Will This 250mph Museum Airplane Start & Fly?

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I'm here at the Evergreen museum in McMinnville Oregon and I bought this lancair sight unseen no log books no keys no nothing it's been in there for over 10 years I think 13 years and we're gonna see if we can't get it started and see if this thing will ever fly again always the right time to mow the grass I think we should just go get lunch got an awesome Cafe here menu changes summer winter all that fun stuff and the tables like this one is uh operation Jericho it was a prison raid where they uh broke some prisoners out in World War II and and saved them so that's this is a fantastic place this is the first time I'm seeing it up close and personal I only saw as much as what you saw on uh whenever we were walking through on the last video so and I've already paid for it so now we gotta I gotta see what I actually bought and I'm noticing right away that just like myself it's got a few screws a lot of a lot of screws missing actually that's a composite prop it's electric so it does turn a little bit uh that's nice it's got a knob in there that you actually turn it to make it turn so that's good and then this is I think over compensation pedo tube for the size of the airplane are okay it's been inside a climate controlled museum for however long we'll have to figure that out I don't know yet but it has this come on like little winglets how do you not go wrong with that yeah yeah all right all right let's see is it unlocked I think it is yeah it's moving here so uh okay oh yes hinge oh nope oh wait yeah I'm gonna need gonna need the struts that's for sure I wonder if we can go to like AutoZone and get some of these struts because that's a great thing about experimentals you can go to Home Depot you need parts for this thing oh look at that so when you're inside you pull that out and that's how you get out of it oh look at it's got locks right there yeah okay and is that oh I bet this is when you're flying that's to keep it locked so it doesn't now that's that's high tech the high-tech lock right there there's a zip tie yeah I know that's a normal radio I know what that is and this is your audio panel I know what that is the rest of that I don't know what that is gear switch that's always good flaps are there okay batteries dead that's not surprising uh oh here's your prop so you do this that little you can go manual down here and then you can control it or you can just do Auto and uh I don't actually know what that switch does oh my gosh my arm is so tired uh let's see avionics Master autopilot switch is there good it's got oh there's a heater that okay I don't know what that is auxiliary Argus something not okay I don't know what that is you have your flight director attitude AirSpeed so six pack is set up standard you have oh it's got a g thing on here no come on look he's pulled two G's on that how cool is that a roll trim oh yeah look so that oh my gosh so that it's got a trim for the roll right here uh Snakes on a Plane apparently the snake decided to join us over here somewhere now we lost it in the grass and I'm not a fan of snakes if I'm honest that's nope if a snake would have came out of the drain instead of a scorpion in the RV out it just burned it to the ground now but there's it's it's here somewhere my snake grabber you know what we're just gonna move this plane forward I'm not messing with no snake [Music] where'd he go right here shut up no he didn't all right I'm not going over there screw that we're gonna move the plane across the street to the other Airport this should be the elevator Trim in the back so if I roll that oh yeah look at that boy that's aggressive oh yeah look at the stick boy it didn't take much on that okay and then there's this whatever this plug is for you see that I'm guessing like a GPS or something no idea what do we got back here what on Earth is that pecan that's what it looks like the whole time I'm looking at this I'm trying to figure out is it gonna run again is it gonna fly again oh oh hey there we go even though it's got a tag on the back but this is I think the official FAA tag built by rhe r-e Hane hanee out of Prescott Arizona huh data manufacturer June 14 1995 and it's a Lycoming 0360 180 horse at least at that time empty weight 12.51 so it's a little heavier than mine flight instructions point the machine in the direction you wish to travel the main trick is to keep the big end forward you see that a bicycle spoke not sure what that's in there for probably very important what are these pins are these yeah yeah okay they got red on them so I'm assuming they might be important to something but I have no idea [Music] we got whatever the heck that is seat belt elt what there's another bicycle spoke what the heck are those for um cowl pin tool no way are these cows pinned I'm not the only one that whenever they get in the land's hair immediately has to pee okay what are we any notes nope scribble scribble paper rags towels okay still no keys well let's let's shank the uh cover off the engine see what we got over there well no I take it back while we're here let's look at the landing gear it's exactly the same as mine it has the same little struts to it and everything and these are collapsed because they've been here a while so we'd have to put some nitrogen in here assuming that the seals and stuff are not totally blown out which they probably are oh this one's got rollers out here mine has got a chunk of wood this metal thing right here Seth can you see this at all got it that is for heat coming off of the exhaust then I also noticed this right here this yellow and that yellow over there I think that's hydraulic fluid yeah yeah there's an inspection panel right there oh what is that up in there oh it's the um oh they got a charging thing ah dude that's a great idea some nice leakage right there that's good so I'm assuming those actuators will have to be resealed right there oh that's quite clever and it's just a ratchet strap holding it down it's just a strap that holds the battery oh yes all right I gotta get that thing all right now then look each cell is 1.2 volts and normally you have six cells on a battery to give your 12. and there's 12 set this thing is a 24 volt system on this ah okay no one we gotta get these struts fixed this is ridiculous oh you know what we got vice grips I'll show you a trick on that sucker ha ha [Music] yeah of 24 volts here so go on the other side come on in this is the back area where they do all the restoration stuff on these super cool airplanes like the Spruce Goose which ironically is not made of spruce it's made of birch wood a DC3 they got I don't know what sort of the airplane that is up there helicopter they got all kinds of crazy cool stuff here uh he told me the jumper cables were over here I don't know what kind of a radial engine it is but it broke a rod right here come over here check this out that broke and it beat up and banged up everything else on the inside of it and so that's why the engine is bad but it'll make a good static display crankshaft but then it's got this other thing that's on the crankshaft that holds all the rods together so as it goes around all the rods go all in unison like a ballet foreign not not cool where is he ah that ew yeah what are you doing Silas get over here get him going that way got a little snake over here all right where were we oh yeah we're gonna try to turn something on we're gonna make 24 volts you just had 12 and 12 and that makes 24. you go positive on one the negative on the other one yoink see negative to positive yep and then negative two positive and that'll give us hour 24. okay okay oh things are turning on oh oh cool flaps do flaps work yeah okay see fuel boost pump let's see if that works all right does it even have fuel in it I doubt it ow okay those are working Landing lights not so much oh that one's working but it's and that one okay all right fill the temperature now it's off and I'm gonna turn on keep your hand on there you'll feel it okay it's on is it hot yeah yeah so that little tiny flap thing right there oh that's cool so this is the fuel selector here main tanks which are the wings the header tank and then off and you can see the wings out there watch so if I go all the way that way so that's neutral there let it grab a hold look at it now watch I'll go the other way [Music] let me go back that way [Music] that's cool dude like this stuff just turned on we need to go in there and see if we can hunt down some keys and potentially log books this is Richard here he's been helping us and look at the other building we're in holy I never noticed that before Oh dude that thing is huge holy crap I did not realize that that Predator whatever kind of drone that is was that stinking big there's the SR-71 they wouldn't let me buy I tried he said here's the keys we have good luck let's see one nope slide wait ha Lance air 360 we may have struck gold and then we need to see if we can't find some sort of records of this because I was it was sold to me with no records no anything nothing take it as is where is good luck I hope it turns out well for you we weren't even sure of the key and this I don't even we still have what the glass air and the helicopter and we're going to go ahead and start the other ones up while we're here as well but we don't have any idea where the keys are but we got one show us the way to the file cabinet of they just have a big massive place where they hold all the files to everything we got to dig through that now they were saying that everything they have in here being a museum is the real deal take out like full leather flight suits and stuff 24 volts I don't know if you plug it in or something what yeah I guess it look at that property you it doesn't even say U.S Air Force Air Forces US Army that's before the Air Force became the Air Force and they were still part of the army Within 42-ish holy cow look how good a condition it's in that's unbelievable just amazing I forgot we were looking for records the original drawings from the Spruce Goose are in here somewhere yeah they're all all within each of these cabinets you see yeah look it even says Birch that was that's what that airplane's made out of birch I I'm legitimate I don't want to touch it I'm afraid of 1943 I'm gonna I'm gonna gently and then not touch any more of that but you can see how many drawings wow pretty much from here one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven rows of file cabinets that's insane we're looking for L Lancer HL okay let's try this one what are the odds a my SR-71 stuff flight report maintenance records come on I see a Lancer book that's good hey that's our tail number 44bh we're we're and look at that here's a folder of Lance hair anything else okay it goes to that to that so ah let's see this is the first time I'm opening this I have no idea what's in here whole Hallelujah so by the way an airplane without this little lock is scrap value with this little log means that it's more or less flyable you can you can at least fly let's see the last log entry all right it says 11 13 6.1 hours aircraft ferried from Paradise Valley to the McMinnville Oregon for delivery to the Evergreen Aviation Museum how cool is that 2003 was the last time it had in in an inspection an annual condition inspection actually I'm still we don't have the air worthiness certificate but if it's got this in it we should be able to at least get one from the FAA pictures oh there it was that's what it looked like right where they uh delivered it exactly the same as it is now which that's a good sign oh yeah look at that exactly what it what it was and a whole write-up about this Sportsman's pilot what year was this spring of 1997. oh my goodness that's the man right there there's a whole article written up about this airplane in 1997 in the Sportsman's pilot we're gonna set that out that is that's pretty cool that is his airplane top speed 260 miles an hour yes yes it is I can attest to that oh come on now that's pictures of him and I assume his wife in Arizona I'm guessing is and they built it oh how cool is that that's under the seat right there that's where the seat is that's the wheel trim and the numbers that we see it goes like that so that's where you sit and your legs come up that's the stick right there wow man this oh there's something on the back yeah right there December 10th 95 Deer Valley I was looking at the build on that airplane and it it looks like a better build than mine was and I thought mine was a really really good build look at that look at that wow sir nothing on the back all right oh hey here we go yeah we got some oh registration [Music] Oh Glory Hallelujah so we got Special Air worthiness certificate oh you have no idea how relieved I am that we found this stuff because this means because of this paperwork I found okay we found the engine log book here like I cannot begin to tell you this just saved me probably six months of paperwork with the FAA just finding this folder in this one particular piece of paper with these log books oh my gosh oh so that means boys and girls we have the paperwork in order that it could fly will fly again now we just have to see if it'll start and we know that it flew here because we have the logbook entries it made a six hour flight and I think this is a picture of it Landing here or at least running when it was here and I assume nothing looks like it's changed that it was parked over there right after this foreign I think this one's Gonna Fly again that is amazing I mean it has we've got the serial number of it can go back and find out what it originally was from Lycoming and then we can surmise by the parts that are put on it what they converted it to this is all the test flights that they did to get the your worthiness certificate this piece of paper they had all these said I have inspected this on this date and we did these lazy eight chandels Loops it did a loop what hold on and then it says barrel rolls aileron rolls can you imagine being the test pilot of some dude's airplane that built in the garage you know like the average is going to go out and do a loop in it no no thanks you have no idea how happy this makes me oh because like for a month because I've been working on this deal with them since January and it's now September and the whole time I was told no log books no keys No anything so you have no idea how how relieved I am that it's got the documents oh this is the hard part honestly the mechanical side of it's not the hard part it's all the paperwork yeah yeah I did all right huh let's go start it holy these are MREs from like the 80s pork patty but that one's gross I remember that I used to eat these as a kid when my dad he was in there's two beef stews here do you think they'll let us open one and eat one do you think you I don't know who I would talk to could I is it possible to talk to somebody to see if they'll let us open one and sure we could figure out something Silas I got lunch tomorrow beef stew stew so in these they would have the little bottles of Tabasco sauce I really missed the chicken a la king that one was my favorite and then they would have a dehydrated Peaches I remember that it was a little square like this it was like a cookie and ate it now the crackers they could build the southern wall with the crackers because those things were hard as a brick they tasted like dirt it was awful we're just going to set that one right there to see if we might have lunch tomorrow that'd be fun now the trick we have the key and it says lancair 360 but does it actually is it the the key right I turned goes in oh yeah the battery is unhooked so I'll just leave that off oh Hallelujah well let's pop the cowl off of that let's do an inspection on the engine and that kind of stuff maybe pull a couple of plugs and I and then check see if it's got gas in and I vote just freaking send it that's what they're talking about this is the rod things the other desiccant spark plugs oh for when it's stored it soaks up the moisture into here we're missing spark plugs do they have them on the bottom yeah it's got plugs on the bottom we're missing four spark plugs not the end of the world oh there's Yellow Jackets right there yeah I got them all gross okay so right here this is a fuel Servo this is called the transducer so fuel comes in here it spins a little thing and tells you how much fuel is flowing through there up to here and then it goes out to there like that come on they're pretty dirty but they're they're there pretty football yeah we're gonna need some plugs but they might work to start it up that is a very good sign those little desiccant spark plugs all right okay let's check in fact the belt right there belt is 10 years old yeah that would be nice to replace that it's nice and tight though prop safety wire got the little wires right here that go to the propeller that control it okay oil let's check the oil and this stem is not safety wired and it's supposed to be okay oh we got oil oh that's rust you see that dark spot right there that I think is rust that's not good I think this is the brakes the brake master cylinder it's got dual what the heck oh weird it's got an electronic ignition on this side and a Magneto on this side oh that's weird I was wondering I saw the little auto advance switch in there that must be for the ignition system that's on this no vacuum that's good this is the oil pump here a remote oil filter somewhere that um I don't see like a regular oil filter but there's this weird contraption I don't know what that is but it goes to the oil I don't know put in the comments do you guys have any idea what this gigantic black block thing is no idea I was expecting to find a remote oil filter unless that's what that is and it's just got like a big thing inside there that's you all yeah look right here that's where that rod goes all the way back through that's what the rod is from back there okay take this little plug out okay got all these beads in there that are desiccant keep everything from or at least keep the moisture we should just do the entire condition inspection right here in the parking lot stick my thumb over it to see if we can get any compression oh listen it's on boat let's hook it back up let's see if the starter works honestly the oil does concern me if I'm honest with you it's really old oil I think it would be okay just to start it up all right batteries on uh engine stuff should turn on there it goes we're looking at the PSI right there and really I'm just curious to know if this thing is gonna turn over so all right let's double check around the prop to make sure we got a clear prop hmm that's close all right here we go the first time in over 10 what did we say since 2003 20 years the first time in 20 years this thing has seen power to that that propeller all right here we go all right clear prop how is that possible we have a dead battery problem yeah there you go 40 PSI already we put some gas in that header tank throw the spark plugs in this thing and send it just in case all right now it's time for this well thought out California gas can thanks because it takes three hands to hold back all the safety levers and then a small trickle of fuel actually comes out gosh there's nothing to see here folks oh yeah and yes I got 100 low lead to have gas do you see any pouring on the ground yet are you serious oh where right here oh crap here to there that's definitely a no bueno let's go in will it change if I turned off that is most unusual that a stainless steel fuel line we'll leak like that fuel here is the problem that fuel line is leaking yep oh yeah all that fuel was inside that sleeve honestly let's just go and see if they have a little piece of dash six went across the street to a place called Precision what is it Precision support services that he's this is one of the main guys and he said yeah Jimmy I know you're doing some sketchy stuff but we found a hose in our old hose bin hey you're welcome to try this is a bad one hopefully this is a good one and I I just gotta admit you know they got some really cool stuff trying to sweet talk them a little bit see if we can't find something interesting to fly because all that helicopters is that mostly what you guys do here is helicopters yeah primarily helicopter utility fire contracts fire because I noticed this has a grabber thing on the bottom what is that so that's a hook that'll hold a long line and a bamboo bucket and drop water on fire a Bandy bucket is that the ones that you see on the videos where they put them in put them in the pool they pull water up and they go drop them on the fire so ground Crews can get closer to it so this is a firefighting helicopter then or what it's used for right now for right now and then we also haul heli skiers for this come on like other Mount Hood or wherever let's come back in we might still be here at that point man okay well sir appreciate it you bet man thank you guys yeah Precision what was it Precision support services that they're at McMinnville airport across the street from the Evergreen Museum you got it got it all right let's go see if we can't start that thing up thanks sir and I definitely did not take off some of the bolts to the oil cooler to get this line to fit okay here we go it's holding okay up up okay let's go see if we have two leaks now it's holding at 21. [Applause] okay we got spark plugs are in leads are tight fuel's in cap is on we've checked our leak it's an acceptable amount of fuel leaking it does have brakes which I would have never thought in a million years it would have still had breaks but it does so that's a good thing we've got oil in it it's just one thing left to do and in case we decide to go flying into the back of the Spruce Goose we're just gonna buckle up yep [Music] the mic thing even works in here really really well and it should because it's PS engineering why would it not all right how many guesses do you think it's gonna be before this thing fires up all right let's guess four I'm gonna go I'm gonna go with three go ahead and put in the comments how many you think hey these pumps on fuel pressure is building and can I get a clearer problem clear Pro foreign I guess when you turn the button on called Ignition it'll start oil pressure 71 it fired and there's lots of smoke coming out bolts are up and charging all right there's a lot of smoke I'll turn it off okay okay [Music] I don't know if that's good smoke or bad smoke that's a lot of smoke though good Lord of Mercy good smoke is whenever the dust that's been building on there for 20 years oh that stinks Burns off of it Nikes well it would have been on the first try except I forgot to turn the ignition switch on there's a little switch for ignition you turn on as soon as I hit that and it went did you hear that that thunk it went conk and then I hit the ignition and tried again it fired right up oh it's a piece of tape I wonder if the exhaust had a plug in it I didn't think to think about that being in a museum happy to plug in it hey we're gonna try again all right we're propped and foreign [Laughter] wow this does not sound healthy all right there's smoke again that is a significant amount of smoke at least the RPMs have kind of stabilized a little bit and at idles at 650 RPM all right the massive amount of smoke disappeared and Silas is not waving at me and crazy so I didn't even notice an RPM drop at all there we go gallons per hour is stuck though I dig it gonna need some work before it flies again I think this one's Gonna Fly though I think we got us a good airplane foreign
Channel: Jimmys World
Views: 561,614
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: P6MO9346IlQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 26sec (2546 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 15 2023
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