Will it Crepe? ft Ashens

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"What a load of Crepe" would have been the title of the Barshens version.

👍︎︎ 32 👤︎︎ u/davedubya 📅︎︎ Jan 31 2019 🗫︎ replies

I can't believe Stuart still has The World's Sharpest Knife™

👍︎︎ 26 👤︎︎ u/blalohu 📅︎︎ Jan 31 2019 🗫︎ replies

gotta admit

lukewarm on barry solo

enjoy ashens solo

when they get together they improve each other in the comedy aspect 10000x

they are just PERFECT together

👍︎︎ 21 👤︎︎ u/gmoneygangster3 📅︎︎ Feb 01 2019 🗫︎ replies

Stuart's hairline is getting crepe-ier by the day

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/carl84 📅︎︎ Jan 31 2019 🗫︎ replies

This video is very Crepey

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/Pnuttn 📅︎︎ Jan 31 2019 🗫︎ replies

I thought they might try and cook stuff into the batter, ah well.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Rich661 📅︎︎ Feb 02 2019 🗫︎ replies
- Does that look weird? (dramatic music) I'm off to Norwich to record another batch of videos for Barshens with Stuart and a range of guests. So I'll be in Norwich for a few days, I aint flying this time. Last time I was there we did will it Soda Stream? We are taking this to Norwich to do, will it crepe? - Bye. - Bye. - [Barry] Look at this cake actually, look at this, cheeky little cake, is that yours? - It's mine. - Alright well I'll leave you too it, I'll leave you to it. Bye. Alright so here I am at the tennis club about to go on that court and play, and then we're gonna do the four and a half hour drive to Norwich. Okay I've just finished tennis and it's just gone half past, it's quarter to 10 in the evening. I'm not gonna get to Norwich til around 2 AM, if I even make it there, I don't know what I'm gonna do. In the words of Cher, if I could turn back time I would have left tennis a little earlier but I got talking, alright let's drive. I need petrol, I need some food at some stage, I'm just gonna go as far as I can, hopefully past London. I'm about a third of the way to Norwich and it's getting, it's like half 11 at night now. I'm pretty tired, why didn't I catch a plane. Alright folks it is 2 AM, I don't know if you can see that, this is a Travel Lodge right there, it's a hotel, I'm hoping I've got a room, I'm 20 minutes away from where I need to be so this is ideal. If the next thing you see is me on a bed we've done it. They didn't have any rooms free. It's half past three in the morning, I had a little nap, I got really tired but I pushed it, I'm actually here in Norwich, that is a long, long drive. This has been a road trip and a half. So here we are back in your kitchen, in this bar area. - 70s bar of doom. - I love it, and you might be able to get the ambience of a, is that a Spitfire. (laughs) People loved your set up when we did the Soda Stream video. - Amazing, I'm glad somebody does. - In fact that was so popular and you guys were keen to see it so much we are back, but we're not doing Soda Stream. - Oh no. - No. - Today we have crepe expectations. - Oh, we've got this gadget that makes crepes. Basically you were saying to me the ones that they charge you an extortionate amount of money at market stalls. - That's it go to the French market or German market, they seem to be in any sort of market that's European. They take a little bit of stuff down, bit of wood on a stick, that'll be 93 pounds please. - Yeah, and there is some skill to that as well, and you can get Nutella and bananas and that, but we're taking it up, we're giving it a little Barry and Ashen's twist, little Barshens twist. - Do you have the skill of the? - No. (laughs) - Oh me neither. - I've never done it before. Shall we make a batter? - Bloody lets. - [Barry] And we'll whisk it through, so pour that in. - [Stu] Oh whisky business. I think this is batter. - [Barry] Yeah, smooth, lump free. - [Stu] Nice. - [Barry] Congratulations you've not got a YouTube cooking channel. - About bloody time. - Alright so we're not gonna go too crazy on reviewing this, unless you want to do full on Ashen's mode on it, it's basically a hot plate. - I've broke my hand. - Oh my goodness, it's like a tug of war. Look at that, all you get is your instructions, you get your wooden T piece, is that what you call it? - Oh no, paddle. - Paddle, nice. And it's actually, the heating area here's got a lip on it, so you can't spill over your crepe. So we could probably. - Oh, that sounds like a challenge. - Yeah, we'll do our best. - Ooh, is that first time heating up spell. - This was a lot like the toaster smell but. - How much do you think? - Just a little spray and, some kitchen towel. Oh coconutty, yeah that's nice. - Oh sorry I got it up your jumper then. - Got like coconut aftershave on. Alright, that's nice, that's really cool. I feel like a DJ. - I think we've wiped it all off now. - Yeah it's all on there. (laughs) Alright so that's optional. Here we go, right okay, so then you grab your spreader and you go around. - Oh it has gone, we have spillage. - It's leaked yeah. - Oh no look it's cooked too quick. It's alright we can add more. - Yeah, the worlds thickest crap, I mean crepe. - Look at that yeah. - I feel we haven't got the knack of it, or it's a bit too hot. - I think it's a bit too hot yeah. - Do you want me to knock it down to two? - Yeah, I think it's still gonna work though you know. This stuff is deceptively strong, just a little clumpy. (laughs) It's alright guys we've got this. Where have you gone, help me. (laughs) - Hey. - Ah ha ha, whoo, yes. - My God, it looks like a proper one. - We did it. - I don't think we'll put you through this again. We'll just make four and then we'll show you our montage of fun ingredients. Alright Stu, are we ready. - We're as ready as we'll ever be Barry, how often do we say that, a lot. - A lot, yeah actually if you see the Barshens channel, Stuart and I, that's why I'm in Norwich, we're doing some epic filming tomorrow so do check it out, don't forget to have a little ganders. We're gonna start easy I think, a little baby food inspired one. - Mm, baby food you say. - We've got some pear and apple flavour. - That's not too bad is it, it's better then I don't know mixed up peas and lamb, or whatever the other stuff. - I had that yesterday actually. - Crumble up the Rusk do you reckon? - Yes we have Rusks, do you guys know what Rusks are? Retro nostalgic, I grew up eating these as a baby, it is baby biscuits but as an adult. - I want to ask now, are they very high in sugar? - I hope not but in the 80s the rules were a little bit more relaxed. - Yeah, everyone had 40 pints of Ribena and wondered why your child's teeth had fallen out. - [Barry] So what do you think, a Rusk whole or? - [Stu] I reckon crush up that Rusk. - [Barry] Crush it, apple and pear. - [Stu] Oh look at that. - [Barry] That's gonna be good Stu, I like this. So a crepe normally you go over like that, and then they go in like that. So you've got like, you stick that in a cone but because we've got to share it we'll stick it onto our board and make a bit, is this the thing? - [Stu] This is the worlds sharpest knife from one of my old videos. - [Barry] That was actually a video wasn't it, and it did really well. - [Stu] Because it is indeed the worlds sharpest knife. If you drop it face down it will just go straight to the Earth's core. - It does look good though, it looks a bit like appley crumble vibe going on. - Right I'm going in. - Wow. - Sorry, got too close to the camera. (laughs) - That is really good. - That's not bad actually. - I'm a baby again eating my puree but with the Rusk it's got that powderiness, that sort of wholesomeness. - I'd prefer it if it actually was like proper stewed fruit as opposed to sort of more watery babyish equivalent. - I was about to say the fruit, there's something in it, yeah it's watery, it's not got as much sugar in it which obviously for a kid, yeah okay. - That I can live with, but the consistency of it is suboptimal crepes I believe. - I don't think this is gonna be the worst one. We got inspired in the supermarket. - Mm, by sausage rolls. - Sausage roll. Our idea was to remove the outer pastry shell and replace it with crepe, a crepeage roll. So we're gonna remove the sheaf and expose the sausage where is this going, wrap it in the crepe. I reckon this will be nice as well. - Yeah, I can't see any major problems with this one. I'm about to learn aren't it. - Unless you stick liquorice in with it or something. - Oh, no. - [Barry] So we're gonna take the pastry out. - [Stu] That'll be easy enough. - [Barry] And just remove the sausage. - [Stu] Oh the horrifying, ooh. - Okay. - Okay great. - [Barry] It's like a little stick isn't it. - [Stu] It's the colour of it, it's just all bread really if I remember with sort of little bits of meat and fat in. - [Barry] Yeah like a big fat stuffing ball. Can I borrow your world sharpest, wow that is sharp. - [Stu] Certainly. - [Barry] That is a sharp knife Stu. - [Stu] Superb. - [Barry] Look at that. - [Stu] Bloody hell. - [Barry] Superb, she follows me on Twitter. - [Stu] Who's that? - [Barry] A girl called Sue Perb. (laughs) Serious. That is great, I've got to tell her what an amazing name she's got. Honestly. It's just mass, there's no meat in that really, it's just. - It's just bread mostly, bread and filler, a sausage roll isn't it really. - It's like a meaty coin. Right. It doesn't really change anything to it, you still get the pastry. - Yeah, occasional hint of something slighty more sweet. - Yeah, it's not that sort of barrier to break through so much but, crepeage rolls are the future. Shall we up the aunty a little bit. What does that phrase even mean is it aunty? - Ante. - Ante. (laughs) What you're gonna up an ant, you're not gonna lift an ant up. - Aunty Pru, yah! Supermarket sushi. - Yes. - Wow. - Sushimarket. - So this is mackerel, mackerel sushi really. - It's a poor mans sushi. - Yeah, a bit of smoked salmon, prawns obviously, and something that a cat has thrown up on the carpet. - [Barry] It is not looking good. And you've got your trademark pack of wasabi there. There's a bit of soy. - [Stu] And what is that pickled ginger? - [Barry] Yeah, I think we should go the whole works. - [Stu] I hate pickled ginger, definitely put some of that in. - [Barry] So I think we might just go a little crazy on this - [Stu] Okay. (laughs) It's the finesse that other cooking channels lack I find. - [Barry] We'll get it into the rice, so it absorbs it and doesn't soak in to the crepe. - [Stu] Good shout. - [Barry] Teeny bit of ginger, which I absolutely hate. - [Stu] I hate pickled ginger as well. - [Barry] Yeah, so let's add some more. - [Stu] As much as we can. - [Barry] At the end of the day it's still sushi. - [Stu] True, but I mean you know, you could throw it in a sewer and pull it out and it will still be sushi Barry. - [Barry] That's very true, yeah. That is good. - [Stu] Again, we have very different ideas about what good means Barry. - [Barry] Yeah, ooh. - [Stu] Ooh, do not want. - I said I'd take you out for dinner tonight. - Mm, just to take away the taste of lunch. Oh wasabi. Ooh wasabi. - Oh that ginger. - Ah you got the ginger, oh I got a bit of ginger. - That's so weird. - It does. - It just feels wrong. - Just taste like a load of mashed up sushi with something unpleasantly sweet that shouldn't be in there - And 'cause it's so cold, I mean sushi's supposed to be cold but the crepe as well, it's kind of like having a wet flannel wrapped around your sushi that you're supposed to eat with it, isn't it. It's just like clinging to it, going ah, but the soy, the ginger I didn't like but, and the texture of the rice. - Yeah, it's just not working with that crepe at all. - No. - So that's not a good. - Load of crepe. (laughs) We saved the best till last. - Well at last a classic combination like you would find at any market or fun fair. - Belgian chocolate eclairs. - Really nice, choux pastry buns, cream, chocolate, nice, what's not to love. - And Tabasco brand habanero sauce. Isn't this the really hot one? - Yeah. - Great. - I mean there are hotter sauces our there. - Yeah. - But there is no world that I can imagine that I've ever come across where a chocolate eclair, cream eclair goes served with a hot sauce, a habanero sauce. - No, can't think of a single one. - Apart from this one. - [Stu] It's like you're bleeding all over it. Bleeding pain. Oh man you're putting tonnes on. - [Barry] I don't know, I don't really do that much sauce so I don't know, is that too much. - [Stu] Well we're gonna find out. - [Barry] I can smell it. - Yep. - Wow. - [Stu] It's actually eating through the plate. - [Barry] I think it's just burnt off my nostril hairs. See you could go to a restaurant and be served that and think yes. - [Stu] An eclair in a crepe, what could possibly go wrong? Answer hot sauce. - The smell is so strong. - The smell of success is not what I'm smelling Barry. - Right. - It looks like a sausage roll like that. - It does. - But it's not. - It's really not, as we're about to demonstrate. - Okay I'm going big on this one. - Good for you. So much sauce. - Oh my God, that is hot. - A, it's really hot and B it's really disgusting. - The cream. (groans) Oh my gosh, oh I'm getting the sauce now. Whoa, it's soaked into the crepe. - The flavour of the sauce does not go with the rest at all. - Mine sort of weaved in with the cream and it was like a weird sort of angry fiery cream, and then the eclair had gone, it was like I'm out of here and then it soaked into the crepe and ah, but I don't think, if we had a real hot sauce I think we would have been in serious trouble but that, whoa. - It's not gonna win the awards Barry. - No. - Unless it's an award for stupidest crepe, crikey. - There goes our pitch to Gregg's to replace their vegan sausage roll. - You know you've run out of it lads, have you thought of sticking an eclair in a crepe with loads of hot sauce. - Vegan crepe, that's all vegan. - Oh no apart from the cream. - Yeah apart from several ingredients. - Yeah, all of it yeah. Well I think the question was will it crepe? Yes it will. - But should it crepe? They were so concerned with if they could crepe they didn't stop to think if they should crepe. - This is quite a good thing though, I was quite impressed with this. - Yeah that does the job doesn't it, it really does. - It was quite cheap, quite good for a party maybe. - Yeah. - But you can easily make it in a pan, it's just the same as what we make here on Pancake Day really. - Plus if you're in an 80s film and having a fight with somebody to the death, in the middle of it you can grab their face and stick them on it when it's really hot, and they'll go aah! Because there's a scene like that in every 80s action film. - And then the pancake could be on their face and it's sort of like real cheap special effects. - Is it their skin coming off, no, no it's just pancake. - There you are folks, if you missed the (mumbles) video we did on Stuart's channel which was also here. - Whoa. - Urgh. - The Soda Stream video, and the video we're about to do with Stuart trying out something, what is it, kebab thing? - Yeah it's an instant kebab so to speak, a microwaveable kebab from Tesco. - Nice. - It cost about 10 pence or something, it's bad. - Well check that out on Stuart's channel and of course do give Barshens a little glance over and see what you think of what we're doing there. We have a lot of fun, we've got some cool guests and I think I'm gonna go and have an apple one now. Bye bye. - Bye. ♪ Check your level player ♪ ♪ No matter what your style ♪ ♪ The kitchens for me ♪ ♪ Simon's moustache, goatee, maybe all three. ♪ - Oh that was disgusting man. - [Barry] Huh? - That was disgusting.
Channel: Barry Lewis
Views: 284,380
Rating: 4.8721962 out of 5
Keywords: crepe, will it crepe, mvk, kitchen gadget testing, barry lewis, my virgin kitchen, virgin kitchen, ashens, stuart ashen, weird, gadget test, flavour review, strange flavours, soup, capri sun, expired food, barshens food, barshens, taste test, weird gadgets, ashens food, coffee, crepe maker, pancakes, brevilla crepe maker, weird food combinations, hot sauce, food challenges, poundland special, crepes recipe, will it crepes, mvk kitchen gadgets
Id: gXJVPy2r33I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 38sec (938 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 31 2019
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