Filling the roof and welding in the back window on the chopped 37 Ford hot rod Part 14

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alrighty we're back so goal for this one is uh to get this chop buttoned up so that'd be pretty nice i don't know where we go after that but there's still plenty to do still gonna put the dash in and stuff but anyway without further ado uh let's start well let's just get this part done we'll get these b pillars done and around the back and maybe look at the window right away sure why not let's do that get our window frame in there we'll uh pretty much try to get that all sorted out back here and then we'll start tackling the top do [Music] you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] well if you guys aren't liking my time-lapse stuff or noticing it's different i'm kind of boycotting gopros right now they keep boogering up on me so i'm trying a different camera for my time-lapse anti-you we got this all welded up uh some spots are a little rough i guess hindsight i should have banged stuff out before i started but we'll work on that i got the back window all welded in and uh and the b pillars are all done as well i got most of this stitched together we got to give everything a a good grind and then we should be pretty good um again everything needs some feathering i don't know if you can see on film it's pretty it's pretty banged up back here any hue next step is going to be building these i'm going to puzzle these out of multiple pieces like the chunks i took out of here some chunks out of the front i'm gonna kind of do everything to try to make the same piece uh i might bring you in show you how i do that and then uh i guess because this drip rail is different i don't have a piece to put in there i think what i'm going to do is use some round rod i'm going to just do a flaked edge on it so i'll end up cutting just the outer edge of the drip rail off i'll grind this thing smooth and uh when i make this piece then eventually when the bodywork gets done it'll kind of just disappear and it'll just have a little drifted edge instead of this gutter you'll see i'll show you um but let's uh yeah let's start with this we got to get this chunk out of the way anyway so we'll do that first and then well we'll do both sides and then maybe we'll work on the door tops that'll probably be the next thing get those where they're supposed to be [Music] do [Music] so [Music] well i was going to use this round rod around the drip rail but it uh i kind of just made all the garbage and it sort of worked out pretty good so i was going to reuse some stuff in here and the same underneath but i opted just to make all my own stuff so which actually worked out really well so this is what i got going on here just a piece of uh that heavy gauge plate like i made the firewall out of i just had some left over so and uh we kind of just scooped it in so i did that part then i just uh did a 90 and then made this upper piece and then this one i bent to 90 came around used some i don't know just some threaded rod or whatever but it fit in the drip rail i held it was able to walk it around i was kind of trying to shape it so it follows everything properly so if you actually look inside here i don't know if you can see in there or not okay i don't know if you can actually see in there or not but i just used this threaded rod i tried to mimic the bump that was in the middle here you can see the little groove there you probably can't see it here this weld's ugly i got to clean that all up but anyways we uh we got that all sorted out uh three pieces later i had two pieces that's done so gotta do this on the other side now we'll uh save this fun part for after i still gotta do that whole bit there and then we can do the door tops and then i guess technically the chops done well we still got to cut the window frame down and then i got to probably get some glass done yeah getting ahead of myself here okay let's do this over again i hope i explained that well it's pretty much the piece of the time i don't know what i was all gonna do i thought i was gonna reuse some of this stuff but it was like garbage wasn't the same width nothing was the same ended up all being the same stuff so or not the same stuff just ended up being wrong no matter what usually you would use this kind of stuff on the chop but for this particular car it just worked out easier to make my own stuff so that's what i did anywho let's get uh let's get the other side done and then we can start gluing the door tops on and it's going to start looking pretty cheery we'll start to get the whole look of it [Music] do do do well we got this side all done it's uh top bottom everything's i don't know pretty nice i think is what it is oh that was my roof piece or my door top hey pablo i'm just too dang noisy eh that's this piece all right well tomorrow's plan is gonna be to get all this working we're gonna have to cut it in the middle we'll have to widen it over to the one side and then whatever bits we cut out of it you can even see though it's actually a little fatter in the middle here at least i can see that i don't know if you can anywho when we work on that tomorrow the pieces i cut out i'm gonna have to well whatever pieces i shuffle out of the front here i'm gonna have to uh add into the middle here you can't do that much with this piece because it's like way too dang big so yeah that's going to be tomorrow's plan we'll just get that thing chopped up and into the window frame here so we'll get the doors done tomorrow hopefully we're gonna get started on this should be able to i don't see why not sure look at that and then we just gotta dress everything and then maybe plenish and smooth the roof out but maybe i'll see that for when i do start doing the bodywork and stuff we still have a bunch of rust repair to do because the bottom of the doors here well they're pretty hammered i'm not going to try to fix the other guy's stuff we'll smooth it out and we'll just work with what it is and then uh yeah like there's a little bit of rust down here and on the inside i have to fix that and just a whole lot of dents lots and lots of dents right lots of dents anyways till tomorrow for now i'm done done for tonight [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] there we go you might ask yourself why did i cut that off well that's because this started to do a downward slope so basically i screwed up and made myself some more work [Laughter] so i gotta weld that back in just so i can add a piece into there oh well live and learn [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] my uh [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] do [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all righty well we got the um the door tops like they're half welded on i guess to see uh both sides are done but they need like tons of work yet uh like we gotta shave this top this part over here we gotta actually add some material you'll kind of see when we look inside here the uh this lower part like it's half welded on but you can see how from here and here how i'm gonna have to do a slit up and down to make the bottom come in the top come out this part is a little bit of a dumpster fire but we got to kind of um well it's going to be easier to make everything from new at least this outer shell i think i can reuse uh some of the bottoms from one of my other door tops over there or whatever but and then we've got to do the same up here i gotta um i gotta get this like a cut and a cut to bring this in or this one in this one out it's kind of the mo there the big thing is here because the uh the lower part like i say i'm gonna have to do a slice through the work so i might cut the tops off and graft one of the other tops between the two just so it has a better transition between the two panels so that's kind of the the jiff that's going on there the other side i uh have kind of the same thing going on everywhere it's got all the same problems this one i tried using like the piece of door that was over here but uh you can tell it uh it don't work for crap so i'm gonna cut this out i'll cut the uh the bottom part out because even that doesn't line up with anything i don't know if you can even see that right but this piece steps around here and this one's like super super short so you can tell this piece that i used was actually from up here and then up here there's just so much more going on and i don't know why but we even the door was very tweaked so what i did was uh i kind of stuck a straight edge over on this side and i want to make sure that was straight but it was i got it straight but it was pulling in way too hard so i basically cut the bottom brought door out now it's nice and straight from here all the way up so we got that sorted out and uh well i don't know at least looks like a door opening anyways there's still like crap loads more work to do but you kind of get the feel of what's going on here um i don't know if i'll touch any of that right now i might save that for tomorrow maybe i'll start on the uh the roof here and just see if i can make this somewhat enjoyable or not i don't know time will tell we'll uh i can start cutting some steel and try to see if we can bring these two panels semi-close to each other and tack it in maybe start on the one pull it over i don't know we'll see what we do i'm sure i'll screw it up and then we'll do it again there's no there's no ace to any of this so this stuff just is what it is all right well let's get started [Music] do [Music] so [Music] do [Music] do [Music] do [Music] do [Music] do [Music] do [Music] [Music] do [Music] do [Music] [Music] do [Music] do [Music] well we fought with this what feels like an hour i won't say i fought it uh it's been actually working pretty good you can i don't know hopefully you can kind of get a a feel of how close we are here it's pretty good but uh this part of the roof here for some reason is uh not something drastically changed in the chop if you actually see how this thing comes here to here let's see if i can get you in there a little bit but if you see how the wire reaches up it's uh there's quite a gap under there so i think the easiest thing to do is to uh basically cut this out like this part of the roof seems okay so we can probably go there i'm going to come up with a high on the roof and maybe just make a new section i guess a guy could do reliefs but that's just a crazy i think i'll start up here to here around this part seems about right so we'll kind of do this and just rebuild this as one piece it'll probably just flow as just a nice like i don't have to do any english wheel work or anything like that i'll be able to just do it with the uh uh just as a simple bend up kind of start welding it down here fold it up through the old deal fitzy button cut dealio running across there well i guess all i can do is just keep going i'd like to get this done tonight but i don't know not feeling that too much more we'll see hey pablo what says you you're not having any of this there you're not having this at all all right well let's get started [Music] so [Music] do [Music] do [Music] do [Music] well i think that's where i'm going to call it tonight this worked out pretty good i think i got to do a little bit of hammer dolling in there but overall i know this is not traditional most guys just do a cut i guess i went a little further back than i should have i probably should have went around here and then things might have been fine but i always think there's a bit of a weird spot around these areas anyways they usually always have something so i don't know it's not traditional but i guess whatever there is no right or wrong at least in the end when you schmooze it and everything else everything will look fine so but i don't know i'm pretty happy like the roof line looks pretty good i don't know i think it still needs to be hammered and whatever else here but i think we got we got her to do what we needed so we still got lots left to do it's late and i don't feel like doing the other side so we'll save that for tomorrow and then uh i guess we'll have to get to the inside of the doors and all that stuff anywho i think my buddy is uh ready to go in so hey pabs ready to go call her a night all righty till tomorrow [Laughter] he's already out the door i haven't shut down the shop yet [Applause] one minute one minute [Music] with [Music] so [Music] [Music] there we go we got our uh roof pretty much all done i'm still slapping dollying trying to get this all up a little better i mean it's it's good enough but i'm going to keep working at it let me pull the plenishing hammer out and just kind of walk this a little better just a couple you can kind of see if you haven't ground got the weld there's a few little low spots but it's not bad it's not that crazy not that big of a deal it isn't too bad we got there we got the back window uh pretty much have the chop all buzzed in just gotta do the doors finish the doors up and uh cut that front window frame and technically the chop is done there's a whole lot of work to do on the doors yet but uh i don't know i'm pretty happy the way the roof turned out it'll work it'll work for what i need or what i want yeah we got to smash a whole lot of dents out on that thing a whole lot of smoothing needed to happen here yet we'll see how it goes but i think this thing's uh this video might have ran on a little bit for me i thought i'd get a whole chop done but ah didn't look like we got that far so next round we're gonna uh like i say we'll get the doors finished we'll get the uh window frame done and then i don't know we'll see where we're at at that point but uh for now it'll do anyways as always i want to thank you folks for watching and uh we'll catch you on the next one later [Music] you
Channel: Halfass Kustoms
Views: 5,022
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: metal fabrication, chopped top, chop top, how to chop a roof, roof chop, custom cars, hot rods, metal fabrication projects, metal fabrication techniques, 1935 ford, hot rod, auto body panel fabrication, car mods, chopping a pickup, 1937 ford, 1937 ford truck rat rod, chopping ford pickup, 1937 ford pickup, auto shop setup, how to chop a truck cab, agressive chop, rat rod roof chop, ford rat rod pickup
Id: X3PrBK5UaAo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 34sec (2554 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 28 2021
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