21 Years In A Museum Will It Start?

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this is a glass a sh and he converted to a retractable gear it started out life with fixed wheels and he decided just to chop some holes in it and make the gears fold up on purpose this little drool right here is powered by a 215 horsepower 4 cylinder and it'll do over 230 M hour is what I'm told and I bought it from the Evergreen air and space museum right here in McMinville Oregon they've got the Spruce Goose behind there they've got an SR71 they're making room for the f-17 stealth fighter so they're uh getting rid of a couple of these not quite so interesting airplanes and I bought this one this is the first time I'm seeing it actually other than just in a quick video and a walk around so I'm I don't even know what I bought let me let me draw you a secret my plan is to take the engine out of this because it's a lot more powerful and put it in my Lance a actually the new one that I just got from them as well that one right there so I'm a plan I'm thinking it might work if I can take that engine stick it in this airplane and make this one my new world's fastest 4cylinder because we ran into some issues with my personal one that I have so I'm uh moving that one out and that one's coming in hot dog yeah like I said this is a glass airs experimental as you can read right there November 36 Alpha Tango flag is pointed in the direct Direction because we never Retreat that's why the uh stars are on this side Stripes go that way cuz we're advancing it's unlocked I don't know if that's good or bad those are the same kitchen cabinet hinges I have in my house built uh sometime in the early 80s that's where the key would go to start it that's a bummer it doesn't have switches something something gear glassier RG h2r Frank Sigler was the guy who donated this landing gear fuel mixture oh there pedo heat okay nothing much going on back here these little weird curtain rod things or coat hangers are the pins for the front cow that hold the two clamshells the top and bottom together there's hoses that are open that are not connected to anything that's ooh we have a secret door we've got some sort of pump I'm assuming like a hydraulic pump probably and then we got that not sure what that is it does have a parking brake though right here hey look who showed up hey it's everybody's favorite teenager syus so uh what do you think what do you think of this one it's nice yeah bu scripts okay tool so I found it's missing stuff I'm still just looking for the keys ow hope they haven't in here say oh that's that's not good we got lots more bolts and bags of things [Laughter] that's it's got her shifter thingies for the the yolk okay so we got these mechanical oh yeah here we go oh yeah down trim neutral oh let's just turn all those off let's make sure everything is off I can't tell if that pedo heat is off or on so we're going to flip it dude it's got an ancient Piper autopilot in it standard six-pack gauges there's a switch over there man everything is turned on in this thing okay that's why cuz Okay can't turn that one off what about okay that one went off okay Keys screwdriver is that the key nope okay all right I have no idea we may have to hot wire this one I mean overall it looks pretty good shape you can tell it's it's older built in the early 80s he was putting uh Gap tape on his as well and I see the Lance air is not the only one that has this residue stuff on it oh he's got Gap tape on this right here already that's probably how he got his over 200 and 30 m an hour out of it and then you put these little bomber wing tips on there with those we got to find the battery I have no idea where the battery is I didn't see it in there anywhere in the back we'll need to pull the hood see if it's under there we found a the log books the file folder for it which is fantastic and in there we found the can be heral from uh October 2nd 2002 Frank Ziggler built his glass air from a kit 21 years ago and that was 20 years ago this airplane is 43 years old uh they lived uh near Canby and they did that did that he's 74 years old and donated it to the Evergreen air and space museum here has a 200 horsepower engine he joined the US Marine Air Corp he built his own plane in 1981 the kit number was 306 that's the tail number and he estimates he has about oh the there are 2,000 kits out there 4 years is how long it took him to build this he did U fiberglass gel coating no rivets no external antennas he brought it all the way up to 21,000 ft that's crazy he said he didn't it didn't like it oh here we go he had a crash in it in 1991 plan's engine swallowed a valve so he dropped a valve in the engine and then he spotted an air strip and landed in soft dirt just shy of the runway both him and his wife suffered injuries and the airplane suffered extensive and expensive damages and he said it took him just as long to rebuild it as it did to build it the first time and then before he was able to fly it again he ran into some health issues that's a bummer uh and he didn't feel safe or comfortable flying it anymore and then he uh he stopped flying after that which is a bum so he couldn't bear the thought of anyone being banged up by it uh by the airplane and he didn't want to give it to a flight school or anything like that which you can't use an experimental in a flight school without a whole bunch of paperwork so he donated it to the museum and at the time it set next to an F4 Corsair which is pretty cool and he said explicitly that the airplane will never fly again that's a bummer cuz he doesn't want anybody hurting themselves in it even though I looked up the registration and everything and you could register it and fly it again technically but as soon as somebody puts something like that condition of donation aircraft will never be flown again which means the airplane itself never can fly again doesn't say anything about the engine and propeller and we have the log books of set engine after the crash and according to this this uh second rework in uh July 10th of 1996 new bearings Pistons Rings three new push rods valve clearances and then this is an entry that I really like engine converted for roller cam shaft and hydraulic roller taets gives them more BTUs if you know what I'm saying uh dino block tested ran good and all that kind of stuff estimated 215 horsepower out of this engine my Lance a has 180 horsepower uh so my math if I put this engine and this propeller on my Lance a there's 220 knots which is just shy of 250 M an hour that's what I'm thinking but we got to see if this thing has any life in it let's see if we can't get this thing started all right let's the magic unveiling [Music] that's an angle valve see the valve covers right there those come out like this so the Rockers go at an angle like this whereas the other smaller horsepower the Rockers are straight together like this so this one might even be a more cubic inch displacement oh that's cool and there there's random rag in there okay const it's a standard constant speed prop not an electric one like the other one that's on there the governor is back here yep okay it's got regular old school magnetos on it which spoiler alert in order to jump it all you got to do is just pull that wire off of both of them and hit the starter it'll start that article said 2002 is when he donated it the engine thing said 96 was the last time anything was in the log books and he never flew it after the accident in 91 oh my Lord so 1991 was the last time this airplane flew but the last time the engine was started was on the test stand at the place where it was rebuilt in 1996 and if I do that math that is holy crap 27 years since this engine is ran oh well that's a good sign plenty of oil nice and gold all the way to the top that that oil smells good yeah okay oh here we go it's an IO 360 A1A KT Ken Hatfield I don't know if that's good or not vacuum pump here that's yep 80s I mean we got to remember when this thing was made I don't see a battery out here fuel transducer yeah spark PL plug wires are pretty yucky all that green on there is corrosion oil pressure all right well let's pull some spark plugs and see what we got inside it's not all rusty it's nice cuz it was in the museum so it was in air conditioned in the summer heated in the winter climate controlled humidity all that stuff pop these off all right let's let's see if it's got uh what kind of compression it should have really good with what it is oh oh yeah oh and it clicked that click is the impulse coupling snapping over to make it spark the stuff coming out yep that's good hey I think we've got even compression all the way around on this thing so far I'm liking when what I'm seeing we've got a remote oil filter over here a Napa Gold oil filter nonetheless according to the log books this engine only has 330 hours on it ooh triple spark plugs I've never seen that before they look pretty good the guys that build all the engines for those race airplanes a lot of them use a company called Lyon out of California and they that's why they specialize High horsepower airplane engines stuff and they do some Port polishing I have to see if we've got record of what they did to this engine as far as the compression ratio see what the crankshaft is if it's a a counterbalance crankshaft oo look what I just noticed there is no safety wire on this propeller that's sketchy as crap maybe this wasn't totally ready to fly whenever he decided to not do it anymore and I noticed the hydraulic Reservoir behind behind the seat is missing the prop is not safety wired it's got an alternator belt on it though yeah good spark plug oh I just realized how the bottom cowl comes off you got to pull this little thing up so this goes and connects just like this one right here does you got to pull that but we'll wait on that I may not even need to pull that to see if we can get this thing started I'd rather not all the spark plugs look really good I also have no idea where the gas tanks are on this normally they're in the wings I only see the one fuel thing right here and the other question is how the heck does this side open does it open Mama all right it's got compression we'll have to find battery and see if we've got any spark I just found more things disconnected hoses that look like could be their fuel line and over here what just happened I think that's a ow what it slides back come on okay that's not going to lie that's pretty sweet all right found two doors behind door number one is nothing it's behind door number two is nothing again okay really is there a battery in there no where the heck is the battery oh holy crap they've got all the strobe lights cut the antenna things are missing this is your altitude encoder this is for the autopilot I believe there's a whole lot of stuff missing off of this airplane it's definitely not ready to fly not even close is that how you take the tail of this off are you telling me that this whole airplane is put together with like a couple little bolts and a piano hinge what no way holy crap I think it is that's the oh okay that is sketchy where the heck is the battery in this thing there's the starter cable right here here's the relay here and that's loose so we're going to have to bring our jumper cables and just jumper it straight to to right here huh cuz that's a starter relay well it's not the first time that I have just put a cable straight to the starter we had to do that on I think I think all of those airplanes in Pennsylvania the the Bonanza the Aztec and the 310 I think we had to do it to all of them so this orange is a fire sleeve and this is the fuel line coming from the gas tank and then it comes into here this is the electric boost pump then it comes out of here and goes to another engine driven fuel pump cuz airplanes are all about redundancy so I think I am just going to unhook it from right here plug get in right there strap my gas tank over here I've got a a fuel boost pump that can kind of pump it to this I say just call it a day and we still need to figure out where the heck the battery is I still can't find a stinking battery in this thing here the battery well in 100% Jimmy World fashion we're just going to hook it up and see if this thing will move like a nice safe spot that's going to be fine okay stay clear that prop I don't know what the heck is going to happen without a key we might not even be able to use any the stuff in here this may be the master switch and I don't know if we can back feed it through there or not gosh that thing is toast fuel pump works I don't see radio oh radios are turning on insurance nav oh the clock is working our squelch is working here I've got Landing strobes any is there anything that's on right now those are off oh The Landing lights on hey and this cuz I think all those things it pulls the whole Center section the wing and all that stuff pulls it out and he cut all the wires to that so they could get it on a trailer either to get it here or wherever it was so all this Stu is stuff is cut all right disconnected it from there all right okay here we go definitely a clear prop there's the spark plugs are out there's no fuel to it but it should [Applause] turn oh it doesn't throw the starter [Applause] out I just discovered a broken screw at the end of a fiberglass spinner look at that and that will cause this when it starts spinning to flex out like like this and then explode just like it did whenever we first got the uh Aztec running after 8 years yeah all right that is a huge humongous cing look at the size of that cing Tada now we can get stuff hey we can just get to it right here that's a lot easier and now everybody's favorite oh that's infinitely better easier to get to clear the props [Applause] [Music] [Applause] W now I'm going to crank it to see if it'll build oil pressure silus go in h oil pressure is right here oh it's already moving let me crank it over and see if it moves ready yeah clear the props [Music] [Applause] huh what did it go to about 2035 maybe uh 10 20 yeah 25 maybe 30 okay that's good oh wow that is one really oh that fuel hose is very old old high quality China pump got my uh make it bigger hose maker so the trick is try to stretch it get it big enough to go over that oh yeah oh that is yes that's lots of leaking that okay stop stop oh there we go okay all right so let's go in and let's hit the fuel pump see what that does fuel pump turning on let me know if it's sucking fuel [Music] up squeeze the bulb a couple times did it go up now y oh there we go all right I'm showing fuel pressure in here now all right go ahead and turn the fuel pump switch on all right what's the pressure at all right turn off so we it was at 35 PSI yes we got our fuel pressure and look no fuel leaks we have fuel we have oil pressure we have compression no idea if we have the spark I'm of the mindset throw the spark plugs in and just kind of see what it does all right put in the comments are we just not seeing the spark is it going to fire and how many tries do you think it's going to be to get this thing up I honestly don't know if those magnetos were giving us the spark and we don't have the key so I just kind of jumped it and we're just hot wirring it no idea if that's going to work fuel pump oh good lord all right here goes try number one can I get a clear prop go f all right hit it ready yeah that thing fired up right away uh all right go ahead and clear prop we go yep yeah clear prop all right hold it man that this thing floods really fast that's a good sign okay all right go ahead yeah h [Music] go boom oh oh yeah yeah Neato gang super duper boom that's what I'm talking about my plan is to take this engine and propeller combination and see if it will fit in the Lance air that I have because this one is supposed to be a lot more power some more BTUs for those uninitiated and I'm I'm feeling confident I am feeling absolutely confident in this one [Music] yeah
Channel: Jimmys World
Views: 200,222
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Axpp8bi23aM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 37sec (1597 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 14 2023
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