1000 Degree Cleaver vs BOOM POWDER!

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hi cleaver versus blown powder I said well what is that a cleaver what sorry interested what's up guys we're back with little life hack I have taken Chris's fight and I'm with me look like Norris looks like me look at beard that's all they can't do this with this guy periodically table I don't know what that is this is the target here point seven seven degrees is what is tape no oh I just squished him he is flat wow he is flat on the other side Connor can you give me this hammer I would love to have this it looks terrible he looks amazing here's a bandaid on when I facts are dangerous ask your parents for permission it's like these don't meet Babu do not beat the really fast like what is this doing he's building him shot fringle cap that's a long toothpick just a slingshot yeah being nice and it's a magnifying glass congratulations you've made a slingshot tissue paper roll versus heat ray what if he's gonna happen tissue paper roll a foot it's weird be increased today all right I've got to do all the work I'm not used to it you Chris does do all right I'm sweating a little bit cuz there's so much pressure right I mean look at this heat from this wow I can feel I'm sweating wow this is pretty cool you know who would have thought you put a heat ray to paper you know it burns and what beautifully this is great for the environment I heard they I would definitely put this you know those TVs people use and they make it as like a fireplace I would do this instead just toilet paper burning because it's so terrible why what would you do if you came over to my house one night for dinner and I had a TV where the fireplace is but instead of it being a fire show it was this laughs another one what are you gonna happen you know what I would never know until I see I don't you know I is it gonna no way it's kind of slow yeah it's gonna melt midair is it is it is Wow what it's good what is happening look at that little can we try this like I actually try this I don't have a heat wave or a ping-pong ball can we get one ping pong ball stat oh wow hello we're playing it back quick did you haven't you can't can't just did he doesn't know oh I'm not supposed to play back gosh that's awkward gracious lady back sorry [Music] thousand three ball versus chicken takeaway that's a $25 chicken they really see $25 yeah yeah but not paid my fellows for that oh I was at Walmart one time right oh look at I'm drew I'm with the Walmart story okay someone Walmart you know how like you get the chicken breast packs with a boy like 12 to 15 dollars mm-hmm I found one that was like $3 for like five Suzy if you saw four chicken for three dollars what would you do not get it yeah that's like terrifying this a low-key looks amazing is that hot sauce or no but he cooked it with the thousand actually he's cooking it with the oil that's fire and he basically just had fried chicken his heat source was the ball Jake and Chandler were on elephant hi dream photographer that was really quick I couldn't read it and now we're going on I'm wrapping bars on the track like I'm Bella car whoa whoa all right be careful that is very hot well touch it touch it what's this be careful it's very hot can we do this what is it 31st ahead with this so things are going great oh so bad can we get some mm-hmm let's go to Lowe's they probably have everything at Lowe's we need that's so cool as a business just like soap coming up or what is it is it phone lousiest what is [Music] these are real open up it's the demagogy oh this is so clean don't break it oh that was so good oh that hurt watch turn it off I'm a fan of this no whoa MJ MGM's oh these are cool if your watch that make those was that even why would they do that I'm so sad it's my turn oh that's cool it's like really cool but it hurts to watch who keeps digging us my chin inches I think it's a telegram team member all those really old vines or he's like I got one I'm alone instead what are you doing so he cuts out the outside of course cuz no one likes to that looks like a really good watermelon I would eat that sour totally never mind it's kind of weird what the yeah spot on all right on good job dude you can barely tell the difference challenge cleared what's going on so you gonna use that as a I he's gonna use it as a hi this is so wrong in so many what hey why would you want this to happen guys look at my watermelon fish I made it looks such like a real thing and then I'm gonna cover it wait look he's like getting the juices up got to make it all nice and presentable Mike who why is it alone hey don't ruin watermelon cake did he ruin birthday cakes dude Oh Mike create a fish cake no kids don't like fish like cake and ice cream yeah we boycott whoever made that no here we go reverses blown powder I says pump what is that a cleaver Wow holy cannolis oh look at that pages we would have liked my butt I've been doing that who would have thought a superhot knife touching that powder powder why are you so obsessed with it it's like we're all talking from Finding Nemo we're gonna take a moment to bring you an ad Gabrus ups code Chandler please please please building something useful with magnets this is the Eiffel Tower how about Bianca yes I might be on to it is the Eiffel Tower I think it's the Eiffel Tower this seems so tiny with them Wow while we just do that the first time there's a pyramid pink how heavy you do music yeah that was cool not anymore yeah he's fine gone Hey Oh we saw for a second give me that back hey this is really cool but we're just gonna take it away now all right buh-bye he's making it heavy this thing has to be so heavy Oh Mike yeah look at he's like he's so careful whoa now put the pencil and you can spin it oh don't do it to us be in it can I get one hey can I get that can I get one of these is already built I'm gonna hire Bob the building our handyman e I feel like I would it would take me forever to build that but I just want you someone I always get someone to build it they just give it to me what all right that's not vegetables that's a that's a cattle cat bottle mm-hmm oh that's that's what it is they don't cut vegetables they just cut bottle caps [Music] no damn building the cutter are you sure yes are you sure look I don't know this looks dangerous the gluing this looks dangerous you're building something I would definitely cut my finger all this 12 million percent yeah that's why he has his white gloves white gloves that those aren't like safety gloves they're magic loads did he oh he did he glue them down yeah yeah okay I was confused for a second it's not great this actually comes cute I wonder if he's gonna split pickles up here the Jonah Chandler has a massive I know your pickles yes they all know [Music] rubber duckie did you ever play with a rubber ducky in the tub nope that looks like straight-up vanilla ice cream and I would believe it's vanilla ice cream because it looks like it's like snow cream it looks like it's all ice dude yeah that is that it's a whole paint off what cool what like that see probably I would put that in my they brought me this okay why are they doing this speed it up speed it up come on you got like 40 left hurry up good to the next one there's not much time hurry so glad the last 30 seconds of that clip was him taking them out of us like didn't even get the last one either I know I finally found a coat that says share cook with up Jake and I was like I've never seen one with my name on dude I've never seen one with Jake and I finally saw one is any Airport I almost bought it but I do what yeah I've never seen one with Chandler I'm here my next goal is the file this is William cuz that's my first date what the heck's going on there's a tent top like a dreidel or a spinner - spinner and top yeah what do what do you do oh yeah okay I'm what's really cool is you can adjust where that's weight is I can stay up longer she said that was fun to get a gamer subs coach Chandler do it now Jake the Viking okay we're people
Channel: Beast Reacts
Views: 3,936,187
Rating: 4.9161196 out of 5
Keywords: life hacks, crafts, slime, do it yourself, diy, lifehacks, dily projects, useful things, how to, experiment, experiments, diy activities, handcraft, prank, funny, challenge, pranks, secret, diy slime, laugh, new, skills, tricks, tips, fun
Id: ebTtEGY-Zq8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 32sec (632 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 16 2019
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