We Try Food Experiments Without Instructions

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Whatever they have to do to keep Mikayla around, they should do it.

Without instructions might be my favorite game, top three at least. It’s always so chaotic. How many times did they burn themselves today, like four?

👍︎︎ 31 👤︎︎ u/prismabird 📅︎︎ Oct 06 2022 🗫︎ replies

They were so chaotic today I had to rewind multiple times lolll

Also, Rhett in blue and Link's RHCP shirt! <3

👍︎︎ 22 👤︎︎ u/its_karyll_herself 📅︎︎ Oct 06 2022 🗫︎ replies

I was very concerned for Link when he had that heat gun haha Add it to the list of things Link isn't allowed to touch 😂😂

👍︎︎ 17 👤︎︎ u/weschester 📅︎︎ Oct 06 2022 🗫︎ replies

"it's like a butt in Beverly Hills." That went completely over everyone XD

👍︎︎ 12 👤︎︎ u/not_a_library 📅︎︎ Oct 06 2022 🗫︎ replies

Link: burns himself multiple times per experiment

Also Link when Stevie says they wont need fire: 😮 but why

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/jakehood47 📅︎︎ Oct 06 2022 🗫︎ replies

Where was science mike tho?

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/barricadeNG 📅︎︎ Oct 06 2022 🗫︎ replies

Where was the real science mike??

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Untidycloud9 📅︎︎ Oct 06 2022 🗫︎ replies
- Today we're taking a bite outta science. - Let's talk about that. (cheerful music) Good Mythical Morning. - You know, we've got years of experience eating things over our belts. It was a pun. It was supposed to be a pun. Under our belts, but it was over, 'cause it's like where your belly is. - You start over, and then it goes through and goes under. - Well yeah. My point is, we've been trained, if food is placed in front of us, we're gonna eat it. - Oh, you know I am, but today, we're not gonna be eating food, we're gonna be making food do science! - And if we do the science wrong, will we be okay? It's time for "Food Science Without Guidance. Featuring the Beaker Boys." - That's right, the fabulous Beaker Boys are back. All right, we're gonna be given items needed to conduct some kind of science experiment, this time specifically food science, with no instructions! - Nope. - Only instincts! - Yep! - There's gonna be some decoy- - And arguments. - Oh, no, we're gonna get along. There's gonna be some decoy items thrown in there to mix us up, throw us off, create some conflict. - We're gonna start out with 44 points. Let's make it 45. - Yeah, let's go 45. - I don't know why I said four. 45 points, and if we can put the right pieces together for the experiment and conduct it, that's good, but we can also ask for life lines with points being taken away. If we have 20 points remaining at the end, we will win the greatest invention in food science history. The potato clock. - Oh, it's my favorite kind of potatoes. (techno music) - [Stevie] Okay, Beaker Boys, you must use some combination of the items in front of you to acheese an... "acheese." - Oh yeah, we gonna acheese it. - No cheese here. - [Stevie] An amazing scientific result. And you know at least one part of each experiment will involve a food or a drink. Your lifelines are as follows. A message from Science Mike-ayla about a scientific principle at play. It costs you one point. - She's very enthusiastic. - One point? We're gonna get that every time. - [Stevie] I can tell you the decoy item, 'cause as you know, there's a decoy item, that's gonna cost you two points. - How many decoy items are there in this round? - [Stevie] There are two decoy items in this round. - Oh, snap. - [Stevie] And I can also tell you what result you're trying to achieve, that'll cost you three points. - Oh, that's expensive. I don't want that. - [Stevie] Bless you. - I'm allergic to lifelines. (laughs confidently) - [Stevie] If you don't make science happen before the time is up, that'll cost you five points. I'm gonna put 10 minutes on the clock, and you're gonna get started right now. - So this is a individually wrapped lapiece of cotton candy. - Lapiece? This is a lapiece of cotton candy. - And then we've got Jolly Ranchers. We have four of them. - This is just a little pillow when you get tired. - We have an aluminimium straw. And then we have popcorn kernels. Oh, yeah. That feels good. I don't know why, but it does. I'd like to take a bath in popcorn kernels. Can we bring that segment back? - Yep. - And of course we have a heat gun. Ooh. Ooh, it gets hot fast. And they gave me gloves. - Yeah, the gloves are to be used in tandem with the heat gun. - So... - All right, well I mean- - I really wanna use the heat gun, so. - It has to be the case that the heat gun is going to do something to the popcorn. We're going to make popcorn with heat. I mean, if that's not happening, then why am I here? - 'Course, these could be the two things... - But here's what I think is gonna happen. I think we're gonna put one of these in this. - Oh, yes. And then explode it. - And then it'll pop it, and it's gonna pop right into my mouth. - We're gonna heat the side of the straw because it conducts heat. - Ah, they're too big. - It'll heat up without melting. - Get the littlest kernel you can find. - Here's a little kernel. - So you can stick it in this straw and then you can pop it in my mouth. - It's what my aunt called me in preschool. - "I gotta go pick up Little Kernel." (crew laughs) Okay, Little Kernel, I'm gonna see if I can get this thing in there. We need a bigger straw. - I'm gonna make this real hot. Is it real hot? Yes, immediately. - Oh, and I... - You wanna put a glove on? You can see how hot this is? See, now... - That's cowhide. - [Link] It's not going in there. - Yeah, no, it's a pedestal for popping. You pop one at a time, and when it... - Is there a little kernel in there? - No, no. - Well why not? - 'Cause you threw it off. - Here. - I was making a little cotton candy bed for it. - Ow! God! (Rhett laughs) Son of a, oh! - [Stevie] Is the heat gun on? I'm confused. It's on and you're waving it at the mic, at the everything. - You know what, Link? - [Stevie] Now it's just pointing in the air like a giant heat ray. - I'm 90% sure we don't need this. What's the little kernel doing in the backyard by himself? (kernels popping) (crew laughs) Did you see that one? - He's making hot pops. - "But he's making his popcorn with his gun." - "He does that every day when I watch my stories." - [Rhett] "He melts Jolly Ranchers onto 'em." - [Stevie] This is so fun. You guys have five minutes. - We want a Science Mike-ayla. - Yeah, yeah, we need a tip. We need a tip. - [Stevie] All right, Science Mike-ayla, one point. - What's up, nerds? - Hey. - You're not good nerds, but here we go. Here's your hint. When you have a non-crystalline transparent solid, it can easily take some heat. Got it? - A non-transparent crystalline solid. - Non-crystalline transparent solid. - Non-crystalline transparent solid, that's a Jolly Rancher. That's what they called 'em until they changed the name. (crew laughs) - You're getting there. - 'Cause the kids didn't want 'em. - Then what? - Then, it can easily take some heat. - It can easily, yeah, so. - Oh, oh, oh, oh. - All she's saying is that we need to heat up a Jolly Rancher, which we've already done. I'm just so scared now. - No, no, no, what you do? I think you gotta get these coated in Jolly Ranchers, and then... I don't know. - Crap. - I mean, this is not a non-transparent crystalline solid. - Stevie, we need to get rid of something. - The straw. - [Stevie] Yeah, you need to get rid of the popcorn kernels. - Good to know. Do we want the desired outcome, or do we wanna remove another thing? 'Cause I think we need the straw. You threw it freaking away. Do we need the straw? No, what's the other thing we don't need? - [Stevie] You also do not need the cotton candy. - Oh, we have another straw right there. - They gave me another straw. We don't need the cotton, all right, so put the Jolly Rancher on the... - Can take the heat. What is it taking the heat, so we can slurp it up? - [Stevie] You have less than three minutes, so if you wanna ask me what you're supposed to be doing... - I think we gotta cheat. I think we gotta get a... - Cheat? - No, I think we gotta get the last one. - Tell us what the desired outcome is. - [Stevie] Careful! You wouldn't want this hot experiment to blow up. Well, actually, do. - Oh, we're blowing bubbles. - With Jolly Rancher. - With Jolly Ranchers. So, here, you give me that. - All right, so we want to melt the Jolly Rancher, we wanna put it on the end of the thing. - On the tray. Oh, we're gonna make Jolly Rancher bubbles. You better hurry, 'cause this is gonna be cool. You better hurry. - Well I gotta turn it up. - You gotta go fast. Okay, there we go. Like that. Whoa! - Hoh! Hagagagaga! What was that? - You gotta get even more. You did it, man, you created like... Holy, what? - It's a snake! It's a Jolly Rancher snake! - [Stevie] Look at what you've done. With less than a minute. - Stevie, we're doing it! - [Stevie] Less than a minute left, and you've done it. - And now we can eat it? - [Stevie] Oh. That's a good point, yeah, I guess so. - Here, I'll blow in your mouth. How are you getting it...? How are you getting so much in there? (crew laughs) - Sorry. - [Stevie] Perhaps the heat gun should be turned off at this point, because it's pointed at the desk. - We did it. We did it! We did it! - [Stevie] Rock candy, like Jolly Ranchers, is a non-crystalline transparent solid that uses corn syrup to prevent the sugar from crystallizing, thus making it a sugar glass. Because glass is an amorphous solid, it has a molecular structure that's random like a liquid, making it transparent and shapable when heated. - It's like glass. - So we can make bulbs out of Jolly Ranchers? Jolly Rancher light bulbs? - [Stevie] Yeah... - And it tastes great. (techno music) - [Stevie] All right, boys, same lifelines as before, I'm putting 10 minutes on the clock, time begins now. - Last time we used all our lifelines. We gotta be better than that. - Gatorade. - The Beaker Boys can't be using every lifeline. - Hot water. A lemon. A water bottle. A bowl. They said the bowl was an item. And a knife. - I think, my theory is, we're gonna make lemon-flavored cool blue Gatorade, and we're gonna sell it in these little things. This is a business science experiment. - What, to like golfers? We're gonna be on a golf course? - I think that's what we have to figure out. No, we're gonna do this and it's gonna be "Hello, Sharks." - Open it up, put that right there. - Mark Cuban is gonna love this. - All right, so what we're gonna do is, you wanna go nipple down, or...? - Always go nipple down. - I don't know what you would call that part. And then what you're saying is... - That way you can catch the milk. - You just wanna like... - Hold on! Yeah, and it's gonna create a vacuum, and it's gonna make the lemon flavor go into the Gatorade. Yeah, look at this. Oh, look what you've done! No, look, check it out. - What have I done? - Look around the Gatorade. - Yeah? - The water around the Gatorade is now blue. But it's an optical illusion. - Did you see that, Stevie? Is that what you're looking for? - Oh, gosh! - Look, man, you gotta watch what you touch, 'cause everything's hot today. - Now you see how blue that water is? Now watch this. - Not blue! - Not blue! He he hey! - Not blue! - We got that one in like a minute! Is that it? - [Stevie] Truthfully, I'm surprised that everything around you isn't blue today, Rhett. - I knew we'd be working with colors today. And I wanted to be very bright, and noticeable. I didn't wanna get lost behind all the color, Stevie. Thanks for making me feel self-conscious. - I think we're gonna need to- - We gotta get rid of something. - Cut the lemon. - Let's get a decoy. Before we start cutting things. - Give us a decoy. - [Stevie] You do not need the lemon. - Oh, the lemon's hot! (both laugh) All right, see, I think... - A knife with a hole in it. - If you pour hot water over this, it's gonna heat the air inside, and because it's a closed system, it's gonna contract. - Yeah. - Let's just test this part, oh, gosh, that Gatorade is hot! Oh, it's gonna explode! It's going the wrong direction, it's pointed at you! It wasn't getting smaller, it's getting bigger! Oh, it's gonna blow! Hit it with a knife. (crew chuckles) - Going in hot. Is this what we're supposed to be doing? - [Stevie] I mean we think that we give you safe things, and this is what you do? - Poke it! (crew laughs) - It's unpokeable. We've made unbreakable glass! I mean, we've made unbreakable plastic! - It's plastic, dude. - We've made plastic that cannot be broken. - Look at how plump that thing is, that thing is ready to pop. - We go into, look at how pretty that is. We go into Shark Tank. - That's like a butt in Beverly Hills. - "Hello, Sharks." - [Stevie] You have less than five minutes. - Mikayla, come out here. - It's a weeble wobble bottle. That's good, that's good, that's good. You don't have to go all the way to the top. - Oh. - [Rhett] How cool is that? - Is that it? - No. Nowhere near. - Give us a hint. - Okay. A decrease in surface pressure may just be the pull you need. - The pull. So you're right, we're gonna pull something in... - Look at this. - "A decrease in surface pressure may be the pull you need." - We've made bottles that can't be stood up. Oh, oh, oh. - A decrease in surface pressure. - Get a new Gatorade, get a new bottle. - Well, mission accomplished. - Take the bottle. - And then, hold on, new bowl. - Undo this. Ungh! Sorry I made that noise. Put this in there. Do this. We're gonna make Gatorade go, this is how we're gonna get the Gatorade into our bottles at the factory. - No, this is gonna get bigger, we know that. We've already done that. - A decrease in surface... - A decrease in surface. - You put the boiling water around the Gatorade, and it sends it into the thing. - Do we need another thing? Do we need another decoy? I think it's the knife. - The knife. We don't need the knife. - We don't need that knife. - I feel a suck. - Is it a suck? - Ho! Did you see that? - No. We need another hint. We'll take any kind. (Rhett laughs) - [Stevie] Okay, I hope this helps you. I think it's time you guys sucked it up about the difference in temperatures. - That's no different than what Mikayla told us. That was worthless! - [Stevie] No, she said pull, and I said suck. - See, I knew she wanted to say suck, but only you were willing to say suck. - [Stevie] You have less than two minutes. - Gatorade is cold, hot water is hot. - Yes? I knew that, too. - Okay, new bowl. New bowl, new bowl, new bowl. Ow, that's hot. - So pour the Gatorade into the bowl. No. Difference in temperatures. - No, you're right. - No, no, why are you doing that? - Yeah, 'cause we're making it cold. - Making what cold? The bowl? - A bottle. - What? - Get another one of these. - We don't have another one. - We're gonna do like this. - Oh. Oh. Yes! Get... And we're gonna take this top off, and we're gonna put that right there. You're gonna hold that, I'm gonna pour scalding hot water all over your hand. (crew laughs) - I just think this is really cool, I mean look at that. - It's the smoothest... - [Rhett] It has no creases in it. It has no creases in it. - [Stevie] Is this an official give up? - No. We just ran out of time. - Pour the hot water on that. See what happens. Oh! - Oogadaboobooboo. Man, science has never felt so much like a failure. - [Stevie] All right, let's see what you were actually supposed to do, shall we? - Oh, Caitlin! - See, I was right about that. - See, she threw stuff, too. Oh, a little bit of hot water. Two bowls? We only had one bowl! What the... what the? Why is she so happy? (crew laughs) - [Stevie] She's so happy because, when a gas heats up, its pressure increases because the molecules take up more space. So when you empty a bottle of hot water, the air inside is warmer than the air around the bottle, and as that air begins to cool down, placing it on a liquid surface causes the surface pressure to decrease. And because the air inside the bottle begins to shrink as it cools, it pulls the Gatorade into the bottle. - Yeah, but look at what we made. - Yeah. (techno music) - Announcing, this is no decoy item! We got a Youtooz collectible, the official Rhett and Link Youtooz, theme is from the prom to the red carpet. Check this thing out. - You know us, we have our famous prom pose that we did back in the day, and we love to recreate that when we get dressed up and go out on the town. - Yeah, check this out. We've got the official Youtooz version of us, doing our prom photo pose, which we do on every red carpet. - This is the last quarterly collectible item of 2022 for the society. You know, you gotta be a third degree monthly member by October 31st if you wanna get this, MythicalSociety.com. - Look at these guys. Extremely detailed, extremely well made. - We had to pose for hours for them to get all the details right. - Perfect for your bookshelf, or wherever you wanna set this. - I had to make that face. - Put it on, like, as a hood ornament on your car. Check that thing out. - No, don't do that, that's against your state laws, probably. - Unless it's against your state laws. I'ma let it nestle in right there before it goes back to its spot up there on the filing cabinet later. - All right, Stevie. - MythicalSociety.com. - What we got going on over here? - [Stevie] Okay, so this is your final round, and you're doing pretty well. I wanted to, you know, I think it needs to be a little bit more difficult, make things more entertaining. So this round, you have three decoys instead of two, and also you only have eight minutes to complete the experiment. - All right, we got a hard boiled egg. We've got Alta Dena, not a sponsor, milk. We've got Coker Coler. Not a sponsor. And then we're burning the end of a dowel rod? - I'm just sterilizing it. - Is it just a dowel, what is that, just a dowel rod? - 'Cause I believe this is gonna be inserted into your... Some orifice. And I have to get it... - "Some orifice." - S'morifice. That's when you use wood to put... - Burning wood. - You put wood in somebody's orifice and put 'em over a fire, it's a S'morifice. (chuckles) - Gross. - Grow us. Grow us something special. - Mikayla, we like to hear from you, so come on out here, but don't say anything yet, we have 26 points left, we can't go below 20, so... - Six points total. - And how much do you cost? - I'm only one. - All right, let's hear it. - All right. So, y'all are besties, right? - Yeah. - Yeah. So it could be tough and rough to break bonds, but it's necessary for this experiment. - Breaking bonds can be tough and rough, but it's nece... - Not really tough, I added that for a little flavor. - Oh, you did? - Yeah. - Does this have anything to do with... Does this have anything to do with disgraced former baseball player Barry Bonds? - No. (crew laughs) - I think we're gonna make a lava lamp. Out of Coke... - And an egg. - And milk. - [Stevie] How 'bout this, you can choose the item you wanna ask me about. - Ugh... - [Stevie] What item do you wanna get rid of? - I mean, we gotta keep the heat, right? - We should ask about the heat. - Is this a keeper? - [Stevie] You... Do not need the lighter. - Okay, good, see that tells- - Boo. (crew laughs) - That tells us so many things. - And then you let go. Oh. - You make egg Coke. - It is sucking. (air pops) See? - Oho! That was percussive. We're gonna make egg Coke, y'all. They don't have egg Coke in the freestyle machine, I'll tell you that much. - It's kinda my thing. - Stop. And now we shake. - Now you shake, yeah. Why would it...? (mixture sloshes) Ah! I wonder what that tastes like. (crew chuckles) Oh, you think that's gonna...? Oh. Oh. Yep. - "You think that Coke that you just shook up's gonna go everywhere?" - I just wanted to taste it. Mikayla, come back out here. - [Rhett] We can't call Mikayla back out. - I just need moral support! - Oh... - We can still find out from Stevie what we need to be doing, and have 20 points! - No, we gotta remove another thing. - No, we gotta know what we're doing! - [Stevie] Two minutes. - You think it'd be more helpful to get rid of another item, Stevie? - [Stevie] I do. - Okay, what other item do we not need? - [Stevie] You have to ask me about one. - Do we need the Coke? - Yes. - [Stevie] Yes. Ask me about another. - Do we need the egg? - [Stevie] You do not need the egg. - Okay. Do we have to eat it? - So the Coke is necessary. - [Stevie] Yeah. - We can't ask about another thing, though. - [Stevie] Well, I kinda wanna, I mean I'm rooting for you guys, and so, if it's okay, I'm gonna give you the other decoy for free. - Okay. - [Stevie] Is that, you like that? - Yes. - [Stevie] You do not need the milk. - Okay. - We're gonna start a Coke fire. - All it is is, it can be rough to break bonds. Rough, how do we roughen this? Just like roughen it. (crew laughs) Worth it. (crew laughs) Man, you are... - I'm just trying things! - Just sad, dude. What is the bond? - I don't know. - What's the bond?! - [Stevie] 10 seconds. (crew laughs) - I don't wanna see Caitlin's devilish grin again. - [Stevie] And time. - Ah... - [Stevie] All right, let's check out how this is actually done. - She's taking the cap off. She's putting, what is she doing? - That's not a straw. - What the crap did she just do? (crew laughs) What? What are you telling me here? Oh, she tapped it first, she tapped it. She tapped it, and then she put it in. You do that. - That got nothing to do with it, man, it's just the wood reacts to it. - Oh! All we had to do was put it in there! (crew laughs) Oh my gosh! - You're telling me, I can take a piece of wood to a party, and just stick it in people's Cokes? - [Stevie] Isn't that so crazy? - Pinocchio could have a blast! He's like... - You got another Coke? - [Stevie] Okay, so when you open a soda bottle, the pressure is released, and the CO2 in the drink wants to escape, that's why you get bubbles. But when you add a rough surface, like a wooden stick, it allows the bonds between the gas and the drink to break more easily, helping create more carbon dioxide bubbles at a faster rate. It's the same principle as Mentos and Coke. (Rhett sighs) - So it's just that it's rough? - [Stevie] Sure. (crew laughs) - It's, I mean... This feels like some kind of drink you could do at a bar, where you just put a wooden straw in there. You know? And then give everybody a tray. - Oh, man, I'm exhausted, and my spirit is broken. - No, it's still intact! - Thanks for subscribing and clicking that bell. - The Beaker Boys will be back! You know what time it is. - Hi, I'm Tia from Brazil. And it's time to spin the Wheel of Mythicality. (crew laughs) - Yeah, sometimes a jar of peanut butter can scare you a little bit. Click the top link to watch us guess the animal food pun in Good Mythical More. - And to find out where the Wheel of Mythicality's gonna land. - [Rhett] To get the Rhett and Link Youtooz collectible, join third degree monthly by October 31st. Visit MythicalSociety.com for details.
Channel: Good Mythical Morning
Views: 2,123,294
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gmm, good mythical morning, rhettandlink, rhett and link, mythical, rhett, mclaughlin, link, neal, will it, taste test
Id: K00tqb8NcIE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 35sec (1475 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 06 2022
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