MODELING + TEXTURING in Blender - Complete Tutorial

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in this video I'll teach you how to design a high-tech sci-fi prop in blender let's go hey guys Ryu here from blender Bronson in this video we're going to be modeling a Sci-Fi device slash container slash whatever you know fun thing so it's not gonna be for beginners if you're a beginner just go ahead and grab a free course the link is in the description it's called jump start hard surfacing blender now if you are another user but you're still a bit shaky about add-ons then go ahead and grab our sci-fi terminal in blender it will help you to understand the basics also I have a lot of videos on hard ups and books other on my channel whole playlist the same with machine tools or Deco machine so go ahead and watch this to get up to speed now let's just enable box cutter here okay so here what we're gonna do is we're going to grab this face and we're gonna go to q and we're gonna go to Boolean and selection to Boolean move your mouse in Okay click and then just simply extrude into space or just click again should two and you're done that is pretty cool here we're going to cut an opening here quite a large one uh so select this shape and let's cut the opening here through there we go that's interesting and another thing that we need to do is cut handles here inside the case so grab that and just cut handles here all space for handles maybe like this is B smaller better and lightest I'm gonna get shooting problems you've seen this right let me just add cavities out of here that cavity we're gonna have to you know run Some Loops here so make sure that your surface is more squatted okay similar squads because he's just gonna be nice and even here and you see that it's gonna help us support a lot of shooting problems the rest can be dealt with you know later on so don't worry about it so we got that going on the bottom could be a bit more interesting so let's just you know let's just uh uh chamfer that and insert it here and extrude it so I could have something like this you know it's going to be have some kind of a base to stand on not here in size we have some you know Cuts as well so what we could do is grab a Q and create more Cuts now these are gonna be really you know kind of savage because of of the of the bevel here but I think we're gonna handle this so let's just Pebble this and yeah like I said it's going to be a bit problematic next thing that you can do is run Loops here in the cutter like this okay to support the the shooting now click here and shift click on sharpen which will fix the auto smooth to the correct value and you're good to go right so let's get up and then go on and you know let's slice it up and top here it's gonna be a bit more interesting uh here we could have some interior so we can grab this cutter so I have a scroll to this color here and go to settings and shift click on sheet solid which will create that which is kind of weird because technically it should be in the same spot here but we're gonna put it in um inside here like that okay I'm going to apply scale and you know Comfort click on sharpen and we're going to check for this one good and here how deep is this cut here ah perfect so let's grab that this bottle here and also check this right so we're going to create a really interesting situation here in the bottom and here we could actually cut through it so you know grab that and kind of cut through it and it's gonna look a bit more Airy now we need some kind of a handle here and I'm thinking this could go around here or I could go just this way you know so let me just grab this cutter so I have a scroll discard it right right and then we're going to go to settings again and shift click on solid there we go we're going to cut it from the top right like that and sharpen and we're going to move this outside like this okay here and draw a line here there we go cool and let's extrude it okay let's draw a loop here and extort it this way right now look here and extrude this way and Mirror to the other side saw me across this right right and now we need to kind of soften it up a bit so it's clean mesh let's grab this all right and just bevel it right okay so that's good and we're going to slice it a bit because it's a bit to take right then we're going to apply this multiply and we're going to Bevel this one and we're going to Bubble this one and we're going to click alt click here is um mesh machine and we're gonna run it share frame okay whichever here and click on click whichever here now check if there's no weird Loop slides I think we find so let's battle this press one a smaller bevel and way to normals right and we gotta handle okay cool and now we can take care of the sides all right so what we could do is do something cool in here so we could cut this kind of a shape right it's gonna be rather interesting to be honest see what I mean and then we can apply this so sharpen uh operations and multiplying Fury you know you're gonna have some tiny bit tiny bit of a problem here with battles when you're gonna run one all right how we can fix this so I waited normals and you know this Edge for example here they're probably gonna have to be a bevel weighted Edge um because of the angle so it's just not enough to run a bevel here the same here we do want a sharp edge hearing to fix the shading here and you see this is gonna fall apart in this corner so what most likely what we need to do is switch the bevel here to wait okay so go here go to Bevel and switch to weight it's gonna fix the problem here right the other thing is that you know we will need to run sharp edges here everywhere right so Mark Sharp and then I'll take us to the other side all right and then I'll text this side okay and now you got battle running on all over and then you need to just fix these small you know issues here okay so just simply you know move this a little bit away from the bevel area okay and combine these two right but it's you know you need to do a bit of a damage control see what I mean just you know tiny bits it's not that bad because since we have such a dense Geo in here it just works okay here too we can just combine this in fact it should go the other way around here this one could go higher a bit and you know we could just run this here all tags no tags and you're done right all right here we're gonna run the chair first so let's remove this Edge and click alt click and then see that and probably gonna be okay here now let's just mark it sure up and do it again there we go and we're gonna turn the flip side because you see we got the poles so I go here and the loop slide and uh don't create a bit of a problem so we can do is uh go here too select loops and Boundary loops and mark them as sharp as should fix the problem now this surface here is flat nonetheless what we need to do is we need to fix it now what you want to do here is you want to move um move the vert in a way that you're going to maintain equal sort of segments here equals size segments okay so for example this one should in my opinion move down here okay and we can just simply copy it to the other side here to move this one up here and this should be fine okay see what I mean it's all good nice that looks good okay I have some element in here some kind of like a I don't know um attachment to some so we could go here and just shift curve extract this right a good slice it to make it a bit smaller all text and Meredith and sharpen and then um you know this could be a bit thicker so gy here right and just move it up okay so around that Loop here come on come forward there we go and select this bit here and simply extrude it up all right so we're gonna have something like this here and we will clean this operations multiply and then operations clean mesh foreign create something like this here and on the bottom as well so you're gonna follow the theme this one is broken again here for some reason okay I'll text I'll text there you go um this should be good now we also need an edge here so foreign on the top as well it's already done good so there you go this should be cool ready to marry this to the other side so it catches here this one too can be made so it's gonna be on both sides here with this one let's just sharpen this and bevel it and try the nose click on click here and Jennifer so you can follow the theme right and I'll text to the other side cool the battle is a bit big so we're gonna scale it down if you make bubbles smaller you're gonna look a bit more machine tomorrow here at the top you could have some circular elements that kind of like um some cylindrical elements so um so again Ctrl click gy move it in here scroll to 42 click and just you know cut it through and then press the notification space okay cool so let's just apply this and press f l p selection now we have this one selected shift as to Geometry The Mirror across this main object okay awesome so we can now you know drop it down a bit and maybe Jam for this Shuffle this one as well right and maybe turn the loops like that doesn't matter okay we want to fix this you know you want to keep this neat okay because they're gonna affect the curvature right so you want to keep them neat okay and then you know all thanks right awesome so here we're gonna grab this face and should d right in fact uh we can just extract it so comfortably can kind of extract and move it up we're gonna clean everything here okay so all these uh elements we're going to scale it a bit down and then insert it like that okay and you can see that we have some problems here so let's just clean the Verge so press three to clean unnecessary for it and then do it again so inside it delete the face and then extrude down select everything shift alt and flip outside bring it down okay make it a little bit larger and difference okay and then with this one done we're going to slice it so let's grab an hang on okay and we're going to slice it now you want to slice it in the middle okay of these you see what I mean of this kind of face it's very different slice it and mirror to the other side and let me see that that's pretty cool but it's a bit too deep okay so I was growing cheesy and move it up okay cool now what we could do is we could actually um I hold this Source multiply and grab these um these edges just press three to clean it I don't have these edges here and just bevel them a bit okay right sorry looks pretty dope and here in the middle we're gonna create another cut so that's from the circle and cut it in one more time what the hell is going on that's kind of weird um but okay shut up and move it up skillet so I got this kind of a situation which looks pretty awesome and inside it and create a really tiny you know kind of an opening here click alt click and chamfer oh oh bevel that bevel looks pretty cool we could have some microcuts okay because reasons right move them in a bit and rotate them on y and move them up a bit just make them bigger there were and sing them in there we go yeah that's cool so here we're gonna do is we're gonna apply that sharpen right so here what we're going to do is we're going to select these two and simply sharpen them now if you want to Bevel these uh what you want to do is here you probably want to add the bevel weighted bevel okay so you could switch the whole bevel to Bevel weight okay just hear it angle by the way right so now to fix the problem here we need to click on bevel press one to change the barrel profile and now we're good to go okay cool so we got that done um that's awesome the other side could be asymmetrical it could be different you don't have to have you know both sides the same okay so we could do here is just select both of them and you could just create kind of interesting confidence W to turn off the wedge card and you know slice it down like that look at different because B for bevel and maybe notice I'm in the segments let's go with like six okay and shift click let me see that um how does it look too let me just control click that to fix the shot yeah that's actually pretty cool I like that same here right sharpen this and we need to mirror this to the side so you know right and this is really cool we could we could actually you know um create some clips in here some some such in fact we're going to cover up just out age the cutter so shift to an old age and we can grab these Q settings and shift click solid and then shift two to remove them but you need to move this cutter manually sometimes it bugs out you know M and move to collection then shift to and shift test to geometry and just make it smaller right apply scale and in fact what levels do we have here two bevels a control eye and visual to mesh now we do have some sharp edges here so Ctrl shift click on sharpen which will recalculate Sharps and then we can just you know run the chamfer here and maybe some kind of an opening here like that you know okay so we're gonna have some kind of Clips here what not uh running on this I think it looks pretty cool right um just you know one side is a bit different here guys what we can do right is grab these edges here okay and slightly bevel them all right just all we need to do is again we calculate sharpen uh also those in there so we need to go from this side okay and you know I calculate sharpen and then unfortunately when you do that you might lose some sharp edges in these areas where the angle is too shallow to put for the for the blender to run this automatically okay so you need to recalculate Sharps here and let me see that uh bevel offset weight none weight why is it not catching that's what I want to know oh it's a minute we need to do it in here there we go click on click and Mark boom okay guess what I want to do here is around the chatter but before we do that make sure you don't have any final edges like this you know this is on a flat face it doesn't really matter I'll take to the other side to mirror that click alt click and then we're gonna you know check here right like this which is going to be pretty cool let's isolate to see what happens uh promise you sucked in the whole Edge so let's go back and just click alt click and then go here to Loop select it's going to end here you see that so now here to run this uh bevel probably the best way to do that will be draw the offset cut and you can try that this is an experimental um function with um with mesh machine so also we are on the wrong side because of that of the mirror so we have to go from this side right y offset cut and let me see that it should work pretty well it's actually not terrible um we're gonna have to clean this a little bit here all right so make sure you clean the Johnson Tad this is a little bit uh you know a little bit naughty so I'll text all texts and by the way if you don't know how to enable this function in machine just watch my video on that same here we probably want to run you know another bevel here so just from the bevel I removed the mark uh Mark Sharp rather bevel here and we should be fine and then we need a sharp edge here right Mark Mark boom okay so this is sorted it looks clean so I'll just move it to the other side okay and then you're gonna be able to run a Chevron all around some click called click and then click here select loop around we couldn't run the chair for yeah like a small one see what I mean and let me see that yeah it looks clean just makes it a little bit smaller boom looking peachy so let's go back and see how it looks yeah it looks really nice okay so we have bevel here really smooth and then Jennifer now this one is a little bit moved let me just copy this to the other side so it actually even cool these handles here in the front you know that could they could be Hollow I think it's gonna be cooler so we could grab a cutter here because it B for bevel and you see that I don't know if I want to go through the whole mesh or let me see that's kind of cool man um it's kind of cool I like that I like that maybe it's a bit too big so just as shift X and just just in a slightly smaller area so that the handle is a bit more robust in terms of thickness right and here at the bottom we could have some screws but you know this could be done with decals right don't do stuff with geometry if you don't have to you know I mean okay so the top one is more or less down here and we need to do something with this side right so first of all I think let's go with the theme and run the chamfer right so run the chopper here in fact I just remarked this and don't know the traffic there we go and waited normals and the pelvis too thick so let's make it smaller it's gonna look more machined like I said here we could honestly have some decals or just uh even some chamfers it's gonna look pretty cool Javas you know the brake surface and they look really awesome so use them when you can here we could go with some longer cuts on this side and parallel right so sharpen and there we go and technically the rest could be you know decals right right we could have some kind of uh kind of attachment here on this side so I could run a longer element like this press j e and E again and then space and just sharpen this and uh g g y and move it in okay and then alt click Shuffle click there and just run a bevel so this connection here is awful right so we need to fix this because it's not pull the bevels so let's just fix it here fix it here and remove these edges right and then shift um sorry control click and they should select all four of them but it doesn't because there's a quad breakage in here it's an angle so it doesn't go through so anyway just select that and we're going to check this just to keep the you know the theme going and here we could add some kind of uh like a clip or something you know so let's just uh on the groove here right and in fact uh we could rather Groove this way and oh and just pound This and like that okay okay awesome so sharpen cook and then we're going to run this element here so let's grab this fan vert here and Shifty here P selection select that and move it in edit mode here and extrude it on X and then extrude here and then extrude it up and then ex okay and then alt X and then select uh you know these shift Ctrl B and maybe four of them and do that and then um yeah we're going to go to mesh tools and shift curve extract right and then press s and one and you're done okay now we need to fit it in here so probably too too thick so I'll make it a bit thinner fit it in here hold on okay so I kind of you know sits on top here you know what I mean and here we can create another element so grab this face and then cure shift curve extract shift test to Geometry scale it move it up here too big so make it smaller now top bottom is beveled so we need to cut it right show up in this and shift test to Geometry there we go and change it to Global that's why shopping Jennifer and Jeffrey and lower the bevel size some chapters here as well I'll text okay and uh you know eager to go okay so we got this kind of a lock here whatever um are we happy and we could just you know put it another side now here what we need of course is elevation here so hang on should be a little bit deeper right so g g y move it deeper but we need to rotate it um outside here so let's create select these two shift tests to select it and then I'm gonna rotate it on the cursor right so RX and just write it outside you see like that okay see what I mean and this one you can put two colors right Cutters and uh there we go select on these two well they're the Merit perfect you know you got some kind of a cool element here in the bottom let's select this one and made it properly there we go now it's working awesome you know this is not maybe the best idea here um this cut I kind of don't like it anymore so we're gonna close this so click alt click here select all these words right and shift one and then um just dissolve words then the same here click alt click and uh select all of them one and is over it and we're gonna do something different here okay so we can run custom cuts in here okay so you know B cut that and let's just recover this because the bevel is too too sharp I mean too too soft two days right and I think this is much better and then we're gonna create one more so recover the card Circle trick to cover the cutter right put on this face go here go here D And Z Drop it Down Easy all right do that in the watch grab this one and drop it down okay and then you got uh you know cut around the same height and the width precisely that looks pretty good I like that so let's just save that again and then let's just you know what we could do technically is you don't have to go through okay so let me just mirror this color to the other side like that and let's just uh apply the mirror let me just grab it let's apply the mirror okay so multiply this remove the middle edge here so these lines gonna even out see what I mean oh wait without this one there we go that's better we don't need either we don't need this one okay so now uh what I want to do is move this here yeah um outside so it doesn't go through that chip you see what I mean goes in but not through okay so let's just uh you know sharpen that so this one is salted looks pretty cool I like that and here in the middle we have some canister so you know cylinder and in fact we could move it just to the middle of the face so shift test to face and then cylinder it's going to create it in the middle make it to 50. and we're going to scale it to shift s and actually don't hear a scale on individuals individual regions so I'm gonna grab that put it in the middle here all right and then scale it down apply scale and GZ move it down here create a chair for it and I'll create a champ I can actually create a not a chamber but uh something like that here battle this right and apply where the normals and we're going to create a cut in here on the bottom so audio macro right to create a separation here it's gonna nicely Echo the line on the bottom here you see this one nice design uh here we can actually create some kind of a lid on some side so let's grab this one and let's actually do that in the auto Embark the whole thing yes we can kind of love heartups um here click hold click and uh this could be a bevel you know yeah looks a bit like a thermos now so let's actually bevel bevel them both here so both of these maybe not as dense something like that and then we're going to select that inside scale and shift cover extract there we go okay and here we need to Simply create an opening so create an opening and Mirror to the other side um certification to the top so apply that and grab this one scale it and extrude there we go and sharpen and it's gonna be kind of like a lot locking mechanism over there and here too I could have some kind of like um you know let me just grab this cylinder here and grab that and you know shift curve extract okay and we're gonna shift this to geometry and scale this and create kind of like a pad in here some such so we can just you know Boolean and modifiers and booleans and Union and you know sharpen and when we sharpen we're probably gonna lose these edges again not we see somebody tells me we will oh we didn't Mark Mark so what the hell is that look at the traffic didn't go through in here okay the way you fix this is like this select these two oh what time all day and then I'll die then you clean these two because of edges and then it can be very precise if you want to you just have to go to the side view so go to side view like this and then press k ick here press Z or was it a What was a and click and then dissolve that and then all tags and you know alt text and then click alt click and then click here and each other sorted okay now let's just save it because I don't want to do it again so select this face here and press F okay then we're going to actually um check for this instead all right uh sharpen and then we're gonna run this again so another cut here right okay cool and then we're gonna run the cut here so inside it right and just extrude it down right a little bit more all right so we got this kind of uh actually straight is fine in fact what we could do is another um you're probably gonna be eating some you know I don't know if I'm gonna be doing it but you could add some trim sheets okay all right cool so we got that going now let's save it and now it's sharpen this there we go now it worked perfect okay cool all right so we got that and you know I think we cool this one could be a little bit taller to be honest um this could be a bit you know I have it here right let's look a bit more robust to the top um same with this one this could be a bit higher so let's run the edge here and then control plasters and simply gz and write it up all right there we go looks a bit better and this could be some name here that's cool this could be literally decals guys Okay so you know I wouldn't stress it too much here the sides we could also cut them in a way so we could create another cut here like this okay just uh it's not gonna work because it's a merit so let's just move it to the other side there we go and yeah let's just run that you know shopping it's going to create a bit more interest here inside as well um just let's chamfer it here to click on the click and Jeffrey create some break and breakage and there you go looks pretty cool to be honest we could have some screen maybe not as beveled um drop it down press t and you know get some screen here make sure it's in the middle and sharpen and buttons can be done with decos guys so don't worry too much we can I'll select this here P selection so when you're going to map this uh put them out on it's going to be a separate model so you can you increase the bevel here you see for that it's gonna look a bit cooler and this one here could be chamferred right so it's gonna read better see what I mean um and there you go you know display of some such so we're gonna do something else Shifty um let's just move it up here let's get it like that that's going to be cooler I think I've told them here you see like kind of like power sauce or whatnot so one in here and one on the other side right yeah it's much better and we need four of them so GX move them in here and Mirror to the other side here cool on the other middle where are they let me see yes it's Morris in the middle so somebody's foil you could make them stick out a bit or just you know go inside completely it's also cool and I think that works now I can see one problem with this element here what we've done is because we've merited the cross we lost this kind of cool design here so we need to fix it guys okay so what we're gonna do is we're going to close it there so Control Plus Control Plus and F comes to plus and F and we're going to cut it again okay so let's just move to the other side boom let's apply on mirrors Okay so um let's go to operations and smart apply and we're going to go back here and shift to alt h to recover the cars and we're gonna grab that and cut it one more time so difference okay and grab this sharpen uh fix the uh you know the the connecting edge here right and remove these here and alt control and shift our control turn off this one this one and be good bevel and PG and then click alt click and select the loop and Jennifer click hold click Circle Loop and Jennifer peachy and then I'll text alright so now we fixed you see looks much better okay so I think we could just double check if everything is fine everything looks fine awesome here you know you could have some like glass elements to be honest you know you could do is just shift curve extractors where is it um here it's kind of extract you know what I mean and sharpen so we could have some glass elements on top awesome guys so this would be it for modeling so the modeling is finished now we need to texture it there before we do anything let's check the bevels because I think the hell ain't a bit too big okay you want to make them really tiny right kind of like metallic you know what I mean like um you know what I mean just smaller nice and tight yeah so you're gonna feel like metal all right cool cool this one too could be kind of you know more metallic there we go see everything looks a bit more tucked in more technical I like that okay cool we're gonna be texturing with kitups um if you don't have the Pack grab a link from a video description it's the EV plus Cycles material pack is fantastic it works as get UPS I use it all the time you don't need any UVS it's just really quick you could also go with you know bsdf mods if you don't have it alt M with hard ups and just add them up but I'm going to be using GitHub so cute and ALT click on this menu there and we're going to find something cool plastic let's try that oh that's really neat I like this I like that so this could be metallic um not plastic maybe part maybe metal so let's say titanium nut okay see what I mean and this could be or even aluminum aluminum depending where you're from um aluminum mud hell yeah that's lovely oh that's nice so let's make the handle of the same color I mean the same nut and this one could actually be the same as well uh although yeah maybe not maybe not could be actually darker I think it's gonna look better and then this clip here could be you know maybe aluminum um Titanium whatever yeah that's pretty cool uh these two or these four could be this titanium and this could be this could be also the same one you know like that right this could be glass all time and shift oh hold on I'll Tab and shift yeah kind of glass with her you know and this could be well it could be glass as well but if you're gonna make this you know into a glass then we need something inside right so maybe batter is to go with some kind of a container so you know um even um this one right it's just gonna look so classy but really nice really nice I like that okay cool um these two could be the same um these two could be the same is to be glass so you know but this glass used to be darker all you can do is just get the regular mat and simply make it uh more rough I mean sorry I'm more reflective it's going to kind of look like a LCD you know you know what I mean um maybe that's too rough for like a mat OCD there we go that will do in fact these could be the same you know here even that's this could be the same it would be interesting hang on oh I'm looking yeah why not how about this one no that's not heavy that's a bit heavy it's also a bit heavy to be honest um I think this one is better because you know you need to remember you're gonna be using the glass still in this year so so let's go a plane and you know make a ground here and uh let's just maybe drop it down cool and here we could have some you know plastic floor whatever is so we could go to plastic again and go with maybe this one yeah that's hardly as um how about this one yeah no um maybe just a regular plastic that's also terrible um how's this just a freaking part of time and let's just go with regular hard up smart and pump the roughness here let's go with something classy this could be a little bit bluish not too much just a little bit yeah just just a tiny bit okay so now what we need is we need some stickers here so here we could have uh we couldn't you can grab these uh from our pack um it's the um ultimate trim Park if you want more decals than that this is right I should turn but if you want more than that you can still grab my decal pack which is on my personal plan the market contains different decals so here we could go with oh that's nice what's this all about is it engineering yeah I think it's engineering error engineering that's actually kind of cool so let's go here and you know drop that and d and project uh it looks nice it's gonna pop we could change it to Black so what you need to do is um you know these sliders make this darker yet and if it's too black what you can do is dropped Alpha here right to make it kind of grayish it's gonna look really dope I think cool um here you know we could use some trim sheets here so you know don't be shy to use term sheets um you could use a trip here for example on these two hey D and we could use we could actually assign them out here so q and the southern mod you cannot run um trim sheets on on the material that's not psdf okay unless you have textured trim sheets which we do they called qm here quick cell mixer texturing but I want to run the clean ones okay so I I need to assign a different mod to the uh to the faces I'm going to run it through so now alt click because the first trim sheet so you need to alt click and you know we can create some kind of a Rim here and whatnot this looks good in my opinion so I separate this element here then you know you could just run trims all over if you like for example here we could rather to know when you add another one you don't have to click anything you just simply you need to copy the mod here so sign and then you know just click on the trim you want to run all right and you're good to go okay so we got this lid here which is awesome and then we can create another one here on top so you know let's go to eight and so drop this one or we need to again assign the mud here then go to trim eight and just run this right on the top so yeah it's gonna be a technical feel to it and here we could have some decals so we could have you know um some clips on top maybe I want to hear and we could actually um manage this so let's apply this here so project and then mayor here and you know to the other side so over there and we could leave it like that this actually looks pretty freaking cool another technical here too we need some trim sheets for sure so what we could do is well we need to run some mud on it so let's go here and apply you know one of these um maybe this one not this one um maybe this one about three and we're gonna run some trim in here maybe something a bit more interesting like you know I'll click on this and see what we're gonna get here this is actually pretty good looks kind of like a you know sort of like a locking mechanism right here too of course we need some Trims on these so we need to find the the one that's made which is this one and create a loop here in the middle so we can you know run some other in the middle or bottom and top I rather go with bottom and top here we're going to assign the same mods some mods you know whatever this one actually maybe this one is not not the best idea hang on all the time plus and then maybe mud two right aside same here just you know um maybe here a sign right and we're gonna run some trims here right so okay sorry both of them actually select this one on the bottom first and then oh we could run this one I'll click here there you go and then run something here on top I guess what we'll do something is going to be visible or you know what we could do q and material and out click here to create a you know to create a mission right and make it bluish or we can pump it in inside it looks very very cool um the same here in the bottom you know um this one should be technically married right so mirrors now when you mirror text using decos is going to be flipped so go to your mirror right go to Geometry here I mean data and here flip this okay it's gonna flip the text now here at the bottom we could have some kind of like a you know indicator like a light or whatever not so we could have some kind of uh you know small indicator uh maybe like that um somewhere here in the bottom so adjust it drop it in so it's going to after the lights on the top you know what I mean of course mirror because when you shoot from this side you want to see this light as well right so there you go that's good and then here on the top we definitely some decals so let me just save it just in case so here we could go with uh with my good old favorite legendary decals I call them legendary decals um to just you know they're just good okay so here D And just and protect here project no this one could be mirrored down so shift DC and mirror it down and then double click them and now holding shift okay to the other side and to the right so they're everywhere okay and this is going to nicely kind of frame your model okay here in the top we could have some you know um maybe some serial number here right if it's too strong at this for you right you can always drop it off or remember that right so it's not as poking you see what I mean it's a little bit less because texts are very powerful they're very strong okay so you wanna be you know you want to be careful here on the side we can we can have some screws now when am I doing decos usually I'm doing it to kind of gradually okay uh let's move this one here in the middle okay like this and maybe a little bit to the top so it's kind of nicely framed by this ornament here okay here we can have some uh screws so we could actually grab one of these yeah why not um one here maybe two here okay so select them and just you know D and project right and this will not make a lot of sense because of this cutout here sorry to bring them lower sorry to make them here okay so D and please if you're gonna go through well they're gonna be screwing anything right so you know you need to be kind of logical with what you're doing so double click that and let's see if we can actually match to some different color yeah this one is actually okay so we got screws here and although it looks a little bit low Tech you know maybe we're gonna just drop a different color here something brighter um maybe this is better um there we go here definitely we can have some trim although problem here is going to be these Cuts so what we can do right let me see that uh is it cut in here as well it's gonna be tough to run it so we can't do a sort of trim shade we can run something different here so let's go here to let's get one of these long uh long decals so they're really cool and we could actually grab two of them uh one of them here and then literally projected on mirror pretty cool um there you go this could be darker you know I'm kind of leaning towards this to be honest yeah maybe this is better and so with this one you know I'm just saying you know what I mean looks a bit more menacing so here we need to you know we need to have a screen right so we have a screen here shift us to geometry and then D and we're gonna go with our u i mean the UI decals uh we could use that all right and adjust it okay look at everything display here notice okay and project and then here we have one more you know maybe a tiny one right like that okay so scale it on y right and make it longer in public somewhere here and project right boom so I got some display here I like this empty space here I'm not gonna lie uh it looks pretty cool but we could have some kind of event here okay so we could do is grab one of these not this one um you know the vents right and we could have a vent here so like a small one maybe okay both above these here so I want to hear and maybe the other one on the other side or have it a symmetrical it's gonna be kind of interesting too you don't have to have everything symmetrical okay in your design you can have asymmetrical elements if you want to it looks pretty dope yeah um it looks pretty dope here we could have a plug for instance okay you know something something different right so I think it's here there we go you know something like this right so a small plug whatever port you know what I mean so and we could just make it darker so D and match and just make it darker you know what I mean so it just doesn't really poke your eyes but it's there any sort of offsets the whole design and here on the top you can have something different here on the top so uh we could have I don't know you know just two clips whatever um it's so and just made it to the other side make sure make sure it's actually the mat is correct okay so hang on um let me just double click that and match and make it darker right like this so can't see that but it's there so when you render this you will be able to see this you know what I mean uh these uh because we're gonna be shooting from more likely most likely from this side like that right so here what we could do okay some text on these right so we could um have some text here let's say you know that's that will do right and this could be you know kind of irregular here so let's just project this one project it and then you know project this one this one somewhere here you know what I mean you got some text over there just pulling in on the side we could have some screws as well so we could repeat the same screws just make them smaller okay so it's going to be kind of consistent so one screw here and don't overdo it you know one screw here so it's kind of um kind of clusters the details around certain areas okay so we're going to you know D and project it right then mirror across here and then double click that and miracles here okay so you got these screws you know here and that looks pretty dope yeah okay awesome it doesn't have to be super complicated guys yeah it doesn't have to be super complicated all right so here in the bottom we're going to plug in some some port here in the bottom in the middle all we could do this today to this side you know like for example somewhere here or even here oh this is not a bad idea let me see that yeah this could be interesting right and then D and project right and uh can we change the color here yes we can to kind of like a silverish so he's gonna be visibly see there's a port over there I think it looks better than the bottom so here in the bottom we could have another decal um one of the longer ones because they you know they're useful so s y and skillet and s z and scale it down make it ready now okay and let's just put it here in the middle and then project and barely visible but it's there it's not about poking you know the the eyes with details okay it's about being subtle okay subtle uh we could have some tiny grooves or whatnot so we could have you know something like this I mean just you know just some tiny um cuts like cut like uh features whatever so just project and Mir right come on come on okay made it across here there we go right and you know we're good to go so you know there's something anchoring the eyes over there right um if you go to the top uh we could have some some warning message uh what is this yeah why not you know just a small to small sticker here um we need to rotate it so it's actually facing the correct orientation and just project it and uh you know there you go and it could be faded yes so it's it's there but it's not really there you know what I mean it's kind of it's kind of there right but it's not the main actor that's the point cool I think you know I think that's it and in addition to that we have some buttons maybe here on this side so we could go to our button Park and maybe drop some buttons to like an on and off thing this could work you know like a round one I would rather have [Music] a different shape but since we have circles up here this could actually fit so you can just clone this here and you know project them both and simply match you know just Target buttons right so you got this kind of okay interface there okay in order to set the scene for rendering it's really easy guys first you need to set the camera okay so we're gonna shoot from this angle so we can actually capture a bit of the top a bit of the bottom uh you know and all that right so here page down and smart come to view right and we're gonna increase the focal length 635 it's going to be nice and compressed and lock the view and screen zoom out now if I'm going to be doing something like this right like that this kind of a shot you know you can't really um have so much empty space here so we're gonna do side the container and then I'll shift G and immediate children which will select all the decals okay hopefully um and then select the container itself and I can move the whole thing right select this one as well here okay this one and you got the whole thing right now uh move it to collection two and you can create an instance of collection two right so collections to instance and now you got this canister you see right so we can actually work with that so let me see we could create some more details in here right so we could uh grab a decal and put it on top of this canister so watch let's grab this one here right move closer to face okay and then we're going to run a decal on top of it so let's grab a decal here like this okay I mean this is not the best idea um let me see this could work okay and then shift test to face sorry took closer and I'm literally project it right so I'm gonna project it and we're going to move it to connection two right yeah so I should do that it's going to appear here see which is exactly what we want so we want to grab that and you know kind of create like a uh just just put them on the ground here okay so let's uh let's grab this floor and let's uh solidify this down so you can actually see the thickness and we're gonna grab this canister and put it in here okay line it on the floor and we're going to duplicate it right you're duplicating uh instances so don't worry your Geo count will not change here and then one of them you can actually lay on the ground okay so we can laid on the ground like this right lie to the ground and you know rotate it like this right and then we arrange it in the frame okay so you know arrange it in the frame right and you got these canisters here and you have a space for longer here okay so now this floor G shift Z move it up you don't want this floor to take so much space right um you know because it's gonna take up light and you don't want that so J shoot C and let's make it smaller you know the floor should be maximum the size of you know your view basically doesn't have to be too big and this is it guys you know I mean I think we're good uh we're pretty good here now we can move the camera a bit to the right so watch this we're gonna go here to camera and under this shift X and Y we can shift it on x to the right hand side a bit and we could just grab these canisters and G shift C and move them in here okay so I can move them in here I'm not that right and you could even create an instance of this first canister right um and now it's empty you see which is pretty cool we can put it on the floor right uh so put it on the floor and and just go to the camera view pressing zero g sure same with it in here and the rotate of the case so we can see the other side of it or even laying down on the ground or something okay so you know because radar gonna set out our two reset rotation RZ 90 and then we're going to rotate it like that right so we can put it on the ground like this now you're going to be kind of precise because you want to be accurate with contact Shadows you see and G shift C and we can move it somewhere here you know right you can either create a separation here or not it's up to you um but you know this is pretty cool I think this could be closer to the left hand side you don't want to have so much space in here um because we have other elements in the frame so let's go to camera and it should see again I would art will be closer here to be honest and then move all these elements on this one you know just slightly closer here and this may be closer down so G should Z and move them here right and uh let's make sure that you're going to leave some separation here between the handle this looks very cool it shows the side of it you know a bit of a top and I think you know this is this is kind of decent right now I'm gonna be teaching you how to plug everything in here because you should know this if you don't then you need to go back to basics meaning grab our free course free jump start hardships in blender the link is in video description and learn how to do that because these are just you know Bare Basics okay I'm using abandoned slip away as you write I'm considering actually going paid once now these are from Alex Central they're on Gum Road uh you can find them under Alex Central Studio HRI Park one and pack two they're really good I suggest you get both they're really cheap and they will provide you with some seriously professional studio lighting which is really awesome so let's go here and let's see this top down hiring let's see how I like the abandoned but yeah it's not really working for me very well okay let's try the gun gradient maybe this one's going a bit better so let's go here and see this get this a bit better let's see what happens if you're gonna rotate this because you know the angle is up now lighting you want the lighting to come from a from a right hand side so this should have should be on the left hand side you see what I mean there's a shadow here the lighting is a bit strong um maybe it's maybe it's too strong I don't know although maybe I'm gonna put it from there something like this this could also work it's a little bit bright though it's a little bit bright uh let's just try a different one so maybe dramatic yeah that's a little bit too strong on the other hand see let's just rotate that hmm it's another light comes from that from this side right this is really dark okay this is really dark you can bump it here to 1.4 and see what happens this is better but it's still dark um it's not bad you know it's not bad mind you you could uh make the background brighter yeah because if you do that the background is going to reflect light back onto your models right also what you could do is go with the clear coat here uh on the top and it's going to nicely reflect you know um create like Reflections on the ground which is pretty cool um this one maybe could be darker this isn't bad guys this isn't bad now if you have uh one side's too dark what you can do is grab a plane and create a reflector so we could do that right and scale this you see what happens uh it reflects light back onto your subject I mean objects right so let's just put them out here and you know if you if it's a bit too too too bright for you what you can do is you can darken it Down Right easy so you know darken it down there's gonna be a shadow here but it's still gonna be so harsh here look see what I mean it's just a little bit opens up the shields on the other side makes it a bit less you know less dramatic maybe it's still too bright maybe it's still too bright let me see that yeah just a little bit opened up you know so it's not so dark this could be darker to be honest though um it's gonna look cool so now my render settings are very simple in terms of sampling it's just 300 samples and the noise on in terms of light path I'm gonna pump it up to 12 because there's a lot of Reflections I got decals and I'm gonna hear a golf with 18 in terms of glossy I'm gonna go from 16 because we have a lot of stuff here and if you're still 16 okay this could be a bit too reflective so let's go to mods and maybe bump the clear coat roughness a bit you know just a tight so it's not so crazy right and maybe the roughness is pretty high to be honest so you know this will do and this one could be moved a little bit closer or cannot you know rotated so this handle kind of doesn't over line overlap here and that badly with these this could be moved a little bit here to create a bigger opening here okay so now let's try that and see how it goes see if I'm liking it you always have to check everything in your render and I'm not crazy about this either here but um this this element here see the flex the floor maybe if reflective floor is not the best idea here you know maybe gonna go with something really rough so let's just turn this off let's pump it off this up here let's maybe make it even darker okay let's try this that is not bad but I'm thinking it's a bit too dark now it's a bit too dark so let's bring it up a bit you know just a little bit and also this could be just a bit closer to be honest now that we don't have this reflection we don't have to worry about it so you know don't worry you're not gonna be seeing these problems immediately it's gonna take time for you to register them I'm not crazy about this one either to be honest you know I might actually create a clear separation between them because uh I I can see there's gonna be you know issues here and there so that just rotted it away and move it away from one another so there's actually a break and they should help there you go that's a bit better this one could be closer to the camera too so there's a bigger Gap in here um so grab that g should see and just move it closer there we go and I think that's good okay so now let's try to render this right there's a nice ground a nice separation separation here everything looks peachy candy stores are kind of in the ground yeah so um I don't know if they kind of sink it in the ground because they're looking away hang on yes you just sinking in the ground I need to lift them up so if I do that it's going to be a lovely kind of a contact child there so now let's try that again and if I do that I'm gonna overlap here again so I need to move them closer yet again or this one further away or rotated you know come like this yet again right so now let's try this again all right guys well that's our finished render thanks so much for watching hope you enjoyed the video and don't forget to check out Eagle bugs all the links are in the video description I'll see you in the next video
Channel: Ponte Ryuurui
Views: 27,320
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blender, blender tutorial, blender bros, ponte ryuurui, ryuu, hard surface, modeling tutorial
Id: Py8EghURPbw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 76min 8sec (4568 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 25 2023
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