World Record Every Time It Flies! (Seriously)

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I've got a super Insider look for something unreal that you're going to love what this plane was bought by World War I fighter Ace rickenbacher almost a 100 years ago and it's still flying today after 93,000 hours this MZ Tyler on Evie's wife's side of the family he works here at aerom metal International and apparently the constellation is coming next month and they're doing a full interior refurbishment it's the only flying constellation in the world right in the US there's in the US there's one in Australia it flies occasionally but this one's going to be touring the world or the US uh every summer and more regularly that's crazy oh and I thought this was just like a cool piece of artwork in the shop but apparently this is going in that airplane and this is huge like what 12 feet 10 10 feet probably about 10t yeah and this is going to be part of the smallest compartment in the Connie it'll be right behind the meeting table the meeting table in the con meeting table in the Connie what three uh Challenger seats right next to it display case right behind it and yeah so they set up like the like a real highend business shet where they have a table executive table where they make like world changing decisions and stuff like that yep okay so is are these drawers what is this yep those are drawers I don't know if they have the slides yet that's crazy yeah and this is you look and it's a honeycomb Aerospace stuff yep makes it lighter makes it stronger oh yeah look they got the just about everything will be you got the did you guys make this yes we built it from scratch got the raw material and holy Dam shaped it and formed it and yeah that's pretty cool and I mean probably the bell of the ball right here 19 what 55 56 310 I'm guessing there's no Ox tank so I'm guessing a 55 and I mean how do you go wrong right save the 310 that's what I'm talking about serial number 383 yeah it's a 55 yes still has like some of the old school this big clothesline thing right here is actually an antenna is it the lauran antenna is that which one or ADF or something that nobody uses anymore and this is where all the your noise comes out you put your money over there and it gets transitioned and transferred into noise here and it's worth every penny and these the way these sound is like a bunch of angry Harley-Davidson when it's idling you know it's really kind of silly that this is the plane I'm looking at the most in this hanger filled with like private jets and Polished dc-3s and sjs t6s stearmans and other things I'm like oo 1955 310 that's tan no seriously this is awesome and this this little little thing right here the trim for the roll the the entire airplane can be moved with just this little tiny little bit of thing here nuts wow okay we're here at uh where where you're work walk us around show us around what we're what we're looking at here I don't know where we want to start World War II uh yeah we have fighter trainer type thing yeah couple trainers we have the advanced trainer for uh in this case the Navy the smj uh for the T6 just Navy um it was trained for advanced it was the advanced trainer so it was the step just before you got your fighter they call this the pilot maker because you either can fly this or you can't and that was like there's a go noo to getting into the fighter stuff and the next step up from this is the P-51 Mustang the Spitfire the whatever you know the Bearcat and all that kind of crazy stuff that they used and this being a Navy it would have been like the Corsair and some of the nav F6 yep f6f man and it's metal all of this is metal except your flight control services the things that move so this is all Fabric and here is fabric metal fabric isn't that weird and the same with the aerons over there you can see that those are fabric see where it's dark gray metal fabric I still don't fully understand why that is or how that is but that's that's what it is and you got to see the pedo cover that's awesome that's too funny screaming chicken Yeah it's you're it gets your attention you're not going to run into the pedo tube yeah that's too funny oh man can we take a peek up inside the cockpit yeah do we want to go around on the other side yes the other side's going to be the best way to do that yep hey and it's got oil in it it's leaking yeah exactly and now remind me this is a 985 oh this is the WASP here so we're looking at 1340 oh this is a 1340 yeah how many horsepower is this thing 600 or something like that I'm honestly not sure something close to that probably take off horsepower 600 right there there you go 600 horse 1,340 cubes that's a lot of BTUs it is and a massive propeller the weight of this thing spinning around and a fun fact about it is every one of the 1340s has a penny right here what with the date that it was uh overhauled you you got to get a zoom in that's an actual like Penny punched in what and the date on this is going to be the date of overhaul 1976 is that for real that was real I did not know that okay that's pretty cool I I'm going to have to go look at all of them now is that for all the radios or just the 1340s because this that's just the 1340s that's a 1340 specific thing for some reason huh and is what is this the oil screen or something uh some pressure relief or something like that huh that's that is a neat little tidbit of facts all right cool Landing all right and then your steps here and then this is like your baggage compartment back here it's tiny yep so we go here step oh oh this one's outfitted pretty nice come on up yeah it's been modernized it's not yeah I mean we got radios in here transponder uh yeah audio panel yeah shoot this one's this one's set up this right here this little lever down here so this this little red pump right here is if everything fails and you got to just grab this sucker and go pump like crazy that's your wobble fuel pump and then this is if everything fails on your Hydraulics for your gear you got to grab that sucker and pump it about a million times and what I've heard and I've I've flown these a couple of times okay and every time get in it the trainer the CFI uh teacher guy he always says be real really careful of this landing gear lever cuz apparently they're really easy to knock and yes drop the gear on this so you got to be really careful you don't knock this any other really weird interesting things happening in here not necessarily the gear and flap indicators are just little notches that move with the gear this does this one have the window it does it does okay right here so check this out you can actually see physically this is just a clear piece piece of Lex sand and you can see the gear whenever it goes down they line up and that's how you visually check if you have gears down and locked so we flew with the canopies open and it and I'd have my arm sitting out like this like you're driving a pickup truck and it handles like you're driving an old farm truck it just feels like an old farm truck when you're flying it it's real heavy and kind of Lumbers some yep and in landing it I mean it's a massively heav heavy airplane too was like 6,000 lb or something like that right I don't know specifics on it okay yeah I just remember this being seriously heavy fun fact Jimmy's world going to brag a little bit first tail dragger I ever flew P6 mine was a BC oh that's pretty cool are you a pilot too I'm not I have exactly one log in a log book and it is 2 hours into DC3 really holy cow now that's okay that's a heck of a way to start your log book out yeah I was just doing a maintenance flight down to California and uh the pilot uh on the flight happened to be a CFI as well and goes you want to log it yes yeah yes oh my goodness that's too cool now what are you guys doing with this airplane what uh it is it belongs to a private owner guy who owns the hanger we maintain it for him and he comes out on weekends that he's in town and flies it as he and it just lives here and we maintain it oh that is super neat but yeah it's this is a cool airplane and boost pump and all that okay so story about my T6 the one that we're still trying to get all the way finished where we're flying it it it had been sitting for 12 years and we had a fuel pump issue the wobble pump was not working I think the diaphragm or something in there was toast so we only had the Boost pump pump and the engine driven pump was not working as well okay and the Boost pumps are rated at some absurd amount of fuel like 90 gallons an hour because you flip the Boost pump on and you can still do all of your stuff so it has to be full past what it it consume well when you're just trying to start it that's a lot of fuel so you go and then it's like you got fuel everywhere and that's what happened with ours okay is the engine driven pump wasn't working the Boost the wobble pump wasn't working all we had was the Boost pump and I mean it didn't take much and then there was fuel pouring out and it backfired the whole thing caught on fire the fire went down to the the ground and was burning underneath and we're over there like with little Rags not a fire extinguisher within 100 miles of that thing it was it was sketchy yeah yeah yeah it was okay cool let's uh let's check out the next one steeran but holy moly at the size of this tire what does this tire go to that's a bush tire for that would be a huge tire no standard DC3 Tire uh just 60 lb of pressure this is the DC this is the tire off the DC3 yes holy M and that's the brake drum that is the yep right there wheel bearings we're going to get our airplane nerd on here man that just 16,000 lbs is what this tire is r and foury that's nuts how much does that tire we do you think oh I don't know about 70 80 lbs yep and then we got yellow uh steerman another Navy uh Navy airplane same guy that owns that one same owner before anyone got into a T6 this is what they practice on this was the primary trainer during World War II yeah uh the pilot the instructor actually flies from the back seat whereas the trainee and or any passengers nowadays sits in the front seat in this one and yes but in that one the main pilot is up front is up front and the trainer is in the back oh yeah interesting okay and I see so that engine has a 600 horsepower 1340 cubic in Monster this one is like what 300 horsepower and a 680 yes so it's essentially half of the size of the T6 and it feels like it oh yeah yes you're not going to go fast in it but you're going have a fun time doing it no no Penny on this one no Penny no Penny wooden prop brand new wooden prop I was going to say this is just a gorgeous like man this this is way nicer than anything I normally get around wow that is neat and now this one is um all fabric fra yeah frame with all fabric all over it so all of the control services everything is fabric we got yep yeah wooden spars really yep I did not know that we have a uh one out of a different uh steerman over on the bench I can show you yeah is it the staircase the 2x4s over there so so Tyler's telling me that it's got wooden spars that's and he's got one over there let's I'm curious I've never seen what holds the wings and the fuselage together and is that the same with the bottom as well I believe so this is this is about the same hanger size I need this Spar out of the center section the upper of the steeran that's that's it that's it it's it's like a 1x six look how skinny that is now I I can only imagine that this is a specific wood with specific grains exactly exactly that all the grains are perfectly parallel yeah and you have to have them close together and they have I mean it's kind of sort of important that this be a good quality not just grab one off of Home Depot and make sure it's not going like that is it treated or anything like that you know of uh this looks really D I believe it is it has a lacquer um treatment over it is it a specific kind of wood like oak or something like that leave Spruce really I believe I could be wrong huh it's been a while since I've done my uh Woods in uh that is super neat so that's the only thing that's holding the wing that makes you feel confident why there's two of them but yes oh one in the front one in the back one the front one in the back yep still I give me some solid like metal something with beefy like the uh the Elvis jet the spars that are on that thing they're like this solid metal they go all the way across it just massive going a little bit faster than that slightly slightly all right what what else we got steeran we've got the SJ finally check out the 310 that if I'm honest is probably my favorite airplane here I actually couldn't tell you much about the 310 that's where you're going to be the expert on that one all right so it's powered by 240 horsepower like homi or Continental 0470 B's or M this one is om M so this is the same engines that are on mine these are are this one's done up pretty nice actually that oh they've got the oil filter adapter on theirs which is really nice back here I mean this this one's just put together they did have some options where they took the exhaust and it went up like that like the one we just saw over at the Museum the exhaust went up like this or it dumped out underneath and this has an updated exhaust on the back this is not the stock exhaust which matches the rest of the airplane who whoever owns this airplane has spent a bunch of money on it three blade props were not Factory they give you a little bit better climb not quite as fast on the cruise it has a yep updated pressure carbs in the back so it's not a carburetor it's not fuel injection it's some weird funky pressure carb so it's supposed to be self leaning so as you go up in altitude the pressure is change cuz it uses fuel pressure and air pressure and other stuff it doesn't freaking work [Music] MH whoever owns this good job so something I think you'll really appreciate on it we just redid the entire interior oh I'm going to be so jealous I don't even want to know oh my gosh look at that just look at the door on this may I yes oh can you just re you know times two on this do the exact same thing oh man it looks like he's probably updating all of his avionics at the same time yep we will be oh you guys are going to be doing that here in house we own this plane this is the company plane just bought this is clean where did you guys get this one Montana okay I was going to say yeah this one's clean whoever owned it like took care of it they I wasn't like that when it got here what all have you guys done to it a whole I've worked on it for a whole month okay so you can tell this is this is nice two things one is it's polished so God bless the men and women that are covered in Black whenever they do the Polish on this thing two guys for about two months to do the whole thing gosh that's so nuts full-time yeah yes it would be yeah and 93,000 hours it is the highest time DC3 in existence that that we know of it's the highest time airplane it minus I guess a couple 747 and that's that's it yes holds a couple of World Records for crossing the North Atlantic oldest oldest plane across the North Atlantic and every time it flies it sets a new world record for highest time DC3 well that yeah okay that's fair yeah that's not can we check it out absolutely see what we got please welcome aboard welcome aboard want to remove your shoes oh and this you know your fancy stuff whenever uh you got to pull your shoes off oh yeah wow pinky up people CRA holy moly like this lug luggage y okay Luggage in there we got a lavatory in there oh it's got a bathroom wow that's a nice bathroom huh I can tell you from experience it's very nice to have uh Long Haul flights I bet I bet coffee yep I see coffee heaters forers okay snacks can be stored up here yeah can I hinges oh what look at that come on that is this is ice chest hides down here ice what get your fancy uh bottle of water look this is is crazy that's just yeah we built it to be a luxury I mean it's a private jet except it's not a jet it's cooler than a jet yeah it is like you show up and you show up yes a couple times I've been sat in a Jet Center right and while the plane shows up and all the Jets rolling in no one looking up the second one of these rolls in everyone's head turns and it is oh yeah fun to when they don't know that you're the mechanic and so you just watch them watch their reactions it's yeah this yeah this is crazy I mean you know it's no Elvis red Valour gold buckle interior but you this my mind is still blown polished DC3 beautiful interior it flies still you know all that like you seriously are just balling at this point he even got tables and it's weird because it's slanted like this a lot so I keep wanting to go downhill it's it's a tail dragger on the ground it's 14° even the table is really nice what it's got a magnet thing to hold it down oh yeah holy cow this is beyond bougie at this point the heaters run through the floor so your feet are nice and warm oh yeah look at that and then fresh air comes from the nose I'll show you the intake on the nose they pop out through the um gussets wait what right here yeah so how how does that work oh just pull it out what H this like little storage like little things uh in case it gets too rough little motion bag golly in the head room you can stand up in this how loud is it it's not terribly so we have enough uh soundproofing and uh insulation that you can have a conversation back and forth across the uh the airplane it's not as quiet as modern jets but it's still not nearly as loud as the military versions were sure and because I I asked that because I did not see any headphone Jacks back here correct so I was wondering I'm like well it can't be like that loud you'd have to have headphone Jacks like you would in say a small general aviation plane or something right and then Command Center yep Flight Deck holy cow oh yeah modern avionics oh yeah mod avionics original hydraulic system original you know it still has the the steam gauge six packs for the pilot co-pilot it's crazy oxygen system not in this one okay cuz yeah you're probably not flying yeah we had to keep it below about 10,000 ft yeah man how fast like what's your cruising speed and all that kind of thing about 120 knots oh so it's not fast not fast at all when it was built it was the fastest thing in the sky that was very quickly knots 120 knots that is not like that 182 right there is about the probably a little bit faster than this about the same yeah that's funny now if you'll notice date October 25th [Music] 1937 a th000 horsepower is that per side believe so yes that would have been the 1820s which it no longer has it where we've upgraded to the 1830s on this one oh wow so the 14 cylinder versus the 12 versus the 9 cylinder oh wow 1820s holy moly so this has got more than 1,000 horsepower per side then a little bitow got 1100 this is too cool too stinking cool and what emergency so get out what is that uh officially it's called the mail door to everyone who works on them it's called the hamburger door yeah cuz the prop cuz the prop is right on the other side yeah and it I don't know if it hits it when the prop is going or it does does it really I've heard stories that it depends on the plane but and the prop has to to be spinning right but if the props so if the props still you can just clear it if the prop is spinning it will just sck the door golly so yeah don't uh there there you go right man well Neato we got there's a couple more airplanes over here yeah to check out hydraulic Reservoir right here y you can fill it in Flight is that this that's the fill Port right there for the hydraulic cuz you just why would you don't do that it's overfolded why would you need to fill the hydraulic it's a little bit I mean it's not a perfect system it's well especially since it was war time right it's right if you got a hole in your system you need brakes for landing you need landing gear you can dump fluid in try to out fill the leak right does it have engine oil as well I think on the military ones they did didn't they where they had kind of the same thing a reservoir for engine oil not the DC maybe not the DC3 on the big bomber stuff they did bombers like the B25 B17 and those things they have the big external tanks but I don't think you can fil them in Flight huh I don't know it was just nothing that I'm aare of there you go very cool 14° walk to go backwards like [Laughter] this who still going that way man look at the the flipping ailerons on this thing oh they're longer than the 182 Wings holy crap here let's just ready in one two three four five six 7 8 * three is what is that 24 so roughly 24 feet each Aeron which again just it doesn't it's crazy and all fabric oh yeah oh that's right cuz this is same thing metal and fabric yep and our fabric is done inhouse Hannah who you met is really the fabric Guru wow she covers them all she she's done the trailing Edge on the pby like the back half of the PB wings are all Fabric and she recently did that for a customer completely covered of something like 10,000 stitches jeez yeah because it's all I thought I didn't I don't know really know anything about fabric but it's all stitched together or doped or I don't know how both yep stitched doped uh poly sprays the system we use polyfiber oh yeah look at that yep that's a hamburger door so this door if this propeller is moving or in that position right there I'm guessing open that door it'll go clink and hit the prop on this thing yeah the prop has to be spinning because it stretches when it does it'll clear with the prop just stationary like this fun thing about these planes is the batteries are right here they sit on little trays that just slide down oh that's nice it's a very unique system one of my favorite details oh wow yeah man that's neat 93,000 hour I still just can't get over that like just insane and the tires and gears will go up there's no doors the standard DC3 no doors they just they come up and they dangle they stick out actually lower than the oil cooler scoop here oh okay there's reports it's been unconfirmed by us anyway that you can belly land this without doing damage as long as you get the prop in the right angle out of the way right because the tire hangs out so low and the system sits up against these bumpers so you can actually just roll the airplane up with the gear up the piper Aztec same way okay and the Apache and the Aztec cuz they don't have closed over theirs either and it comes up and that much of the tire sits down below it over the whole thing and the nose too okay same with the nose too it's really weird interesting oh what is that that's the 29 gallon oil tank 29 gallons of oil they consume somewhere between half a gallon to a full gallon of oil yeah we're measuring oil in gallons per hour that's like my 310 consumed not leak yeah consumed so roughly 1,00 horsepower out of this thing yes 14 cylinders 28 spark plugs and there's two Banks right so you have seven in front and seven in the rear seven and they're kind of sandwich like that yep yeah just crazy a propeller blade on this thing these have what we call the pencil blade so it's the skinnier propeller oh this is this is a skinnier propeller blade yes one outside has what we call the paddle blades which is the fatter more round and uh it's they sound completely different it's crazy really yeah what's like deeper wall I don't know yeah so so with the paddle you can hear it's more like a like a box fan you can hear each blade passing by whereas this is more just kind of a constant hum Ro or roar oh wow oh and here's here is said yep here's the restoration engine that you can see how it's kind of like this on the cylinders I'm honestly surprised it's not bigger than this I thought it would have been a this is a conversion or this is an STC okay this is uh aftermarket it's we the Airwolf filter system uh not original to any of these airplanes they didn't even have a filter they justen they they have the screen yes the Kuno filter is what it's called um which is a mesh aluminum plates essentially that filter out the big chunks and now this airplane you guys are went totally rebuilding and everything right yes so it got stripped down to Bare Bones it was all the lines got torn out of it there was there's no original wires left in it it's the the main flight controls all the control cables are all new at one point it was as naked of a DC3 as you can possibly get just strip it down to a shell strip it down to a shell exactly did a ton of structural work on it we're putting it back together it's got new electrical going in it's got new hydraulic lines which you can see snaking out here so every one of these is all new yes oh my Lord and there's just miles and I don't know about miles but there's there's a lot lot and every Bend every connection all that stuff will have to be pressure tested like yeah me at least check the amount of work is just in insane on a different level oh yeah and all these through here all that stuff yep my goodness gracious oh yeah and here's bits they cut it then you put your nut on first don't forget yes you put your nut on first you learn that one real quick yeah and then you put this little deal on there and does this say flat or does it get a flare on it it'll get a flare it'll get a single flare or double single single on on this so it'll get a single flare out and then this will go up that goes up and then it tightens down uh onto smaller but you have that will go on this end of it and then the nut on there and it will turn out to be like that all right okay oh there's a Wing yep I mean we got to check out the wing oh there's two Wings there's two Wings tips are off of them currently there's I don't remember how many bolts specifically there something like 200 50 wait hold on so each one of these holes is each one of the holes is a bolt that holds the wing on it is an all day job to put the wings on and look and it's a tiny bull it's a yeah it's about a and four one two three four five six seven 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 roughly 20 bolts per foot and there's like this many feet yeah it is a all day job getting the wings on how you get that a lot do do you have like Dows or you just put one in kind of move it around and then it's get the Wings close and then we have uh picks essentially to line up the holes and then slowly bring it in just enough that you can get one or two bolts started once you're there you pretty much have the whole thing aligned and then it's just everyone go at it and start throwing bolts in tightening the nuts yeah Tor we can see it right here I never I guess I never thought about it but right here is all of those bolts right here right yes yep that's them man this rib I get FIB it's called The False rib I think just cuz it's not riveted in place okay it's just like you said sandwiched in between um but yeah it's crazy so then is the main Spar there's three of them right here right here yep one two and then somewhere back here one two and then yeah three right there see this is better than that wooden 2x 1x6 of the uh of the steerman of the steerman over there in my opinion this these will put up with a lot of uh abuse yeah I I can even I mean they're still being used in Alaska for well I just realized as well the wing is outboard of all the gine and everything so that makes it really nice you don't have all of the hydraulic and oil and everything else lines going all the way out yep you have a couple wires for like the nav light if it has boots on it you'll have the Matic system for the boots and then flight controls which is two cables and the uh flap rod and then here's the other plate so is this a jig you guys that's a jig for working on the wings to make sure everything stays aligned and so we have to there's an inspection every what it 10 years there's a there's a a inspection about every 2,000 hours 2,000 hours for the waffle plates the stress of the wing is translated right through the flange and then through these plates there's additional plates on the three spars that you can't see here right because they're covered up so is it these small triangles exactly we're basically measuring the relationship between these flanges and all of these waffle plates um and we have to shim them and adjust them uh and then the final stage is to come in here and basically route all of the plates to using this plane as a reference weird so that these this little triangle piece it's only about this big yep is your waffle plate plate that you have to then align with this plate yep yeah basically we're aligning it with this and just using this as a reference got so that's your straight edge yep exactly interesting so I I can see right now this one is definitely out so you'll have to loosen it and then push it back in or something or machine it back a little bit okay um we we've put this this ring was in pretty bad shape um and so we've basically just put new waffle plates all the way around sometimes we can shim them out a little bit it it is mindboggling to me that on some areas in Aviation airplanes the tolerances on things that you wouldn't think would be super tight are super tight like this yet in other areas it's like yeah you can see a good example of that for tolerance right these airplanes were all made really in a different era and a lot of the tolerances on Rivet spacing and rivet alignment were just like you must fit 12 rivets between these two points right it didn't really call out the exact spacing of where the rivets need to go so you can look down a lot of these rivet lines and see them wavering and see you know bigger like see how we have two rivets much closer together than the other two rivets oh yeah look at that oh yeah and right here too they're even off a little bit this was done on a Monday yeah yeah done on a Monday at the factory right handbuilt airplanes yeah so all the stresses right are coming through through these flanges through the stringers across these doublers right we basically have a stack up of three doublers right here and then relayed into into the wing skin and then to the scar the math that goes into the engineering of this stuff and this was done with handdrawn blueprints and slide rules yeah I was talking with one of the engineers of the SR71 mhm it was the last airplane made with a slide rule really the freaking F SR71 made with a slide rule that's czy the same tools that made this yeah and I'm like what yeah the Falcon 10 was the first airplane entirely designed on the computer very interesting little Falcon business Che wow so there you go that's the okay this is a similar or the same engine is it the same engine it's the same engine that's on the Spruce Goose 4,000 horsepower and it's one two three four rows of seven cylinders seven cylinders so four 28 cylinders cylinders and 40 what's the cubic inch on this 4360 4,360 cubic inches 4,000 horsepower they did tell me this is a working engine and this big old monstrosity thing here is an engine stand that can hold that engine they also told me they're going to be mounting it on a semi TR or a trailer of some sort FL trailer y flatbed trailer and so they can start it up and like and then could you imagine eight of these things going at the same time at full power to try to get that Spruce Goose off the ground I'm looking forward to one but yes AG would be just nuts yes just insane each row has its own mag so instead of two mags like most engines have this is just in a different level of crazy and the crankshaft on this sucker is like that thick oh yeah I mean it have to to hold that much horsepower so we're going to come back and they said they're going to have it on a trailer to start up and I I want to be here when that happens because that's nuts we'd be happy to have you that's pretty neat okay well I think we have another surprise in store for you if they're going to let us and it's next door so let's go see if we can crash their party as well good luck yeah Lu awesome bye you guys thank you see you
Channel: Jimmys World
Views: 203,396
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: guinness world record, world record
Id: u5p4tVZ-M4Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 56sec (2516 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 08 2023
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