Will it run after 21 years 1976 ford bronco

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so today we have a 1976 ford bronco she's been setting for about 21 years not near as long as most of this stuff that we've been getting running has a 302 v8 in it we got a three on the tree we got three flat tires only one of them holds there these will hold there for about 23 milliseconds on the interior we got the rat nest deluxe package over here looks like it's got into some type of insulation right there and the dash pads a little rough we do have the bondo performance here because if you touch it it flakes off we got about 80 pounds of that throughout the thing more than likely maybe 20 pounds we might not have full 80. we have the race package in the back that's for light weight same way we think with the tailgate here i can't really tell what year the license plate was last in but i do know that they said it been setting for 21 years a little bit of rust here we're missing a few vital pieces the gas tank's completely rusted out so we don't have to worry about there being water in the gas tank over here that door don't really want to open i guess we'll open the hood up and see what she looks like did have to put a wheel bearing in on this side so we could get her up on the trailer so let's put the lock out back on there but that wheel was just completely falling off let's see here oh that was it ain't even latched there we go we got let's see got a little 302 we're missing the cool wire and the spark plug wire we do have the dirt daubers and the air cleaner as usual does have a battery on it that expired probably yeah 21 or so years ago we're missing the negative terminal we're going to get all this cleaned up here in a minute let's see well let's let's have a screwdriver for that the fan moves but i'm not sure if the engine's locked up just yet let's see i guess the main thing to do is we'll take this air cleaner off of here throw a battery on it here in a second once we make sure there ain't no animals living in the air cleaner we'll see if she'll spin over i'm not sure if the shift linkage is undone because on the column it doesn't feel like it's engaging let's see if it's moving anything oh it is moving something it's just real easy to shift okay i figured it was loose but we have shift linkage that's good to know is the brake pedal froze yeah as usual brake pedals froze but we're gonna put some brake juice in there and hopefully you know loosen that up a little bit so before we pull that air cleaner off there we're gonna use the handy dandy leaf blower and blow all that stuff off there but i did notice we do have a gaping hole in the radiator right here that can't be good for cooling it looks like someone soldered it there them have been bent off i'm not really sure it may or may not leak [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] about got all that out of there telling you anything that's in the dry dirt daubers just love [Music] that ought to do it looks like we got a little two barrel on here well that boat just goes on forever there we go oh yeah so i always want to check it's got the dirt dab the dirt dab performance package at least it's not in the make sure there ain't any down in there no dirt on that carburetor soap for about 35-40 minutes with some gas in it i'm going to take the distributor cap off of here and see how bad these points are they're probably not too healthy but well it's not as bad as i thought it would be top of the cap still looks pretty good that don't look too dirty well there ain't much left of the points well maybe not because these are supposed to be a little thinner than the older ones hold that like that give it a sand and we're going to try to use this cool and just see how that works out it may be bad it may not come on that ought to be pretty good man that don't look too terrible may not be perfect though set that back on here so we got the batter and everything on there gonna put a set of jumper cables on it and use the jumper cables to grind it and everything because we're not getting good ground through the battery cable i strip this wire off and it does not seem like she's getting good ground wherever she's going i'm just gonna hook these in here and run it down to the block and hope for the best these right here normally work normally they don't always now there ain't no real good way to hook that up is there that'll do we could hook both grounds up just because if we don't we might not have enough huh just go try the key still nothing baby this is the part of the problem with the key nope we got 40 million wires running around here but well there's the problem you don't hook the other jumper cable up you ain't gonna get no power there sometimes i wonder now let's try that again still nothing it's almost like the key ain't coming back to acc then nope so it's now the next day and we got a hot battery on it we charged this one up and we've kind of figured out the electrical problem the wire down there wasn't hooked up all the way on the old starter it was kind of loose now the key is not going to work because i say some rats have chewed every wire that used to be up in there it doesn't look like they're really that bad but it's just a rat nest of wires to begin with and there's a bunch of loose things and i think this is supposed to be the horn i know the light well the headlight switch is out but other than that you can see that big old rat nest over there and that's probably the start of our problem so we're just gonna jump it and we're gonna put a hot wire to the cool it probably don't work so we're gonna have to change it out but we're gonna see if it'll start off with that old thing and something we haven't done yet let's check the oil so what we look like here well she's a little that looks like cool it's on the full line it's a little thick it may be on the way to turning into grease instead of oh but that's okay the engine does turn over let's find this here there we go we do turn over not very fast but good enough to start it hopefully the battery is fully charged we're just not getting a good ground really and that starter's pretty dadgum weak so i'm hook a hot water up to that cool we got gas in the carburetor she should fire off maybe so we decided just to cheat and throw that msd cool on there because cranked it over for a little while with that coal wired up and it would not start so we're gonna go with that one and hopefully it'll start up off that give a little crank and see what we get well maybe not [Music] nothing so we still got problems so we ain't getting any far past the distributor cap and it may be due to all the cracks in it and everything like that so we wouldn't got a new one we got the fancy performance version because that's all they had this one adds 15 horse they say and it's blue hopefully it fits it does not fit maybe it does does it fit yeah it fits but boy it's loose okay it fits we're good open now that should be right now so we're going to change up the spark plugs because well i figure that's what's wrong with this whole thing as you can see this one right here has kind of seen better days and this is one of the better ones i went to town got another set of spark folks so hopefully before it gets dark today we can get these bad boys in and get this video up for you guys because it's been a while since we posted one i can find the socket i just had about two seconds ago i assume this is it i was correct this rear one's real hard to get because you got to go around the shift linkage we might not change it at the moment you might make sure this is actually gonna do us any good then figure that out i'ma turn you guys off and get back with you once we get all these plugs in here so i don't bore you to death so we're about ready to fire up the keys still don't work but we're just gonna jump her across here and fire up we got the cool getting juice make we spray some starting fluid in there grab the gas on this side and see what we can do [Music] well it tried it tried no we're getting spark hooked up there like we should be hooked up there so [Music] well then maybe not we changed the battery out to one that has more spinny spinny amps and that should you know help it out a little bit i think that often was dead again i'm not sure i charged it last night but maybe it didn't fully charge that in there she may just fire off well okay she's gonna run the battery was dead that was our problem try filling these up [Music] come on keep going [Music] maybe not i might have floated her out could i have to say she might be a little fluttered out little autolot may not have like sudden that long yeah we flooded her a little bit but she's gonna run i'll turn you guys off in about 15-20 minutes she should be dried out i don't want to run that battery down or melt the starter down spinning her over because i don't think that starter has too many more spins in it so we try to get her to run off some gas now that she's had some time to think about everything [Music] there we go maybe not [Music] sometimes [Music] [Applause] go back to the starting fluid then [Music] only like started flood [Music] few ones we've got running just love starting blood don't sound too bad no smoke i let her die i was gonna try to switch over to some gasoline here there we go we might be able to keep it running off this there we go come on she's got some carburetor problems well she idle smooth off of that starting fluid now we're gonna try to switch over to the nope she just won't do it so thank you guys for watching this video we got this and up and running after she'd been setting for 21 years we're not going to get her driving because we don't have the parts for that and it'd take a couple weeks for him to get here we got to get you guys a video but thank you guys for watching we got a lot more videos coming and we still have the 104 year old v8 we're going to get up and running and we have a train car and an old tractor and a bunch of other stuff laying around that we got to get up and running just might take a little while but if you like this video hit that like button and consider subscribing because we got a lot more videos like this and also check out some of the other ones we got see you in the next video
Channel: Jennings Motor sports
Views: 17,744
Rating: 4.9382548 out of 5
Id: KmHrgdOeusI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 47sec (1187 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 20 2021
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