fly with me from New Mexico to Kansas | tiny airplane, big adventure! day 3

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[Music] oh I've been trying to be what you want me to give me something I can sing along to all [Music] today we are flying from Albuquerque to hopefully witto we're going to make two stops along the way in Dart Texas I think and Liberal Kansas again just like last year so it's going to be a longer day of flying it's going to be hot it might get windy and hopefully we will avoid any weather that comes along we're all pre-lighted see belts on ready to go let's do our checklist and get going seat belts are on fuel selector is on both set take off all of our switches are off except for Beacon and our circuit breakers are in so we'll turn our keys on both primer in unlocked mixture is coming full rich and then just a little bit out car heat's off all of our other switches are off clear oil pressure is coming up our oil temperature is fine Albuquerque International Airport HS information Bravo 1152 1 2 4 0 at4 visibility 1 0 18,000 C checkity altitude okay let's call clearance how the cookie clearance uh ban I'm sorry s 9477 alpha s Niner 477 Alpha Albuquerque CL good morning good morning we are at cutter with information Bravo looking to go VFR to dhart Delta hotel Tango at 9,500 and we are type Cessna 140 November 77 Alpha what would you like your initial encour heading to be about a 070 we'd like to go through the pass SP stand by I knew it was bound to happen at some point I miss the Bonanza SES 77 Alpha departure 12 3.9 or squawk 0434 departure 23. Niner squawk 0434 9477 Alpha T 77 Alpha readback is correct take care thanks Al the cooky ground SES 9477 Alpha cutter with information Bravo ready for taxi November 9477 Alpha Runway 8 taxi via echo1 Runway 8 via echo1 9477 [Music] Alp let's do our run up the flight controls and 1,700 on the throttle mag check drop good drop carb heat that looks good to me think we're all good go get out of here Albuquerque Tower s 9er 477 Alpha holding short Runway eight ready for departure 9477 Alpha Albuquerque Tower win 2703 Runway 8 C takeoff proed on course Runway eight clear for takeoff proceed on course 9477 Alpha final is clear Runway is clear up is clear lights are on mixture is leaned out enough we're going to let it have quite a bit of time on the ground before we lift off here all night all night all night [Music] long going to let it fly off when it wants to there's 47 there we go perfect oil Pap good 77 Alpha you GNA go through the P he 7 Alp all right we're off on day three of our long flight to Oshkosh 77 Alpha contact departure over to departure 77 Alpha have a good day Albuquerque departure SES 9477 Alpha 6000 climbing 9,500 no 9er 477 Al departure contact proceed on course altitude your discretion good morning man on course altitude my discretion good morning 947 7 alha so we're basically direct to dhart we have to go through this pass but I mean even through the pass like if you put in direct it's basically the same thing so not too complicated today Bo still 5 mik radar service terminated squawk V Pro good day your way back pd5 a traffic One Mile West of the runway Northbound has a helicopter 5,800 P5 we'll start looking for the helicopter P5 the helicopter is going into Heart Hospital right now currently 2 mes south of big guy currently 5,900 and P5 previous driving no Factor they reporting Landing assure there 5,000 m departure good morning princess 5 climing 7, 54 Papa departure radar contact proed on course out to your discre course 5 to the sou 321 contact A Center 12 4.32 2432 information Charlie 3024 we are through the pass and we're going to go ahead and go direct to Dart it might get a little windy there but it looked like it would be pretty much down the runway they have two Runway options I think so November 77 Alp for contact aloc center 1 32.8 good day 1 32.8 9477 Alpha you to thank you Alpa cookie Center good morning s 9477 Alpha 8,600 climbing 9,5 77 3037 are you aware High 337 airm 9477 Alpha this leg will be about 2 and 1 half hours so it's the longest one of the day then Dart to Liberal is only like an hour and change and then I think it's like 2 hours to which talk from there we're almost to 9,500 we're at 9,000 right now it didn't take us as long to climb to 9,500 because we were already at 5,500 so and there's 9,500 oil pressure temperature looking good outside air temperature of 70° 2 hours to go there's a car just blasting down this road down here and it's a dirt road so it's leaving this really cool dirt Trail all the way along 1688 passing 138 climbing to flight level 20 0 1688 Al Center Roger mainev 280 climb to 28088 18 Lev 1890 offer somewhere along the way I am going to have to stop and get my nails done because I didn't do it before I left so have to figure that out I don't think there's any flying nail salons unfortunately Albuquerque Southwest 30 55 flat level 410 Southwest 3055 Al Center Roger Frontier flag 271 contact Al Center 12432 12432 Frontier flag 271 good day yeah American 2649 contact off cookie Center 13232 32 32 American 2649 Delta 1688 contact Albuquerque Center 13305 3305 1688 the ground is like red down there all of a sudden very cool American 1890 contact off center 12432 32 American 189 9477 Alpha last 3032 3032 9477 Alpha so our intended airport is between marginal and IFR right now it keeps wavering in between so we've got a couple other options where we can stop so we might be switching it up and going somewhere [Applause] else call center 5327 uniform with question sir 534 uh 27 uniform good yes sir um just be clear you want me to intersect Victor 234 on this heading and then go ruins is that what you're looking for ruins then pick up Victor 234 to Al oh got it now November 77 Alpha contact Al Center 127.85 127.85 9477 AL Alpha cque Center good morning s 9477 Alpha 9,500 number 9477 Alpha Albuquerque Center Roger the Amal altimer 37 37 9477 Alpha Al Center good americ 377 I'm 377 Al how are your rides up higher I've had no recent reports uh it's 264 28 and I'm not working the High Altitude but I can call and see if there's a specific altitude that you have you want to know about I can call yeah but maybe 3 3 see how that is 9 477 Alpha we're going to be changing our destination to Delta uniform x-ray 477 Alpha I will show Dum as your new destination is that just for the weather hey 77 Alpha boy oh boy it is humid down here 53 golf box to maintain 1 1,000 11,000 am 3 9 3 9 and maintain 11,3 Ral aircraft hazardous weather information convected sigment 02 Central thunderstorms in Kansas Nebraska and Colorado is stre Sky 5221 CL 280 approach 9477 Alpha we're going to make a couple 360s to get underneath this clad here 9477 Alp Roger thank you 37f Char maintain 7,000 down 7,000 94 77 Alpha what were were you able to get under the cloud layer there Heir 77 Alpha thank you 194 Lima Hotel Center go for Li hotel motel not sure how it looks where you're at but about 20 mil in front of you an aircraft descending bfr into Dumis they did head to a couple 360s to get down below the cloud layers let me know if you need to do something semar yeah I see uh set up in front of me I might actually just start my descent now and get underneath it 9477 Alpha VFR traffic in trail of you there your 6:00 8 miles is a twin otter they're at 4,500 and they've got about 70 knots of speed on you there 77 looking so humid well we're 10 miles out 7 minutes out should be on the ground soon Tes 77 Out Center 77 alha that twin otter coming up coming up behind you on the right side and targets are going to appear likely to emerge you're at the same altitude would you be able to make just a left 360 to let them run by you cuz otherwise they're going to they're going to come right up behind you absolutely 77 Alpha so yeah you make a left 360 for the traffic please 360 7 alha for Motel that traffic is going to make a left hand 360 that should bring them right around the north side you Hotel Roger keep looking 77p has the T OT sight we'll follow them inbound 9477 Alpha I do appreciate the help thank you very much no problem 9477 Alpha your radar service is terminated thanks again for all the help and change advisor change advisory 77 Alpha have a good day Dumas more County Airport automated weather observations 5 3 2 Zulu weather wind 3 2 0 altimeter 3 0 1 0 remarks density altitude 5,600 194 Li is in the left downwind for 32 Dumis Dumis traffics s 9477 Alpha 5 miles west inbound left downwind 32 Dumis Dumas Dumis I always get roasted for pronouncing these names wrong d traic t N4 Li hotel is turning base for 32 D do traic N4 Li Hotel t on Final for 32 M Traffic s 9477 Alpha left down 1 32 I'm just going to say it different every time then you can all be mad at me Waton doas traffic s 9477 Alpa turning left base 3 to [Music] do Dumis traffic s 77 Alpha turning final 32 Dumis until the chorus hit I want to dream the dreams of a child no ride this a tiny little Runway I want to know what no one sees how life moves and why life oh before the [Applause] [Music] [Music] sky okay all of our switches are off except for Beacon fuel is on on both we have full tanks circuit Brecker all in switches are off except for Beacon a master's off keys are on both mixtures Rich car Pat's off and let's start it clear deas more County Airport automated weather observation 1 6 3 4 Zulu weather wind frequency in which is going to be 127.85 cool and we've got the Unicom in and we're going to squa VFR and I think our plan is going to be to take off Back Taxi 32 and take off two that sounds good we're leaving more County Airport and we are going to head to Liberal Kansas it should only take us an hour to get there we'll take off on one actually that sounds like a good plan this is a nice little airport the airport manager was super super nice he helped me get fuel and their little FBO building is actually pretty nice they've got good air conditioning in there and there's a restaurant on the field I'm obviously not going but there is a restaurant on the field apparently it has really good barbecue and I don't know what the restaurant is called because the building just said restaurant so but apparently it's pretty good so maybe next time let's do our runup anyone else in the pattern no D traffic SES 9477 Alpha departing rway 1 will be a right [Music] [Applause] [Music] turnout I want to know when no one sees how I moving while I believe for the [Applause] skyall okay not too bad de traffic s94 77 Alpha turning right crosswind Runway one departing the area to the Northeast to Albuquerque Center s 9477 Alpha VFR request I can't pick them up yet last taken SES Niner 477 Alpha VF fire request number Niner 477 [Applause] alpha33 1533 9477 Alpha number 9477 Alpha ID number 9477 Alpha radar contact 5 miles Northeast of dumus airport uh can you say a type aircraft and destination please type aircraft is sesma 140 and destination is Liberal Kansas Lima Bravo Lima number 9477 Alpha Roger and the dumus altimer 3011 3011 77 Alpha cool there's 5,500 just about oh my goodness this weather is not fun I watched this YouTuber named Michelle Reed and she she lives in Texas and what she was talking about the Texas humidity on this trip that she went on lately and like her camera would just fog up like she couldn't use her phone camera cuz it would just immediately fog and I didn't know what she meant but I think I know now because this is so bad so many cows wow number 9477 Alpha as you continue to the Northeast my radio coverage of that area is going to deterior rate your next frequency will be Kansas City Center on 134.0 in about 30 miles 134.0 and about 30 miles 9477 Alpha thank you cool so many like crop circles out here it's so cool keeps it interesting I like flying over like the agricultural land in the US I think it's really cool to see like all the farms and stuff and it's just massive like the scale of this stuff is wild albuqu number one2 echp at 254 descending 240 number one2 Echo a week from today is Wednesday of Oshkosh which is definitely the busiest day of Oshkosh for me and for most people I think Wednesday is the day that I'm having my Garmin meet and greet so that will be super fun it was so fun last year I got to meet so many of you which was so fun should be number one2 Echo Papa Adis me have the current leather to more County Airport we have the uh Dumas weather for one Z to pop and we'll make a visual Runway one I've heard Dumas Dumis Duma pronounced so many different ways in the past 20 minutes and I know people are going to come for me for saying it wrong but you know what when you're you're diverting to an airport because of weather you don't really have time to look up the pronunciation of how you say that airport so come me some slack okay let a girl live it's fine I'm really hoping we make it to witcha tonight I actually really like Witchita Witchita is where my Cessna was produced actually in 1949 in the factory the first entry is in Witchita and it's also where my Bonanza was produced so kind of a cool place to go November 9477 Alpha contact Kansas City Center 134.0 134.0 9477 Alpha have a good day Kansas City Center CES 9477 Alpha 5,700 let's see what the weather is at liberal on our 375 weather few clouds at 2,600 perfect so this is like the first major trip I'm doing in this plane with the new panel with the new paint job with the new interior and it's just awesome it's so comfortable and I mean I know it's only me in here and I'm you know 5'4 so I'm really short but like it's so comfy and I have so much leg room and it's just it's so easy to hand fly honestly having a really good time Center cesna 9477 Alpha Radio check SES 9477 Alpha Havey Love Got You L clear just checking in 5,700 77 Alpha Roger liberal Al 37 0777 Alpha we have 22 minutes and 36 31 seconds to go we're at 5,700 and it's looking pretty clear out here it looks pretty good liberal municipal airport automated weather observation 1 7 3 4 Zulu wind 0 Niner zero at 1 0 visibility 1 Zer Sky condition clear like we're going to land on Runway 4 we'll over five the field andent our left downward Runway four that's the plan approach Tes 9477 Alpha has liberal insight and we have the weather 77 Alpha Roger uh Radar Service terminated squat VFR change advisor frequencies approved they should have a Sky Web so we'll be departing shortly crj um I think they the release 's at 50 um be advised VFR and we'll watch out for Sky West 9477 Alpha have a good day always run into Sky West Somewhere all right we'll start our descent here now liberal traffic SES Niner 477 alpha 8 miles to the Southwest will'll be overflying the field for left traffic Runway 4 liberal cool if I can get the plane to go down Lial traffic Sky West 5055 is holding short of Runway 35 Lial traffic s 9477 Alpha about a mil Southwest of the field will'll be overflying for left traffic Runway four we should be out of your way liberal copy that than and liberal traffic Sky West 5055 is taking Runway 35 liberal traffic is that CV it is huge fan thank you where you going OSH Goos oh lucky traffic s 9477 Alpha overflying Midfield 4,200 for left traffic Runway 4 liberal hey Ste this is Sky West my first officer here uh she's too B to tell you but she follows you on Instagram oh no way hi hey liberal traffic s 904 77 Alpha turning left down Runway four [Music] Liberal Liberal traffic s 904 77 Alpha turning left base Runway 4 liberal you guys have a safe flight thanks Stevie have a great day Lial traffic Sky West 5055 is turning out to the Northwest departing the area Liberal Liberal traffic sesa 904 77 Alpha turning final Runway 4 liberal thinking that you feel it too I feel alive when I'm looking in your eyes yeah you give me butterflies I only say it cuz it's true yeah I'm floating around got me lifted off the ground with this new joy that I found and I always feel this way when I will liberal traffic 9477 Alpha clear of Runway 4 liberal giving you all my days one more turns know a lot hey how's it [Music] going fast that's what fun we do been a year and a Tennessee looks good on you we're heading back out to the plane at liberal got some more oil and we're gonna head to Jabara in Witchita and stay there for the [Music] [Applause] night headed to deara and Witchita which is alpha alpha Oscar set our fuels on boat where did I put the keys right here keys on both car off C liberal municipal airport automated weather observation 1 Niner 1 2 Zulu wind 0 7 0 at 0 Niner Peak G 15 visibility 1 0 Sky condition clear we're going to take Runway four for sure we're going to have a long taxi it'll be fun super super super duper fun and we're going to put in our departure frequency will be Kansas City Center on 134.0 that was a nice stop I got to meet a lot of people I met Jeff and his dad who are flying their RV to Oshkosh I met Alex who flies a beach jet the front desk lady was super nice I met this guy in a cub whose name I am blinking on unfortunately but and then of course I had the people who said hi on the radio so it was super cool my glove box latch decided it was giving up and it broke in half so I just taped it up for now we're going to get a new latch piece it was super old we didn't replace it when we did anything so going nice and slow we should just drive all the way to Witchita at this point such a long taxi you guys having fun on our super long taxi yet no I'm having the time of my life oh my goodness we're almost there like [Music] controls liberal traffic Su 9477 Alpha departing Runway 4 for an eastbound departure liberal we're going to have a cross one from the right roll under the runway put in our right crosswing [Music] correction I feel alive when I'm looking in your [Music] eyes got me lifted out the ground with this new dra that I found and I always feel this way when Lial traffic s 9477 Alpha turning right cross Runway 4 departing the area to the east liberal awesome on course we go Kansas City Center assessment 9477 Alpha vfi request 77 Alpha Stand [Music] By and the aircraft calling for flight following on 34 SE CES 9477 Alpha 10 m east of liberal type cesna 140 looking for flight following to alpha alpha Oscar Jabara 9447 alpha kids pleas Roger qu 1705 705 9477 Alpha number 9447 Alpha affirmative radar contact mil East Lial airport 5,500 say type aircraft Destination type aircraft is cesna 140 destination is Jabara alpha alpha Oscar force7 Alpha Roger maintain VFR the liberal 35 not too bumpy out I mean there's some updrafts down drafts but it's not like it was that first day coming into Falcon Field does it's 75 in here but it feels pretty cool so that's good November 47 Alpha Center 9477 Alpha 47 Alpha I'm getting ready to lose you on this frequency so I'm going to give you a couple frequencies here the first one in about 20 20 minutes is 118 35 1835 in 20 minutes um but either way change over to my frequency now 1269 or 5 22695 I'm not sure you're going to be able to hear me on that one but that's going to be our best shot okay we'll try 269 2695 and then if that doesn't work in 20 minutes 1835 9477 output less than 2 hours to go in a few minutes we're going to call the frequency at Kansas City Center told us to call 20 minutes ago it's been 20 minutes so we're going to give them a call cuz I cannot hear Kansas City anymore Kansas City Center CES 9477 Alpha 4,300 sou 578 Kansas City Center tomain 230 Kansas City Center CES 9477 Alpha Radio check 9447 Alpha I got your loud and clear help me 9477 Alpha loud clear we're at 4,400 just checking in thank you Center 77 Alpha could I get the next frequency in case I lose you guys I had a little bit of trouble contacting you about 20 minutes ago yeah November 77 Alp here pretty low for our transmitter the next one's going to be wi toop approach 26.7 here in about uh oh 20 M or so okay 26.7 and 20 mi if they don't hear from you 9477 Alpha thank you I can't wait to clean this thing off it's so dirty Central aircraft convector sigment 22 centr until 2255 Zoo for Nebraska Colorado New Mexico Wyoming and back to Sigma 26 Central for Nebraska fight 47 Alpha contact wood shop apprach 26.7 26.7 9477 Alpha have a good day see wi approach s 9 477 Alpha 4,300 ner 447 Alpha approach 2 Niner ner ner 2 Niner ner ner and it's 9477 Alpha I'm sorry 9447 oh my God I'm so bummed about my um glove box latch it just broke right off it was pretty old though so all good we'll get a new one number 47 Alpha maintained VFR at are above 3,500 pfr at are above 3,577 Alpha 30 minutes to go we're going to have a fun landing at Taro it's 020 at 12 gusting 26 and we're going to land on 36 so not much of a crosswind but Gusty so it'll be interesting November 4th 7 Alpha turn 10° right 10° right 947 7 Alpha automated weather observation 2 13 1 Zulu and 0 60 at 1 1 temperature 28 point 23 47 alping 1 1 0 1 1 0 9477 Alpha number 47 Alpha contact which approach 13485 sorry that was stepped on can you say again for 77 Alpha number 47 Alpha contact approach 13 4.85 13 4.85 and it's 9477 Alpha which to approach Su Niner 477 Alpha 3,700 heading 110 and we have the weather at jaar 9447 Alp 47 Alpha maintain 3,500 3,500 and it's 9477 Alpha not 47 Alpha 77 Alpha I apologize Madam set a 77 Alpha turn left heading a 050 left heading 050 9477 Alpha set 77 Alpha altitud is your discretion altitude my discretion 9477 Alpha November 77 Alpha are you familiar with the Jabara Beach meon configuration negative 77 Alpha okay Roger 77 Alpha at 12:00 on four miles McConnell Air Force Base at your 11:00 and ner miles is Beach Airport at your 10:00 and 1 2 miles at Jabar airport 77 Alpha approach test of 77 Alpha should I expect to go through above or around the section of McConnell's Delta that goes up to 3,900 s Alpha stay with me you're going to be vectored through McConnell's class out the airspace 77 Alpha thank you you're welcome number 77 Alpha turn left heading a 030 left heading 03 0 9477 Alpha approach 77 Alpha just to confirm I can descend into the Delta without bus in the air space because I'm talking to you 7 yes ma'am your transition to the mccon class Delta and the beach class Delta are approved 77 Alpha thank you thanks for checking okay so at the 77 Alpha the Beach Airport 12:00 5 miles Jabar airport 11:00 8 Miles inside 77 Alpha 77 Alpha Roger remain west of the Beach airport at all times transition to the west side of the class Delta is approved remain west of the Beach airport at all times and transission to the Delta is approved 9 for 77 Alpha set the 77 Alpha squawk VFR FR change is approved have a nice day man' squawk VFR PR change approve 9477 Alpha thank you for the help okay [Music] coolar traffic sment Niner 477 Alpha 5 mil South we'll be maneuvering for a left down and Runway 36 Jabar talk about complicated Jabar traffic 9477 Alpha 3 mil to the South maneuvering for a left down one Runway 36 tomorrow really just me out here no friends nobody nobody at all all right we got our mixture [Music] in traffic cesna 77 Alpha left down one 3 six Jabara can always go [Music] around jaar traffic SES 77 Alpha left base 36 [Applause] Jabar jar traffic Baron 7 Delta papa is at the ramp Tex c36 okay we'll do 10° flaps bar traffic SES 77 Alpha turning final 36 [Music] [Applause] [Music] Jabara we will pick up our flying Adventure tomorrow and head to who knows where I haven't figured out where our next stop is going to be so stay tuned and and I hope you enjoyed this very humid day with me transitioning from Southwest flying to the Midwest and I'll see you guys [Music] tomorrow toar traffic s of 77 Alpha clear of all [Music] [Applause] [Music] runways hey how you doing today good how are you all right good job y'all [Music] yes
Channel: Stevie Triesenberg
Views: 692,100
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: FSi7rlAaNFk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 26sec (2186 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 15 2023
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