Last To Leave Toilet Wins $1,000,000 (Part 3)

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- [Mr.Beast] Sit on the toilet behind you. Yeah, it's a little high up, sorry about that. Last one of you to get off the toilet gets a chance at one million dollars. - [Group] Yeah, woo! - [Mr.Beast] And as weird as this sounds, I'm actually being serious. Here's what I mean. You are currently watching the third video of this series. The first video is last to fall and the second is last to stop swinging. The winners of these four videos will compete in a fifth video for one million dollars. So we grabbed some toilets, we put some people on the toilets, and we grabbed a million dollars, and now we're here. In today's video's special, Chandler is actually the coach of two people. - Josh and Brian. - And Chris is also the coach of two people. - Jenna and George. - If you guys win, Chandler gets a hundred grand of the million. Same with Chris. So they're motivated. Feel free to make them do anything. And you guys can't rest your feet on this thing, they have to remain dangling because you are literally just sitting on a toilet and it can't be too easy. All right, it begins. (toilet flush) So you've been on this toilet for about two minutes. How do you feel? - I feel nothing. - Same, I know. You've been on the toilet for two minutes and 20 seconds. How do you feel? - It's pretty comfortable. - They've both been training. (laughing) They spend a lot of time on the toilet. - You've been on the toilet for three minutes, how do you feel? - I feel like a solid stool. (clapping) - Good joke. - How do you feel, it's been about three and a half minutes? - I feel good and I've spent a lot of time on the toilet practicing just for this day. - As did I. - I was made for this. - So Chandler, which of your two people is your favorite? - Oh, he's gonna do that. - You could've just said both. (upbeat music) So we have a baby doll and a trash can. If you make it in the trash can, you get nothing. But if you miss, we jack up your toilet very slightly. - Starting off with you. - You're gonna wanna make it. - You got this. (clapping) - Sink it. Buckets. (fail beeping) - [Group] Aww. - Since you missed, we have to call in the plumber and he's gonna move your toilet up slightly. You won't notice much of a difference, it's only the first pump. How many did you do? Two. - So then we have to do two per. Do you notice a difference? - Nope. - After about 50, you'll probably be literally hanging. Throw away that baby doll. - [Group] Ohhh. (fail beeping) - Plumber. There we go. With time, we'll go higher, higher, higher. Here's a little sneak peak of what it'll look like at the end. (upbeat music) Yes. - He knows what not to do. (fail beeping) - Give him a crank. Your turn sir. (fail beeping) - Jenny, how you feeling? - Pretty good, gonna win it. - How you feeling right now? - A little softer, but still firm. - Feeling good, I am definitely ready to win this. - Here's a magazine, here's a magazine, here's a magazine, here's a magazine. We're about to do an hour long time lapse and I didn't want you guys bored. (upbeat music) Here's a plunger, here's a plunger, here's a plunger, here's a plunger. Chandler, we have four bowling balls. - Oh, those are actual bowling balls. - What do you think we're doing with these bowling balls? - Bowling? - No. We're gonna see if they can pick them up with a plunger. First one to do it wins. - Is that possible? - Yes. - How far do they have to pick it up? - Just an inch off the ground. - All right. - There's a certain way to do this, it's top secret. Okay, so whoever stops trying last is actually the winner. It's literally impossible. You can't pick a bowling ball up with a plunger. You wanna give us a countdown? - Three. - Go! (suspenseful music) - [Camera Operator] Can you reach? - Got it. - [Camera Operator] He got it, he got it. Was it not supposed to be possible? - You can't pick a bowling ball up with a plunger. The challenge was whoever got mad and quit first one. But you actually got it. You won in an unconventional way. How can this plunger pick up a bowling ball? We're gonna give you some squatty potties so you can rest your legs. Something else help. Nope! I need something else. Here you go sire. You now get it for five minutes. So do you feel relieved? - Yes, a lot actually. It brings all the pressure off my legs. - Yo, we have the same hat. - Wow. - All right, what can I get you guys that will make it easier? - A lot of snickers. - Snickers. - Maybe a dog. - That's a lot more difficult than candy but I'll look into it. I guess if a dog will help me get a hundred thousand dollars I'll get her a dog, if that's really what she wants. Alright, I got you guys candy. I'm working on the dog. I know you want some snickers bars. I think there's some snickers in there, yeah. And I got gummy bears and I know you like the sour patch kids. You guys are gonna do great. - Alright. - Gonna help me out, let's do it. The doggo has been requested. Aw, she came right for you. Does that make things easier for you? - Yeah. - Aw. - Yup, I love dogs. - Does anybody else want to see the dog? Do you want to pet him? - [Off Camera Contestant] Absolutely. - Aw, that sucks, get a better coach. - Aw, Chris, like honestly, I'm starting to not like you at all now. - You know you have your feet up, so it's easier. - I hate to ruin your pooping conversation but your five minutes is up sir, so we're just gonna, there we go. (upbeat music) - Josh, what would you like to eat? - Chicken nuggets. - All right. What would you like? - I want something that you recommend that's from this area. - Why do they always do this to me? - I'm gonna get our food delivered. So I'm gonna give you guys the phone, y'all pass it back and forth. Get whatever y'all want, it's on me. (upbeat music) We got the Popeyes. We got some nuggies. We got tartar sauce and ranch. Who got tartar sauce? What's wrong with you? - [Camera Operator] Your coach got you food and Chandler didn't. (upbeat music) - There's no way. - That won't work. - [Group] Ohhh! - Oh my god! I will never hit that in a million years. - Turn the lights red. This is very serious. Take this plunger and do a plunger flip. You got it, don't worry. Any second now. - [Camera Operator] Plunger flip, plunger flip. - And if you land it, like that, you win and we'll put two squatty potties. If you don't, and you land it like that, we do two cranks. This is a big deal. We're gonna go down the line, this is why the lights are red, it's a big deal. (fail beeping) - No! - [Camera Operator] This is gonna be hard. You ain't gotta do him like that man. - Here you go. All day. (fail beeping) Except for today. (intense music) Just nail this and everything will be fine. - I got it. - I can't believe you just did that. (fail beeping) Oh darn. (laughing) Four times. He doesn't win these. (fail beeping) - [Group] Aww. - Too much back spin on it. (intense music) If you're ever in a Mr. Beats video, practice your plunger flips. - All right, you've had a couple of pumps, how do you feel? - I feel great. - You can take a couple of pumps. How about you? - Pumped up, got a lot of energy left. - Get it? (laughing and clapping) - Chris, we forgot something. - What? - Lights back to normal. - Oh, we did forget, thank you. You guys are gonna win and then one of you is gonna win, I don't know who that's gonna be but you're gonna do great. - All right Josh. - Senpai. - You've had a lot of cranks back there. - Yeah. - You leaning a little bit? (squeaking) So, how are you doing? - I'm doing fine. - Good luck duck. (clapping and quacking) (upbeat music) - There is a million dollars on the line. What would you buy if you won? - A house, a car, pay off parent's debt. - Chris, with your hundred grand, what would you buy? - A lot of food, like a lot. - Good, good. - Unhealthy amount. - If you won the million dollars, what would you buy? - A Pomeranian. (barking) - How about you sir? - I would buy my mom a house and I would put more money into my YouTube channel. I need to buy my house as well. - Two houses, okay, okay. - I would definitely buy a house, probably pay off my mom's house and get a car and then just spend a bunch of money on my son. - Aw, that's sweet. Now I kind of want you to win. - I kind of want me to win too. - But only one of you guys wins! - I'm gonna get another car and then I'm gonna get a really really nice car and probably an animal. (upbeat music) - Hey Chandler, you can flush all your hopes and dreams of winning down the drain. (heavy metal music) - Oh, what'd you say to me? Give me this. - Ah! Give me TP, ow! Don't you throw a plunger at me? - That shoulda took care of that right there. - Can I just borrow this sir? - I bought this for my contestant. Make it in his mouth and we'll give him a squatty potty. - That's risky sir. - Oh! (air horn) Give him a squatty potty! - We'll give you your squatty potty when you're done. (drum roll) (fail beeping) - You hit her right on her shirt. All right. (drum roll) - All right, two people have one so far. (drum roll) Ah, two for two! Here you go, they both get them. You're welcome. (upbeat music) - We're gonna call his mommy. Here's your son, see. He's sitting on a toilet and if he's the last one to leave, he gets to compete for a million dollars. - Dame motivacion. - Baby suck it up. - I am. - Baby I love you, I love you. - Hey mom! - Hello! Showing those boys what the girls can do. - Girl power! - You can think about if you win getting that dog. - Oh my goodness. (laughing) - [Off Camera Mom] You know what you're fighting for, you can do this you're strong. Whole lotta rooting over here for ya. - Especially from Grandma. - [Off Camera Mom] Grandma is smiling down on you, she's fighting with you. - Love you Ma. - [Off Camera Mom] You're awesome, hang in there babe. Love you! - Love you. - [Voicemail] You have reached the voicemail box of - [Camera Operator] She hung up I think. - Since your mom didn't pick up, the next best source of motivation is Domino's. - [Domino's Employee] Thank you for calling Domino's pizza please hold? - Okay that's fine. We've been on hold for three minutes. We'll call Papa John's. - [Papa John's Employee] Papa John's how may I help you? - Hey so I have a gentleman here who is competing in a challenge and if he wins he competes for a million dollars, I was just curious if you had anything to motivate him? - [Papa John's Employee] Wow, okay dude. For a million dollars, like just go at it man. A million dollars! A chance at it like come on now, let's do it! - Lets go! - Thank you, I love you. Give me ten pizzas. Howdy good sir, come on in. What do you think they're doing? - Trying to stay on the toilet the longest? - [Mr.Beast] Yeah actually that's exactly what they're doing. Just so you know, he called Domino's and they ignored him. - Ugh, Domino's. - How much was the pizza? - The pizza was 26 something. - Perfect, oh wait sorry there's a little bit more. There you go. - Wow, okay. - They've been competing for 13 hours and you've won more money. - Hey good luck! (upbeat music) - Bring it on it Jakey. As you guys know, we have the unicorn of wealth. He brings many great prizes to the next person who gets out. - [Group] Oooh! - Our prizes for today are an Oculus, a Switch, Xbox one, iphone, a laptop, airpods. - Oh he's covering his face 'cause he can't resist the temptation. - Dude, I need a laptop, I'm a have to kindly reject it. - I have every single one of those things. - Oh my gosh! She said "I have every single on of those." - Get it outta here Jake. - Get the unicorn outta here. - Get otta here Brian. Since no one wanted Brian, aka the unicorn of wealth, I think we should do two pumps. - Two pumps it is. - [Mr.Beast] Yes we clearly need to speed this up. - Only for the black team? - Yeah sure sure. One, two. (upbeat music) Would anyone like another one? - Okay of course. - You owe me for the white team. - Let's do it. - That's three, all right. - Bro. (heavy metal music) (breaking pieces) - I didn't expect that to break like that. (breaking pieces) (upbeat music) - We're almost 24 hours in, you guys have to be getting tired. - What's tired? - He kind of reminds me of Omar just not creepily staring. - Yeah Omar did kind of just stare at people but he's a good guy. - Any takers? You're tired. - If you're tired there's no shame in the game. You've lasted longer than Chandler could ever dream to last. - If your not gonna be here for like another day then you might as well just end it now, there's no need. (dramatic beat) Oh did you almost fall? (clapping) Our first contest is out, give some respect. This is good grapes right here. - Good grapes. - Good sportsmanship. - Bye thanks for coming out. - Jenny what was going through your head? - It's like 35 degrees in here, I just wanted to go home. - I feel that, all in all good time right? Yeah. - I lasted 20 hours on a toilet. - [Caller On Phone] Oh really, okay so you did win some stuff? - Yeah I did. So it was like, oh and then I got 1000 bucks. - [Caller On Phone] Oh well that's great. - There are now only two other people besides you. - I'm a keep the ca-ching going. - You are Chis' last chance of $100,000. Chris you have one shot left. - I will not miss the opportunity, mom's spaghetti. - First we need to celebrate a contestant getting out. And what better celebration than three pumps? I think that sounds like a great way to celebrate. (clapping) - Yay, everyone's tired. (heavy metal music) - All three of your toilets are literally at like this incline. Dang that's crazy. (happy music) Now we're gonna FaceTime the winner of part one of this series, Akira. How's it going? - Pretty good how are you? - Great, I want to introduce you to the three people left in this challenge and I want you to tell me, you know, what you think of them. - He looks all right. Nah nah he looks too comfy. (unintelligible) - I know. - What's your advice man? - Whatever your up there for just keep thinking about that. Just a mental thing at this point. You're fighting for your kid right? Just think about them, that's what it's for. - Appreciate it man. - Can you pick a number between one and five? - Three. - Okay, three pumps it is. Thank you Akira. (dramatic music) - You can thank Akira. Bet you a hundred bucks that Jorge's gonna win. - Make it a thousand. - Thousand bucks. - Ten thousand. - Easy now. (laughing) - Don't let me down. - Since things are starting to get hard, next person to get out, I'll give you $10,000. - Dang. - This is about getting my mom a house bro. - Those ten g's though, we're talking about those ten g's. Change someones life. - Give us more pumps. - [Camera Operator] Okay, do you want more pumps? - [Offscreen Male] Five more pumps, five more pumps! - This is about to get very difficult. - Not for Jorge. - Two, three. - He's a machine, he doesn't even feel it man. - I have strong cheeks. (upbeat music) - Ten g's right here but Omar is a freak of nature whoever wins here your literally going up... ohhh. I was not expecting that. - You get the golden role too. - Ten thousand, what?! Ah I like the sly dog you tried to ah. (happy music) - This is for mama, this is for the family. - [Caller On Phone] Hello. - Hey ma, I didn't win a million dollars. - [Caller On Phone] That's okay! - But I have a little good news for you. - [Caller On Phone] What's that? - I won $10,000. - [Caller On Phone] Get out of freaking town. - Yeah I won $10,000. It's for us. - [Caller On Phone] We love you. - Aw thank you, thank you for having your son. - Glad to be, blessed guys thank you. - Now it's a one on one. His body is in peak physical shape, look at this. - Abs on abs. - Look he's sitting down and he has abs. Look at my stomach, I'm standing. All right we didn't have to actually mock it but I'm just gonna go over here. - We're gonna win this, million bucks. - This has been going on too long. - Yes. - What are we 33 hours in? That's a lot of hours, don't you agree? - Agreence. - I very much agree. - Go ahead and raise the toilets. (dramatic music) This is where you were and so we hammered it in to here. Oh my goodness. (tool screwing and hammering) If you got out now, we could make it ten grand so it's even. - I mean, ten grand would be better than nothing. - But it's up to you man. I mean if you think you can beat him, I would stick it out. - I'll offer him a hundred g's if he quits now. - [Group] What?! - If you win today and you win the million dollar series, you'll give him a hundred grand? - Correct. - Shake on it. He shook on it. If you wanna get up. - [Camera Operator] What a deal bro. - Catch him, catch him. - [Group] Whoa! - Jorge, yeah!! We did it! Hold on, hold on. - Good game bro. - [Offscreen Male] He's just doing push ups right now, what? - He said he was gonna be so energized afterwards. - I thought he has a 25% chance of winning, so I will take my chances on a hundred grand aside from the ten grand. - You are gonna compete for a million dollars. One million dollars! You're going against Akira, you're going against Omar. - Against who? - He's got fighting spirit. - All right, all right. A million dollars will be on the line. - I'm gonna do whatever it takes to prepare for this. - If you win, Chris gets a hundred grand for being your coach, he gets a hundred grand, and your only gonna get $800,000 which isn't much. Are you sure that's still plenty to satisfy you? - Yeah that's plenty. - Gotcha, that's all I needed to know. Subscribe and I'll see you guys around. (explosion) ♪ Used to be 6,000 oh ♪ ♪ Used to be 6,000 yeah you know his name ♪ ♪ He changed it once or twice ♪ ♪ But I think it's here to stay ♪ (explosion)
Channel: MrBeast
Views: 25,840,836
Rating: 4.9440794 out of 5
Id: NbaWrbJDr48
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 46sec (946 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 07 2019
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