Will 40,000 M&Ms Flush?

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Is your ability to draw a straight line constantly impaired by earthquakes outsmart that earthquake with this handy-dandy line drawing Oh man, look at him. He's getting that that hard riding disease. I can't remember the name of it carpal tunnel Yeah carpets a perfect tonal so that way it doesn't get carpal tunnel. He'll use actual car. That's so smart Simply drill hole through the driver's seat and let the pin drive whoo. Toasty nose is my favorite chip here the Krispy Kreme Oh, oh, whoa. Who's this dude? You can't tell me that guy didn't know what he was doing when he opened it from the bottom scrap the heck just don't invite That guy around anymore. Geez, come on. Oh, that is a mega chip, but that's not a bad idea. That's pretty good Okay. This one's really useful. I'm going to show this to my wife and then our chips won't be stale She just throws them in the cabinet without putting some kind of clip on them. And then I can't enjoy my Chex Mix anymore Oh my doctor no sinners or the ranch. I have tried that salsa. It's the Walmart salsa. It is not good That's why we're running it over destroy it each droid be good. Oh Are those Doritos who dips doritos in salsa? Let me know in the comments if you dip Doritos and salsa so I can have the FBI raid your house because you're crazy You know, I've never ate burritos with salsa, but I mean it makes sense Do you log to be the greatest chef in the world? Come on? But struggle with figuring out how to open Chicken broth master this meeting method to be on your way to becoming the master chef get off at Like 400, where's the container inside the rock? It's like a juice corn that's gross. That's what juice is in the broth is Bad because all the sonic come on man, I feel like this hat kind of borders on crazy That's how you make the best snack ever what you do is you take three hotdogs cut them up into little pieces put two pieces of crap singles on a microwave them for 90 seconds, then you dip them in ketchup after they pulled off and you eat them and it's the best meal ever This next hat wait that potato looks like ba Arthur I don't know who that is, but my scriptwriter put it there So i'm sanna grouse Pringles game, even though that's the best flavor wait, so he used a knife at that So he's gonna router that work. So well, it did work actually really. Well, it probably would work better than a knife, honestly He just did that we ate a raw potato. Remember I did. Oh, yeah Yeah, it tastes about your crush is walking your way. But your breath smells like a dead fish in a landfill You're gonna need all the take taxi. Oh, yeah. This is gonna be very good up you're wrong. This was not very close being sarcastic Nice, I'm going to rate this. Why is this on the street right now hack review? Chandler 0.2 rating on this half out of what 10? Sorry thing that you are not beginning the hack of the Year award ice cream sandwiches are great for space travel But they take up too much room on the shuttle. I read. All right, I'm not gonna make everybody mad I respect ice cream sandwiches. I just don't do it. I don't eat them very much I just don't feel the desire for ice cream sandwiches every day this what are you eating? Oh, It looks like somebody's Like a really fat person SpaceX plans to use this simple trick the safe room on the trip to Mars you that no ice ice tray duh game Yeah skirt Pato Bruce Wayne ain't got no spoon Chandler and all I gots a ping-pong ball and some hot glue Probably and a popsicle stick he threw away the other half of the bomb. He could have had two spoons. Boom I just like packed the light pack. I was right about the hot glue. Oh, I don't think that's gonna work I guess that was wrong that won't CQ for our Come on oh I think actually I think you did. I heard some slurping coke tastes better out of a bottle It's just a scientific fact, but like me you like to carry your bottles upside down. What are you going to do? Don't panic simply take the balloon. You keep in your pocket and use it to seal the bottle I'd die if the cabbage my eating itself. Yo ting itself even oh my gosh, it worked now You can safely transport your bottle without spilling any of that scientifically improved formula Sharpie has cornered the market but no one has created the permanent paintbrush yet Stay ahead of the game by breaking open a Sharpie to reveal the ultra secret hidden paintbrush in the middle I wonder what sharpens are gonna do. All right. So let's settle this one sharpies the brain the end. It's a permanent marker Yes, but you call other permanent markers contacted. Oh, look at he getting his hands dirty Dude, that's not coming off either dude. Sharpie takes forever to get off your hands Looking for a creative way to patch those cracks in your driveway make them look fabulous by filling them with glitter glue Oh, that's a pretty glue. Oh, yeah, I had to use normal white glue Oh, oh, yeah. Ah Beautiful Look at this shining of the Sun on it. It's so nice. Gorgeous. Just gorgeous I don't know about you, but wet concrete just looks so gross too low-key I feel like the amount of kids eating glue went way up when they paint blue pretty and as you know glue works better if You hit it with a hammer. Oh, no, not all the Nike whatever. Those are. I don't even recognize issues Let's get these nerfs some buffs. Oh, they're waiting the ends of it Oh bears. Don't hurt that bad I don't think they hurt that I think it's our coming out pretty fast. It's coming out It's on slo-mo and I can't keep up with this, dude What they just made him do em right by they're like, I don't know. Maybe we should redo this Your shirt wasn't in the right position the complete opposite of a hollow tip. This hack is plastic band proof ultra Ultra Thor and when a panel eb o for a living baby, will you like this son so much like him? What are your thoughts on Planet Sheen Planet Sheen yet? Did you see that? Yeah, it was trap. It was bad. Oh wow Look at that he put his hand chef's huh? Ultra4 rice. Krispies treat. Oh wow, 2 or 1. Oh wow No good ultra Four Reese's make getting peanut butter to your mouth faster when they put it in a squeeze bottle Achieve terminal peanut butter velocity with this quick hack. Oh whoa. Whoa, whoa, whoa such a waste Oh, no, that stuff is so good. Oh, oh man, maybe a Wow Food. Ah Reese's puffs receipt Oh, eat em up beat him up beat him up. It's not the word see in the second verse. Yeah He's good that Looks like good if I saw poop on the road and I saw that I would think that that was boot This hack was developed specifically with our viewers over 30 of mine. Are you in 1848 Chris? I actually am in 1848 currently I got stuck in a time machine will me to guess what I'm at to me What a quill holder Oh What a quill holder whose quill interpret Franklin see if Benjamin Franklin was alive in 1848 When did Ben Franklin died? 1790 dude, you're like a hundred years off. This is beautiful since we're an 18th minor your wrist We can hold our clothes and our little holders man. What does that say? Olden days life hat sometimes cooking like an adult can be boring. That's why sometimes it's fun to do it with a bad word Nothing to say a wienie Greg. Go back to weenie hut dude. Hey, what's that beef Oscar Mayer be beef on a stick. Oh This ain't bad idea. Do you eat cold hot dogs? I used to when I was a kid, but now the thought of cold hot dogs makes me do stuff Yeah, that's kind of gross. Yeah, they need it Maybe not what a weenie weenie had doing you all your friends are out playing airsoft without you Here's a hack to get involved in the action speaking of airsoft I don't know if you guys saw the tweet, but we're actually doing a huge $100,000 airsoft battle royale with youtubers So if your youtuber and watching this just you know tweet at me on Twitter and I can get you all the list There's a lot going on right now. Whoa, what is going on right now? So we're shooting BBs out of syringe Thanks. Oh wow Those dookied the first one is way better. Come on Look at it. It can be difficult to find a boat big enough to fit your entire candy stash But what if I told you every home in America came with one as standard so I don't know what the point of this is Sit before it looked really cool. How are they not going down. Are they floating to him and in salute? yeah, but it's so about oh, oh, oh, that's nasty That's disgusting. I look pretty cool though. How all those go down that toilet? Yeah, that's all I had good flushing But it won't after all those freaking M&Ms are in the mouths of it choosing which pudding you want can be Frustrating eliminate the choice by mixing them together to make one berry blue chocolate snacks. This is like two types of jell-o It could be jell-o when the jell-o pudding. There's jell-o pudding and there's jell-o Jell-o, but some people just call it put it but it's made by gym. Gel is a brand not a yeah No, I tell them to jello is our item - no, no, no jello is the name of the brand gelatin is the item Okay, so nobody calls it. Gel. It's like chapstick It's called it's supposed to be called lip balm. But everybody just calls it chapstick chapstick. I don't know about that one That is gotta hate you sometimes lip balm because there's lip balm on it for brands too though. Yes, exactly It's the general name for it. Yeah Chapstick is the brand behind it. That's their brand just lip. Balm brain. No If you listen to this Let me know stupid that blue one. Looks like it belongs in a barrel with the school label on it That's it for the video. We're about to play rock-paper-scissors Remember whenever you click on a mr Pirie beasts video always watch to the end is at the end of every video We play rock paper scissors people that don't play rock paper scissors. The parents don't level take your hand Preferably your left hand do either a rock a paper or scissors with that hit Rock Paper Scissors shoot I choose paper I know you lost don't lie Next one I choose scissors. Oh Really you chose rock Wow. Okay, it's time. Hmm. This one's for the Dove Rock Paper Scissors Shoot. I know you chose scissors game end subscribe right now like the video leave a comment of your favorite life hack Get back
Channel: Beast Reacts
Views: 11,339,390
Rating: 4.7943826 out of 5
Keywords: life hacks, crafts, slime, do it yourself, diy, lifehacks, dily projects, useful things, how to, experiment, experiments, diy activities, handcraft, prank, funny, 2018, challenge, pranks, secret, diy slime, laugh, new, skills, tricks, tips, fun
Id: Z0IADN0jOw8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 18sec (618 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 26 2019
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