Will It Ice Cream Sundae? Taste Test

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β€œI love a good dog treat” -Link Neal, 2021

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Today we ask the age old question. Will it ice cream sundae? Let's talk about that. Good Mythical Morning. If you've ever wondered why the ice cream sundae is called an ice cream sundae, and also, why is the sundae misspelled, well, you're not alone, because we also wondered that, and it turns out there are many explanations. But you know what? We're only gonna share the most interesting one. Some say it stems from blue laws in the 1800s that restricted sinful activity on Sundays, and that included drinking sodas, so. Why? We don't know exactly. Instead of ice cream float, soda shop owners would serve a special ice cream sundae with chocolate sauce and they believed that changing the spelling of sundae might not avoid, or might not offend the church as much. Uh-huh. Did it work? I don't know. Yeah, whether that's the real reason or not, it sure is a fun explanation, and so are ice cream sundaes in general. So let's get sinful and screw up some sundaes. It's time for- Will it ice cream sundae? In order to be considered an ice cream sundae, A-E, and not just some ice cream with stuff on top, we're saying it must have three scoops of ice cream, at least one topping sprinkled up there, and some kind of syrup or liquid topping slathered over it. All right, let's get started. Carbs and dairy, those two little words get anybody excited. They've been merged before in things like four-cheese ravioli, Parmesan on spaghetti, and the Alfredo sauce that's on literally any good pasta ever, but what about pasta and ice cream? Presenting our first sundae, pasta a la sundae. Yes. Mythical Chef Josh, what did you do? Hey, kids, grab you some fresh grated Parmesan, things have been going really, really well for me ever since I served you from that ice cream truck that I was driving. I don't drive that anymore. We're good, we're good. Okay, that's enough. When, when. Yeah, I'm good, too, man, just living the life. No, sorry. So what we did, we made marinara ice cream, we got Alfredo ice cream, we got basil ice cream, we got whipped ricotta topping, a little bit of fresh toasted pine nuts, some parsley, olive oil drizzle, and then toasted ravioli. Toasted ravioli? I'd like to, I'd like to- That's the part that really stood out to us. I'd like to taste- Each ice cream. So I'm gonna taste this marinara with a little bit of pine nut. I'm mixing, ah, shoot, dog. I'm mixing ah, I can't do it. That is rich. Um... Whoo! The joy on Rhett's face as he looked at the spoonful that he had constructed for himself. This is my happy place. What's the middle one, the white one? Yeah, so the middle one's Alfredo, and what the chef recommends, a little bit of extra olive oil drizzle on there. So we got the ravioli, and we got a little bit- That's enough. That's good. Come on, Josh, be gentle with it. I'm a big fan. Now you might think that this- I don't like the marinara, but the Alfredo- Well, the Alfredo and the basil. Is pretty good. I mean, if you mix it, and then you've got this, I mean, that's the thing about a sundae, is that it's kinda like a, it's making an entire meal out of a dessert anyway, and then, this is making the dessert and a meal come together. This is like if Tony Soprano ice cream dinner type- Well, actually that was exactly what I was thinking, is like, if me and you ever get into a tight spot, or we get in trouble with the Mob. Mm-hmm. It could happen. I believe that this is our way out. It's like right when they've got us tied up, both of our feet are completely encased in concrete, we're on the edge of the river, and we're like, you guys ever heard of pasta a la sundae? And they're like, whoa, hey, hey, hey, stop Tony, stop. Only we can make it. What did you say? You said pasta a la sundae? Are you describing some sort of ice cream sundae that's also pasta? Yeah. Only we can make it. And then we begin explaining it, and they begin chipping the concrete away from our feet. And we prance off into the sunset. Mm. Promise me you'll do that with me. I pinky promise. I think those are the same guys that financed my ice cream truck. Just as Josh was saying that, his ice cream hat fell off his head. I wish you could've seen it. Will it ice cream sundae? Yes! My good buddy Rhett once ranted that Mountain Dew needs to stop. It does. But he never said nuttin' about us stopping with the Mountain Dew. Hmm. So what did we do? We're calling this one ice cream sundew. Josh, explain yourself. What did you do? Thank you. So we have made three different Mountain Dew flavors. There is classic Mountain Dew ice cream, there is Mountain Dew Voltage ice cream, that's the blue on the bottom. Voltage? And then there's Mountain Dew Major Melon ice cream and then, there's a Baja Blast syrup, and then there are Mountain Dew hard crunchy caramels and then, a cherry that has been soaked in Code Red. Did you order the Code Red? I did not order the Code Red. Damn right you did. Look at that. Is that from a movie? Yeah, it's "A Few Good Men," but now it's, you know. I can feel when something's from a movie, even though I haven't seen it. That's what I've gotten good at. We'll fix it in post. Hey, listen, I know I ranted about Mountain Dew. You can't handle the Dew. Well, it's from the mono, eh. First of all, that Mountain Dew flavored ice cream is just something that should've been done. I mean- It's good. Is it not already in the Mountain Dew cookbook? As much as they were stretching stuff? This should definitely be in it. Mama always said, life is like a box of Dew. No, that doesn't work. This is great. Is that "Jerry McGuire"? I mean, it's- Show me that Dew. Thank you. Listen. Josh- Mm. We go to X Games. I don't know if they're having it. I don't know when it is. But we're going with this. But when it comes back. Yeah. We're setting up the stand. Yes. We're- Yes. Selling this stuff to those extreme athletes. Mm-hmm. They'll do anything. Oh, yeah, they're crazy, man. Have you seen them? Have you seen the mountain bikers on the, they'll break the side of the mountains on the single track? They've got a death wish. Have you seen the skateboarders and the flips? Too many flips. And you could pay 'em in this stuff. Instead of a trophy, just give 'em this. They would love it. I don't think they get paid anyway. I think it's just all for the love of the game. Mm-hmm, mm. Mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm. β™ͺ Mm, mm, mm β™ͺ It feels dangerous, and that's why I like it. Yes! This is an easy one. Mountain Dew, will it ice cream sundae? Yes. Quick plug for a brand-new podcast launching this week from Wood Elf, who's our production partner on Ronstadt. It's a new show from friend of the show, Jacksfilms and his wife, it's called "Erin is the Funny One," because Jack's wife is Erin. They talk about pop culture, tech, celebrity news, you know, the stuff that people talk about in podcasts, but she's funnier than him, apparently. If you're a fan of Jack and Erin, check it out, and also follow Wood Elf on Instagram @woodelfmedia and then listen to the podcasts. Now oh my God, I love Chipotle. Chipotle is my life. That's from a classic Vine. Is it? One of my favorite classic Vines. But Chipotle is seriously lacking in the dessert department, which is why we have high hopes for the Chipotle sundae. Okay. Josh. Is that a tortilla? What did you do? Yeah, we're gonna laugh track during this one. So Chipotle lime tortilla sundae bowl shell, and then, we have sour cream ice cream, we have a three salsa ice cream, and then we have a guacamole ice and then, simply topped with some queso blanco and Barbacoa. You said what kind of queso ice cream? Oh, no, no, the queso is on top as the topping, and that's sour cream ice cream. Sour cream ice cream? And here's the guacamole ice cream. I'll give it a little taste. I'm afraid to mix it all together yet, 'cause I wanna give it a chance. The sour cream ice cream. I don't know about the rest of it. The guacamole ice cream. Not good? Don't go back to the stuff you like. Go to the stuff that- I wanted to put it together. I wanted to build it, I wanted to add. People don't like the queso, and that's because it's bad. Guacamole ice cream is not great. The salsa's not bad. Okay. I'm getting some meat in this bite. Never thought I'd say that while eating a sundae. If you accidentally just get the Barbacoa, and even the nasty queso, you're like, okay. But then you start getting the ice cream, and you're like no-kay. The only time I've ever had meat in a sundae was when I was aggressively eating it with a group of people, and it was somebody else's finger. You know what I'm saying? It was like- It's not- Ow! It's not something, I mean, you gotta watch me. If you splitting the banana split with me, you gotta watch out. I think I've told this story before. I'll tell it again. Tell it again, Rhett. I'm getting old. My family would go to Shoney's, which by the way, the fact that we didn't have Shoney's on this episode is really disappointing to me. The hot fudge sundae at Shoney's, my brother and my dad would share one, because they were not willing to eat with my mom and me because we were so aggressive. We would inhale. The only person that can hold a candle to me when it comes to food speed is my mom. I get it from my mom. She looking from atop down camera? No, we don't have it on today. Oh. Yeah, this sucks, man. You know what? Come on. I'm not even going back in for another bite. Whoa. I'm just putting my spoon, like I'm retiring. Like I'm retiring from eating it. That's the signal that I'm giving up on this thing. Chipotle, will it ice cream sundae? Oh! Okay, when I think pregnancy cravings, I think pickles and ice cream, but we wanted to be precise about this, so we asked all of you Mythical Beasts who have experienced pregnancy, you know, from the top down, you know what I mean? Moms who have babies. Yeah, okay. That's what I'm saying. I understand now. We asked you what you craved, and then, we actually asked Josh to make ice cream sundae out of those answers. So we're calling this, I'm having a sundae! Josh, when are you due? Oh, are you? He's not due. I was just trying to make a pun. Well, Amanda said that she craved Takis and Twinkies. Yeah, that's one of the scoops. That's the red one right there. Okay. Right here? Heather said, soft pretzels and Slim Jims. That's another scoop. Right there in the middle. Okay, and Lara, or Lara V said, Vanilla wafers and mustard. Oh, mustard? That's the nice yellow one. And then we've got some toppings, ice chips, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. That's not amniotic fluid, is it? You went through Lamaze classes with me. And then we had the ice chips, we got the pickles, and then, a peanut butter sauce. Oh good. Some classic pregnancy cravings. This Takis- Not amniotic fluid. The Takis one. Well, I do like sampling them. Vanilla wafers and mustard, wow. That's pretty good. Now Josh- Oh, the Takis is good? I asked you about this. Did you follow through with my idea that when you pee on this, it tells you if you're pregnant or not? No, no, we added that chemical in there, and we peed on it individually right before this went out, so it works. I was gonna pee on the mustard ice cream, so nobody would notice. Yeah, it's like that sword from "Lord of the Rings" that like turns blue when you pee on it. I know you guys are having- I think that was in the deleted scenes. I don't know why, but while you guys were conversing, I got my ice cream, and I realized I was blowing on it before I ate it, like it was gonna be hot. I don't know why, but I was, I just instinctively was like- I know why. Hey. Why? Well, it's just for me. It's just for me. Oh God. See? Pee on it. I got him. I don't know what I'm choking on. Was that a Slim Jim? I mean, this is, oh gosh, yes. That's exactly what I'm getting, too. What is hot in there? Is it the Takis? That's the Takis. But if you get the right little bite of something, you got a little happiness, and I kinda like the fact that you get some nasty and then, you find some really good pieces. It's sort of like life. And like pregnancy, you know what? And you know what? We can't get people pregnant anymore. There's ups and downs, there's pain, there's pleasure. We've been vasectomized. Mm-hmm. So I don't know how that relates to anything that we're considering, but what I'm getting at is- You can enjoy the good parts because of how bad the bad parts are, and I think you can force people at your baby shower to eat what you like, and experience a little bit of pregnancy, and I think it all comes as a total package. So yes, I hate part of this, but I hated part of pregnancy, too. Yeah, it was especially hard on us. Yeah, it was so bad. I mean, but we got through it. Pregnancy cravings, will it ice cream sundae? Yes! Pay close attention to this, okay? Our bones need calcium to stay strong, and ice cream has calcium in it. So when I combine the two, and become the strongest humans on Earth with bone ice cream. What I am! That makes sense. Right? We call this one, my sundae brings all the boys to the boneyard. Huh. Okay. It looks nice, Josh. But what did you do? Well, I went down to Rhett's boneyard, and then, I made a bone marrow ice cream with a calcium supplement ripple? And then- Calcium, hold on, hold on. Go ahead. Calcium supplement ripple? Yeah, yeah. Is something that was never said on the internet until today. Yeah, Google searches for calcium supplement ripple are gonna be up about 1000%. So it's just like pills- Well, yeah, but then you kinda grind 'em down, and then turn it into a ripple. It's fun, for the kids. Kids love bones, and then, we have a bone fudge, that's a bone broth hot fudge. And then, we have some bone meal whipped cream that's just real ground bones mixed in with whipped cream, and then, some dog bone treats on it. Yeah, that's- I'm avoiding, I know you're gonna love the bone treats. I love a good- We know you love anything made for dogs first. I love a good dog treat, 'cause it's bland, and well, let's, what do you have on yours. Just a bite. I wanna get a little bit more of this, with the bone sauce. Yeah, I already got the bone sauce. I like bone marrow. I'm gonna eat- Like a fancy restaurant. You're gonna love this, then. I do not like that. Dink it. Ming it. And sink it. The calcium supplement ripple, I don't know if I can taste it or not, I just wanted to say it, it's really doing things for me. It is cold, so that's a positive. Well, let me tell you about your ice cream sundae. It is cold. But I'm getting to some chewy chalkiness. What is the chunkiness? That must be the ripple. That's the calcium supplements, yeah, yeah, yeah. It kinda hardens into a bone itself in there, you know what I mean? How much calcium is too much calcium in a sitting? I'm not a doctor yet. That's not my purview. I feel like if I eat too much of this, I'm gonna manifest a kidney stone. Let's try it, let's try it, come on. I'm gonna shoot one out right here. Yeah, do it. And I'll bring it up, and I'll put it on the sundae. Would it be like, whoop, ding? Like in a spittoon? Well, I would aim for it. I've never passed one. And I say that like I'm waiting for it. Like I- These are unpenetrable. I cannot- 'Cause you're not a dog, man, you've reached your limit. I cannot bring myself to conquer it. Well, they're not milk bones. They're like rawhide. This is rawhide. It's like styrofoam. This is like if you're trying to eat the spoon at Yogurtland. That's what you're supposed to eat the ice cream with. Oh! Yeah, yeah. This is the spoon? Yeah. Oh. Well, shoot. Oh! Well, well. Well, shoot. Now you're not supposed to give these to dogs. Isn't rawhide technically good for dogs? I don't like how you got a thing, and then it dripped on my thumb. Oh, I gave you a little sample. Lick it. What? It came off of your thing, though. No, but my thing hadn't even been in my thing yet. That's true. 'Cause my thing had not, it'd only been in that thing, and now it's in this thing. Mm, it says that you're not supposed to give dogs rawhide because pieces could get stuck. But I mean- Yeah. But they're dogs. Yeah. No, I mean, yeah. But think about how much rawhide gets sold every year to dogs. I mean, will the dogs, I mean, some breeds can actually purchase. Why are we talking about this? Like a border collie can actually bring cash out and put it on a table in the pet store. I've seen them purchase things. So you're afraid to give this to a dog, but here we are eating it. Well, I was worried about you, because I know how much you like dog treats, and I was thinking that half of this bone would be gone by the time we got to the end of this. It's not horrible. It is not nearly as bad as it could be. But is that a reason to will it? No, but what about becoming the strongest people on Earth? Uh... Probably not gonna happen. Not worth it, I don't think. All right, bones, will it ice cream sundae? No! All right, this episode has been brought to you by calcium supplement ripple. I just wanted to say it one more time. Thanks for subscribing and clicking that bell. You know what time it is. Hi, I'm Kate. I'm Ami, and this is our dog, Peb. And we're from Cleveland, Ohio, and this is the field of daffodils at the Lakeview Cemetery. And it's time to spin the Wheel of Mythicality. They got flowers like that in Cleveland? Yeah, at a cemetery. Click the top link to watch us guess melted ice cream bar characters in "Good Mythical More." And find out where the Wheel of Mythicality's gonna land. Travel on, traveler with the colorful GMM Travel Mug, available now at mythical.com.
Channel: Good Mythical Morning
Views: 3,043,750
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Keywords: gmm, good mythical morning, rhettandlink, rhett and link, mythical, rhett, mclaughlin, link, neal, will it, taste test, season 18
Id: fewtQAoCkCU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 37sec (1057 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 14 2021
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