Fixing Everything Wrong With Our Truck Tank... 30-Speed Detroit! #Shermanator [EP3]

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okay so we uh we had nick the chieftain down the residential internet tank expert do you have anything bigger than this it's absolutely pathetic that's embarrassing and he was a little leery about our tank and we took it out in the last video took it through the creek and gotta admit it was a little bit slow and a little bit sketchy because if we broke we'd be in big trouble tracks could fall off clutch could give out so we're fixing the tank there she is we're gonna fix all the problems all at once and then this project is done and we'll never have to work on it again you're gonna wanna watch this here we go [Music] [Music] [Music] well i used to use it to dig black muck and the thing sat for 10 years and fired right up so the coolest thing is steering wheel actually works it's connected to the tracks come on girl more power what in the name of st george have they done to that tank at 643 i believe it's gonna get bolted to that and then put into there you need to see a giant winch on the front though that's part of it this one's gonna be running just the winch this is our backup in case we get stuck and the other engine quits and we are in the middle of nowhere every morning guys uh today is going to be kind of a busy day and that kind of sucks because everything inside is actually coming along really nice the f350 all the major work is done the cab is back on and we're moving right along with that my silverado looks like a truck again so that's almost complete that's a good feeling when things start going back together again but today we're outside and all we're going to be doing is taking stuff apart i got kevin's forklift just for the day we got the tank cold start see how that goes we're gonna actually wire it up so that we don't have to do this every time a little more fuel oh if it doesn't start that ruins my whole day please start i will kill you with ether get me there i'm not joking that's it getting you there yeah that's right you're gonna go first cold start of the year [Music] hold us the seat's wet [Music] come on girl i just need to turn when you're turning all you're doing is putting the brake on on one side so all that's doing is flipping the clutch i think i can get it i hope i can get it [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh that was a big part of the plan oh i can't pull this thing [Applause] that sucks i thought it would roll but i was wrong so i can either drive it out if i remember what reverses so i guess i could just fire it back up again and drive it out that's not sketchy at all don't do this at home [Applause] uh [Applause] [Music] so unfortunately the camera battery always dies uh when you're in the middle of something but i didn't die and uh it's on the ground and that's over there still running um i think that engine is very much just put in with its own support so like its own i-beams and that welded to the floor that that no no rubber or anything on it whereas our engine has its own frame so ours will be easier to install okay so a couple things that we need to address right off the bat because this four cylinder is way underpowered we can't shift gears we've got a manual transmission moving a manual transmission and when we were driving the tanks the actual tanks they were able to get them up to speed enough that we could uh disengage the clutch in the drive engine and shift the tank transmission we can't get it up to speed enough because that engine is underpowered and it's like taking off in 10th gear on a 10-speed bicycle the only way we could possibly do it is to roll it down a hill so my thinking is that we are going to replace that with an automatic that way we can cycle uh automatically through one through five gears and if we want to pull a house down we can put that transmission in a low gear or if we want to get to where we're going we just stick it in a high gear and then cycle those five gears through we'll probably pull that engine out put it under the hood of the pickup and use this to run a winch it's already got a pump on there so um we can utilize that tank and run a winch in case we get stuck now a lot of you guys said we should have saved 16b 71 and as cool as that would have been that engine was scrapped we tried to sell it nobody wanted to buy it which is why it was in a scrap yard which is why we inspected it verified that all the cylinders were scored and broken and then we disassembled it further proving all the damage that was done even before we overheated it and it wasn't any good that engine weighed 12 000 pounds we'd have to get a crane a massive crane to boom this thing in here and we wouldn't be able to find an automatic that would be able to handle that amount of torque if it was in good shape working our way up with a 6v71 is a much better way to protect our very expensive sherman parts and if we get it moving fast enough nick doesn't even think we can keep the tracks on it which are like 60 000 to replace the tracks so that is why we're doing what we're doing you can comment down below if you think i'm nuts there are plenty of 12v and 16v71s kicking around pete has two 16s and a bunch of twelves there's a 12v in town with a generator on her and that would be pretty cool to put a electric motor in front of the tank transmission but that's later we're gonna work our way up have some fun with it we'll keep going until we blow the tracks off the thing or wreck something in the transmission that is a marine v8 that engine is toast i need that number two bell housing off of that engine onto the v6 and then we are golden pretty straightforward to pull these off anybody who doesn't know um got a four oil pan bolts two little hidden ones back uh in this corner here and then um just the ones around the outside and then you gotta take this cover off and there's one sneaky hidden one right there and then topper off just the dowels that holds it and uh sledgehammer and a pry bar and bam oh she comes so the rear main seal is still flexible that's good it'll probably leak anyway the gasket stuck to this one i'm gonna try to peel it off it's cracking so i'm just gonna silicone the snot out of it that is gonna leak 100 but that's okay oh this thing is really really heavy like really heavy oh and it's friday this is a really bad idea [Music] that's not so bad [Music] it's not bad at all a couple bolts in there we'll do them hand tight let it sit for 15 minutes and then draw it tight [Music] we used to have a ratchet all right it's mostly together we'll uh finish up in the morning it'll be fine actually i don't think it's even gonna leak look at that perfect little bead of silicone just squeezing out everywhere oh just perfect okay so we got the adapter plate on here we go i think i can handle it with my forklift um that can lift this little 471 out no problem air filter well that was easy fuel lines already disconnected drive shaft disconnected coolant lines two bolts in the front four bolts in the supports on the bell housing and she's out here [Music] my back tires weren't touching the ground i've never seen dirk catch fire but if it would this is definitely the dirt to do that we're gonna clean this all out and then torch all the mounts off for the old stuff and get ready for the new stuff [Music] okay so i measured the uh spacings of where i need to bolt this thing down um we can lob this back half off we don't really need that um but where it kind of ends up is the front is 20 20 or 19 19 and a half oh 19 and a half so i would put it right about here and the back ones are 48 and then 53 which puts it just past there so that's not ideal i think what i'll do is i'll take the i-beam which is just slightly taller than the i-beam sticking out through the floor there and then bolt them down to this and then once we have the transmission and i know my length of the drive shaft um we basically just need to put it where it's happy with a little bit of slide in and out on the yoke and then we can just weld it down so we'll mark it we'll clean it off really nice then weld it in place still waiting for my transmission which should be here any minute but we'll see and uh if you guys don't know take boss is my little invention a little piece that goes on the side of any tape measure uh we have about 500 left and then i'm stopping selling them um that was my invention put patents on we've got all videos on that whole process and we sold them in stores in canada but um youtube kind of takes over and we're having trouble keeping the orders up if you want them head to right now and uh you can go grab them there they're kind of limited uh there is an option where you can write something in like a note if you want me to sign them or whatever i can do that but uh that'll be about it this is the we won't be doing it in 2022 anymore so um yeah i'm going to grab his i-beams start drilling some holes i think i'll lob that thing off first and then we'll go from there [Music] okay so that thing weighs almost as much as the transmission that that's some serious serious uh i think that's half inch square tube no wonder the forklift could barely lift it so i made that a little lighter make the brackets for underneath send that off to dnr where they can scrap it properly and uh we're rocking and rolling here we go it's here so this is i already forget what it is at 643 i believe it's gonna get bolted to that and then put into there oh this is exciting let me grab a knife see where the torque converter ends up on the uh gear and they are so freaking awesome look at this um they sent the yoke that i need that bolts right up to our flywheel or our drive shaft so that is one worry gone absolutely awesome here we go [Music] that'll do that'll do so here's the issue we've got a flywheel that used to have a clutch on it and that needs to go on our v6 detroit now excalibur sent us this nice adapter ring that has the center holes for the studs for the torque converter to go through the issue is that those studs hit the flywheel so i need to recess the flywheel so that the studs have a place to sit so i also need to drill six holes where i can attach that ring to the flywheel and it might be a little bit complicated but as long as i can relay this to the machinist you'll see what i mean when i get it done i might have to make a couple trips to the machinist to let him know anyway here we go [Music] [Music] okay so this is what i was waiting for on my flywheel so uh the torque converter bolts go through these inside holes and i have to tighten it through these outside holes so essentially it's going to sit on the torque converter like this i'm going to have studs coming through from a torque converter so i needed to machine an inch down for the proper clearances just for a spot for those studs and nuts to go and then i needed to bring it in 3 16 of an inch to get enough clearance uh for the torque converter not to be bound up against the pump and then i had to have them drill holes in the flywheel that lines up with this adapter plate now adapter plate came from excalibur on the back side because half the bolt would have ended up on this ring i had them mill just a flat surface so i can get a 1.5 millimeter by 70 millimeter allen head bolt through here m8 i believe if all my calculations are correct we should just bolt this up it'll be problem free got this on the inside here we're gonna do some stuff to the engine afterwards but first things first pull the transmission off put that flywheel on if that's all set then we can get vince to weld this in place in the morning if not um i can tell him to sleep in i wake him up to tell him he can go back to sleep um and then uh worst comes to worst we can still figure out some of this stuff tomorrow while it's in the tank i can use my exercise climbing up and down here we go [Music] okay so this is the scary part i'm bolting it up making sure i have enough clearance because we got to make sure that that torque converter spins free let's see if we can pop it in and then we can get out the torque converter through one of those mounting bolts see if it spins a little gap nice that spins nice and free no gap you're kind of rubbing but still spins nice and free so i'm okay with that okay so i did have to cheat just a little bit and uh notch this out so i could get my bolts in they're really long so i couldn't make the corner to go around but now i can uh i'll just push up that and then spin the torque converter so i have a contact that should be a hole that was close oh it's nice when it comes together i need a socket we'll kind of snug all those up and we've got a automatic on a manual flywheel here we go i took the cut off pieces of uh i-beam which are nice half inch nice thick um and drilled nice neat holes to line up with the mounts front and back and we'll boom that in that will straddle that i-beam in the middle and then we are going to have to shorten that drive shaft way back there in the dark that you can't see because that transmission awesome awesome transmission it's a little bit longer and i can't push it forward far enough so i'll put the other ones on there i just got to clean up the torch marks and give vince something to weld too because down here there's not going to be a whole lot we'll boom it in we'll figure stuff out we'll lift it back out again we'll grind and then we'll weld so that should be that should be fantastic anyway here we go okay boys so i goofed here a little bit uh i'm thinking this thing is about as heavy as kevin's forklift can handle so what i did was i chopped the end of the frame off now after i started thinking about that that was probably a mistake because this is a temporary engine plant we'll be working our way up to different engines and i thought this frame would be pretty handy to lift everything in and out all at once it's got the rad transmission everything in there and for weight savings because that's all that forklift can lift is i cut that end of the frame off but if i want to put a bigger engine in it that frame would actually be pretty handy so vince can you weld that back on he's a man of few words anyway we've got everything nice and cleaned out on the inside here uh we're gonna boom this in and then just see exactly where everything lands up uh forget about those four by fours [Music] okay boys you gotta admit that looks way better than the old setup i can't believe how heavy this stupid thing is we got uh it's up pretty high so the drive shaft is up pretty high so what we can do is just lob the back of that rear mount off we're just going to take an inch and a half off and that will tilt it down quite a bit that will help with our drive shaft vince is welding the yoke he cut the old yoke off we'll measure where the drive shaft goes we'll chop the drive shaft off so i'll remove that and then we'll boom it back out again we've got everything marked where we're going to grind i got some cables from princess auto to run the automatic up into the cab the cable and also a better throttle pedal now the e-brake is funny and great but we're gonna try and hook it up to the actual uh gas pedal got some nice shielded wire so we can run our oil and temperature sensors right up try to get the dash working um but we'll see so you'll have to see that in a separate episode though for now remove the drive shaft here we go [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay so i just torched an inch and a half off the bottom and that works pretty slick because that's the side plates for the back of the 471 that would go on the bell housing and the mounts for the back so i can reuse those and just uh weld that engine in the front on that side so clean this off we got some c channel from uh dnr and we'll cut that to the right height with a little lip on the bottom and that'll be super secure for uh this one there we go okay so we got our coolant lines it even says on there too cool there i'll mount that right in the very front using uh the fan just to pull the air through this was meant for the f350 was just too big so we ordered one that was just like three inches shorter and a little bit longer we don't need the fan for this one so pull this off throw the cooler in convince the weld the fittings on there and then we'll get vnr to crimp the lines so that it's nice and neat it's been a quick little bracket to mount the transmission cooler bolt it into there a little bit of angle iron from vnr bob's your uncle here we go i went to bnr and uh had the hoses cramped i got some fittings and braised them to the cooler so our cooling is all done um i got my dipstick in even though i'll bolt it up against but it's nice putting the chains here so i'm just gonna leave that for now um i'm not gonna put fluid in it because we're putting too much weight on this thing and that forklift is all it can do to lift this so i imagine this is about three four thousand pounds i moved my filter housing from down there to up here that'll still be a primary filter so this filter is basically useless but it's nice to have the two hoses coming out it acts more like a tee than anything else the other housing was broken and the one fitting broke off inside so just toast i took the alternator off because that's 24 volt i'm gonna run to vnr and see if they have another one just in the yard somewhere with the same bolt pattern we just bolt that right back up again the belts seem fine so we're going to leave those alone i just need to replace a couple of uh coolant hoses yet and then we're just about ready to boom it back in again um one oil fitting was leaking so i just going to plug that we've got sensors everywhere because of the generator so i think this is just your main oil pressure sensor but there's another one and another one and another one we got coolant sensor here and we got a coolant sensor here um or sorry this isn't your coolant this is your normal coils normally open for temperature we don't need that so we'll unhook that i'll put a manual gauge we can take that one out of the bronco and plug it into there and then have a manual gauge uh but we're still going to hook these up to the gm so um we can monitor stuff inside the cab we're gonna put the fast underneath the bed of the truck i think it looks proper there and that'll work nice with the uh fuel tank in the back of the truck we're also gonna put the hydraulic tank underneath the truck and then i'll run the um the 471 had a pump hanging off the back we'll put that pump on yet and drive it off the back we can use that one to kind of as a spare pump but i think uh that pump was out in the element so it's probably not up to full capacity so figure it can run the power steering um why not have power steering in our tank if we change that to hydro boost we could have power brakes which you know i'm probably gonna do that too i'm gonna run twosley and grab a hydro boost and see if we can get power brakes on there too yet why not i'm still going to put a bigger pump on the back of the 471 and put that one under the hood so lots accomplished lots more to do here we go you really annoying cat i know i'm working on detroit you gotta get over it you gotta let it go what what do you want uh this is the yolk that drives the tank transmission and i just took a caliper and brand new caliper and an old rotor and machined uh where the yoke would sit on the one side i made an indent on the other side so this fits right nicely inside centered with all the bolt holes lining up like so and then when i actually hit the brake pedal we're actually going to have some sort of breaks okay so new dilemma if i leave the i-beam right there and then just notch a little bit for the yoke to spin and then drill a hole for the caliper then it's done but then if we ever have an issue with the transmission i can't ever get that out so i think what we'll do is we'll cut a couple inches off on either side and then weld the bracket to the side and then bolt this one in place so if need be we can uh unbolt it who knows the brake might not even work i'm just making all of this up as i go there's like none of this has ever been tested can a single break caliper slow down a 20-ton truck tank i don't know i don't know okay so remember when we did the uh what to look for when you're buying a used forklift well that back right tire was a little bit flat now it's a lot flat so that kind of puts a damper in the uh project is hoping to have that boomed in and have vince weld it while i'm off doing other things but now we gotta wait so it's not an air tire it's just full of foam and all that foam is broken down so hopefully that's not gonna take too long but uh yeah that's how projects go one delay after another and you can't always protect them that's just the way it goes so we do other things here we go right do one last ride in the bronco for the year put it away get ready for paint and she's getting put to use because that is a giant winch for the tank running her keep we'll be doing that after we paint it but hey might as well treat the truck like a truck right okay so we've got our winch a couple things to consider uh this does need to be at the bottom because there's oil in here and oil level there and it says something important there caution do not and i can't read the rest and i could scrape the paint off it's a lot of work anyway we've got to mount this thing now ideally i'd like it on the front here except this is cast and really really awkward um not not great we could also weld it to the bottom of those two i-beams that would keep it even more protected but then you wouldn't know it has a winch like you need to see a giant winch on the front don't we it's part of it how are we gonna do this i'm gonna think this through here we go [Music] okay so that's about the most that i can do in the shop we got our transmission cooler mounted lines nicely rooted uh we've got the fuel filter fixed we're gonna add that fast transmission's on bolted on we got a auxiliary hydraulic pump put on now i hope that still spins the right way otherwise i'm in trouble uh yeah we'll worry about that later that's that's future rich's problem put the start make sure that starter fit got my starter bolts ready i didn't have to notch it just a hair to clear the air box because remember our adapter plate is shorter our belt housing is shorter the flywheel is smaller so let's figure out still waiting on alternator still trying to figure that out might just have to convert that 24 volt to a 12 volt bring it to town get that done i don't know i don't care we're gonna do that later um right now we're gonna boom it in place and then uh get going on the 471 because vents need something to weld so here we go okay [Music] all right so uh we got the other engine in the tank i got it just before it got dark a little bit of just messing around trying to get it centered making sure i'm in the right spot for the drive shaft and while we're at it i figure we'll take a look at this one um this one's gonna be running just the winch even though i think that hydraulic pump on the other one's probably big enough to run it this is our backup in case we get stuck and the other engine quits and we are in the middle of nowhere so i'm gonna pull that transmission off i think the smoky clutch bandit is struck again and this clutch is completely roasted but that's okay we're not using it anyway so it was all i could do to get that slave cylinder due and i either couldn't get it in gear or it was partly slipping so we got enough just for one run just kind of see what the thing all needed and now this will go straight to vnr here we go careful katie shouldn't walk on your equipment [Music] [Music] i hope it's not a full-time clutch there's a happy mouse in there i got rudely awakened kitty you're gonna love it it's full of rodents kind of disgusting all right that's filthier than a bob saget comedy sketch that's for daddy that would be my clutch because i'm not sure if that's clutch material or like an animal that got caught in the clutch when i when we fired it up for the first time either way i don't think it left the factory that way let's pull the clutch off and see what she's like [Music] i should slip in a bit that's not so bad attach your drive plate to that somehow and then nice oh i did have one and then i sold it let's see if we can figure that out here we go oh why is everything so you see all the oil in the coming out these guys she was bad good enough to run a witch here we go [Music] another problem we got with this thing is that it's too long by a lot not even a little bit like a lot it doesn't fit under the hood unless we get rid of the fan we don't need a fan that's just it's too much anyway luckily the water pump is done internally so we don't have to worry about that um that spins off the uh blower so we can get rid of this fan assembly no problem we'll uh get rid of this pulley and then we'll just put some pusher fans on it uh electric on the front because yeah why not here we go okay so a big oopsie that i didn't think of before when we kind of rough test fitted this is that the frame of the track sits right here and it just i'm a bit off to one side i can maybe if i if i notch the whole side of the frame and just use the bolt it will just slide past but i have to move it over i will it will squeeze right in between i think that's what we'll do it'll be pretty easy actually i gotta move this over here i'm not 100 centered not a big deal um for you guys worried about cuts cutting up that uh crew cab i know they're getting up in value that thing's really rough so we're just gonna make it fit this project and it is now snowing nice here we go [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so we're going to do is just cut a half inch slit through here and drop the winch down in turn it and lift up just so the top stick through that way we can weld it to the top here and we can weld it at the bottom and even on this lip here so that should be that should be pretty strong then i realized you know what there's a real pain in the butt to work on because everything is down low even like this it's a pain to work on so the truck just is bolted on the back and then these two on the front here so i think why not get a couple cylinders we've got a hydraulic pump anyway and then just make it so the whole car can lift up that's why my projects take so long [Music] um [Music] [Music] okay so if the plan works we're going to boom that in it should just fit in the vent and the hole the vents are standing on and we'll drop it down underneath we'll turn it and then we cut slits in the in the i-beam rails there where those two plates on the side will will slide up in and it'll work just perfect right vince almost haven't been bad really for for no plans or blueprints or just rough measurements that'll be fine [Music] okay so that worked out really really well except then i changed my mind um i think we're gonna cut the bottom lip of the i-beam off and go right up to the top one there just because the cable is down just a bit so then it's it's basically if we're trying to pull out or pull something out we're pushing down on that a lot we could put rollers in that there but i think for the time it takes we can just cut the rest of that out lift it up and weld it up that's too bad because everything else went really really nice it uh went together right where i wanted it to and uh but then i changed my mind that's the way it goes okay so i changed my mind again because i put the cable out and it actually doesn't rub it's actually nice um it goes right over top of that one under that one not much clearance but that's the way she goes so we'll put a roller on the front there and maybe some pin or something that goes down or would it be better coming through this iv if the spool goes down it changes the height then it could actually start pulling on that i-beam too i think this is about the best [Music] [Music] all right we've got brakes we got a winch vince is going to finish welding that up uh tomorrow we've got drive shaft automatic transmission got a cooler fast mount's all finished and welded up that's where we're going to stop the video for now next video will be all about the crew cab we're gonna spruce that up tuesday how to parts truck so really nice to just swap some parts to make that thing uh actually nice to drive and be inside uh and then we'll put that back on here and hook up all the little extras that we've uh thought of along the way so now a quick reminder that all the repair videos on the tank and on the cab over are going to be on this channel the heavy duty channel all the driving of it will be on the main channel we were hoping to make videos earlier on this but um it was just in such bad shape it really was just a worn out tank with an underpowered worn out engine that barely worked um and we finished it off so um that's what this channel channel's all about this is really no plan or anything just kind of tackle it one thing at a time and you should do the same because if you're not filthy you're not rich here we go
Channel: DGHD
Views: 132,375
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: deboss garage, detroit diesel 2 stroke, 6v71, 6v71 detroit diesel, sherman tank, semi automatic transmission, 30 speed transmission, 2 stroke detroit diesel, MT643, mt643 allison transmission, shermanator tank, m4a2 sherman
Id: APUetk8Sbks
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 23sec (2363 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 27 2021
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