William Hinn - Covenant & Demonstration

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keep that pat on if you guys can you know the early church would say something they had a they had a saying and it was we are the church those that laugh at death i'm going to say it again we are the church those that laugh at death say it with me we are the church those that laugh at death let's say it together now we are the church those that laugh at death say it again we are the church those that laugh at death say it again we are the church those that laugh at death isn't it powerful say it again we are the church those that laugh at death we're concerned about viruses and shoulder pain and we're googling everything but we are the church those that laugh at death and we have left a covenant because how many of you know like you don't have to sit in your closet and beg god for protection like how many of you realize that the bible is sure and when the bible says that the glory of the lord is my rear guard i don't have to look back to see who's chasing me the bible says that we we sit at a table with him in the midst of thy enemies say i am not susceptible i am not susceptible you're only susceptible if you agree that the enemy has power over anything in your life so there's a paradigm that's changing and i was reading i was reading luke 10 tonight is just going to be a different kind of night we as we kind of come into some of these changes that you're going to hear about on the 19th we're probably this is going to sound crazy coming from me but we're probably going to do three series back to back just foundational stuff because it's going to be needed after the end suddenly okay i'm just telling you that but over these next two weeks we have to make sure that we get our aim right and that we make a covenant with god and with one another the lord has been talking to me about covenant he's been talking to me about promises and talking to me about how do you want to finish not how do you want to start because most people want to start good and most people actually do but very few finish well you know it's we've seen revivals we've seen moves of god and we've seen it in pockets you know like i was reading luke 10. you get to verse 9 and i shared it on the video we sent but you get to verse 9 and it says go and heal the sick see tonight we can say the kingdom is here because it says go and heal the sick and when you do tell them the kingdom is near so without the demonstration of the spirit and power we just have empty words in our mouth paul said it like this in first corinthians two he says i didn't come to you with persuasive words of human wisdom but with the demonstration of the spirit and power and you know what i'm tired of i get i know i say that like every week that's just kind of the preacher i am if you don't like it you can go somewhere else but we love you you're welcome here um but you know what like i'm kind of at this point where if i'm not careful i'll sway into what the people like but what the people like oftentimes is comfort is quick quick fix make it easy make it simple but then you get around jesus people and they say things like in this house may the lamb receive the reward of his suffering so what kind of house do we want to be i know what i want to be and if you want to come on for the ride you're welcome but we're not going to change who we are to please you and sometimes we need these tune-ups a little bit i need these tune-ups a little bit but we saw pockets of power and we talk a lot about past moves i don't want to talk about past moves anymore we talk a lot about past moves of god and generals of the faith like you read that book generals of the you know what is it called god's generals like it's it's powerful and it's provoking and it's my favorite it's the smith wigglesworth and the john g lakes and the catherine coleman's they're all amazing they're all powerful but one common denominator through most of them not smith but most of them is it didn't finish well and i believe it's because we have failed to bring a generation into it you see i could close worship but why not have chip clothes worship and blow the roof off the place see i think that the problem is is that as men of god we love being the center of attention and god is going to remove the cancer of narcissism out of the church because without bringing a generation into it because you don't carry the fullness no one did or does except jesus so jesus gave from himself unto men and then said multiply until you become one perfect man like what's more important your fingers are your toes it's hard to say but you don't see the toes well unless you're wearing flip-flops chip not tonight you usually do though you usually do you can't tell your toe i have no need of you you stubbed the baby till you limp it says in the scriptures don't forsake the assembling how many of you know there's a difference between assembling and gathering i can get car parts and gather them into a garage but it doesn't make it a car lord knows i can't put anything together uh i hate ikea ask my wife i used to have anger issues so i stopped going to ikea one time side note i was putting together this outside you remember this babe we were living in the third story of an apartment i was putting together like an outside table my wife stopped me from throwing the whole thing over the balcony through story remember that true story that's why god brought emily into my life because she's you know like when she opened last week the whole room just melts you feel the gentleness of the lord i'm like so yeah i need help i don't know why i started talking about that but yeah we we are thanks dana we're not called to gather together don't forsake just having services don't forsake being one with one another because gabriel carries something i don't and if we as a church i said it with the leaders you know can i talk like family to you guys for a minute last week worship was different than this week and it's not that it's ever better or different i don't even know sometimes god comes like a gentle dove and sometimes he comes like a roaring lion but how we respond to him how we respond to his coming determines the experience we get out of it so he can come like a gentle dove and we can just sit and wait for him to do something for us but how many of you know that was never the intent of the church the church is actually not about you being fed it's about him being fed your secret place with god your relationship with god your discipleship with pastors and teachers and an evangelist and the equipping of the saints you get fed in that place but when we come into this house this is about making sure he's taken care of this is the difference between having a house for him and having a house for us and here's the thing when we have a desire to tend to his heart first the byproduct of that is you leave dripping with him here's the key you don't have to aim at being free you just look at freedom itself you don't have to aim at being healed you just look at the healer you don't have to make your aim trying to get free from torment you say jesus you have my mind we don't have to rip something away we just need to put something in and everything else bubbles out this is what it means to minister to the lord so as a church we made this promise to him and i was challenged this week in luke 10 verse 9 and it and it says that the kingdom the kingdom of god which is how many of you are are understanding what chip said about we're not waiting to get to heaven someday like that heaven is not our our death is not our entrance into heaven jesus paid a price and he prayed thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven right so the outcome is victorious and and here's been the problem most of the time with revival is it has been an announcement that the end is near when revival should be an announcement that the kingdom is here jesus promises us the word of god it promises us that as the waters cover the sea so will the knowledge of the glory of god fill the earth debate it all you want while you're waiting for a rapture escape mission there's a remnant that god is preparing that's going to pull down the glory of god into the earth and we are going to see healing power and the dead being raised like another normal life day we have lost power because our aim is not correct and i was challenged of you want to build a house for me the byproduct of what's going to happen when i'm in a room i thought lord we don't see enough healing it's never been my aim to just have a place where all we want is signs but that's not the aim here the aim is we want him but without signs the kingdom's not here without the demonstration we just have language without encounter and i'm tired of being a church with language without encounter and i'm thinking to myself if only 10 stay i remember when resignation had 10 people in a circle in a prayer tower and we would weep because god was standing in the middle and we would leave excited that he came and then this started happening and busyness comes in it's the biggest devil in the church and what we need is we need an assembling that says hey tanner hey hey dana hey hey tyler remember the days with the indwelling fire remember when we used to weep over the scriptures i used to preach every week for those that remember it was a nation i would say it every week those that dwell in the secret place of the most high and every time we did devil's manifested every week and then we started a church what were we before see i think organization demonstration is what the church is today that was good also say it again because it felt good how you doing bro good to see you man organization without demonstration is what the church is today and what we need is some preachers and some people with a backbone that are willing to say this is not the church this is a country club this is a gathering of drama but not here this is an assembling of god's power i don't want to church with just parts in a garage we're going to put it together and i'm going to say tyler the anointing that's on you man that's going to get on me and the anointing that's on me is going to get on you and the roof is going to explode so last week man when i look back in half the room sitting down and that's fine if god said but we are not here to just wait for him to fill us up we're here to press forward call it drivey call it whatever you want i like it loud call it hype call it whatever you want but there's a stirring up of the body of christ one on to another crying he's holy he's holy he's holy and he's worthy of every fiber of my being so i've i've been hearing these stories and the lord's been speaking to me through it of men that made promises to god at a young age that have refused to sway like people like bill johnson people like my dad and what we have failed to see is we have failed to see a corporate revival move across into successive generations it's touched individuals yes it's impacted individuals that has that have impacted next generations but what we haven't seen is a corporate sustaining actual move of god that has gone across generational lines think about it even david and solomon david left generational anointing solomon picks it up and it's beautiful but solomon still ends bad i'm watching the lord what he's always offered from generation to generation you're going to hear about it on the 19th from generation to generation he's offering this generation the same exact thing saying when will i find a people that aren't about the people when will i find a people that don't care about their face or their name because we have too many christian celebrities today and they might see 10 people healed in a service but when everybody in the room gets anointed nobody's leading sick when our aim becomes everyone everyone come up the mountain when god finds humility he gets close so what i've watched growing up pastor mark is here pastor mark raise your hand this has been with he's been my dad for before i was born saw me poop on myself diapers all kinds of stuff i'm not you might have changed me at some point we're unsure of that but but what i watched was this group of 30 people follow each other from state to state crying out for a generation and they refused to change the channel of what they committed to god we would be and here's what the commitment was a resurrection life that we may know him and the power of his resurrection and not everybody liked it believe it or not but they never changed the aim and we're watching a generation release blessing and power to a successive generation and another generation and another generation so when little benji here is he is he like barfing okay when this little dude grows up is he gonna raise the dead heal the sick cast out devils and it be a way of life for him then i have to pay a price that's not about me so there's an invitation right now i want you guys to turn to to second chronicles 29 and i'm just going to read this and then we're going to see what happens but i have this desire where entire regions come under the influence of the holy spirit and it lasts for generations the kingdom is coming and it has come and the sure reaction as sure listen as sure as water being poured on my head and when water is poured on your head as sure as you know that you're going to become wet the reaction is assured that when the kingdom comes people will be healed but why don't we see it as much as we need to see it i want you to write this down as you land on 2nd chronicles 29 we haven't seen what we want to see because i want you to write this down we lack purity in the priesthood purity in the priesthood can i have a tissue right there thanks bro sorry it's always hot in here we try i don't know what the deal is okay i'm gonna just i'm gonna read through this for i'm gonna read a good amount of 29 and 30. i would actually encourage you really listen just just circle 29 and 30 in your bibles but try to follow along with me and don't read outside of what i'm reading okay this is chapter 29 verse 1 hezekiah became king when he was 25 years old and he reigned 29 years in jerusalem verse 2 i'm going to be jumping around he did what was right in the sight of god according to all that his father david had done in another account in first or in second kings it says that hezekiah there was no one like him before and no one like him after and he reminded god of david this is generations after david's gone and hezekiah reminds the lord of his son david and it says in in the account of second kings that he clung to the lord and trusted him with all of his heart he was needy we need to learn how to stay needy okay so then it says in verse 3 in the first year of his reign and in the first month he opened the doors of the house of the lord and repaired them then he brought in the priests and the levites and gathered them in the east square and said to them hear me levites now sanctify yourselves sanctify the house of the lord god of your fathers and carry out the rubbish from the holy place for our fathers have trespassed and done evil in the eyes of the lord our god they have forsaken him turn their faces away from the dwelling place of the lord and turned their backs on him verse 7 they have also shut up the doors of the vestibule put out the lamps and they have not burned incense or offered burnt offerings in the holy place so basically they they put a closed sign on the doors of the church kind of like we do to the holy spirit today inside of the church and there was rubbish inside of the holy place verse 10 now it is in my heart this is hezekiah to make a covenant with the god of israel that his fierce wrath may turn from us my sons do not neglect now for the lord has chosen you to stand before him to serve him that you should minister to him and burn incense and then you get to just the very beginning of verse 12 i love this then the levites arose this is what the moment we're in we're in a decision kind of time in the body of christ then the levites arose verse 15 and they gathered their brethren sanctified themselves and went according to the commandment of the king at the words of the lord to cleanse the house of the lord then the priest went into the inner part of the house of the lord to cleanse it and brought out all the debris that was found in the temple what is debris it's anything that we added anything that we've added to this is debris before the lord it's not jesus plus us it's jesus all in all it's jesus plus nothing equals everything we've created debris we've added additions to him that don't need to be added and listen to this it says in verse 19 at the end we have prepared and sanctified and there they are before the altar of the lord then you jump down to verse 25 and he stationed the levites in the house of the lord with symbols with string instruments with harps verse 26 the levites stood with the instruments of david i love this they got the instruments out that david played and the priests with the trumpets and then verse 28 so all the assembly worshipped the singers sang and the trumpeter sounded all this continued until the burnt offering was finished and then you continue to read basically verses 29 through 33 is talking about the whole assembly brought offerings and sacrifices but there wasn't enough priests to keep up listen to this verse 34 but the priests were too few i want you to underline that in your bible but the priests were too few so they could not skin all the burnt offerings therefore the brethren the levites helped them until the work was ended until the other priests had sanctified themselves then jumping down to the latter part of verse 35 so the service of the house of the lord was set in order then hezekiah and all the people rejoiced that god had prepared the people since the events took place so suddenly i'm just telling you june 19th the events are taking place suddenly i don't know who laughed but that was a great laugh verse chapter 30 just stick with me it's this is so good chapter 30 verse 1 and hezekiah sent to all israel and judah and also wrote letters to ephraim and manasseh that they should come to the house of the lord at jerusalem to keep the passover of the lord god of israel verse 2 for the king and his leaders and all the assembly in jerusalem had agreed to keep passover in the second month listen to this this is so interesting for they could not keep it at the regular time because a sufficient number of priests had not consecrated themselves nor the people gathered together at jerusalem so they couldn't have passover at the prescribed time of the lord because man's failure to be pure delayed it's incredible man delays but the intent of god is always going to happen but you can get in the way and walk in a wilderness for 40 years when it's a 40-day hike so he delayed man delayed because they weren't pure because they weren't prepared they weren't ready so when the end suddenly come they had a delay a month so here's what they did in verse six then the runners went how do you want to be runners in this generation then the runners went throughout all israel and judah with the letters from the king and his leaders and spoke according to the command of the king listen to what they said children of israel return to the lord the god of abraham isaac in israel then he will return to the remnant of you who have escaped from the hand of the kings of assyria in verse 7 and do not be like your fathers and your brethren who transpast who trespassed against the lord god of their fathers so that he gave them up to desolation as you see now do not be stiff-necked as your fathers were but yield yourselves to the lord and enter into a sanctuary which he has sanctified forever and served the lord god that is the fierceness of his wrath may turn away from you i feel like we're prophesying this over our current generation return to the lord and the lord is finding himself some runners that are going to go verse 10 so the runners pass from city to city through every country of ephraim and manasseh as far as zebulun but they laughed at them and mocked them it sounds a lot like revival they were laughed at they were mocked nevertheless everyone say nevertheless some came we just need a few now listen now many people a very great assembly gathered at jerusalem to keep the feast of a london bread in the second month which was a delay of one month they arose and took away the altars that were in jerusalem they took away all the incense or they they took away all the incense altars and cast them into the brook of gedon then they slaughtered the passover lambs on the 14th day of the second month and the priests and the levites were ashamed and sanctified themselves listen to this follow the story the people are beginning to do the priestly work because the priests aren't doing it the people are beginning to do the work because the priests are lazy because the priests are not sanctified because the priests love the priests so god passed over the priests and the people began to do what was unlawful and as the priests watched the people do was unlawful they were ashamed with themselves it's so powerful listen therefore they stood in their place according to the custom according to the law of moses the man of god the priests sprinkled the blood received from the hands of the levites for there were many in the assembly who had not sanctified themselves therefore the levites had charge of the slaughter of the passover lambs for everyone was not clean to sanctify them to the lord for the listen for the multitude of the people many from ephraim manasseh asakar zebloon zebulin had not cleansed themselves yet listen yet they ate the passover contrary to what was written but hezekiah prayed for them saying may the good lord provide atonement for everyone who prepares his heart to seek the lord and it says though they were not cleansed according to the purification of the sanctuary and the lord listened to hezekiah and he healed the people and then ending here verse 27 then the priests the levites arose bless the people and their voice was heard and their prayer came up to his holy dwelling place to heaven so i want to just run through this really quick okay it's only 806. just stay with me number one hezekiah reminds god of david okay number two listen he tells he tells the people clean the dirt and the debris from the holy place clean what's been added that he never told us to put in there number three make a fresh covenant with the lord number four it says that hezekiah restored worship and he dug up the old not dug him up but he pulls out the old instruments of david like like that cry you hear lou engel and people like that talk about it that god is he's asking a generation to to re-dig wells of revival they pull out what used to move god that still is moving god but we've become so about ourselves writing songs about ourselves making church about ourselves so they went back to the original covenant they pulled out david's old instruments and they began to worship and worship was restored in the number five the whole congregation gave offerings and sacrifices but there wasn't enough priests to keep up i'm just giving you an overview ver number six the people were fully prepared so they rejoiced because it happened so suddenly number seven they decided to keep the feast of passover but they had to delay it a month why because there wasn't enough pure priests their lack of purity delayed the prescribed time of the lord number eight they sent runners who were single in heart it says who were single in heart with a message of return to the lord and invited everyone to jerusalem they were mocked they were made fun of but a remnant came number nine there was so many people and so little priests that the people began to handle the sacrifices and do it themselves because the priests were taking too long to get clean and there wasn't enough clean ones it says the priests were ashamed of themselves watching the people do their job yet the people doing it wasn't lawful so hezekiah prayed for them and listen basically he said this he said this to the lord they just want to seek you even though they aren't clean and god listened why did he listen to the prayer of hezekiah i believe because god honors and i want you to write this down god honors hunger and desire over perfection god honors the desire to seek him over doing it right and hezekiah touches the grace of the lord think about it this higher revelation of grace of it says the law came in and the law was a tutor to show us our need for a savior he said do not steal and he knew that they were gonna steal but how do they know what stealing is unless there's a law that says don't do it so he says you've been doing this but don't do it and it's a lot 613 laws and 10 commandments to realize i can't do this yeah exactly that's the point you need a savior and then jesus comes with this higher revelation of grace of what you can't do i can so i'm going to wrap myself in flesh become like you and when god called to a generation they didn't answer god came down and god answered god just read it in isaiah 50. and god became a man and he carried the the he bore our sorrows and carried our griefs and took our transgressions as a perfect sacrifice and jesus comes with this high revelation but you see jesus was the lamb slain before the foundation of the world so my question to you is is what is god seeing when the people are sacrificing what is god seeing when the people are doing the unlawful sacrifice according to the law because it was just for the priesthood but jesus is saying they're touching something that's always in my heart they're touching my grace see what they don't know what's coming is that they're all kings and priests like i got this picture as i was reading it of god laughing in heaven they touched god's higher revelation of grace they touched his heart with desire not with perfection not with doing they were a month late for crying out loud but the fact is they wanted to do it you see the lord doesn't need us to do this right he doesn't need us to he's not so concerned with our morals as much as we are and i know that that messes with religion we should be so far beyond trying not to sin we should be so consumed by the fact that we are a new creation in christ all things have passed away behold all things have become new i have no desire to go back anymore because he where god comes in and messes with you is your desire he doesn't want you to just be a good boy and a good girl i love this thing he didn't come to make bad people good but dead people alive you are supposed to be unconscious to sin which means unresponsive i don't know how to respond to it anymore i don't know how to respond to pornography anymore this is what grace the power of grace is but we're still fixed in the church on sin sin sin sin sin the devils you hear about the devil everyone's talking about the devil he's defeated stop talking about him all things have passed away and all things have become new and we are fixated on sin but there's a high revelation called grace and that revelation creates desire and seeking and it makes it takes a man like david who sees a woman in a bathtub and messes up doesn't have it morally figured out but he was a man with god's own heart and he got before the lord and he repented and what i love about david see hezekiah if you read on he doesn't end well either starts so pure and i honestly think we're going to go into a series on hezekiah in the near future because it starts so pure and the next thing you know he's trying to impress people with the favor of god on his life the number one thing that ruins moves and ruins ministries is pride the number one thing men in love with themselves it's easy to stay pure when you're small but when an end suddenly comes we all better stay accountable to one another to say the main thing better stay the main thing they touched a higher revelation of grace touching his heart with their desire and god listen it says that god puts his own word above his name well god wrote the law so what desire was in them that would cause god to say it's okay i believe that in that moment the lord laughed and he thought wait till they see they're doing what they were created to do wait till they see that what's always been in my heart is that all of us are kings and priests it says that we are a kingdom of kings and priests unto god we are a kingdom you are not a church member to come here and sit there and just listen and do nothing if you want a place like that this is not that place but when we come you are anointed of god and you're a runner to have a message in your mouth to tell a generation return to the lord return to the lord we're building a house for him return to the lord get the debris out of your church one day i want to start a church network we'll call it like debris cleaners and we're not going to just give you good curriculum to grow your church we're going to root out and tear down and walk inside of a church and explode anything that they've added to him and what will happen when a bride meets her bridegroom and there's nothing in between anymore a kingdom of kings and priests can i get the worst team to come back up i just want to read this to you so how do we keep debris out of the house to the lord we don't add to it we get out of the way and kill the cancer of narcissism that's in the church today no one starts listen no one starts wanting to fall into the trap of ministry most if not all start purely wanting to see the power of god with pure intentions and motives but it's going to take a humble people lifting up one another keeping each other accountable that says don't forget the mission reminding one another and challenging one another with with confrontational my wife and i were talking about it today is you know we have we have people close in our life and friends that are close in our life that have people close in their life that are in blatant sin but to keep the peace they don't say anything and emily and i are having this conversation this morning of what kind of people do we want to be what kind of leaders and pastors and parents do we want to be just peacekeepers or do we want to be peacemakers that requires a sword to stand up for what we believe in to to get up here and not be politically correct to get up here and be willing to deal with the issues like abortion and same-sex marriage churches are putting pride flags outside of their churches taking the rainbow which is a covenant with god and turning it into something that says i stand with same-sex marriage it's an abomination to the lord i don't hear preaching like this anymore and when i preach like this they say be careful you're going to lose people let them go ah help me jesus i'm shaking i know tanner i know you like it not everybody likes it though we might have 15 people next week but it's gonna be flipping powerful [Applause] yeah sorry i said flipping story [Laughter] forgive me honestly i shouldn't say that listen we've settled for numerical success but when we started we dreamed of hospitals being emptied [Music] we've listened we've settled we want numbers we want to know how many are watching us but my question is this god watching whereas he turned his face from a perverse and corrupt generation that's lazy lacks the daisical that's into themselves that wants social media followers we don't follow jesus how many followers does he have notice he doesn't have an account he actually went to hide and pray for 2000 years he didn't stay to build a ministry he said you're the ministry and then we started building monuments around ourselves what does he think of that i refuse and i'm telling our leaders i refuse so i'm held accountable that when the temptation comes they say remember the promise and the covenant that you made god that we're going to stir up revival for dfw this is not about you william i went to a church one time and i'm up on the stage and there's a there's a big plaque that just the worship team and the preacher could see and it says this is not about you we should get a giant one every guest that comes in every preacher that steps around this pulpit every singer this is about jesus and we lack power because we have debris [Music] this returning to covenant with him and purity is going to produce power it would be crazy to think it's not not just for now but for successive generations i want you to stand and i want to just share this vision with you i had today and as we worship how many of you still need healing in your body still okay we're gonna worship and god's gonna heal your body okay and if we don't start making these practical little steps of faith as a church we're not gonna see the dead raised if we can't pray for a shoulder every week [Music] and to the lord a cold and a shoulder and allergies is no different than someone that's been dead for four days but we have magnified things in our mind like cancer oh and what you fear you manifest so the bigger the fear is the more powerful it is so you know cancer that's big but but colds that's nothing no it's all nothing all of it is nothing see some of you are tormented in your mind and god is going to set you free tonight god says nothing you are not susceptible when i'm in when i'm in your mind you're not susceptible but we have to make a covenant with god as a family because changes good changes powerful changes are coming to this house and if we don't make a covenant that says lord when we say this is a house for you we're not just saying this cute saying when we say this is a house for you what we're saying is is that i pray that you are hosted well here because when god is here nobody should leave on crutches anymore no one should leave sick and we come up with all kinds of excuses for our weakness and we build theology around our weakness and think that it's the lord but the bible says you lay your hands on the sick the sicker to recover so i don't care if i look like an idiot i'm going to pray for you and pray for you and pray for you until it happens because the bible said it could we need to get wild we need to get foolish he uses the foolish things so i had this vision in the vision i see two walls of fire this is today i'm praying i see two walls of fire and i don't have visions a lot usually dana has them for me but i saw two walls of fire and you know in the old testament they would sacrifice animals split them in half and you would walk through the blood and make a covenant and i saw animals it was kind of graphic split in half and they were pushed to the sides and i saw just a row of blood in this wall of fire and the lord was telling me i want you to make a covenant with me because what's coming is going to require a covenant i'm going to hold you to it for the rest of your life and when you're 80 you're going to talk about this covenant when your leaders are 80 and i'll be 60 probably at that point i just want to make sure we're all on the same page with that when chip is 80 and i'm 40. [Applause] i had to i just had to do it hey [Music] chip ship as an 80 year old he's going to say to me who's already half gray full gray hair and we're seeing god move he's going to say don't forget your covenant to the lord so can we as a house make a covenant together that when we say this is a house for the lord what we mean is is that this is a place for your kingdom to come and when your kingdom comes and here's going to be the gage for us the demonstration of his power that's scary for a church because we don't see the demonstration of his power in church we like series and gift packets and all kinds of stuff and we'll do all of those nice fancy things but as long as the demonstration of god's power is present see i don't just want to talk about and be 40 and still talk about you know i want people to come in and be healed when they walk through the doors well it hasn't happened yet so we need to make a covenant with god i remember my dad telling me this this story and the context of it was was he was telling me son stay wild this is the context stay burning stay zealous don't don't become complacent stay crazy and he was telling me this story about how he went to the hospital to pray for this kid who had had an issue and they had to put a tube down down his throat so he could breathe and he walks in and the first thing he hears god say is rip the tube out plug the hole and tell him to breathe and if you know my dad he's just gonna do it he walked into this room and the family's in there and he didn't go to have a soft prayer meeting he went to get the kid out of the bed we are the church those that laugh at death what's happened debris has happened additions so he pulled the thing out and he plugged the guy's throat and he yelled at him breathe guys turning purple and the family's trying to pull my dad's arm off of his throat but my dad kept his finger on the hole and yelled and yelled and yelled and the guy began to breathe and i and i hear stuff like that and i think we need it i don't want to share old testimonies i want to stay wild i want to stay i want to have that peculiar look in my eye someone that came with a heart condition it's not okay for it to stay it's not okay cancer is going to die tonight and god wants to just release the prophetic but can we lift our hands i want you guys to go in his ears in heaven okay [Music] it's 8 24. can we give god 30 minutes is that gonna be okay for you okay great thanks so [Music] we're gonna allow god to move i already instructed our leaders of how i want this to look of just ministry if you feel to come to the front come to the front okay but we're going to make a covenant tonight that says lord we don't want a church devoid of power we don't want to have church devoid of demonstration see because it's not by might it's not by power it's by spirit so what you do is you just have a house that hosts his holy spirit really well so lord we commit to you that this is a house for you not just in talk but in demonstration and lord forgive us for any debris that's been in this house forgive us for the cancer of busyness and the cancer of narcissism and pride remove it completely from our community and every community that we're attached to and so jesus you find a place that you say now this is a home you see he says in acts 15 that he's going to pour out his spirit on the gentiles and after that he will rebuild the tabernacle of david so that all that see it may worship and seek the lord he is creating a model people he's creating in himself a modeled people that the world is going to look at them and say now that is how you worship him that is how you desire him that's how you seek him it's not about our programs it's about jesus walking in the room every saturday night every prayer room every weight class every single time we assemble together if god is not coming in power i'm not saying we always got to be on the floor screaming crying we can learn the word too but the word is the power of god [Applause] the word changes the way you think if you're reading the word and having a bible study and still depressed after you didn't read the word and when is there going to be a people that are going to call a spade a spade and say you're still depressed you're still discouraged this is the power of god no more going far off no more busyness jesus we want you to show up lift your hands we want you to show up right now in jesus name we rebuke cancer we rebuke depression we rebuke discouragement god we rebuke suicidal thoughts in this room and we command them to leave in jesus name god i thank you for full night sleeps for the first time in their entire life god i thank you for listen somebody in here has a child that struggles with torment if you're gonna be honest go like this come to the front right now god i thank you is there anybody else that you have a child that is tormented get up here right now [Music] god is going to set your children free come to the middle come on come on come on hurry up father i thank
Channel: William Hinn
Views: 1,045
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: kNT4YL_oEdA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 23sec (3023 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 10 2021
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