How Is This Dash Going To Fit In Ed's LJ20 That Was Stuck 40 Years In The Sierra Nevada Mountains?

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so that's easy part the dash not so easy all right golden nugget dash so today i gotta take this little piece right here and make it fit where this used to fit so there's been some confusion on why i'm doing what i'm doing here so what's going on you guys didn't see this part on my channel this was on bleep and jeep's channel bleeping colt came to my shop he tore all this stuff out of the sidekick and we are currently in the process of making all this fit back in the nugget so this motor is a computer controlled motor so it needs the brain which is right here it needs this ecm so we figured the easiest thing to do was to gut the entire wiring harness and dash and everything and make it fit in here so you watched me last week put the steering column in it that is the steering column out of the side kick so all the signal lights everything is going to work just like the side kick worked once i can make all this wiring plug into everything then we also have the factory shifter that came out of the side kick which is going to go back in that way everything hooks back up and it works we've got a brake pedal that i've got to deal with and put in here because it's the fatter pedal this all needs to fit i need the the signal or the brake switch out of it to make it work right sounds easy let's do it [Music] all right randall he's getting an edumacation here on this wiring stuff it's exciting i love it yeah when colt and i tore the wiring out of that sidekick it was not fun it's a good thing colt was here i was losing my patience with it i was about ready to cut it all off but he's a patient guy and he saved it this is gonna it's gonna give us some challenges let me show you what we got going this here dash needs to fit in that their spot it don't fit as you can see it's just physically not right but it's gonna be when we're done so i don't know what to do exactly i'm thinking that we can we can lose this much of it for sure we can cut that off and try to get some other glass molded to it i don't know i don't know what to do i'm not a plastic guy but it appears i'm about to be a plastic guy on better news though the shifter it's gonna work good that is my shifter it needs to set somewhere in that range like so i just i'm just gonna have to cut and bolt this down in here should be able to hook the shifter up and we'll have forward reverse gears so that's the easy part the dash not so easy okay we are currently robbing parts i need this brake switch right here it will just plug right back into all of our wiring so we're undoing it we'll get it put in first and we'll cut this pedal off because this was a standard before and it has a narrow pedal we want this bat pedal so we'll cut it off and put that pedal in it and then we'll start mocking up some brake master cylinder we'll have the brakes basically handled here if we did this right this should screw right back in to the existing hardware it doesn't feel like it wants to just screw right oh it did so 1972 suzuki lj20 and a suzuki sidekick tracker tracker same thread pattern on the brake switch we're just going to screw that right in there and put her home maybe i can see why colt likes these things they're kind of like the chevy they just interchange now all we got to do is cut the pedal off but we got to install the throttle pedal first so we'll do that this is original equipment right here oem jiminy cricket we'll put it back where it goes and then make it fit once we get to that point um somebody put a steering column in the way yeah it's uh seems to be hitting some stuff over here in this area that just got a little more difficult so all right we'll get back to you when we figure this out all right game plan is we're going to take this space out of it we're going to cut this off right there cut that off right there weld it back together and it should fit down in there doesn't it's randall's fault is his idea [Applause] all right we're gonna test fit this sucker we're gonna tack it in place and then we'll go see if it needs mood [Applause] [Music] clear by a buy a mill a centimeter i am a literal genius yeah i'm leaving vandal just get this built will you put this together you all know how that would go all right she is built we'll cool it down bolt it in work on the brake pedal now if a guy can get his little digits up in that where it needs to go she's ready to rip all right so this is the brake pedal assembly out of the tracker i need this big pad so what we're going to do is cut it off like right here somewhere we'll cut the other petal off and we'll weld the two together so we got a big pad pretty straight forward and easy i don't need that stuff no more i'll just cut that pedal off right there we'll make it fit that's how we need it we'll weld that on and then we gotta heat this it needs to be over like right here i'll weld it on and then we'll get after it so we've got it properly beveled so we can get a good weld on it so it won't break off i'm not worried about it this will be tougher than it was originally [Music] [Applause] we're gonna heat this [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hey like that it looks factory doesn't it factory enough how you like that looks better to me that's way better okay on the shifter this one's long enough we can use it we'll take cut that off turn it because it needs to come up the side a little bit yeah if i just turned over to the side barely so it came up right here that'd be good we'll make this happen we'll take this and this and we'll make a shifter that works there's neutral there's low right there that's where that needs to be that goes there i need to put a a kink in it i think we'll weld that on there and then we'll kink this back up straight so it's straight up i'll tack that into place grandma wally sweet homemade cinnamon rolls heck yeah i took two plates in your house so i brought you guys a plate so you can keep some thank you you're welcome we will mow these things down i figured you would all right all right thanks do you well faster when there's cinnamon rolls waiting oh yeah the icrometer says that's the e-ticket spot [Music] yeah i think that'll work i will weld this thing permanently we'll let her cool and eat us a cinnamon roll grandma wally cinnamon roll pretty epic it's good too bad you guys can't taste it because it's really good there's something there's something there's something and there's something oh yeah i think we did or we can get this all clamped down in there and it'll stay i like it we're staying with it the rats have nod on all of this see that it's awesome that annoys you here in the background as my child building knives he's figured out my belt sander and thinks it's a knife maker okay one shifter dealt with now we got to deal with this shifter kids these days [Applause] all right we are modifying shifter stuff here that's hot how do you feel about that i feel good about it you'll find a seat oh yeah i can't see why that's not gonna just put me in the way of everything i mean the gas pedal's in a really hard spot to get to the brakes are inconvenient i think it's going to be fine oh yeah shifter levers don't interfere with each other oh yeah that's that's gonna work right there randall i mean the headlights are easy to get to though i can do that pretty simple they're just pretty pretty dang small yeah that shifter is going to be that's going to work perfect right there then we'll build a new console around it to gussy it up make it all purty for low first gear whoa buh there was a guy that used this once that that really down some some numbers to it i don't know who that guy was though all right there's that we'll bolt that down shifter is uh installed test oh that thing hot quite hot yeah still still hot on the old shifter that's not what we got going is there's not enough movement in this boot to make it work right this shifter is installed it's gonna work we just gotta hook a cable up to it things will be good there it's installed so let's move on to some other stuff power steering all right so the old pump was no way gonna fit down in here so i went out and dug through my plunder and i rounded this pump up from the derby car days and it looks like it's gonna do most everything that we need it to it's clearing everywhere mostly ish we're just going to go ahead and build a bracket and put this thing on right there probably going to be a little tight getting down into all this stuff with the fender on it but i'm okay with it that's how it's gonna roll we've got these three bolt holes right here actually there's four but we're gonna use these three so we'll mount a piece of flat metal off of those then we'll build a 90 degree l bracket drill two holes in it this one up here will elongate and make it a long arc so that we can tighten it sounds easy right let's do it this thing should start taking shape here that is going to clear just by the skin of its teeth really pretty close to that bolt that bolt may not be able to be installed some electric would have been nice on this right now but we don't physically have enough room from here to here to put a prius electric one in it i haven't completely ruled out the idea of like a side-by-side electric pump yet but i'm gonna try this first because i have it and i don't have to wait about a pile of people message me and say hey why don't you use that don't worry i thought about it there's just not physically enough room and i think this header will completely destroy meld it yeah you're gonna try to do it with just two bolts yeah that's the that's my hopes and dreams so i guess what i need to do is build a flat piece of metal that fits that all right we're gonna just cut a nice square piece out of here and then we'll go to milling on it and get our holes punched in it and get the arc made in where we need it we'll square it up cut it i love it that'll be the starts [Music] that should work now i just got to make this other part bolt to the pump now we can put it in well it's not going to fit real great but it is going to fit that's all that matters right drill that hole tap it and then we can make our our half moon shape up there for adjustment and then we can start getting everything square tacked in then we'll build the braces that hold it maybe we'll be power steering before we know it a little tap magic there was a hundred people telling me that i was doing my tapping wrong really because i got a little rowdy with that one that one tap it's not that i didn't know how to tap so i didn't want to take the time to do it the right way there's a difference and i paid the price now i'm getting a new metric tap just like that cut that right out of there whiz-bang boom weld it in and adjust it up put a belt on it doing doughnuts in head you wait we'll tip that thing on its side before we even know it's spending doughnuts that's what i'm afraid of you try to rip a donut in it she'll go over on the lid it'll catch a rear tire and we'll be sitting there staring at each other upside down be like oh you call matt no you call matt let's have michelle call him we'll just send him a picture he can figure it out on his own [Music] randall did we just do something right time will tell we gotta weld that in first oh that's all backwards that goes in like that we almost did something right there she goes well if it didn't hit the block and everything else in there it'd be like spectacular that was easy where did that come from what was it but that was easy button oh i put it in my backpack oh i was like we're in the world i thought this was just gonna go together and i was gonna reach back and tap it and get a smile out of you oh i leaned down and it tapped it i was trying to figure out who in the world is in my shop right now this needed to be over here to rotate this up away from the steering arm you remember that time when i said we did something right i was just teasing i had in my brain this way the whole time my brain just wasn't talking to everything else sometimes your brain will hold out on you if we had a belt that was like a size bigger than that where we could move that up to right there they'd be way more happy in life with them yeah it's figured out so all we gots to do is buy a one size bigger belt a half inch bigger belt it'll work power steering figured out that was easy power steering troubles behind us we checked the list we're to the radiator we're going to make the radiator fit all right here's mirai didiator it's uh it's a honda civic now someone in the comments told us about this so i went checked it out and this honda civic race radiator seems to be the exact thing that we are looking for here we're gonna mount that sucker in there and then we'll build some sort of a little shroud on it and life should be good should be pretty straightforward we should have radiation in no time at all all right so these are my mounts pretty simple but yet effective so we'll go weld them in [Music] [Music] [Music] not warm enough to run water in my shop that sucks now i'm standing in it so all right back to this i'm just going to build a little simple z bracket we'll boulder down right there it'll just hold right there we'll put some little gussets in it so it's tough things will be great it'll be perfect we won't be able to put any hoses on it because the fan will chew them off but hey you can't have your cake and eat it too so that's next time we'll figure all that crap out so we'll hurry and mount that thing down we'll build this next time you see it poof done oh yeah what could go wrong there the only thing i can see going wrong here is it's not going to fit will your other bender bend it it uh no i think this thing will tell me to pound sand right here plus it won't go in there either because we bent the wrong one first why'd you do that randall i don't know i clearly remember telling you hey don't don't bend that side first it'll all right let's go do the old-fashioned way oh this is just not gonna be pretty we did the wrong bend first didn't we pretty much the story of my existence [Music] oh i don't know we're gonna figure something else out cause that is not happy about what i'm telling it to do it was gonna be cool too until it wasn't i think i've solved my dilemma put a chunk of angle iron on here clamped her in tight now we're just going to bend this up it should make a nice little little kink action right on it now gently tap it [Music] let's go see if it fits you see anything wrong with that so i think we drill one two and three holes in that thing that's done i'm happy as the song goes we got a lot done but we didn't get this dash put in it because well as you can see it just don't fit so i talked earlier about just trimming this part off of it so it didn't stick out here so far but i can't sell myself on that idea so probably what we're going to do is buy some gauges that fit in here and make it look way better cleaner and easier i think that's the easier route to go than try to cut this dash up i don't want to cut this dash up it's good so in the end i think going a different route from this dash it's going to be better it's going to turn out better have a better product for ed and it's going to look better more importantly so all right so we got a pile done today man randall we slaved on this thing all day we didn't get all we planned on getting done we got a lot done we got radiator in it power steering's figured out shifters are in it we did not get the dash tackle because i can't make my mind up on it i'm not happy with it right now but she's coming together slowly but surely thanks for watching
Channel: Fab Rats
Views: 532,040
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fab rats, golden nugget, LJ20, Matts off road recovery, Suzuki Jimny, we'll get em out, fabrication, build series, diy, vintage, rare
Id: 9DOcUkt0O-U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 2sec (1442 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 26 2021
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