World’s Most Insane Roller Coaster!

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Oh god twenty seconds in and we get the first loop de loop reference.

Followed immediately by “it’s rare to have a double loop.”

I’m reeling.

👍︎︎ 31 👤︎︎ u/SignGuy77 📅︎︎ May 07 2021 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 18 👤︎︎ u/MarkleeisnotJupiter 📅︎︎ May 07 2021 🗫︎ replies

This is about as gp as it gets. It’s awesome.

👍︎︎ 14 👤︎︎ u/johnnoah4a 📅︎︎ May 07 2021 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 12 👤︎︎ u/RandomName18272 📅︎︎ May 07 2021 🗫︎ replies

His reactions show that the designers did a good job…

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/KingQuentinDB 📅︎︎ May 07 2021 🗫︎ replies

time to school mr beast (dumb stinky gp🤮) epic style with my elite secret coaster knowledge 😎

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/zpodsoup 📅︎︎ May 07 2021 🗫︎ replies

Idk why but his fucking cannibal opinion was the only one that got to me.

Also his reaction to X2 is a great reminder of why arrow and six flags pumped so much damn money into the thing.

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/whycantweebefriendz 📅︎︎ May 08 2021 🗫︎ replies

Also is nobody talking about how when Chris rode takabisha?! When he went to Japan, he chose to go to Fuji Q instead of touring mt Fuji so maybe future thoosie?

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/JackFeldmanTU 📅︎︎ May 08 2021 🗫︎ replies

Obviously it was cringey but it was fun to see his reactions.

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/1000evan 📅︎︎ May 07 2021 🗫︎ replies
we found a list of the 30 coolest roller coasters in the world that's a lot this is the 30th coolest roller coaster in the world let's see what's so cool about it oh that's a pretty big drop oh all right it's picking up steam i like how you like get to go right beside the cars that's so cool the loop-de-loop yeah okay double loop scoop that's rare to have a double loop as you can see it's got a lot of cool stuff it appears to be going pretty fast go-kart track underneath it i can see why this would be the 30th coolest roller coaster ever this is the 29th coolest roller coaster in the world are you a fan of wood coasters they scare me i like the scare though because it feels like you could die oh my gosh that's so steep for a while you can even hear the guy yell play back play back a thousand times oh oh my gosh like the problem with wood roller coasters is like yo yeah see it has that thing where they're like stacked like that like what if it just caught on fire sorry i'm enjoying this it feels like i'm there you ever watched roller coasters in vr yes you you came to my house we did that that's and why is this 29 why is this not number nine i can't wait to see what number one is i guess i'll have to watch to the end to see it i guess you'll have to whoa number 28 so it starts off getting shot it sounds like we're in a jet engine yo why can't we just have instead of like having trains to get around why can't they just build roller coasters everywhere yeah so like instead of having to drive from my house to school yeah when i was a kid why didn't i just ride a roller coaster from my house to school i would have been so pumped to go to school come on government do your job we should just run everything yeah honestly why don't we just run the government if i can run a mr beast channel of b street reacts to beast gaming a beast shorts and a beast philanthropy channel i can run the government i don't know about that you know what these roller coasters remind me of what that they should hit that subscribe button down below i don't know why but yeah they should do it if you don't i'll punch you all right this is number 27 oh they're really high wow oh my gosh i don't know if i would be able to ride this that's too fast that guy's just holding up his hands yeah wood coasters are incredible oh my god yeah he put his hands down oh my god hands inside the vehicle upside down this is not a vehicle you're going to lose them where are you going that wood coasters have loops in them what in god's name am i watching wow that is no pause there's not a single thing in sight taller than this look at that so there's about to be a giant dip and then they're going to climb mount everest wow oh the dip of death oh no yo i would black out i would legit black out wait did you hear that guy's voice he said oh this is making me nauseated just watching this how do they build stuff like this i'm gonna call this the red coaster of death oh my what is this the hyper tunnel of the death star this is star wars the roller coaster's the beam it's beaming towards the planet oh this is so cool you know it's a good roller coaster because i've yet to understand a single thing that's going on honestly you might as well just be in a washing machine because you wouldn't be able to tell the difference there's no way you can know which way you're turning which way you're going you're just bouncing around number 22. you're going so fast on this one play the the sound of the video like hear that wind i want to ride this so bad all the hangars you know when it's upside down it's going to be wild i love upside down coasters whoever thought of that was very smart this making me tear i would feel like my legs are gonna get chopped off yeah every second it's so close to the ground yo what what if you're like yao ming and you ride this my gut tells me this is gonna be crazy they do this just to like make you nervous they're like let's just move at half about an hour let's have it make these loud like pink yeah down there just like so it sounds like it's breaking yeah you hear just shaking what does that sound i don't know if i would ride this one yo it's going so fast oh it's just gonna chill upside down oh you're just upside down that's fine wait are you not upside down i can't tell are we upside down are we not upside down are we now right side up i think we're right side up but now we're sideways we're gonna have to come up with new definitions for what way we are i just don't know that was a good one because you didn't know if you're upside down or not when you get off of it you might actually walk on your hands okay another upside down one it's gonna launch them up there goes look at that oh yo what what oh wait we're going back oh this is one of those backwards forwards roller coaster 90 ones yeah they do the the old upsy downsy this is the one we should arose oh my gosh no i'd be like yo let me off make it stop yo imagine riding that for like 24 hours oh no you think you could do it i couldn't ride it once oh multiple camera angles just for the camera switch this should have been higher on the list hey this guy's good at filming roller coasters he knows what he's doing yo oh what what what just happened don't worry we'll get the pov outside bravo to this man oh this one you're legit hanging i love this roller coaster this is so cool oh my oh wait it's so cool it's making jimmy yawn moving on to number 14. all right we're in the top half of the greatest roller coasters on planet er whoa you can't just come on who made this list jimmy stop talking i just i was oh santa's in oh my it's pretty colors oh my gosh wow what why which way are you going was that like a wormhole into a new planet oh well the roller coaster stops right oh it just moves them down okay now you're doing it backwards oh yeah this is so cool all right number 13. 13 foot lettuce that was a scream of terror that sounded like somebody just got stabbed yo play that back oh my god and then the wind they're going so fast and the one just takes over the screams oh my gosh this is the fastest one we've seen oh my god i don't even know what's happening listen to the scene it's so funny oh they're getting some speed look at how fast those bars are flying by man look at it it's whipping it now oh the double loop is there a triple loop oh how about a corkscrew i didn't know that was kind of corkscrew thank you you're welcome all right so this is the 10th coolest roller coaster in the world this one is definitely like really pretty looking it's a nice fast moving ride it takes up a lot of space it's got a lot of cool stuff it's on a beach oh that's cool but in terms of epicness we've seen better we've seen better hopefully number nine doesn't disappoint how about jet engines mock speed if they're not careful they're gonna fly to russia why specifically russia i don't know holy crap look at that that's terrifying what are you supposed to do with that i bet that feels like you're about to get launched this is crazy yo this makes those trees look tiny that's when you know you're up high when the trees look like broccoli oh which way you gonna go there's so many different ways this looks like mcdonald's no joke i've ridden this ride this is at king's dominion and this roller coaster is known for making people black out when you go down you're going down so fast it's like your eyes are open but everything just starts getting slowly black this is the last roller coaster i've ever ridden like i never want to ride a roller coaster again after this one uh this not this is good i like available all right number four who would have thought another drop oh my god they didn't they didn't wait whatsoever yeah they just dropped them from space oh little good paws right there i like that that's crazy messes me so hard oh keeping you upside down for that long that's rude the people who made this really don't like the people who are running all right number three top three oh i don't know what i'm looking at it's b what i don't understand what's going on wait don't they pivot no the whole the seat spins and everything it's on a gyroscope i'm gonna vomit now oh my and you look how high up he is so you're flipping and turning as now he's backwards he he was just first and now he's last this deserves the number three slot this has creativity out the wazoo all i gotta say is number two better be epic wait so the roller coaster is connecting it's getting you locked into position and they're just sitting here waiting to be dropped i would never trust a roller coaster that connects itself it has to lock in never i didn't go underground that was cool i mean honestly the music's kind of killing it for me it's cool scary terrifying fast epic but just because of the music i would say it doesn't deserve number two what if we put this music in there all right now it deserves number two okay and the moment you've all been waiting for the coolest roller coaster ever if you made it this far you're officially cool oh look at that full parking lot nice that's how you know it's number one baby that's a big drive big drop underground underground like that we've seen that stuff before but it's off to a good start loop-de-loop into the screw we like that still maintaining speed a little bit of a screw into upside down squirrel all right another swirl i don't know man i need to get impressed fast i mean it's got cool artwork but i don't know if that's enough to make a number one i mean i don't hear anybody screaming in terror it is very pretty but like pretty don't matter that ain't it man i like pretty but it doesn't make me pee my pants i'll be honest number three was better than the number one say it i'll say it call the roll coaster gods i don't care shout out to all the people that recorded these roller coasters footage obviously we're making fun of the roller coasters but to the people who actually filmed these we appreciate you check them out goodbye
Channel: Beast Reacts
Views: 6,758,936
Rating: 4.9585452 out of 5
Keywords: life hacks, crafts, slime, do it yourself, diy, lifehacks, dily projects, useful things, how to, experiment, experiments, diy activities, handcraft, prank, funny, challenge, pranks, secret, diy slime, laugh, new, skills, tricks, tips, fun
Id: pnnbsciy1yI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 0sec (540 seconds)
Published: Fri May 07 2021
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