1937 Ford truck Abandoned for over 35 years! Will it Run?!? Flathead V8 engine!!

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hey there boys and girls of youtube world today duff dog and i are gonna see if we can't get a 1937 ford truck running [Music] uh [Music] yep that's right this thing came from northern minnesota up in the iron range country local guy brought it down here he didn't get anything done with it i had a d100 that i wasn't getting anything done with so we made a swap and now i got this thing not exactly sure how long it's been off the road a few years ago is what they said so you know what that means hey are you gonna get a bath because you rolled in because you rolled in the duck in the deer poopies it's like is this the joys of owning a dog if you guys think duff's amazing you can come give him baths because he stinks because you're a stinky boy aren't you stinky boy stinky boy so i showed this thing in the yard walk around video 37 was the first year of the split windshield on the ford calves 35 6 doesn't have it they do share a lot of parts between 35 and 36 i like the 37 grills they kind of come down to a point and then they got horizontal bars as opposed to vertical bars i think 37 is the first year of horizontal and they kind of come to a point real good looking grills even use them on some land speed cars it's got the headlight conversions to sealed beams so i'm guessing probably in the 50s or 60s quit running it add-on accessory turn signal lights chicken chasers on the roof oh radio antenna one wiper that's right passenger never needed to see you back in the day crank out windshield for air conditioning and you got air conditioning here you know keep your junk cool duff front tires are wasted back tires i think are those military style treads i'm guessing they're like eight and a quarter twenties nine hundred twenty something like that doors don't open here's your add-on accessory blinker switch horn button this is your headlight switch in case you didn't know that oh man look at how cool that ornate the window crank is i don't think that's factory but they both match weird oh the door handle doesn't match got the keys in here though and this has been chewed on by some rodents whatever it is it's got the big heavy four speed it's got enclosed driveline that's your crank out for your window this should be one solid panel across here but she's pretty rotted out there should be a cover here for the wipers and then just a full cover on the other side to be symmetrical but the old mices like to get up there and make their homes and then pee in them a bunch and then they rot out pickups had the gas tank in the back trucks i think are under the seat yep there it is right there it's been a few different colors i think it started as this original ford green and it must have been black at one time you can see that original white pinstripe overall it's it's pretty solid back of the cabs got a few huis in it the roofs are always beat up on these trucks this one isn't too bad usually they climb on the roof to strap down their load or whatever if they had a dump bed it would smash into it this one did not have a bed on it when i got it so i don't know if there's a flatbed on there or what what are those what size are they duff 750 20s i think this is the factory taillight that's that add-on turn signal yeah would make sense you only got one tail light with these i don't even know if that's the right one i think it is actually and then when they put the add-on blinker kit turn signal kit whatever that came with it she's hauled some loads broke the upper spring these do have a banjo style rear end similar to what the cars have just a lot bulkier instead of having like a drop in center section they actually split down the center here and then there's your torque tube that splits off the front that's how you take your ring gear and pinion apart worthless knowledge for you it's got mechanical brakes so one of these would be for your park brake and then one of them would be for your actual foot brake the beauty about those is you push them it always feels like you got brakes even though you don't here's the speedometer cable instead of coming off the transmission they actually come off the rear end which is kind of neat because then if you keep this match up with your rear end your speedometer's always going to be right looks like somebody replaced that bolt on the wishbones and put a washer used a spider gear for a washer weird this brake rod has been patched up i think those holes are supposed to be around they've probably been rattling around a bit more into those cables yeah you can see that that's the rubber that should be in there these things were pretty crude not much for breaks not much for suspension big old fat stack of leaf springs but we did get stainless fuel caps i'm sure that has not held fuel in quite some time i think we did show in a yard walk around but something wants to happen to the door i don't know if i got banged up or rusted out or whatever but there's a patch panel that goes from here all the way to the front edge of the door i'm guessing it's probably let it on because this is pre-bondo days when they did this a lot of times these doors come flowing open too far and they'd hit the fender and get damaged down here and then sometimes they would actually damage right around the door hinges as well it's got a little bit of glass in it front rear glass and then part of the side glass this has got the 85 horse 59ab flathead should i think 37 is first year of the 24 stud 21 stud i can't remember [Music] look at that no flexi hoses that's how you do her up right the factory ford style hoses that come down and get an angle at the bottom it's got the early scuba diver distributor on it it's got these two caps on each side for four plug wires on this side four pluggers on that side the coils built into the top of it it's got the forged grip on it single pulley generator and water pumps neat thing about these flat heads if you don't know much about them they got two water pumps and then they got four radiator hoses two uppers two lowers looks like it's got a stromberg 97 on it so you tell that why it's got the fuel inlet going into the bowl instead of on top of the bowl on the cover that's what your 94's have so it's a little bit more desirable carb oil bath air cleaner got the varkon six volt i'm sure that'll charge right up so we'll throw that on the charger that's probably worth big money these days with the way building supplies are no road draft to them just a great big scoop that vented atmosphere i have no way that carburetors lose not a chance aluminum intake it's not an aftermarket one they did use aluminum intakes for a handful of years yeah not a ton to see under here i think first thing we'll do is get that battery out of there pull all the plugs out start putting some oil in there and then maybe take a peek in the cylinders if we can see what's going on in there i guarantee this thing's not loose they never are we're gonna have some stuck valves so we might just pop the heads off right away i don't know so like it or not my plan with this thing is i've got a stack of frames you can go check out my other video on early ford frame identification i've got some 35 to 40 car and pickup frames or 41 pickup frames i'm gonna take and set this cab on one of those and then the hood and the grill and then i've got another 35 to 37 ford box set that on the back and then you basically got yourself a half ton pickup you can't use the fenders because they got the bigger radius for the 20 inch wheels but you can't find pickup fenders front or rear they're just impossible to find i don't think they even made three quarter ton pickups in 37 35 to 37 they just made half tons and then went straight up to these like ton and a quarter ton and a half so whatever these are so i'm just gonna kind of mock it all up as like a half ton pickup high boy with no fenders so just cab hood grill radiator and then a box on it so kind of hot rod style and that way it'll be all four early ford parts and it's a lot smaller than this these trucks you just you can't fix them up because brake parts are obsolete tires are crazy ridiculous expensive and these rims if one of those is screwed up they're stupid expensive kind of hard to find and they're just not any fun to drive they're slow they're rough riding i mean basically all it's good for is parades i despise parades grew up going through parades hated it no desire to go to parades i'll watch a parade if i absolutely have to but i refuse to drive through a parade so i'm not going to build a parade unit i'd rather build it into a half ton you know something to stick a small block or a flathead or whatever into it and then you can haul some stuff around have a good time go highway speeds you know at least 55 this thing probably capped out at 40 45 miles an hour originally and rode like a lumber wagon loaded her empty so that's the plan that being said i think i'm gonna pop the hood off and the grill and the fenders before we even get started just to get all that stuff out of my way just so we can get in there and try to get that flat head running like i said it's all got to come off here anyway the frame they're just there's any demand for them there isn't guys doing this stuff i mean there's a few guys buying them but for the 100 or 150 bucks i'm probably gonna get out of this frame it's just it's gonna get repurposed we'll just leave it at that yeah what do you think should we give you that bath yeah i think we'll give you a bath quick here's what i was talking about with the door wrapping around it really chews up around the hinges and you can see right there where it usually catches on the fender that one actually hasn't been whammied up too bad 14 000 pound gross weight i wonder if it was gray at one time too maybe a red a lot of colors she's missing a fin duff early flathead for 85 horsepower and then the later ones 49 and newer were 100 horse so 49 to 53 and then the mercs the 8 cms were 110 horse from 49 to 53. your worthless knowledge of the day so now i'm gonna set up the tripod a little time lapse of me taking this apart here we go [Music] [Music] so [Music] my [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] thanks for telling me that things on fire whoops well i guess if we burn the shop down they can't take it from us we're gonna lose the shop she's gonna go down lazy glory [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] so we got the front clip off no critical components were harmed in the process small fire nothing to worry about that little guy don't worry about that little guy oh that little guy i wouldn't worry about that little guy they're gonna pull the plugs out now see what's going on in the cylinders maybe take a look in there probably squirt some zepp in there but i think based on what we've been seeing with these flatheads we're probably just gonna pop the heads off right off the bat but who knows maybe we'll pull the plugs out take a look in there try crank it over see what happens she's a little rusty i'm gonna have to pull the head off just to get those plugs out well that's a champion plug this one's an ac and these two are tigers i've never even heard of a tiger brand plug put a tiger in your tank i've heard that one it's never a good sign when the plugs don't match looks like we got two acs and two tigers on this side you guys ever seen tiger brand spark plugs yeah me either we got some good old-fashioned acs and the old champion j9 here's our next predicament i don't know if that's battery acid that rotted out these two but there's a lot of debris still on this one so we gotta figure out how we're gonna get those out of there and then this one the plug socket just don't wanna go over it it's so big and bulky oh man did you even come out of there hot dang we might give it a new set of plugs moved uh yeah she's got a bunch of rust in there that one don't look bad i gotta get the crud cleaned out of this one get that one out put the big wrench and big socket on that one see what we got the problem with looking down the plug holes on a flathead is you pretty much just see the edge of one valve i think it's the intake valve no it's probably the exhaust anyway if you have stuck valve and it's that valve it's easy to tap to the plug hole but you can't really see the cylinders so i think we'll put a crank on the front and see what happens but i think we're just going to pull the heads off see what happens we don't winch in three years no way she's turning since the fan isn't turning because the belt's a little loose show you guys what we got going on here maybe she's turning and most of the grinding you're hearing is on the belt oh it's got a rebuilt ford water bump on it still got the forge grip would you believe that this thing's probably been sitting since the 60s and you saw how nasty those spark plugs were super rusty on the inside i'll rot it off on the outside i mean look at that battery for a varkon battery when is the last time they made those so you know that was the last time it was run the soul that gambles oh minneapolis minnesota so i mean that's all this thing's been sitting i mean for sure since the 70s it's like a battery get her zinging over put a little zip down the cylinders just to appease you guys and then figure out which valves are stuck because there's always a couple valves in these flat heads i think we'll try some croil the new convenient king size thanks to whoever sent this camera was the oil that creeps a lot of creeps around here loosens frozen metal parts or your money back hmm well let's give this a shot it does smell pretty good i think this is like an east coast thing croil you don't hear much of it around the midwest 9 o'clock whistle time for the dogs to howl and kids to get home before ma beats you you guys got a nine o'clock whistle at home six o'clock with supper time noon was obviously lunch time and nine o'clock was get your butt home before mom beats you can't do that anymore with kids allegedly i still cannot believe this thing turns over ooh that oil's real thick i guess that's good though right maybe apparently if it turns over creepy russell it is ls swap this time oh yeah get after it it's gravel really spins them now i know how it feels to be you pudding everybody that drives by when you have the door open gotta run their engines thanks guys i really needed it i'm guessing these old cloth wires probably are going to cause us to have another fire so i think i'm going to put a new ground cable and a new battery cable to the starter we have a 12-volt solenoid we're just gonna whammy this sucker over on 12 volts little starter bendix is really like that odds are i'm just gonna have to take that starter apart because that's what we do here we break valves off with hammers and we take starters apart take your pick any video we probably had a starter apart let's spray some coil on that first guy stuff smells good it's delicious it's powdered sugar the lice hate the sugar listen rod's delicious oh man it's even one of the sweet forward starter solenoids with the depress button on it you push a button on the bottom of the solenoid to basically just bypass the button inside the cab turn it over from under the hood which is handy on a ford because they're always broke down and you're working on them sorry angry ford don't worry i'm an equal opportunity hater i hate them all at some point you can see how pitted the head is from where battery acid leaked onto the head i've never seen that before that battery she leaked a lot of fluid well i don't know about that gamble's one var khan it's a good one but just batteries in general most effective way to get rid of these old band clamps the old death wheel always wear your safety glasses with the old locking pliers up here is that going to be in the way probably come on hey you're here are you so excited that we might hear this thing crank over well see you later where are we going to put our new battery at so it doesn't fall or so that it doesn't look like all the rest of the batteries around here covered in oil and whatnot yeah that's going to fall when we put you here what if we just put you on the ground will the cables reach yeah so i want to thank leigh beld holmes and aberdeen for providing us this battery battery sponsor of the week thank you duff appreciates it even though he's outside probably rolling in something dead or humping somebody's leg whatever lose your switch time hey i put a link in the description for all the garbage that i use in these will it run videos and stuff the socket set that i usually use in my milwaukee impacts the starter switch my boat tank all that good stuff all the stuff you need to go revive something out in the weeds or in your garage or in your mother-in-law's backyard whatever it's down there the links are there it's on amazon so i get like four and a half cents per 100 item that you buy whatever the part numbers are there get the good loser switch don't get the cheap one ask pud now he knows [Music] whammy wow that's what i love about 6 volt starters on 12 volts it just just sticks it right to them oh it loosened up the nut yeah don't hit that button while you've got a wrench on the crankshaft not good let's take that off there so similar to cold war motors go check those guys out they're up in canadia what is the game that they play guess the compression or will it compression or what's what's the compression something like that how many cylinders you guys think are gonna have any compression i'm guessing we got valve stuck on at least one i'm gonna say five out of eight put your comment down below with how many you think just never mind just keep it to yourself but it's gonna be one for sure that doesn't have compression because we have a stuck valve and probably two or three i'm saying three one of them's not gonna be stuck very bad two of them are gonna fight us well there's number one that's no compression one out of two ain't bad one out of three is getting to be not good let's just go with chevy numbers so two and six no compression two six and eight no compression i already lost we got four of them five of them two for seven at this time oh so for those of you that guessed six cylinders out of eight that don't have any compression because they got stuck valves give yourself a nice cold sandwich to enjoy a lot of people wonder why i haven't been drinking that many sandwiches it's because the rona screwed up my taste and i can't i can taste things but sandwiches taste absolutely putrid and i have like 12 cases sitting around here because i trade a lot of work for sandwiches and they're probably gonna go bad so hopefully this rona taste thing comes around or there's gonna be some beer getting skunky or we're gonna have one hellacious party for everybody else while i drink mix cocktails cause those are acceptable that's making me thirsty i should mix one up so now that i'm switching over to the mixed drinks comment down below with what you guys suggest for a mixed drink i like that screw ball peanut butter whiskey with my coffee otherwise it's uh morgan diet coke or captain cola i think they call it the south morgan diets we call them here i don't know what were the suggestions so for the last day and a half i've been turning this thing over a sixth of a turn one hex at a time with that big bar and spread a little croil in there trying to get it around the valves as much as i can because obviously that's what's stuck i'm sure the rings are stuck a little bit but this thing turns over super super nice so now what i'm going to do is just keep bumping it over and just try to see if the valves are closing on each cylinder not much to see so probably just time lapse through it watch me break off some valves or something and we'll go from there like i said really the only thing that you can do here is you can tap on the one valve in each cylinder i think it's the exhaust valve but whatever there's a there's a valve in there that you can see through the piston hole you can see both of them but you can really only tap on the one because you don't want to hit them on the side because then they go ask me how i know so the one that we can't get at on this cylinder is stuck so i'm pretty sure we're gonna have to pull that head off i believe seeing so it just lines up with this intake board it's the intake side i think it's exhaust exhaust and then these suit two center tool are exhausts so these two are intakes and these two are intakes looks like the intake is stuck which is usually pretty common because moisture comes in through the intake it's hard for moisture to go uphill and get up the exhaust but i've seen it before i could maybe get something in there and pry sideways but we know how that goes i think it's only the exhaust that's stuck on what i would call number seven back here and we could see the exhaust so contradictory to what i just said about exhaust is never sticking we're gonna tap on that one see we can hear it snap shut or snap off yeah we're gonna have to pull this head off anyway and that thing is super super stuck like i said you can't hit directly on him you can hit pretty much in the center if you cheated over but it's just not gonna go we'll soak it a little bit and on this one see what we got on this side everything looks like it's moving over here i think this one was working fine before number four i can actually feel air coming out of these two so maybe they loosen themselves up the only one i can visually see sticking over here is what i would call the number eight cylinder and it's the one we can get at on the exhaust so maybe we'll try tapping on that one again contradicting myself on the exhaust really the only ones that are going to stick generally speaking of the ones that are open they're not going to stick closed the camshafts going to push it up but see what happens of course you want to turn it over so that both valves are open so that you know you're not beating it against the camshaft and most of the way down there it's sticking up again there was some croil when i'm turning over by hand i can actually feel and hear air and all these other ones so i think this side we might be all right not having to pull the head if we can get this belt loosened up hear that snap that's what you want here there it snapped back into place all on its own you can hear it now it's going right back down and not even snapping whoops oh yeah should take that ratchet off we need to stop doing that not getting a ton of compression here i don't know if the valves aren't closing quick enough i mean they're all the way down it looks like but tons of compression on number four don't spray the penetrating oil in the cylinder that has compression as it shoots the oil right back into your eye and they all got a little bit of compression and i think as we run it more hopefully it'll clear up a bit probably not but let's go back to that other side see what we can do i don't know if we're going to be able to get it without pulling that head off but we shall see yeah i'm going to give it to this stuff it smells way better than any penetrating oil that i've ever used i'm trying to refresh my memory of what we had here maybe we gained compression on the ones that we didn't have before good on number one muffin on three good on five now i think this was the one that we had a stuck exhaust so these two we're gonna have to address this is the one that we can't i hate to pry up in there but i really don't want to pull that head off even though we could probably have it off in 15 minutes oh man that thing is tight tight like a tiger yes you are tight like a tiger well we got to get at this one this one's stuck really tight i don't want to screw that one up because then we'll have a mess so let's just see if we can pop that head off [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] sweet that head came off even easier than the other one i don't know why i've been doing it wrong all these years but this one literally just kind of popped right off there is a little bit of a ridge at the top of the pistons but look at that just like that girl in college well you guys can't read it here let me turn my light off you can see that right there std oh yeah susie here she's got the stid so anyway that means it's never been bored out so standard bore so that's good all the valves got ford script on them so it's probably never even had a valve job oh yeah we even saw this where's it at where's it at right there it's even got the ford script on the head gasket pretty cool it's a steel bestest head gasket made in detroit detroit gasket man manufacturing company steel bestest that's right it gives you the cancer in the state of california so unlike the last 40 one or two that we took apart this 37 block i think it's a 37 maybe newer i don't know whatever it's not factory relieved so factory relieved means it doesn't have these two ridges coming up here under the valves that was all cut out on that relieve block this is a factory relieved block we can tell that is there's this cut out right here from here to here in between the valves like i said that's the only one i've ever come across so not really disappointing kind of expected to see this but we got all our gasket surfaces cleaned up didn't see any issues that valve came loose right away this one took a little bit of work as you guys saw in the time lapse but pretty much ready to stick it back together wipe the gasket down i might wipe this down with some brake cleaner probably not and then we got the head all cleaned up kind of cleaned up the combustion chambers a little bit i didn't get too wild blew the crust out of here it really wasn't too bad compared to that last one so i think you should just be able to put a little head gasket in the can on that gasket slam her back together torque it with the buzz gun throw a new set of plugs in it hopefully the points clean up i don't know that distributor style and those points and everything not good i do have a distributor machine to put it on the bench to do this stuff on those but i'm not an expert so yeah hey at least we haven't had to tear the starter apart yet on this one all right back at it got a good spot to grab her duff okay that gasket renew in a can here we go oh that's the good stuff gives you a real good buzz sometimes i wake up at night twitching and i wonder why and it's probably because of this really seals in the asbestos little's good a lot's better do not spray into engine compartment weird i thought that was a bad idea is that the way that goes 50 50 90 rule 50 50 odds wrong 90 of the time let's make sure our valves did stick overnight that one's closing so was that one i think we're good to go golfers well suppose we should check for compression though and then see if we can't get spark and fuel should we get the compression tester out or just use the thumb you're right we're just going to use the thumb the old thumb's a good go no-go gauge go we need to stop doing that it's not a ton of compression but it'll go i think she just really needs a valve job and probably some rings now i suppose we got to try to get some spark you guys want to learn about ford flathead distributors that's what i thought too bad i don't know anything about them is that what you wanted here probably not so this is a three bolt distributor the other ones that we worked on are two bolts a little bit more prominent in the hot rod industry than these three bolts because these three bolts suck to work on but here we are can't get an adapter i think an adapter through speedway motors to go from a three bolt to a two bolt is ten months out and we would lose the shop way before then so we're gonna see if we can get this three bolt to work otherwise i do have an adapter but it's on a car and i really don't want to take it off that car [Music] so we'll see if we can get either this three bolt or another three bolt to work it's really the same concept as the small black chevy distributor but it's got two sets of points in there so twice as finicky and the rotor is just a crazy anomaly monopoly monomer not i don't know let's get that popped off of there and see what will happen well the other thing is they got a coil built right on them and then of course that's a six volt coil and it would probably work on 12 volts for a little while but so i guess we could set up a separate battery hooked up with six volts hooked up to that coil to fire it up i don't know see what we got [Music] oh sweet don't lose your adapter kit so ford flatheads they're an interesting beast this here's a sun distributor tester it's got an adapter for a ford flathead so you could put any distributor you want in here but you got to have this special adapter to put forward distributors on there flatted specifically and what this thing does is basically it just bench tests it and it's really the only way to set these early four distributors up unless you've got like a kr wilson little thing but anyway you set them up on a bench you don't set them up on an engine i really don't know how to run this thing i'm dangerous enough with it that i can get things set so i can put it on and it runs but basically you can set your dwell you can adjust the engine rpm these things have a vacuum break it's not a vacuum advance so it's kind of the opposite of what you're used to and you're gonna set that up here but i don't even get into that it actually works so i was just dealing with it because i'm a kid and you know can't leave nothing alone so you can see she's pulling vacuum when i put my finger over it then you can adjust the regulator there anyway squirrel getting off track but it's got this sweet rolodex built into it oh yeah and then this thing i don't know that must be the manometer inches of mercury i don't know we don't need that put that away we got our setup to ford it's for 41 to 48. uh it's got the distributor part number uh it's left-hand rotation so we can turn the rotation either left-hand drive right-hand drive then we can adjust the speed here center to the moon then we turn our coil power on there so this thing is six volts got a six volt battery underneath and this gives you all your different settings here you know you set your dwell at 35 to 38 degrees your points gap 14 to 16 degrees vacuum advanced stuff so timing adjusts set speed to 180 rpms adjust 2 degrees advance without vac yadda yadda we don't get into that because our uh d batteries expired in december of 2018. pretty sure i bought this thing in like 2013 and i've never put batteries in it so those are probably 10 year old batteries at least but so and here's the other reason ford suck because i got the coil built right into the distributor so i got this sweet adapter from third gen that way you can just suck a regular coil up either a six volt standard canister style coil or a 12 volt one oh yeah son of a biscuit so i popped our goofy flathead ford coil off oh it's made in america and that's a distributor that was on that engine this one came off a 39 ford car that i had that ran great until it didn't left me stranded on the side of the road so i kind of wanted to know what the deal with this one was the points and everything looks really good in here i think what i determined after trying that coil changing it to this is i don't think it was gapped right i think the points gap was too big and it just happened to work until it didn't but anyway it was at like 30 thou that these things were gapped at now i got them down to about 15 000 so right in the middle so see i'll show you guys kind of what i got going on here there's supposed to be some red arrows that light up in there and you set your advance and i don't know how to do that so i basically just use this to make sure our points are working it's a really expensive points tester that's what it is so left hand drive turn on our battery light says it's working you can see that spark when i get it close enough so it's basically what i do with these things like i said they suck their way down low on the engine they're almost impossible to work on the car three bolts that vacuum line and then pop your cap off and a wire and you got it out on the bench here and they got two sets of points one there and one there you can't even really get in there with a screwdriver you gotta use a bit or this fancy little screwdriver whatever so pretty terrible design by ford and then it's kind of hanging down low so every time you hit a puddle distributor cap gets wet and there you sit but it's all they really had at the time and then they got this crazy rotor so it's got two sets of points coming off the rotor so there's a tip on the rotor and then there's another tip on the rotor and then it spins around and smashes against these things sending fire out teach your wires not a super great design in my opinion obviously that's why everybody converts from these three bolts to a two bolt i'll show you one of those actually they're kind of cool i think we got one oh here's one right here so this is a two bolt design as you can see by those two bolts they don't have a vacuum line it's just built right into the casting right there and then these have an external coil so you can replace the coil without having to take it off the distributor these use the same points dual points then it's got a regular standard style coil and then yeah it's doesn't have these two goofy helmet style caps on it's just got one regular cap on it this is what pretty much everybody converts to but freaking adapters are in a 10 month back order so gonna hum dinger this baby on there hook her up 12 volts she's gonna be hot remind me to get some d-cell batteries and then maybe we can play around with this thing some more show you guys what's up all right i did hook it up with 12 volts that sparks way more gooder and hotter when you do it that way so you have it my sun distributor tester i don't know what model it is it's all this fudge even got a sun stand and some color cool sun tools yeah yeah battery tester old magneto all the paperwork pretty cool so stick this baby on there and then a set of plugs and we just gotta get some fuel to it but i got some carbonators later on you guys know that back at her i guess i didn't show it at all but these earlier three bolts got a real short snout and the later two bolts got a long snout so i think this thing's got a re-ground camshaft in it and that's why it's got this spacer in there so this spacer or all the drives in these flatheads are offset so they'll only go on there one way so you can't get this timing 180 degrees out so that's kind of handy and then there's no timing adjustment on these so the timing is all set right there i believe so that's the other thing that you want to set those up on that machine but like i said this was on a running engine it ran pretty good so we should just be able to slam this on there but you guys want to make sure that the distributor is actually getting driven by the cam shaft make sure you got this in place if you get an earlier distributor and a later camshaft worthless knowledge for you so let's see where does that gotta go as you can tell these things would be real fun to work on if you had a radiator and fenders and inner fenders trucks actually aren't that bad because they're up a little bit cars they're almost easier to work on underneath i just want to make sure that the cam is actually driving the distributor before i tighten it up because that'd be my luck i'd have something misaligned if anybody's got one of those cute little kr wilson bench testers or somebody else's makes them too i can't remember the name of it i want to get rid of it let me know i think it'd be kind of neat to have obviously i got one that i don't really use in that big machine but those little ones we need to have they don't take up much space compared to this thing [Music] [Music] well i know this carburetor is going to not be good the plug wires on this side are absolutely terrible that side's not much better but i don't really feel like making a new set of plug wires just to see if we can make this thing run so we're gonna give you the old hot sauce see what happens so we can't get some flamage because that's what we're good at lighting stuff on fire all right slingshot engaged slingshot engaged it popped a little bit i think we're gonna have to put a carb on at the fuel bunk kind of feels like it's once ago once ago wants to go i don't know how to put the words from my mouth to your ears but it seems like it's hitting on a couple not all of them i'm guessing those couple are not these ones over here where the plug wires are basically rotted off so i'm gonna grab a carb throw on there that i know is good and i might do some digging around see if i can find some plug wires that are just a little bit better than these things okay and we're gonna need some more hot sauce it came back to me just how nasty the oil was on that dipstick and since this thing's turning over got compression should have spark it's probably gonna run so i think we should drain the oil and put new stuff in it's not very often you see that around here so put it on the calendar you gotta love these fords with their ginormous drain plugs so that you can tighten the main caps via the drain plug hole so let's get our pipe wrench out you know because we're plumber oh look it's already preset the ford flathead how neat is that oh well this is just too big too big this whole youtube one-handed mechanic stuff is getting real old now are you loose enough there we go what do you think 50 50 odds water no water i'm saying no water what's it gonna be oh boy that's that's not good um when you gotta fish the oil out with your finger ew [Music] what's the red stuff why is it separated what's going on in there oh my word we might have to break this in and run a couple of oil changes maybe throw some diesel in there kerosene i don't know everybody's got so many different ideas so many experts on my channel if you don't believe it just go check out the comments section i wonder if we shouldn't pull the pan off i mean we should but we're not gonna it's gonna be good enough whatever it's not like we're ruining a virgin 59 a b block why is it oh that's why you change your oil every 15 000 miles kids but i mean that stuff looks okay-ish all right i'm gonna go wash my hands and uh just let this thing do its thing oh this is so bad so this is after draining for over an hour and look at this like i have to spoon it out of there oh that's a big blob [Music] oh my gosh this is more like grease than oil look at that pudding bill cosby i think that's as good as we're gonna get it we're just gonna get it warmed up and dump the oils what we gotta do i'm sure everybody's gonna have their suggestions on diesel additives and kerosene and so on and so forth but [Music] yeah we did get about two quarts of something out of here i think the pan just really needs to come off at some point but we're not gonna do that so after that i think i'd almost rather see water in an oil pan at least that just kind of flushes itself out even if it is flint michigan stuff so looking at the dipstick so the dipstick tube is a little floppy i don't know there's like a return tube fitting or something on there and then i pulled the dipstick out to you know see where we were at see how chewed up that is like a rat nod on it i think that dipstick tube allows this to flop around and i think that got into a probably a rod slinging around chewed her up pretty good whoops never seen that before so probably use a new dipstick tube that's thinking with your dipstick jimmy these early fords they didn't have like a downdraft tube or like a regular filler neck out here so you just kind of twist this big nasty breather out of there fill her up i got some mystery 10 10w30 in a rotala jug that we're going to dump in i think it's new oil though so that's always a plus oh hey look at that it's uh running out all over the back of the engine whoopsies idiot a big tube and it only runs in that fast that's probably how sludged up this stupid engine is [Music] [Applause] [Music] so i'll give you a quick edumacation on carbonators this is what we call holley 94. some of them are labeled 59 some of them are labeled chandler groves some are labeled 8rt or 8ba but basically that's your model 94 holly and this is a model 97 stromberg the 97 is the dead giveaway this is a large logo they make them where you guessed it the 97 is significantly smaller some of them don't have any logo at all the easy way to tell which one you've got is the fuel inlet is on the main body so it's below this top cover and then on a 94 it's on the top side so really that's the main difference the 97 is kind of the hot rod carburetor and the 94 is just kind of your standard run-of-the-mill carburetor so this is a little bit more sought after but guys been using these forever they work great one of the other big differences is this is your accelerator pump linkage on these and this is your accelerator pump linkage on the 97 it's all kind of external and goes up into the main body or the top cover up here whereas this is all just kind of compact and in the main body it's not all external like it is on the 97. the 97's got a lot of beefier bases to them don't ask me why i don't know know nothing about them i usually just stick with the 94s because i got a fat stack of them from a college roommate because he rebuilt a bunch of them for me because he's a nice guy so here's our large logo here's the small logo this little guy big guy and this is a no logo you can see it's still got the side inlet i think they made a 81 stromberg 2 and a 48 i don't know much about those but you can tell all pretty much same thing with that external throttle linkage and they all say stromberg on them so yeah you're worthless carbonator knowledge of the day like this one is a model 21-29 that's a ford and then you can see just how much beefier the 97 bases are versus the 94s now we wait for the fuel leak preferably a controlled leak well look up the coil see what happens slingshot engaged slingshot engaged sounds like she wants to go first time running in like at least 35 years probably 40 a little bit of a fuel leak a little choke what i like about these flatties they always put a smile on your face don't be a wank fill your tank she's smokey duff [Music] hey there we go sticks everything flathead oh man glad gladys sounds good our coil wire came off that's an easy fix well there you have it we just got a 1937 ford flathead running that hasn't been on the road i don't know 40 years i guess i looked up gambles and they went out of business in 1985-ish it looks like so it's at least been 36 years since this thing's been on the road i'm guessing that battery wasn't the last one that they ever sold so we're just going to say 40 years this thing's been sitting a long time a couple of stuck valves the engine was kind of stuck not really i mean this thing still as you've seen it's needs a full flush of the oil system needs water pumps gonna do plug wires should stick head gaskets and it probably needs a valve job but hey it runs i'll take some atf dump it down the carb fog it down stash it away with all the other ones i got so [Music] [Music] [Music] he's flatheads something i've always really liked to get running i got a lot of parts around for them because they're just so freaking cool i mean they're like the birth of the american hot rod industry was these flat v8s so i think we're gonna do now is like i said stash this thing away take the cab put it on a half ton chassis with a box put the sheet metal all in one piece we're probably not going to get it running and driving but probably just piece it all together for the next guy so he's got a good start on a project or she so i've got either a 35 or 36 frame here reason i say that it's got the 35 six wishbones wide five bolt patterns you think 36 right it's got the five on five and a half in the front so either the front end was swapped out or the rear and a swapped out we'll check the vin i'm pretty sure as a 35 frame they wore out that rear end swapped a 36 rear in i mean they wore a 36 front end swapped in a 35 what do you think duff he's busy looking for rabbits it's pretty chewy frame rotted out here in the kick rear crossmember's busted this crossmember is missing frame rail's tweaked but we're just going to kind of straighten it patch that together maybe stick a chunk of steel in there just to kind of firm it up because we're just going to make a roller next person can build it or if nobody ever buys it or i decide i really need to do a 37 then i'll either grab another frame start from scratch and then swap this body onto when i'm ready or we'll fix this one i don't know that this one's really i mean everything's fixable but this one's tough this thing was made into a trailer one time so i kind of welded this strap in there so that the torque tube didn't bounce up and down so maybe we'll pound that down weld that so that torque tube's tied down other than that we're not really going to do much so i need to get that vin number figure out what it is start doing some fixing because chains don't make good cross members even duff knows that so let's get started building a 37 ford pickup here we go [Music] so [Music] [Music] um [Music] so there you have it we just turned a 37 ford truck do a halftime pickup duff likes pickups way better than trucks duff approves if you haven't already check out our new duff decals we got white lightning 62 chevy c10 on there got them in two inch and four inch sizes been doing a grab pack of four for uh 10 bucks shipped so hit me up with an email in the description down below we can do paypal or we can snail mail a check if you don't have the paypal stuff i don't have the venomous or whatever that stuff is so but yeah i mean we don't have inner fenders in it we don't have fenders and running boards but i'm kind of an open wheel guy needs a tailgate this box i picked up at a swap meet in iola and it's it's pretty rough but that'll be easy enough to patch in you just gotta fix that bead part there the floor is toast but i could cut that out do wood or some type other insert it's pretty straight and the other side's way better need a tailgate see this side ain't bad and it's even got that little splash and down there so you got a pattern to make one for both sides trucks have the fuel tank come out that side underneath the cab pickups they're back here let's even get the taillight bracket i did check the vin on this frame it's a 35 no wait yeah it's 35 so small bolt patterns right sure enough it was the rear end that was swapped out and it's just kind of mocked up got the bed bolted down cabs bolted down radiators bolted down so this thing's a pretty good start to a project for being on a budget i mean this is like what i would call a you know entry level deal i mean you could spend 3 000 bucks on a cab so this way you got a whole frame needs some work you got axles of course needs work and they're mismatched but depending on what you want to do this is kind of what gets you started and like i said those trucks they just they don't really do it for me and not a lot of resale and there's not a lot of parts available for them and these things are a whole lot more fun to drive more fun to look at you can get a lot of stuff for them so there you have it appreciate it thank you very much for watching go check our other videos if you watch it for this long click like subscribe go check out some of the other channels you mentioned you know ryan at iowa classic car pudding's fab shop sobering restoration old car guy grant tomy a six fan you guys know the drill all those guys they're awesome cost a lot of reaction check out their channels appreciate it remember doesn't matter how you get it done as long as you're having fun so it was kind of fun actually i like the early ford stuff maybe we should do some orderly ford stuff we're gonna have to get some early fords over there oh man too much stuff too much stuff [Music] you
Channel: Mortske Repair
Views: 272,000
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: abandoned, junkyard, ford flathead, stuck engine, grain truck, hot rod, rat rod, mortske repair, vgg, vice grip garage, vise grip garage, iron trap garage, itg, waylon wire, patina, 1937 ford, flathead v8, coldwar motors, coldwarmotors, ran when parked, abandoned truck, junkyard truck, salvage truck, scrap iron truck, half ton conversion, overhead valve conversion, stromberg 97 carburetor, carburetor, distributor, sun distributor machine, distributor tester, rust, rusty gold
Id: hFxbBIa_Dbs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 77min 12sec (4632 seconds)
Published: Mon May 24 2021
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