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👍︎︎ 15 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Aug 30 2015 🗫︎ replies

Watch Ashens' one (and comment in its thread) before watching this to see them in the proper order. :)

👍︎︎ 12 👤︎︎ u/JDGumby 📅︎︎ Aug 30 2015 🗫︎ replies

I would totally watch Stuart review good quality poundland food. I do massive £30 shops there every two months or so to stock up on the snack stash in the corner of my room. I tend to stick to haribos etc but have found some amazing things like delicious raspberry truffles and great choc chip cookies in a yellow/blue packaging. Would be great to get some honest recommendations about the other things I'm hesitant to try

👍︎︎ 11 👤︎︎ u/deathcraze22 📅︎︎ Aug 30 2015 🗫︎ replies
- Hey folks, it's Barry, I'm here with Stuart Ashen. - Hello. - We are on the YouTube space, and if we've managed to light this green screen well, you might have different backgrounds throughout this video, otherwise its a green screen. - Let's just be green. - Yeah yeah. - But it's a nice green. - We're in a grassy field that's made of cotton. - Ah, the sun. - Today, Stuart's obviously a huge fan of Poundland and all the stores like that. What I thought I'd do is, 'cause we've been eating some real hideous stuff recently, I decided to venture into one of these stores and get like a little haul of nice things. - Which isn't that hard, people always go, "Oh Stuart do another Poundland horrible food video." There's nothing really that horrible in there these days. - It was hard, there was a lot of branded stuff, and really good value actually. - But I heard a rumour each item is only 87 pence. - Yeah you go, "How much is that?" "A pound, a pound, a pound." They must get annoyed with that. Well there was some things where it actually said, like the can of drink was 50ps. - That's confusing when they do that. Everything has to be a pound, that's the way it works. - Absolutely. First thing we're gonna taste, we're gonna start with some savoury first of all. This is some chilli & lemon flavour potato grills. - Grills? - Yeah this was made by Cofresh and I just like the sound of that, chilli & lemon grills and the crisps kind of look like a funny toenail-y shape. What do you think? - Yeah it looks like this sort of armour somebody in Mad Max would have on their shoulder. - That's right yeah, yeah. It's very protective, stubborn, butch crisps. So let's give them a try. - I need a stubborn crisp. There's still a hint of pauldron about them, armour fans. - Actually, they do look like those real cheap kinda crisps, that you get, you know those salt and vinegar twirly ones? - Oh, it's always supermarket own-make, yep. - Yeah, smells all right. It's got two peppers on it, in terms of heat. So we'll see how they go. - Yeah, a bit of a kick to them. - A little bit. - Actually they're quite hot for crisps. - Yeah, I don't know if we're just reigniting the heat that we've just had, because there's another video going up on Stuart's channel today, where we just had some very hot stick of rock, that's one way of putting it. - Yeah - Chilli and lemon flavour potato grills, all right? - Quite like those, yeah. I'm not sure how many I could eat, because the heat would get very much very quickly. - Yeah, there's very speckly little bits on it actually, you can see all the spices, they're gradually falling off and hailing on our throats, so eat with caution. Next up is daily fish and chips salt & vinegar. Nostalgia, right? - Who remembers these from the 80s? Oh my goodness, yep. - I remember seeing them, being a seaside boy living by the sea, salt & vinegar fish and chips, all that goes together like peas and carrots or fish and chips, but I've never actually had these, so it intrigued me and I wanted to actually know what they tasted like. - They are magnificent. - Yeah? - Very, very, salt and vinegar-y. - I'm hoping there would be taste of fish in here as well, or? - I'm gonna have to read the newspaper article on the front, because they've done up like a newspaper. - "Holy mackerel, what a catch." You got the same one? - Yep. A man, Will Catchem, has recorded the biggest ever mackerel haul in fishstory. He hooked his megafish while on a trip with his son. He said "It was a quiet fishing day at sea and then suddenly I felt my rod spin out of control." - Where is this going? - "I thought "holy mackerel. It's cod-pletely..." I don't know what he's doing with this. - It's all covered up, all the fish gets in the way of the news story. - The other problem is he apparently caught it with his son, but he's hauging the photo himself. - (laughing) That's it, yeah, yeah, yeah. There's not a potato chips in there. - "This is my day." - So it's snack pack, baked flavour snacks, the little fish shape. If the green screen works there will be a fish behind us right now. - And chip shaped, if the green screen works it will be Boudicea. - So they won't taste of fish then? - Nope, salt and vinegar. - No. - Really? - Don't like those. - Oh my God. - It's a sort of that, its that type of biscuit like a Tuc biscuit, don't like those. - Oh my god. - Yeah it's almost like it just falls apart, I don't trust them. That's why I don't like it. - I don't even know who you are anymore. - What are you? Take your mackerel story away. Yeah, I wanted to call it a rollie, but I think Ashen's corrected me properly, it is a rolly. - I would say a rolly. - It's a very suggestive-shaped looking item, I saw it I thought, "I don't know what this is, but I'm gonna get it and we're gonna talk about it." - Like Harry Potter's wand. - Yeah, oh that would be a completely different style film, giant liquid candy roller with sweetener. - King Tango? What's the difference between Tango and King Tango? - I think it's like an extra 10ml in the bottle. Tango is like an orangeade if you're not sure what that is. Explode your tastebuds. - Not literally I hope. - It's a firework. - Oh my God, it's like a roll-on deodorant for your tongue. - Oh my gosh it is, look it's got a nipple on, can you see that? It's like Mitchum. I don't use that, but I've heard of it. So we roll it on our tongues? - This is going to be unhygienic. - How can we- I wonder if we can roll it on the inside of a cup. (laughing) That's not working. - Didn't really didn't expect to be wrapped, have this happen today. Oh no hang on something's happening, there's some goo on it. - There is goo - Oh yeah. - Just bear with us while we lubricate the inner lining - of a cup. - Of a cup. - With that Orangeade. - It's very clear, sticky liquid. (laughing) - I feel like you're giving this to somebody in a nightclub and you'll be arrested afterwards. - I gotta try- yeah, Yeah it is, yeah. Excuse me sir, I'm getting it around the rim of the cup as much as I can. Which is the worst chewship word again. Just ah you can smell it from here. Do you wanna just like, get your lips round that? - (laughing) I thought you'd never ask. (laughing) - Oh God! It smells of- - I do the tongue so- or do you want to do the tongue. - I'll do the cup, you do the roll on deodorant. Oh gosh, plenty of arm there. - Oh my God. Crikey! - It' fizzy sugar water, basically. - Yeah this is basically orange, sugar- - Sherbet stuff, when I say fizzy, I don't mean carbonated, I mean like sherbety. - Yeah, when you're alone and life is getting you nowhere, you can always go downtown or from the sugar kick, you can have some of this King Tango Rolly thing. I don't know where I was going there. (laughing) If you're feeling a bit low- - I was waiting some punchline- - Just break into song- (laughing) I just felt I gotta sing. - Maybe you'll put the Royal Albert Hall in the background, X-Factor set or something. - Yeah so this is just sugary orange water which you might have to delve into periodically for a little boost to get through the rest of these snacks. - It's not really very nice, it's just sort of cheap tasting if you know what I mean. - These are twisted mallows. I just saw them because they just remind me of like long marshmallows and that's exactly what they are but I thought they were quite cool because we can have a marshmallow eating race with them. - Oh man land flumps, basically. - Yeah. - They're always a bit hard and crap. They do them around Halloween and call the witches brooms. - Witches brooms. - Despite the facts, they're quite obviously nothing like a broom. - Yeah that's it. - Could not be less like a broom. - Could be a witches tail. - No, a little bit. All right. - Mm (mumbles) - And there we are I'm done. - You're done? Ugh. - That was slightly better than they usually are, sort of softer. It tasted more like a sort of proper flump as opposed to a- - Yeah. - Cheap facsimile thereof. - as I child I was a bit restricted to flumps when I was growing up and I think that it tastes more foamy than a marshmallow. It's almost like eating sponge. - That's the thing they call flumps marshmallows, they're not really marshmallows at all. - Very chewy. We've got something funny coming up next here. With a little bit of wrapper, Alete. Nestle Alete, Kinder Keks. I saw them- - Kinder Keks. That is German for kids knickers, I think. - So yeah basically kids in Germany have these, put them in their pants and it's delicious. I think these are like rusks so I was really intrigued by these. - Got a blue bear with a massive forehead. - Yeah and the reeding hairline, blue bear. (laughing) - These like rusks or- - They smell like rusks. That's why I bought them 'cause I thought they're rusks and the Kinder Keks thing could be like a Kinder egg with pants inside. - Yeah! - Keks is a slang for pants. - There we are. Thinking how marvellous that would have been. It's not that rusky actually, I'm surprised. - Oh yeah it almost sort of has the smell, the scent of a rusk but the crunchiness. - The scent of a rusk. Al Pachino's best film. (laughing) - Scent of a rusk, coming Friday. A real nice crunch in it, snap, digestivy biscuit, rich tea animal cracker kind of vibe going on. - Yeah, it's a cross like a cross between a rusk an a rich tea. - A rusk tea. These are called O2. They look- Basically, I think they're rip off Oreos aren't they? - They are indeed, been there, done that. I did a whole video on O2 rip-offs from Pantrops. - Did you? - Yep - I will add that somehow- - The O2 rip-offs- Oreo rip-offs. Oh my God! They've got to me! Now I don't know what's real and what isn't. - Remember our signal, No! Okay cool, so this is a sandwich de caco relleno. So how were these on them? You've had one of these before? - Yeah, I can't remember specifics but basically generally, they weren't quite a good as Oreos. I think these are one of the better ones if I recall, but I can barely remember. So don't quote me on that. - They originally have by looks- you want to take that one? It does look like they have ripped off Oreos completely. - Oh yeah. There's so many different ones - Really? - My favourite ones are called Borneos. (laughing) - Borneos - Seriously. - Really? - At 99p stores. - Oh my God. - These are a bit smaller than Oreos, I think. Oh no these are the slightly more cheeper ones actually. - Its the creamy filling. I think that's the difference isn't it? That's almost like margarine or something. - Yeah, it really is like margarine with some sugar in it. Probably literally what it is, I suppose. - Yeah, yeah probably similar to that. Yeah that's not bad. I was kind of expecting it to be like, Right, never buying Oreos again! I'm buying O2s but, butter filling, not really with it. - No. - Next up we have something called Lumarki, - I see. - Which is peanut wafer balls. If these were filed with Nutella rather than the peanut butter what it's saying, it would absolutely blow my mind but- - It looks a bit a sort of somebody's trying to make their own Ferrero Rocher. - Yes. Well I've actually done a video for one of those, if you haven't seen it already, check it out. They taste amazing. I'll put the link in the description down below - You get to like and subscribe. - So these are little peanut balls. They're like truffles. - They do. I'm surprised at how they look. I thought they'd be more, well Ferrero Rocher. It's like a- - Inside out Ferrero Rocher maybe? - It's like a dog's testicle that's been rolled in crushed peanuts. - Peanuts? Oh yeah right (laughs). Okay - Oh there was a hint of, Ferrero Rocher. - There is? - In the texture. - Mm, I didn't like it at first. There was a very, oh this should be chocolate. Very nutty, smooth, wanna spank it in my mouth, yeah. - It is a bit- it does have a poor mans Ferrero Rocher kick to it. - It does, yeah. The wafer doesn't feel like genuine wafer. It feels like crepe paper. They were just like, "oh they'll never hear the difference let's just put crepe paper round it and just cover it in nuts. - What else we got in the warehouse? Small peanuts, yeah? - Yeah yeah yeah oh chuck some cardboard on it, not bad. - Is this brown stuff chocolate? - The peanut butter in there is all right. We have got one last one. I'm absolutely praying it's gonna be taste good, Nougatelli- - If it's not good I'll be surprised. - Yeah, Nougatelli Cookies. Basically they look like cookies with Nutella in the middle and there are chocolate chip, star ones. What is not to love? If these are good I'm gonna try make them myself, very soon. - They're smaller than I though they'd be. - You expect to be like- - Oh they're extremely thick that'll be why. - Oh wow. Girth full of that Nutella in there. Here we go, smell all right. - Nutella girth, one of my favourite wrestlers. - Smells savoury it smells like a Tuc biscuit, yeah? - It does. - Oh God, it's not gonna like, shatter dreams is it- taste of like a cheesy Tuc biscuit, No! I like that. I think I've got a bit of like, an emotional like distraughtness coming through me right now because I was expecting sort of, gush out and there'd be like chocolate hazelnut protest everywhere but it's quite firm in there. - I'm not cleaning that up. (laughing) - I told you this about this last week, it's like not the same. - With proper Nutella, and a bit more of it inside, these would be amazing. As it is they're still pretty good. Yeah that wins my biscuit award for the day. - Yeah that is definitely, a winner it's just a shame that's not real Nutella in there. They're all pretty darn good. A bit disappointed about the old fish and chip thing, shattered dream going on right there. But there we go, we tasted some nice stuff. - What we're gonna do with it. - Yeah, we tasted some nice stuff from Poundland. If you want to go over to Stuart's channel now, you can see some more interesting snacks we've tried. Including some very interesting flavoured sticks of rock, behind this very green screen that we might have managed to turn into magic things. See you soon.
Channel: Barry Lewis
Views: 632,542
Rating: 4.9228592 out of 5
Keywords: Stuart Ashen, Poundland (Business Operation), Video Game Culture, Pound land, Pound land taste test, taste, eating, tat, taste test challenge, haul, opening, food haul, pound shop, box opening, crate, relief package, loot crate, bashens, ashens, ashens food, barry lewis, my virgin kitchen, myvirginkitchen, recipe, video, cooking, uk, england, novice, simple recipes, easy cooking, fun, How-to (Website Category), Food (TV Genre), tutorial, test, how to, demonstration, explanation
Id: A1y0DgYzlgQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 0sec (720 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 30 2015
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