Will It Brownie? Taste Test

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Links thinking the pineapple upside down cake smells like man milk is just proof that he’s a very considerate husband.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 43 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/prismabird πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 18 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

Ah! Now we at last are beginning to see the fruits of ...
Chase and the Time Machine.

I'm looking forward to this!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 30 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/FergusCragson πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 18 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

RIP Aunt Vicky

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 19 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/theartisticpoet πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 18 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

"Whose hand am I smellin'?"

Sounds like an excellent future GMMore to me!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 8 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/sneakynin πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 18 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

Please tell me I'm not the only one who noticed some slight changes to the intro this episode. The one that made me do a double take was chocolate (brownie batter?) In the sink

ETA - I'm just a little slow, they've been doing this for a while

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/MediumMatter πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 19 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

Should there be a flag for Episode Uploads?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/wheelperson πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 19 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies
- Today we ask the age old question. - Will it brownie? - Let's talk about that. (upbeat music) - Good mythical summer. - We're about to find out how far we can push one of the most classic desserts out there, the brownie. - Mm-hmm, but first this portion of today's episode is sponsored by Hello Fresh, America's number one meal kit. Now Rhett, what do I always encourage you to do more of? - Treat myself. - That's right, Rhett. You deserve it. And you know what? You deserve it. You can treat yourself to a new dinner recipe each night of the week, with 30 different dinner recipes to choose from each week, Hello Fresh has the most choices of any meal kit. - Ah yes, and you can customize your favorite dishes with Hello Fresh's new Hello Custom Offerings by swapping out one protein or side for another, upgrading for a more luxe experience or even adding protein to a veggie meal. That means more choices, more variety, and more meals truly tailored to you. - You know what, I'm glad to hear you use the word luxe since I'm always encouraging you to use it in conversation. - Right? I've been taking notes. And Hello Fresh is up to 72% cheaper than dining at a restaurant, so I can have a luxe meal in my own kitchen or as Link encourages me to call it, - Luxe luncheon. - Luxe luncheon. - Yes. - That's right. That's good. I'm glad you're taking my encouragement - I'm catching on. - Hello Fresh won't get in the way of your busy day. You can stay on track with simple recipes and fresh pre-portioned ingredients that cut out meal prep and trips to the grocery store. And Rhett, what do I encourage you to do with that extra time? - Make those... Luxe lunches long. - Luxe lunches long. - Yes, and those pre-portioned ingredients mean less prep for you and less wasted food. Hello Fresh cuts down on your food waste by at least 25% compared to grocery shopping. - Now I'd like to encourage both of us to try a bite of this delicious and pre-portioned Moo Shu pork bowl with cabbage, scallions and buttery rice. - Don't mind if I do. - Uh-huh, this is good. This is good, I've had it before. - Hmm. That's real good. Really, really good. Very savory. And now I'm gonna get on the encouragement train. - Do it. - Go to hellofresh.com and use code GMM16 for up to 16 free meals and three surprise gifts. - That's hellofresh.com and use code GMM16 for up to 16 free meals and three surprise gifts. - Thanks again to Hello Fresh for sponsoring this portion of today's episode. Okay, so how do we feel about brownies? - I actually worry for brownies a lot. - Okay. - I mean, there are no red foods out there called reddies. - Yeah, that's true. - There's no blueys, there's no greenies. There's just brownies. I feel like they're lonely. - Well, good news is brownies are an inanimate and probably don't care. - It's time for, will it brownie? - Will it brownie? To earn the esteemed title of brownie, all you gotta do is be a baked good made with chocolate and square in shape. The rest is up to our imagination. - Okay, as I've gotten older and wiser, I've learned to live by three words. What the hell? (Link chuckles) - It's already 1:00 AM but I'm only five episodes away from finishing the latest season of my favorite telenovela. What the hell? Let a good times roll. When a certain child of mine tells me they love me. What the hell? I'll tell 'em I love 'em back. - (Link chuckles) Okay. - And since brownies are vegetarian and veggie lasagna is vegetarian, I thought, what the hell, let's put 'em together. Here we have brownie de pesto. - [Josh] This is a great idea, right? - Of course. Right, Josh? It's a great idea. - What did you do? - [Josh] This is a real, what the hell brownie. So it's brownie batter studded with sun-dried tomatoes, layered with ricotta, mascarpone and cream cheese, a sweetened bechamel and then a homemade sweet pesto. - So it's like putting an Italian dinner and the dessert together into one meal. If you're in a hurry, sometimes you're in a hurry. Sometimes it's a date night and you got a early morning the next morning, - You just want to get it over with? - Well, you wanna get dinner over with. - That's not good date energy. - No, you wanna get the, dinner over with. - Dinner over with. - So you can drive home. - Yep, the drive home is always my favorite part of a date. - Yep. Right? - I don't know Josh. I'm gonna make a prediction. - Whoa, oh man. - That this isn't gonna... This isn't gonna be bad. - The aroma. - [Josh] There's a lot going on. Also Italians famously love when you mess with their food. - Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Shout out to all you watching. - [Josh] Yeah, the garlic gets ya. - Yeah, it's garlicky and that, sun-dried tomatoes. - sun-dried tomatoes, is tough, Rhett. - The sun-dried tomatoes and the chocolate. - [Josh] That was the only part I thought would be good. - No, that doesn't work together. - It's so weird though. - I like the sun-dried tomato though. - But just think about it. Date night's short tonight. The dinner part. - Oh yeah. - I'm just doing positive associations. You're driving home. - Look at that, we get to see the road. - Oh, hopefully the kids won't have some problem that we have to think about when we get home. - Oh. - And if they do, we'll be like, "Kids, give us 30 minutes and we'll think about your problems". - I mean, 30 minutes. - That's all you need. - I'm gonna try another bite without the tomato. 'cause I wanted to like this, but I'm not so far. - I guess I'll try again too. - 'Cause the cheesy part and the chocolate part should work, but... mm. - It's the Italian seasoning. - Shoot. - [Josh] So you're saying it's the Italian's fault. - It's the Italian's fault. - [Josh] Blame them, not me. - Yeah. Yeah. - Yeah. It's the veggie lasagna's fault. - Incredible effort but veggie lasagna, will it brownie? No. - No. - Now have you ever had a blue raspberry? - No. - No. - Because they don't exist. So if blue isn't the flavor of blue raspberries, then what is it the flavor of? Can you look at me in the eye and tell me with absolute certainty that we haven't been tasting blue bird droppings this entire time. Because I for one, can't look myself in the eye at all. At least not without a mirror. But that's not my point. My point is we put some blue raspberry in a brownie. Behold, the blue ras brownie. - Nice. Even though they don't exist, they are in this brownie. So Josh, what did you do? - [Josh] Well, first we invented a new genus of fruit. No, it's a lightly cocoaed blue raspberry brownie batter filled with blue raspberry taffy, popping candy, gummy bears, a little bit of blue ras caramel. - Ooh, there's some popping candy in here. Let's start off with a little taste of the bear. - Nope, that was gonna put you in the hospital all afternoon. No more. - That feels a little overprotective and intrusive, Chase. - I feel cared for, actually. - Oh. - Fine, I'll... - Okay. - Eat one like this. - I'm going hands on. - Now these... - Oh gosh. - I would call this a blondie slash bluey. Right? Which I like. Ooh, and it is gooey. - [Josh] Cocoa in there. - It is... - Oh, oh, oh, oh. - It is stuck to the bottom of this plate. Oh my gosh. There's a whole bottom layer of just... - And it's got the, like the... Gummy. - Gummy. The gelatinous ness of the... is that a word? - [Josh] Yeah, gelatinous ness ness. - The gelatinous ness ness. - Woo, that is juicy. - This really, really works. - The best brownies are the ones that are gooey. I'm a center of the pan man. You know what I'm saying? Are you a corner boy? - [Josh] We actually gave you a corner piece and a centerpiece if you wanna choose. - But here's the thing about- - You got the corner piece. - The consistency of this is gonna be through the whole brownie. Traditional brownies, only the middle has the gooeyness. Every single brownie in this pan is gonna have gooeyness. So are you a gooey man, not a corner man? - I'm a whatever you gimme, I'm gonna enjoy. But I- - Of course you are. - But I appreciate the gooeyness. I like the gooeyness to be designed into the recipe. - Motivated. - Not just to be, oh, this didn't get cooked enough. You know what I'm saying? Doesn't matter how you cooked these, the gooeyness is, the gelatinous ness is gonna be around. - And the blue raspberry really suits this blondie. - Very complimentary. - I'm loving this. I mean, this is a thing. - Blue raspberry, will it brownie? Yes. - Yes. Nowadays, salt and vinegar stuff is everywhere. Chips, almond, seaweed, pork rinds, everything. But the one place that you're not seeing S and V, as I call it, is on the dessert menu. Is this a missed opportunity? Presenting the salt and vinny brinny. - Hey listen, I love salted chocolate. - Yes. - The idea that you add a little vinegar in there, I mean, I've got some high hopes for this. Is it gonna be gross? Is it gonna be good? - I'll take the corner this time. Josh, what'd you do? Oh. - Whoa. So we heavily salted and vinegared some brownie batter. There's a lot of chocolate chips in there, a lot of salt and vinegar chips mixed in, and then it's topped with salt and vinegar chips. - The vinegar is pungent. - Yeah. - Look again, how... you get things so moist, Josh. - [Josh] We pride ourselves on our moistness in the Mythical Kitchen. - I mean, it's just so moist, it's so heavy. - Find a moister department in all the company, you won't. - You're the, hey you're the most moist. - No, no, no, no, no, no, no. We have, here at Mythical, a newly launched moist department. - Yeah. Yeah. All they do is they just, they have like steamers... - And humidifiers. A lot of humidifiers. - And humidifiers. And like portable showers. - [Josh] Phasing us out? - No, I'm just saying you got, uh... - No, you're just being... - You gotta turn the moistureness up. - We just want you to focus on moisture. - I wanna focus on this. - We can get moisture if that's what it's about. - No, that's not. No, that's not. Don't be threatened. - Moister or moisture? - They can help you. My wife loves the salt and vinegar. Well, she would not love this. All that talk about moist. You know the one thing that I'm not liking about this? - Uh? - The vinegar. - Yeah, that makes sense. - Yeah. - It's causing a lot of the moisture too, if we're being honest. - Yeah. - This brownie is sweating and it's apologizing. Oh, okay. Yeah, I get it. It's not your fault. Next time we'll put the moisture department on it, instead of the Mythical Kitchen. - I've never had so much anticipation for something. I thought this was just dripping with whatever makes brownies drip. Rhett is saying- - Usually it's not vinegar. - You've never been more disappointed on this show? - I've never gotten so ready for something so moist. (crew laughs) Something that seemed so ready to be enjoyed. - Keep your humor dry about it. - Everything about this was like, I am ready for the taking. - And then? - And then I tasted it, and I was like, whoa. - It's bad. - Yeah. - It's just bad. - I'm getting off this train right now. Yeah, the vinegar's the problem. - Salt and vinegar, will it brownie? No. - No. - Important message. Respect cafeteria workers. - Yes. - Or better yet, befriend them, so you get to sample the crazy kitchen creations they usually reserve only for themselves, like this one. The sloppy Joe brownie. - This is a sloppy Joe meets a brownie. - Meats. - Huh? - Yeah. We meated a brownie with sloppy Joe. It's a sloppy Joe infused brownie. Oh gosh. - [Josh] Yeah, a lot more meat in that brownie than you'd typically find in a brownie. - You know, speaking of cafeteria workers... - It's meat loafy. - Your Aunt Vicky, long time cafeteria worker. - Yeah, long time aunt. - Long time aunt. - My entire life. - I mean, not to be a downer, she recently passed. - She did, may she rest in peace. - She lived a long, full life. - Yep. She's in the cafeteria of heaven now slopping the Joe's for... - That's how it works. - For, I don't know, Peter, Paul and Mary. - Yeah. (all laugh) - Yep, mm-hmm, that's all of 'em. - Yeah, she was a cafeteria worker. She's the best of them. - So you wanted to, I mean, is this a little shout out? Little shout out to Aunt Vicky. Like, do you wanna, you know what I'm saying? This is an opportunity, you look up and you kind of- - I need to taste it first. (Rhett laughs) You know what I'm saying? I don't wanna honor my great aunt, the cafeteria worker's, legacy... - You don't wanna tarnish it. - With being grossed up. - You don't wanna tarnish it. - I don't wanna gross it up. - So, okay. So, I mean, I'm just saying, if you're enjoying it, you can kind of toss one up, you know. I'm gonna follow your lead. However you respond to this, I'm gonna be there. - Why don't we just pour one out on the curb afterward? - Milk? Just a carton of milk? - Or just the rest of this? - Sweet acidophilus. - Stevie, you know what I'm talking about. - Stevie knows that what you're talking about. (Stevie laughs) Shall we dink it? - Yeah. - Shall we sink it? - It is not bad. It takes like mole. (Link laughs) - You might just be eating the sloppy Joe off the top. Get some more- - No, I got to the brownie. - First of all, a sloppy Joe is a sweet meat, right? It already has a lot of sugar in that barbecue sauce or whatever it is. - That's a good point. Sweet meat. - It's like just turning up the chocolate. I'm just trying to make a moment for Aunt Vicky. I just... but I also really do like it. I'm not just acting. I mean, I'm not saying I would request this given the option of a brownie and a sloppy Joe. - The bar is lower at a cafeteria, let's be real. School cafeteria, you take what you can get. I think it works. I think it's interesting. I think it, yeah, once you say mole- - Say it to Aunt Vicky. - Say this is all for Aunt Vicky. - You gonna make me talk to my dead Aunt Vicky? - Just, (smacks lips) to the front. I just... Can you do that? - I'm giving this one up to my dead Aunt Vicky because she was a freaking sweetheart. And Aunt Vicky, if you're watching, I don't know how but I hope I'm making you proud. - And then this, and then this. - Two kisses? - Two kisses. We'll do it together. Sloppy Joe, will it brownie? Yes. - Yes. For this one, I was told that the Mythical Kitcheneers had to ninja secret agent and notary public their way through a top secret chocolate sea lab. - Yep. - To get their hands on the meat ingredient for this one. It's the meet cute between the brownie and the ocean that we've all been waiting for. Introducing, eel you be my brownie? Eel you be my brownie? - And that's an eel head. - [Josh] Yeah, well we believe in using the whole eel in the Mythical Kitchen, so the body is actually inside of the brownie and then we've put the head on top for garnish. The chef recommends sucking off the head before then moving to the base of the brownie. - No, no. - What's the sauce? - [Josh] Eel sauce. - Okay. (crew laughs) - [Josh] Eel sauce. - I walked right into that one. - So you're saying you want us to suck the back of the head? - [Josh] Yeah, just to get some of the juice out. - Ew. - Just, sort of, prime the pallet. - So like, suck the back of that? - [Josh] You know how we feel about moisture. - Then bite some of this. - Mm-hmm. Watch out for bones. - In the brownie? - No, no, no, just in the head, we've... - Well, I'm just sucking the head. - Ugh, what are the lighter dark pieces in the brownie? - [Josh] Eel. (crew laughs) - Ugh. - Eels have multiple parts and they're all inside these brownies. - [Josh] Yeah. - All right, grab your head. - It's all about mindset, right? - Grab the head. - Tell me something. When you said the thing about mole, it really turned the sloppy Joe into something that I wanted to connect with dead relatives. What can you do for me here? - Eels are like nature's noodle. - Hah. Nature's noodle. - [Rhett] Nature's noodle. - Okay. - So you can make your own noodles or you can let nature make your noodles and they'll swim right into your mouth. (crew laughs) - Let nature swim its noodle into your mouth. - Do you want nature's noodle in your mouth? - That's not what they taught me in scuba diving training. If you see a nature noodle- - Close your mouth. - Open your mouth, like... Just start sucking in. - If you go to one of those Moray eel homes and you just stick your mouth right on top of it they will swim right into your... They'll go right in your stomach. - Oh gosh, that's like a underwater horror movie that I... That's a horrible thought. - Eel hole, in theaters now. - Er, eel hole? - Eel hole. - That's what you call your mouth. - I think it's called nature's noodle. The tale of the eel hole. I'm gonna suck on this head and then I'm gonna eat the brownie. - Yeah. - 3, 2, 1. - Ugh. (Link gags) - I think the air came through his mouth. The air came through the eel's mouth into the back of it and into my mouth. So I just got eel filtered air. - Is there a chocolate chip in here? Please tell me that was a chocolate chip. - [Josh] No, if I had to guess what part of the eel that was, I'd say it's his knee. (crew laughs) - You know eels, all knees. One big knee. - You know what it needs? Vinegar. - Yeah. - Well they should just saved all that vinegar. - Man. - I mean seafood in a brownie. It's just not a good idea. - We crossed the line. - It's not a good idea. - And we can't return. - Woo, that was bad, that was bad. Nature's noodle needs to go away. - Nature's noodle, will it brownie? No. - No. Gosh. - We had some victories today. - You know, valiant effort. Thank you for everything you put together. Even the ones that didn't will, it's a success. I just wanna reinforce that. - Yeah. - 'Cause we tried it and we found out. - Thanks for subscribing and clicking that bell. - You know what time it is? - Hello. This is Gyen from Osaka, Japan. This is just a white wall in my apartment room. And it's time to spin the wheel of mythicality. (Rhett chuckles) - Yeah, man. I mean, sometimes that's all it takes. - A white room. - Click the top link to watch us discover which flavors of batter we can identify with just our noses in Good Mythical More. - And to find out where the wheel of mythicality is gonna land. - Get as adventurous as you want in your kitchen with the Mythical Kitchen merch collection available now at mythical.com.
Channel: Good Mythical Morning
Views: 1,384,151
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gmm, good mythical morning, rhettandlink, rhett and link, mythical, rhett, mclaughlin, link, neal, will it, taste test, meal kit review, meal kit
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 54sec (1074 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 18 2022
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