up you could combine it here if you wanted to with you know with this like that and then you can just you know fix all these dissolve that dissolve that dissolve that and dissolve on this one this one and you're done and the same thing on the other side because you know this is not uh it comes you can you can't marry this right so you know what I mean there we go and then just you know remove these the junk here which is causing problems and combine these and it's clean here too just move this up GG and you know boom right cool so here we could uh run um uh GG GG moving in here and split it and we could just run Ian macro so nicely offset this bit here and you know here we could just uh insert it a little bit or even quite a lot and do something like this a bit stronger insert it a bit more and um not only a macro uh curve extract here apply it and you know create this kind of a situation here inside it and maybe lower the bevel and Verona chamfer okay and we got really sharpens boom okay same here you could create another one you know Altium macaroni you got a nice separations you know on your shapes this bevel here is a bit crazy that's better cool um here too we could have some uh you know some notches so you could just run uh what you call this wedge cuts and are you gonna be good and here too we could have some additional cut around you know so going somewhere from here going down here and maybe coming up um somewhere here or even encompassing the entire shape like this press B for a little bit of a bevel make it tight and I'm going to just slice it a little bit so e or press X and slash this entire bit and it's gonna be actually a separate part which is kind of interesting right so sharpen here and you know operation smart apply here cleaned mesh and that's not what I wanted to do but it's okay and here once this is separated what we need to do on this one um yeah this one is separated right so what we need to do is we need to run the chair for here just a small one okay it's going to create additional separations on the mesh it's like a small chamfer uh here like this right and you see it's going to add this kind of like a paneling cool paddling effect on on this mesh and you know in addition to that you could have some notches here so maybe maybe one notch here so shift V and let's align to longest Edge I grab that and uh let me just grab the box and let me just do that properly here come on select that all right shift V nearest Edge there we go and maybe you know wedge cut here and and maybe somewhere here if you can avoid placing things in the center like here in the center of the line it's going to look a little bit better when it's offset um offsetting things is usually a good idea okay here too we could have some kind of uh I don't know you know some kind of a battery pack opening what not this and one more time no thanks um T there we go you know and sharpened it and this technically could also be either beveled or chamfered let me see I think battle is going to be better here Maybe these two could be beveled as well you know so it's gonna be a bit different than this entire shape which could be interesting although in this case maybe it doesn't work maybe I'm just gonna check for that top you know here something like that cool uh here in the front we could have additional element so skeleton and you know bring it bring it over and we could have some kind of like a I don't know um you know protect uh sort of like a framing protective framing whatever here here and here relax and delete that and then sharpen this this needs to be supple and be beveled and then what we're gonna do is grab Justice outer part here and basically curve extract and delete that and we're gonna just kind of like um you know parameter here around this um around this device of course we're going to slush it so um Cube and I'm going to slush it with beveled cutter all right so let me scroll and boom right awesome and here we could have you know not a cut or something or what not in fact this this one could actually um this one could actually extend here so Ctrl r and we could grab this one here and extrude it like this right one of these edges and uh you can just unmark them which is going to remove bubble from here but it's Gonna Keep bevel in here okay um and then I'll just apply that and click called click and we can just add the other chamfer or kind of like a soft bevel the soft bubble can be added with you know just a regular bevels so I think chamfer is going to be more interesting a lot right cool this could be some kind of a protective genome protection here for a cable and I want to add the cable so let's just go to assets with K tops and we're going to grab inserts and grab that and I'm going to add an insert come on this is not what I wanted to edit I want to turn it here so on the time and insert another material adding sorry there we go and scale it down let's just remove this hideous name and um we're gonna actually um rotate it module here and make it larger right and remove all the Luts because reasons and duplicate this and scale it and actually align it in here and scale it down um maybe somewhere here we could increase the width of this one you know so [Music] um chamfer width and just make it wider there we go let's uh mesh machine for you and we could align this here um properly apply that cool and then we can run a run a cable there could be two of them in here we could run the cable from um from this one to this one and let's just fix this because bollocks um let's just fix this here yep behind that that's what I want to do perfect and I'll hold it on the cable like this and this is too thick yeah so we're going to adjust it something like that yeah um and this will do it can be a bit skewed that's okay um or in fact what we could do is move this one a bit to the uh to the top so rotate it like this move it in here and scale it down and remove this one or keep this one and what we could do here is actually Shifty and make it bigger and different and create something like this sharp and click out click and chamfer which is gonna actually uh this is a bit too close wait a minute now let's select both of them and move them up here and then apply this right then my chamf is not going to be colliding so this one is a bit larger and this one is smaller so we're going to run another cable here so shift Pro C with cable right there I have a new video on cable writer so go ahead and watch it guys it's fantastic it will teach you everything you need to know um you know about cables I'm not gonna be adding these as cups because there's no point just gonna manually adjust these um but you can do some crazy stuff with kimberator just saying this could be a little bit longer you know uh here so could be a bit you know could be a bit longer here just saying and maybe not a stick how about that right so awesome that was it Coco cool okay you know I'm thinking that this hole here could be a little bit bigger um you know what we could do here this one right oh come on now move it in here and slush boom it's gonna be better I think um because what you can do now is actually called click and Jennifer and click on click inch shiver let's just clean that because Jesus uh coin mesh there we go click out click and share for and then all text okay and what I can do now is run a kind of like a you know clip in here with not so plain ry90 at rz90 over in here convert it to a vert with Machine Tools shift shift one by combining all the words in the middle and then let's just uh run something like this here select and Bose or effects select one it's a bit too high then do something like this ey move it in here and easy and all takes and this is two too low so something like this and this probably could be around it and this should be rounded uh so should this be rounded right and then we can just go to curve extract right and press pass into a one create something like this like a click you know this is a bit too thick so make it thinner and you know we could just rotate it so what we could do is grab this cutter Y which is we can't grab a cutter anymore but do now is uh grab this color here so alt h and this kind of here is circle of shift test and two selected and then the Machine Tools will automatically shift our cutter I mean the pivot point you can now rotate it based on based on that and we can clip it in here like this all right looks pretty cool okay awesome and uh they'll do and of course this you know will be illogical if it will be a continuous loop so what we need to do is slice it here right so we need to slice it in the middle so so let's grab the um visual device and just you know slash it here sharpen it and then grab these two uh if you're gonna do something like this um q and a macro there we go I'm done bevel yeah that's better what the hell three to clean it there we go so that's that and you know then you can texture this thing I mean this is easier done easiest Point um because all we need to do is just stop some textures on it skirt on Z axis this could be some kind of button or something maybe it's actually too deep maybe just a little bit deeper and maybe what I could do a scrub all these and threw them in here do that this could be some kind of a button you know let me just fix this a bit let's first remove this chamfer that's right so on shuffle that um let's unchain for this one as well and I'll text you come on chair for and all tags good so now what we're gonna do is we're gonna change dynamics of this we're going to run um a bevel here and then a bevel here or does it create like a really supple kind of a bottom thing over here with some sort of an um opening here maybe or like some kind of like a rail um maybe here alt H in fact uh what we could do is run a cut with a certification because bevel on it and mirror yeah there you go that we'll do okay guys and uh then we have texturing that's easy I mean you know just set the texture here let's go to Cycles here we go to some plastic with the kit UPS so other in this plastic it's awesome I have a link to this uh Park um on the in the video description it's a Park um it used to be called definitely even materials and now it's called um Evian cycle materials or something like that it's really good and it's extremely fast you can work with it really quickly you can add some dirt to it as well so it's pretty good anyway oh let's make it actually maybe I wish oh let me see like a yellowish device why not um this here outside could be a different color so we could just uh you know grab this and expand it a bit and we could add another mod here uh let's just uh let's just add a rubber here so rubber bot and we can actually apply the same mod here so where's rubber rubber side it's going to frame this screen really nicely this should be darker in all metallic uh way darker because the screen right it should be rough I mean less rough because it's reflective to screen this could also be the rubber so I could do that and and this could be a rubber as well because why not and cable could be a rubber and also this wheel inside could be a rubber right awesome and this could be this could be actually made of some kind of a different metal or some stuff but you know it could be actually of this yellow because why not this could be metallic kind of like I don't know Titanium or something um metal and you know like my titanium or some steel um get titanium shiny that's why not it's gonna look really new um this could be titanium as well this handle here and this could be titanium too to be honest because why not actually this doesn't look good um let's just make it um yeah this could be a different car it could be darker you know it could be like um let's say oh well I need to separate this card just so let's just separate that and remove this saturation and make it darker you know kind of like uh um dark plastic okay to be honest um this could be the same color just to separate it nicely you know see what I mean it could be blue whatever this could be a glass as well here and uh the front of this one could be also um let me just grab this to local and let me see what it ends yeah up to here is fine we could just make it into a rubber you know it's gonna be nice gonna have a good tip here it's gonna offset it really nicely um to be honest this one could be a plot you know all these could be a plastic to be honest um it's gonna probably look better does it it looks less Carl I mean less insane this technique could be a metal to be honest um we can maybe just around this titanium here on these two parts it why not and this one could be you know the same and there you go and then all you need is just some decals here which is you know a joke and some trenches guys and that's it and you got to solve device so let's just put it in here put some background so nice hard Ops that's not the best background um come on oh Jesus ready there we go that's better um could be a little bit lower it's going to be a better you know if you're gonna leave like a tiny Gap it's gonna have this nice IO okay we're gonna have some decals which is gonna be really easy uh we can grab some uh some details like that for example maybe that's not the best one I think actually you know what this could work um adjust and make it bigger and put it somewhere here and project and when you project it you see that the tickle doesn't fit variable what you can do is go here to match and you can scroll down um to you know magic the call right so match and scroll down or press hold shift and you can actually adjust it or press D and shift to adjust the the outside you know these these holes outside something like this you can also adjust the gas on the main mesh so here let's grab some screws some more ones right and maybe even smaller ones and maybe drop one here drop one here drop one here and maybe here she is going to be better I think and it first enough double click D and project and then the match scroll you can make them yellow if you want to uh I'll prefer to make them darker maybe not this dark this is good and this is outline here around so what D match D and shift and you can actually match it to uh to the color of the of the material that's outside I think it's a new change in decommission we used to have to use insta model we don't have to do that anymore so um here let me see we need some eoid calls where is it what are my uid calls are here I think I'm going blind the adjust and put it somewhere here cool project I'm going to change the color of it because of reasons um and maybe three boom right there we go and let's just add some stuff here so here good at something yeah we could add some of these you know like that so this could be like a button-ish thing okay so D and project it there we go and then we're gonna read I think it's gonna be easier all right this area is going the other way and it's kind of weird okay and then we're going to match it there we go now it's working boom and I'll tag some air and you're gonna get this kind of a you know cool thing here going on um this one needs something definitely some kind of uh no I don't know notches or whatnot so let's go here and find something cool um that's cool um this would work and just saw one here and maybe one here collect them both and d and project and then you know same story just match them could make them darker actually could be cool so D match D shift and then on the time there we go I did the dark would be actually interesting I don't know if it's not too strong though maybe it's a bit too strong yeah that's probably better so you got a detail but it's not overwhelming you know I really wish I could just um do something here maybe I'm just gonna literally run some kind of uh you know wedges or we could grab another decal that's actually pretty cool for that which is this one really long by the way guys uh we have uh you know a lot of interesting because there's a massive Park you can grab and you can save a lot of money on that because it's cheap as hell this could actually be a raid up here I was just gonna look uh not so good maybe if I made it smaller so apply this in here summer what if I'm going to do this oh that's actually better so let's do that so project and then I could have something here you know some kind of a I know like light indicator or some um maybe one of these you know put it somewhere here small one um and project it and then match actually this one could be yellow I wouldn't mind it being yellow although we need to match the environment I mean the outside of it so the make it darker and this one yellow this color stands out you've seen in the mud it's pretty cool here you could have some name of some stuff these are decals from our membership big Solutions why not um boom and put it somewhere here project cool make it black so Max it out drop it down and uh when maybe not that deep kind of grayish you know pick there you go looks pretty decent and here we could have some kind of other sticker with maybe some info maybe something like this you know it's gonna be too much in here yeah we could put it in here and you know fade it out so dropped Alpha to maybe like 002 so it's faint but it's a bit too faint there we go and then we could have some trim guys here so for example we could just run the trim sheet here so grab that and now you need to run trim sheets with mods so um let me find something cool that makes no sense ah that does good work something like this is gonna offset it nicely here too you have some trim sheet same story needs to be with a mat so you know there we go and maybe here as well okay and we could have some trim sheets on the cable um this could be either um let me see what we can get here oh it's pretty cool I will do and we could have some trim sheets here as well tiny ones so watch this um I'm gonna run this on this one like a tiny one here see we can get no I don't like this one let's run this one eight they're gonna be barely visible but you know they're gonna break the surface a bit okay same here or this one by the way could be yellow Maybe yeah it's kind of cool all this could be metal you know actually this could be this titanium boom yeah that's better and here we could have something as well so you know some trim trim here um something like that you know whatever and it's gonna look cool and here too we could have something uh you know some I don't know so maybe some some chamfer just on one side because the chamfer to break the surface and give some text here on this side probably look cool uh what is this secure actually just not bad something like this here I would rather put it in here project and same story I'm just going to drop it down into saturation we cannot there guys I think looks pretty decent this floor I'm not sure I want it to be reflective um we could just go with this something like that yeah look at the grime here as well you know Grime could be cool so other and grime at Mud boom something like that they look pretty sweet and then we can just drop a camera so it's a full course now yeah including rendering let's just uh go here with 85 a little bit more you know sort of a compressed View and unlock from View and then I want you to do is just find the correct lighting for it I think this one is not bad this background noise a bit dark it's kind of melding here with the um maybe we can you know change it to a blue one baby blue is going to be better because it's gonna complement the um on the device uh we could probably increase the either increase the lighting or maybe change it um I think I have the default um bundle slippery here so we could rotate it a little bit to see if we can find some different angles maybe more reflective ones something like that you see just showing a bit more of this device Pump It Up to 1.2 so it's brighter um and you know I think we're done so render it and see how we're looking now the framing could be a bit better um let me see if we can actually change the angle a bit so lock to view and maybe a bit more flat view if you can have a flight if you can fill the frame with with this object if I can crop this a little bit or maybe cropping isn't the best idea here something like this could work okay so sometimes angle shift is important you know there you go see what I mean that looks better could be a bit more room in the bottom too it's choking here in uh in the bottom of a bit so um lock to view some out a bit and move it slightly up just tiny bit and unlock from View now let's see that yeah that's a bit better you could look into our course rendering University if you want to learn more about Framing and lighting we go there in depth on on this topic okay guys well I think that looks pretty cool very simple exercise you can create some you know um interesting device very quickly just by playing with Cutters and and whatnot we could use something here as well you know like in this area it's a bit empty in it um here you know something maybe some kind of a decal um maybe some kind of like a vent what not let me see um something like that maybe here would it make sense can like a speaker or some I don't know here you know say something in the middle project boom yeah I think it's good that's better so you got like a sort of create a continuity between this color and this concealer invite you to look in slide across these and explore the thing also here we could have something as well some kind of a notch what not technically just want to cut here you know like that and or like a wedge cut you know so w and Bill Ray and maybe um not this way the other way so w there you go here yeah it's gonna break the surface a bit better or even uh let's just um not us uploader this one I have a scroll is a bit and move it in here and and uh you know do that yeah this is better I think cool let's render that yeah see that that just brings a bit more attention over the range here you can all anchor stuff a bit better yeah this is good that's decent we could also have some kind of a small sticker here maybe going around but I can't be bothered all right guys well that's it um thanks for watching I'll see you in the next video
Channel: Ponte Ryuurui
Views: 24,131
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Modeling and Texturing in Blender, blender, blender tutorial, blender bros, ponte ryuurui, ryuu, hard surface, Modeling tutorial, modeling adn texturing in blender, modeling and texturing a building in blender, modeling adn texturing a building in blender, blender tutorial modeling, hard surface in blender, hard surface modeling in blender, how to do hard surface modeling in blender, blender modeling tutorial, blender texturing tutorial, blender texturing addon
Id: CYaewX1PSs4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 73min 20sec (4400 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 03 2022
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