How Do I Afford All My Planes? Secret Revealed

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hello my name is jimmy this is jimmy's world welcome to my world today we are going to get rid of the ugly color that's on that that faded purpley brown maroon color i don't know we're still trying to figure out what to call that color and it's going to be all purdy now we got our man jimmy back like jimmy squared he put a line down here and said i'm not allowed to cross under penalty of death he knows me and well enough to know that he wants to get something done don't let me around him that's fair what we're going to do is i've got the camera going up there so we can see the magic happening and then while he's doing that i am going to answer some of your most asked questions let's do this [Music] now time to answer some of your most asked questions shoplifetv says this is why i love youtube never thought i would be watching a will it run video on an abandoned airplane great video jimmy yeah me neither i never planned any of this stuff as not surprising to you watching this i don't plan a lot of things we just kind of jump into it and take it as it comes and try to make decisions on the fly come along for the journey we're gonna see where this train goes alan crossley asks i'm keen to know what you do and or did for a living before you took up aeronautical engineering can you share that with us well alan thanks for the question i get this one all the time how in the world are you playing around with all these crazy expensive airplanes and affording these ludicrously expensive parts well i am an entrepreneur and the last business that i own i sold it a couple years ago super thankful i made a little bit of money was able to take some time and have a full-blown midlife crisis highly recommend that to everyone since posting that first video of the cherokee six right here i have been doing youtube this question comes from edmcwv i would like to see you do a restoration project with a group of veterans a project like this could help vets deal with ptsd there is a lot of talent and skill going to waste out there matter of fact you are correct i think everybody in the video that you've seen so far is either in the military a veteran or something of that nature myself i am in the air national guard currently the mechanic phil dr phil he was also in the air force grizzly who you've seen in some of the background of those videos he was in the army yeah most everybody that i i have in here has an affiliation with the military in some form or fashion you'll also see that in a lot of my videos i wear a navy seals foundation shirt quick shout out to them go support them great organization they take care of the families of the navy seals that died while in action highly recommend you support them check them out major question that i get asked especially on the other airplane is you can't put a wrap on an airplane it's not a faa approved process and there's no pma and no tso and no whatever other acronym you can come up with look on the back of your frontier air lines on the tail section you got all those designs on a lot of the the other airplanes with the big wraps all over them with like whales and pandas and whatever else they put on there that's not painted on that's a vinyl wrap how much does it cost uh if you're getting the easy stuff done for me it's anywhere from 1500 on up so the more material it uses the longer it takes the more expensive it is that's just the way it is with all this stuff this stuff is right around i think it's right at two thousand nineteen hundred bucks something like that no he doesn't give me a discount you gonna give me a discount yet jimmy we're on camera she's shaking her head she's like heck no ain't giving you no discount this thing is coming together that makes this plane look so much better blue and silver you forget that it had that ugly purpley maroony whatever faded color that is and now it looks like that you can watch him work in his natural habitat [Music] east texans says jimmy jimmy would be really interested if you would share your plan with your viewing audience i have no clue as to what you are trying to accomplish other than put some old airplanes back in the air at a cost of considerable time and money greater than what they would be worth so what's going on what's the plan we're making this up as we go along i get contacted somebody says hey there's this cool airplane it's been sitting for a while do you want to buy it i'm like sure why not what could possibly go wrong and then i go buy it and then we try to see what we can do with it get it back in the air the goal is to get them back in the air i've only found one airplane there and there i think there's going to be a second one coming up in a very close future video that have not been able to be saved and that's mostly because the airplane itself is just so rotted with either corrosion i mean it's all been corrosion there is no option for it to go back in the air it's not mechanical at that point my goal is to put as many airplanes back in the air as possible find them new homes of loving caring owners that will fly them that will keep aviation alive and thriving that is my goal gilbert franklin says this video would have been 14 times better if jimmy had washed and polished the planes before they were so crudely dissected many of his loyal subs kept telling him that but he has let success spoil his otherwise logical demeanor boy once they get over a hundred thousand subs they ignore their fan base entirely what was this guy's name again ah i forget the question so why didn't i clean those airplanes before taking them apart great question gilbert the reason i have not cleaned those airplanes even till today is because that's a huge task and honestly before i took them apart to check everything to see if they were going to be saved and go back in the air or if they were going to be sent out and just sold for parts frankly i didn't want to spend that much time energy and effort going through cleaning polishing all that stuff on an airplane that's just going to end up being for parts however yes the 310 will go flying again we are moving forward with that the aztec yes is going to be flying again we're moving forward with that project we are working on getting the wings getting everything put back together so that they can be up on their own wheels we can roll them out and then wash and polish the snot at them to make them look great oh that reminds me i got a silver play button thing from face tube ironically the letter actually said congratulations on reaching a million subscribers so yeah i'm not there not yet but we will be sfw dalmont said commercial amp here this is definitely my new favorite channel that 310 looks like an absolute basket case terrible idea for sure yes it is which is exactly why you should do it yes it is this is the kind of wild ride you should sell tickets to i'll be waiting for the save the 310 t-shirts to hit the market so we can help fund this bankruptcy in progress that's right i've got this clear prop t-shirt on we've also created a hashtag save the 310 merchandise hoodies shirts and whatever else they would let me put on there so buy lots of that stuff it helps fund all these projects i will make it very clear about 100 of all the money that goes through the gofundme on the 310 100 of that is gonna go into the 310 i am not going to take a profit off of that airplane it's no longer mine it's now your airplane i just get to spend everybody's money which is kind of fun and put this airplane back together now i'm already into that airplane for 20 to 30 thousand dollars at this point it is a worthy cause so go to that donate any whatever amount it doesn't matter and we'll send you a free save to 310 stickers so you can show other people you support this insane project [Music] bam in a matter of hours not days weeks or months she is transformed look at that now it finally looks like a beach craft yeah that is fantastic nice crisp lines the blue and silver playing off each other there love it covered up our faded purple on top shoot man this is a good looking airplane now just in time for me to sell it because we got the other one almost done yeah this one is going up for sale if you're curious about if you're serious hit me uh email we'll talk that is fantastic all this under the wing too bada bing bada boom it's ready to fly ready to wash wax whatever you want to do to it it's done you're not going to want to miss the christmas special that will be coming out on december 26th that's the sunday after christmas it is a huge leap forward on my journey to a jet we're getting a lot faster oh yeah if you haven't already subscribe so you're not going to want to miss any of those details it's gonna be awesome
Channel: Jimmys World
Views: 482,328
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how do i afford all my planes, airplane, jimmys world, Jimmy's World, Jimmy's World airplane, aviation, how do I afford, All my planes
Id: E1TsTRAycKc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 6sec (666 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 21 2021
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