Channeling our 37 Ford pickup body and test fitting the box sides. Part 2

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next night i'm uh i think our game plan here is to cut the excess junk off the side of the frame and trim away the body so i can get the body channel down where i want or see how close i can get it to where i want and then we'll uh we'll go from there [Music] do [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] my [Music] well we're slowly coming down like the back of the cab is kind of where i want it to be but i want the rest of the body line like the front's got to come down like another five kind of wanting the uh the door to almost follow the frame because right now it's kind of kicked up so you can see this has to go down a few inches so from the inside it's following the sweep of the frame rail but that's also not working for me we need to bring that down some more so what that entails is way more cutting so we got to cut out this inner structure see it's probably okay up to like here where that cross brace was but we're gonna have to keep hacking away at the front until we get the front where i want and then we'll have to build a new structure everywhere see not a big deal but there's a bit of effort yet so i might bust out the plasma it might be the quickest to get that going and then we can rebuild like that little triangle up in the front we gotta carefully take that away so we cause that's some of our our structure to hold the car together same with this side but we'll just make a new plate here and then when the firewall and all the other jazz goes in that'll just make everything easier should be a comfy car when it's said and done but i'll lift it up one more time i gotta do a slice on the inside and then we'll just gradually cut away at this thing until i get the body sitting where i think it should sit yep that is the plan [Music] so [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] hey [Music] hmm [Music] all right we cleaned up bit i did all i trimmed it a couple more times after the fact i have it not bad like you don't see the frame really i don't know if i want the body to go past the frame we'll see it'll depend where my suspension's at i'd love the truck to be lower than this yet but um the more i've been trimming away the more i realize how cruddy these are and not really relevant to anything other than they'll just make a lot of noise so i might trim it away i don't know if that's what people do trim it away with the body and uh just have this swing i think in the end what i'm gonna do is i'll probably have lake style headers on here and i'll probably have the cones coming down kind of hiding that up and just kind of shooting exhaust down on the ground i think and that's my plan we'll see but i think that's about as far as i'm gonna get tonight uh yeah pretty happy so far we kind of have our axle mocked up where i'd like to have my wheels so it doesn't give me a lot of suspension travel and i'm trying to keep i don't know i gotta i might have to mock it up and roll it just so i can get a feel for how big the box is because i don't want a really big box but i don't want to go crazy either i want to be you know semi-usable not like a big kick up for no reason i'm kind of over doing that if i could make my box usable that'd be kind of cool so then uh yeah the plan is use a transverse spring so i'm basically going to flatten or move this cross member do whatever i got to do but yeah i want to keep this spring pretty level with the axle i don't want to have any crazy droop or anything and then the plan is just to do a two link up into the center section so essentially that'll be my spring slash my panhard and just a two link running to the front to run all my other stuff keep it super simple and then like i say in here i'm not sure if i'll channel it more yet or not i got lots of room in the cab at this point i'm hoping i can just keep all this x-frame stuff we'll see how that transmission works i'll have to mock it up with the motor just to see how things fit in here but if it works out i might not have to split the bones i might be able to just leave it we'll see but again depends how low i want to go with this particular axle you can't really drop it you can but you can't they do they do make you can get a little bit of a drop out of them but i've never dropped one of these maybe it'd be fun to try but i think you only get like one or two inches so i don't know if it's worth it if i have to put the other uh like a drop axle or something then i'll have to split the bones and it'll fill in that area i'll have my uh my wishbones will mount up there and stuff anywho i think that's where i am gonna leave this one for tonight [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] all righty well kind of rolling it back to see how it looks i like the wheel placement there i could move and do whatever i need with that but the rear just doesn't look right to me it looks too far back it's like i don't know i gotta scoot the cab back a little bit i'm toying with the idea that i'm going to leave the back because whatever i do in the front with the axle won't matter too much of the shape of the rail i can make it work so i think what i'm going to do is clean off whatever this junk is and kind of keep scooting my cab back there's a particular truck that i'm kind of like eyeballing if i could find a picture i might just stick it in here for a second that's kind of what a rough visual of what i'm trying to go with so i did find an article on that one and what that feller did is he had taken 10 inches out of the front and a foot out of the back of the box so i'm trying to get a feel for that where that sits so even right now as it is my axle's a little further ahead than it should be because you can tell by the bump stop where it's supposed to be so it might be i don't know there's still plenty of travel i like where the truck is sitting i've probably channeled it a little more though but then the second thing that occurred to me while i was farting around trying to bash my disc brakes loose on this diff is that if i got this brakes in the back i can't run this drum brakes in the front so i do have this axle as crazy as this sounds give a little highlight i bought this car and it came with all this stuff and well because i'm kind of just building this to fight around with and probably blow away at some point hey pablo want to keep it down there so anyways i bought it at all this stuff and i'm not really a big fan myself of hair pins and stuff i like a split bone front end myself but so i got a bunch of stuff and a lot of it's stuff i don't like but it's all new and it it will work good so i'm gonna use this i'm not sure if i'll use the drop axle yet we'll see if i need it but i might use this whole setup it came with a set of hair pins for the rear and whatever i got them so i may as well use them right so that's kind of the plan we're going to use all that junk together and it's really going to speed the process up of building this thing anyways because they don't have to buy anything because i've already bought it technically so anyways long story short i'm going to scoot this motor back or i'm going to clean the frame up some more move the cab back some more and then see if i can get things where i like see if i can make things look better i'll probably just blindly shorten the box to whatever size and we'll see [Music] hey pablo can you be any more noisy hey can you possibly be more noisy hey jay purse all right gonna watch me uh chop up this car all right let's get started [Applause] [Music] well i think that feller had it about right because that looks pretty good you gotta imagine i don't know if you can see it there's a line right at the back of the cab there and then i have the other line doodled so that's where the box end of the box will be so it still looks really plain so you have to imagine that stake pocket you can't see that line but you gotta imagine this pocket is to here so there's actually something filling in the front in the back like back here if you just cut it you're missing all of this so once this goes back i think it's right because i want the wheel to fill this arch like clearly it'll go down lower but so i'd like to get the cab at least channeled to the frame then we'll figure stuff out from there so it's not terrible the cab might have to go ahead a little bit which is i'm okay with because that line is too darn close to the cab so that could scooch ahead i think because this stuff's all rotten i'm just going to get rid of all of this because i'm going to either have my hair pins are going to come back here or something like uh whatever my yeah hair pins that's what's on there they'll come back into here depending on the angle but those are fully adjustable so i can adjust it interesting interesting i don't think this x-frame is going to work i don't think so uh what i should do is just bob the box just cut those rails and then we'll figure out how to straighten stuff after the fact uh but at least it'll look right because i can kind of clamp it or just bolt it to the chassis for now i'd dig it looks like it'll work cool all right well let's cut these so it sort of looks like a vehicle then i can kind of judge how far i want my cab to be like how much space i'll have between the cab in the box and i don't know we'll see where we get from there this is all the planning process planning with no actual plan we just kind of figure this out while we're going here [Music] do [Music] not sure how i like it yet it almost seems a little too short in the back i mean yeah i don't know like it's a little longer in the front and then it's i almost feel like it's too short in the back which is no big deal i know people look at that and like oh you screwed up no big da da it's not really a screw-up because if you think about it i still have to splice this panel in there that's why i wasn't worried about it because i got to get this curve in so i was going to be cutting more of this panel off to do that so if i don't like the length i can add this on i can make it how much longer i want and it might be that it needs to be like three to four inches longer because it almost i don't know it's kind of messed up like it's perfectly centered in the wheel arch you can tell by this so depending what i do i always want to make sure that follows my wheel the only dumb part about that is if you look why wouldn't that be centered with the wheel that seemed that seems so weird unless that's like a really weird ocd thing i mean it sort of lines up but it's it's like an inch off or something it's kind of dumb anyways this needs to go down regardless so it'll need a notch around the axle and so i don't know i think these boxes set kind of low i don't even know if they followed as low as the cab or what but they were usually excessively low if i had a fender on it it wouldn't be so bad but so the front is probably fine i guess my calf can scoot just a little bit ahead this looks okay i don't think i want it any shorter to get too short yeah what do you folks think i think there should be a little bit more added to the back i'm not too worried it'll be a while before i actually get to that i basically wanted to hack it all up and see what it what i feller would have for a box here doesn't seem too bad if you see inside i'll probably be following the frame rail pretty much which should give me enough tire clearance i don't know how low i go we'll determine that i have how useless my box is but i don't know i don't know why i have to always make my boxes work but on a truck that's not practical for anything else and like i say where that hump is almost feels like that's where my transmission would be so i'm thinking this x-frame is going to come out i'm going to use it to come back and actually box the frame with it and then i can build a new structure cross member stuff like that through the middle or maybe i can use it i don't know it's kind of hard i'm pretty sure my shifter is going to be right there and then this front will be kind of weird i guess if the motor clears with stuff who cares but i can tell like the oil filter stuff like that will probably be in the way i might just buzz the top off of that x-frame maybe bolt the motor up and uh just see what it looks like sitting in there because overall it's proportioned right i'm not 100 sure if i like where the wheels are yet so like i'm thinking this needs to come back a bit but we will decapitate this uh x frame i'll probably cut that trans cross member out i won't be able to use that one anyways so and then we'll see where my transmission fits into there whether it's uh this x frame is a feasible thing well i got to basically get that motor in and see if it is feasible anyway so let's do that [Music] bye [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] so [Music] [Music] do [Music] so [Music] so [Music] well it looks like i got a bunch of cutting to do as i thought the x-frame is not like terrible in the way but it's in the way so i guess we're just gonna cut out all of that junk and uh just so we can free up room for our motor and transmission because i'm having the car low i got to make sure nothing hangs below the frame just so if i have to scrape and it looks like i'm probably gonna buy a kit though one of those zoomy kits header kits from speedway actually no i've never had zoomies i don't know kind of hit and miss now zoomies with suckers are too loud but i'd baffle yeah them don't know now no [Applause] [Laughter] motors definitely got to come up but regardless the motor's got to go down it sits okay there but let's level her out the axle is like i think it's actually right that's the messed up part i think because there's no exhaust there's nothing filling this up i'm just not sure of this gap yet to figure that out oh i got to put a bar on here i'm going to roll this sucker back and have a look at our contraption that we kind of fiddled with here see how i like it we got to do a little parting shot like that eh kind of mock it together i have the axle sitting right on the frame but i think if i do the drop axle and stuff it'll be here or even maybe a little bit lower so i don't know how much lower i want to get the truck i mean i would love it to be really low but if you've seen our roads out here they're complete crap i'll probably channel it just so you can't see the frame so another inch or so i think that'll be the plan and then i'm still kind of hit and miss on the box it looks a little short in the back hey you can totally see it like it totally needs a little more yay much or something we'll figure it out when we get there but uh i think next step is going to be just cutting all that junk out in the middle so i can kind of make room for the motor and stuff nothing really fits right now i chopped away a little bit of it so the motor and trans fits in there better but i'm not opposed to the motor sitting up higher that's not a problem to me but my mind it looks like really nice there it's just the bell housing is pretty much just sitting on the cross member right now that doesn't work out so well i guess if i want the solid mounted it'd be fine but the yeah the grill shell's starting to grow on me yeah well maybe not i don't know we'll see it makes cool wall art i don't know about it being on a vehicle at least the lower parts there if i fill this in and make a top for it maybe i don't know i don't know we'll see anyways i think that's where i'm gonna leave this one so as always folks thanks for watching and uh we'll catch you on the next one later [Music] i
Channel: Halfass Kustoms
Views: 85,786
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hot rod, rat rod, 1937 ford, hot rod build, rat rod bob builds, rat rod truck, rat rod truck build, 1937 ford truck rat rod, 1937 ford street rod, how to build a hot rod, hot rod chassis, cheap hotrod, how to build a ratrod cheap, 37 ford, rat rod build, street rod, 1937 ford truck, 37 ford rat rod, 37 ford truck, 37 ford pickup, 37 ford pickup hot rod, how to build a hot rod engine, how to build a hot rod floor, ford rat rod, ford pickup rat rod
Id: rvXkgQHoXjU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 42sec (1962 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 21 2021
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