MAJOR Issues Found On Our Bonanza F33A... (OUTRAGEOUS Annual Cost Breakdown)

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in summary the total cost for this one single annual was what's going on guys welcome back to Jr Aviation now if you're an astute viewer you would know that one of our planes has not been featured on the channel in a while and that plane is our beloved f33a right here now there's a reason for that on and I are about to hit the skies we'll explain everything in depth it just underwent its first a guess it's second annual let's just say it didn't exactly go as planned it got very nasty and expensive very quickly but it's back now it's back 3 months later about 3 months right a 3month annual it's the biggest Bill we have ever spent on a car plane maintenance item we're going to explain all that in today's video while we go flying for a nice $100 hamburger up north where are we going Yukaya Yukaya California he says you want to go north North or South I'm like you know I've never been to Northern California north of the bay so let's go explore let's pull this bad boy out start it up and hit the [Music] skies there she is pulled out in the sun holy smokes I forgot how good this paint looks look at it glowing it's not like it was washed yesterday or something 's been putting a ton of hours on it during this break-in period oh boy I'll explain it just a second but look at the paint Gus and the whole team over at Master aircraft painting got this plane looking right you all remember that whole Reveal video and the whole restoration overhaul of this plane if you haven't yet seen the build go down on the channel go back right now and watch all those videos the brand new interior by Aviation Creations Ron and crew absolutely crushed it and then of course the show stopper this panel by Advanced Aviation and Reno all the avine units and the dinon glass displays make this f33a an absolute showstopper fireing the hole Yeah Buddy starts right up free ground bana 62 Juliet Romeo R Quebec with whiskey we a Calis departure 62 Juliet Romeo R BR good afternoon Runway 31 right taulu good afternoon through night view little run up guys check how those new mags are doing [Music] [Music] all right so this is my maiden voyage with it after all the work but uh 's been flying a little bit like I said but this is nearly one of the first flights since this plane was ripped apart in a million pieces you should have seen it a month or or two ago no engine in it the firewall all ripped apart um where do we even start we'll start in the sky let's let Owen take off here going Tower ban 62 Juliet Romeo home short through and right ready to go 62 jul Romeo VI Tower right turn CLE take off take and right right turnout to J Romeo PA right gears coming up B new gears sounds good that's another thing that was done all right guys she leaped right off the ground look good so far we're going to take the East Way Around The Bay on the way up to lunch and on the way back is a little treat toward the end of this video we're going to try to go through San Francisco do a little Bay [Music] [Applause] [Music] tour [Music] all right guys we're nice and level now 3500 ft 75% power because we are currently breaking in the airplane engine did not see that one coming yeah if you if you know what that means that means some serious engine work was done and oh boy just started with the simple annual was just hoping for a quick Inn out but it all started when they went to do the compression check three out of our six cylinders were really low so we decided to dig into a little bit and uh what do we find yeah so there's ways to get your compressions up perhaps we could try a couple of our tricks but then again we're like we're probably going to keep this plane forever so why not just invest make it really nice do it right not just try to buy ourselves another year of flying before we then have to mess with the cylinders and another thing happened which really sealed Our Fate and that was while they were screwing around the engine looking at the compressions they they were they were like moving it somehow they like mooved the engine and it like rocked the whole engine frame firewall area all the metal sheet metal that whole tunnel like moved maybe they were like pushing the plane I don't know what made them what what made him find that yeah I don't know I think he just that's something they check after that previous airplane they just shake the engine and sure enough it was kind of Shifting up against the firewall the whole tunnel was moving all that metal they're like guys we have some bad news when they told us that we're like oh shoot we're like what does that mean you just have to like uh what like redo a few rivets like the engine can stay in place and everything they're like no engine has to be removed and we have to re- rivet the entire tunnel firewall area at that point we're like well jeez engine's going to have to be removed instead of just doing a couple tricks to get the compressions up we might as well just basically rebuild the engine while it's off the plane that exposed a massive rabbit hole and we just like Dove right into the hole what did we do to this engine we pull up the list I think I think so it started with removing those three cylinders right we were like okay we'll just replace the cylinders fight the bullet do it right well when they remove the cylinders Deja Vu just like our first Cirrus debacle corrosion on the lifters and cam at that point once you see it once you visually take off a cylinder and see where on the cam it's una a worthy you can't put it back together at that point so just like our first SR20 the whole thing has to be ripped apart and either overhauled or uh like Iran everything has to come apart okay so let's go down this engine Bill we have two different bills the bill for the annual and the bill for the engine disassemble Continental iio 520 BB for Iran inspection remove and replace cam shaft tap itss main bearings and gaskets installed six overhauled cylinders that's every one of them it's a six-cylinder engine for the parts list uh major overhaul gasket set main bearing set bolts and whatever hydraulic tap it intake lift uh intake exhaust bearing starter adapter bushing Magneto Drive okay so just the Iran disassembly and removal of the engine is 5 G so that that's our starting point the six new cylinders well time out the removal and the reinstallation of the engine itself was 5 grand the disassembly was another 5 grand oh yeah yeah yeah we haven't even gotten to the other invoice to start the Iran's 5 grand and then of course we needed the cylinders three were low but three were also in like the 50s and 60s it's like okay at this point on the engine these are the original cylinders and they have about 1,575 hours on them or 1600 so they made it a long way and with Continental cylinders you don't usually get two TBO of 2000 they usually fall short this made it, 1550 I'm pretty happy with that um but at this point we're like okay they were new cylinders so our our friend Nick who did all the work this mechanic he has an engine shop as well he could overhaul the cylinders because they were first run they hadn't been overhauled prior so they had life left in them so he went through replaced all the oh my gosh valve guides and Reed Reed did the Pistons like everything to do with these cylinders are fresh and new and at this point it was really really hard to make a decision whether we just overhaul the entire engine or do this Iran basically do nearly everything an an overhaul would be anyway but it would save us a little bit of time and money this is where we want you guys to comment down below are we stupid for at600 hours on this engine not going through the full overhaul and instead of doing that splitting the case and doing this entire irand with all these new parts and it not being considered an overhaul this the decision of ours will probably be up for debate and a lot would argue it was probably not the best decision to do that we should have just paid the extra money to make it a full overhaul but the problem with that is all these shops are so backed up uh backed up where you send the case to and you send the crank out they take forever to get back so this this 3mon annual if we were overhauling the entire engine would have gotten turned into 5 6 7even 8 months you never know with these parts delays it gets ridiculous when it comes to overhauling an engine so we didn't want to go that route and we hopefully made the right decision but comment down below if uh if 1600 hours we should have just overhauled everything but anyway going down the list major overall gasket set 500 bucks bearing set 700 bucks the hydraulic ta it intake $2300 uh bearing starter adapter bushing Magneto the six exhaust valves 400 bucks a piece $2400 for little Val the cam shaft being overhauled was 800 bucks so total labor $6,800 actually not that bad Nick's a great guy he helps us out he's fair with us but the parts 88,200 bucks so out the door just for the engine work 15,897 bucks that's a lot but a lot was done so I think we got a good deal for what was done if you're an IIA if you own a shop you know comment down below I think I think that was a great deal it would have been probably an extra 15,000 bucks to go through with the full overhaul so we saved ourselves some money for sure but we also saved a lot of time so that was our decision but at this point this engine's probably good to go for another thousand hours if I had to guess this thing's going to go way past TBO especially cuz it's the i520 FB it's the heavier case so that's got plenty of life and Nick when he was going through the engine he's like everything looks really good your lower end your upper end's all brand new so it'll it'll go a long time especially cuz we're going to kind of baby this engine going forward we don't know how the previous owner or owners uh ran this thing obviously will be you know bringing the power back you know we're not going to be running hard the whole flight and just being uh generous with with how we lean our leaning procedures so hopefully that'll extend the longevity of the engine uh in the future going forward I'm really fascinated with oils and engine procedures and leaning and all that stuff so I think from here on out obviously we're going to be really good caretakers of this engine so I wouldn't be surprised if we can get like a thousand extra hours out of it that'd be really cool to get to like 2600 hours before it need to overhaul it maybe 3,000 let's just go as long as we can go before it start starts making metal low compression again or uh catastrophic failure hopefully definitely not that we should be good for a long time on the engine anyway that's just that's just half the bill that's not even half the bill the whole rest of the annual was very expensive as well 28 minutes apparently it's some of the best tacos around ow says we're not going on a $100 hamburger R we're going on a $100 Taco $100 Taco run yeah if you guys have ever been to Yukaya it's been a couple years since I've been but as far as I know she's still there across the street at the supermarket is this lady outside barely speaks any English but Cooks the best dang tacos I've ever had like I said stay tuned for the bay tour at the end of this video okay more expensive Bill the engine builds done now of course that's why we're breaking it in so we have to for about 15 20 hours run mineral oil y uh and then we switch to the normal foil 20 50 Philips with some camard and then we should be smoo down from there but explain what we do on the Breakin for those that don't know yeah so we're staying low so we can achieve 75% power so in this case this airplane with this engine is about 25 squar so 25 in of manifold pressure 2500 RPMs giving us about 75% power then every 10 minutes we'll reduce the power to 65% and continue that process all the way till 15 20 hours okay now for the bigger Bill the rest of the annual so first line item of course annual inspection for f33 that runs about three grand you know different shops have different rates but this shop round three grand that's what it starts at that's what the work is involved to go through the plane and do all the necessary steps for an annual and then what you find from there adds to the annual we were hoping to be in and out for oh 5 grand back in the skies you know 5 10 grand that's probably more than enough to budget uh no not even close remove the engine for repair and installing the engine yeah that's that other part that he was talking about another 5600 bucks so that's to physically get the engine out to be able to access the firewall and then the other 5 grand was to rip the engine apart if that makes sense they said it took even longer than 40 hours but they just buil us for that move and replace the rivets on nose gear tunnel $1,120 so that was that shaking at the engine that we were talking about good thing they found it dang that could have been terrible yeah yeah so maybe next time you're out at your plane give the engine a little Shake see if there's any Play Between the engine itself the mount and the firewall it should obviously be flush but in the case of this one it's very subtle but you can see a little bit of play look out for that they they said they've only seen it in one other Bonanza um typically I guess in higher time airplanes but just be on the lookout for that removed airl left main tire and Tube with new okay so you some Tires R on 140 bucks I I'll skip a few of these items when they're just a small little amount and nothing that important but uh okay removed and replaced all seals for uh master cylinder and bleeding the brake system so our master cylinder was leaking um not a lot but again we just wanted everything perfect so we just said basically blank checkbook do everything that you think it hits that was 560 bucks removed and replace all seals for the right main strut that was starting to leak he noticed yep that was 1,000 bucks It's always important as a pilot like they always say when you go into an annual you should have a list of stuff for the mechanic of squaws you shouldn't not say anything just like see if he finds them like that's the wrong attitude want to go in with a list and then he should add to that list okay the magnetos being overhauled that was, 1500 bucks removed and replace all flap actuator covers with new uh Rigg landing gear system oh boy this was the other big line item it was overextending itself something like that it didn't it didn't stop when it should have so the motor was something was wrong in the motor so he had to replace the motor with a good ready to install one 1,300 bucks and he had to reig the whole system so that it sits flush like the gear doors before were not they were hanging down so he riged everything and he said that took 3 days but again he just charges for 4 hours installed correct hardware for left and right Aeron oh yeah apparently this plane just had like a ton of incorrect Hardware like throughout the whole plane in the engine bay on stuff like that from previous previous previous owners I'm sure they just replaced it with stuff that worked but it's technically not the right stuff removed and replace left AER on aft rod end I guess those rod ends typically go so whatever couple hundred bucks there installed flap rollers correctly I guess they were incorrect replace the right uplock covers and both UPS Springs new tire 416 bucks ouch Tire sponsors please hit us up Good Year Michelin please please please we've had to buy way too many tires yeah just various costs for fluids oil the mineral oil you know 12 ports of that 129 bucks all the kits and seals and all that jazz the pivot bolts for left and right gear yeah anyway those are all the items oh boy you keep track of the money here we go total for parts $2,985 oh it's the labor for everything again 3 months they had it 15,800 69 out the door $ 18, $313 what the heck this is not the citation right what happened what so all together so we're on the same page here out the door to get the keys for this plane to be able to fly today we had a hand over check for $34,200 I mean they said owning an airplane is expensive but that's like some people's salary for the year that's crazy the down payment on a nice car yeah what kind of car you can buy with that kind of money down payment for a Ferrari or airplane servicing ah that would really hurt again guys if this was the 501 I'd be like oh great we're out the door on an annual for 34,000 we're good this is a bonanza which we didn't pay that much more than $34,000 for in the first first place I'm just thinking like the total cost we in this plane right now holy crap that went 0 to 100 real quick the panel the paint the interior this massive annual and our first annual guys let's not forget our first annual back in Texas was that was over 10,000 bucks I think yep so we figured after dropping so much money a year ago that it's not going to be that bad this year Well different set of eyes probably a more thorough set of eyes going through it which we like safety's number one priority so at least future subsequent annuals I can't see much coming up I agree we did everything yeah hopefully going forward uh should be just straightforward do the required items maybe a couple squaws and that's it no more turn in engines or any of that stuff but God so that's why it hasn't been on the channel forever so comment down below what are your thoughts have you ever been in a similar position I already know we're going to have some great comments but please if you have firsthand experience on an unexpected annual bill please we'd love to hear it down below I think it would be insightful for anyone who might want to own an airplane instead of renting they might want to buy one but they don't know the cost associated with it be sure to comment your experience down below of course that's going to be a lot of horror stories in the comments so also share your experience if you own an airplane and it's been nothing but easy annuals you know that's the thing you never truly know uh you got kind of got to expect the unexpected the worst case scenario you got to budget for that just in case cuz it can be really expensive or it can be just $5,000 annuals and nothing comes up your entire ownership down below you will find a GoFundMe link for the next annual on to Jr uh it would be much appreciated if you guys could help us yeah I'm just kidding we knew what we were so getting ourselves into we would never ask you guys for money you guys watching the videos is enough we get to do our Dream every single day you guys are literally the best the channel has been exploding lately absolutely crushing it on the views the subscriber count we just crossed over 100,000 subscribers so thank you so much we greatly appreciate it and we will happily go through the pain of annuals and all the upkeep on all these planes so that we can provide you guys with some of the best content out there 13 minutes out 13 minutes out is this like a what kind of airport is it it's a just small uncontrolled um Airfield um actually funny enough the there's a guy up here he's the Big Res Skinner around here so I'm always taking up aons up here so he can reskin them other than that not not much going on calfire I think has some airplanes here and that's about it all right let's get this landing on video Bonanza 62 jul Romeo Midfield left down [Music] 15 caution terrain caution [Music] terrain pull up terrain 1 that's cool that's all built in all right he's clear over there n a two Julet Romeo short final5 500 400 300 right gears down three green 200 [Music] 100 go get some tacos huh [Music] boom that watching the sun oh yeah baby for the air King compliments of my best friends over here yep got that for his birthday and just a way to celebrate all these successful plane deals okay let's get the tacos oh man we are feasting oh and you were not kidding look at the size of that carada elor boil caras with chips and salsa ver we are feasting let's go airplane's literally parked right over there so if you ever come here short walk come to the uh come to the Taco Lady he's a fire well how they taste let's see yep all right just like your remembers there she is and there's self serve over there so home little taxi over love the way this thing sounds just idling by sounds cammed tell me this thing doesn't sound meaty taxing by oh yeah banza 62 Juliet Romeo coming up on Marin for a be33 slant golf descending out 300 like do a quick pay tour then proceed down the Bay Shore to Reed Hill be please number 62 jul Romeo approach 0352 0352 ready all right here we go guys San Francisco Dead Ahead 6 Rome contact 5 mil Norwest s v and the 31 remain north and west of the babers on your tour right position checks Northwest the bridge to J thank you okay that's where that glass comes in handy great situational awareness got all of our maps all of our engine monitors I mean we are redundancy here so uh this is going to make going through this insanely hectic airspace a little easier we could just see one little part of the bridge there we go one single piece heck yeah alcatra us this is sick never gets old man we're going 193 mph true right now we are ripping the heck is all that Treasure Island they're doing some developing now yeah that'll be expensive you got a nice City View November 2 jul Romeo traffic 12:00 2 miles Northwest altitude indicates 700 looking to jul probably helicopter or something traffic is literally going 5 miles [Music] hour [Music] millions and millions of millions of people literally speaking of hectic airspace and crazy tour so yeah he he went over Taylor Swift because there's no TFR yeah a little tricky cuz Levi Stadium is right under the San Jose departure Corridor it's in the Charlie but it the departures go right over so they had to work me in between some departures and other that super cool um front row seats you know obviously we were at a safe altitude it was amazing experience that video went viral on his Pages for good reason now comes the other hectic yeah here we go now the really starts number two jul Romeo traffic 1:00 1 mile northes 1,300 you have traffic sight a affirmative helicopter to Rome jul Romeo we're already to head back like follow to 101 row 2000 West South 101 clear Out Below 2,000 south and west of the freeway to jul Romeo bananza 62 jul Romeo 1,600 cross traing position3 Rome Tower Al 3 one down you got one two three four more to go five if you're the next cool you guys right over he'll get you to the gate left out the left oh yeah New Zealand left km Air France British Airways whole Squad oh my gosh Stan Carlos next yes sir can I do it oh yeah St Carlos Tower November 62 Juliet Romeo 1,500 ban 62 Juliet Romeo St Carlos Tower fly the 101 for your transition altimeter 2 Niner ner ner the 101 29 just read it back that's all they want to hear off Tower Bonanza 62 Juliet Romeo 1,500 very nice 62 Romeo correction 62 Juliet Romeo MAF Tower MAF alimer 2 niner niner 8 maintain outter below 1,500 south of the 101 Niner 8 outter below 1,500 south of 101 62 juli Romeo nice man all right that was a lot it is a lot Tower Bonanza 62 juliot Romeo 1,400 the 62 jul Romeo 2 N N8 cross Midfield 1,500 9 or8 cross San Jose Midfield 1,500 two Julia Romeo Tower banan 62 Julia Romeo full stop 1,500 ft with Zulu per 62 Juliet Romeo re towerer the left downwind Runway 31 left left downwind for 31 left 62 Juliet Romeo nice don't forget after the after your initial call you can abbreviate it to two Juliet Rome yeah all right we'll give it a c performance but we're getting we're making progress guys practice makes perfect Juliet Romeo Runway 31 left clear to land 31 left cleared the land to Juliet Romeo good job all right we're good the land 31 left okay gear coming down soon here we go gear speed's 154 but I like to get it just no reason to put all that stress on it yeah definely way down three green same with the flaps yep got three in the green up coyota crl course at 3,500 inbound for landing with information Z ass 67 9 or6 Hotel [Music] beautiful and there you have it back where we started 62 Jr tucked in the tea hanger here wow that was a fun day what do you guys think comment Down Below on our maintenance nightmare of an annual it is what it is I'm glad we just went with the open checkbook doing everything right rout we could have easily cut corners but we didn't but comment down below what you would have done if you were faced with our same situation hope you guys enjoyed this one subscribe if you're new like for more content coming soon and we will look forward to seeing you guys next video see you it feels [Music] right
Channel: JR Aviation
Views: 175,942
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: costs of owning a plane, cost of owning a jet, plane costs, how much to own a plane, buying a cheap plane, cheap bonanza, f33a, beechcraft bonanza, f33, plane ownership, cost of owning, buying a plane, best piston plane, jr aviation, jr garage, cessna citation, annual inspection plane, fly with owen
Id: R1Oy4EzQZ0g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 23sec (1643 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 25 2023
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